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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1947)
14 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES REIMANN REALTOR REIMANN DO YOU LIKE THE UNUSUAL? THIS HOME ot 2 large bedrooms has n very pleasant living room with large ' windows to the front lawn and to the ' rear lawn which Is rocked and tcr raced to the creek. A circulating lire place adds additional charm to the un usual gracious living room. Automatic " heat. Attached Karaite. $13,000. No. 204. AMONG THE FIRS A VERY pleasant 2 bedrooms. 6 room home located North. Very modern. One acre, small barn At chick, house. Make an offer. No. 255A. $7500 VERY NEAT 17500 I ROOMS, plastered, carpets wall to wall. Inlaid linoleum, good location, close to bus and school. No. 257. ARTISTIC ' A 4-ROOM, with fireplace, neat bath and kitchen, unusual yard. Vacant and clean. $7000. No. 259. ' 7 A. 4 Rm. house, garage, small barn, two chicken houses. Orchard and ber-! rles. $4950. No. 2G8. ONE-HALF ACRE, SOUTH LIVING ROOM, bedroom, kitchen, built-1 Ins, toilet and shower. (3750. No. 3. FURNISHED. MOVE RIGHT IN ONE BEDROOM, Karaite house. 2 lots In town, South. $3650. No. 6. $4o00 A t bedroom. large 4 room modrrn home, - large lot. Close to bus and school. No. j 241. 1 ALL ELECTRIC HOME 1 Built to livr in. Not to sell. A VERY complete 2 bedroom home, on a large lot, hardwood floors throughout. ; Full basement, large garage. Improved yard. $81)50. No. 248. $2000 DOWN -t BEDROOM, 4 rooms. Nrarly new. East - of Salem about ib A., good well. $7850. No. 254. $4800 AX OLDER but very livable 5 room home in the Kctzer district. May be hod furnished. Including piano, rlect. refri gerator, elect, range, washing mach., etc., at $5900 and Immediate possession. No. 215. $4150 ft BF.DROOM, larxe living room and kit chen, full bath, auto cas hot water. - No. 227. DRIVE 12 MILES AND HAVE a $12,000 home for $8750. 2 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, oak floors throughout. Very fine bath with shower In tub. it mud kitchen, large utility room. Attached garage. Large Improved yard. No. 239. O. I. Loans Secured F.II.A. REIMANN HEAL ESTATE 301 South High Phone 9203 n87' $500 DOWN. $40 MONTH GOOD 5 room unfinished house. ZU xt to city limits, Park Ave. between D St. " tt Market. No. 247. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 a87' OWNER LEAVING SALEM ULTRA MODERN Home, well located, close to Catholic School, spacious L.R., fireplace, D.R., 2 nice btdnns., laruc ' den, can be used as bcdriu., all floors ' carpeted, beautiful bath with separate ahower. A most convenient kitchen with glass brick for extra light. Completely finished bascmeuL with maid's rm., par ty rm., lunmce rm. (Gas Auto, heat, air conditioned). Utility rm., attached garage. Lawn sprinkling system, A very desirable and well planned home. Shown by appointment only. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 1'4793 a88 i:i,WMl. CLEAN, modern 4 B.R. home partly furnished. Englewood Dist. Hard wood floors, bahemrnt, furnace. Beau tiful yard St shrubs. Immediate pos session. f;i.0. CLEAN, modern 2 B.R. home close in East. Hardwood flours, unto, oil furnace. Auto, water heater. Wired for range. 2-car garage. HJAO. 1 lots and clean 1 B.R. home close in North. Venetian Blinds. Oil circula tor At cook stove go with place. Lois of fruit trees, berries, etc. Immediate possession. NEW Modern 2 B.R. home North. Attached garage. Hardwood floors, Ot) furnace. Large lot. Immediate posses sion. $0000. H A. and clean 9 B.R. home, close In North on bus line. Elect, water heater. Wired for range. Chicken house. Fruit trees. Call Stanley Brown with -; STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 Evenings 25561 a00' rifl.V). NEAT, attractive 2 B.R. home North, Has hdwd. floors, oil floor fur nace, attached ten rune , IflMlO. 4-RM. home East on N. 24th 61. Has targe lot, 2-car garnge. Elect, range & oil clr. goes wilh house. 4ilHH). fi-RM. home N. on small lot. 2-car garage. A very good homo for the money. 3!i50. LATE built 2 B.R. home S IE. Has attached garage. Auto, water htr. Jm , mediate possession. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 a89 N. CAPITOL ST. CREEK FRONTAGE Don't miss this home. 7 bdrms., com pie tt dble, plumb., auto-oll heat, large spnelous living quarters, beautifully decorated, car peted throughout downstairs, refriger ator At drapes go. dble. garage. Tins home can easily be adapted to apts. I Current income over $100. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Grabenhorsl. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS . 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 777: B87 BUSINESS PROPERTY BDRM. home located E. In No. 3 Bus. Zone. Lot 50x245 feet. Home could be converted Into ants, or duplex. Price $8050. Call Dale L. Shepherd, wilh GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Ph. 4131. Eves, 24457 aH7" N. 13TH ST. DUTCH COLONIAL home. 3 bdrms. , hwd. firs. throughout, fireplace, auio-oil , . heat. dble. garuur, close to State Hides., 4 apartment to rent. SEE THIS HOME. Call Richard E. Grnbenhorst, with , ORAUENHORST HUOS., REALTORS , 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2..0H9 a87' ' BRICK HOME t IF YOU really want sonirtlilng nice. ' don't neglect to see this strictly mod. 6 rm. brick home all on one fir., ' A. of ground, eoi, lot. 3 nice bdrms. A: Mnall den. Lrge. Iiv. rm., dm. rm., util ity rm.. covered pitlio leading from din. rm. Dble. garage attached, lllc bath. Price $17,000. 1 Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. with ' GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS ' -J.3?-.8, Llbl'I",.SI- I,h- 131- -508S DUPLEX OPPORTUNITIES . $10,480 IIUVS thin duplex homo nr. Senior , High Sch., Income H25 a mo. Addi , tlonnt lot can be bought. Don't mus , this! , l Aim BUYS Hits duplex located in , No. 3 Bus. Zone. Home in excel!, cond. j Jncome $00 a mo. Lot 50x142. , Call O. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. with , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS , 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131, Eves. 2.089 t a87 1 MODERN BRICK HOME i LOCATED N. in excel!, dlst.. has 2 nice ' size bdrms. on one floor plus den. Kin. In Knotty Pine, d'tle. French doors op ' enlng out to pnlio Aulo-nns furnace, hot water healer. Completely fin. basc 1 men: Into 1 hdnn. A: fine rumpus rm. with bar At fireplace. If you are lonk- ins for a really nlre home, SEE THIS TODAY. FOR APPOINT.. Call Dale L, Shepherd, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS ' 134 3. