Chemawa Livestock Project Brings i Experience and Cash to Students Chemawa Indian school agricultural students have just com pleted projects which have netted them considerable in cash and training in the care and feeding of livestock. The projects were carried on under the direction of Henry C. Abell, head of the agricultural department at Che mawa. Fifteen boys selected swine and five selected beef as their project work. When the livestock enterprises were com pleted the animals were sold and each student received his reward according to the weight of the animal he raised. At the beginning of the proj ects the school furnished each of the boys with an animal as soon as it was weaned. In addi tion he was given the use of school farm buildings and equip ment and received direction from the school agricultural staff. Feed was charged to him at the market price. The animal, feed, and use of equipment and buildings were paid for in labor performed by the student on the farm. In ad dition to properly maintaining his livestock each student kept accurate records of all phases of his project, and paid for all eouipment damaged. Recently the animals were sold for top market prices bring 1 ing the students a total of $1065 and in accordance with an agree ment between the students and the Chemawa school, 85 percent of the sale price was deposited in each student's account in the school bank. The other 15 per cent was returned to the student in cash to purchase needed clothing. Students who took part in the animal project work were Gregg John, Alex Samuels, Harry Poi tra, Don Rambeau, William Bel gard, Louis Belgard, Jimmy Chocktoot, Glen Brown, Delford Crain, Jimmy Thornton, Carol Gensaw, Willie Gensaw, Horace Ironpipe, Haskell Hood, Willard Showaway, Eneas Pierre, Wil liam Sheila!, Fred Cole, Carroll Jackson and Albert Hayes. Portland Dogs Free to Roam Portland, April 11 (P) Port land dogs, properly licensed, were free today to roam the city. The city council shelved an ordinance which would have confined the dog to his own yard except when leashed. The mo tion will go to the voters at the primary election 13 months from now. Tax Election in Pendleton May 1 Pendleton, Ore., April 11 VP) A special election May 1 on a proposed six-year plan to raise Pendleton s tax base and levy special taxes to meet increased city government costs was voted today by the city council. The proposed plan would raise the city's tax base by 1953 to 16.52 mills and maintain a total levy during that period of about 19 mills, which would raise an estimated $135,000. The special levy would start at five mills the first fiscal year and would decrease to nothing by 1953, the last year of the long-range plan. Present base is 11 mills. The plan also proposed to in crease recreation, sewage dis posal and other facilities. Salem Is Sued For $10,000 Damage action for $10,000 has been filed in circuit court by Willis D. Thomas, administrator of the estate of Frederick De- Wayne Thomas, naming the city of Salem, City Engineer Harold Davis and members of the old city council as defendants. The complaint alleges that the boy, Frederick DeWayne Thomas. died April 14, 1946, as result of injuries received three days ear lier, when it is charged a slab of reinforced concrete fell on him while he was playing on the Shelton canal between 23rd and 24th streets and he was impaled with a protruding section of re inforced steel. The complaint avers that the city was negligent in allowing the concrete slab to .be in such a position it could easily be pushed over, that the banks of the canal were frequented by children as a common place of recreation, that proper precau tions were not taken in arrang ing the slabs so they could not b tipped and in not placing a fence along the banks of the creek or around the concrete slabs as provided in an ordi nance of 1908. Councilmen nam ed as defendants in the case are Elmer Daue, William Evans, Ross Goodman, Paul Hendricks, John D. Minto, David O'Hara. Merrill Ohling, Fred Williams, Carl Armpriest and Rufus Boat wright. Breakfast Is Served Unionvale An Easter break fast for her Sunday school class was served at her home by Mrs. Clarence S. Crawley. Attending were Robert Baker, Kent Craw ley, Leonard Dixon, David Gib- Youth Wins Again Corvallis, April 11 (JP) The young fry here were mighty gleeful today. The city council voted, 4-3, to permit firecrackers on the Fourth of July for the first time in years. mmm aniiM.miM.ngBnffn i I Bait OTARION "THE LITTLE EAR" Come in for a free trial of the New Light Singlepack Let us explain the Concealed Receiver No Receiver Button at the Ear Alt Makes of Hearing Aicls Repaired OTARION HEARING AID CENTER H. O. Ward. Mgr. 466 Court St., Salem, Oregon Phone 24000 While They Last! Top Quality Cast Iron, Firebrick Lined HEATING STOVES Will Burn Wood, Coal er Briquettes 11.90 each See these stoves in the rear of 610 North Capitol Street. Phone 9694 FOR COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE SEE Teague Motor Company OUR AIM Dependable and Reasonable Service From a Bolt to a Motor. If Your Car Needs Mechanical Attention Let Us Give You an Estimate SPECIAL BUDGET PLAN Protect Your Investment by Keeping Your Car in , Good Serviceable Condition Your Kaiser-Frazier 'I jaa w. 1,1 peny at. Dealer Phone ' 001 155 North Liberty Telephone 3194 EXPERT RADIO REPAIR On AH Types of Radios Our Shop Located in Our Farm Store Corner High at Trade Phone 3194 For Pick-up Service