) FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOT PLATES, alniile & 2-burner. 25 5 NLlbe rtj n 96 STEEL CLOTHES line posti 3ft tn. dia meter 8 It. long. 5 lines. Ph. 252B7 or 3265. nST" IRON AND extension cords. Y EATER APPLIANCJC CO. 255 N. Liberty BLOND MAHOGANY 8 pc. dining room suite, $175. 674 N. Church. nST ULTRA VIOLET (sun) lamps, lnlra-red (heat) lamps and heating pads. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' ELECTRIC ROOM beaten, All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25d N. Liberty n95 REFRIGERATOR 0' "Kelvinator" (115.00. Pre-war Mohawk rug, B'xW, J50.00. Maple dining room aet, 4 chairs, $50.00. Eastern Maple Cheat or Drawers, 40. Other miac. articles. 340 Division St. 2nd floor, Salem, Ore. naa WASHING MACHINES that fit on your laundry trays, full alze. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 BUILDING MATERIALS salvaged. Camp Adair. Delivered anywhere. Ed. Case BldK. T. 6-222, Albany, Oregon. n4 IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden pads St covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' pHlLLirS BROS., cedar posts, corner posts, wood, hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, fertilizer and special timber or ders. Rt. 6, Box 118. Dial O, call 68F22. n89 FOR YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio that assures good reception, "The Tro plo Master." YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n95" LADY'S soft green coat. Size 14. Never worn. Bargain. 880 Marlon. Apt. 4. nB7 GOOD USED typewriter. Used 3 speaker inter-communicating set. JUDSON'S, 279 N. COM'L. n87 HALF young fat beef, 30c lb., delivered. Phone 22639. nBO WISCONSIN Schramm Air Compressor, 10 gal. Devilbls pressure pot, and 225 ft. good hose. Ph. 9444 or 158 Ratcliff Dr. a I ter 8. "B? NEW ALL STEEL factory built 2-wlieel trailer. u parson Ave. rn. jjju. hoi FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357. n88 ONE DAVENO, one Magic Chef gas range, one dinette set, red leather upholstery, 2 end tables matched. Call after 8 D.m. 830 N. Com'l. Apt. NO. 2, n87' NEW SEARS ROEBUCK 2Va h.p. outboard motor, very reasonable. 359 N. Liberty. AdL 2. alter 4 P.m. n87 VACUUM CLEANERS; Westlnghouse, Uni versal and Royal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n90' WE BUY St sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes, motors, radios, electrlo appli ances, household goods. tCLIGMAN'B 385 N. Commercial. Phone 9885. n' FLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin ish for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 175 S. High. Phone bobh. niuo ELECTRIC 42 gallon water heater. 179.50. TA. 4314, Portland. nlOfl FARMERS, ATTENTION: Portable Clean- Easy mllKlng machine, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nB0 C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines. Parts '. : all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. nlOZ PALLETONE, ONE coat, washable oil paint lor wans, ceilings ana wanpayui dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 . GARDEN sand, gravel, 'crushed rock Shovel A drag-line excavating. WALL ING BAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph. 8561 LaWN CART, all metal, rubber tread, lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' i FD I.. 95 Cletrac Tractor. Isaacson Ca ble Dozer and Carco Logging Drum. 818 Birch St.. Dallas. n87 BUTTER CHURNS. Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' ALARM CLOCKS, electrlo desk, mantle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' 120 BASS accordion. Perfect condition. 1205 Alder Ave. n88 TRANSPARENT PLASTI-Kote for drain- boards, floors ana iurmture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' DAflLIAS. Bladlolas. 881 Rosemont Ph. 4325. n88 WFSTINGHOITSE refrigerator. 30 cu. ft, Ideal for restaurant, grocery or large farm home. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nl02' ONE OIL burner circulator, good cond. Nelson Bros. Ph. 4149. n ELECTRIC range burners now available for all makes of ranges. High speed Calrod type, solid top and replacement colls. For service or parts can u. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty. "88' WHEEL CHAIRS and Hospital Beds. Buy or sell, rnt or trade. Max Buren, 745 Court St., Salem. Ph. 777S. PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty GENUINE Texas crystal wax (white) Ber muda onion plants. Puritan Cider Works, W. Salem. Ph. 5428. n88 BEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical See us foi free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25ft N Liberty Q FOR SALE: Fountain and Sandwich Bar, complete with stock, lease, equipment on Highway 97, seats 19. P. O. Box 171, Redmond. Oregon. n87 COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and 2 burner with half grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' CANVAS PAINT to mats awnings, bug gies and lawn furniture look like new -'. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n95 THEY'RE HERE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New lender skirts. 1890 So. 12th. n88 FARMERS, ATTENTION: Westlnghouse auto, electric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. o90 TELEPHONE & Intercom m. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty GOOD WOOD furnace, with all pipes, S35. Also good wood circulator healer. Ph. 7183. nfll ELECTRIC AND mechanical door chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 285 N. Liberty 096' FERTILIZER, tl sack; $5 per yard, 8 yds $25. Dial- O, call 68F22. Phillips Bros. Rt. 6, Box 118. Salem. n87 ELECTRIC floor polishers, Ideal for home or store. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nl06 OAK DINING ROOM table and four chairs, also all-steel welded trailer chasls. 650 Norman Avenue. p87 LOOM WIRE, 12-2 and 14-2. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ORGANIC FERTILIZER Very good for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere in Salem. 6 sacks $5.00 1 ton $10.00 Phone 8127 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY FRUIT JUICERS and can openers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty nBo' ELECTROLUX cleaner St air purifier. Now available. Complete with all attach ments. $69.75 Home demonstration tiv en. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. nlOS1 ..FANS, pedestal and table models for homes, canneries, garages, lodge halls. onices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 0107' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS YOUNG LADY to share apt., 640 Cheme keta St., Apt 5, between 5 and 7 p.m. na88 WHEEL TRAILER. Suitable for haul ing boat. Ph. 7840. natfH- WANTED TO BUY Good used ift ft. leg bath tub. Write L. w. Pruett, n. it. a. Box 91, Salem, Oregon. na87 WANTED: Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Kellcy. Ph. 23156. naat- USED FURNITURE. Phona 9185 PERSONAL WILL PARTY who called at Mrs. Oak man's Easter morn, regarding property on Bellcrest Rd., please contact her at once. Deal did not go through. P88 PROFESSIONAL ADVISER. Well known by former name "Martin."' Aputs. dally, 1 p.m. to 0 p.m. 1271 Che meketa St. , p89 READING, .know the truth, 2361 State. P89 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. Box 724. p270 AUTOMOBILES WANTED: BEST late model Chev. Tudor sedan $1000 will buy. Write Box 353, CapltaF Journal. o8fl 34 PLYMOUTH. $150.00. 606 S. Church. Phone 7370. . Q89 '41 DE SOTO, private. Call after 5 p. m. 1078 Highland. c.8a 1017 STUDEBAKER, 4 dr. Regal Deluxe, 4000 miles. Fully equipped. 657 No. 20th. q87 11)36 FORD Cpe., new motor, battery and generator, good body and tires, $800. Phono 8054, Q.89- 1B35 TERRA PLANE, A-l coiid., new rings, pistons, vnlves, tires, bearings. Reason able, 825 Madison after 2 p. m. qB9 lDHft OLDSMOK1LE Sedan as Is, 1175.00. Rt. 6, Box 297. Call Sunday only. q88 '48 W11IZZER Motor Bike, perfect cond., 1370 14 Ferry street, after 6:30 p. m. q8! CHEV. COACH, 17 in. tires, runs good, 1195. 630 Norman Ave. E of State hos pital. q8B TO TRADE 1936 4 dr. Master Deluxe Chev. sedan i'or 1937 or "38 li-ton pick up. A. R. Tartar, 3430 Garden Rd. Ph. 8410. qB9 HOLLYWOOD FORD convertible. New motor, dual carburetors, high compres sion head. Two-speed rear-end, new tires, new lacquer pain job. Lots ex tras. S1S50. Ph. Aumsvlile 724. or in quire Roberts Service Station In Aums vlile. qB8 FOR SALE: Ford Truck. Good condition. 2300. Small camping trailer, sleeps 2, 3100. Ph. 22504. Ray Salter. Rt. 6, Box 348. 0.88 SMALL trailer house, 2227 Hyde St. q8B 1040 FORD dump truck, new Mercury mo tor, 90 rubber, reasonable price. L. F. Marshall, Woodburn, Ore. 444 Young St. Ph. Main 194. q88 '83 TUDOR FORD, good shape, see for yourself, George Ely, Valley Motor wash rack. q88 1030 "10DEL A Tudor, in good condition. 630 N. 20th, see between 5 and 8 p.m. FOR SALE OR TRADE for late model car, 1940 International, ton and half truck, long wheel base, 8:25 tires, two-speed axle. Arnold Phillips, Box 261, Turner, Oregon. ' q88 FOR SALE 1937 Plymouth. Exceptionally clean. Smooth running, original paint, tires practically new. Inquire at Shell Sta., Aumsvillc, Ore. q87 190 PLYMOUTH Conv. Excellent cond. Inquire Standard Slation, 595 Court, utter 10 p. m. q88 FOR SALE: '34 V-8 Sedan, '39 motor, 5 new tires St body fair. Price (285. Ken neth Crenshaw, 325 Park Ave. Car will be at Farm Labor Camp, care of Ernest Little. qB8 '36 FORD 2-dr. sedan, new '39 motor, brakes and battery. 1295. 1800 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS '34 V-8 TUDOR, seal beam lishts, new leather upholstery. $295. 1890 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS '3,1 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan, heater, $325, 1890 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS q.88 '35 STUDE 4 dr. sedan, good cond, new paint. J345. 1800 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS 088' A V-8 ROADSTER, all hopped UP, clocked at 114 m.p.h., J395. 1890 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS NEW INDIAN CHIEF Motorcycle, . $300, accesorles, only 5000 ml. Really a honey. 1890 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS 8 -FT. SLEEPING trailer, $185. It's a good one. 642 Edgewater St. Cabin 12. q87 FOR SALE: Small tractor, Chev. motor. 16 in. plow, power lift, 4 ft. tandem disc, 5 ft. steel roller. Phone 174W. Call evenings, not Sun. 884 7th St., Independence, Ore. . q88 '34 DESOTO 5-passcnser coupe, motor ov erhauled, heater. $375. 449 S. Cottage. q87 1041 Chrysler, Windsor, excellent cond. over-drive, radio, heater. 1937 riymouth, Tudor, as Is $450. WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 N. Commercial Ph. 7249 q87 '46 FOUR-DOOR, two-tone blue Hudson Super Six. A real buy at only $1800. 548 6th St., Woodburn. Phone Black 78. q87 1938 FORD 2-DOOR, new motor, good rubber, radio, 'heater, $775.00. 152 So. - Church St., Apt, 2, after 6 P. m. q87 HARLEY DAVIDSON, 74, motorcycle. Com pletely overhauled, $150. Phone 3542. q87 FOR SALE $350.00 6 cylinder, '33 Chryl. good tires, good, solid body, and good paint. Call at 12 noon, or after 5. 