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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1947)
30 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES IF YOU want a house, acreage or farm we can arrange a loan payable aa rent if you need It. Luse Realty, Oregon Bids. Ph. 1952. al S;.VH FOR a neat, 5 rm. house on one acre of beautiful trees. Has L.R.. D.R K., 2 bdrms.. bath St utility rm., oil circulator, garage. This nice home Is 3 ml. out, on the Crolsan Creek road. Jack Henningsen STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 a8& f BDRM. plastered, hdwd. floor through out. 5 yrs. old. 18250. Will accept trail er hse. or car as part payment. R. H. COPPOCK. REALTOR 210 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8902-5514 aB.V HOUSES SB'ttfl 1 Bdrm., la rue lot, South. 6 JW45U 2 Bdrm. Unfin. 1500 Dn. 274. s:(T0O 3 Rm., ,4 A. South. 3. lffil a Rm. Bu. 2 blk. South. 5. S.VHIO 2 Bdrm. furnished. M A. 215. $;nim 4 Bdrm furnished. 402. 7.-iiio i Bdrm. North. 257. S7II0O 2 Bdrm. Leslie Jr. HI. 250. KttwiM Bdrm. Rosemont. 213. s3X'(HI 2 .1. 242. SHii.w -2 Bdrm. Bsmt. Go G.I. 248. Fireplace. 210. t!(MtO 2 Bdrm. $n.-,(H) 3 Bdrm. North. 320. S!i?5M 2 Bdrm, Go. G.I. East. 224, fHi.niio l Bdrm. South. 406. SI (MOO 2 Bdrm. West Salem. 355. jtil,oo2 Bdrm. East. 254-A. til 1.300 4 Bdrm. 1 Acre. East. 409. SI I ,,)(K) 2 Bdrm. West Salem. 358. $1 Vino 2 Bdrm. Spanish. 222. SI 3,000 I Bdrm. South. 408. Sl.VHHt 2 Bdrm. Bsmt. East. 328. Sit,. WO 4 Bdrm. South. 414. SlA.mto 2 Bdrm. View. South. 220. 15,3004 Bdrm. West. 413. 15,500 2 Bdrm. Falrmount, 350. 15,800 2 Bdrm. Creek. East. 204, StK,ooo 3 adrm, South. 327. 3 Bdrm. Spanish. 322. $28,000 3 Bdrm. Brick. South. 301. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 6. High Ph. 8203 Eve. 3621 a85' BURT PICHA. REALTORS HOUSES $.'urfi 3 Bedrm. home, basement, ga rage, double plumbing, shade St wal nut trees, paved street A; sidewalk. At tached apt. rents for J33.00 per mo. Home At Income. $3050 Bedrm. home. North Just out of clly limits. Large jot. $I0,.00 AUTO. OIL. 0 Yrs. OLD. This English style 2 bedroom home with large unfinished upstairs. L.R., D.R.. Kit., oak floors, full basement, with auto, oil furn.. Auto, hot wtr., close to school and biifi. North In very good dist. Call Burt Plena. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High Street a87' JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 4.F5 Court Strrrt Phone 7696 HOME VALUES SUBURBAN HOME. 11a story. 3 B.R Hdwd. floors. Electric cooking and heating. Outdoor fireplace. Nice shrub bery it iawn. Fruit, garden space. Price 5(0(10. RANCH TYPE home. 1 story, 2 bedroom, Plastered. Full basement, party room A: fireplace. Double garage. Nicely fur nished home. Price $10,500. It BEDROOM home, oil heat, electric cooking Ac heating. I'.i story, English Hyle. Attractive yard and well arrang d home. A real value at 115.000. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 45 Cou-t Street Phone 7606 Salesman: "Hubby" Habernicht Mylcs Henderson, 24682 a87 SOUTH SALEM, two bedrooms, wired for range, electric water heater, attached naraae, Immediate possession. 15800. SUBURBAN. FURNISHED, lovely high lo cation, nicely equipped, neat, one bed' room. All goes for 14750. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High Ph. 7660 aflfl' N. CAPITOL ST. CREEK FRONTAGE Don't miss this nome. i norma., complete dble. plumb. auto-oil heat, large spacious living Quarters, beautifully decorated, carpet ed throughout downstairs, refrigerator & drapes go, dble. garage. This home can easily be adapted to apts. Current income over uoo. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Grabenhorsl. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 t 85 N. SALEM 4 BDRM. bung, type, fireplace, elec. h.w. hentcr, auto-oil hral, recently redecor ated. Located close to schools. Price 18050. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BHOS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 24457 85 BUSINESS PROPERTY BDRM. home located E. In No. 3 Bus. Zone. Lot 80x245 feet. Home could be converted Into apt, or duplex. Price 18050. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 24457 . aR5 CLOSE-IN HOME R BDRM. home located N., redecorated throughout, hdwd. firs., fireplace, base ment, furnace. Lot 50x150. No. 3 Bus. Zone. Price 110,500. Sen Richard E. Orabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. PH. 4131. Eves. 350BD . flHfl N. 13TH ST. DUTCH COLONIAL home, 3 bdrms.. hwd. firs. throughout, fireplace. auto-oll heaT. dble. garage. clo.e to State Bldas., apartment to rent. SEE THIS HOME. Call Richard E. Orabenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131, Evei. 25080 $75(10 ON N. Church close to Hood 81. room house, 1 bedroom it bath down, 3 bedrooms up. Basement, elec. water heater. Price Includes some furniture. f(i,Mm A Rooms, part hardwood floors. Utility room, large garage. Nice lot, Englewood Dist. Immediate possession. IiiOim EAST on bus line. 5 room house, garage, small barn, 3 acres. Berries and fruit. tli.Mlll SWKCil.E 5 Room plaslered house. Garage, barn it chicken house. l-a acre fruit it berries. H OSTEIN it ADOLPH, INC. 110'a N. Commercial St.. Phone .1(130 Eves. 8314 H87 TALK ABOUT your bargains" 3 houses, all furnished and 4th under construction. 1175 month Income plus 1 acre of ground, close in. Owner gone and says to srtl for JHOOO.flO ' cash. E. M. HUNTER. REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commercial pn 25497 , a87 FURNISHED READY FOR " THE GROCERY BOY f BR. house, elec. heal, also eler. range and Ret. Locntrd in East Salem. Full price 18500. 12600 dn. bat. at 140 per mo. at 5'P. SEE IT AND YOU'LL APPRECIATE IT I RR. house lorated northeast. Tiled bath and drain Bds. Large lot with cast front. Full price $61100. Terms. 3 BR. HOUSE GOOD TERMB Lnrnled in easl Salem. Full price 16000. 11500 will handle, bal, at 150 ner month. For further Information call us or come In today. Open Sunday p. m. MURPHY REALTY CO. Realtors 1260 8-. Com I. Ph. 8036. Eves. 07R! a85 COMPLETELY furnished modern home', on large lot m restricted residential dts-. trlcl. House Is & yrs. old and all mod-! ( ern. Furnishings to go. Upstairs canl be finished into other bedrooms. For sale by owner, with Immediate posses slon. Phone 3211, aapj DUPLEXCLOSE IN 1 VERY GOOD Rental Property, 16950. NEAR ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL 1 t BEDRM. home, extra lot. 15800. NEAT 3 BEDRM. COTTAGE CLOSE IN on very nice corner. 16650. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 34793 a66 TRAILER OWNERS LOOK 4 hd. rm. house In good cond. mod. " tasm'l. Dble gar, and tool shed. Bus and sch. close. iflSOO. ' down. Call or see HERS NELSON with WILLIAM E. MOSES J 3 1 1 i State St. Ph. 4991.' a85 BY OWNER SMALL 3 bedroom home, utility room, attached garage, gas rlrculator it hoi water. Small lot. Located In Highland district near bus St schools. Price 15000. If tnierestedcall 7468. a0 t BDRM. home with beautiful view. Near ing completion at 353 Vista Ave. Will decorate to buyer's specifications. Stop in during day or Ph. 4384 eves. a85' it O BERN ELECTRICALLY heated-and complete!.' furn. home, small down payment, balance like rent. Immediate possession. Inquire 3090 Mill St., after 83' Ore., Wednesday, April 9, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES Siooo CASH. Bal. like rent buys seven room Falrmount Hill home. (9000. a86 BY OWNER Nice modern 5 room house, 2 '4 acres. Inquire at Shell Service Sta tion. Aumsvllle, Ore, FINE SUBURBAN Acreage with modern 3 bedroom hot Elec, water system 16000. A. E. DAN1ELSON, REALTOR 168 N. 12th St. Ph. 3448.1 a86 R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR BEAUTIFUL HOME A. view lot, liv. din. rm.. 2 bedr. Kit chen, bath, hardwood firs., fireplace, wired for range. Elec. water heater, double garaae. 110,500. KEIZER DIST. 16800. 60x170 lot, new, liv. r., din. r., kitchen, bath, 2 bedrooms, Wired for R. water heater. NORTH S6500. 1 acre, fine soil, 2 bedr. plastered house. Electric water system. Boysen, Young and strawberries. R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 16 yrs. Hollywood Dist. 1853 N. Capitol St. Phone 3011 a86" 16750.00 Phone 9510 Phone 6155 O.I. ONLY NEW S BDRM. Hardwood floors, large lot with plenty of room for that garden. Automatic elec. hot water heater. Oil floor furnace, laundry trays, attached garage with concrete floor. This home is located north In fine residential dis trict. Should go with 1630.00 down. ABRAMS it SKINNER, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Insurance Mortgage Loans a85' REASON A B LY PRICE D HOMES $1250 NICE 1 B.R. on Mi acre, close In, near bus. East. $1K50. 2 BR. at 4 corners, nice yard and garden around. (A.100 2 B.R. on 'A acre on bus line, close to store. South. $0.100 2 B.R., barn, chicken house, dou ble sarnne on S acre. East. $8(100 NEW 3 BR. close In South on large lot. FOR THESE and other good buys call W. M. CHIPMAN Phone 41 OH A. A. LARSEN REALTOR Guardian Building aR5 PLACE TO RAISE CHILDREN LOVELY clean, all modern 7 room home. -beautiful large rooms, tot 120x183 with fine fruit trees and garden spare. Re duced to $10,000. Contact owner. Ph. 26325. a88 $2000 BUYS this new Salem home, hdwd. firs., attached garage, coved cell Ings. Immed. poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 So. Com 1,-Ph. 4590; eve. 258.10 BO FIRST TIME LISTED $6,850. 2 BDRM, home, close to school and bus. Fireplace, V. blinds, city bus, quick poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 So. Cornl. Ph. 4500; eve. 25810 a86 $12,600 BUYS this lovely 3 bdrm. suburb an home, latest design brick front, hdwd. floors, fireplace, V. blinds, wea ther stripped, altarhed garage. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 So. Com!. Ph. 4590; eve. 25810 a86 $11,500. VIEW property, lovely 3 bdrm. home with elec, heat, fireplace, coved ceilings, double plumbing, one of the most modern kilrhens in Salem, you really must see this place to apnre elate It, 2 car parage, Insulated and weather stripped. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 046 So. Cornl. Ph. 4500; eve. 25830 $15,000.00. Nice home In Hollywood Dlst. Lv rm, D rm, kitchen, nook, 1 bdrm it bath down, 2 bdrms up. Fireplace, oil furnace, hwd floors. A real home on a beautiful street. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3703 Eves. 25260 86 M;t50.00. Liv rm. D rm. kitchen, 1 bdrm, bath, utility down, 3 bdrms up. Good garden spot, fruit and shrubbery. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3703 Eves. 25260 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL $7000.00. Liv rm. kitchen, 3 BR, bath, hwd firs, fireplace, basement, furnace. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 31549 Eves. 35091 aB6' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $1500.00 down. Part furnished 2 BR, Liv rm, kit. close, to sch it bus, north. Full price 14600.00. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21649 Eves. 25091 66 PHONE 6155 or 9510 $6,0002 BDRM. hse. Modern. Completely furnished. 1 acre of good rich soil. 1 mile south of Kelzer dlst. M, li hi NEW 2 bdrm. hse. Highland. Should en O.I. with 1300.00 down. $6,1110 NEW 2 bdrm. hse. Kelzer dlst. Should go G.I. with 1500 down or UOOO down on Contract of Sale. $1,1100 NEW 2 bdrm. Compleiely modern. Liv. rm., dinette it large kitchen. Should go G.I. wllh 1500 down. W.850 FOUR NEW houses. 2 & 4 bdrms. Completely modern. Large lot. G.I. with $700 down or 12000 on Contract of sale. WE HAVE other good tiling. For additional Information rail ABRAMS At SKINNER, INC. 411 Mnsonic Bldg. Phone 0510 Insurance Mortgage Loans afl.i $00iin. S nnilM. home, all on one floor. hdwd. floors, oil heal, close to school and bus. with 1 j a ere. Immed. poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 So. Coml. Ph. 4500; eve. 258:10 a86 111,000.00 Wllh some terms buys this new 2 bd. Rm. home move right in no one could Justly criticize the local Ion, construc tion design or finish In rue rms; Oak floors elc, henl nice unrnue on '.i acre In Koisrr dlst. It's worth the money. Don t delu: See Vli-k Bros., or F. G. Delano, 200 N aB,V Inin-li. phone 5710. VERY NICE TWO BEDROOMS, oak floors, automatic heat, spacious living and dining roumv attached garage, excellent location. 1800 down. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR 1140 N. Capllol. Ph. 8216; Eves. 7? 17 a 85 16500 AKK YOU looking for a home on the out skirts of the city, paved street, bus by the door, only a short distance from a school and grocery store. We have HI 2 bedroom plastered home, barn, poultry house, wonderful soli for garden, better hurry on this one. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR M40 N. Capitol I'll. 8J16; Eves. 7217 a85 TWO ONE-BEDltOOMBUNOALOWS BOTH WELL located close to bus and store. First has large lot, living room, full bath, nice kitchen, garage, oil clr. and Kas water heater go, paved street. ONLY 13750 SECOND has gas hot water heater, shower bath, is weil constructed, paved street, good residential district and close to schools 13800. Call Ben Colbath. JOE L. BOUHNE, REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 6316, Ees. 3fiD23 a5' REDUCED TO J6000 HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT BORM. older type house, compleiely re decorated interior, W A. lot. several trees, paved St., close to bus, store and school. M. O. HUMPHREYS ft CO., REALTORS 2386 Fairground Rd, Ph. 34590 a 83' Sa.MHt NEW 5 RM. home N.. has large brdrooms. Oil floor furnace. Attached garage. Laundry trays. Nice size lot. $7950 NEWLY decorated 2 BR. home, well located South. Has H.W. floors in Liv. Room. Fireplace. Basement furnace. irtamt NEW 2-HK. plastered home East. Has attached garage. Corner lot 100 X 200'. An extra good buy. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS 153 8. High St. Phone 4121 aS5 LET ONE PAY FOR THE OTHER 3 BR. modern. Electric heat, wired for range. On pavement. Close to school. On bus. And one other house rented Both for 64250. 13350 down, 130 month at &. HESS NEION WITH WILLIAM E. MOSES 331 'i State Phone 4993 A85 FOR SALE HOUSES CHAS. HUDKINS St SON REALTORS HANDY WITH saw. hammer, and paint brush? This it the home for you. Liv ing room, fireplace, kitchen, nook, two bedrooms, bath, All plastered, hardwood floors. A little work will add 11000.00 to this place, yours today for only 14500.00 and you can move in this week end. CHAS. HUDKINS St SON $12,600.00 FOR A 4 -bed room home with 2 complete baths near Grade, Junior High, and High Schools. Finest of oil furnace, double gar. Every room Is large and in perfect condition. If you want a family home this one will bear in spection. CHAS. HUDKINS St SON REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 a85 I 15050.00 FROM OWNER: North of Salem on pave ment, 3 B.R, modern, pre-war built home. Cement fnd., plastered, elect. H.W. heater, wired for range, ',4 acre good land, lovely lawn and shrubbery, furniture can be purchased. C. L. Mc Cloud, Box 273-D, near Clear Lake School. a 85 A-ROOM unfinished house, ',3 acre. In quire Guy Groush, 1255 6th St., W. Salem. , a85 S6.VHMW. 2 bdrm home on 1 acre good soli, north. Elec. water system. A good buy. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 2 5260 NEW MOVABLE houses. Price reduced lor quick sale before April 12. Across from Waters Ball Park, on 8. 25th St. a86 NEW 812,000.00. Ranch type strictly modern 2 bdrm home. Very large living rm, din ing rm, kit, den, beautiful floors, auto oil furnace forced heat, lovely location north. Immed poss. Call RAY DAVIS, HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 $li),.VH).00. Nice 4 bdrm country home with all modern facilities. Large liv rm. with fireplace, basement, furnace, elec water htr, large barn. 8 acres pood black soil, live stream. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 944! a86" NEW 3 ROO.M house on 45 acre7Oir cir culator, wired for range. Laundry trays. A bargain at 13100. Out Cherry avenue off Alder avenue to 3995 Pleasant View drive. Phone 3-1101. aBT MONEY TC LOAN on first mortgages 4 to 6 Call for details. BYRKIT A POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phone 6937 a FOR SALE LOTS LOT BARGAIN LOCATED IN apartment house zone. N. Salem, paved street. East front, cement walks, size 50x250 feet, ideal for small court. Price 11500. ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. aa85 SPECIAL Your choice or two good clly building sites, new addition, priced for muck sale. Call at 1461 D St., or Phone 9317. an 87 40 LOT subdivision in restricted residen tial zone. Sweet Home, 114.000. Large return to contractor building homes. Material available. Box 348, Capital Journal. aa88 CHOICE LOT, in Englewood Dlst. Reason ably priced, private pnrty. Call 8857 aft. 8 p.m. aa86" LOT at Kiezer 108xl48-ft., 9 walnut trees, hiRh, good soil. Bargnln, this week only, 1280 n. inn St., eves. a no 1 117 LOT, Kelzer dlst.. 20x20 concrete slab, land broken for garden, S425 cash, by owner. Phone 3517, 380 Grove St., after 5:10. aa8Q 13 LARGE LOTS, N. All lays facing paved st . A real buy, 63 it, frontage 01 each lot. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 80. Commercial Ph. 4217 aa85' REASONABLE LOTS , FEW excellent lots, Enxlewoori School district, 1600 to $650 while they last. $125 down. $10 per monlh. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Phone 8216 aa85 BUILDERS GROUP OF 3 lots, group of 5 lots. 50x124. Near schools it bus in city. Ph. 3245. aa87 BUSINESS LOT. 2'i blocks N. of Center St. on busy thoroughfare. Building suitable for temporary quarters. Owner. Box 331 Capital Journal. b85 SPECIAL PRICE: 10 lots, by owner. Wa- r furn. Good soil, sch. it city bus. Z. 35 Lansing Ave. aa!04 FOR SALE FARMS 10 ACRE3 FEW 51II.ES East Ju.M off pavement. About 3 acres timber lot, balance cul tivated. A good buv at 13500. 10 ACRES SII.VERTON ROAD, Howell Prairie near Pudding River, no house, new barn, drilled well, new peach I ree., small live creek. A lovely trnct 17500. 30 ACRES NO BLIIGS. Prnctlcnlly All cultivaled, about eight, miles out. 14500. APPROX. 40 ACHES MISSION BOTTOM sol UlO bldgs.) 1350 per acre. 60 ACRES LOVELY ROLLING trnct partially tim bered, nearly one-ha If cultivated, fair small house, well, electricity, garage. 110.000. SALEM REALTY COMPANY Realtors 149 N. High Street Phone 7660 bR6 BEAVERDAM 15 ACRES Beaverdam. Will take house In trade. REIMANN REAL ESTATE :.1 South Huch Ph. 9203 b85 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Street Phone 7696 BEST FARM BUY OF THE MONTH CENTRAL HOWELL, 98 acres, very pro- irllve farm. Well drained. Very fine room house. Outbuildings good. Trac t, combine and all farm eiuip. :il ACHES. 3 A. excellent pear orchard. Very nood house, full ba.sement. oil fur nace. Paved highway. Good buildings. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Street Phone 7606 Henry Torvlnd. Mgr. Farm Department bB5" FARMS II Ai'KES 52 acres hops. 15 acres tim ber, rest 111 t-rain. Farm home and three bai -ns. Willamette Silt loam. 310 ACRES -140 acres under eulllvatlon. 2 lovely homes, plenty of outbuildings. This place Is compleiely equipped for turkeys, price includes 9000 turkey Poults. 160 ACHES 100 acres in new strawberries and loganberries, 20 acres young prunes, nice home and lumber to build 40x130 packing hou5c, 6ono cedar posts, new traitor and eniilnmeiit. See W. M. CHIPMAN Phone 410R A. A. LARSEN REALTOR Guardian Building b85 STOP LOOK ACT 30 A. East, 2 bedroom house. Elect, water system, barn, chicken house, -fruit. Thir place is on the market because of sick, ness. It is near a good school and only 4 ml. from Salem. This is good soil. Cal' today and see this. 110,000 with 14500 down. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 16 yrs. Hollywood Dist. 1853 N. Capitol St. Phone 3031 b-66 and 4 10 A. 7 rm plastered hse, bath, eleel rtcity, part basement. ft A. cherries, 3uj A. walnuts. Barn, gar age, phone. 112.000. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549 Eves. 944 bfl6" WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM WE ARE offering for a short time one of the belter valley farms, consisting ef 334 acres; 313 In cult. 53 acres of late eluster hops. Modern buildings In splen did shape. Really a productive place. Part of this hopyard Is wlrrd for pick ing Machine; picking machine available with thU. place. 160 000. BATTLESON LAND COMPANY. Canby, Ore. Ph. 6713 b85 NELSON FARMS RFFORK TOll BIT a farm or acreatr check our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson A Nelson. Masonie Bldg.. Ph 4419 b 9i A. CLOSE to Salem. 