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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1947)
Si n I 'J FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS V j BtlLDING MATERIALS salvaied. Camp ' J Adair. Delivered anywhere, Ed. Case IRONING BOABOS, mttal and wooden pads & covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty JiVELY CABINET Grand Piano, Walnut finish. 136S Stale. nice n85 PRESSURE COOKERS, IS CUftrl. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 PHILLIPS BROS., cedar posts, corner ' posts, wood, hop pole, bean stakes, hakes, fertilizer and special tlmbrr or der!. Rt. 0. Box 118 Dial O. cull FOB YOUR cabin at the coast, a radic that assures good reception. "Tha Tro- plo Master." Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n95 LIGHT YOUR farm with POWERLITE. r, th- frnnnmt of electricity. We now have in stock the sire to meet your nerds. Can be purchased on Wards Time Payment plan. Wards Farm Store, High and Trace oia.. o- 1-m. n86 S1DEARM WATEB heaters, automatic, electric, fasten to your present tank. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty LADY'S soft sreen coat. Size H. Never worn. Bargain. 880 Marlon. Apt. . n87 GOOD USED typewriter. Used 3 speaker Jnter-communlcatlns set. .ntnsoN'a. 319 N. COM'L. n87 vnnncr ft beef. 30c lb., delivered, Phone 22G39. WISCONSIN Schramm Air Compressor. 10 gal. Devilbls pressure poi. ana hn.. Ph 0444 or 158 Ratclllf Dr. fter 6. n87 NEW ALL STEEL factory built 2-Wheel trailer. 420 Larson ftve. rn. jjuj. q. FULLER brushes 1145 Grant. Ph 83M ONE DAVENO, one Magic Chef gas range, I one dinette set, red leainer upuowhii. r 2 end tables matched. Call after 6 p.m. 830 NCom'l. Apt. No. 2. n8T MrivEARS ROEBUCK 24 h.p. outboard motor, very reasonaoic. jou . much Apt. 2, after 4 p.m. nai VACUUM CLEANERSi Westlnghouse. Uni versal and Royal YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n90 "iVE BUY 8t sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes motors radios, electric appli ances household goods KL1GUAN 9 385 N Com mere I al Phone 9B85 n' PLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin ish for floors, furniture, automobiles on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty "M NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 175 S. High. Phone 6088. nl06 ELECTRIC 42 gallon water heater. 179.50 TA. 4314, Portland. 106 FARMERS, ATTENTlONi Portable Clean Easy milicing machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n90 C- E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines. Paits ' r all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5785. 1940 N. 18th. nl02 OIL CIRCULATORS: Super Flame, me dium size. YEATEW APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty J n80J 8 SECTION Sprlngtooth Harrow. A. Hill man, Rt. 3, Box 950, Salem. S. River Road to Homestead Rd 4 ml. nB6 PALLETONE. ONE coat, washable oil paint for walls, ceilings and wallpaper dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty nW "garden land, gravel crushed rock Shovel ft drag-line excavating WALL LNQ SAND AND GRAVEL CO Pn SMI LAWN CART all metal, rubber tread lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' NOW AVAILABLE: Concrete drain tile building blocks, sewer, culvert, irri gation ft well pipe Fresh regular Keene cement, white sand, reinforcing steel, mesh sash, expansion Joints, OREGON GRAVEL CO.. 1405 N. Front. Ph. 3417. FISHING TACKLE boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25S N. Liberty 1 FDL, 95 Oletrac Tractor, Isaacson Ca ble Dozer and Carco Logging Drum. 918 Birch St.. Dallas. n87 BUTTER cniJRNS Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, mantle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' 130 BASS accordion. 1205 Alder Ave. Perfect condition. n88 TRANSPARENT PLASTI-Kote for drain boards, floors and furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' DAHLIAS, gladlolas. 4325. 881 RosemonU Ph. TYEST1NGIIOUSK refrigerator, 30 cu. 't. Ideal for restaurant, grocery or large farm home. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n!02 ONE OIL burner circulator, good cond Nelson Bros. Ph. 4149 n" ELECTRIC range burners now available for all makes of ranges. High speed Calrod type, solid top and replacement colls. For service or parts call 4311. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty n88 WHEEL CHAIRS Bnd Hospital Beds. Buy or sell. rni or trade Max Buren. 745 Court St., Salem. Ph. 7775. n89 PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n95 GENUINE Texas crystal wax (white) Ber muda onion plants. Puritan Cider Works, W. Salem. Ph, 8436. n88 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bath: om fluorescent and Incandes cent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95" I NEW CURTIS windows, elec. heater with fan. Prewar new bath tub, lava tory, toilet complete. 1327 Third St., W Salem. n86 iBEAT VOUS home electrically It's eon fvenlent, clean economical Set us tot I free estimates 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty n FOR SALE: Fountain and Sandwich Bar, complete with stock, lease, equipment on Highway 97. seats 19. P. O. Box 171. Redmond, Oregon. "87 COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and 2 burner with half grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug gies and lawn furniture look like new YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n95 STRETCH YOUR feed dollars with Wards Hammermills Quality mills for every pur pate at LOWEST PRICFS! We have the mill to meet your need. Wards Farm Store, High and Trade 8ts., lem. I TELEPHONE Si lntercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 353 N. Liberty THEY'RE TIERE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New fender skirla. 1890 60. 