210 N. 12th St. q89 TRAILER HOUSE, 23-ft. Schult, exc. Fir Crest Trailer Park, 3910 N. River Rd. q88 NEW FENDER SKIRTS Inu dlate Delivery. Dick's Used Cars. 1890 SO. 12th. q88 BEFORE YOU SELL THAT CAR See TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY FOR BEST DEAL in town. Cash on the line. We will pay Top Prices for Clean Cars. Your KAISER -FRA2ER DEALER 355 N. Liberty qSS TRUCK 1942 G.M.C. 3 14 ton. 10 Wheel Metal box type bed. 12'x7' inside. Has connections and pivot for conversion to dump truck. New brakes with vacuum boast. Excellent condition. Leaving state. Must sell Immediately. Ph. 2424. 1385 Plaza, West Salem. Cor. Plaza St Rose mont. qS7 WANTED YOUR CAR foi cash. Will pay more tor late clean models. Bee us now. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St. q97' MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES - SERVICE - PARTS AD makes used motorcycles bought old repaired SHROCK MOTOR CO P&one 8602 - Salem AUTO PAINTING. PH. 4010 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO.. 725 N, COM'L CS5 HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates - overhauling oodj and fender repair painting. -Give Shrook a try and you'll know why," SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8503 aaiem FINANCIAL WE LIKE to make Iiavh WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan requests, because making loans of $25 to $250 or more Is our ONLY business. Phone or visit Personal Finance Co.. You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" In Just i-visit uan toaay. 518 State St., Rm. 125, Salem 3191 ' E. Qallinger, Mgr. Lie.. 8. 122 M. 165 rl05 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST S to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chi!rK Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9 Journal Want Aub ru, FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans Farm City New Construction 414 A. N. Duncan 12-14 Ladd St Bush Bank Bids. Phone 9658 FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on Improved real estate, Salem and vlctn lty, amounts 8500 to $5000, NET In vestors 5 pet. interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and Interest payments made by ui without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 S. High Bt. $ MONEY S REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Lie S-216 M-222 153 S High St. r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDQ License No. M-159. S-184 MONEY FOR BVERY PURPOSE IF YOU are capable of building 10 to 100 bouses Salem or vicinity during 1047 and need financial assistance. Contact Us. We are also Interested to financing one or two large apartment bouse units. STATE FINANCE CO Lto 6216M222 153 8. High St. Ph. 4121 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS S-138 and M-338 and ROY H. SIMMONS 0NSURANCK AND LOANS 136 S Commercial St Tel 9168 FARM AND CITY LOANS Vh and 6 SOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO, 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph 7162. r TRANSPORTATION WANTED 3 riders to Hot Springs, S. Dakota. Write D. B. Reeves, Donald. Ore.. , X8S DRIVING TO ILLINOIS April 24. Will lake one pass., share gas and oil. Refs. Phone 2-4423 eves. x87 Directory ACCOUNTANTS APPLIANCE REPAIRS ACCOUNTING EXPERT BEND IX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Center Ph. 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 5161 Brake St Wheel aligning specialist. olOl AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 7838 Night, 24417 333 Center. BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth lor brush. Virgil Huskey, 3U& tairview Ave. Phone 23146, Salem. ol08 GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 25379. CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENSLEY, 771 b. nisi si. rn. li"(o. giu.j- CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph 4071. Ooa CONTRACTING GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Harry Hill. Ph. 7641. oioo- DECORATING DECORATING St general repair. Ph. 5522. 0103" DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. oiuir EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery Ph. 7000. 17i N. High. QB8- DIGGING A LEVELING DIGGING, Basements, Ditches, Leveling Fill Dirt. PECO, Pacific Excavating Com pany. Salem Oregon. Phone 9456 or R793. "89 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, buttons St buckles, covered, altera lions. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. 093 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH, MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. Lee Cross. 1260 N. nth ol02 PEMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 1980 E. 12th. Ph 23346. 098 BREITHAUPT'S for flowers. Dial B195 o' FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3672 O rURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros., 4020 E. state. Ph. 21233. 0153 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling. Arthur McClellan. pnone oiuy HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free del. 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. oioi' HOUSEPAINT1NG !. HORN. Good work. Free estimates. Ph. 6313. 1235 S. 19th. 096 LANDSCAPING LAWNS, planting, landscape plans. Ar- LEVELING Si DOZING JOHNSON St BRIGGS. Grading Sts. St Roads. Phone 8035 Salem. 097 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H. HAUSER. 925 Saginaw. P. 7828 O107 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. OlOS' SALES. MOVING St Delivery Service Phone 7665. Insured Carrier. o9E MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar, Mandc lin, banjo, etc 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. 