4 rm, house, barn. poultry hse.. ssaoo, jjnoo down. MELVIN JOHNSON 349 N. Cottage St, Ph. 3727 b83 FOR SALE FARMS 20 A. 6 rm bse, barn, garage, $10,000.00. 17 A. cultivated, 3 A. timber. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 31540 Eves. 9441 b86; 9 A. CLOSElN on Wallace Road. 8 A peaches. Very good yearly Income. Small comfortable home. A wonderful oppor tunity for the right couple. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 b35 FOR SALE ACREAGE SMALL ACREAGES SWEfiLE DISTRICT, 1 A. with 4 rm. house with unfin. attic, elec. water system, bath, wired for elec. range. Family fruit, also small 3 rm. cottage. Price S4900. fi10 ACRE located E. on McClay Road, S. 01 Penn 4 corners, new rm. nouse with 2 bdrms., very neat it clean. Large dble, garage, elee. water heater, elec. water system Home furnished. Price 16500. 35 A. approx. 8 A. of fine bearing fil berts, some family fruit it berries. Bal. pasture it timber. Good 4 rm., plast. house with garage. New tile machine shed, could be used for chicken or brood er house. Price 1 10,500. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 32948 bb85 8 A. tract close In. all In apples, cher ries it nuts, nice location for bldgs. Price S4500. Terms. NICE HALF A. tract on Vtsta Ave. Nice sightly location for bldgs. Only 1950 on Rood terms. HALF A. tract close in N.E. Cozy 2 bdrm. cottage, Elec. Newly decorated, floor coverings, out bfflas. S4500. E. B. PERRINE, VALLEY LAND CO. 370 State St. Phone 9679 bb86 AURORA. 4 rm. hse., deep well, electri city. 5 A. Will. soil. $4950. Terms. Also acreage without bldg. Ph. 5128 eves. 2195 Berry. bb90 5 A. 1 MILE north 99E. west on Claytar road 3 blocks, 6 rooms and bath. Elec tric water system, barn, chicken house, family fruit. 1 acre pasture, 3 A. oats and vetch. 14000 cash. Balance terms. H. R. Bishop, Route 7, Box 33, suburban bus service. bb87 l'i A. SUBURBAN $13,700.00. Large liv rm it dining rm. kit chen, 3 bdrms, bath, Hwd firs, frplace, basement, furnace. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 31549 Eves. 25091 bb86' JUST RIGHT for home or Investment. Best suburban acreage bays In the val ley, and they are going fast. Perfect valley views fine location, good soil, elec. it phone lines, close to school, near pavement. Fruit crop this year could nearly pay out. 2lh to 10 ac. on easy terms. Ph. 5355 evenings. You can't miss on these tracts. bb86 GOOD ACREAGES $r.'Ml 12 acres. 6 In bearing orchard. 4 rm. house. A good buy. $65011 in acres good black soil, nice 2 B.R. home, creek and spring. SVi.Vi 5 acres berry land, elec. heated 3 B.R. home, barn and dble. garage. Sio.mio 5 acres orchard. Good subdivision property, modern 2 B.R. home. Close in. See W. M. CHIPMAN Phone 4108 A. A. LARSEN REALTOR Guardian Building bb85 REAL ESTATE WANT A JOB? AN OLIVER Crop Row Tractor, Plow, Disc, Harrow it Trailer for transport ing. A very good, very modern, 7-rooi home. Fine barn, ehlck. house, etc., 1 Acrrs, darn good soil. $5000 Cash. $500 a year. No. 824. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 c85' 'i ACRES In Dallas, with new 3 bedroom house. Bath, living room,, kltchn. Utility room. Immediate possession. Fruit. $5500. ON FAIRVIEW Avenue: Lot 22x150. 3 bedrooms downstairs, bath, living Toom, dining room, kitchen, basement, ga rage, sawdust furnace, fruit and nuts. 18500. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 510 GUARDIAN BUILDING SALEM, OREGON PHONE 4896 c87 NELSON NEWS HOME it 195 PER MO. INCOME II E It K is an opportunity to buy a homi wllh living. A modern plastered home with L.R., D.R., Kit., bath, utility rm., 3 bdrms. on 1st fir., 2 bdrms, up, full bnsmt., close to state office bldg. it Willamette University, wired for range it elec. water heater, only $7500. 4 BDRMS. NORTH IDEAL FAMILY home or Income proper ty, substantial plastered mod. hse. with L.R., D.R., Kit., bdrm., on 1st fir.. 3 bdrms. it bath on 2nd, elec. water heater, fplace, full bnsmt., oil furnace, near bus, stores, schools, imd. poss., reduced to sell, $10,000. APPROX. I AC. SWEGLE DIST. ELEC. WATER system, large comb. L.R. D.R., Kit., 4 bdrms., bath, elec. water healer, 3 rm. cottage on rear of lot, chicken hse. 14900. IF NEITHER of these meet your require ments tell us what you want. We pro bably have It listed. NELSON A; NELSON diet I. Nelson Theo. O. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg.. 495 State St. Ph. 44i9 or 4622 Eves. 21350 c85 LEE OHM ART it CCy. REALTORS ATTRACTIVE SMALL HOME COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 1 bedroom I'ome. wired for range, electric water heater, V. blinds, electric heat, ga rane, bus at door. Immediate posses sion. 16350. NEW MODERN HOME LOCATED ON North Cottage Street, a well built 5 room home, has living room, dining room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down, 1 bedroom up, wired for range, electric water heater. Price Includes lovely draperies and curtains. 110.600. LOVELY ORCHARD HEIGHTS HOME COMPLETELY MODERN 2 bedroom home, fireplace in living room, hardwood floors throughout, double garage, pa lm wll h outdoor fireplace and grill. Over ' acre of land, nearly all In cherry and walnut trees, fine view. A home you will enjoy. $15,000. 5 ACRES, BERRIES J BEDROOM older style home. ! A. strawberries. '1 A. t hornless blackber ries, 1 A. cherries, some walnuts. Price includes 75 chickens. This little place has fair potential income from ber ries and fruit, close in with bus ser vice. A nice place to live. $4800. LEE OHM ART it CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 c R. A, FORKNER! REALTOR Sll.fiOO BUYS beautiful location with trees. 4 bedroom house, electric heai, hardwood floors, double earaae. $10,000. 3 bdrms., hardwood floors, fire place, full basement, excellent loca tion. $7tKl. THIS is a fully plastered house. till large L.R.. D R., 2 nice bedrnnms. M.MMl. i A. East. Good 5 room plastered house, heated with oil. naraae. S.MMWI. 08x100 lot. L,R.. 2 bdrms.. el?c. water system. MMNi, NEW 5 rm. plastered. This u nice house with all hardwood floors.; fireplace, near Kelrer Sch. Must be seen to be appreciated. 3", ACRES FIVE RMS., electric heat. elec. wa-er1 system, double garage, chicken house. $7200. 1 A NICE STREAM j J'i A. Good five room house, excellent soil. barn, chicken and brooder houses.! machine shed. This is an Ideal place for a dairy. Near Salem, near school, i $16,000. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 16 Yrs. Hollywood District 163 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3031 c85 T. A. BERLAND- ! REAL ESTATE $650036 acre farm with 3 bdrm. hse.. u 1 11, urn nouse, iruu trees, net ting up to 12000 per year. New furni ture ran be had for $1000. Don't delay on this one. Hl-WAY frontage with new 36x43 bide. Suitable for cafe or whatever desired Any ami. of acres up to 38. If it's an auto court or trailer camp site you want, this is It. Price depends on how much around you want. K750 WILL set you up In business. Truck it van with PUC plates and use of stand. 