FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD clec. wish, machlnt, 838 Trade. IRON IN Q BOARDS, metal and wooden, pad Si cover. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 H. Liberty n" PHILLIPS BROS., cedar posts, corner - posts, wood, hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, fertiliser and special timber or ders. Rt. 8. Box 118. Dial O. call 68F22. ? FOE YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio that assure goo a recepuuu, plo Master." VEATER APPLUNCE CO. 855 N. Liberty n HALF young fat beet, 30c lb., delivered. Phone 32838. n90 FULLER brushea. 1745 Grant. Pb. 8357. n88 VACUUM CLEANERS! Weitlnghouaa, Uni versal and Royal. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nw' WE BUS St sell furniture, tools, stoves dishea. motors, radios, slectrle ppU ances. household loodt. iCLIOatAW'S 385 N. Oommerclal. Phone 9885 nj PLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane Tin lsh for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty n95' NAVAJO RUGS and saddlt blankets. 175 S. High. Phone A0B8, nlOB ELECTRIC 42 sallon water heater. $79,80. TA, 4314, Portland. nlOB FARMERS, ATTENTION! Portable Clean- Easy mllxlnff machine. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 North Liberty, nBO C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines. Parts ' ' all makes.- Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. nl02 PALLETONE, ONE coat, washable oil paint for walls, ceilings and wallpaper dries In one hour. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 23S N. Liberty n95" J GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock t Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL ING BAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 8M1 LAWN CART all metal, rubber tread lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Liberty H95 THE WORLD famous 8 ELM A TRAILER goes anywhere with turn-on-a-dlme maneuverability. Also 8 ELM A low bed Hay and Orchard Wagons. Wards Farm Store, High and Trade Sts.. Balem. n8B BUTTER CHURNS Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty D93 ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, mantle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty P' 130 BASS accordion. Perfect condition. 1205 Alder Ave. iiBB TRANSPARENT PLASTI-Kote for drain boards, floors and furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty n D ATI LIAS, gladlolas. . 881 RosemonU Ph. 4325. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, 30 cu. ft. Ideal for restaurant, grocery or large farm home. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 North Liberty. n!02 ONE OIL burner circulator, good eond. Nelson Bros. Ph. 4149. n- ELECTRIC range burners now available for all makes of ranges. High speed Calrodtype, solid top and replacement colls. For service or parts call 4311. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty. 1 088 WHEEL CHAIRS and Hospital Beds. Buy or sell, rnt or trade. Max Buren, 745 Court St., Balem. Ph. 7778. nB9 PIN-UP AND table lamps, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95' BEAT YOUR home eieotrioally It's con venient, olean, economical Be us to: Ires estimates, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 H Liberty n COMMERCIAL RANGES, 4 burner and 2 burner with half grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug gies and lawn furniture look like new YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n95 THEY'RE HERE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New fender skirts. 1800 So. 12th. n88 FARMERS, ATTENTION! Westlnghouse auto, electrlo milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n.90 ANTIQUE walnut carved back settee and what not, perfect cond. Ph. 4372. n89 TELEPHONE A Intercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n05 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS MODEL L. A. John Deere tractor. W. W. Fisher, Rt. 8, Box 1530, Hollywood Dr. Phone 32832. naflO YOUNG LADY to share apt.. B40 Cheme keta St., Apt 8, between 5 and 7 p.m. na88 X WHEEL trailer. Suitable for haul ing boat. Ph. 7840. na88 WANTED: Burlap and cotton bass, all kinds. Willis Kelley. Ph. 33156. na94' USED FURNITURE Phone 0188 PERSONAL AUTO RADIOS. Philco or Motorola. Available now. Let Morrow Radio Co., 153 S. Liberty, install one In your car. Phone 5955. P88 WILL PARTY who called at Mrs. Oak man's Easter morn, regarding property on Bellcrcst Rd., please contact her at once. Deal did not go through. p88 PROFESSIONAL ADVISER. Well known by former name "Martin." Appts. daily, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1271 Che meketa St. p89 READING, know the truth, 3361 State. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS.. P.O. Box 734. P276 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE or trade, 1930 Model A 4-door. A-l. 936 Trade.