096' OIL CIRCULATORS OIL BURNER Sales and Service. Wm. C. Drew. Phone 5395. olll OIL CIRCULATORS. 24 hr. service. Parti available. Phone 6072. 098' PAINTING AND PAPERIIANG1NG. Free estimate. Ph 9513 857 Shipping. o83' painting' a p ape itn a n g in g JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PATERHANGING EXTERT PAPER HANGING. H- J. Wood- worth. Phone 3015. O-10B PLOWING-AND DISCING GARDEN PLOWING and discing In N Salem or Keizer. Ph. 22160. olOO PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry TravUs 1029 Highland Ave Ph. 8601. o87 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads, envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery. Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 162 S. Liberty St. 7490. olOl SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SILT and gravel. Basis y St Mey er. Ph. 3046 or 22160. 088 GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel ft dragline excavating Walllna Sand b Qrav4, Co Phone Bsoi SEPTIC TANKS ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate. Proi it service. Ph. 5327 6r 9468. ol07 MIKE'S Cesspool it Septic Service, mou rrn equipment 1072 Elm St.. W. Salem. Ph. 9463 or 5327. ' OlOl' . t F RAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned. 1 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. ollS Market Quotations Portland Eastside Market Small lots of best radishes Drought hd puts a dozrn bunches on Portland's Eastside Farmers' Wholesale Produce market today. General price range was to 75 cents a dozen Duncnes. No. 1 cauliflower sold at 12.50 a crate with No. 2 and combination packs sell ing from $1.25 down. Carrots went for around w.uu an or- anne box and 80-85 cents a lug. Green onions moved at 35-45 cents a dozen bunches with most lots selling at u cents. Spinach brought 75 cents an orange ix. Good cabbage sold around $2.50 a crate. Portland Produce CxrDanie Butterfat Tentative (subject to imme diate change) Premium quality maximum Portland 75-76c: first quality 70-B0c lb.; second quality 75-76c valley routes and ountry points 2o less than nrst, or 11- 78c. Butter Wholesale t.o b. bulk, ea id cubes, AA, 93 score, 66-67C1. A. 92 score. 0-71c: B, 90 score. 65-bec; u. u score, 68c. Cheeia Selling price to fortiano wholesalers: Oregon singles 42-49c; Ore gon loaf, 42-52c; triplets, 391A-50iC. Egg To wholesalers: A grace iktkk 48,--501,iC; medium. 44'-i-46c; small, (pulbt) 41,.6-42'Aci B grade large 42Vi- 44iC Kits Purchases irom tarmers: current receipts 37-4lc, buyers pay 3-3',30 doz. below wholesale quotations on graaeu basis for best hennery eggs Portland Dairy Markcv Batter Prices to retailers: Grade AA carton, 71cs AA prints. 70ci A prints. 2; A cartons. 71c; B prints, fiuc: one-fourth pound cubes, Vi cent higher. E:es Prices to retailers, AA extra large. 56c: AA large (certified) 54-55c; A large, 49-50c; AA medium. 50c: A mediums, 45- 46c; A small, 42c dozen; carton, 3 'ic additional. Cheese Prices to retailers Portland: Oregon singles. 43-54c lb.; Oregon loaf. 46-56c; triplets. 42-3c Poultry: Live Chickens Paying price to produ cers: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs., 30c lb.; fryers, 1 U 3 lbs., 30c lb.; 3 to 4 lbs., 34-35c lb.: roasters, 4 lbs. and over, 34-35c lb.; fowl. Leghorn, under 3' lbs., 19-20c lb.; over 3'i lbs., 24c lb.; fowl, colored, all wts., 32-34c lb. R a bblti Average to retailers 4B-600 id; dre.ued prices to producers 43c. try or a live white 20-24o lb.: colored. 17-2tc lb Vegetables: Artichokes Cal., 4 and 5 doz., S3. 50. Asparagus Cal. smnlls, $3.50-4.00 box; Cal. Cent. dist. No. 1, mediums, 13-15c lb.; Ynklma, medium, 14-15c; small, $4.25. Cal. Cent, dist., No. 1, mediums, $4.00 4.25. Beets Cal., bunches, $1.23-1.40 doz. Brussei Sprouts $2-2. 2a Cabbage Round tieaa. 80 lb crates small $2.50-75: California crates. $3-3.75; red 10-15c lb. California No. 1, $4.00-4.50; kraut. $1.65-1.75; red, Calif., $.5.00-5.50; Track sale, Calif., round head. $2.80-3.00 crate; local. 80 lb. crate, small, up to $4 for best. Truck sales, Calif., $3.70. Carrots Bunched, cam.. G doz.. 54,00- 4,25: track sales, Cal., 6 doz., $3.65-3.85. Truck sales, 6 doz., $4.00. Cauliflower cam., trim me a sta. crate. J2. 65-3.00. Celery Heart material, 4-6 doz., $4.50- 5.00. -Pascal, crates, $5.50-75; sturdy crates, $6.25-8.75. Best, $5.00, fair, $5-5.25 crate. Track sales, std. crate, fair, $3.50 75, Cucumbers California hothouse, lugs, $9-9.50; local hothouse, $10-12; 30-35c lb. Garlic Oregon whlto 2o-30o lb.: Calil. 28-30O lb. Lettuce Calif.. 4 doz.. $4.25-4.75. Truck sales, Calif. Delano, $4.00-4.25. Dried Onions Oregon yellows, No. 1 and larger. $2.35-2.50; mediums. $1.50-1.75; truck sale, mediums, $1.60; Leek, local, i-9 00 doz. Egg Plant 22-250 Green Onions Local. 75-80c doz. bun Local, mid-Columbia, 40-50C. rarsiey cam., ia. -s.su, 10 doz. ouncnes Parsnips Local. $1.00-1.25 lug. peas Calif . 20 lb. crate. $3.50-3.75; loose. 12li-15c lb. Cnllf.. 28-30 lb. crates, J2. 40-3.00. Edison dist., Calif., 28 lb. hamper. $2.75; 50 lb. crates, $4,50- 4.75. enpers Mexico. 45 lb. $11.00-12.50; Track sales, $11.00; 100 sc 19-20o lb.' Calif., 45 lb $7-7.50; loose, 23-25c. Polatoes Russets No. 1 per cwt., 13.75- 4.00; baker size, $4.50-4.70; No. 2s, $3.10 3.25; To. 2 A, 25 lbs., $1.00-1.05; 15 lbs. 60-65c; Deschutes No. 2s, 50 lbs., Sl.a 1.30; Baker, Ore., Russets, No. 1, $3.50- 3.60: new crop. Bliss Triumphs, 50 lbs., size A, $3.65-3.75; size B, track sales, Fla., Bliss Triumphs, size A, 50 lb. sks., $3.05; old crop, No. 3. 