1 yg'iAA. S bdrms. on ground floor plus L r.. oiu uimiy rm. coied. ceilings, hdwd. firs., oil fir. furn. t I acre, family fruit, grade school across road. This merits your Immediate at-' tention. T .A. BER GLAND REAL ESTATE Ph. 2-1073 3305 Portland Rd. Res. 6438 "Listings Needed A Carefully Handled'' (66 REAL ESTATE 125 ACRES 18500 FIVE ROOM ranch type house, barn with several cow stanchions, 4 'a miles from Dallas. 16 acres In prunes. Farm Im plements can be bought. LARGE BUILDING LOT NORTH 60x176. NEW district. Full price 1450. M. O. HUMPHREYS it CO., REALTOR 3386 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 c8 14500 Small 3-BR home with gas range, elect wtr. htr., shower. 12000 down wilt han dle. $6100 Furnished 2-B.R., L.R., D.R.. Kitchen, bullt-tns. Close to school and bus. Lots of good furniture with this home. 16300 Good 3-B.R. home in West Salem. Priced to sell quickly. New gas range incl. 22 ACRES This Is one of the best values we have seen In an acreage. All under culti vation. Comfortable home, modern barn, chicken house, brooder house and mach. shed, plow, tractor, mower, drilled well and elect, wtr. system. Full price, $7350. $7800 New 3-B.R. home, plastered, fir firs., cone, fdn. Living rm., dining rm., Kit chen. Close to school and bus. Full price. 17800. 18250 Will sell or trade good 2-bedroom home In Englewood Dist. Living rm.. kitchen, built-ins, trays, wired tor range. Oil Circ. HOME AND 16 ACRES Here la a very attractive 3-B.R. home with a view, just 5 minutes irom down town. 3 Acres family orchard, 5 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture. If you are looking for a su-1 burban home don't miss this one. Price $13,000. Terms. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1333 Edgewater Phone S109 CB6" FOR SALE House and one-story brick bldg.; Bus, open for choice, n 2, 500.00 terms. Fred Anderson, 753 Mill St. Sheridan. Ore. c86 15250.00 B.R. HOME, East. Plastered. Double garage. A sound structure. This won't last long. OWNER LEAVING NEAT 3 B.R. home. South. L.R.. Kit., nook, utility rm. Garage. Plastered. Bus by door. This place can be bought furn. for $7300 or unfurn. for $6500.00. Don't mis sthis. 15900.00 2 B.R. PLASTERED home. Located North on good corner lot. Sound as a dollar. Take a look at this. 16750.00 175O0.0O 3 RR. PLASTERED home In West Salem. Bus one block. Worth looking at. HOME AND INCOME 1 APT. HOME located North in a real location. One S rm. and one 4 rm. apt. Home completely redecorated Inside and out. Income 1100.00 per month. A real buy at $11,600.00. EXCLUSIVE LISTING AT INDEPENDENCE. A real buy In 3 B.R. house on one acre. 9 blocks from bank on Monmouth St. 20 walnut trees, 6 cherry. 7 filberts, pears, apples, trapes and berries. Belter than 11000.00 Income last year it possibilities of much more. Beat this for 16500.00. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. Com'l Phone 421T cB5 S4250. 3 lots and clean plastered 1 bdrm. home North. Oil circulator and cook stove go. Venetian blinds. Lots of fruit, strawberries, etc. Immediate pos session. $4850. Attractive 3 bedrm. home 6 years old. East on bus line. Elec. water heater. Wired for range, garage. Im mediate possession. $7600. acre and new modern 3 bdrm. home close in East, jiarawooa noors, Venetian blinds, elec. water heater, wired for range, $15,000. Clean modern 4 bedroom home, partly furnished. Inglewood Dlst., hdwd. floors. Venetian blinds, basement, turn.. beautiful yard and shrubs. Immedi ate possession. $8F0. New modern 3-BR home N. Un finished upstairs. Attached garage, Hardwood floors. Ol Ifurnace. Imme diate possession. $6,000. Va acre and rlean 3 bedroom home on Park Ave., elec. water heater, wired for range, chicken house, fruit trees. A good buy. $4750. Clean 3 bedroom home on bus line tn West Salem. Close to canneries. Wired for range, elec. water heater, ga rage. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 4131; eves. 35561 c85 MONEY TO LOAN on mst mortgages to Call for details. BYRKIT POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phont 6981 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS ATTRACTIVE VALUES HERE'S OPPORTUNITY: 3 bedrm. home: garage, chicken house, barn, one acre aood soil. 12800. NEW ONE BEDROOM HOME with elec. water system. One acre best of aotl. Located North. S4000. Terms. VALUE WITH COMFORT. Living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full basement with extra bedroom. Large lot, located In good neighborhood on bus line. 17750. Terms. FINE HOME AND INVESTMENT: 8 bed rooms with closets. Living room with fireplace, dining room, very large kit chen, double plumbing, full basement with 3 bedrooms, auto, oil furnace, dou ble garage, large well landscaped yard. Located close In. Income about 1300 per month. 116.000. Terms. 3 FINE LOTS 50x100 located In fast growing section of town. Both for $700. CALL or SEE James B. Hartman or K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph. 9361 c86 mill6preal ESTATEAOENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8630 CITY 19.000 FURNISHED, 3 BR, one story bun galow. 5 years old, plastered interior, HW floors, LR, K. Bath, electric cook ing and heating. Immediate possession, bus by door, all furniture new and very nice, Including electric stove and re frigerator and new washing machine. Terms, 13100 down. 110.500 WEST SALEM, One story one year old, 2 BR bungalow, LR, DR, K, Bath, plastered interior, HW floors, Fireplace, Basement bedroom and also a recreation room with fireplace, Gar age, Sprinkling system. $10.500 Modern one story, 3 BR home, LR, DR, K. Nook, Bath, electric cook ing and heating, HW floors, Fireplace, immediate possession, very beautiful home, corner lot. big utility room with wash trays, large rooms, attached gar age, house finished and walks and ce ment driveway are In. SUBURBAN $7500 Lot 98x720, English Style. 3 BR home, LR. DR, K. Nook. Bath, new house, electric cooking, oil heat. Imme diate possession, bus 3 blocks, 1 prune tree, 1 plum, strawberries, level paved street. $8500 2'i acres, t BR up, 1 BR down, LR, K, Nook, Bath, Basement, electric cooking and heating, plastered Interior, garage, electric water system, 1 acre filberts, 3 walnut trees, 1 cherry. i 19500 1 acre, 3 BR bungalow, one story,; LR, K, Nook, Bath, electric cooking,) otl heat, Plastered Interior', HW and fir floors, Garage, bus by door, electric pump, chicken house and fruit room, family fruit trees, berries, and grapes.: Terms, $5000 down. FARMS $690056 ACRES and Unfinished House.: Small, well water, garaae. Barn 40x35! with t stanchions, poultry house and sheds, 40 acres cultivated. 