FISHING SEASON OPENS Make Keith Brown Your Headquarters for Fishing Needs Hooks & Plugs Special! Guide-Free Steel Casting Rods Reg. $1195 $19.95 3-Pc. Gaff Hook Rods and Reels Pcnn Deep Sea tQ ft ft Keel .... .... P'-vU Ocean City Salt Water Reel, Q 1ft 250 yd P71" Ocean City Casting Level j;? QC Wind Reel T ' ' Perrine Free Stripping Automatic CD DC Fly Reel O.OJ Packard Steel Aft Casting Rod . . . . Y.W V American Whippet True Temper t O JL( Casting Rod ... P3.Ww Troll-A-Lone CI Cft Rod Holders ... P V Spinners Bear Valley No. 3, Ford Fenders, Doc Sheltons. Also a Large Assortment of Lake Spinners. Jitterbug Plugs Hula Dancer Bass Plugs . $2.75 Leather Fly Books $3.65 10 $6.35 , 69c $1.10 Other Fishing Needs Snap-Tire Egg Jar Cover 69e Folding Landing Nets, $2. Tackle Boxes with Folding Trays $2.85 Minnow Pails $1.95 Ashaway Double Taper Fly Line FOLD-FLAT Plywood Boats 6995 Now Only Easy to Transport. Regular Price $86.00. 1 Only Model No. 11 Automatic Shotgun, 20 Ga., $99.95 1 Only .22 Winchester Bolt Action Repeater, $20.60 We have a large stock of Ammunition .22 Shells, Shotgun Shells and Others. KEITH BROWN LUMBER . Q YARD FRONT & COURT STS. PHONE 9163 Lumber Millwork Glazing Hardware See Louise Allbritton in the Universal-International Picture -"THE EGG AND I" LOUISE ALLBRITTON suggests: "Try it with a touch of rhumba and you'll see You can't make a bad cup of M'J'B - ''&it&!tir Louise Allbritton shares with you the secret of how to make Coffee Havana COFFEE HAVANA .. inCoflc US: You can rhumba with your coffee if you like, we'll sit ours out. You see, we save our shoe leather for scurrying around the world to find each year's best coffee crops for M.J.B. Those choice-of-thecrop coffees give M.J.B its deep, full... . i i.B Coflce mo cresH 2 cup m"K k a S.mtncr ?' ,ot,boutJ- cream iob"- vtry fine s- -, LOUISE: Flavor is the word. And that's what I like about M.J.B. Whether I make it mild or hearty or use it in Coffee Havana, (hat wonderful M.J.B goodness seems to dance right through. And that, sir, is your cue to say "You Can't Make a Bad Cup of M.J.B." US: You took the words right out of our script. But two other little words are import, ant, too "individual roasting." They mean that each coffee bean in M.J.B's blend is roasted just enough to coax out all its deli cate flavor and put more pleasure in your cup. No finer coffee packed . . . we guarantee it Only the world's choicest coffee beans go into M.J.B. A special roasting process brings out all of M.J.B'i flavor. . M.J.B Coffee is protected by a higher vacuum packing process. That's why we say there is no finer coffee on the market. son, Ray Hibbs, Norris Jones, Billic Michael, Eugene Weldon, Sharon Finnicum, Kathryn Gib son. Wanda Lee Hendrickson, LaVon Richards. After break. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, 'April 11, 1947 7 fast the class visited shut-in To early Spanish gold seek members of the church and Sun-iers in America platinum was day scliool. nuisance. .7. mi mm t tfc PLUS TAX This is the product which is made in St. Helens, Ort., and which has been sold all over the United States. Brandenf els' Scalp and Hair Treatment can be used at home without danger of soiling hat bands, bed linen or clothing. The simple directions are easy to fol low. There are approxi mately 60 applications ia each treatment. NOW AVA I L ABLE AT WELLMAN'S MARKET DRUG STORE Phone 6188 C. L. WELLMAN Salem, Oregon 480 N. Commercial . f- AIM -I IP Jiur.iiP TIME I ALWAYS BETTER linf VALUES; AT MARSHALL-WELLS STORE! Miracle Wall-Tone Sale! Gal. 275 Alarm Clock Extra savings for your spring decorating. Miracle Wall-Tone is the easiest interior paint to use. Any one can apply just brush or roll it on one coat covers most surfaces even wallpaper. Buy now for ALL your spring decorating during our Paint-Up Sale. Regularly 3.25 gal. 98c QUART ON SALE, TOO 84e 3.25 SPECIAL WALL-TONE BRUSH. Sale Priced 2.75 ,u rv?t & GENUINE GILBERT Modem design on a gen uine Gilbert Spring, wind alarm clock priced exceptionally low for this 10-day sale. Hurryl ....... X i n . - n f- II r ' i? Chrome Plated your fjr CHOICE V Sale priced! Biggest value in townl Smartly styled Bath Accessories polish ed chrome plnted. Choose from wall or tub sonp dish, tumbler and tooth brush holder, tissue holder. 18 in. towel-bar. clip-on tow el rack and 3-aim towel rack. Outdoor Drier Dura-Lite clothes drier is full-sized 150 ft. of dry ing space yet weighs on ly 10 pounds ... so light that even a child can car ry it. Metal ground box has hinged cover. Folds compactly . . . Also avail able in 100-fl. size. 95 150 ft. 16 100 ft 15.95 Pure Bristle VARNISH BRUSH Use for touch-up, enamel or varnish. Price cut Q J i ii. l'i-IN. BRUSH 40e 2-IN. BRUSH 55e for our 10-day tale! A good quality pure Chin ese bristle brush. Quick Drying ENAMEL An easy-to-use enamel that will give a high gloss 'and long lasting durable finish. Gloss will with stand numerous washings. Use for indoor and out door furniture and other surfaces. Quart. $1.65 Semi-Gloss EASYCOAT A satin-like eggshell fin ish that is truly washable. Use it where you want a durable soft finish in your living room, dining room and your bedroom. One coat covers up to 500 sq. ft. Quart. $1.29 Floor VARNISH Dries to a hard, gloss,, long-wearing finish. Not affected by water ... re sists scratching . . . does not turn white . . . Quick drying. Quart. . $1.65 RAWLINS HARDWARE The Marshall Wells Store 2056 N. CAPITOL ST. PH. 6877