50 lbs., $1.00: baker No. 1, $3.00-3.10 cwt. Shatters, J2.90-3.00. Radishes Local, 85-90c doz. Rutabagas- -II 15-1.25 lug Spinach Local, mid-Columbia, 75C-S1.00 a 20 lb. box, few higher. Squasb Danisn iugh l -1 IS; oranue boxes .$2.50-2 75: Hubbard, Marblehead, DIRECTOR SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented Cash paid for machines, regardless oi condition Ph 7671 or write W Daven port, 1930 North 18th. Work Guar, O-90 SPRAYING SPRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. olOO COMPLETE spray service. Trees St weeds Modern equipment. Aerosol generator Conrcntronal sprayer. Philip W. Blelks Phone 21208 097 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points Larmer Transfer St Storage Ph. 3131. o VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACUT"! CLEANER owners, wt will service your Hoover cleaner com plete for (2.60 plui, part If required Hogg Bros, Ph 9149 0' WEATHER STRIPPING WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph 5600. " 0108" WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe, Rt. 8, Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 25198. O108 J. A. SNKED SONS. Well drilling 2505 Brooks St., Salem. Phone 6809. ol27 CLEMENT BROS., well drillers. Rt 1 Gervais, Ore Ph. 2-4378. o89 WINDOW CLEANING ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walls St woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed St polished Ph 3337 tot Court uangdoc Culhertsnn and Mathrr WINDOW cleaning house dinning, floor waxing, aalem Window Service. 21342. PROFESSIONAL CLEAN IN O SERVICB Phone 4467 o ELECTRIC WIRING No delay. Material available. Phone 9740. ol08 WOOD SAWING LEGAL " NOTICE OFPrnLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that the Coi mon Council of the City of Salem, at the meeting of said Council to be held at the City Hall. In Salem. Marion Ci ty, Oregon, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. on April IB. 1947. will hear an persons particu larly Interested and the general public In the matter of the petition and pro posal to change from a Class 1 Residen tial District to a Class III Business Dis trict, the following described premises, to wlt: That part of Block" 3, Enslewood Addi tion to the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, as described in Deed record ed In Volume 342, page 602, and Icd recorded in Volume 321, page 402, Deed Records for Marion County, Orezon. By order of the Common Council. Alfred Mundt. City Recorder. 68 LODGES I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday night. Third Degree. Visitors wel Dance. Fraternal Order or Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pm More than a million members A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.M. M.M. degree v April 11, 7 p.m. A.F. & Friday, 87 6-7o lb.; Calif., banana. 6-6 ',ic lb. I Calif. Zucchini, $4.25-4.50 a 20 ID. tug. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey, 10 id. oasket. $5-5,25: uaui.. iiOuiiau u w.i 7S Texas 14.00-4.15. Tomatoes Mexican. repncea. $6.50-6.75: 20 tubs. $4-4.20. Track sales. lues. $5.65-5.75; 12 10- tuos, j.uu-o.io. Truck sales, Mexican. $5 50. Turnips Bunches. $1.10-2S 00a. ouncne Pni.lt Prnltl Arjolea Oregon delicious, t. f.. $4-4.25 box; choice $3 75-na; urueys. w. uu r comb, grade. $3 15-25; Newtons t and- L. $1.75-2; w ano p $4-4.25. Red Delicious, w and p. up to $5.50: Wlnesaps w St o. (i mi., nn Hnnrt River, w. and P.. $4.50-75 Avocados California reurws. amc nnH in 14 25.4 .35. Ranannn Bunched. 13 2S-3 .im " hands, $12.00-13 50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 24, 8 oz Ps. .ao-i. mpfpiilt Tpxas oinks. 70'5-90's, $4.75- 5.75: small. (4.00-4.35. Marsh seedless, fi0's-90's, $3.00-3.35: Ariz white, $2.50-2.85. Ruby red, all sizes. $5.50-5. 75. Lemons Calif., 300-soU'S, if.uu-i.". 432 s. 15.00-5.35. Limes -California 15 uds oi o um 7"i.i on Oranxes Cfllirornia naveis. amp u iDFI,nr tfi nn.fl is: 32fl-252,5. 14.75-5.50: 252 s 'and smaller, $5.40-5.60: 260's and nailer, S4.90-5.10. Pears D'AnJou, $4.75-85, wrapped and packed; oose $3.25: Bose. loose, u.is-a. Ynklma. $3-3 25 Persimmon Calll lugs, w.aa-a.ou Plnrapptrs Cuban, 24-30. down to $6.75. ith.ii.nrhF.xt.rii fancv. (2.50-2.65: fancy nn.in: hniPB n.75-80. few hidh as (2.00: Sumner. Wash., hothouse. 15e lb., local field grown. (1.00-1. is i id. dox. Quince Locnl 2i-5o X pnkiri VoerinhlcN (Jpllonhanf wrapped a dozen: Broccoli 12 o.. $1.75-1.85: spin ach. 24 12-nz 12-2.25; brussell sprouts Q-07.. $2.20-35. Carllo Clevei 20 l-oi paexases u w 1.75 rti-ffi(t Miai? Vcnl Heavy ton quality S5-36c: top riu an ty lieht. 32-34C id.; u. aa-aoc: 24c; cull, 18-20c lb. line - HinrK Butchers packer style 125-1C0 lbs 37-38r: over 313 lbs.. 36-37c sows, all wrights. 30-34c lb. Lambs -AA. 3B-1UC! A 3(-aaci a, ai-ooc C. 28-30C Mutton 10-l5e ra. aecorntng io quhh onrt welcht n.fTiPt. miftlltv 32-34c: B. 25-26c: O, 22-24c: canner and cutter, 18-19c; bo- ogna ouiis zb-vec Wool Cascara Ba rkt Casrara nnrk Green 8-84c: dry 20c Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 45c lb Mohair 40e Ih on 12-month growtn, Hides Green beef. 12-13c; calves, 43c lb. KIp hides 23c. Rendered Inedible rail 130 id The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are P O B shipping points Deliverer! enstern price is generally cents higher than P O Jt plant quota tions Clilrapro Grain Chicago, April 11 (l),m Cns:: grain sales Wheat: Nominally higher; no sales. Corn: Unclianned to one cent higher: mixed 187: 2 yellow ia7i-lB8: 3 yel w 183'-:--187: 4 yellow 177' -i-tflG 5 yel low 16Gi-n5'i: 5 White 168 Va. Oats: Up 1 '.i to two cents; 1 While heavy 101; 2 whlto !)9H-99',4. Chieapro I.lvcstcnk Chicano. April 11 (USDA1 SBlabir hoss 4000. total 5500: general trade on weights 260 nnumls and down 35-50 cents lower than Thursday's average; over 260 nounds unevenly 25 .to 75 cents lower op 2fi.no; goon ana cnoice lmi-aou jos 25.25-28. 