12th. n88' FARMERS, ATTENTION: Westlnghouse auto, electric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 355 North Liberty. n90' TRAILER HOUSE furnished 1400.00. Ph. 222-82 eve. n86 wanted'misc'el' Young LADY to share apt., 640 Cheme- keta St.. ADt 5. between 5 and 7 p.m nafla t WHEEL TRAILER. Suitable for haul ing boat. Ph. 7840. naS8' WANTED TO BUY Good used 4li ft. leg bath tub. Write L. W. Pruett. R. R. 6. Box 91, Salem. Oregon. nai7 WANTED: Burlap and cotton bags, at kinds. Willis Kelley. Ph. 23156. ca94 USED FURNITURE Phone 9185 Journal Want Ads Pay PERSONAL WILL PARTY who callrd at Mrs. Oak man's Easter morn, regarding property on Bellcrest Rd.. please contact her a: once. Deal did not go through. p88 PROFESSIONAL ADVISER. Well known by former name "Martin. Appis. daily. 1 p.m. lo 9 p.m. 1211 Che meketa St. P89 BEADING, know the truth, 2361 State. P89 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUsTp.O. Bog 724. p27 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE: Ford Truck. Good condition. J300. Small camping trailer, slerps ?, 1100. Ph, 22504. Ray Salter, Rt. 6, Box 348. 88 FOR SALE: Small furnished trailer house, new. (550.00. 445 S. Winter fit. q.86 1B17"CHEV. Deluxe, radio, complete with antenna, never been installed. Will sell at cost. 586 N. Liberty. qB8 SMALL trailer house, 2227 Hyde St. q88 FohTford dump truck, nrw Mercury mo tor. 90ri rubber, reasonable price. L. F. Marshall, Woodburn, Ore. 444 Young St. Ph. MainJ94. iB3 33- TUDOR FORD, good shape, see for yourself, George Ely, Valley Motor wash rack. "88 l!):in "IODEL A Tudor. In good condition. 630 N. 20th, see between 5 and 8 p.m. y q88 FOR SALE OR TRADE for late model car. 1940 International, ton and half truck, long whPf-1 bane. 8:25 tires, two-speed axle. Arnold Phillips, Box 261, Turner. Oregon. G-88 FOR SALE 1937 Plymouth. Exceptionally clean. Smooth running, original paint, tires practically new. Inquire at Shell Sta., Aunuvllle, Ore. q87 1910 PLYMOUTH Conv. Excellent cond. Inquire Standard Station, 595 Court, after 10 p. m. FOR SALE: '34 V-8 Sedan, '39 motor, 5 new tires ft body fair. Price J285. Ken neth Crenshaw. 325 Park Ave. Car will be at Farm Labor Camp, care of Ernest Little. 188' '3fi FORD 2-dr. sedan, new '3 brakes and battery. $295. 1890 DICK'S USED CARS "34 V-H TUDOR, seal beam lights, new leather upholstery. 3o. ibhu e. ma. DICK'S USED CARS 3S CIIEV. 4-dr. sedan, heater, 1325, S. 12th, DICK'S USED CARS 35 RTUDE 4 dr. sedan, good cond, new paint. $345. 1890 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS A V-8 ROADSTER, all hopped up. clocked at 114 m.p.h.. $395. isuu a. 12m, DICK'S USED CARS q88' NEW INDIAN CHIEF Motorcycle, $300. accesone.v only 5000 ml. Really a noney. 1890 8. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS q88 8-FT. SLEEPING trailer, J185. It's a good ne. 642 Edgewater St. Cabin 12. q87 FOR SALE: Small tractor. Chev. motor, 10 In. plow, power lilt, 4 it. tanaem disc, 5 ft. steel roller. Phone 174 W, Call evenings, not Sun. 884 7th St.. Independence, Ore. q88 '34 DESOTO 5-passencer coupe, motor ov erhauled, heater. $375. 449 S. Cottage. q.87 1941 Chrysler, Windsor, excellent cond. over-drive, radio, heater. 1937 Plymouth. Tudor, as Is $450. WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 N. Commercial Ph. 7249 qB7- 19.17 FORD COUPE, good mechanical cond., 6 good tires, 1550 cash. Inquire Rickreall Store, after 5 p. m. q86 '46 FOUR-DOOR, two-tone blue Hudson Super Six. A real buy at only $1800. 548 6th St., Woodburn. Phone Black 78. q87 1038 FORD 2-DOOR, new motor, good rubber, radio, heater. $775.00. 152 60. Church St., Apt. 2, after 6 p. m. q87 HA R LE YD A VID SO N7471nol ore yc ie rCom pletely overhauled, $150. Phone 3542. d37 '39 CIIEV., Just overhauled, a radio, heater. Good paint. 25156. new tires, Call eves., ' 086 TRAILER house, factory made, 1941 Main liner, sleeps 4, furnished with butane heater and stove, daveno; Ice box, etc. Newly reflnlshed Inside and out. Full price $795.00. Call 2-1200. q86 '36 PLY. 5 pass, coupe. $425. 1790 N. Front. STEEL FRAME trailers, 16 inch wheels. $45. 1790 N. Front. q86 FOR SALE $350.00.6 cylinder, '33 Chryl. good tires, good, solid body, and good paint. Cal) at 12 uoon, or after 5. 210 N. 12th St. Q89 MODEL T Roadster, self starter, runs good, $70.00. Call 3796 between 8 to 6 eves. q86 41 FORD 2 -door. R. H. New tires, Mer cury Motor, 1440 Ferry. q86 1935 CIIEV. S new tires, heator, good shape. Reason for selling Is leaving stntt, 1397 N. Commercial. Inquire Ru dolph Doll. Q.86 SI7B, '36 FORD sedan, new tires, radio, heater, 410 Ford St. q86 l!Kil CIIEV. Master sedan. Radio and heater. Good rubber. Exceptionally clean, 641 N 16th. q86 FOR SALE '31 Durant, $240, 166 W. Miller St. qso 1935 STUDEBAKEB Sedan, Heater, good tires, new paint. 1810 Pontlac, pickup. Runs good. Both for $350. Rt. 2, Box 342 Salem N on 99E. q86 35 PONTIAC CONV., new top. tires, body, and engine in fine cond. Can be seen at Doollttle's Service at Commercial and Center after 6 p. m. q86 1011 IIARLEY 011938 Harley cond. 1095 S Commercial. 61, A-l TRAILER HOUSE, 23-ft. Schult. exc. Fir Crest Trailer Park, 3910 N. River Rd. 0.B8 NEW FENDER SKIRTS dlnte Delivery. Dick's Used Cars, Im 1890 So. 12th. 488 FORD CAR over Truck, new 100 h. p. mo tor, cab and general condition excellent. Price $985.00. Harold W. Aanew Used Car lot across from Hotel Albany. Phone 1052-R, Albany, Oregon. q86 JEEP FOR SALE 1942 Ford Jeep, new red paint, perfect condition, S785.00. Harold W. Aitnew Used Car lot across Irom Ho te' Albany. Phone 1052-R, Albany, Ore. BEFORE YOU SELL THAT CAR See TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY FOR BEST DEAL in town. Cash on the line. We will pay Top Prices for Clean Cara. Your KAISER-FRAZER DEALER 355 N. Liberty qS8 TRUCK 1942 G.M.C. 2'i ton, 10 wheel. Metal box type bed. 12'x7' Inside. Has connections and pivot for conversion to dump truck. New brakes with vacuum boost. Excellent condition. Leaving state. Must sell immediately. Ph. 24924. 1385 Plana, West Salem. Cor. Plaza At Rose mont. q87 WANTED VOUR CAR (oi cash. Will pay mora tor lata clean models. See ua now. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St. q97 MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES - SERVICE - PARTS AM makes used motorcycles bought told repaired SHROCK MOTOR OO Phone U03 - Salem AUTO PAINTING. PH. 4010 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO., 726 N. COMX q05 HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Pre estimates orerhaullns eodr and fender repair painting. oive Shroek a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR OO Phont 1501 Salem FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made as mall as J300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 4 G.I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 144 State fit. Phont 0261 rsfl FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans Farm City New Construction i 4 A. N. Duncan 12-14 Ladd St Bush Bank Bldg. Phone 9658 I'i PERCENT money lor loans on new or already built modern homes any where m the Willamette valley. 10 to 25 years repayment plan. Also plenty of money for building modern homes, financed during construction. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 S. High 8t. Tib WE LIKE to make LOANS WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan requests, because making loans of 125 to $250 or more is our ONLY business. Phone or visit Peisonnl Finance Co.. You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" in Just 1-vlsit. Call today. 518 State St., Rm. 125. Salem Ph. 3191 E. Gallinger, Mar. Lie. S. 122 M. 165 rlU5' FIRSTMOnTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on Improved real estate. Salem and vicin ity, amounts f00 to S5000. NET In vestors 5 pel Interest. Make your own selection Collections of all principal and Interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. 6TATE FINANCE CO.. 153 6. High St. I MONEY I REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL DOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgage! m Contracts STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Lie S-216 M-222 153 S High St. r' AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Btb FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDG License Jo. U-159 8-154 r "MONEY" FOR EVERY PURPOSE IP VOU are capable of building 10 to iuo nouses eaiem or vicinity during 1947 and need financial assistance. Contact Ua. We are also Interested Id financing one or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie B216M222 153 B. High St Ph. 4121 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 6-138 and U-338 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial St Tel 9168. FARM AND CITY LOANS 47 and 6 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract! and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO. 207 Pioneer Trust Blda. Pb 1162 r TRANSPORTATION GOING BACK EAST. Want 1 or 2 pass engers to help drive car. Box 347 Capi tal Journal. x86 DRIVING TO ILLINOIS April 24. Will take one pass., share gas and oil. Refs Phone 2-4423 eves. a87 Directory ACCOUNTANTS APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR, Ph. 2-5100. O100' ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and ' domestlo refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Center Ph 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. ol02 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 275 S. Com'). Ph. 6161 Brake ft Wheel aligning specialist. OlOl- AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phont 7838 Night. 24417 333 Center. BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. VirRll Huskey, 305 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 23146, Salem. 0IO8 BULLDOZING leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 805 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 2314G Salem. 088 GLEASON'S Catering Service.' Ph. 35379. CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned, ENSLEY. 771 S. 21st St. Ph. 7176. Ol03 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. CHfl ElllS, 1905 N 19th St Ph 4071. 089' CONTRACTING GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Harry Hill. Ph. 7641. ol00 DECORATING DECORATING ft general repair. Ph. 6522. O103 DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. ol00 EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery Ph. 7000. 175 N High. 088 DIGGING St LEVELING DIGGING, Bn.'ements. Ditches, Leveling Fill Dirt. PECO. Pacific Excavating Com nany. Salem Oregon. Phone 3456 or 4793. 8B DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, buttons ft buckles covered, altera tlons. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. o93 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH. MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. Lee Cross. 1260 N. 17th O102' PEMBER TON'S FLOWER Shop. 12th. Ph 23346. 1980 E. 098 RREITHAUPT'S for flowers Dial 9195 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME Ph 3672 O FURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros., 4020 S. State. Ph. 21233 0133 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling. Arthur McClellan. Phone 22456. ol09 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS . R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free iel 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. olOl HOUSEPAINTING C. HORN, Good work. Free estimates Ph. 5313. 1235 S. 19th. o96 LANDSCAPING LAWNS, planting, landscape plans, bor Landscape Service. Phone 7663. LEVELING St DOZING JOHNSON A BRIGGS, Grading SLv St Roads. Phone 8035 Salem. 097 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. n. HAUSER. 923 Saginaw, p. 7828 O107 MATTRESS E S CAPITAL REDDING. Phone 40697 SALE. MOVING St Delivery Service Phone 7665. Insured Carrier. 091 MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar. Mando lin, baijjo. etc 1533 Court. Ph. 7369. o96a OIL CIRCULATORS OIL BURNER Sales and Service. Wm. C. Drew. Phone 3395. ol 1 1 OIl'cIRCULATORsT 34 nr. service. Parts available. Phone 6072. 098 PAINTING estimate. AND PAPERIIANGING. Ph 9513 657 Shipping, Free 089 PAINTL.G St PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON, Phone 3492. PATERHANGING E7TERT PAPFRITANOrNG. H. worth. Phone 3015. i PLOWING" AND DISCING Wood-O-108" GARDEN PLOWING and discing; In N. Salem or Kelzer. Ph. 23160. olOO PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travis 1029 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. 