Spring Visitors i Are Numerous In Capital Springtime has brought sev eral travelers to Salem for the post-Easter season. Arriving early Wednesday morning at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine in Saginaw street were Mrs. Har old R. Starks and her daughter, Diane of Northfield, Minn., who will be guests of the Pur vines until April 19. They are i en route home from California Motoring to Portland Thurs day morning was Mrs. B. W. Stacey, who met at the Port land airport Mrs. George Schroeher of Roosevelt, L. I., who flew west to attend the marriage of Mrs. Stacey's daugh ter. Miss Jean Rowland, and her son, George Schroeher April 19. Arriving Wednesday at the Leon N. Chads' home for short stay were his brother-in- law and sister. Mr. and Mrs Mark Parr of Seattle. Mrs. Carlton McLeod enter tained Wednesday afternoon with luncheon arranged in com pliment to members of her con tract bridge club at the home 4 of her mother, Mrs. Frank H Spears, in Chemekcta street Special guests were Mrs. Wayne Hadley. Mrs. Herb Stiff, Jr.. Mrs. Roland Mersereau, ana Mrs. Alan Sicwert. Portland Is Scene of Rites From Portland conies word of the marriage of Miss Betty Wulf. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Blimquist of Idaho Falls, Idaho, and Constine O. Schnei der, son of Mrs. Mary H. bchnel dcr of Salen . The rites took place March 23 at . the Little Chapel of the Chimes in Portland, with Rev George Koehler officiating, Charles Johnson sang and Mrs. Frank Webster played the wedding music. Attending the couple were Mrs. Charles Clark and Richard F. Pearee, both of Salem. Members of the immediate family attended a wedding breakfast at the Rose room of the Mallory hotel following the rites. After a -wedding trip to the Oregon beaches the couple is at home at 2515 North Killings worth in Portland, where the bridegroom is attending medi cal school, following service in the air corps. XJJL 1 All'vlClllJUlltll Club Meets Friday Miss Helga Brosten will be f;, hostess to members of Salem BPW club at the Tuberculosis hospital Friday evening. It is g the regular monthly recrea- f ion meeting and members s needing transportation should contact Miss Ruth McAdams, telephone 7279. Miss Laverne f Hardwicke, chairman of the t. recreation committee, will be in charge of the meeting. f The drama group jnder the direction of Mrs. Ruth Ver- sleeg will present a one-act I play. The remainder of the ; evening will be spent infor- mally with refreshments serv- ed at the close of the meeting. ; Paris Theme of Academy Dance "Paris a Nuit Paris at night, was the theme for the junior prom presented Wednes day evening by the junior of Sacred Heart academy. Outdoor cafes, complete with awnings, rockerys and palm trees transformed St. Joseph's hall, where the dance was held into a Paris street. Glenn Williams' orchestra played for the formal affair. In charge was Miss Pat Burrell and her committee heads were Miss Barbara Albrich, Miss Pat Orth, May Comstock and Teresa Mier. Recent visitors at the Fred Kuhn home were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kuhn of Seattle. Auxiliary to 1 Hold Initiation Meadowlark auxiliary of the VFW No. 6102, held a business meeting Wednesday evening at the VFW hall when Mrs. Samuel Meyers w a s initiated. Honor guest was Mrs. Harriett Wcl shons. formerly of Oregon City. Committee reports were given by Mrs. J Lucas, finance; Mrs. Harold Eastridge, essay, and Miss Sylvia Arnold. Red Cross, to which the auxiliary voted a donation. Mrs. Lucas announced a rum mage sale Friday and Saturday. Joint public installation of of ficers will be April 23 at the VFW hall. The refreshment committee was composed of Mrs. J. Lucas. Mrs. Harold Eastridge and Mrs. Lylc Brown. At Home Fetes Max Btirens Mr. and Mrs. Max Olin Bur en will celebrate their golden! wedding anniversary Sunday at the family home, 745 Court street, with an "at home" to which their friends are asked to call. Mr. Buren came to Salem with his parents in 1889 and in 1892 became associated in the furniture business with his father and later with the late C. S. Hamilton. On April 14, 1897, he married Alice Latta Wolcott, in Trenton, Mo., and came with his bride to Salemi to live. Since 1908, they have resided in their present home in Court