00: 260-300 ID 24.tMl-Za.ijU; 3UU 380 lb 23.25-24.25; sows unevenly weak to so rents or more lower: most good and hoicc sows 20.75-21.25; choice light sows pnringly 22.00. Salable cattle 1000: total 1000: salable calves 300, total 300; meager week-end supplies of steers and heifers steady with week s l.oo downturn; cows more active than Thursday, predominating in re ceipts; bulls 25-50 cents lower than early Thursday; vcalers weak at 23.00 down; choice 1175 lb steers topped 25.50; strict ly cood yearlings 23.50-; most medium to good steers and yearlings 20.00-22.75: cut ter cows to 13.00; most beef cows 13.50 16.00; heavy sausage bulls dropped to 16.75. Salable sheep 500, total 500: woolcri slaughter In nibs about steady: load good to low -choice holdover woolskins 22.50; deck, or 30 medium to good 21.50-22.00; other classes scarce, quotable nominally steady. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., April 11 (JP) Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain unquoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2,32; soft white (excluding rex) 2.33; white club 2.33; western red 2.33. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.33: 10 per cent 2.37; 11 percent 2.43; 12 percent 2.49. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 2.33; 11 percent 2.39; 12 percent 2.45. Today's . car receipts: Wheat 99; barley 6; flour 1; corn 16; millfecd 4. Portland Livestock: Portland, Ore., April 11 (UW Livestock: Cattle salable 65; calves 10. Supply In cludes two mixed loads which arc to be held until Monday; offering limited to cows and heifers. Demand broad; early sales strong: instances 25 to 50 cents high er than Wednesday. Common to me dium heifers 14.00-10.00; manner und cutter cows 10.50-13.00; fat dairy type cows 14.00-15.00; bulls scarce; good to choice vcalers salable 23,00-26.00 cx Lrcmo top Thursday 28.00. Hogs salable 25. Market active, steady. Good to choice 200-220- lb butchers 26.00; 270-down to 26.50; 330-345 lb sows 24.00. Choice light feeder pigs In large lots quotable 30.50. Sheep salable none; market nominal: undertone weak. Week's supply woolcd lambs 20.15-21.15. Shorn lambs scarce this week. Good to choice wooled ewer 8.50-9.50. Bhorn 7.00-down. Salem Markets Completed trom reports oi Salem dealers for the guidance ol Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Prtrei Raltblt Feeds Pellets, 14.25 cwt. Kkk Mash $4.75 cwt. Dairy Feed $3.00 cwt. poultry Heavy colored hens, No. 1 34c lb.; No. 3, 30c; colored Irycn, No. 1, 33c lb Ens Buyers' Prices White and Brown extrn large urade A 47c; mcd., 42c; standards, 38c dozen, pullets 30c, crax, 30c, Whole. Mi Price Larue 47c dozen, mcd 42c dozen. Butler Wholesale A, 70c. Retail Grade A, 75c. Bultrrfnt Premium, 74c; No. 1, 73c; No. 2. 60c. Law Digest Bill Killed by Snell Gov. Earl Snoll today vetoed a bill authorizing the state of Oregon to purchase 8n sets of a complete digest of Oregon laws and supreme court deci sions. The governor said there was a "lack of necessity for this legislation." He said it would require $11,000 for which no appropriation had been provid ed, and pointed out that no dis position or method of distribut ing the digests had been pro vided in the measure. The bill had been backed by the joint judiciary and revi sion of laws committees. TRY THIS EASY, ECONOMICAL WAY TO MORE ATTRACTIVE HAIR For ncher-Umkmg, more lustrous hair, massaRC aalp with Cuticura Ointment to stimulate circulation and loosen dandruff. Later, sham poo with Cuticura Soap. Today at druggista nuy fra tyrant, mildly medicated Cuticura. Stocks Decline 1 Up to 2 Points New York, April 11 (P) Late selling hit most stock market leaders today after an early feeble attempt at an upswing failed to get anywhere in partic ular. Initial plus marks were erased or converted into losses of as much as 2 points or so. Trans fers were in the neighborhood of 800,000 shares. Libby McNeill was up a shade in the wake of a pleasing dividend. Pacific Western Oil improved, along with Fajardo augar, United An Lines, Dow Chemical, Eastern Air Lines and American Airlines. Casualties included U.S. Steel, Bethlehem, Youngstown Sheet, Chrysler, General Motors, Good rich, Montgomery Ward, Cater pillar Tractor, American Tele phone, Norfolk & Western, Santa Fe, Great Northern Rail way, Baltimore & Ohio, North American, Anaconda, American Can, U.S. Gypsum and Ameri can Woolen. Another ONG Unit Reactivated Reactivated Thursday night in Portland was another Oreaon national guard unit, the o 1 d headquarters and headquarters battery, second battalion, 218th field artillery regiment, which on being reactivated became the headquarters and headquarters battery, 218th field artillery bat talion. Battalion commander is Lt. Col. Ernest C. . Austin of Portland and commanding the battery and serving as commu nications officer for the battalion is Capt. Howard C. Sanders of Portland. Capt. Howard Mag nuson of Portland is the intelli gence, S-2 officer for headquar ters and headquarters battery; First Lt. Clairmont D. Feagins, intelligence, assistance assistant S-2; Chief Warrant Officer