07 Journal Want Ads Pay Market Quotations Portland Eastslde Market The season's first Willamette vaney as paragus was offered at S6 a pyramid at today's session of the Portland Eastsidc irniers' Wholesale Produce mamei. Radishes sold at 80 cents a dozen bunrhes. Spinach was valued at 60-75 cents an orange box. Portland Prointce Esrnanse Butterfat Tentative isubject to Imme diate change) Premium quality maximum Portland 75-76c; first quality 70-80c lb.; second quality 73-76c; valley routes and country points So less than first, or 17 18c. Butler Wholesale f.o t bulk. fl ib cubes. A A, 93 score, 6(l-fi7c; A, 92 score. :o-71c; B. 90 score. 60-66c; C. 89 score. 66c. Cheeie Selling price to Portland whu.esalers: Orcson unties 42-49C; Ore eon loal. 42 -62c. triplets. 39l.-50'e. To wholesaler A .rode larae 47 1 j-48'sc : medium 44 ,-j-45'.ac: small. ( pul! :t) 41 li-42 ',2c; B grade large 42 to 44 '..-c. Eg gt Purchases Mora larmers; Current receipts 37-41c, buyers pay 3-3 "ic dot. below wholesale quotations on graaeo basis for best hennery egca Portland Dairy Market Batter Prices to retailers: Grade AA carton, 71c: AA prints, 70c; A prints, ;; A cartons, 7lc; B prints, esc; one-fourth pound cubes, cent higher. E:ss Prices to retailers, AA extra large, 50c; AA large (certified) M-55c; A large, 49-50c; AA medium, 50c; A mediums, 45- 46c; A small, 42o dozen: carton, 2'c additional. Cheese Prices to retailers Portland: Oregon singles, 43-64c lb.; Oregon loaf. 46-56c; triplets, 42Vi-64c. rouiiry: Live Chickens Paying price to produ cers: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs., 30c fryers. 2 it 3 lbs.. 30c lb 3 to 4 lbs., 34-35c lb.; roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 34-35c lb.; fowl, Leghorn, under 3-,i lbs., 20c lb.: over 3l4 lbs., 24c lb.; fowl. colored, all wts., 32-34c lb. Rabbit Average to retailers 48-S0o lb; dressed prices to prooucers. 43c. iryera live white 20-240 tb.i colored. 17-21e ib Vegetable: Artichokes Cal., 4 and 5 doz., $3.50. Asparagus Cal. am a lis, $3.50-4.00 box: Cal. Cent. dist. No, 1, mediums, 13-15c lb.; Yakima, medium, 15-16c; near grade, 14-15c: small, $4.25. Itcets Cal., bunches. 11.25-1.40 dos. Brussei Sprouts $2-2.20 Cabbace Round net a, 80 Ib cratei mall 12.50-75; California crates. $3-3.15: red 10-15c lb. California No. 1, $4.00-4.50; kraut. $1.65-1.75; red. Calif.. $5.00-5.50. Track sale. Calif., round head. $2.80-3.00 crate; local. 80 lb. crate, small, up to $4 for best. Truck sales. Calif., $3.70. Carrots Bunched, Calif.. 6 doz $4.00 4.25: track sales, Cal., 6 doz., $3.65-3.85. Truck sales, 6 doz., $4.00. Cauliflower Calif., trimmed std. crate, $2.65-3.00. Celery Heart material, 4-6 doz.. $4.50 5.00. Pascal, crates. $5.50-75; sturdy crates, $6.25-6.75. Best, $5.00. fair, $5-5.25 crate Track sales, std. crate, fair. $3.50- DIRECTOR PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads, envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery. .Johnson printing Co. In basement at 162 S. Liberty St. olOl SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SILT and gravel. Bosley At Mey er. Ph. 3046 or 22160. 088 GARDEN soil, crushed rock Shovel ft dragline excavating Walling Sand ft Orav-I Co Phone 8561 o SEPTIC TANKS ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleanrd. Free estimate. Proi -H service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. ol07 MIKE'S Cesspool is Septic Service, mod ern equipment 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 9468 or 5327. olOl K F. II A MEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned. 11438th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. Ol 16 S E Wl NG M ACH IN ES SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented cash paid for machines, regardless of condition Ph 7671 or write W Daven port, 1930 North 18lh. Work Guar, O-90 SPRAYING SPRAYINGr L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. olOO COMPLETE spray service. Trees ft weeds Modern equipment. Aerosol generator Conrcntronal sprayer. Philip W. Bielke Phone 21208 97 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL & DISTANCE Transfer, r.ortit Burner oils coal, briquets Trucka 10 Portland dally Aeent Lyon Van Lines for household eood to California points Larmer Transfer & Storage Ph 3131 o VACUUM CLEANERS ' HOOVER AOtrrl CLEANER owner,. will service your Hoovei cleaner com plete for iu.50 pi paru u required Hoeg Broa. Ph 914t) o WEATHER STRfrPING-1 FREE estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 89HS. O107 WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph ftuuu. ol08 WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe, Rt. 0. Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 23198. Ol08' J. A. SNEED SONS. Well drlllln, 9S0S urooKa St.. Salem. Phone 6809. 0127 CLEMENT BROS., well drlllera. Gervals, Ore Ph 2-4378. "lit l. 089 WINDOW CLEANING CME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walla St wofdwora cleaned Floors clean ed waxed St polished Ph 3337 Ml Court uangdoo Culhertson and Mather WINDOW cleaning house cleaning, floor waxing, eaiem window Service. 21342. PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE Phone 4437 0 ELECTRIC WIRING No delay. Materia available. Phone 9740. oI08 WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph LEGAL N OT ICEOFPU BLI icH EAR ING NOTICE is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem, at the meeting of said Council to be held at the City Hall, in Salem, Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. on Apll 16. 1947. will hear all persons particu larly interested and the general public in me mancr oi tne petition and pro posal to chanstc from a Class I Residu um uistnci to a -Class III Business Dis trict, the following described premises, to wit: That part of Block 3, Enslcwood Addi tion io tne t,iiy of Salem, Marion Coun ty, Oregon, as described In Deed record ed in volume 312, paitc 602, and Deed recorded in Volume 32, page 402, Deed ncuiun mr Marion county, Oregon. By order of the Common Council. Alfred Mundt, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion in Probate has ap pointed the undersigned administrator of the estate of RAY GRANT, deceased. All claims of persons against said estate must be presented to said admit.istrator at the office of J. F. Ulrich, Pearce Build ing. Marioi County, Oregon, within lx months from date hereof with proper DATED and first published the 27th day ot March, IP47. J. K WEATHERFORD, Jr.. itre... Administrator. WEATHERFORD St THOMPSON, Albany, Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. March 2": April 3. 