- q88 liiu CHEVROLET, good cond. through out, can be seen all day Sat. or Sun. Week days after 8 p.m. q90 "lia FT. HOUSE trailer. Like new. J500.00. m -After 4 p.m. 2085 N. Commercial q93 TrA PLYMOUTH motor, 150. Ph. 33331. Q93' 1035 CHEV. COUPE. Priced for quick sale, Nile Hawk Cafe. Call before 6 p.m. Mail DODGE 4-door sedan. Clean, very good cond., 1576. Inquire 1336 State St. m.i4 PLYMOUTH 4-door. good rubber. smooth running motor, clean Inside and out: radio. 1307 N. Com'l. Ask tor Mr, Doll. qot '30 CHEV. 3-door sedan. Just overhauled Two new tires, radio, heater. Good paint. Phone 25156. FOR SALE: 1940 Chev. Hi -ton flatbed truck. Good condition, crelghton Jones. Rt 1. Gervals. Phone 32843. 490 10.16 G.M.C. L.U.B. truck. Good tires St motor. Will's Service Station, 837 S. Commercial. Phone 7167. qso' 1046 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster sedan. Call 9336. q90 BEFORE YOU SELL THAT CAR See TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY FOR BEST Deal in Town.. Cash on the Line. Wa will Pay Top Prices for Clean Cars. KAISLR-PRAZER Dealer, 355 N. Libert; qss' WANTED: BEST late model Chev. Tudor sedan iiooo will buy. Write Box 353, Capital Journal. qss '34 PLYMOUTH. $150.00. 606 8. Church Phone 7370. q89 '41 DE SOTO, private. Call after 8 p. m, 1078 Highland. q88 3936 FORD Cpe new motor, battery and generator, good body and tires, 1600. Phone 8054. q89 1933 TERRAPLANE, A-l cond., new rings. pistons, valves, tires. Bearings. Reason' able, 825 Madison after 2 p. m. qBfl 1930 OLDSMOB1LE Sedan as lS. 3175.00, Rt. 6, Box 397. Call Sunday only. qS8 '48 WC1ZZER Motor Bike, perfect cond.. 1370 Ferry street, after l.JQ p. m. qS9 AUTOMOBILES '33 CHEV. COACH, 17 In. tires, runs good, $195. 630 Norman Ave. E of Stats hos pital. q88 TO TRADE 1936 4 dr. Master Deluxe Chev. sedan lor 1937 or '38 Va-ton pick up. A. R. Tartar, 3430 Garden Rd. Ph. 8410. qs9 HOLLYWOOD FORD convertible. New motor, dual carburetors, high compres sion head. Two-speed rear-end, new tires, new lacquer paint Job. Lots ex tras. 31650. Ph. Aumsvllle 724. or in quire Roberts Service Station In Aums vi lie. q88 FOR SALE: Ford Truck. Good condition. 1300. Small camping trailer, sleeps 2, 1100, Ph. 32504. Ray Salter. Rt. 6, Box 348. q88 SMALL trailer house, 3227 Hyde St. q88 1040 FORD dump truck, new Mercury mo tor, 90 rubber, reasonable price. L. F. Marshall, Woodburn, Ore. 444 Young St. Ph. Main 194. q88 '33 TUDOR FORD, good Shape, see for yourself, George Ely, Valley Motor wash rack. q88 1030 iodel A Tudor, In good condition. ' 630 N. 30th, see between 6 and 8 p.m. FOR SALE OR TRADE for late model car, 1940 International, ton and half truck, long wheel base, 8:35 tires, two-speed axle. Arnold Phillips, Box 261, Turner, Oregon. q6S 1040 PLYMOUTH Conv. Excellent cond. Inquire Standard Station, 595 Court. q88 FOR SALE: '34 V-8 Sedan, '39 motor, 5 new tires Si body fair. Price 1285. Ken neth Crenshaw, 325 Park Ave. Car will be at Farm Labor Camp, care of Ernest Little. qas '86 FORD 2-dr. sedan, new '39 motor, brakes and battery. $395. 1890 S. 13th. DICK'S USED CARS Q88 '84 V-S TUDOR, seal beam lights, new leather upholstery. S295. 1890 s. 13th. DICK'S USED CARS q88 '35 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan, heater, 3325, 189U S. 13th. DICK'S USED CARS qB8 '85 STUDE 4 dr. sedan, good cond, new paint. S345. 1890 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS qS8' A V-8 ROADSTER, all hopped up. clocked, at 114 m.p.h,. J395. 1890 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS q88 NEW INDIAN CHIEF Motorcycle, 1300, accesories, only 5000 ml. Really a honey. 1890 8. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS qS8a FOR SALE: Small tractor, Chev. motor. 16 In. plow, power lift, 4 ft. tandem disc, 5 ft. steel roller. Phone 174W. Call evenings, not Sun. 884 7th St., Independence, Ore. qS8 FOR SALE 1350.00 6 cylinder, '33 Chryl. good tires, good, solid body, and good paint. Call at 12 noon, or after 6. 210 N. 13th St. q89 TRAILER HOUSE, 33-ft. Schult, exc. Fir Crest Trailer Park, 3910 N. River Rd. q88 NEW FENDER SKIRTS Iirn dlata Delivery. Dick's Used Cars. 1890 SO. 13th. qBS BEFORE YOU SELL THAT CAR I See TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY FOR BEST DEAL In town. Cash on the line. We will pay Top Prices for Clean Cars. Your KAISER-FRAZER DEALER 355 N. Liberty qSB WANTED VOUR CAR foi cash. Will pay mora for late clean models. See us now. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St. 497 MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES SERVICE PARTS An makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired 8HROOK MOTOR CO. Phons 8503 - Salem ATJTO PAINTING. PH. 4010 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO., 725 N. COM'L HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PART8 Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why." .- - SHROCK MOTOR CO Phone 8503 i Salsm FINANCIAL WE LUCE to make LOANS WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan requests, because making loans of 125 to 8250 or more Is our ONLY business. Phone or visit Personal Finance Co., You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" in Just 1-vlslt Call today. 