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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1947)
16 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, April 11, 1947 East Salem Extension Units Take Part in Annual Affair East Salem, April 11 All East Salnm Home Extension units were well represented among the 23 units displaying at the fourth annual homcmakers' festival held at the Veterans of For eign Wars building in Salem on Wednesday. All the units naa exhibits, some took prizes and all four units were awarded cer tificates of recognition by hav ing met the requirements for awards by 100 percent. The Edina Lane unit had the exhibit, "Conserve With the Scrap Bag" and in its exhibit were around 40 different arti cles, including bed quilts, handy useful articles for around the home and featuring some arti cles of clothing like house slippers, sweaters, gloves for all members of family. The exhibit was prepared by Mrs. Drew Mi cheals. Mrs. George Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Floyd Thompson and Mrs. A. J. Shea. Lansing Neighbors unit pre pared the exhibit, "Home Can ning equipment. inis was a colorful exhibit with many kinds of canned fruits and vegetables and a wall background display that attracted much attention. This exhibit was prepared by Mrs. T. G. Lermon, Mrs. Zina Shrapnack, Mrs. V. E. Fitzgerald and Mrs. I. H. Sion. To pep up their exhibit Mrs. Sion displayed a can of pears, canned in 1032, and guesses were recorded and a prize given for the one guess ing the right year. Mrs. Dale Jefferies of Auburn received the prize for her right guess. Mrs. Merle Hann made the display cards used for the exhibit. Lansing Neighbors was also represented in the style show by Mrs. H. C. Ottc, Mrs. V. E. Fitz gerald and Mrs. I. C. Lermon, each modeling a dress made at the dress workshop. East Salem unit's exhibit was , "Color in the Home." Two min- ; ialure rooms of a home furnish ed in the same colors, with all accessories from drapes to flow er vases in one and glass cur tains to tiny throw rugs in the other were used. Even the house cat was present. Little pieces of furniture were upholstered, pic tures placed on the walls, floors carpeted and all blended to the color scheme. Mrs. Ralph Hcin. Mrs. Glenn Larkins and Mrs. William Hart- ! ley prepared the exhibit. Other J East Salem women attending were Mrs. C. A. Salter, presi dent; Mrs. E. E. Brandt, vice president; Mrs. Charles Jayne, treasurer; Mrs. Homer J. Conk lin, Mrs. Menno Dalke, Mrs. Leonard Harms, Mrs. Walter Biggcrstaff, Mrs. John Wood burn, Mrs. Earl Malm, Mrs. H. F. Sprlck, Mrs. Daniel Scharf and Mrs. Albert Patz. The Four Corners unit which is made up of both Auburn and Rickey communities made the special corsages for all special guests and beautifully decorated the hall in white flowers. Women of the committee from Auburn were Mrs. Warren Shrakc, Mrs. Jack Scorgie, Mrs. Harold Colgan and Mrs. E. C. Sundcrlin. Those from Rickey were Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mrs. E. S. Wal ker, Mrs. Ralph King, Mrs. A. Pederson and Mrs. L. J. Stewart. Taking part in the style show were Mrs. Jack Scorgie, Mrs. E. C. Sundcrlin and Mrs. Lawer ence J. Shrake. Mrs. L. J. Stew art was in charge of the music for the program hours, leading the singing, with Mrs. Lloyd Lee of Auburn as the accompa nist. Each unit had prepared publicity scrapbooks beginning with the November meeting. Each unit publicity chairman was expected to see that both advance notices of meetings and reports were clipped for scrap books from the local newspa pers. Mrs.Albcrt Patz prepared i East Salem book, Mrs. Young Glecson and Mrs. Richard Rose- crans prepared Edina Lane. Mrs. I. G. Lermon, Lansing Neigh bors, and Mrs. Dale Jefferies, Four Corners. The first prize was awarded to Four Corners for their neat, col orful book. One clever idea they used was a small picture of each member busy at some different household task. School Merger Approved East Salem, April 11 The second vote on consolidation of Middle Grove school district with Salem district 24 held at the school house also approved the merger by a vote of 58 to 40 with five challenged votes not counted. The first vote on March 11 had been 35 to 17, also in favor of the merger. This vote will settle the question and the present school board will turn over its books to the Salem clerk. Cant. Hoagland Returning Silvcrton Mrs. Lou Hoag- land has had word from her son, Capt. Charles Hoagland, that he and his wife plan a visit home within a short time. Captain Hoagland has been attending school in Baltimore, Md. Authorized Dealers For MERCURY SERVICE Let us help you keep your Mercury in Top Flight Con dition. Drive in soon! When you drive out you will be more than satisfied! General Service Engine Tune-up Electrical Service Brake Relining New Motors, 1947 Reconditioned Motors Genuine Parts WARNER MOTOR CO. YOUR LINCOLN MERCURY DEALER 430 N. Com'l Ph. 7249 BY FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY (1.00 VALUi $1.00 If m i V1I, LETT'S Capital Drug Store Corner State and Liberty rh. 31 IS HOP METRO r P'O UTAH 'Big Yank Sun Tan' Dress for your work in a pair of these heavy quality, sanforized work pants. All sizes. Reg. $2.95. SATURDAY ONLY . 99 Pair "BIG YANK" CHAMBRAY Fine quality shirts for work. Sanforized material. Sizes 14 1-2 to 16.. Special, WE?Ik 11.67 18x27 INCHES JUTE RUGS 39c PAPER HAND TOWELS ,. 9c DELICIOUS AND THICK ICE CREAM SANDWICHES 10c Mm SATURDAY ONLY . . All kinds of cookies, sand wiches, puffs, fruit and others.. Fresh and delicious. . . . .Ib.2$)c BEDDING PLANTS ' All vnrietip nnw tn hp hnd Both flower and vegetable plants. 25C 50C Dozen SUMMERTIME IS Just received a new shipment of RADIO FLYER WAGONS. A real wagon at SKIRTS Made of strutter cloth. Pastels for summer. Priced at only $3.79 Sizes 12-18 PLASTIC CRIB SHEET Waterproof, with cloth back. Wash able, non-heating. Sanitary. 27x36.' TULIP GARDEN SPRINKLER Will sprinkle approxi mately 36-foot circle at 40 lbs. pressure. Regu lar $1.69. 97c MOP PAIL Sturdy construction, heavy metal ware mop pail. Reg. $2.98. Saturday Only BESTEX DISH TOWELS Absorbent, Lintproof.. Ready to Use Package of 6 $139 LADIES' X STRAW HATS 49c 98c SPONGE RUBBER RETURN BALLS 5c n 10c FOR THE BEACH ALL METAL with shovel SAND PAILS 19c od 29c if .s-.".-'r: r mm ' mm mm f w f m w m I Aw mm mm 1 mrmw V f J m m u mm AW Mm Mm NETTIE GOWNS Flowered rayon gowns. Pink with a lace trim and white with an eyelet trim. Sizes 42 to 48. Regular $5.98. SATURDAY mm ONLY Z-J-- Rayon Panties Medium Size Poir RAYON 44c PANTIES I 59C 15c Buys the Second Pair SATURDAY ONLY i 1