Skits and Scratches I By l-'red Zimmerman iCapilal Journal Sports Editor When Prink Callison parted company with the Webfoot in stitution at Eugene, he shifted over into the insurance busi ness. Now comes word thai Gerald A. "Tex" Oliver, ini- mediate successor to Jim Aiken may lake up the sale of real' estate or insurance at Tucson, j Ariz. Oliver should do well ininament 'scheduled to be played that field if he can unbend a bit. One of the principal criticisms directed at Tex was his some what frigid attitude altlioufih personally we always found him j enrolled for the tourney which quite congenial. At any rate j will be operated in three classes, peddling real estate or insur-; according to ability of the eon ance policies should not prove ' tenders. Prizes will be awarded quite as nerve wracking as the: the winners in each of the sin task of winning football games. giCs and doubles classifications. At least he won't have a group j Doubles teams formed include: of red eyed alumni on his back. (Class A) Lee Shinn-Bob Smith. Aiken was greeted by some 125 candidates for (lie 1941 H'n,r..l ....1.1 ,.-..l.ii,n t.'l.n.. tin ' ".. opened spring practice early mis wcck The squad included 21 lettermen from last fall as! ""'f 1 . ,. . '.. junior varsity contingent. The head coach plans 30 workouts 1 on a five a week basis with thc;)rallQ OCCKS finale being a tull-lenglli scrim mage. Returning lcltcinicn in clude Jake Leicht, Bob Koch, Sam Kauicy. George Bell, Hill Abbey, Walt Donovan, Bob Oas, Wayne Bartholomcy, Pete Tor- . ..... .... cnia, Ait Mime, uan uai.a, lion Stanton, Pete Miller, Howard nary, Jim e r w 1 c k, .ioiiii tvain iin.ui, 1 eu itit'iami, iiraii Ecklund anil I.ou Busili. American Bowling Congress. I The little, 42-ycar-old vetcr- Morc interest must be shown i an nf 17 ABC lournaments en in next Friday evening s ban-! countered only one open frame quel for basketball plavers if 111 posting a 191-223-205 yes- the program is to be a success. While Hie project is sponsored by the Dads' club, there is no inclination to bar participation on the part of all adults insofar as the purchase of tickets is concerned. Each $2 ticket will entitle the purchaser to a scat al Ihc banquet table and in addi tion will provide a free meal to one of the several score play- rrs who will he in attendance, Th,.v i,o n.,rch,.ri ,.i Ms. - pics, from Coach Harold Hauk (ships here tomorrow and Satin-! or from W. L. Phillips at the j day. Wrestling Commissioner Valley Motors. The dinner isjBNl Quayle. who is far western plated for 6:30 Friday evening nl the high school cafeteria and players fro in Salem high, includ ing the Jayvees and Sophs as "well as the first string; Par rish and Leslie junior highs, Sac red Heart Academy, Willamette university and Page Woolens will be guests. And speaking of tickets, paste boards for the first Western In ternational league game nt Wa ters field are available al Ma ple's. The entire grandstand has been reserved and those who wish to have a choice as to here they will sit, should not delay making their purchases. Box scats disappeared lung ago, but there are numerous tickets remaining for good locations in the balance of Ihc grandstand. Naturally Rogue river boost ers have no control over weather conditions down that way, hut Judging from this point, it would seem the Salem Senators would have had almost as much op portunity to do their spring training al Waters field as they have found at Mod lord. The citi 7cns of that community did everything possible to accom modate George Emigh and his squad of future Solons, but it would have taken a circus tent; 1(1 squad is ' Spike"' Cordcior, w ithout center posts to providej llr,ntan Wcdenicycr's 1945 run sufficient shelter for the train- m,K male M halfback, who has res. Regardless of the boasts thai originate from southern Oregon, they du have an occa sional rain in the spring and the tomi)(i'atures drop as low or lower than rijjht here in the renter of the Willamette valle . As a matter of fact western OrcRon is suited for early sea son baseball and the Senators' record nf not having been forced to cancel a single onuanemenl at Waters field last year will probably never be repeated. S & N's High Quality SPORT COATS Sm.irtly-tulloied. 