10. 17. LODGES 7iTx I. O. O. F. meets every S Wednesday night. Third Detrrpp. visitirs wel come. Dance. Fraternal Order or EuIpx mPAts every Tuesday at 8 p.m More than smiuion memoers. V c.,1 i j "V, . - I A Salem Lodge No. 4, A.F. &i ViwA.M. Wednesday, April 9. E Nt A. degree, 7:30 p.m. 85 A ... , , , Pacific Lodge No. 50, AT. nM. M M. degree friciav. April 11, 7 p.m. 87- 75. Cucumber California noinouse. nigs, $9-9.50; local hothouse, $10-12; 30-35c lb. (iarllc Oregon white 35-30 lb.; Call!. 28-30C lb. Lettuce Calif.. 4 doz.. $4.25-4.7. Truck lies. Calif. Delano. 14.00-4.25. Dried Onli-ni Orrgon yellows, No. I and riift. $2.35-2 50: mediums. $1.60-1.75! truck sale, mediums, $1.60; Leek, local. 90c doz. lit Plant 22-25C dreen OnUnt Local. 75-80c cos. bun Local. mid-Columbia, 40-50c, Parley Calif., $5.-5.50, 10 dos. ouncnes Parnlps Local. 11.001.35 lug. Peas Calif . 20 lb. crate, $3.50-3.73; loose. 12', --15c lb. Calif.. 38-30 lb. era tc.s, S2.40-3.00. Edison dist.. Calif.. 23 lb. hamper. $2.15; 50 Ib. crates, $4.50- 4.75. Peppers Mexico. 45 lb. 111.00-12.30: Track sales, $11.00; 100 ec 19-20e lb.: Calif.. 45 lb $7-7.50: loose, 23-25C. Potatoes Russets No. 1 per cwt., $3.75 4.00: baker size, $4.50-4.70: No. 2s. $3.10 3.25: ro. 2 A, 25 lbs.. $1.00-1.05; 15 lbs.. 60-65c: Deschutes No. 2s. 50 lbs., $1.35- 1.30: Baker. Ore.. Russets. No. 1. $3.50' 3.60; nrw crop. Bliss Tnumplis, 50 lbs., size A, $3.65-3.75; size B, track sales, Fla.. Bliss Tnumplis, size A, 50 lb. sks. J 3. 05; old crop. No. 3, 50 lbs., $1.00, baker No. 1. $3.00-3.10 cwt. Radishn Calif.. $6-6.25. 10 dos. crates: 65 -70c doz. bunches. Local, 10-80c dos., Nevada, $4.50 for 10 doz. Riitabaeas $1.16-1.35 lug Spinach Local, mid-Columbia, 85c-$1.00 a 20 lb. box. few higher. Squash Dams lugs $1-1. 15: orange boxes $2.50-2.75: Hubbard, Marblehead, 6-7c lb.; Calif., banana, 6-6'4c lb.; Calif. Zucchini. $4.25-4.50 a 36 lb. lug. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey, 30 tb. basket, $5-5.25: Calif.. Louisiana yams. $4 50-4.75. Texas, $4.00-4.15. . Tomatoes Mexican. repacked. JP. 50-6.75: 20 tubs. $4-4.30. Track sales. lUBS. $5.65-5.75. 12 lb. tubs, $3.00-3.15 Truck sales, Mexican, $5 50. Turnips Bunches, ( dos. bunches Frrih trait: Apples Oregon delicious, t. ft t.. 14-4.35 box. choice $3 75-85; Ortleys. w and comb, grade, $3 15-35; Ncwtoni f and f.. $1.75-2; w ano p $4-4.35. Red Delicious w and p. up to $5.50; Wlne-mps w ft o. S4.50-5OO Hood River, w. and p.. $4.50-75 Avocados California Feurtes, sizes 34 and 30, $4.25-4.35. Bananas Bunched. S3 35-3 501 out hands, $13.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 34, 8 os pkgn. 14.35-5. G: ipi'frult Texas pinks, 70's-90's, $4.75 5,75; small, $4.00-4,35. Marsh seedless, fi0's-(6's, $3.00-3.35; Ariz, white, $2.50-2.85 Ruby red, all sizes, $5.50-5.75. I.rmons Calif.. 300-360's, $7.00-7.25; 432's, $5.00-5.25. Limes -Calitornla 1A tubs ol 6 limes 12.75-3.00 Oranges California navels, 200' and larucr. 6.00-6. 15: 220-252's, 14.75-5.50: 252's and smaller, $5.40-5.60; 360 s and smaller, $4.90-5.10. 1 Pears DAnJou, $4.75-85, wrapped and packed: loose. $3.35; Bose, loose, $3.763: Yakima. $3-3 25 Persimmons Calif lues, l?.25-S.50 Pineapples Cuban, 24-30, down to $6.75. Rhubarb Extra fancy, $3.50-2.65: fancy, $2.00-10; choice $1.75-80, few high as $2.00: Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 15c lb., local field grown, $1.00-1.15 18 lb, box. Qutnen Local 3-ao h. Packed Vegelabtea Uellophan wrapped a dozen: Broccoli, 12 $1.13-1.85; spin ach, 24 12-oz. $2-2.25; brussell sprouts B-oz. $2.20-35. Garllo Cloves 20 l-oi packages, 1.75 Dressed Mealsi Veal Heavy top quality 35-36c: top quality light. 32-34c lb.; B, 25-26c: C. 32 24c: CUll, 18-SOc lb. Hogs uioca ouicners, pacaer etyie. 125-160 lbs. 37-38c. over 313 lbs.. 36-37C sows. all weights, 30-34c lb. Lambs AA, 38-40ci A. 37-38CI B. 14-36C O. 28-30C Mutton 10-lSo lb., according to quanu and weight Beef Best quality. 32-34e; B, 25-26c: C, 22-24c; canner and cutter, 18-19c; bo- .ogna bulla 25-26e- Wool Cascara Barki Ctiscara Bark Green 8-8'ie; dry. JOe Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 45o lb Mohair 40o Ib on 13-month growth. Hides Green beef, 12-13c; calves. 43c lb. Kip hides 23c. Rendered Inedible Fata 120 lb The above prlcrs quoted to the whole sale trade are F O.B shipping points Delivered eastern price is generally M cents higher than F.OJI plant quota tions Chlrnjcn Grain Chicago, April 10 (U.R Cash grain: Wheat: Nominally firm; no sales. Corn: One to two cents higher; 2 yel low 186'7-189'a; 3 yellow 183-lS6?i : 4 yellow 179-163'i: 5 yellow 176; 3 white 185: 4 white 181. Oals: One to two cents higher; 1 white heavy 99; 1 whlti 98't; 3 white 974 38; 4 white B3'; sample trade white 80; 1 red special heavy 97. Barley: Malting 160-197 nominal; feed 135-160 nominal. Chlc-ngn Livestock Chicago, April 10 MP) (U8DA Salable hogs 55D0, total 8500; weights 260 pounds and down mostly steady with Wednesday's average: spots 10-25 cents lower; good and choice 186-260 lb. 25.50-26,35; top 26.25 paid freely for 180-240 lb. weights; 260 300 lbs. 24.65-25.75; 300-370 lb. 24.00-25.00; sows steady, good and choice 21.50-22.00. Salable cattle 4000, total 4300; salable calves 800, total 800: medium to good steers and heifers weak to 25 cents lower; no choice kinds here; largely steer and heifer run; fresh receipts increased by holdovers from earlier In week; market now generally 1.00 lower than Monday; top toaay; low-cnoice llgni heifers 23.00; cow market continues fairly active, steady; bulls steady at 17.25 down: vealers 1.00 or more lower at 23.00; mostly 22.00 down; most beef cows 13.50-16.50; good kinds to 18.00; butters 12.75 down. Salable sheep 2500, total 4000; slaughter lambs active, fully steady to shippers; around eight cars good and choice fed wooled western lambs at 23.00 top; several shipments medium and good wooled lambs 21.00-21.50 including a load around 115 lb. holdovers at latter price; other classes scarce; odd head lots native slaughter ewes steady at 10.25. Portland Grain Portland, Ore., April 10 (U.R)-Grain fu tures: S. white hd wh. app) 231 bid. S. white (hd wh. no rex) 232 bid. White club 232 bid. Western red 232 bid. Hard red winter ordinary 232 bid. Hard whlte-Baart ordinary no bid. Oats: No. 2 3B lbs. white 7100 bid. Barley: No. 2 45 lbs. west. 6700 bid. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore, April 10 U.B Livestock Cattle salable 125; calves 25. Market ac live, fully steady; medium to good steers 19.00-22.50; common to medium hellers 15.00-20.00; good heifers lo 21.00: canner to cutler cows largely 10.00-12.50; dairy type cows 14.00-14.50; good beef cows up to 18.00; medium to good sausage bulls 16.00-17.00; good vealers 23.00-25.00; choice saianic to ae.oo or above. Hogs salable 150. Market active, steady good to choice 185-240 lb. weight mostly 28.00; few 156 lbs. 27.00; good sows salable around 23.50-24.00; one lot good feeder pigs held above 29.50; choice quotable to JO.O. Sheep salable none; market nominal undertone weak. Good to choice wooled lambs salable around 20.15-21.15; good to choice wooled ewes quoted 8.50-9.50; shorn ewes aaiamo around 7.00. Salem Markets Completed tram reports oi Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Rflall Prices Rabbit Feed Pellets, 14.25 cwt. Ess Mash 14.75 cwt. Dairy Feed 13.90 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens, No. 1 34e lb.; No. 3, 30c; colored Iryera, No. 1, J3c lb Eft Buyers' Prlees White and Brown extra large grade A 45c; med., 40c; standards, 1 p"!"1'- ?0Ci "c- "7o"n rr,e"r" "c 00"D' m" Batter-Wholesale A. 70e. RetailGrade A. 75c. Butterfat Premium. 74c; No, 1. 73e: No. 2. 69c. . vv nailing iijduiiiiics idiiic jiilu &, ,:, . (h. ,im j - J ol the first World War. Stocks Advance i Selectively New York, April 10 ipi Stocks edged forward selective ly today although many market leaders were hesitant and deal ings among the slowest of the year. From the start the ticker tape inclined to loaf. While gains of one to three points were acquir ed by a few "thin" issues, ad vances mostly were in small fractions, quotations tapered at the close and the minus column was well filled. Transfers ran to around 600,000 shares. Among losers were U. S. Steel, Chrysler, Goodyear, Goodrich, Sears Roebuck, N. Y. Central, Kennecott, Southern Railway, Dow Chemical and Texas Co. 83,341 Oregonians Served in Army Washington, April 10 W) A total of 11,367,989 men and women served in the army be tween November 1, 1940 and July 31, 1946, the war depart ment reported today. The announcement reported army strength at 1,799.102 last July 31, and said 9,568.887 of those who entered service had been separated from duty. New York contributed 1,157, 000 men and 24,741 women to lead all states in people in the army, while Nevada had the smallest number, 11,000 men and 317 women. The figures for men and wo men (all in even thousands) in cluded: Idaho, 39,000 and 799; Mon tana, 41,000 and 1,216; Oregon, 81,000 and 2,341; Washington, 125,000 and 3,739; Alaska, 4,300 and seven. Grain Futures Take An Easier Trend Chicago, April 10 () Grains mostly developed an easier trend on the board of trade today al though the May wheat future displayed independent strength and some support came into the oats pit on reports of late seed ing throughout the mid west. Wheat closed lower to 134 higher, May $2.56 1&-$2.57, corn was k to 1 cent lower, May $1.78Vii-!?, and oats unchanged to higher, May 88-. (By the United Press) Stocks firm in quiet trading, Bonds firm; governments ir regular. Curb stocks irregular. Silver unchanged in New York at 76 cents a fine ounce. Wheat futures closed up 2 cents to off 294. Hogs and sheep steady, cattle lower. A book published in 1600 is believed to contain the first published reference to platinum New York Stock Quotations (By tht Associated Preasl New York ft Olotng quotations today Allied Ohem Or .174 '4 American Can Am Ptwer St Ligh. ... Amer Tel St Tel ..... Anaconda Copper Atchison BendU Artation 93t 13i Bethlehem Otee Boeing Alrcrad California Packing ... . Canadian Pacific I Case Chrysler Corp Commonwealth & Soul (. nsolldated Editor Consolidated Vultee Continental Insurance . Crown ZeMeroach . Curtiaa Wright , 23 , II las Aircraft Ouponv an rfemnu-i .. General Eiectrlfl . .184-14 .. Sir1 .. 42' General foods Oentral Motor Goodyear Tire Great Northern pia International Harvester . 81 .103 tnt Papet pi a ... ... Johns Manvlll Kennecott Long BtU A Maytag viiaml Copper Montgomery War ... Nash RelvlnhiO' National Dairy N T Central North Am Co Northern Pacific Pae Amer Fish Pacific Gas Elec Pacific TAT Pan Amertcao Penney J O Radio Corp Rayonier Hayonier Pfd Reynolds Metals Richfield Safeway Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Standard Brand.. Standard Oil Calif ... 17W . 26 T , 71 , 22 , 34 i 15'& , 53 "4 Stewart Warner 17',i Studebaker 20 Sun Minin 11 Union On 21 U Union Pacific 122 United Airlines 26Vj uniiva Aircran 20'4 tjnlted States Steel 7(1 Warner Hrother 15 'A West Elec Ufg Co 24H Wooiworth 48'i Here's One Of The Greatest OtGOCMflOt) If you have SIMPLE ANEMIA! Tou girl and women wbo suffer so from simple anemia that you're pale, weak, "dragged out" this may be due to lack of blood-Iron. So try Lydla E. Pinkham'i TABLETS one ot the beat home ways to build up red blood to get more strength In such cases. Plnkham'sTabletsareoneof the great est blood-Iron tonics you can buyt a.LifliTAGUTS I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Lumber Prices I Pass Peak Portland, Ore., April 10 iP) Lumber industry spokesmen here said prices of low grade lumber items probably will be gin falling soon but that qual ity boards and building sizes will remain unchanged for some months. Jack Huddleston, president of the Western Retail Lumber men's association, said, "I think the peak has been reached. Prices can't go any higher. In fact,- some common lumber items are beginning to drop now." He cited the recent announce ment of 10 percent price cuts by the lumber division of Ore gon Pulp and Paper company and the