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 344.H7 a8T f'nolewood "district Sirt.lKW BUYS tins new mod. 4 bdrm. home with nook, nuto-oll heal. Carpet ed throughout, A real nice family home m a tine location. tlft.iMl BUYS this strictly mod. bung. etic home. 5 nice rm... hdwd. firs, through cut, L.R. ft D.R. carpeted. Homo In excellent cond.. nice party rm. In basement. FOR FURTHER INFORM Call O. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 22948 a87 O. I. OR CIVILIAN PRICED to pass a U.I. loan, very nice lie, rm. plastered homo with unfinished upstairs, auto, heat, beautiful pecan hwd. floors, att. garage, acre lot. Full price $7500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS I36.e Portland Rd. Phone 3255, Eves. 70E-7 a8B Sa.vhi.oo. 2 bdrm home on 1 acre good soil, north. Elec. water system. A tood buy. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 141 Chemekeia St. Fh. 1793 Eve. 25760 Oregon, Friday. April 11, 1947 rOK SALE HOUSES SEE IT TODAY THIS DELIGHTFUL THREE BEDROOM HOME IN SIGHTLY LOCATION, GOOD VIEW, BASEMENT. LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE, DINING ROOM. KITCHEN. NOOK. ONE BEDROOM AND BATH ON FIRST FLOOR; TWO BEDROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR. HARDWOOD FLOORS, ELECTRIC HEAT. THERE IS A DOUBLE GARAGE AND SMALL POULTRY HOUSE. THE LOT IS BIG, ALMOST ONE-HALF ACRE. GROUNDS NICELY LANDSCAP ED. VERY AIT RACTIVE PROPERTY. PRICED AT $11,500. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 a88' LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS CHOICE BUYS A LOT FOR A LITTLE: Nice living room, dinette, kitchen, bedroom, closets, built-in.1;; full basement, garase, nicely landscaped, good location. $4800. Terms. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE: $4950. Mod em 4 rm. bungalow. Living room, din ing room, bedroom, kitchen with built ms, garage, large lot approx. 50x120. Good neighborhood. See this for your self now. OUTSTANDING VALUE: Good location. Very well arranged 2 bedroom home, living room with fireplace, dmliijt room, kitchen, lot approx. 50x200. All this for S70(io. CHARM, PERSONALITY, COMPORT: Lovely living room with fireplace, din ing room, kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms, full basement, garage, nicely landscaped lot and outdoor fireplace. Located North. 8000. Terms. KEIEK DlST, Lovely new home. Spacious living room witli fireplace, large kit chen with breakfast nook, 2 nice bed rooms, large utility room, attached ga rage, lot approx. 60x150. Located on htii line and clone to school. $11, 000. CALL or SEE James I). Hartman or K. N. Voorliers with LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 Slate St. Ph. 9261 a89 NELSON NEWS M000 COTTAGE NORTH IDEAL COTTAGE for working couple, L. R., Kit., nook, utility rm., 2 bdrms. At bath, garauc, small lot, easy to main tain. Terms. WEST SALEM BARGAIN A GOOD plastered home with L. R., din ette, Kit., 2 bdrms. At bath, utility rm., In garaue, elrc, water heater, elcc. heat, garaue, large lot, close to bus. stores At schools, furniture avail., just reduced from $0500 to $7900 for quick sale. BRAND NEW SUBURBAN A-t EX TRA Well built home, L. R., D. R., Kit., bath, shower At tub, 2 bdrms., util ity rm. with L. trays, unfinished at tic, oil fir. furnace, elec. water heat er, chicken hsc., some fruits As nuts, price SH.'iOO. IF NEITHER or these meet your require ments icll us what you want. We pro bably have it listed. NELSON As NELSON Chct I. Nelson Tlieo. Q. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. 3(10-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. I'h. 4419 or 4022 21350 a87 NEW MODERN HOME WITH BASEMENT, oil furnace. Venetian blinds, garage. Immediate Possession. Located near Richmond School at 305 S. 24th St. W. G. KRUEGER, REALTOR 147 NCouri. St. Ph. 4728 a8T NEAT LITTLE FURNISHED HOME AT 7IH N. Front Street. Now renting for $35.00. Price $4000.00. W. G. KRUEGER, REALTOR 147 N. Com"l. St. Ph. 4728 a37 SPECIAL $1375 down, bul. like rent. 2 BR. modern house, attic, dinette, attached garage, restrlctrd district, good lot. R. E. MEREDITH, REALTOR 178 8. Commercial Ph. 8841 aH9- It A k K SHAKE ENGLISH STY LE 5 rm . home with unfinished attic, fireplace, full bsmt., dtil. garage, lovely large lot, paved st. mid close to bus. $0500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255, Eves. 7057 a88- FOR SALE Cinintte house, large lot, cor ner South Summer and McGllchrtst Sts. $n, (Hill. 00, Nice home In Hollywood Lv rm, D rm, kitchen, nook, 1 bdrm At bath down, 2 bdrms up. Fireplace, oil furnace, hwd floors. A real home on a beautiful street. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chcmekcta St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 25200 SiiXMUiu. I.iv rm, D rm, kitchen, I bdrm. bath, utility down, 2 bdrms up. Good garden Mt. Iruit and shrubbery. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 34 L Chcmekcta St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 25260 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL $7000.00. Liv rm. kitchen. 2 BR. bath, hwd firs, fireplace, basement, furnace. Call OMKR. HUFF HEAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtor, 341 Chemcketa St. Pll. 21549 Eves. 25001 G. I. or CIVILIAN Two bedrooms, oak floors, automatic heat, spacious living and dining room, un finished upstairs, 58850. 10 down for G. I. Call Hen Coltmth. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves., 26923 ENGLEWOOD HOME Pre war built, corner lot, hardwood floors. Iwo fireplaces, full basement, automatic heat, two larite bedrooms on 1st floor, unf ''ilshrd upstairs. In ike enough for two more bedrooms with extra plumb I ui', completely funiisned Including Hot point electric stove and refrigerator, washing machine, Phllco radio. 112,500 ran be purchased unfurnished If de sired. Possession In June, Shown by ap pointment only. Call Joe L. Bourne. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves., 7217 a87 EXCLUSIVE LOTS Englewood school district. JU5 down $10 per month. M100 In )50. JOE L. llOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 a87 s;.iiui hi It a nent, 5 rm. house on one acre of beautltul trees. Has L.R.. D.R., K., 2 bdrms., bath & utility rm., oil circulator, guranc. This nice home is 3 ml. out. on the Croisan Creek road. Jack HenniUHsen STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. Hlt:h St. Ph. 4121 a 88 Bl'HT PirilA, REALTORS HOUSES $ 3 Bedrm. home, basement, ga rage, double plumbing, shade A- wal nut trees, paved street A- sidewalk. At dirhed apt. rents lor $33.00 per mo. lUmif A- Income. l Bedrm. home. North Just out of city limit.. Larue lot, $10.500 AUTO. OIL. 6 Yrs. OLD. This Emtllsh style 2 bedroom home with large unfinished upstairs. L.R., DR.. Kit., oak floors, full basement, with auto, oil fiirn.. Auto, hot wtr., riose to school and bus, North In very good dlst. Call Burl Ploha. BURT P1CHA. REALTORS Ph. 3'JIO 317 N. High Street aT JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court SI reel Phone 7606 HOME VALUES Sl'Ml rtllAN HOME. , SI fry. 3 B.R. Hdwd. floors. Electric cooking and hen ting. Outdoor fireplace. Nice shrub, berv At lawn. Fruit, garden space. Price $7000. KVM'II TYPE home. 1 story, 2 bedroom, plastered. Full bnsciueut. party room A- fireplace. Double garage. Nicely fur nished home. Price $10,500. 