10tr; wool In blues, browns, lans plain and novelty patterns. SLACKS A Lirjie a.v.(irtinent in hard-finish, gabardine, nil-wool novelty weaves. Tans, browns, blues slate blue.-. S & N CLOTHIERS 4.rR Slnte Street Serving Salem Solons Eye Weekend Tilts 8 Capital Journal. Salem, 'Y' Handball Deadline Moved Back In order to get as many con- tenders in the affair as possible those in chaiKe of the central Willamette valley handball tour- at the YMCA have extended the deadline for registration until 6:30 Thursday night. Approximately HI) men have : Warren Dooliltlr-Rus Bouart Bob Duncan-Bob Hamilton. John Kelley-D. Caley; (Class B) .. . n ' ' ace IMOUIlls-Uon uouns: (Class Donris: (C:u, C) Bm shenheid-Rav Alderin Erl sr-hin.n ,.lc r'h:lmh,.r Competition will begin next Monday evening r 1. r 1 Triple Title f .. A niinlnr A ..I! 1 n ill D Allie' Brandt, 'the veteran Lock-' ; "" '"n 'successor to Leo Durocher, and a blJ. team play yesterday. I .,.,. ,.0,.,.,i R. 1 - -- """ ,-, goes alter singles, doubles and1, icrciay wun lite Kasiside team of Los Angeles, which finished far out of the running. AAU Grapple Meet Ready o.lll ridllCISCO, AMI' 111 (' ITop amateur grapplers limbered ! 1rccorcl 0,ll-y ,hal Myn would up today for Ihc senior AAU'I,!IVC B W' the sea-; trr,,ui linn , !son oiicns on Tuesday. I 0 1 -Hound ph;imninn n-orl i.Jor) slrong competition for the NewlWJf-k T TiiKKtj York Athletic club, defending W ltn -TlUDDy ' ," .T.. .h I.lll.ll.ll 1VI lllllltJIIltll Athletic club, Portland, Ore. Movie, Dance, Food Offered by Ski Club A ilancc, a ski movie and a coffee and doughnut feed com prise Santia in Ski club's pro gram starting at 7::i0 Thurs day night al the Dairy Co-op hall on Fairgrounds road. Club President Harvey Fox an nounces. The movie, a "5 ininnte affair, is entitled "The Slalom" and deals with the fundamentals of the ski sla lom. All members of the eluh and any person interested in skiing are invited to attend the affair. Spring Drills Slated San Francisco, April 10 i.Ti Spring football ptactice began al University of San Francisco. California and Stanford yester day. I St. Mary's Jim Phdan opens the! (-ael sign-up luesday with prac tice opening Wednesday or Thursday. Nolable addil inn In iJiirnerj from army service, lOtmO UNDER AUTHOBI1Y Of THI COCA-COLA COMPANY Y I COCA-COLA noTTl.lNC. CO. OF ORKGON I r 1 DRIVING A "WOBBLER"; If you're driving a car with wheels out of alignment, faulty shock-absorbers or worn bushings, you're heading for real trouble! It doesn't take long to repair these faults . . . but they'll lead to cost ly repairs later if neglected now. So, don't take any chances ... Bring It in Today! and Vicinity Ore, Thiu'sday, April 10, 1947 v ' I - "Slats" fiill, Oregon ; State poach, director nt the d .l whA ni 1 Hor-irinril.p RYiriav nir, I, ,! ... .1 " ci ' i.:.,u ..... 1 ., ul at thp Kalnm hieh school Spv- .. ' ' i..... A. T. u. J, , ' . A'l'nd leave for home, where they club. Hint- Blades To Bum Post New York April 10 (U.RI Rav Blaclcs was most frequently mem onpn innav as nrnnan yn Dodger President Branch -- " , Rickey already has made his managerial choice, although he hasn't revealed it. Rickey, obviously stunned when he learned of Baseball Commissioner A. B. Chandler's action in suspending "The Lip"' for the 1!)47 season for conduct detrimental to baseball, recover ed enough to sav that "I have an idea who the new manager will be but 1 cannot tell you now." Later he retreated even from that position, and would go on j I T C- JLtlFcllllC