9 acres pas-: ture, 7 acres timber, fenced, 1 stream, grade school mile, 3 acres strawber ries and 1 acre boysen. Terms can be arranged. $13,00020 ACRES and 4 BR house, LR. k, aatn. utility Room, electric lights and water pump. Barn and 4 stan chions, poultry house. 10 acres of or chard, family berries, home freezer in house goes, Terms $6000 down, balance at 3. PHONE 513! OR 8630 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY ' Phone Eves. 7163 6901 9340 4937 c86 WANTED REAL ESTATE PROPERTY OWNERS Wanted listings of good 4 bdrm home. Must be clean and good. East or north. Between 110. 000 and $12,000. Also want ed 3 and 3 bdrm houses. Call or see HESS NELSON WITH WILLIAM E. MOSES 331 'a State St. Phone 4993 ca8 FOR PROMPT and courteous aerrice ut your property wttb FLOYD VOLKD H-ll Ktta Broiet 135 N. Liberty Phone 7331 ca WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE dally receiving many inquiries for all types of homes In the many sec tions of Salem. We are In a position to o'fer an efficient sales campaign of your property. Come in or call us to day for prompt and courteous service. MURPHY REALTY CO. Realtors OPEN SUNDAY P. M. 1360 80. Com l. Pb. 6026, Eves. 9785 ca85' LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM. SA LEM REALTY CO- C. W BARTLETT. REALTOR. 149 N. HIGH ST. PH. 7660 WE ARE In oeed 01 good homes to sell In or near Salem U you wish to list your property for sale, aee GRABENHORST EROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea WE HAVE numerous inquiries for homes and business properties. Your listing will receive prompt and efficient service. SEVERIN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDO, DIAL 4016. EVES. 8213. ca!03s 'LARGE or small, we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca86' NOTICE! If your property is for tale rent or exchange. Hat It with us We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE COH REALTORS t5J 8 High St. ea RESORT PROPERTY JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 COURT ST. Ph. 7696 I BEAUTIFUL COAST HOME LOVELY HOME ON COAST. BEAUTI FUL VIEW. 2 BDRMS.. DEN, FINISHED BASEMENT. EXCELLENT OIL FUR NACE. WILL TRADE FOR SALEM CITY OR SUBURBAN HOME. JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 456 COURT ST. Ph. 7696 cc87 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE One of the most up-to-date courts here in Salem on 99E. This place has Just been opened. All new, elec. heat, and the price is right at $25,000.00. Some terms. See A. A. LARSEN. BROKER Formerly Hawkins it Roberts 402 State St. Ph. 4108 rd86 NEAT small downtown restaurant. Couple can handle. $4500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High Ph. 7660 cd86 CHICKEN AND STEAKS HERE Is a fine going business. It will bear your looking Into, Good Income, fine location, all newly redecorated, ready t- go, move right In. Price In cludes all fixtures, building, land and living quarters, a good Investment at $10,000.00. Shown by appointment only. GROCERY AND MARKET GOOD GROCERY STORE and Market with a location and income, as this has, are hard to find. This store will bear your inspection. Located on 99E. Gross ing $100,000.00 a year. Shown by ap pointment only. For further details see us today. MURPHY REALTY CO. Realtors 1260 So. Com'l. Ph. 6026, Eve. 978i cd85- PRICED TO SELL $4000, Music store. Lock, Stock and ' bar rel. Good going business. No competi tion, no blue sky. Good lease, low rent. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa Ph. 3793 Evenings 9441 cd8e AUTO COURT on 99E In Salem. 15 units all furnished. 3 bedroom quarters for manager. Oil heat and new linen. $3000 month possible. 138.000.00 with terms. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 8. Commercial Ph. 35497 cd87' ZONE 4 VERY close In, 80x140 $5700 BUSINESS ZONE 66x165. Small building $7900 INCOME PROPERTY 3 BLOCKS from city hall. Good returns on present purchase price. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Ph. 24793 cd86 SELL EQUITY, 5 unit mod. court. Plus house. Write Box 343 Capital Journal. cd69 McKILLOPS OPPORTUNITIES u PHONE 5131 OR 8620 13,700 Restaurant, seats 37 people, 3l year lease, option can be arranged, dou ble door refrigerator, all dishes. 15,250 Service Station and Trailer Camp, in town, steam cleaner and battery quick charger goes. Space for 7 to 10 trailers, rent each month. 18 months left on present lease with option of 3 years. Lube room and wash rack. $7,500 Timber Land, 6 acres. More could be bought extra. $8.500 Service Station and Garage, and Living quarters. House unfinished but livable. 2 BR. LR, K, gas cooking, oil heat. Close to bus and school. Service Station equipment to be bought on contract, all stock and tools to be sold at Inventory. Very nice corner lot, about ' acre. $12,500 Restaurant and Living Quarters. Fixtures and Equipment in restaurant, 2 BR house in rear, living room and bath, electric heat, Immediate posses sion. 15000 down and $75 a month. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 or 8620 Phone Eves. 9601716349379340 cd86 CLEANING business and property, in town, Box 341, Capital Journal. cd88 ATTRACTIVE HOME AINCOME 3 APTS. it rear house. Completely fur nished, or without owner's furniture. 925 N. Winter. Ph. 24861. cd90' DUPLEX $13,650.00. A good duplex, 4 large rooms each. Basement, auto oil furnace, fire place, dble garage, perfect location. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 Cd86 SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Poor health forces owner to sell completely equipped going business, Low overhead. Best location In Salem. Ask for ALDEN BOWES. CHAS. HUDKINS it SON 250 North High St. Ph. 24129 cdSB REDUCED $4006 unit Apt. Hse, $7500. Income $175 month. 365 S. 16th. cdB8 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I: NURSERY and home. i A. $6,700. 3: FIREPROOF building, business zone, N. $25,000. 3: LAUNDRY equipment. No phone In formation on this one please. 4: GOOD FIRST class auto court. Just right for a couple. 17 pet. on Invest ment. Immediate possession. 5: HOME with income. $8,300. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8316 cd65' NURSERY HOME GOOD nursery business with complete stock of shrubs and flowers, also new 1 bdrm. home. Good location. This Is a wonderful opportunity for right party. Only $6700. Sorry no phone Informa tion on this one. See Ben Colbath. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8316; eve. 36923 cdea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ILL HEALTH forces sale of well-estab lished business and very desirable acre age. Located on 99E about 32 miles soulh of Portland. 