3 III DttOOM homr, oil heat, electric cooking A; heating. Pi story. English style. Attractive yard and well arrang ed home. A real value at $15,000. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Cou t Street Phone 7896 Salesman; "Habby" Habernlcht Mjtcs lh'iidrrson. 24683 a87 JT.MMV ON N. Church close to Hood St. 6 room house, 1 bedroom At bath down. 3 bedrooms up. Basement, elec. water healer. Pr.ce Includes some furniture. $:.mi s Rooms, part hardwood floors. Utility room, larse garage. Nice lot, Englewood Dlst. Immediate possession. jntHW EAST on bus line. 5 room house, garage, small barn, 2 acres. Berries and fruit. in:,iroSHEGI.K Dlst. I Room plastered house. Garage, barn At chicken house. -4 acre irult A: berries. ROSTEIN Ai ADOI.P1I, INC. 110,i N. Commercial si, Phone 30.10 Xvm. Uli a87' FOR SALE HOUSES TALK ABOUT your bargains: 3 houses, all furnished and 4th under construction. $175 month Income plus 1 acre of ground, close In. Owner gone and says to sell for $8000.00 'i cash. E. M. HUNTER, REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commercial Ph. 35497 a87 COMPLETELY furnished modern home, on large lot in restricted residential dis trict. House Is b yrs. old and all mod ern. Furnishings to go. Upstairs can be finished into other bedrooms. For sale by owner, with Immediate posses sion. Phone 3241. a89 BY OWNER Nice modern 5 room house. 2 acres. Inquire at Shell Service Sta tion, A urns vi lie, Ore. a39 OWNER SIX YEAR OLD lovely 2 bedroom house. Fireplace, basement, double plumbing. Furnace insulated, Venetian blinds, lots of bullt-lns. Corner lot, size 50 X 100. 490 N. 23st. Ph. 21751 after 6 p. m. a92 WILL SELL home cheap. As 1 have :o leave Oregon, will sell new home. All new. bearing cherry At apples At plen ty of strawberries As flowers. 5 mln. drive to Woodburn Cannery. Price $1, 800. Will give terms. G. W, Green, Hub bard. Ore. a88 FURNIsirEbTREADYFORTHE GROCERY BOY. 'i B.R. house, elec. heat, also elec. range and refrlg. Located In East Salem, Full price $8500, $2600 dn., bal. at $40 per mo. at 5r. SEE IT AND YOU'LL APPRECIATE IT. 'i B.R. house located Northeast. Tiled bath and drain boards. Large lot with East front. Full price ?60O0. Terms. 3 B.R. HOUSE. GOOD TERMS. LOCATED IN East Salem. Full price S6,- 000. $1500 will handle, bal. at $50 per month. FOR FURTHER Information call us or come in today. Open Sunday P.M. MURPHY REALTY CO. Realtors 1260 8. Com'l. Ph. 6026 Eve. 9785 a87 $3100 ONE BEDROOM home suburban, lot 10 x 09. Gas cook stove, gas water heat er, and oil circulator and a 3 year fire insurance policy goes with this deal. $3700 NEW ONE bedroom home located South on Vi acre. $5900 ! BEDROOM home North on a good lot. Terms, $0500 NICE 2 bedroom plastered home on cor ner lot. Nice lawn and shrubs. Cute place, neat as a pin. Better look at this. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. Com'l. Ph. 4217 a88- $2000 DOWN 'i BDRMS. N. Full bath, gar., close io bus As store, Ige. lot, cement founda tion, almost new roof. Full price $4250. ALMOST NEW $5000 i BDRMS, N. Cement foundation, pri vate well, elcc. pump, elec, hot water heater. I mm. Posa. Liberal terms ar ranged. No. 230. 4 BEDRMS., KEIZER DIST. BRAND NEW, unfin.. Ige. lot. several trees, full price $6900. Here's a chance for a good home at a very reasonable price. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS 3 BEDRMS. Part hdwd. floors, att., gar.. Ige, back yd., fplacc., good view, needs some redecorating. $1500 down will han dle, Jll price $7250. M. O. HUMPHREYS A: CO., REALTORS 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 WELL LOCATED NORTH, WELL built older 5-room home. Look this over and make An offer. C. If. SANDERS-231 N. Hlgh-5838. a87 $6500 Two bedroom plaster home, garage, poul try house, small barn, paved street, bus by the door. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 a87- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $ I Mill. 00 down. Part furnished 2 BR, Llv rm, kit, close to sch & bus, north. Full price J4000.00. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemcketa St. Ph. 21540 Eves. 25001 A80- NEW $17,000.00. Ranch type strictly modern 2 bdrm home. Very large living rm, din ing rm, kit, den, beautiful floors, auto oil furnace forced heat, lovely location north. Immed poss. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chcmeketa St. Ph. 3703 Eves. 9441 889' SJO.Mio.Ml. Nice 4 bdrm country home with all modern facilities. Large 'lv rm. with fireplace, basement, furnace, elec water htr. large barn. 8 acres good black soil, live stream. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chcmeketa St. Ph. 3703 Eves. 0441 a89- NEW 3 ROOM house on 4,5 acre. Oil clr culator, wired for range. Laundry trays. A bargatn at $3100. Out Cherry avenue oft Alder avenue to 3905 Pleasant View drive. Phone 2-1101. a87 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4 to 6 Call for details. BYRKIT Am POTTS 339 Chemcketa Prion 8937 a FOR SALE LOTS BEAUTIFUL LOTS NEAR KEI.ER School. Some lots have bearing fruit. Priced at low as $525 each. W. G. KRUEGER, REALTOR 147 N. Com'l. St. Ph. 4728 aa87 BUILDING SlTEINmiS. ZONE oriPae. Hiway within city Hints. Only $2000. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY Real Estatc-Ph. 8835 nnRB MOTEL SITE LOCATED ON Pac. Highway 09E near Snl mi with 300 feet frontage on the hlRhway. Elec., water and gas avail able. Price $10,000. Call D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 25338 aa87" FIVE LOTS. 50x230, nice view, all im provements. S650 each. Ph. 7903 or see OLAF THONSTAD Real Estate, 941 N. Capital St. aa02' MR. BUILDER WE HAVE lots located wilh gas and bus fncillllcs. price $425. LOTS NORTHEAST, gas and bus facili ties, nrice S7.i0.00 to $1050.00. LOTS WELL located South, price $750.00. City lois from 900.00 up. WE HAVE 50 acres that could be sub divided into ideal berry acreages. Good location North. Price $5600.00. For fur ther details come in or call us tod.iv. OPEN SUNDAY P.M. MURPHY REALTY CO. Realtors 1260 6. Coin 1. Ph. 6026 Eve. 9785 a88 SPECIAL Your choice of two good c'.ly building sites, new addition, priced for quick sale. Call at 146' D St., or Plioue 5317. aa87 40 LOT subdivision in restricted residen tial none. Sweet Home, $14,000. Large return to contractor building homes. Material available. Box 348, Capital Journal. BBB LOT at Kiezer 108xU8-tt.. 9walni7nrees. high, good soli. Bargain, this week only. 1260 N. 17th St., eves. aaBO Mlvlfl? LOT, Kelzer dlst.. 20xaoconcrete slab, land broken for garden, $425 cash, by owner. Phone 3517, 330 Grove Bl atter 5:30. aa89 BUILDERS (ROUP OF 3 lots, group of 3 lots. 50x124 Near schools At bus in city. Ph. 3245. aa87" SPECIAL PRICE 0hts7"by owner. Wa ter turn. Good soil, ach. A; city bus. N. E. 35 Lansing Ave. aal04 FOR SALE FARMS SWEGLE DISTRICT 1 A. with 4 rm. home, unfin. attte. lec. water system, bath. Wired for e'.ec. range. Family fruit. Also small 3 rm. cottage. Price J4900. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 22948 b87 94 ACRE RANCH LOCATED SO. of Salem. 7 Room Home. 18 acres In prunes. Price $11,000.00. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Com'l St. Phone 4728 b87 BEAVERDAM IS ACRES Beaverdam. Will take house In trade. RKIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 e. High rhone P30J bll FOR SALE FARMS SMALL FARM S5 A. Approx. 8 A. In young bearing fil berts, some family fruit A; berries. Bal, pasture A: timber. Good 4 rm. plast. home with garage. New tile machine shed. Could be used for chicken or brooder house. Price 110,500. Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 22948 b87 WANT A JOB AN OLIVER crop row tractor, plow, disc, harrow and trailer for transporting. A very good very modern 7 room home. Fine barn. Chix house, etc. 10 acres, darn good soil. $5000 each, $500 a year. No 824. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Phone 9203 bS7 SILVERTON $5500 BY OWNER. 7 A.. 4 A. bottom land, all year creek, 2 bdrm hse and out bldgs,, water system, fruit and nuts, paved hwy, close to school, 3 mi. S. W. John son, New System Cleaners, 104 S. Water, Silverton. b93 10 A. Willamette silt loam $6500.00. Fair hse, 3 bdrms, deep well, elec pump. Some cherries, pears, 1 A. timber. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemcketa Phone 21540 Eves., 0441 b80 5 ACRE BERRY FARM east, large modern 2 bedroom home, all furnished. $9850. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3253, Eves. 25831 NICE MODERN DAIRY FARM, 50 acres, grade A barn and milk house, lovely home, tenant house, 3 'a miles from Salem, must sell Immediately, sacrlfic: al $24,500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255, Eves. 25831 FIVE ACRES NORTH Near 99E Highway. 3 B.R.. D.R., L.R.. nice kitchen, basement and furnace, barn and chicken house, only 4 years old, Willamette silt loam with some nice fir timber. $10,000. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3235, Eves. 25831 088 ONLY $3500 6'j acres 'i mile town on pavement and mill creek. Small new house. Owner leaving. Some terms. FARM WITH A FUTURE 00 acres. 1 mile Mill City. Possibilities of subdividing. 7 rooms and bath. Large barn, double garage. 16 acres orchard. Timber, Springs, Trout stream, price $7800. 12500 Cash, bal. 10 yrs. C. E. COVILLE REAL ESTATE TURNER PH. 22 AUMSVILLE PH 72 b88 NELSON FARMS BEFOKE VOU BUY a farm or acreage check our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson At Nelson, Mason lo Bldg.. Pti 4410 b FOR SALE ACREAGE 3 A. WITH 5-Rm. home South, close to bus line. House has full bath. Elect, water htr. Wired for range. Garage and small chicken house, Price $4300.00. Call O. V. Hume, with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 bbSO 8 ACRE HOME LOCATED CLOSE-IN on N. River Road. Best of soli, family fruit and nut trees, 8 rm. dwelling with basement and fur nace, elec. water system A: plumbing. Has 500 feet on paved road. Price $11,000. AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. See D. J. Dawson with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Fh, 4131; Eves. 25338 bb87 3 ACRES, Newberg soil, North, 2 B.R. new house, wired range, elect, water heat er, barn, chick, house, some equip. $6500. C H. SANDERS-331 N. High-5838. bb87 HALF ACRE on Evergreen avenue. Inquire at 2446 Hazel avenue. bbas II ACRES and mod. turn, hse, dble gar., chick hse, barn, and other bldgs. Cow and horse, some equip. About 4 acres fruit and nut trees. Price $9500. terms. Located 6 ml. 8. Salem, old 90E Hi.. Rt. 4, Box 151. L. C. Correll. Db88 'i ACRE Neat small house, bus at door. $1000 down, bal. $35 month. $4000. ONE ACRE or more In 6 acre tract, some bldgs. Priced $675 up, south. FIVE ACRES 3 A Strawberries, Est. this year at $2000. 3 room house east on paving, $5600 part terms. We have other good buys. E. M. HUNTER, REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commetclal. Ph. 25497 bb88 AURORA. 4 rm. hse., deep well, electri city. 5 A. Will. soil. $4050. Terms. Also acreage without bldg. Ph. 5128 eves. 2105 Berry. bb90 5 A. I MILE north S9E. west on Claytar road 3 blocks, 8 rooms and bath. Elec tric water system, barn, chicken house, family fruit. 1 acre pasture. 3 A. oats and vetch. $4000 cash. Balance terms. H. R. Bishop, Route TK Box 22, suburban bus service. bb87 l'i A. SUBURBAN 313.700.00. Large llv rm At dlnlnr rm. kit chen. 2 bdrms, bath. Hwd firs, fr place, basement, furnace. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemcketa St. Ph. 21549 Eves. 35091 bb89 REAL ESTATE R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR Si, 100. Neat 4 r. and bath. Garage, paved drive. W15IH). 'i A. 5 r. plastered hse. Barn. chicken hse. Near school. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT SHMio. Llv. r.. Din. r., Kit., 3 large bedr. Oil heat. Fruit. EXCEPTIONAL SlintHl. 50x130 lot. 2 nice bedr. Lots of bullt-ins, beautiful floors. Wired for range. Automatic heat. Paved St. Bus. ENGLEWOOD Stood. New. attractive, large rooms, nicely fm. All elec. New lawn, shrubs. Pav. St. MUST'BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. Wdiio. j A. Fully plastered. Oil heat. Wired for range. Elec. water heater. Grapes, cherries, filberts, walnuts, other fruit. Slum. 1 a. 4 bedr. hse. Oil heat. Wired for range. Flouresc.ent lights. Utility r. Elec. water sys. Pav. Rd. Barn, poultry hse. Near sch. $2500 down. J A. 2 bedr. hse. l'j A. cult. Elec. Good rd. $3500. Joe 8 pur lock with Bill Estep R. A. FORKNER. RFALTOR 16 yrs. Hollywood Dlst. 1353 N. Capitol. Ph. 3031 C89' r ACRES in Dailas. with new 2 bedroom house. Bath, living room, kitchen. Utility room. Immediate possession. Fruit. $5500. ON FA1RVIKW Avenue: Lot 22x150. 2 bedrooms downstairs, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, basement, ga rage, sawdust furnace, fruit and nuts. $8500. P. H. BELL. REALTOR MO GUARDIAN BUILDING SALEM. OREGON PHONE 4R0R c87 LEE OH M A R T Ar CO R E A LTORS ATTRACTIVE SMALL HOME COMPLETELY FURNISHED, 1 bedroom 1-oine, wired for range, electric water healer, V, blinds, electric heat, ga rage, bus at door. Immediate posses sion. $6350. NEW MODERN HOME LOCATED ON North Cottage Street, a well built 5 room home, has living room, dining room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down. 1 bedroom up, wired for range, electric water heater. Price Includes lovely draperies and curtains. $10,600. LOVELY ORCHARD HEIGHTS HOME COMPLETELY MODERN 2 bedroom home, fireplace tn living room, hardwood floors throughout, double garage, pa tio with outdoor fireplace and grill. Over acre of land, nearly all In cherry and walnut trees, fine view. A home you will enjoy. $15,000. 