E. K. Wood Lumber company and predicted retail prices would drop to about the level existing at the end of the OPA. J. W. Copeland, operator of 38 northwest lumber yards, said "lumber prices have reach ed the top and are going down, mostly in common grades. Obituary Mrs. Anna ttell Staylon Final rites were held for Mrs. Anna Bell, 82, at St. Boniface Catholic church at Sublimity Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. with Rev. Father Jos. Scherbrlng officiating. Burial was in the cemetery there. Rosary was held Tuesday at 8 p.m. nt the Weddlo funeral home In Stayton. Mrs. Bell died at her home In Sublimity, Saturday, April 5. Born in Germany Mar. 3, 1865, she came to the United States 3h years ago and has been a resident of Orrgon since that time. Her husband, Frank A. Bell, died about 12 years ao. She Is survived by three nieces. Mrs. Mary Blnckirto Mrs. Charles Leiser of Chicago and Sister Mltchtlldcs, a nun in the St. Joseph Home for the Aaed, Belle ville, III. Pallbearers were Herman Hau ler, At Hassler, Phil Steffes, Joe Lulay, Gene Ditter and Ernest Rtestcrer. Births, Deaths Births Sieinke To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Stetnke. 1140 South 15th, a daughter, Bobbe Jean, Apr. 9. Barclay To Mr, and Mrs. Charles A, Barclay, 21(1 East Superior, a son, Greg ory Alexander, Apr. 7. Juimblut To Mr. and Mrs. Charles R Junablut. 2247 North Liberty, a son, Ger ald Edward, Apr. 8. Schwriarrt To Mr. and Mrs. Casper ScliwclHert, route 6, a daughter, Claudia Ann, Apr. 9. SnriiBiie To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spragur. 1053 Terrace Drive. West Salem. a daughter, Jane Gail. Apr. 6. Amttv To Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelchner April 3. a dauchter. 8 pounds and 14 ounces, at the Dr. Law hospital. Hudklns To Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hudklns, route 9. a aon, James Lee, Mar. n. Adams To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W, Adams, route 4, a daughter, Iretha Joyce, Mar. 18. Freshour To Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Freshour. route 1, Dayton, a son, Philip Lynn, Mar, 18. F.Uis To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F, Ellis, route 2, a daughter, Jean Kay, Mar. 19. nowlnnd To Mr. and Mrs. Rowland. 585 South 13th, l James F. daughter, Loree Mary, Mar. 30. Hsrdman To Mr. and Mm. Wayne A. Hardman. 180 Ewald. a daushter, Jan la Leanue, Mar. 20. Stoudonmeyer To Mr. and Mrs. Don ald N. Stourienmeyer. 1315 South 19th, a daushter, Kathleen Elizabeth, Mar. 20. Clark To Mr. and Mm. Ernest O. Clark, Portland, a daushter, Judith Ann. Mar. 31. Meeker To Mr. and Mrs. James H. Meeker, route 1, Aumaville, a ton, Larry James, Mar. 31. Thomas To Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred A. Thomas, Kelso, Wash., a daushter, Emily Marie, Mar. 33. White To Mr. and Mrs. Harold H White, 2310 Norlh Commercial, a son, r'-eley Thomas, Mar. 24. Hnrfer To Mr. and Mrs. Mnrlon C. Hoefer. route 3, Albany, a son, Max Carl ton, Mar, 24. Bnrry To Mr. and Mrs. Oeorse O. Bar ry, 3383 Slate, a son, Roser Oerald, Mar. 25. I Nunn To Mr. and Mrs. Orval M. Nunn, 1185 Leslie, a son. Gene Robert, Mar. 27. Davis To Mr. and Mrs. Melvln C. Da vis. 1265 East Rural, a aon. Larry Mel vin. Mar. 38. Owen To Mr. and Mrs. John W. Owen. 1145 South Church, a daushter, Everyl Claire. Mar. 38. Helton To Mr. and Mra. James W. Hel- ton. 65 Fairhaven, a son, Harold Wil liam. Mar. 38. Williams To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil llnms, route 1, a son, Sammy Gene, Mar. 28. PrebUhky To Mr. and Mr. Eric A. Pre hltskv, route 6, a daushter, Pamela Lynn, Mar. 20 LnUorh' To Mr. and Mrs. Willlnm J. LaRoche, 844 South Commercial, a son, William John, Mar. 31. Scotia Mi IM A son to Mr. and Mr,i, Grorj Bnker, April 3, third one of their four children to be born on the snme dntc. Mother and son were released from the hospital and brought home. Silverlon -Mrs. Robert Nelson and their new baby dauK liter, "Peeiy," are now at the family rural home. Route 3, box 48. Sllverton. Nelson Is a veteran of World Wa- II. He is a .ton of Jud'te Alf O. Nelson and Mra. Nelson. Mrs. Nnbon is a former Etisene youns woman. Pemty PILES Hurt Like Sin! But Now I Grin Thousands change groans lo grins. Use a tUivtnrt' formula to relieve discomfort of piles, fiont druggists by noted Thorn ton St Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK palliative relief of pain. Itch, Irritation. Tonds to soften, shrink swelling. Use, tUirUtrn' way. Ot tube Thornton & Minor's Rectal Ointment or ltrrtnl Sup positories today. Follow Inhel directions. For sale at all drug stores everywhere. In Salem at Fred Meyer Drug. Stop Scratching! Try This For Quick Ease and Comfort Here Is a clean, powerful, pene trating oil now dLspeiued by Dh ar mada Is everywhere at trifling cost that Drings speed ly rener irom Itch Ing and torture of externally caused skin troubles. Moone's Emerald Oil aoothea the Itching and torture, helps promote more rapid healing. Get Moone's Emerald Oil at Capital Drug Store Money back IX not fully satisfied. wm Thursday, April 10, 194719 Is the firat child In trie family. Woodburn To Mr. and Mm. Wealey a. Baker (Mary Catherine Qorman) ot Woodburn, a 54 pound airl April 7 at the hospital In Salem. First child and first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gorman of Woodburn. Sparks To Mr. and Mrs. John &, Sparki, Monmouth, a son, Danny Charles, Apr. 2. Quintans To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Quin tans, Route 6, a daughter, Linda Jean, Apr. 1. A.erude To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C, A sac rude, route 6, a son, William Charles. Apr. 3. Blankenahlp To Mr. and Mr. Enrt R, Blankrnshlp, route 3, a son, Richard Earl, Apr. 3. Uselman To Mr. end Mrs. Melchlor N. Uselmari, Mt. Angel, a son, Terranca James, Apr, 2. Davidson To Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Davidson, route 8, a son, Dan Lee, Apr. 2. Dawson To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Dawson. 