OtlCKS New York, April 10 U.R April iContely Laraine Day, Mrs. Leo Durocher in private life, pre pared to fly to Hollywood, Calif.. lonight after postponing her trip for 24 hours upon learning of jher husband's one-year suspen sion from baseball. Miss Day. noted film across', had planned to leave last night al 11:1)0 p.m. (EST), but cancelled her reser vatlon and secured another for Ihc same time tonight. She said: II, ..I l,.,t:l,n.,H .t-milrl rnniii, in New York to attend to un-; ' finished business. ,7 me SCOREBOARD 1 bn- tiir Associated rref.i w i. m. w i. p,-t. ' Sim l)iiin t 1 .fi1,i Hollywood ;5j 3nn I-'i nu. S 3 .fiL'.V Fori la nd I, os AllH. t 4 .553 SciUllo Sacrn. 6 4 .555 OakliiiKl Exhibition Baseball i By Hip Avioctnled Pns.o Boston A 17. Cim-imiuU N 6. Nrw York N 7. Clevpinini A' -I. Si . Lotus i A) 6. PitLslmrnli N 4. Phi!adrli'lia i N i 8. Wn.slunntoii ' At PhllB(lrlih:n At 10, Saxniinnh tS.ALi ciucuRo 7. ShrrvoiHiit t'l'I.' . 81. Loin tN 10. Dalb.s "Tl." Utxsion N 5. Milwnukct AA 4. Dclioll A 3. A; SAi 2. Time out for Coke for 19 Years m mm ' UO Webfoots Chiefs Meet Salem Crew Medford, April 10 Hope that the schedule of three games against the University of Oregon may be run off as sche duled was revived here when the sun shone brightly Wednes day, permitting the Salem Sen ators to stage a brisk workout under the direction of Mana ger Jack Wilson. The Webfoots are slated to test the Solon, strength Friday night ana again m a doubleheader Saturday af ternoon. So far not a single ex hibition game against outside competition has been played be cause of adverse weather con ditions. .1 . i . , : niIuulu 10 wie.r own oan parK hi- i ltr !ralnll!e m California, are ! U.P ner.c .lor a il"K,av col' 1 Auc'r mat same, if played, the i Senators will pack their sear jarc booked to open the Western I Ini prnnt inim 1 o a c n 1-1 a rrii net Vancouver the night of April 18. Wally Flager, whose short ptlori stop operations during a last season with the Senator pleased the home town fans, i lias been given his uncondition- al release. Flagcr was injured p'uinim the Portland training; season at Riverside. I . NBA Ratings Get Release Palerson, N. J., April 10 (Pi The National Boxing association today released its regular quar terly rating in which Abe J. Greene, NBA president, dis j coursed in his usual phitusophi- j chi vein on ine aecicicci ansence !c logical contenders for Joe ljU,,,s neavyweigm line. Greene made it clear that the i .,i., c ,...-. . . ,, . - . '"Me-' l i. . s ' ' , , " h " Ti , h i cant and then listed Jersey Joe .7, n nf il,. h n f as,.r". 011 . ' " . , One major change listed was the moving of Johnny Bralton of Chicago ahead of Bob Mcntgom- cry of Philadelphia for the right to crack at Ike Williams' NBA title. Montgomery is the New York - Pennsylvania recognized champion. Williams will be re quired to defend his crown early this summer after one or two warmup bouts, Greene proclaim ed. Williams has been granted a brief extension of his title de fense. r..J- D n l Ju" D"y KUCKer SraltIp Al,lil IH (..! fm-lna to strengthen their middle line I defense. Ihc Seattle R; miners an nounced the' purchase of Oul- fielder John Ruckcr from thej Cleveland Indians over thej week-end. Rucker. 30. played; seven seasons with the New! V..i. r'ln.. t.-.r i...: . i i , itmni:, uunnu uclllg soul lo 1 Cleveland last winter. He is ex- j day, the professional nine eking I pected to play cenlerfield wilhiout an 8-7 win yesterday de- Manager Jo Jo White swilchinaunitn Innse ficldine bv a rookie either to left or right. Week-end Special CLEARANCE CLOTHES BASKET 1 7C Wcs 3.2S, now DIC-A-DOO Q0C Was 35c, now VMm CLOTHES HAMPER C OC Was 5.95, now ALUMINUM KITCHEN STOOL A OC Was 4.98, now "TA RAINCOATS 5.65 Medium size, were 7.25, now SHOPPING CARTS J QC Were 6.95, now W SILEX STEAM IRON 17.40 ALARM CLOCKS 4 CC Wind-up' plus tax ""V ALARM CLOCKS 4 OC Electric plus tax ' WAGONS 1345 198 South HOPE'S FAVORITE BRUNETTE? L M AS r iff T - - ft7 SZJ" r K it 4 t " I " ?