5 ACRES, BERRIES BEDROOM older style home. 1 A. strawberries. ' A. thornless blackber ries. 1 A. cherries, some walnuts. Price Includes 75 chickens. This little place has fair potential Income from ber ne and fruit, close In with bus ser vice. A nice place to live. $4800. LEE OHM ART St CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9SS0 MONET TO 1.0 A It on Prut mortgages V H V Call for detai! BYRKIT POTT 339 Chememii Prion w Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 SUBURBANS $5000 SUBURBAN, 2 acres, partly clear ed land, nice small one bedroom home, seven years old, fir floors, L.R., K., Bath, nice front yard. $301)0 FURNISHED, acre, one story, eight years old, 2 B.R. bungalow, Kelzer District, electric cooking, oil heat, single garage, 7 walnut trees, 5 prune, some berries, a garden spot, chicken house, electric water system, fenced, and furniture. Can be bought unfurnished. S68-.V -JSi ACRES, New 2 B.R. house, ell heat, double garase, small barn with 2 stanchions, fenced. 5 -apple trees, 2 prune, 1 pear. 3 peach, electric well and well house, lumber for poultry house, nice lawn. $7L"fl LARGE Lot. 4 year old one-story house, 3 B.R.. L.R., Dinette, K.. Nook. Bath, wash trays, electric cooking, oil heat, single garage, immediate posses sion, bus and grade school close. Oil circulator goes with it. $h50O LARGE Lot, bungalow style, 2 B.R., L.R., D.R., K.. Nook. Bath. Base ment, hdwd. and fir floors, plastered interior, sawdust heat, garage, sprin kling system, city water, 4 walnut trees, 8 cherry, 2 prune, 1 fig, some grapes, raspberries, youngberrlcs. and a rock garden. Will take $4000 down. $9.10(1 Vi ACRE. New, one-story 2 B.R. home, L.R., Bath, large kitchen with nook, Utility room and wash tray, plastered interior, hdwd. floors and carpeted from wall to wall in L.R., electric cooking and heating, electric water system, fluorescent lights, fur niture Is all new and may be pur chased. Owner may accept good auto-1 mobile in part trade. $OR,-,0 NEW Modern Home. Large Lot. 2 B.R., L.R., Dinette, K., Bath, Utility Room, plastered Interior, hdwd. floors, electric cooking, automatic oil heat, ga rage, drapes go with house. Terms can be arranged. SI JUST Suburban, large lot. 7 year old bungalow, 2 B.R. down and one big room upstairs. L.R., Dinette, K.. Bath, Venetian Blinds, gas cooking, oil heat, garase. nicely arranged, well built, circulator and gas stove go with house, greenhouse 9x12. nice shade trees, house weather stripped. Sl'i.fiOO SUBURBAN in Residential Dis trict, lis acres, 8 year old bungalow, 2 B.R., L.R., D.R., K., Bath, plastered Interior, hdwd. floors, fireplace, auto matic oil furnace, basement with party room and fireplace, single garage, close to bus and grade school, chicken house, house well built and nicely arranged, lawn and shrubs. $1,900 -VERY t Nice Suburban District. l'i acre, two-story 3 B.R. home, hdwd. floors, L.R,., D.R., K., Bath, electric or gas cooking, oil heat, large garage, bus by door, lots of shrubs, good little barn equipped for horses and some fruit trees. $11,1100 BEAUTIFUL View Property, Ex tra large lot, good location, large rooms, drapes and carpet go, 3 B.R. Cape Cod Style home, double Plumb ing, L.R., D.H., K.. Nook. Built-tns, Plastered interior, oak floors and car peted, fireplace, electric cooking and heating, double garage, basement, house is not now complete but will be com pleted and lawn and shrubs will be In. r;;oNE 513I OR 8620 MrKTLLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY Evenings 9340-4937-6901-7163 c89" 125 ACRES $8500 FIVE ROOM ranch type house, bam with several cow stanchions. 4', miles from Dallas. 15 acres in prunes. Farm im plements can be bought. LARGE BUILDING LOT NORTH 60x178. NEW district. Full price $450. 1. O. HUMPHREYS Si CO., REALTOR !86 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 c87 WANTED REAL ESTATE 'LARGE or small, we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca89" WANTED TO BUY Acreage with 3 bed room house, $1000 down and $50 per mo. No Dealers. Phone 24318 or box 352. Capital Journal. ca94 We are dally receiving many inquiries for all types of homes in the many sections of Salem. We are in a posi tion to offer an efficient sales cam paign of your property. Come in or call us today for prompt and courte ous service. OPEN SUNDAY P. M. MURPHY REALTY CO. Realtors 1260 So. Com1. Ph. 6026, Eves. 9785 C887 WANTED Neighborhood Gro. Store to lease or buy. Box 351, Capital Journal. ca88 WANT TO BUY from owner 5 to 10 acres land north on or off highway B9E with modern 2 or 3 bdrm. home, chicken house and barn. Write P. O. Box 332, Salem. ca91 FOR PROMPT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estat Broker S55 N. Liberty Phone 7327 ca LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL EM. SA LEM REALTY CO. C. W BART LETT REALTOR, 149 N. HIGH ST. PH. 7660 ea' WE ARB In need ol good homes to sell In or near Salem U you wLsb to list your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea' NOTICE! If your property is for tale rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S High St ea RESORT PROPERTY JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 COURT ST. Ph. 7696 BEAUTIFUL COAST HOME LOVELY HOME ON COAST. BEAUTI FUL VIEW. 3 BDRMS.. DEN, FINISHED BASEMENT. EXCELLENT OIL FUR NACE. WILL TRADE FOR SALEM CITV OR SUBURBAN HOME. JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 COURT ST. Ph. 7606 Cf87 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TO LEASE, small cafe or fountain. Bus iness woman. Ph. 23953. cd92 ALL SET up and doing a good business. approximately .muu. chock wen locaiea. IF you are a plumber, get into business for yourself. Full price $3500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 7660 cd88 20 A COMMERCIAL ORCHARD MODERN 3 bedroom home, fireplace. hdwd. floors, diningrmr. ltvlngrm., kit chen, bath, auto sawdust furnace, base ment. 60 Royal Anne cherries, 50 E. walnuts, 15 filberts, 14 A, strawberries, pears, apples and grapes, barn, hen house. $15,000. Will take $5000 cash or will accept apt house In trade. See ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM, Realtors. 