518 State St., Rm. 125, Salem Ph. 3191 E. Gallinger. Mgr. Lie. 8- 123 M. 165 rlOS SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4T. INTEREST 8 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chllds. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. 89 Real Estate Loans Farm City New Construction ' 4 4A A. N. Duncan 12-14 Ladd St Bush Bank Bldg. Phono 9658 r' FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on improved real estate, Salem and vicin ity, amounts $500 to 85000, NET In vestors 5 pet. Interest Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and Interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO.. 183 8. High St 3 MONEY S REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Llo S-216 M-222 153 8 High St. r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO License No. M-159. 8-154 MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE IF YOU are capablt of building 10 to 100 . bouses Salem or vicinity during 1947 and need financial assistance. Contact Os. We are also tnterented In financing one or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO.. LlO S216M222 163 8. High St Ph. 4121 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8-138 and U-338 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S Commercial St Tel 9168. FARM AND CITY LOANS 4fe and b rODB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts - and Second Mortgages, CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 307 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph 7162 r TRANSPORTATION WANTED 3 riders to Hot Sprlnss, S. Dakota. Write D. B. Reeves, Donald, Ore. x89 GOING TO Texas, have room for 3 per sons to Ft. Worth or vicinity. Prefer coupie wno can neip drive. Ph. 34768. X90 Directory APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER 'REPAIR. Ph. 2-3100. OlOO ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 833 Center Pb. 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. O103 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 275 B. Com'l. Ph. 6161 Brake St Wheel aligning specialist. O101 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 7839 Might, 34413. 831 Cents'. e DIRECTORY BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Husaey, sos rairview Ave. Phone 33148, Salem. Ql08 GLEASON'S Catering Bervloa. Ph. 25379. CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENS LEY, TT1 B. 21SI BC. M. 71'IB. OI UJ- CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, too K mn st. ea un. caw CONTRACTING GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Harry Hill. Ph. 7fl. oibp" DECORATING DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Sevlce. 145 S. Church. Phone 4iu, oido EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph. 7000. 175 N. High. 088- DIGGING St LEVELING DIGGING, Basements, Ditches, Leveling Fill Dirt. PEuu, racmo excavating uom pany. Salem Oregon. Phons 3456 or H793. 89 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button boles, hemstitch ing, buttons St buckles covered, altera tions. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. 093 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH. MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. aoDO. Lee cross, imou . inn o!02 PEMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 12th. Pr 33348. BREITHAUPT'S for flowers. Dial 9195 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph 3673 0 rURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED! Furniture to glue and repair- Lee Bros.. 4020 E. Btats. Pn. 3133 0153 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling. Arthur McClellan, rnone aziss. oiw HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free .1el 1717 Center St. fnone ojo. oiui- IIOUSEPAINT1NG C. HORN. Good work. Free estimates 096 Ph. 5313. 1235 B. lBtn. LANDSCAPING LAWNS, planting, landscape plans. Ar bor Landscape service, rnonc leoa. nuu LEVELING St DOZING JOHNSON St BRIGGS. Grading Sts. At Roads. Phone 8035 aaiem. o LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and car load ing. Lumber Industries, inc., success ors to H. & 8. Lumber Co., Wallace road. West Salem. Ph. 9693. oll4a MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS , HAUSER. 935 Saginaw. P. 7828 ol07 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. QlOS' SALEM MOVING Ss Delivery Service. Phone 7665. Insured carrier. obb MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar, Mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. oafl OIL CIRCULATORS OIL BURNER Sales and Service. Wm. C. Drew. Phone 5395. 0111 OIL CIRCULATORS. 24 nr. service. Parts available. Phone 6072. obb- ROY C. HANSON. decorating. 0113 Phone 2-5838. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph 9513. 857 snipping, oew PAINTING A PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3493. PAPERHANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. H. J. Wood- worth. Phone 3015. o-iua- PLOWING AND DISCING GARDEN PLOWING and discing In N. Salem or Keizer. Ph. 22160. oiuo PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Lnrry Traviss. 