West Salem Council Employs (Building Inspector, Sets Fee West Salem, April 8 A wide scope of business matters was brought before the city council when it met last night, including consideration of resolutions, park improvements and building in spector s fees. The mayorf and city recorder were author ized to execute a deed giving to the Gerlinger interests title to .4 of an acre of the city's property in the Churchmere addition. In the transaction the city reserv ed the right of way to other in dustrial centers in the addition. The land acquired by the Gerlingers in this deed will con nect their other property in the addition with possible railroad right of way. Also approved up on third and final reading was an ordinance granting a 10-year franchise, covering operational rights of the West Salem Cab company, owned by Cecil Ens minger and now known as Shorty's Cab company. W. C. Heise, chairman of the park committee, was granted the right to expend funds for some park improvements, in cluding the erection of a fence around the wading pool, and a limited amount of maintenance help at the park. Heise's request for some expenditures in the city park, partially supported a proposal from the Kingwood Garden club, recommending Chat some supervision and park tnaintenance be provided for the city park from city funds. The Richfield Oil company se cured the city's gas business through a bid permitting the purchase of regular gasoline at 16 cents per gallon and Ethyl at 18 cents per gallon. W. L. Huckabay, employed as city building inspector on a 30 day probation plan, was placed on the regular payroll with the proviso that his salary be paid from building permit fees. The inspector will receive all fees with the exception of fees in excess of $30, which the city has reserved 30 percent of to cover printing and other cost of issuance. The Blue Lake Producers was granted the right to build an overhead conveyer over Basset street, permitting removal of much of their corn and ensilage age operation to the other side of the street. This arrangement, according to O. E. Snider, man ager, who presented the propo sal, will relieve traffic on Bas set street during the heavy pro cessing season. A communication from the Salem Electric stating that the company would install street lighting, ordered by the city, upon terms permitting payment of the account at the rate of t) percent per annum, was tabled with the street committee ad vised to give the matter further study. R. E. Pattison, city recor der, was instructed to begin work on the preparation of the new budget. Mayor Walt Musgrave and all councilmen with the exception of W. C. Heise were in attend ance at Monday night's meeting. Certified Strawberry Deadline April 15 April 15 is the deadline plant ing date for strawberry fields entered in the 1947 Oregon cer tified strawberry plant program, according to D. L. Rassmussen, assistant county agent. All ap plications for strawberry plant certification should be on file in the county agent's office by April 15. No applications will be accepted after May 1. Detailed strawberry plant cer- To every man with rupture You my need the help of a icien tifically designed Camp anatomical Support. Leading physiciana and sur geons precrib theie supports daily for Hernia patients. Consult your doctor today then visit our expert Camp trained fitter. Willctt's CAPITAL DRUG STORE State at Liberty, 'On the Corner' KY PAINT f4 NOW! BS-' i 50 Expert Lg! PAINTERS fWA STAFF ra J For Quality Work Phone ft 340 Court Street Phone 9221 Northwest Nazarene College a capella choir of Nampa, Idaho, will be heard in sacred concert at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night at the First Church of the Nazarene, 13th and Center. The choir on its annual tour of the northwest, will travel about 3000 miles and make 25 appearances. Prof. Roger Taylor is director. Dr. Lewis T. Corlett, president of Northwest Nazarene college, will accom pany the group to Salem and will have charge of the program. The concert will be free, according to Rev. Orville W. Jenkins, pastor of the local church. tification standards can be ob tained from the county agents office. In addition to the April 15 planting date, the regulations slate that only strnwberry plants from Oregon certified blue-tag stock may be entered for certi fication. Other provisions in clude a field isolation require ment and a minimum spacing of three