341 State, rm. 4 Ph. 6963, Salem, Ore. cdB7 E A R N INGS V ERY G OOD GROCERY and meats. Exclusive trade. Excellent lease. All investigation invit ed. Fine equipment. Top grade stock. Price 9000. No. 751 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 So. High Ph. 920;( cri87 FOR SALE SHORTY'S CAB CO. 1947 Packard Clipper Cab Phone 8774 146 Gerth St. (din BY OWNER Distributing business. Forced to sell due to other Interests. Merchandise at In ventory. A money maker for right party. Phone 9500 between 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. cd83 JUKE BOX and pinball route, location Corvalhs. price reasonable. Write oox 349, Capital Journal. cd88 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERY STORE A NEAT little store in downtown Salem. A perfect set-up for one or two persons. Buy fixtures and stock at Inventory. Can be bought for around $4100. APT. HOUSE HERE 1$ a two apt. house in a real loca tion near state and general hospitals, on bus and near shopping center. Com pletely redecorated Inside and out. One 4-room and one S-room. $100 per month Income. A good Investment at $11,600. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 6. Com ) Phone 4217 cd88 GARAGE "ftSERVI.CE STATION New brick building, 2 lots, fully and com pletely equipped. Very attractive mod rrn living quarters. Doing a fine busi ness. AH goes for $10,000. Some terms. C. E. COVILLE RFAL ESTATE TURNER PH. 23 AUMSVILLE PH 72 CdS8 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHICKEN AND STEAKS Here Is a fine going business, It will bear looking Into. Good Income, fine loca tion, all newly redecorated, ready to go, move right in. Price includes all fixtures, building, land and living quar ters, a good Investment at $10,000.00. Shown by appointment only. GROCERY AND MARKET Good Grocery Store and Market with a location and income, as tills has, are hard to find. This store will bear your inspection. Located on 99E. Grossing $100,000.00 a year. Shown by appoint ment only. For further details see us today. MURPHY REALTY CO. Realtors 1260 So. Com'l. Ph. 6026, Eves., 9785, cdB7 BARBER SHOP Fully equipped, also living quarters. Only shop in small town. Building and all tor only siiogo. C. E. COVILLE REAL ESTATE TURNER PH. 22 AUMSVILLE PH 72 cd88 PRICED TO SELL $4000, Music store. Lock, stock and bar rel. Good going business. No competi tion, no blue sky. Good lease, low rent. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Che m eke t a Pit. 3793 Evenings 9441 cd80' AUTO COURT on 99E In Salem. 15 units all lurnlshed. 2 bedroom quarters for manager. Oil heat and new linen. $2000 month passible. $38,000.00 with terms. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commercial Ph. 25497 Cd87 SELL EQUITY, 5 unit mod. court. Plus house. Write Box 343 Capital Journal. ATTRACTIVE HOME & INCOME 3 APTS. At rear house. Completely fur nished, or without owner's furniture. 925 N. Winter. Ph. 24861. cd90 DUPLEX $11,630.00. A good duplex, 4 large rooms each. Basement, auto oil furnace, fire place, dble garage, perfect location. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemcketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 cd89- REDUCED J t lift 6 unit Apt. Hse, $7500. Income $175 month. 365 S. 16th. cd8S WIDOW interested In buying a small gift shop, apparel shop, or grocery store tn or near Salem. No gas pump. Would consider buying share in business. Have had selling experience. Write Box 338, Capital Journal. cd87 FURNITURE FOR SALE MOHAIR davenport, good cond., $40. Ph. 21022 after 4 p. m. d88 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CAsn prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 da' CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 7596 State Street Purn 1900 State da UIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. ftllC. da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ONE KID'S PONY. Two riding horses. Forced to sell. Ph. Aumsvillc, 724. John Simpklns. eS8 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hoss. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Salem. Ph. 21345 morn, or eves. eal03 WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows Ac boars -t your farm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. McCandlish. Rt. 9. Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147. ea96 RABBITS l.ABBITS 3 bred does, one doc and lit ter. New Zealand White, 20 Highway Avenue. rbB8 PETS ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure bred. Females $25, males $35. Roy H. Simmons. Rl. 4. Box 370. Fh. 31143, FOR SALE WOOD 16" Old growth fir and 16 " oak. Arnold Phillips, Box 261, Turner, Ore. eel 11 GREEN SLAB At edgings, 2 cord load, $8.00. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 5533. ecOO FRESH CUT sawdust. Imm. delivery. $8.00 load. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph, 5533. ecaO' TRI CITY FUEL 3 Cord Loao $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood At Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We Give S&H Green Stamps eel03 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dlesei and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 ec88 GOOD DRY 16 in. wood, immed. delivery OREGON FUEL CO.. Phone 5533. ec95 4 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB As EDGINGS. PH. 6683 I eelOS INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load $20.00 Imm. del. Ph 346. Yamhill. Ore. eeI02 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green slab, good for furnace Ph 7721 ee GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 34031. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN & DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and diesc) oil. Ph. 2-4031. ee FOR SALE POULTRY SPRING FRYERS. 73c each. 1505 Alder St., N. of Aluminum plant. Ph. 24225. CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every Wed. Boytngton's. 3710 State 159 BABY CHICKS-hatching twice weekly-In seven varieties New Hampshire? always available in chicks Growing pullets, any age. Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING Of chickens ot number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our gpeclalty Phone 32881 Lee'- Hatcher? f PRODUCE S" "-AWBE-RRY plants: Rockhill Ever bearing. Large plants now growing. Many are budding. Will deliver SO or more. These plants will bear this year All fresh and green. T. A. Brewster. Box 261-C. Salem. Rt. 2. ffS9 WANTED HELP WANTED, exp. tire salesman, prefer man acquainted with city, state age and exp. Write box 355, Capital Journal. g92 WANTED Salesman with car. Dry Clean ing rp, desirable. Ph. 21492 for appt. g89" WANTED Experienced Ford mechanic for Ford Dealership near Salem, Box 350. Capital Journal. 889 WO M AN "TO "help with care of 2 children. Daily except Sat. At Sun. Phone 3-5488. B90 WANTED: EXP. meat cutter. State sf. Market. 1230 State. g88' WANTED: EXP. groceryman or checker. Slate St. Market. 