1029 Highland Ave. rn. 8601. o!13 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads. envelopes, business earns, ouice iorms, briefs, ' small booklets. Quick delivery. Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 182 S. Liberty St. 7490. o!01 SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SILT and gravel. Bosley St Mey er. Ph. 3046 or 22160. OBB GARDEN son,, crushed rock. Shovel & dragline excavating Walling Sand e Gravel Oo Phone 8561 e SEPTIC TANKS ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: SeW- ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate. Proi -t service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. ol07 MIKE'S Cesspool Si Scptlo Service, mod ern equipment 1079 im St., w. eaiem. Ph. 9468 or 5327. OlOl K F. nAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. 0116 SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented Cash paid for machines, regardless o! condition Ph 7671 or write W Daven port. 1930 North 18th. Work Guar. O-90 SPRAYING SPRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. olOO COMPLETE spray service. Trees St weeds Modem equipment. Aerosol generator Conrentronal sprayer. Philip W. Blelk? Phone 21208 87 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL St DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, briquets Ttuclts to Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Lines tor household goods to California points Larmer Transfer & Storage. Ph. 3131. V VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACirmi CLEANER owners. ' will service your Hoover cleaner com pleto tor $3.50 plut part U required Hogg Bros Ph 9149 o WEATHER-STRIPPING FREE estimates T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5965. ol07 WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph. 5600. O108 WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe, Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 35198. Rt. 9, ol08a . A. SNEED St SONS. Well drilling 3505 Brooks St., Salem Phone 6B09. 0127 CLEMENT BROS, well drillers. Gervats, Ore Ph 2-4378. WINDOW CLEANING ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows wall St woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed waxed St polished Ph 3337 41 Court uanadoc Oulbertsoo and Mather WINDOW cleaning house cleaning, floor waxing. Salem Window Service. Ph. 21342. o91 PROFESSIONAL Phone 4457 CLEANING SERVICE ELECTRIC WIRING No delay. Material available. Phone 9740. O108 WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph 8178. LODGES A Ainsworth Lodge 201. A.F. & VtvV A.M. 248 North Commercial, Tuesday. April 15, 7:30 p.m. M.M. Degree. 90 t. O. O. F. meets every S Wednesday nlaht. Seo ond Degree. Visitors welcome. Fraternal Order or Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pm More tnan a minion memoers. To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. Market Quotations Portland Prone ttettaasa Butt erf at Tentative (subject to Imme diate change) Premium quality maximum Portland 75-7BC. first quality 70-B0c lb. I second quality 73-76c; valley routes and country points 3o less than first, or 77- 78c. Butter wholesale f.ob. bulk, 68 lb cubes, AA, 93 score, 66-67ei A, 92 score, iQ-llc: B, 9Q score, oa-ooc; u, ov soie. 68c. Cbees Selling price 10 fortiana whultjtaler: Oreion singles 42-49c: Ore son loaf, 42-52c; triplets. 39Vfc-50tte, Egr To wholesalers; a great uni 48l,i-50Vic; medium. 4t'-46c; small, (puliat) 4itt-42ttc; B grade 'large 42tt- 44 'ic. Esse Purchases rrom farmers: uurrvm receipts 37-41c, buyers pay 3-SMiO dos. below wholesale quotations on sraaoo basis tor best hennery esse Portland Dairy Market Batter Prices to retailers! Grade AA carton, 7lci AA prints, 70ci A prints, r u A cartons, 71c; B prints, sac; one-fourth pound oubes, cent higher. Ens Prices to retailers, AA extra large, 56c; AA large (certified) 545Sc; A large, 49.50c: AA medium. 60c: A mediums, 45- 46c; A small, 42o dozen; carton, 24c additional. Checaa Prlcea to retailers Portland: Oregon singles, 43-54o Ib.t Oregon loaf, 46-56o; triplets. 42-&o- Poultryt Live Chickens Paying pries to produ cers: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs., 30c lb frvers. 2 U 3 lbs.. 30C 10.: 3 to i lbs., 34-350 lb.; roasters, 4 lbs. and over, 34-35c lb.; fowl, Leghorn, under 2 lbs., io-20c lb.: over 3',i ids.. ?4g id.; iowi. colored, all wts., 32-340 lb. Rabbit Average to manors no-ouo w dreued oricea to producers. 43c. ryera live whits 30-340 Ib.i colored, 17-310 tb Vegetables! Artichokes Cat., 4 and 5 doz., (3.50. AiDaraxus Oal. smalls. 83.50-4.00 box; Cal. Cent. dist. No. 1, mediums, 13-15C lb.; Yakima, medium, 14-I5c; small, J4.aa. Cal. Cent, dist., No. 1, mediums, S4.00 4.25. Beets Cal.. bunches, Sl.35-1.40 doz. Brussei Sprout fi-i.'it Cabbage Round neao, 80 lb crates small (2.50-75; California crates. 13-3.76; red 10-15c lb. California No. 1, S4.oo-4.50; kraut, $1.65-1.75; red. Calif., 15.00-3.30. Track sale. Calif., round head, I2.60-3.O0 crate; locaL 80 lb. crate, small, up. to 34 for best. Truck sales. Calif., 13.70. CarrotsBunched, Callr., 6 doz., S4.00 4.25: track sales. Cal., 6 doz., 33.85-3.85. Truck sales. 