feet between plants. HALF-PRICE SALE ALL. FRUIT, NUT, SHADE and FLOWERING TREES and ROSE BUSHES (BARE-ROOTED STOCKS ONLY) At Half Price This Week This is the last week of the season for bare-rooted nursery stock Shrubs and trees with dirt balls will be available at regular prices until the middle of May. Camellias, Rhododendrons, Azaleas in Bloom KNIGHT PEARCY NURSERY (So. Liberty, 3 blocks south of State) Morse Scores Paper Monopoly Washington, April 8 t&i Sen, Wayne Morse yesterday termed the newsprint shortage a defi nite part of the monopolistic problem that faces small busi ness' and added that unless! this "monopoly ... is broken, most of the economic freedoms of private enterprise, including freedom of the press, will be choked in this country. The Oregon senator said he is confident thai the current sen ate investigation into the news print shortage "will disclose the you can arrange a monthly payment loan for purchasing home improvement materials SEE YOUR BOBBING SUPPLY DEALER OR THIS BANK TODAY COLOTYLE p i ! i i i r MASTER CRAFTSMEN WHOSE TRADITION IS.. is; .PERFECTION ouke ViXt offyi m Tie atmdmim,4 all, dince the cenShu, wwn you da ftee Certoin families In Liege, Belgium, have been producing euttom-made engraved shotguns (some valued at more than $1200 for tx generations, Since 1857, Seagram' craftsmen have been "mak ing finer whiskies... making them taste better." t 0 Seagrams Wr Seagram's wSure . . BLEXDED AVHI3KEY Sugram's 7 Crown. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. 86.8. Proof. Seagrim. Distillers Corporation, Clsryslar Building. Kw York to make tired, unsishtly bath rooms glamorous. The essen tial treatment for new con struction. Everlasting washable beaaty. No more painting. Installed complete by our own Colo tyte craftsmen. 340 Court St Dial 922! Importance of the 80th congress passing such ant! - monopoly legislation as my bitl S, 72." The bill would prohibit American participation in world cartels; establish uniform rail road freight rates: provide pat ent regulations; direct the fed eral loan administrator to aid competitive businesses; and au thorize 58,000,000 annually for the Justice department to en force antt-trus laws. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Apri! 8. 1347 S There are veins of coal under about two-thirds of Illinois. McNary Bam Fefe Set for Apri! 15 Umatilla, Ore,, April 9 . A great celebration kicking of? t construction of the SIS.OOft.OOO McJiary dam on the Columbia river near Umatilla wilt be held here April 15 one week from today. Cornelia Morion MeNary, wi dow of Oregon Senator Charles MeNary, will fly to Umatilla from the national capital to take part in the ceremony. She will turn the first spade of earth on She project. Mrs. MeNary will be aided in the dedication ceremony by Jams Paige, Warner Bros, mo tion picture star, who will com here from Hollywood to take part in the celebration as "Misi Damsite. Tfcss i th prorJuet which is made in St. Helens, Ore., and which hat been sold all over the United States. Bratsdenfels Scalp and Hair Treatment can be used at home without danger of soiling hat bands, bed linen or clothing. The simple directions are easy to lot low. There are approxi mately 60 applications ta each treatment. NOW AVAILABLE AT WILES DRUG STORE 195 NORTH HIGH STREET PHONE 8792 "I've learned a'plenty about oil since I drove a Saxon Six" ...look back with Granny, yoa'ii learn something, too IN 1916 Granny was full of gumption but her Saxort Six wasn't. How eoulS it be, all sludged up by old-fashioned oil? Some folks still use it, but not Granny, She sticks to "KPRf ' because it's fortified to fight heat and air, two big causes of the sludge that makes any car lose pep. m 1924 , burned-out bearings made Granny's highway life one long detour. "Just plain oil," it seems, couldn't keep her Chandler safe. Now adays, a bearing's worst enemy is corrosion, and with "RPM's" anti-corrosion compound stopping that, repair bills are rare indeed in Granny's mail. STOP AT THESE StCNS SO TODAY it's little wonder that Granny's grand-chiidren are strong for RPM Motor OiL They know bigger, faster modern cars need o'l that's fortified to fight carbon and sludge, to guard engine hot spots, to end corrosion and foaming. "RPM's" added compounds stop ail these car troubles that's why it gives your motor the finest protection money can buy. "RPM" keeps ears young FOR STNDiD SF CftUFOSNIA PRODUCT