1330 Slate. g88 EXP. BOOKKEEPER. Station. Doollttle's Service g87 A-l AUTO Mechanic, steady work, your own bos. 809 Edgewater St., W. Salem. (83 WANTED German-speakinc woman who needs home, also some wages. Ph. 31694. PART time clerk. 18 to 30. Eve. work Apply in person. Grand Sweet Shop. M A N WITn llRhtcar to collecrresfdfn tial debit. Salem and vicinity. Apply personally. 721 Morgan Bldg.. Portland. Croweli Collier Reader Service. g87 WANTED Body and fender man. W'arner Motor Co., 430 N. Commercial St., ph. 7249. f.87 HoTsEMOTHER! relief cook relief night watch. Ph. 23022 for appt. g87 WANTED Good Stenographer. Perma nent position if satisfactory, Salem Title Co., 283 Stall St. 1 88 WANTED HELP HAVE OPENING for 10 men Interested in steady Job. Earn up to 3100 per wee it while training, fast promotions with secure future. Experience not necessary 360'.a State St. Room 34 gflO W A IT RE S S WANT E D G e m Cafe. B t a y ton, Oregon. g88 LOCAL WOMAN with good personality who would like a business of her own. We train and help you. Write P. O. Box 374. Albany. g88 MEN FOR hop yard work' Bus will pic k up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 P.m. Will Hart Hop Farm, Ph. Salem 32631. SILK FINISHER & wool presser. Fore man's Cleaners, 1070 S. Com'l. Ph. 9448. g WANTED POSITIONS IF YOU WANT your lawn mowed, call Gene 21568. h92 GARDEN Plowing and Discing, Ferguson Tractor, 1880 Center St. hi 13 I AM LOOKING for a responsible office position promising a future. Qualifica tions Include college math, degree, 4 years teaching experience, 6 years army record from a private to a maior, and some dept. store controller's office experience. Mr. Pruett, 335 N. Winter St., Salem. h80 WILL DO IRONING In my home, 75c per hour. Phone 26897. h89 WORK for new 5 yd. Dodge dump truck. Ph. 21040. h88 COOK, Hskpr., Adults. Reliable, capable full chg. Rcf. Give full details. Box 346. Capital Journal. h87 P R ACTIC A LN L'R S E . Phone 26750 or 7073. h87 OIL HEATER SERVICE Installation, adjusting, cleaning and re pairing. 24 nr. service. 3042 Portland Rd. Phone G072. h96 WANTED POSITIONS LEAVE your child with me while you shop or work. Ph. 7558. I h92 WANTED: DRESSMAKING, Alterations. F. Ncymeyer, 160 Union, Salem, Ore. h88 LAWN MOWER need repairing, sharpen Ing? Call Ted 7603 for quick expert service. Pick up and deliver. Old established place. Salem Saw Works, 1293 North 5th St. h89 DUSTING. Dial 21208. Philip W. Belike. h88 SPRAY NOW for apple At pear scab, syneta beetles. Philip W. Bcilke, dial 21208. h88 SPRAY PAINTING, Ralph Alsman, 1720 Lancaster drive. Ph. 24248. hl07 WINDOW FRAMES and screens, cabinet doors, drawer and regular cabinet work. Large or small orders accepted. Con vene L. location, 'j black Ladd As Bush Masterwood's Cabinet Shop, 164 So, Commercial. Ph. 5506. hl06 GARDEN PLOWING At discing. Ph. S0-F-2 Hollis Bice. h89 WAN TED : Interior painting. Small Job specialty. Phone 25745. h90 G. A 31. TRANSFER, light hauling. P h . 25637; eves. Ph. 35665. M04 SECRETARIAL: Stenographic service. Ph 8288. hi 03 FIRST CASS carpenter work, new or remodel. Large or small. Ph. 8281 1)88 SPRAYING. L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 7900. hlOO GARDEN PLOWING At DISCING. Ford Tractor. Ray Satter. Ph. 22504. h96 PLOWING AND discing. No Job too large or too small. Chas. B. Jayne At Sons. 1920 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 25753. h96 ALTERING At sewing. Ph. 26954. INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone C796. h87 PLOWING At general tractor wore. Have D-2. 3rd house south of Brooks on Paci fic highwav. On right. J. K. Mint? Rt. 1. Box 274 Brooks. h90 AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better D Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 FOR RENT 3-ROOM apt., working lady. 858 Center. Ph. 25581. J60 SLEEPING Rm. Private home, bus, gen tleman, or couple, 1070 Highland Ave. 3-ROOM.APT. for one or two quiet party. 989 Oak St. J88 SLEEPING rooms and trailer house. 044 N. Com'l. J89 FOR RENT, modern 4 rooms, attic and work shop. About 1 acre of ground on paved road, north, 5 miles city center. Write P. O. Box 181, Salem. J89 UPSTTmsR61)M as double basement room. Twin beds, shower, reasonable. 790 N. Church. J89 WELL-HEATED sleeping room for work ing girl, 405 Union. J87 SLEEPING ROOMS for Rent. 360 N. Capi tal. 187' PLEASANT sleeping room for girls. One blk. to bus. 1775 Fir. J87 WILL RENT furnished 3-bedroom house, 2 acres to responsible party. May 1st to Oct. 1st. Close tn. Rt. 3, Box 886, 1 ml. straight from Roberts' school. J88 TRAILER space available. All modern. close in. near bus. 100s s. aist or 2lst and Mission J88 SMALL NEW business location at 757 Edgewater St., W. Salem. Ideal watch maker shop. Attractive glass block front. Moderate rental. J87 ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health. Rent sell. H. G. Pugh. 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4692 i GOOD USED PIANOS H L Still FLOOR lander tor rent Montgomery Ward ! WANTED TO RENT MIDDLE AGED lady, wants furnished room in West Salem. Ph. 7659. Ja89" MAY 1ST, mod. 2 bdrm.. unfurn. house, city or suburban, by middle aged cou ple, no children. Box 354 Capital Jour nal. Ja89 WILL PAY up to one year's rent in ad vance for 2 or 3 bedroom furn. or un furn. house in desirable location by May 25th. Will consider option to buy. Phone 2-1935 or 3606. jaOl SMALL ACREAGE near Salem With 2 to 4 or more bedrooms. Would consider lease, with or without option to buy. Write Route 2, Box 335 Woodburn or call Green 3012. Ja91 A YOUN" professional man of high so cial and cultural rating tn the city de sires to rent a one or two-bedroom apartment or house. Only those who desire the best of tennants need to phone 24550. Ja87 YOUNG WILLAMETTE Veteran "and-wife wish small apt. Call 4171 Ext. 460 days or 4360 evenings. Ja90 3 ADULTS desire 2 or 3 bedroom house on or before June 1st. Rent or lease with six months or more in advance. In or out of town. Acreage preferred. Permanent residents. Call 34318 or Box 336, Journal. Ja87 URGENTLY NEED 2 or 3 bdr. house by April 10. Preferably Hollywood Dlst. Phone 9357 or 6058. References. Ja87 LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold wrist watch. Reward. Lee Eyerly. Ph. 8909. k89 LOST Dress. Montgomery Ward Best Room. Reward. 694 N. Church. k87 LOST: UMBRELLA, at bus stop by Pio neer Trust Bids. Reward. Ph. 5365. kSI LOST: IN vie. Liberty school. Spot, white dog, black ears, black spot on back, long tail, female. Write box 189. Mill City. Oregon. k88 MISCELLANEOUS HEAVY HAULING excavation and rod building. land clearing, doier worg ditching basement excavation, sain! gravel crushed rock mason sand con crete mix cement SALEM SAND St GRAVEL CO. 1403 N FRONT ST. SALEM OREGON Phone 9408 or 31924 m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. State St Commercial 8u SALEM Phone 831 1 x TOPPING AND removal danger trees any where. 