6 doz., $4.00. Cauliflower calif., trimmed std. crate, $2.65-3.00. Celery Heart material, 4-8 doz., 14.60- 5.00. Pascal, crates, 15.50-75; sturdy crates, S6.25t6.75. Best, 15.00. fair, $5-5.25 crate. Track sales, std. crats, fair, 13.50 75. Cucambera OaHfornla hothouse, lugs, 19-9.50; local hothouse, $10-12; 30-35c lb. Garlic Oregon whits 25-30o lb.; Calif.. 28-30C lb. Lettuce Calif., 4 doz., $4.25-4.75. Truck sales. Calif. Delano, $4.00-4.25. Dried Onions Oregon yellows. No. 1 and larger, $2.35-2.50; mediums, $1.50-1.75; truck sale, mediums, $1.60; Leek, local, B0-90o doz. Egg Plant 22-25C. Green Onlom Local. 75-80e dos. bun Local, mid-Columbia, 40-50c. Parsley tan i., sa.-s.&u, iu aoz. puncnes Parsnips Local. 31.00-1.35 lug. Peas Calif , 20 lb. crate, $3.30-3.75; loose, 12-15c lb. Calif., 28-30 lb. crates, $140-3.00. Edison dist., Calif., 28 lb. hamper. $2.75; 50 lb. crates, $4.50- 4.75. Peppers Mexico, 45 lb. $11.00-12.50; Track sales, $11.00; 100 so 19-200 lb.: Calif., 45 lb $7-7.50-. loose, 23-230. Potatoes Russets No. 1 per cwt., 13.75 4.00; baker size. $4.50-4.70: No. 2s, $3.10 3.35: T'o. 3 A, 25 lbs., $1.00-1.05; 15 lbs., 60-65C; Deschutes No. 2s, 50 lbs., $1.35 1.30: Baker. Ore.. Russets. No. 1, $3.50- 3.60; new crop, Bliss Triumphs, 50 lbs., size A, $3.65-3.75; size B, track sales, Fla., Bliss Triumphs, size A, 50 lb. ska., 13.05; old crop, No. 3. 60 lbs.. $1.00; baker No. 1, $3.00-3.10 cwt. Shatters, $2.90-3.00. Radishes Local, 85-90C dos. Rutabagas $1.15-1.25 lug Spinach Local, mld-Columbla, 75c-$1.00 a 20 lb. box, few higher. Squash Dnnis tugs Jl-l.lRi orange boxes $2.50-2.75: Hubbard. Marblehead. 6-7o lb.; Calif., banana, 6-8 ',4c ib.t Calif.. zu(,enini. a as id. lug. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey. 20 lb. Basket, $5-5.26:- Calif.. Louisiana yams, $4.50-4.75. Texas, $4.00-4.15. Tomatoes Mexloan. repacked, $6.50-6.75; 20 tubs, $4-4.20. Track sales, lugs, $5.65-5.75; 12 lb. tubs, $3.00-3.15. Truck sales, Mexican, $5 50. Turnips Bunches, $1.10-35 dos. bunches. Fresh Fruit: Apples Oregon delicious, f. St t.. $4-4.36 box; choice $3 73-85; Ortleys, w. and p. comb, grade, $3 15-25; Newtons. f. and. (.. $1.75-3; w ana p $4-4.35. Red Delicious, w and p, up to $5.50; Wincsaps w Si p. $4.50-5.00. Hood River, w. and p.. $4.50-75 Avocados caitiornia rsurtes. sizes ?4 and 30, $4.35-4.35. Bananas Bunched. sa.25-3.aot out hands, $13.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif. 24, 8 os pkgs. $4.35-8. G: ipefrult Texas pinks, 70's-90's, 14.75- 5.75; small, $4.00-4.25, Marsh seedless, SO's-96'3, $3.00-3.35; Ariz, white, $2.60-2.85. Ruby red, all sizes, $5.50-5.75. Lemons cam., 300-380 a, S7.oo-7.2s; 432's, $5.00-5.25. Limes California 19 tubs of 8 limes $2.75-3.00 Oranges California navels, 200's and larger, $6.00-6.15; 220-252's, $4.75-5.50; 252's and smaller, $5.40-5.60; 260's and smaller, $4.90-5.10. Pears D'Anjou, $4.75-83, wrapped and packed; loose. $3.25: Boso. loose. 12.76-3: Yakima. $3-3 25 Persimmons Call! lugs, $3.23-3.80 Pineapples Cuban, 24-30, down to $6.75. Rhubarb Extra fancy, $2.50-2.65: fancy. $2.00-10; choice $1.75-80. few high as $2.00: Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 15c lb., local field grown, $1.00-1.15 18 lb. box. Quince Local 2t-Se V Packed Vegetables Cellophane wrapped a dozen: Broccoli, 12 os.. $1.75-1.85; spin ach, 24 12-oz. 12-2.25; brussell sprouts 9-oz. $2.20-35. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New York 8s- Closing quotations today Allied Chem & Dye 174 '4 American Cap 821 Am Power Si Li eh: 12 'i Amer Tel At rel 164 'k Anaconda Copper 37T4 Atchison 83 Bendln Aviation 31 'u Bethlehem 8tee 87 s Boeing Aircraft 19; California Parking 2K Canadian Pacific n; I Cass . 34'i Chrysler Corp 81 Commonwealth At Sout 3 nsoll dated Emsor 37 Consolidated Vuliec Continental insurance Crown Zelleroscn . , Curtlss Wright . is las 4lrcrBft Dupom Oe Nrmou - General Eiec'rtr General fuodn General Motor Ooodyear Tire . . Great Northern Pfd nternational Harvfsier nt Pa pet pld Johns Manvllle ....... Kennecott Lone Bell A Maytag Miami Copper Montgomery War Nash fcelvirjuio National Dairy N 7 Centra. North Am Co Northern Pacific Pac Amer Fish Pacific Oas Elec PaclflO TAT., Pan American .... Penney J O Radio Corp , Rayonier Hayonler Pfd Reynolds Ueiais ... Richfield Safeway , Sears Roebuck .... Sinclair on .... Southern Paciflr Standard Brand Standard On Call' Stewart Warner .. Studebaker Sun Mining Union OU Union PaclHe 12114 United Airlines 26 United Aircraft 18'i United State Steel Warner brother '5 West Elec Ufa Co 33 S Wooiwortn 47 i6; ::::: ::::::::::: rM . i 34: Garlie Clues 30 lo. packages, 11.68- 1.73 Dressed Meatst Veal Heavy top quality 3S-36e: top quality light. 33-340 lb. B. 25-30ci C, 32 24c: cull, 18-20c lb. Rois Blocs butchers, packer style, 135-160 lbs.. 37-38c: over 213 lbsu S637o: sows, all weights, 30-34o lb. Lambs AA. 18-4001 A. 17-1801 B. 84-160 0. 28-300 Mutton 10-lM rb aocordlng to duality and weight Beef Best quality. 33-34c: B. 3S-3c; O, 22-24C. canner and cutter, 18-lBc; bo- .ogna bulls. 