Ed ward M. Soule, military person nel officer; and First Lt. Win ston L. May, pilot, ground forces Driver Blamed For Fatal Crash Seattle, April 11 U.R A cor oner's jury yesterday laid the blame for the bus tragedy south of here Monday night on negli gent driving by Talfred Smi thee, driver of an oil truck which swerved into the path of a North Coast lines bus. Smithee was killed when the bus ploughed into the truck and eight bus passengers were drowned when the heavy ve hicle careened out of control and plunged into the Duwam ish river. Eyewitnesses u n a n i mously cleared Bus Driver Melvin Long of blame although Long him self testified he took his eyes off the road momentarily to look into his rear vision mirror. When he looked on the road again, he said, the truck was 50 feet ahead and blocking both traffic lanes. Low Wheat Stocks Bring Strong Trading Chicago, April 11 UP) An ag riculture department report showing farm stocks o wheat at the lowest level since 1938 created aggressive buying of the May bread cereal future on the boar dof trade today. At one time May wheat soar ed 10 cents, the daily limit. Wheat closed 1 V4 lower to 2V4 higher, May $2.58-2.59 'M, corn was 2 Vt to 3 cents lower, May $1.76V4-1.75Vi, and oats Va to 1 cent lower, May 88. Church Society Meets Falls City The Missionary society of the Free Methodist church met at the home of Mrs George Page, with the business in charge of the president, Mrs Stanley Walker. Devotionals were led by Mrs. Roack, and Miss Alice Johnson was in charge of the Bible study. HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Fissure Fistula Hemorrhoids Prolapso Itching and other Rectal disorders are corrected. No Hospitalization Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Proctologist 218 N. Liberty St Salem, Oregon Why Suffer Any Longer WTieo other fall, ast our Chines -era-idles. Amkilni tucceai for 6000 yeari in China No matter with what ail ments rout art afnieied disorder inualtls- heart, innis, liver, kidney gag. constipation, ulsera. dlaoetea, rheumanum, call and ol&ddnr favr. akin feniAle complaint CHARLIE CHAN CHINRSK HE KB CO OfMe flonra 9 U Tot, and Bat. tnry UU N. CommeralM. Phona 110, SAL EM. ORK. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, April 11, 1947 15 New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press! New York Si- Closing quotations today Allied Chern St Dye 174'k erlcan Can 92?i Am Pawer St Llich; 13 Amor Xci St Tel 164ai naconda Copper 38'i Atchison . . Bendla Aviation 32'. Bethlehem Steel 881 Boeing Aircraft isp; California Pncklng 27 Canadian Pacific u 74 J I Case ' t 35 ' Chrysler Corp ".!..!!!!! 02'4 Commonwealth A Bout 31 Consolidated Edlsor 27 Consolidated Vulter .... inn Continental Insurance . Crown Zeileruach ... .. 51 Curtiss Wrisht " 5i- D telas Aircraft m ' Dupom Cfe Nemou"! , t General Electrlo t ' Oeneral .foods ' General Motor? .1R4-; . 34 .41; Goodyear Tire Great Northern pfd 4pa International Harvester B2; Int Papei pld Johns ManvlUe 125 Kennecott 447i Long Bell A 16v Maytag ,,!!'.!"!" 10 Miami Copper 16'i Montgomery War1 53 1 Nash Kelvtnato' ig National Dairy N Y Central ............ 18 North Am Co 26-Si Northern PaciflO' , . 17 Pao Amer Fish ll'i Pacillo Gas Eleo 351 Pacific T A T Pan American .'.', '!!'!" ! 13'i Penney J O !'! !""!" 4'ITi Radio Corp 8'i Rayonier ."..'...'."...'.'. 22li t'ayoulcr Pfd 37 Reynolds Metals 30 Richfield ; Safeway 22 1 i Sears Roebuck 3 Sinclair Oil w Southern Pacific .'.'!!"!!!!!! 39 Standard Brand.- 33'i Standard Oil Call' sn1. Stewart Warnei 17 SiudcbaKer 20 Sun Minlnj hi- Union OH on?' Union Pacific i-i United Airlines 26'i United Aircraft .. n. United States Steel . dDni Warner rfrothcr? IS1 West Elec Mrs Co 24,.i Woolworth 47 Missionaries at Alliance Church Sunday night will mark the finish of the annual missionary convention of the Christian Mis sionary Alliance. Miss Evelyn Prince from Columbia, Rev. R. G. Burnett from Ecuador and E, F. Irwin from French Indo China have been the returned mission aries speaking and showing pic tures of their respcitve coun tries from night to night. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 the I Alliance church, located on I North 5th at Gaines street, will be set for a very unusual scene in a great missionary rally. At least six returned missionaries in native costume with others will appear on the platform. This is an interdenominational assem bly of missionaries from all the continents of the world. Markers Briefed (By Uip United Pleas) Stocks lower in quiet trading. Bonds lower; U. S. govern ments did not trade. Curb stocks lower. Silver 'unchanged in New York at 76 cents a fine ounce. Wheat futures closed up 2Vi cents to off 1 cents. Hogs lower, cattle and sheep steady. Obituary Francis Boyken Powell Lebanon Francis Boykrn Powell, HO, grandson ol the pioneer circuit rider, Jonb Powell, died in Lacomb on April 10, leavintr six .sons, two daughters, 22 urandchlldren and 30 great ftrandchl! drrn. He was born at Lncomb, Sept. 7, 18.ri6 and sprnt his entire life In Linn county. Services will be held Sntnrday at the H-we-lIuston chapel In Lebanon and burial will be In the Providence ceme tery near the last resting of Joab Powell who founded the Providence church. His surviving sons are Ora and Ivan of La- THIS ATTRACTIVE in very desirable location. 2 bd. rms., Iiv. rm., din. rm., I, kit., bath. Attached garage. Stairway to unfinished !' attic. This i a Buy at $1 1 ,000 : T. A. Bergland j Ph. REAL ESTATE Res. ! 