413 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 25117, or 3349. m32 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 11.00 LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m87 ORCHARD DISCING. Phone 47F3. mSI MISCELLANEOUS ROCK WOOL insulation and metal inter-, locking weather stripping. Workman- ship and material guaranteed against defects. L. H. Clawson Co., 175 S. Huli.f Ph. 6088, H. P. Lent on, local manager. Free estimate. m87 TAKE YOUR clocks to 190 S. 14th tor repair. Clock Doctor. m91 DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. S000 m89 HEAT your bom electrically It's con venient, clean economical See us lor free estimates Y EATER APPLLANC3 CO 355 N Liberty n FREE DIET. Salem Armory. m97 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Small office blulding, desk and electric heater, $250.00. Ideal for used car or real estate office. 3295 Portland rd. Ph. 6421 or 26924. n89 2000 NEW brick, 2180 Berry St. Anytime alter b or sunaay. .. n92 LAWNMOWER, good cond. Ph. 8803. n88 NEW BLDG. MATERIAL AT LESS THAN RETAIL RED, square, tab comp. shingles. 5-ft. lett hand recess tup. c iron. I8x30-in. kitrhen sink. 3'0"x6'8" screen door. 2'6"x6'8' 1 -panel doors. 2'0"x6'8" 1 panel door. Call 515 Marlon St. n89 BED danveno, excellent cond. Call 425 Marlon St. n89 PLAY PEN, stroller, buggy, and elec. stove. 883 S. High, n89 LADY'S new black suit, size 16, $20. See at Beauty Nook, 319 Court. n89 USED Royal Vacuum cleaner, $10. 396 Columbia St. n89 ELECTRIC washing machine, oil heater. new. Typewriter, Saxophone, la winnow er. Bed with springs, 1076 Highland Ave. n89 NAVY BLUE rayon drapes, 2 pr., price is. uu. une pr. ugnt oiue rose lacing drapes. $3.00. Lady's spring coat, new, size 14. Flaming red. 1793 S. Winter. IVORY PAINTED dressing table, with 6 ' drawers, $18. 1075 Market St. n89 FOR SALE: Used FT Locomotive Boiler. Butt seamed. Can be inspected at Kol stad Canneries, Inc., Front & "D" Streets, Silverton, Oregon. n89 CHICK-BED can solve your litter problem. It's the perfect poultry litter. It ab sorbs moisture, helps saves chicks, it's fireproof, it saves labor, cuts costs, it insulates. For chicks, poults, laying hens. Wards Farm Store, High and Trade Sts., Salem. n87 PRIMROSES, 625 S. 25th. n88 WALNUT twin-bed bedroom suite; also miscellaneous odd dishes. Phone 3577. n89 ANTIQUE walnut carved back settee and what not, perfect cond. Ph. 4272. n89" ATTENTION LOGGERS AND SAWMILLS inch fire hose, '.j price. D. handle shovels $1 each. Pacific Marine Fire pumps, $100. Home on Sunday. Thomp son, 003 Hayter St., Dallas, Ore. n88 MONTAG wood range, late model, excel, cond. Phone 4103. n92 GENERAL ELECTRIC Sweeper. With all attachments. Good cond., 235 Fisher Rd. Phone 21347. nap OUTBOARD MOTOR. 5 h p., and boat. See at 1117 Edgewater, W. Salem. Ph. 5810. Ii89 TWO USED washers, good shape, 1117 Edgewater St.. W. Salem. Ph. 5819. n89 CRAWFORD Electric range with trash burner and colls, $125. 1117 Hines St. Phone 4883. ' n88 DELUXE radio. Chev. model. Complete with antenna. New. Never Installed. Sell at cost. 586 N. Liberty. n89 rTstaurant grille automatic eleY- tric, 24 Inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 STEEL CLOTHES line posts. Steel T welded lawn swings. Chapman's Weld ing Shop, 1790 Front St. n88 PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 USED BOARDS Ac large pile Of l"x4" sheeting, some celling. Take all for $35.00, or part. Must go Friday or Sat urday. 2060 University or 3056. n83 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bath: om. fluorescent and incandes cent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 95 I.E.S. LAMPS and Torchtcrs. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n35 HEY WOOD WAKEFIELD baby carriage. $15 Daveno. $10. Rocker, $10. Host's chair, S3. 2-burner hot plate, $2. Hot point electric iron, $2. 525 Spruce. n88 DAIRY SUPPLIES for every need. You save more on every item, at Wards Farm Store, High and Trade Sts., Sa lem. n87 30. 40, 80 and 66 cal. water heaters for ror immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 SPINET PIANOS Knabe. Krakauer and Lester Betsy Ross spinets. Immediate delivery, easy pay ments. Your old piano taken In trade. Finest selection of spinets in the north west. TALLMAN'S, 395 S. 12th. A mile from High Prices. n9l FISHING TACKLE boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N - Liberty DRUM-TYPE trash burner contains 28 ft. of 3l in. copper coll. Very efficient. Ph. 5872. n88 ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen ar.d Industrial exhaust, desk models, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 ONE 6.i0 gallon storage tank, 350 feet nf one-inch usrd pipe. Chapman's Weld ing Shop, 1790 Front St. n88 PRESSURE COOKERS, 16 quart. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty REMINGTON elcc. razor, brand new, $16. Ph. 168-R. stayton. n88 A LOVELY green enamel bed and dresser and night stand. 405 Union. n87 TOASTERS, 2 slice, $2.10. 4 slice, $3.85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 25S N. Liberty n95 MONARCH Coal and wood range, very good condition, $30. Ellis Apts., Aums villc. n87 WASHING MACH. laundry tray, gas side arm water neater, pn. 3ZoO. n8S UPRIGHT Piano. Ph. 7467, Ave. y'sl NEW 8x9 ft. greenhouse for sale (crated. easily set up). Phone 5627. n88 MOVING away, will sell practically new dining table and chairs, rugs, carpet sweeper, Thor Juvenator, elec. motor, dresses, coats and many other Items. Call after 10 a. m. 434 Union St. n87 SIDEARM WATER heaters, automatic, eiectric. iasien to your present tank. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n35' PORTABLE Elec. welder with 400fL "of leads. Will accept stationary mach. as part payment. Ph. 35777. n88 10 GAL. Syrup drums for sale, 75c each. Grapette Bottling CO., 1495 S, 13th. Ph. 8757. n88 BEST QUALITY carden and grass seed. Wards Farm Store, High and Trado Sts., Salem. n87 OIL CIRCULATORS: Super Flame, me dium size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 25S North Liberty n90 DESKS for sale. Several to choose from. $15 and UP. 3035 Portland Rd. n88 RADIOS. RECORD players, recorders for Immediate delivery. YEAIER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n95 FOR SALE cheap, davenport and chair. Also large wood or coal circulator. 2510 Cherry. n87 FLASHLIGHTS. GUARANTEED forever lights requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. BUY OP THE YEAR NEW 5 pee. daveno group Including dar eno, Cogswell club chair and ottoman, chrome smoker and attractive floor lamp. Yours for Just $89.00. $18.00 down will handle. Woodry Furniture Market, 1605 N. Summer. Terms, trades, lowest prices. n87 PANSY plants. 846 N. 16th. nSl RIVER SILT. Phone 25912. n (Continued on Page 15)