- W LOOKINC PITCHER OVE RComedian Bob Hope, (left) pari owner of (he Cleveland Indians, tests the biceps of his high-priced hurler, Bob Feller, on the latter's Hollywood visit. Financial Question Mark Slows Action of Legion I That perennial athletic hurdle nrsday night, curtailing the action j committee in its plans toward bringing the Oregon State American Legion junior baseball tourna menl to Salem this year. !V77 It was estimated that the cost j yy gSt eMief S of sponsoring such a tournament! would approximate $2500, and 'TV M M . fot that amount must be raised by iX-ZOIIllIiaLC iVlCcl the local tournament committee. Ticket sales and program adver tising space would probably have to serve as principal sources of revenue, the committee felt. How the people of Salem would respond is a big question mark, and the committee has jhesita'tcd in making a final deci sion as to whether or not to con duct the playoffs in Salem. The baseball group will meet again Monday noon at the Marion ho tel, and present at the brief con fab will be Senator Manager n.m.fio tr.v,;,,!. rn.a A.n,Mo.. j Legion hopes to gain the support 0 Ule vjenators. and to use Geo. i E. Waters field for home ball games In j,s Wednesday meet, the baseball committee also consid: ered a few names which had been suggested for coach of the Salem junior Legion team, but no Jcfinite decision was reached. Tigers Trim Walla Walla Semi-Pro Nine Walla Walla, April 10 (!) The Tacoma Tigers romped to a 13-2 victory over a Walla Walla semi-pro nine yesterday with Dick Greco contributing a tr'P'? alld doble lo '"e vic tors' hit parade. n r ".L AC BretTIS tven With WiL Lewis-ton, Idaho, April 10 iPi Bremerton's Blue Jackets and the Washington State Cougars . , ... ... i. SIOOQ OVCIl al a gallic trfcn lu- linfielder. 1 Commercial Ball Group finances rose up again Wed of Capital post No. 9 s baseball Boston, April 10 The ci earn of the crop of the na tion's amateur boxers, judging by the results of the 59th na tinal AAU championship the most successful in its history today appeared to be located in the mid and far west. Taking over when the highly favored Hawaiian glove-swinging forces faltered with titles at stake, the Cincinnati and California teams shared domination by collecting two individual championships each last night while a total of eight were being decided before a capacity crowd of 13.371 at I the Boston garden And the other four titles were won by capable and durable representatives of Chicago, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Denver. Western Show The Salem Saddle club will present Lebanon riders in an all western and fun show Fri day night at the state fair grounds. The show will in clude calf roping and bucking horses, along with the usual fun night games. Salem and Lebanon riders will engage in a calf roping contest at the close of the program. Visitors are welcome to attend the show which carries no admis sion charge. A C5JK gw - fp' 1 ' ' Drive a Pontiac-and envy no one ! OHIY PONTUC OFFIRS THIS AU AftOUND VAWt rtu-ARC tAPtrr srifinNO More positive control with less effort. ounix mam sminos Mechanically com pensate for light oc heavy loads; liners eliminate squeak. AU-WIATHI INOINt TtMM&AWM CONHOl 'Peak efficiency of operation under varying climatic conditions. n ma hint on ctMNli Highly efficient, positive protection, no replacing. Atuiri-iMi HroRAUUC brakes Protected against dirt and water for smoother stops, longer life. i-mad fNGNfS Six or ejght cylinders; smooth, powerful, long lasting. body $Y nsNii Big and roomy, with famous Fisher NoDraft Ventilation, custom-type interiors, luxurious trim. HERRALL-OWENS 235 South Commercial Street Portland, San Diego , Play to 15-Frame Tie ' By Ul Associated Press) Extra inning games were the