10 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.. Thursday, April 10, 1947 JL ...... J monthly infant conference was also held. Twenty children were exam ined, 14 were vaccinated 'or smallpox, 22 were given diph theria immunization shots, five received diphtheria booster shots, 24 whooping cough im munizations were given and one tuberculosis test. Dr. W. J. Stone, county health officer was in charge of the clinic, assisted by Dr. James Deagen and Dr. Delbert Reed of Woodburn. Dr. Stone was ac companied by Mrs. Bernice Yearey, and Miss Mary Stebens, health nurse from Wisconsin. Local women assisting were Mrs. Kenneth McGrath, chair man, Mrs. Lee Withers. Mrs. Marshall Hicks, Mrs. Homer Wadsworth, Mrs. John Hooper and Mrs. Ray Glatt. Mrs. Hoop er entertained the workers at luncheon at noon at her country home west of town. The next regular clinic will be held May 13 in the afternoon and will be for pre-school children and in fants. program. Raleigh Guam, Mc Minnville, district field execu tive for Boy Scouts, was guest speaker. The church women served the luncheon to 27 club and 11 scout members. IVVUUUUUMI Mdi Polk Welfare Finances Low Dallas The Polk county pub lic welfare commission in com mon with several other Oregon counties, is finding it necessary to reduce all public assistance grants for the next two months. This action became necessary when it was ascertained that no additional funds would be avail able from the county court. According to Walter Williams, chairman of the Polk county public welfare commission, total grants paid out for old age as sistance for April were $20,701 with a cost to the county of $4000.40. Aid to dependent chil dren costs were $5720, the Child Clinic county's portion being $1665 Blind assistance was $87.40 for Methodist Episcopal church with P. E. Meeker presiding. The Amity Boy Scout troop was spe total grants of $361. In addition to these amounts for the social Woodluirn A large group of children were examined and treated at the monthly clinic held Tuesday afternoon at the Woodburn library, including children of the Woodburn and Monitor districts who will be entering school next fall. The Sulphur was used for fumiga tion as early as 1,000 B. C. security cases, general .assist cial guesr, ana proviaea me ance will cost the county $496.68 for its April budget of $3700. Where recipients are living in the home of relatives or respon sible relatives are known to be employed some grants will be suspended entirely for the months of May and June. The total amount of funds available for all public assist ance programs for this fiscal year was $61,000 or $10,000 less than the amount requested by the welfare commission. With only $8000 remaining in Mrs. STEWART'S BLUING DID IT ( GOTTA HAVE ! SPECIAL! 100 SQUARES OF GENUINE INSELBRIC SIDING $15.00 per Square F.O.B. Our Warehouse . . . While It Lasts Willamette Valley Roof Co. 30 Lana Avenue Phone 9694 Enter Your i HER WHITE I .3 Puppy in the county funds for the next two months the commission has no recourse but to take drastic ac tion in reducing or suspending grants where possible. MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only 33c MAKES SAVING CENTER Salem & West Sales TOO! Boy Scouts Guests Amity Forum Lunch Amity The Commercial club hplri it monthly meetine at the mi 1L VALUE PLUS - - Yes, when you buy an automatic water heater from Judson's you not only get a fine product 'rou take advantage of our years of experience with water heat ing equipment. JUDSON'S 279N. Com'l Salem Phone 4141 WE SELL WE INSTALL WE SERVICE lf$ Crhy I II I I jl !- i " ALWAYS A GOOD CLEAN STOCK liu.it-' ' J RfY2 Ask lor United Groweii Br j nd when you shop lor froicn foodi Only thi choices! quility produce, elected and frozen by the jroweri themselves, i packed under this label. For firm-fresh flavor and summertime goodness, look for United Growers Brind (roien foods in your grocer's frceier. AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE Out. jr Oorrfen $! Company, Phtnt SJOJ Taste Tells the Truth about 51$. IK'S i ' ' ' ' MAYFLOWER QUALITY Milk at its purest ... at its freshest can't help but have a rich, wholesome flavor. It just takes one sip of Mayflower Milk to prove to yourself that here's milk at it's best! PLEASE RETURN YOUR EMPTY BOTTLES PHONE 9205 2135 Fairgrounds Road, Solen Sweet Pickins PEAS No. 2 can 9 JSn cans Prices Effective Friday through Monday ALICE LOVE PRESERVES 1 lb. jar . . 39c 2 lb. jar . . 73c BLACKBERRY BOYSENBERRY LOGANBERRY APPLE BUTTER Large 28 oz.jar 3k DUDE RANCH PLUM PRESERVES VPs 2,".x," ...... 29c Van Camp's BEANS With Tomato Sauce No. 2 cans 9 cans 2)c nits" Vegetables Lemons, large . . doz. 29c JUICY Grapefruit, jumbos, 6 for 33c ARIZONA MEDIUM doz. 53c Fresh Spinach .... 2 lbs. 9c Carrots 3 bunches 23c Tender, Sweet, Fresh Peas, 2 lbs. 25c New Potatoes .... 3 lbs. 23c lb. lb. SLICED BACON Swifl's or Armour's BEEF ROAST Grade A Steer Beef, Blade or Arm Cul CORNED BEEF TONGUE Home Cured lb. RING BOLOGNA Swift's lb. LUNCH MEATS Assorted Armour's or Swift's . . lb. 69c 44c 39c 39c 45c BLUE STAR Chicken Noodle Dinner O 11 !4 ox CANS 29c BORDEN'S Candy Caramels 37c 12 oz. cello bag RANCHO SOUPS Tomato. JL cans 15c Vegetable J cons 25c THOMPSON SEEDLESS Raisins Red Eagle 15 oz. Bartlett Pears Evaporated T Q Empire 8 oz. 1 7W Del Monte Prunes Dried 1 lb. 25C C.H.B. Country Style PICKLES oa 24 oz. jar OLD MONK Mayonnaise w Pint ireakfest' foods-i HOMINY Burbank No. 2 can . 15c TASTY PAK TOMATOES Solid Pack No. 2 can 17c 3 lbs. $1.29 WESSON OIL pints 49c Quarts . . . 97c Franco-American SPAGHETTI 2 can. 25C Conan's Spaghetti Mushroom J 1 O. Sauce jtm jars I C Kraft Dinner Package lie TOMATO JUICE 23c Del Rogue 46 oz. can CALTONE 5 Blended Citrus "I Q Juices No. 2 can I jfC 10c PUFFED WHEAT . Quaker regular kg. KELLOGG'S CORNFLAKES O OC- 8 oz. nkr W nil., Mm Jit 23c 13c 8 oz. pkg. KELLOGG'S VARIETY 10-Package Pack KELLOGG'S CORN SOYA Package The New, Distinctive Flavor in Cereal PANCAKE FLOUR Hungry Jack 4 lb. bag 10 lb. bag 79c 37c "Household Helps Purex Bleach ,f;,J"s Johnson's Glo-CoatZL .... DREFT Large Size 33c HOLLY CLEANSER 3 ,orl0c Aunt Sue Dry Cleaner tt" Sweetheart Toilet Soap 3 bars 29c Drip or Regular DEL MONTE COFFEE 45c lb. STOKELEY'S" Fruit Cocktail 35c In Heavy Syrup No. 2Vi can . . . Kraft Mustard 5c Salad or Horseradish 8 oz. jar . Cheese Food 89c Swift's Brookfield 2 lbs Pimiento or American Opening Hours 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Open Sundays for Your Convenience 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Just Beyond UNDERPASS on PORTLAND ROAD