3 acres of land, with mod ern 5-room house. Concrete and tile store building and service station with 3 gas pumps. Also hollow-tile business building, which is rented out and 2 other rentals. The store and service sta tion alone grossed over 150,000 In 1946. This can easily be expanded. Would oe Ideal site for auto court. A really good buy at 130.000: some terms. BATTLESON LAND COMPANY. Cnby, Ore. Ph. 6713 cuoa WIDOW Interested In buying a small gift shop, apparel shop, or grocery store In or near Salem. No gas pump. Would consider buying share in business. Have had selling experience. Write Box 338, Capital Journal. cdS7a NEW MOVABLE houses. Would make a nice court. Price reduced for quick sale before April 13. Across from Waters Ball Park on 8. 35th St. cd86 FURNITURE FOR SALE SEWING machine, used $39.00 64.50 79.50 64.50 43.50 $15 to 84.50 Elec. range, used . . . . r S pre. bdrm. suite, used S pee. bdrm. suite, used Daveno, used Davenports, used Bed. sprint, mattress, used 13.50 to 145 STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State Ph. 7396 d86 W ANTED FURNITURE WANTED ft irnlture by private party Box 340 Cuoltal Journal. da86 Higher ca. n prices for your furniture BRIOHT HI fRNITURE CO. Phone 7511 CASH FOR ,7 OUR used furniture. Pb 7396 State. Street Furn 1900 State HIGHE8T"PRi7:E8 paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Aucl Hon Market. Ph $110. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE .lUCTION tonight at 1 p. m. LANV SUDT ELL'S COMMUN ITY AUCTIOI I. Located l'i mi. E ol FAIRGROUND -B ON SILVERTON RD. Ph. 6098. dd85 FOR SALE UVESTOCK AT STUD REG. ThoroughB red stallion. Ch. Broom stick blood Una. , also good quarter mare crass. Standing at Ward's Stables. 911 verton Rd. Rt. 7, Box 404. Ph. 35153. e85 GENUINE South American Chinchillas for a comforts ble living In your own back yard. Bl eeding stock available. LaMar ChincllDr. Farm. 215 Park Lane. Salem, Oreg., tthone 35743. e86 DRIVE OUT and igft a fat hen; also lay ing hens. East ton Center St., and 5th house on right east of Krueger'a Mkt. e36 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, all klnoi; of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Er.. Salem. Ph. 21345 morn, or eves. eal03" WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hoss, sows it boars t your TTm or delivered mar ket price. E O. UrCandllsh, Rt. 9, Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 35th. Phone 8147. ea9fl PETS ENGLISH Springer Sfpantel puppies, pure bred. Females 125, males 135. Roy ti. Simmons. Rt 4. .Box 270. Pb. 21143. FOR SALE WOOD GREEN SLAB St edginigs. 3 cord load. $8.00. Oregon Fuel Co. PJioae 5j33. eestr FRESH CUT sawdust, rtnm. delivery. 18.00 load. Oregon Fuel Oo. Ph. 5533. ee90 THI CITY FUEL 3 Cord Loao 110.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wotd it Edgings Heavy 4 ft, Slab PHONE 4,1(83 We Give S&H G4;ten Stamps eelOS CALL-HIGHWAY ItUEl'fOR Diesei and St cue Oils FRESH CUT S1MVDUST Dry Slab T)Vood Phone 6414 ee83 GOOD DRY 16 in. wood, immed. delivery OREGON FUEL CO., PfTiCtfie 5533. ee95a $4 CORD ON NITE OELIVERTES 16" SLAB it EDGINCW. PH. 6683 MUX WOOD. $6.00 load- Ph. 6852 or 5341 ec83a PLYWOOD cores At Old flrj. Ph. 3380.ee86 DRY WOOD A sawdust. Pb. Maker 7868. INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load 120.00 Imm. deL Ph. 346 Yamhill, Ore. eel02 BONE-DRY mill wood good for furnace Ph i73) GREEN OR DRY SLA B WOOD SCREENED SAWpUST PROMPT DELIViSRY Ph. 34031. WEST SALEM FuUl CO. GREEN A DRY WOOD and .sawdust. Stove oil and dlesel oil. Ph. 2-4031. ee" FOR SALE POULTRY CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick.' every Wed. Boytngton's. 371 "0 State f&9 BABY CHICKS hatching twine weekly In even varieties. New Hampt ihtres always available In chicks Growlnj: pullets, any age. Phone 32861. Lee'a Hl.tchcry, f CUSTOM DRESSING of ct'ickens. any number Prompt service. 0 iwssed poul try wholesale our specialty JThone 33861 Lee's Hatchery f PRODUCE STRAWBERRY plants: Rochhlll Ever bearing. Large plants not v growing. Many are budding. Will deliver 80 or more. These plants will bear this year. All fresh and green. T. A. Brewster, Box 361-C. Salem. Rt. 2. fr89 WANTED HELP MAN WITH light ear to colic a residen tial debit. Salem and vicinity. Apply personally, 721 Morgan Bldg.. Portland. Crowell Collier Reader Service, g87 STEADY job for all around fhtrn. man. Apply Woodry Furn. Market m person. 1605 N. Summer St. No phone calls, please. g85 EX WAITRESSES. Night shfit St day shift, Anchor Cafe, 3405 Portland Rd. Ph. 9089. B87 OFFICE GIRL Typing, some ri liorthand and bookkeeping. Meet the pupiic. per manent. Apply in person. Rcljiholdt it Lewis, 580 8. 21st St. g' WANTED Body and fender man, Warner Motor Co., 430 N. Commercial St., ph. 7249. K87- WANTED Jobber salesman, existence, to handle Nationally Advertised - line ap proved fire extinguishing equtPlient for Industrial and marine hazardi . Pros pects and leads furnished: liberal pro fits. Advise sales experience, territory covered, and furnish buslne-sn refer ences. ALEXANDER GOW. IN( 505 Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. g86 HOUSEMOTHER; relief cook rellel! night watch. Ph. 23022 for appt. fiBT EXP. BAKERY sales girl. Benson jflakery, 264 N. Com 1. 88 WANTED housekeeper, 2 adults, coun try, Ph. eves. 7233, or write Mrs. c, H. Taylor, Rt. 4, box 233, j86 XPTvariety girl. State age, exp, BcU 344 Capital Journal. BBS WANTED Good Stenography r. Prrr nent position 11 sansiaciury. tt Title Co., 285 State St. LUMBER AND BUILDING materia) yard wants experienced man to work in 01- flce and in yard, state experu nee. Write box 345 Capital Journal. c86 HAVE OPENING for 10 men Interested tn steady Job. Earn up to $100 per n rek while training, fast promotions vlth secure future. Experience not neceisnry 360 Slate St. Room 34. n.39 WAITRESS WANTED Gem Cafe, Stil ton, Oregon. t Bt LOCAL WOMAN with good personal) iy who would like a business or her own, We train and help you. Write P. O. Box 374, Albany. fl 88 LADY 30 TO 40. Hours one to 6:30 p. in. On Sundays, off Mondays, Retail JH-e Cream counter service. The Pike, 138 JL Llbeity, ' ACTIVE YOUNG MAN 18 to 30. Opportun - Uy to learn Theatre business. Apply At niMnn nrinri Theatre r' I STENOGRAPHER, single, 40-hr. week. No. Sat. work. Life, accident and health Insurance, hospitalization and surgical benefits provided. Call In person ac Metropolitan Life Insurance office. 311 Masonic Bldg. gB5 WOMEN wanted. Salem Laundry Co.. 363 80. High. gB3' BUYER, MEN'S furnishings, sales exp. necessary. Mr. Adlon, Miller Mercantile Co. 885 MEN FOR hop yard work. Bus will pick up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m. Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Will Hart Hop Farm, Ph. Salem 32631. SALESWOMAN, age 33-30. for Jewelry store. Soma typing ability, iop salary. References required. Write Box 327 Capital Journal, g' SILK FINISHER t wool presser. Fore 1070 8. Com'l. Ph. man's Cleaners, 9448. WOMAN AS Janitress. H. L. Stiff. L. stiff" EXP. FURN. Salesman. H. WANTED POSITIONS COOK, Hskpr., Adults. Reliable, capable full eng. Ret. Give lull details. Box 346. Capital Journal. h87 PRACTICAL NURSE. Phone 36759 or 7073. h87 OIL HEATER SERVICE Installation, adjusting, cleaning and re- pr r'.ni. 24 hr. service. 