rule in yesterday's Pacific Coast league baseball competition but Portland and San Diego topped them all in the southern city. The Padres and the Beavers from Oregon fought it out for 15 innings, giving up in a 4-4 tie only because of the league's curfew law. San Diego scored in the first, Portland tied it in the second innine. but the Padres went 1 ahead, 2-1, in their half, with iPortlanjd tying it again in the third. The Beavers, on Bill Padulo- vich's triple, Danny Escobar's single, a single, a walk and Duanc Crawford's single, took a two-run lead for the moment in the fifth but in their half San Diego came through with two more runs when Jim McDonnell walked, moved to third on a fielder's choice and a wild pitch and scored on Dain Clay's sin gle, after which Clay stole sec ond and scored on Johnny Bar rett's single. The defending champion San Francisco Seals lost a 10-inning struggle with Hollywood, 7-4, when the Stars rose up and smacked the tilleholdcrs for three runs in the tenth. There was another 10-inning contest in Los Angeles in which Oakland finally squeezed past the Angels. 4-3. In the only regulation-length game Sacramento rushed away with a six-run first inning blast to measure Seattle, 7-4. Portland oil 020 000 000 0004 12 1 shii Diego no 020 ooo ooo 0004 7 0 Blanco. Llska HO) and Murftlore. Holm list: Vitallch, Trlncr '51 and McDonnell, Kerr tlOt, Seattle 001 100 0004 11 0 Sacramento 600 001 OOx 7 10 3 Pearson. Orplml li, Yrlovir iftl and Hill, stagg (8; Orphan and Fitzgerald. Oakland 000 020 001 14 11 2 Los Anpelrs 000 210 000 03 S 1 Arnold, Hayes t5i. Speer ti and Kearfie, Raiinondl i9i , Adams, Baker (10 1 and Malone. Hollywood 000 100 300 37 15 2 San Franrfsro ..,.100 110 010 0 ( 11 2 Smlln. Hufforrt m, antl Unser, Sherry ifli, Cameron H0i; Mellon, Rosso 1 7 , Powell iQi, Jensen UO) and Ogrodowskt, Leonard 9i. Need SPARK PLUGS?, ...onofmorthan 100 TOP QUALITY auto supplies available to you along with complete ASSOCIATED CAR CARE. at all ASSOCIATED dealers Tell Your Associated Dealer You Want a National Credit Card TrTi fine air ma de finer Aluyt Drift drtfrnlty - Viks Hammer Dallas, 17-1 Salem high school chased across 17 runs in but four in nings at bat on Olingei field Wednesday afternoon to ham mer out a 17-1 victory over a hapless Dallas Dragon crew. Coach Harold Hauk's Vikings blasted out 12 hits in the affair which was halted in the fifth frame on account of a wet field, and were aided by a half dozen Dragon errors. Dallas could muster but two hits off a trio of Vik chuckers, Bud Craig, Coursey and Stou tenberg. Leading the winners offensively were Dick Henclrie, Roger Dasch, Osborn and Fle ming, who each punched out two hits Dallas 000 010 1 2 6 Snlcm 210 41X 17 12 2 Kuim. McCully 4 and Ycaa.r: Crals, Coursey Ml, Sloutrnberg 'hi and Allison, ' Cumminas 15). Western conference (Big Nine) basketball teams com piled an average of 2.5 points per minute during the 1946-47 season. For All REPAIRING and WELDING Sec... The Handy Repair Shop 'You Break it . . . We Fix If 166 Liberty Rd. Salem, Oregon A Product Geeri Motort We sincerely believe that no car is more generally satisfactory to its owners than a Pontiac. Year after year, Pontiac offers the fullest measure of quality plus outstanding economy of operation and upkeep. It really leaves nothing essential to be desired in performance, in com fort or in handling ease, And, always, it is one of the most beautiful cars to be seen on the streets and highways. The 1947 Pontiac Silver Streak is an example of what we mean. People who get it need envy no one and the same will be true of those who get their Pontiacs in 1948, 1949 or 1930. Year after year, Pontiac is a fine car in every respect. THE SOONER YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER form new Pontiac the earlier yon will get it. So place your order now jor future delivery. CO. Salem, Oregon