35-260. Wool. Cases ra Birkt Caseara Bark Oreen 8-8ttet dry, 0o Wool Vslley coarse and medium grades 43c lb Mohair 40c lb on 13-month growth. Hides Oreen beel. 12-llc; calves. 43c lb. Kip hides, 23c. Rendered toed I bit Fats 12e lb The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are P.O.B shipping points Delivered eastern price is generally ife cents higher than F.OJ9 plant quota tion Chicago Grain Chicago, April 13 (U.PJ Cash grain sales: Wheat; Nominally lower; 3 hard 273. Corn: Unchanced to ninnv inv-r: 3 yellow lSO'.a-m'.i: 4 yellow 174K-180V;; 5 yellow 170i-l71i ; aamplo grade yel low 140-?i-150i; 3 White 185. oats: Two cents lower; 1 white heavy 9D; 1 white 87ft; 3 white heavy 96',ii 4 white heavy 99; sample grade white 93li. Barley: Malting 160-197 nominal; feed 130-165 nominal. Portland Grain Portland, Ore.. April 13 () No futures quoted: No cash grain. Cash wheat (Bid): Soft whit 9 xn sort white (excluding Rex) 3.31, white club 2.31, western red 2.31. tiara red winter: Orrtinrv 9 31 hard white Baart quoted. loony's car receipts: Wheat S3, flnnr s. corn 30, oats 1, mlllfeed 7. Salem Markets Completed Iroro reports ol Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Prices Rabbit Feeds Pellets, 64.35 cwt. Ear Mash 84.75 cwt. Dairy Feed 13.90 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hns. No. 1 Sir lb.; No. 2, 30c; colored fryers, No. 1, 33c lb Esse Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra large grade A 47c; med., 43c: standards, 38c dozen, pullets 30c, crax, 30c. Wholesale Price Larsa 47c dozen. mft 42c dozen. Butler Wholesale A, 70c. Retail Grade A, 75c. Butter fat Premium. 7c: No. 1. lie: No. 3, 69o. 24 More Enlist In Naval Reserve Six Salem men and 1H frnm nearby towns have recently been enlisted in the naval re serve through the local naval recruiting station. The Salem men were Ray mond Joseph Lockman, Stanley Northrun Wilkes. Rnhert. .Tnlian Deacon, George Warren Jones, Eugene Marvin Jarvis and Floyd James Burch. Others onlislin? in thp re serves were Howard Donald Walters, Raymond Edward Bak er, Maurice Leon Cohn, John Earl Dowd. Rov Earl Bakpr Robert Joseph Mattecheck and warren JLewis Fritz, all of Mc Minnville: Harold Rrnre nihhio Kenneth LeRov Alkin anrf Paul Ender Harder of Lebanon; Clar ence Eugene Bier, Charles Wil liam Syphert and Lloyd Frank Naeeeli of Silverton: Ericar An. tin Causbie of Albany; Thomas Amorose xauon, Jack Wright Crider and Edwin Forest York of Dallas: and Robert Rav Allpn of Newberg. Septic Tank Refuse Presenting Problem Silverton A request that concerns the citizens of Silver- ton was brought before the city council when H. J. Lehr asked permission concerning emptying refuse from septic tanks in the city disposal plant, explaining that the Marion county board of health objected to the refuse be ing placed in the open. It was thought impossible for the city to permit this on ac- count of the dangers of gas form ing and feared accidents to the disposal plant developing. The members of the council are to confer with the board of health in the near future in the interests of Mr. Lehr, it was an nounced by the mayor, George Chnstenson. Motors Offer Wage Increase Detroit, April 12 U.R Gen eral Motors corporation today offered a fiat "temporary" raise of 10 cents an hour to the three unions representing its 265,000 workers in the country. 2 - 1 1 - " 1 40 . ., . , ... . i Mil'. . . . ,; "' 50 ' ! 41 - L. . 83 Tt 1 122" I ! IS? fh;-' V; ' . -viiw.j; Hughes Tests New Photo Plane Howard Hughes builder, takes his XF-11 photo reconnais sance plane down the runway of the Culver City airport for a successful test flight. The plane is similar to one in which Hughes crashed and neaarly lost his life on its initial flight last sum mer. (AF Wirephoto) Slocks Decline To Yean Low New York, April 12 (U-R) Stocks lost fractions to 2 points today to a new low for the year, extending vie week s loss to around a billion and three-quar ter dollars. Selling reflecting the cloudy labor picture and the danger that widescale price cuts might touch off recession, if not a de pression. Talk that retail prices are too high and must come down resulted in losses among mercantile issues ranging to more than a point in R. H. Macy, Marshall Field and Gimbels. In the steel group American Rolling Mill, Bethlehem,. U. S. Steel and Youngstown all lost a point or more. During the session unconfirmed rumors cir culated in Wall Street that U. S. Steel and the CIO steelworkers union might reach a wage agree ment "in a few days." Meanwhile bit steel" an nounced from Pittsburgh that in creased production of coal at the company's captive mines had permitted restoration of normal blast furnace operations with full production expected by to morrow. Rail shares had losses of as much as 2Va points in Southern Railway Santa Fe, B. & O. and Southern Pacific were all down more than a point. Chrysler lost more than 2 points in the mo tors. Preliminary Dow-Jones clos ing stock averages: Industrial, 171.78. off 1.67; rail, 46.14, off 0.58; utility, 34.38, off 0.38; 65 stocks, 