2-1073 3205 Portland Road 6438 I Bp ciatAit 7 TRIANGLE CHICK STARTER See Your Triangle Dealer comb, Henry of Scio, ELirler of Monroe, Clnrcnce of Salem and Carl of Sweet Home: daughters, Mrs, LllllB Clark and Mrs. Effle Jennings ol Lauomb, Georie Moberr stayton Funeral services for Georit Mobera. 69, who waa killed while work ins near Mill City, March 28, will b held at the Weddte Funeral home Sat urday, April 12, at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Buckner officiating. Interment will be in the Lone Oak cemetery. Fellow workmca will serve as pallbearers. Christopher Columbus Howell Silverion Christopher Columbus How II. 11. died Thursday afternoon at the Silverton hospital. He was born In Mid dleton, Tcim., November 12, 1875. For 20 years he lived in Phoenix, Ariz., as a highway construction engineer. The last three years he has uvea in Oregon. year at Buttevllle and two years In Sil verton. He was married In l38 to MarT Etta Taylor. Mr. Howell was an actlva member of the Modern Woodmen of American and was a Melons member of the Baptist church. He Is survived by his widow; by four sons, C. C. Howell, Raymond Howell and Burley Howell, all ol Silverton, and Hugh Howell of Phoe nix; by six grandchildren, and a sister who lives in Texas. The funeral will ba held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the memorial chapel of the Ekman Fun eral home, with Rev. B. F. Brownlnu of ficiating" and Interment in Silverton cem etery. Frederick Arthur (larlie Aumsvlile Funeral servicos for Freder ick Arthur Garbe, 72, who died Thurs day in the General hospital In Salem, will be held tn the Weridle Funeral homo In Stayton at 2 p.m. Monday. Mr. Garbe was born Auttust 28, 1874 in Terre Haute, Tnd., and moved to Aumsvlile In 188!). He is survived by his wife, Grace Ellen; two da ue liters, Tressa and LaVeta Mae: seven foster children, Ralph Edwin of Aumsvlile; Virginia McOowan of Vancou ver. Wash., Patricia McDonald and Wil liam P. Jones both of Westport, Wash.; Merle T. Jones, Woodburn: Kenneth A. and James B. Hardin, both ot Portland and one sister, Mrs. M. A. Wrisht ot Aumsvlile. Births Silverton To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gaub of Silverton, Rt. 1. Box 107, a seven pound 14 ounce son, late Monday evening April 7. at Salem Deaconess hospital. The new arrival has a two-year-old sister, Katherlne Mac, Cook To Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cook, 2-t!)2 Prosprct lane, a son, Melvin Bruce, Mar. 29. Boyd To Mr. and Mrs, Dale L. Boyd, route 2, a daiiKhtcr, Daleen Uae. Mar. 30. Eycrly To Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Eyerly, 2741 River road, a son, Lynne Russell, Mnr. 31. Fred ricks onTo Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Fredrickson, Htahway ave., a son, James William. Mar. 31. Shelton To Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Shelton, route 1, Sclo, a daughter, Cherrl Rne, Apr. 1. While To Mr. and Mrs. Clorrt B. Wl gle, Gervals, a son, Kenton James, Apr. 1, neath Mrs. Sophia Cedar Mrs. Sophia Cedar, late resident of 34!U Trade street, at a local hospital, Prldav. April 11. Mother of Alma. C. Prifer ot Salem and C. W. Cedar of Chicago, and sister of Mrs. Annie Your slon of St. Paul. Minn. Also survived by five Rrnnclchlldren in Chicago. Ship ment Is beliiR made to Yakima. Wash., by Clounh-Barrlck company for services and Interment. Mrs. Clara llnrppr Mrs. Clara E. Harper, at the residence, 1544 Ferry street, Friday, April 4. Sur viving arc a daughter, Miss Hazel Harper of Salem, and a son, Chester Harper of Molnlla: 12 gramlehlldren, several ureat grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Services will be held Saturday. April V2, nt 1:30 p.m. at the Cloiiih-Barrlck cha pel with Rev. Dudley Strain olficlrttini. Interment In the Scotts Mills Cemetery. Tlllie Him sen Tllllc Hansen, late j;nsldenr of Talbot, Ore., at a locnl hospfTl. April 8. at tha arre of 2R yrurs. P'irvived by her hur-b-nd, Milton H"nsnn nf Talbot; two Rons, Me'vln .Tunics Hi-men Bin' Clinton Allen Harden, both of T.-.lbut; -an Infant daughter; pnr enl.s. Mr. and Mrs Tom Ttiin of Mstellme, So. n-t--'-. - '-.ters, Mrs, Jn'o p- -man of Estelline, So. Dak., Mrs. Alvin Hrn.sen of Hiytl, So. Dak., Mr,. D:n Knutson or Vfi:pn, So. Dnk., Mrs. H' V Leilhlad of Spokane, Wash., and s Henrietta Tuln and Miss Adeline Tuin, both ot Seattle, Wash.; and three broth ers, Hen Tuln and John Tuln, both of Estelline, So. Dnk.. and Ralph Tuln nt Honners Ferrv. Id;iho. Services will ho held at the Howell-Edwards chapel, Sat urday, April lli. at 10:30 a.m., with Rev. William Schwab, Rev. Herman Bohl and Kcv. Henry Turnidnn officiating. Inter ment in Belcrest Memorial park. Mrs Fern Mixnrs Mrs. Fern Moo res, late resident of Ncha 1cm, Oregon, at a local hospital April fi. Survived by a husband. Albert L. Moores of Nehalcm; a daughter, Miss Evelyn Maa Moorcs; a son Merrill L. Moore; a sis ter. Miss Hazel Harper of Salem: and a brother, Chester C. Harper ol Molalia, Orepon. Services will be held Saturday, April 12. at 1:30 p.m. at the Clotnth-Bar-rlck chapel with Rev. Dudley Strain of ficiating. Interment in the Silverton cemetery. Joshua Stewart Sawvrr Joshua Stewart Sawyer, formerly a resident of Snlem. In New York City, April 6. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Min nie P. Sawyer ol New York City; a son, Joshua S. Snwycr, Jr., of Lakevlcw, Ore Kon; a. daughter, Mrs. Irma Wells of Sa lem, and three grandchildren. Service! will be held at the Clough-Darrick cha pel, Monday, April 14, at 1:30 p.m. with Dr. Charles Durden officiating. HOME AND 5 ACRES