street. Sons and daughters and their families who will assist al Hie reception, all of whom live in Salem, are Dr. and Mrs. Wol cott E. Buren, Nancy and Rich ard, Miss Maxine Buren, Mr. j and Mrs. Marion B. Lamb, Lou-: isa and Deborah, Mr. and Mrs Peery T. Buren and Janet. Cosmis Club " 1 Meets Saturday Saturday evening the Cosmis Dancex club will entertain mem bers and their guests with a par ity at the Mayflower hall. I The business meeting will be 'gin at 8:30 o'clock and at B:3U dancing to the music of bunny St. Clair and her orchestra will begin. Committee in charge is com posed of Mr. and Mrs. James Gorton, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Capital Journal, Salem. Ore, Thursday, April lfl, 1917 T KcniuMi and Mr. and Mrs. Rich-'speak on "The World Crisis aid King. There's Sure to Be One." Mrs. Clara Coolcy will have charge Tiie North Siilcni WCTU will of devotions, meet at the home of Rev. Cora ; Gregory, 2 1 ti 5 North Church' Visitors in the capital Wed strecl Friday afternoon at 2 , ncsday were Mr. and Mrs. Rich o'clock, Dr. R. I. Lovcll williard H. Roberts of Portland. FOR COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE SEE Teague Motor Company OUt AIM Dependable ami Reasonable Service From a Boll to a Motor. If Your Car Needs Mechanical Attention Let Us Give You an Estimate SI'lXIAI. li I'IKiKT PLAN I'nttcct Vour Investment hy Keeping Your Car in Hood Serviceable Condition Your Kaiser-Frazier Dealer 3..1 N. Liberty St. Phone 7001 Mrs. Madsen on YWCA Board Mrs. Arthur Madsen, recently named chairman of the camp committee, was elected to the YWCA board of directors at their monthly meeting held this week. She replaces Mrs. G. A. j Reeher who recently resigned. Mrs. Madsen, as an experienced nutritionist, is expected to prove , particularly valuable on the camD committee. During tne war she was head of the Red Cross nutrition program. Chairmen of the various com mittees were named by Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh as follows: Finance, Mrs. Margaret Rose crans; young adult, Mrs. A. S. Schramm; younger girls, Mrs. Howard Post; personnel, Mrs. B. F. Williams; nominating, Mrs. O. I. Paulson: residence and plans, Mrs. Wallace Carson; building, Mrs. Frank Spears; camp, Mrs. Arthur Madsen; con stitution, Mrs. Karl Becke; mem bership, Mrs. Norman Winslow and Mrs. Carl Halvorson. Guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wagner last week was Mrs. H. D. Matthews of Seattle. Announcement I am again now able to take care of your electrical needs. The same pre-war service and satisfaction will prevail. Salem Electric Supply 1020 N. Commercial St. Phone 9293 or 21684 -Signed. LEO H. JOHNSON SKILL Protects Your Health Your druggist is a skilled medical man, trained to fol low the directions of your doctor in the accurate com pounding of prescriptions. Rely on us for Accurately Compounded Prescriptions CHLAEFEHV DRUG STORE IMP Prescription! Accurately Filled 191 Original Yellow Front Drm A Candy Store In Sales. Sole Acenti for Pamlar Remedies In Marlon County. 135 Nortb Commercial St. Phone iW or 1U LOOKING TO THE FUTURE as well as the present . We are interested in making direct mill connections We operate a cash and carry wholesale yard and sell industrial accounts. We pay cash for what we buy WE NEED DRY, ROUGH AND GREEN 44 TO 164 Fir, all grades Ponderosa Pine, all grades Redwood, A, B, C Sugar Pine, all grades Cedar, clears Idaho Pine, all grades We have facilities for handling a large volume. Will handle any rejects. COMMUNICATE WITH US OR SEND US YOUR OFFERS STAR BOX CO. ' or Superior Lumber & Millwork Co. 17700 Broadway, Bedford, Ohio Telephone Montrose 881 NOW! AT BISHOP'S llsl 395 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities These beautiful, nautical stripe pat terns have just arrived. Select yours now . . . orders will be fill ed in rotation as long as the stock lasts. Shirts with personality plus, these Ar rows will really make a big hit with him. They're so clean-looking, so trim. Whether he's engaged in busi ness or out socially with you, these shirts will make him a standout. I tkna ,Vl0n ls. .fcadoved P nds. ted on P05' .,tect k hove P ne , worn"' , i . ou' 9'" 439S T... ""' haL li 'U!,,'l r , Z s:&'t;t!;- Arr ir,olr 1MM tS-iner p -j' Jw S90