3042 Portland Rd. Phone 6073, h96 WANTED POSITIONS EXP. DRIVER wants job or any kind of work. Ph. 4621 or come to 2595 Hazel lazel ntcr1. Ave. HOUSEKEEPING for widower on ranehf or farm. Call Thursday. 425 N. Wintci h36 LAWN MOWER need repairing, tharpen Ing? Call Ted 7603 for quick expert service. Pick up and deliver. Old established place. Salem Saw Works, 1293 North 5th St. h89 WILL TA K E care of babies and school children In my home. 1178 Chemeketa. Come to back door. h85 DUSTING. Dial 21208. Philip W. Belike. h88" SPRAY NOW for apple it pear scab, syneta beetles. Philip W. Belike, dial 21208. h33 SPRAY PAINTING, Ralph Alsman, 1720 Lancaster drive. Ph. 34248. hl07 WINDOW FRAMES and screens, cabinet doors, drawer and regular cabinet work. Large or small orders accepted. Oon venlr t location. 4 block Ladd it Bush, Master wood's Cabinet Shop, 164 So. Commercial. Ph. 5596. hl06 WILLIAM C. DREW. Plumbing Repair Service. Ol) burner sales it service. 493 N 19th St. Salem. Ph. 5395. hS5 GARDEN' PLOWING it discing. Ph. 50-F-2. Hollis Bice. h89 WANTED: Interior painting. Smalt Job specialty. Phone 35745. h90 G. Se 51. TRANSFER, light hauling. Ph. 25637; eves. ph. 35665. hl04a SECRETARIAL: Stenographic service. Ph. 8288 h!03 FIRST CLASS carpenter work, new or remodel. Large or small. Ph. 8281. h8ft SPRAYING. L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 7900. MOO GARDEN PLOWING it DISCING. Ford Tracto r. R a ySattcr. Ph. 32504, hP6 PLOWING AND discing. No Job too large or too small. Chas. B. Jayne As Sons, 1920 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 35753. h96 ALTERING it sewing. Ph. 36954. INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. hill PLOWING St general tractor worg. Have' D-2. 3rd house south of Brooks on Paci fic highway. On right. J. K. Mint. Rt. 1. Box 274 Brooks. hOO BOOKKEEPER WITH considerable expe rience available. Good refrences Box 256 Capital Journal. h8S AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Ettar Call Shrock Motor Co 8303. EDUCATION V. S GOVERNM EN r JOB S ! $ 1756-$3031 year. Men-Women. Prepare immediate ly for next Ore. examinations. Vets get preference, 32-page Book on Civil Serv ice. Snmple coaching FREE. Write Box 324, Capital Journal. hh85 FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOMS for Rent. 360 N. Capl- tah J87 PLEASANT sleeping room for girls. One blk. to bus. 1775 Fir. J87 WILL RENT furnished 3-bedroom house, 2 acres to responsible party. May 1st to Oct. 1st. Close in. Rt. 3, Box 886, 1 ml. straight from Roberts' school. J8S i YOUNG professional man of high so cial and cultural rating In the city de sires to rent a one or two-bedroom apartment or house. Only those who desire I he best of tennants need tn Phone 24550. J87 NICE comfortable heated sleeping room. Close in. 1271 Chemeketa St. J86 ROOM, Close to Blue Lake Cannery. 130 McNary. W. Salem. J89 BONE DRY basement room. Working man. 790 N. Church. J85 TRAILER space available. All modern. close In, near bus. 1005 8. 21st or 31st and Mission. J88 SMALL NEW business location at 757 Edgewater St., w. Salem. Ideal watch maker shop. Attractive glass block front. Moderate rental. J87 WHY RENT or build? Prlca reduced lor quick sale before April 12 on new mov able house. Across from Waters Ball Park on S. 35th St. J86 ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent. sell. H. Q. Pugh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4693. J GOOD USED PIANOS H. L. Stiff. f floor gander for rent. Montgomery Ward. ) WANTED TO RENT YOUNG WILLAMETTE Veteran and wifa wisn small apt. call 4171 Ext. 460 day or 4360 evenings, Ja90 PERMANENT VETERAN and wife need mrnisneo or partially furnished apart ment or house. Phone 3-6003. Ja86 JUNIOR EXECUTIVE desires a 3 or 4- rm. furnished apt by May 1st. Refer ences. Call 9201. Between 9 a. m. and A jn. i86 DENTIST and Wife, desire furnished apt. fiease pnone ur, wues, wu, Ja-85 A SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, either in baiem or surrounding vicinity by mid dle ared couple. Can furnish best of references. Will guarantee good care. Would also consider a trailer house. Write box 342 Capital Journal. Ja86 ADULTS desire 3 or 3 bedroom house on or before June 1st. Rent or lease with six months or more In advance. In ore out of town. Acreage preferred. Permanent residents. Call 34318 or Box 336. Journal. jas7 URGENTLY NEED 3 or 3 bdr. house Dy Aprn iu. rreieraniy Hollywood Dlst. Phone 9337 or 6058. References. Ja87 YOUNG COUPLE would like to get mar ried out have no apt. Could you help them out? Call 9109 days. 31695 eves. J-SSa WANTED TO LEASE OR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE by Oregon State Factory Representative. No children. Furnish references. Box 333, Capital Journal. ja85 VET, WIFE, child urgently needVbdrmi, unfurn. house or apt. Ph. 6073 days: ROOM AND BOARD YOUNG MAN requires room and board. Steadily employed. Call 9610 between 1 a"d 3 P- m- JJ86 CHILDREN under 4 yrs. cared for by the day in my home. Spacious yard. Exp. teacher. Inquire 350 Belmont. jjB6 LOST AND FOUND LOST OR strayed, white Spitz dog, a swers Buster. Ph. 3476. Reward. UeL. LOST Silver Chatlin pin at Wards. PlesI return to Mont. Wards. kS6 LOST, new black purse. Saturday, either on Court St., or Capltola bus. Contain ed valuable papers and money. Reward. Mrs. P. J. Bolles, 420- Evergreen. k85 MISCELLANEOUS ROCK WOOL insulation and metal inter locking weather stripping. Workman ship and material guaranteed against defects. L. H. Clawson Co.. 175 8. High. Ph. 6088 H. P. Lenton, local manager. free estimates. mSS ORCnARDDTsciNG. Phone 47F5 m3B TOPPING AND removal danger treesany where. 412 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 251 17. .DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock remove uu moment s nonce, fa. boud m89" FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. 0197 I (I EN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. $1.00. L.ta OfKlffOEK. 464 Court Bt. MT HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical See ui for free estimates Y EATER APPLIANCB CO. 256 N Liberty -n BjKAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, dozer work, ditching basement excavation, eaud, ravel, crushed rock mason sand, con crete mix cement SALEM SAND St GRAVEL CO U05 N FRONT ST. SALEM OREGON I 'hone 9408 or 31934 m DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST 4.dolpb Bldg. State A ConunerclaJ Sta SALEM Phone 8311 m FOill SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE CLEANING TIME RUOS. DRAPERIES. Curtains. Pick-up ft Delivery. No extra charge. Green Sir nips. Standard Cleaners St Dyers. 8719. n86 (Continued on Page 11)