61.19, off 0.65. Sales totaled 630,000 shares compared with 270,000 last Sat urday. Curb volume was 160, 000 shares compared with 80, 000 last Saturday. Bond turn over of $2,010,000 compared with $1,273,000. Corn Futures Drop for Loss Chicago, April 12 (IP) Corn dropped for losses extending to around 3 cents at times on the board of trade today with the deferred deliveries leading the downturn. Wheat and oats, while weak at times, recovered toward the session's close. Selling of corn was based on the agriculture department's re port of April 1 farm stocks, which showed supplies at the second highest level in history. Cash wheat was quoted a few cepts lower at both Kansas City and Minneapolis. Wheat closed unchanged to 1 lower. May $2.57 V4, corn was 2 lower to Vi higher, May $1.73-1.76, and oats were lower to 'k higher, May 87'8-88. Rose Show Officials Chamber Speakers R. K. Glasow, publicity di rector and Bud Mallett, execu tive manager of the Portland Rose Festival association, will appear Monday at the Chamber of Commerce noon luncheon with colored movies of the 1946 rose festival, spotlighting the Salem float and the Cherrians. The Cherrians will be hosts Monday. New members to be intro duced will be: John S. Harper, 1363 Court. J. L. Franzen, city manager, City Hall. Ivan S. Hansen, general agent, Western Life Insurance company, 212 North High street. G. W. Chap- pell, Chappell-Marshall com pany. V. J. (Bill) Osko, Farmers Insurance group, 466 Court street. Colorado for Two Terms Denverd, April 12 (U.W The senate of the Colorado legisla ture today ratified the proposed 22nd amendment to the United States constitution, limiting fu ture presidents to two terms in office. The legislature's house previously had ratified the amendment. The giant redwoods of Cali fornia are no longer cut com mercially although closely re lated Sequoias growing nearer the coast are made into timber Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Silverton Will Buy Police Equipment Silverton C i t y Manager Robert Borland, and the mayor, George Christenson, were auth orized by the city council to supply the local police force with a pair of handcuffs, Sam Brown belts and new badges, acting on a request from the police department. The offici als are also to buy a tar-bucket to use in street repair programs and to sign the contract with the first rural fire district designat ing $2000 to be paid in two installments for fire protection UN Session Set On Palestine Lake Success, N. Y.. Aoril 12 (U.R) United Nations headquar ters will summon a special ses sion of the general assembly to day, setting April 28 for the start of debate on Palestine's fu ture. . Invitations to the first special meeting were ready for imme diate mailing to the 55 United Nations, along, with a between-the-lines plea that they send small delegations and stick to one small step in the big job for solving the Holy Land crisis. Signal for the formal calling of the special session is word from a 28th United Nations en dorsing Britain's request for a special assembly meeting to be gin wrestling with one of the world's toughest political-sociological problems. A majority of the 55 countries in the UN is enough to convene a special meeting at any time on any sub ject. A special meeting was called at the request of Great Britain, which has despaired of settling the issue without UN help. The British have not yet agreed, however, to abide by any UN decision. No UN member is bound to accept an assembly decision, the 55-nation body possessing only the power to "recommend" ac tion by its members. Albany Youth Star Farmer Pendleton, Ore., April 12 W) Eugene Muller of Albany was named star farmer of Oregon at the closing session of the 19th annual convention of State Fu ture Farmers of America here last night. Molalla chapter topped the covet keystone chapter awards, Winners were: Gold medal Molalla, Amity Albany, Lakeview and Silver- ton. Silver medal Forest Grove Hillsboro, Newberg, Gresham, Rainier, Redmond and Milton- Freewaler. Bronze medal Eugene, En terprise, Cottage Grove, Wal Iowa, Baker, Grants Pass and Roseberg. Lakeview chapter won the secretary-treasurer ax contest. Molalla was second and Amity third. First year project book win ners were Robert Day, Eugene: first; Marvin Robertson, New berg, second, and Dick Stewart, Albany, third. Merton Sahnow Hillsboro, took first honors in the second year project book contest with Bob Ornduff, New berg, second, and Randolph Scoggins, Amity, third. E. C. Sammons, U. S. National Bank of Portland, president, warned the young farmers to guard America against com munism so that the "miracle of America" might continue for them. Awards were presented by El wain H. Greenwood, Oregon Bankers' association, secretary. China WSCS Subject Silverton Mrs. Helen Bur ner was in charge of the busi ness session of the WSCS of the Methodist church at the church social rooms. Directing the study theme on China was Mrs. Albert Grinde. Mrs. Pearl Porter was leader of devotion- als. Hostesses during the social hour were P. W. Noftsker