145 Harold, a son, Richard Har vey, Apr. 1. Sperling To Mr. and Mr.s. Phillip D, Sperling, route 1, Independence, a son, Franklin Herman, Apr. 7. Farrena To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Farreni, Rickreall. a daughter, Jo Elaine, Apr, 6. Srhutte-To Mr. and Mrs. William F. Schmte. 1983 North Church, a son, Hen ry David, Apr, 6. Gisse To Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Gisse, Turner, a son, Gary Dee. Apr. X. SmithTo Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith, route 1, Gervals. a son, Eugene Robert, Apr. 3. Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hartt nre the parents of a daughter born Fri day at the Albany General hospital. Tha baby has been named Sharon Ann. The baby's father is employed at the Ter minal garage. Falls City To Mr. and Mrs. Don Sun li st rom at the Dallas hospital. Thursday, April 3. a son named Larry Ray. Deaths Mrs. Clara ITarper airs, ciara g. Harper, at the res denee. 1544 Ferry street, Friday, April 4. Sur viving are a daughter, Miss Hazel Harper of Salem, and a son. Chester Harper of Moiana; 12 grandchildren, several treat grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Services postponed because of the death a daughter, Mrs. Fern Moores with announcement of services later by Clough-Barrlck company. Tfllle Hansen Tillie Hansen, late resident of Talbot. Ore., at a local hospital, April 8. at the age or 28 years. Survived by her husband, Milton Hansen of Talhot; two sons. Melvln James Hansen and Clinton Allen Hansen, both of Talbot; an infant daughter; par ents, Mr. ana airs. 10m -ruin oi Esteuine, So. Dakota; six sisters, Mrs. John Frres- man of Fstelltne. So. Dak.. Mrs. Alvln Hensen of Haytl. So. Dak.. Mrs. Don Knutson of Volga, So. Dak., Mrs. Harry Lellhlad of Spokane, Wash., and Mlsa Henrietta Tutn and Miss Adeline Tuln, both of Seattle, Wash.; and three broth ers. Ben Tuln and John Tutn, both of Eslelllne, So. Dak., and Ralph Tuln of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Services will ba held at the Howell-Edwards chapet. Sat urdays April 12, at 10:30 a.m., with Rer. William Schwab, Rev. Herman Bohl and Rev. Henry Turnirige officiating. Inter ment in Belcrest Memorial park. Mrs Fern Moo ret Mrs. Fern Moores, late resident or Neha lem, Oregon, at a local hospital April 6. Survived by a husband, Albert L. Moores of Nehalem: a daughter. Miss Evelyn Ma Moores: a son. Merrill L. Moores; a sis ter, Miss Hasel Harper of Salem; and a brother, Chester C. Harper of Molalla, Oregon. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrlck company. Joshua Stewart Sawyer Joshua Stewart Sawyer, formerly ft resident or Salem, In New York City, April 6. Survived by his wife. Mrs. Min nie P. Sawyer of New York City: a son, Joshua S. Sawyer, Jr., of Lakeview. Ore gon; a daughter. Mrs. Irma Wells of Sa lem; and three grandchildren. Service will be held at the Clough-Barrlck cha- pel, Monday, April 14, at 1:30 p.m. wli Dr. Charles Durden officiating. ' Emory Clinton Johrnon Emory Clinton Johnson, late resident of Warrenton, Oregon, at a local hospi tal, April 8, at the ngc of 77 years. Sur vived by a daushter, Mrs. Blanche Scrlv er of Victoria, B.C.: and three brothers, George Johnson of Columbus, Ohio, Hen ry Johnson of Jackson, Ohio, and Chnl mer Johnson of Chililcothe, Ohio. Mem ber of the Methodist church. Shipment Is being made to Ohio by the Howell-Edwards chapel for services and Interment, Geo i re Edward Hitler George Edward Kitley, late resident of Salem, at a local hospital April 9. at the ase of 81 years. Survived by hn wife, Mrs. Dora Kitley of Salem; and flva daughters, Mrs. Alma Corlett of Seattle, Mrs. Maude Scott of Chewela. Wash., and Mrs. Pearl Mors. Mrs. Elsie Burrus and Mra. Freda Mosley, all of Spokane, Wash. Member of the Methodist church. Services were held at the Howell-Edward.i chapel, Thursday. April 10. at 11:30 a.m. with Rev. Orvllle Jenkins officiating. Shipment was made to Spokane, Wash.t for services and Interment. Nil-hold G, Prlea In this city April 9, Nicholas G. Price, nt the axe of RA ypnrs. Shipment has bren made lo Medford by W. T. Rig don company for services and interment, Jimmie Lee Brown In tlii city, April 9. Jlmmle Lee Brown, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brown of Independence. Brother of Betty Lou Brown and Stella Emma Brown, both of Independence, Graveside services will ne held Thursday April 10, at 10:30 a.m. at the Lee MiAAlon cemetery with Rev, Charles Durden officiating. Direction W. T. Riiidon company. Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights Doctors say yourkldneys contain 16 mile of tiny tubeaor filters which help to purify lh blnod and keep you healthy. When they set tired and don't work right In the daytime many people have to tret up nights. Frequent orecantypassairea with smartinirand burning Sometimes ahowa there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't neglect this condition and losevaluable, restful sleep. When disorder of kidney function permits Poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may also cause nagging backache, rheumatia , rains, Ivg pains, loss of pep and energy, swelling. puffineBs under the eyes, headache and dizziness. Don't waitl Ask your druggist for Dnan'a Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 60 years. Down's giva happy relief and will help the 19 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous wasto from your blood. Get Doaa's Pills, Racking Hacking Coughs From Colds Loosens 'Em In A Hurry Satisfaction or Money Back Good old Dron-chu-line Emulsion Is si real Cough medicine not )t a sweet svnipy concoction that you'd give to child. It's a medicine for grown-up a smooth, creamy creoaotcd emulsion that goes right to work and gives real results. It strikes right at the aourc of the trouble upper bronchial Irrita tion. Don't waste time get Bron-chu-line Emulsion sold satisfaction fuar Capital Urus Store Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, nss our Chinese is edlss Amaslni aucces lor MOO rears id Ohlna No matter with nal all menu rour are afflicted disorder sinusitis, heart, innss, Ursr. Kidneys sas. constipation, ulsara diaoetea. LHAKI.1U CHAN CHINKS HERB CO fHllts Hoars I H) i Tuci. and Sat antf IK4 N Comaierslat. Phone tixm SALEM, OKI,