and Mrs. George Bowman. Saturday, April 12, 194711 Welfare Costs Being Slashed Portland, Ore., April 12 (U.R) All Oregon county public wel fare boards started reviewing each public assistance case April 1 to determine where eco nomies can be made, the state board of public welfare announ ced today. "All policies of the board are being reviewed under revised procedure necessitated by the legislature's limiting welfare funds," Miss Nellie Lauder baugh, assistant state public welfare administrator, said to day. All medical-assistance cases are being reviewed to determine what precisely is needed, Miss Lauderbaugh said, adding that "medical expenses have been very high." The welfare board asked for an appropriation of $51,000,000 for the biennium starting July 1, and received only $43,000, 000. "We can not at this time tell what the effect of the review will be, but our general assis tance funds are very low and are now on an emergency basis," Miss Lauderbaugh said. The average Oregon old age pension payment is about $45 a month. The retrenchment study will embrace costs of food, clothing, shelter, fuel and utilities. These costs are now being reviewed, Miss Lauderbaugh stated, Markets Briefed (Br the United Pr() Stocks lower in active trad ing. Bonds lower; U. S. govern ments irregular. Curb stocks lower. Cotton lower. Wheat, corn, oats and barley futures lower. Annual U. S. coal production tonnage is normally 20 times that of wheat and seven times that of corn. Births, Deaths Birlhi Allen To Mr. and Mrs. rrancii o, Allen, 1B0 North winter, daughter, Kathryn Jean, April 6. Cater To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Cater, Jr., 548 North Church, a ion, Jar? Lee, April I. Silverton To Mr. and Mr. R. O. Pal mor a daughter, April. 11 at Silverton hospital. Deaths Rudolph A. Morn Rudolph A. Horn, at the residence 3210 North Liberty atreet, April 12, at the age of IB years. Husband of Johnnie N. Horn Of Snlem; father of Mrs. L. C. Raymond of Ohappaqua, N. Y.; Mra. O. B. Nevel of Prlnevllle, Oregon; Mrs. T. A. Younaaulit of Sncraincnto, Calif; Slvltco W. Horn of Salem and Sergeant R. Horn of the U. 6, army In Germany; and brother of Miss Anna Horn of Olasco. Kan.: Charles F. Horn of Bennington, Kons., and Frederick Horn of Cawker City, Kans. Veteran cf the Spanish-American war and World War I and member of St. Marlc'a Lutheran church and the Garden club. Announce ment of services later by OlouKh-BarrlcIt company. Mra, Sophli Cedar Mrs. Sophia Cedar, late resident of 3491 Trade street, at a local hospital, Friday, April 11. Mother of Mrs. Alma C. Pflfer of Salem and C. W. Cedar of Chicago, and sister of Mrs. Annie Your ston of St. Paul. Minn. Also survived by five grandchildren In Chicago, Ship ment Is being made to Yakima, Wash., by Clough-Barrlck company for services and interment. Joshua Stewart Sawyer Joshua Stewart Sawyer, formerly a resident of Salem, in New York City, April 6. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Min nie P. Sawyer of New York City; a son, Joshua 8. Sawyer, Jr., of Lakeview. Ore-eo-i; a daughter, Mrs. Irma Wells of Sa lem, and three grandchildren. Service will be held at the Clough-Barrlck cha pe, Monday, April 14, at 1:30 p.m. with Dr Charles Durden officiating. Obituary Fredrick Arthur Garbe Aumsvtlle Fredrick Arthur Garbe died at a Salem hospital April 10. The deceased was born August 28, 1874, at Terre Haute, Ind. He moved with his parents to Ore gon In 1880, locating at Brooks, later moving to Aumsvllle where he has resided for 56 years. He was first united in mar riage to Amlia Eastburn who passed away In 1930. He married Orace Jones, January 7, 1932. Mr. Garbe was a charter mem ber of the Farmers Union, a member of the Odd Fellows lodge and served as sec retary of the Aumsvllle Mutual Telephone company for more than 20 years, and was a director on the local school board for a number of years. Surviving him are hit widow, Grace Ellen Garbe; two daughters, Terr ess is llean, LaVeta May; seven foster cK Iren, Ralph E. Garbe, Aumsvllle; Mrs, Virginia McGowan of Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs, Patricia McDonald and William P. J .es of Westport, Wash.; Merle P. Jones, Woodburn; Kenneth A. Hardin and James B. Hardin of Portland: one sister, Mrs, M. A. Wright of Aumsvllle. Funeral serv ices will be held at the Weddle Funeral home Monday at 2 p.m., with burial at Shaw. Louise l.ongkdnrf Silverton Louise Lonssdorf. 71, of 80S North Second street, died Saturday fore noon. Born In Wisconsin, Sept. 31, 1875, and had lived in Silvrrlon 30 years. Sur vived by widower, B. O. Lonasdorf; a daughter, Mrs. Melvln Toftstog, Silverton; a granddaughter, and a sister, Emma Muceus of Leon, Iowa. Funeral services at 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, at the memorial chapel of the Ekmnn Funeral home, TRACTOR Priced for QUICK SALE! Whceltyte with front end scoop loader. Excellent for use as manure loader, gen eral farm work or indus trial fork lift. $695 00 Pumilite Concrete Block Co. Dallas Hiway West Salem or Phone 2-5643