First Week PCL Play Ends; Beavers Fifth Rip Collins' hustling San Diego Padres ruled (he Pacific Coast league roost today after an opening week replete with extra Inning thrillers, some hefty slugging, occasional fancy flinging and warming the hearts of the club owners healthy attendance. Supplying most of the early season fireworks, the Padres ran up six straight victories before 58 Qualify For Tourney When the records were check ed late Sunday afternoon, 58 persons had turned in qualifying scores in connection with the Salem Elks club Mid-Willamette valley tournament. It is expect ed the list will be more than doubled by the evening of April 13, the deadline established for qualifying. Ned Ingram and Glen Lengren with gross scores of 72 each were low for the first week. Floyd Baxter posted a 73 and Tom Wise fired a 78. Jack Brande of Lebanon, de fending champion, who does not need to qualify for the tourna ment, toured the Salem Golf club course over the week-end by way of sharpening his strokes and turned in a card of 73. At the close of next Sunday the contenders will be bracket ed according to their qualifying scores and the battle for the various trophies will be on. The week-end sweepstakes sponsored by the men's club, found Bunny Bennett leading the list with a 70. .Ned Ingram scored a 72 and Bill Schafer a 74. The affair was carried over until next week-end. Final Ruling: Richards Won Bobby Richards defeated Snooks Lacey last Wednesday night and therefore Is entitled to take over Laccy's claim as featherweight champion of the northwest. When Judge Harry V, Collins rechecked his scorecard that gave the battle to Lacey, in his opinion, it was thought possible that the champion had retained his crown. However, it develop ed that Judge Frank Saunders had given eight rounds to Richards, six to Lacey, with one unscored. Previously it had been announced that he had tallied six for Lacey, six for Richards, with three even. Announcer Harry Levy re ported he had kept Saunders' scoring, as well as that of Ref eree Packey McFarland and they showed conclusively that both had voted for Rich ards. Collins had merely turn ed in a slip with the word ; "Lacey" written on It, retain ing his scoreboard. .......... The ' 1 SCOREBOARD, COAST LEAGUE STANDINGS (By Associated Prrssf W Pet. .857 San Dlcpi) 6 San Francisco S Las A up eles 4 Sarramemo 4 Holly wood 3 Portland - 3 Seattle ... 2 Oakland ... 1 .429 .42ft .286 "P For OSC Corvallis, Ore., April 7 (IP) Football Coach Lon Stiner at Oregon State college is go ing to borrow the wide-open variations of the T-formation from the southwest for his 1947 gridiron Beavers now in spring training. Stiner, whose Beavers came up looking very good at the end of the 1946 season in the Pacific Coast conference, saw the maneuv ers work for the west team which he helped coach in the East-West January 1 classic at San Francisco. Exhibition Baseball (By thp Associated Press) Sunday's Result!) Detroit 'At 9. New Orleans (SA 1. Fort Worth (TU 4, Chicago (N) 3 (II Jnn mas). Cincinnati N 8, Boston 'A) A. New York iA) 14, Atlanta (SA) I. Cleveland 'A 2, New York 'Ni 1 Washington Ai II, Philadelphia 'N 10. $itk$'t HCKT BREWING CO., bin. On Oakland, behind Charley Gass- away's six-hit pitching, managed to salvage the final game of the series. Four of San Diego's wins were nabbed in extra innings, with Southpaw Tommy Seats' 11-in-; ning 1-0 shutout of the Oaks in yesterday's opener the stand out performance. Oakland won the finale 6-1. Elsewhere during the week there were three overtime games. One of those was San Francisco's 8-7 conquest of Seat tle in 11 innings in a Sunday opener. But the Rainiers nab bed the nightcap, 3-2, to keep the Seals from climbing into a first-place tie-. The Seals trail ed San Diego by one game, with five won, two lost, Largest crowd to date 15,766 at Los Angeles saw veteran Tommy Bridges, ex-Detroit curveball ace, pitch Portland to a 2-1 nightcap win after the An gels nabbed a 7-3 verdict. Bridges allowed but two hits. Los Angeles took the series, four games to three. Sacramento held the same series edge over Hollywood aft er another split. A 5-4 final victory put the Solons in a third place knot with Los Angeles, after dropping the opener 10-7. This week's schedule, with play resuming tomorrow after the customary Monday off, finds the same teams at home. Port land cavorts at San Diego, Oak land at Los Angeles, Seattle at Sacramento, and Hollywood at San Francisco. All the home teams, incidentally, are in the first division. Fintt name: Portland I Lo An trier BHOA BHOA jrawirn.i s o a; Oarrlott.m 3 2 2 tadulvh.2 3 1 6 2 Sclnuiter. 4 2 1 Escobr.m-l 4 13 01 Saner. r 4 0 3 3torey,3 4 3 2 4lMaddern.l 4 2 2 01 Laior.l 3 1 1 OiQstrwskI.3 4 2 0 3 Reich, r 4 I o Oistrlnaer.2 4 1 4 Muratre.c 4 0 2 2 Richards.l 4 2 12 3orbould,s 111 4'Novotny.c 4 0 3 0 3alveson,p 3 1 1 OlFlemtnir.p 110 0 3mith,m 111 O'Dnbernic.p 2100 Balllnger 1 0 0 0Adams,p 10 0 0 Dobblns.s 0 0 1 1 I Sou7,a 1 0 0 01 Totals 36 9 24 131 Totals 35 13 27 11 Batted for Oorbould In 8th. Batted for Salveaon in 9th. Portland 002 000 0103 Los Angeles 100 110 40- 7 Errors, Reich, Muratore 2. Gorbould 2. Hit by pitcher. Escobar by Fleming. Left on base. Portland 9. Los Angeles 5. Passed ball, Novotney. Two-base hits. Storey, Qarriott. Three-base hit, Dobernic. Home runs, Oat t. Storey. Stolen base, Gar rlott, Runs batted In, Maddern, stringer, Garriott. Schuster, Ostrowskt 2, Storey 3. Double plays, Schuster to Stringer to Rich ards 2. Winning pitcher, Dobernic. Time of game. 2:05. Umpires, Mazzeo, Powell and Ford. Second game: Portland I.oi Angeles BHOA! BHOA 3 0 8 2aarriot,m 2 0 4 0 omwfra.i Rndiilvti.2 Escobar. 1 Storey,3 Smith.m Relch.r Ballinsr.c Dobbins. Bridge. p Muraloe.c. 3 3 2 2;3chuster,g 3 11 OlSauer.r 3 0 0 OiMaddern.l 3 1 1 OiOfitrslcl.S 3 11 0,Stringer.2 Richards.l 1 0 2 OMalone.c 3 2 2 SjBaker.p 3 0 0 4Treadwy 2 0 3 OlFelderan.c !Paton 2? 7 31 131 Totals 3 0 13 3 10 0 3 13 0 10 1! 3 0 3 5 10 10 3 0 3 1 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 11 10 0 1 Totals 31 3 31 I Batted for Matone In 6th, "Batted for Baker In Bin. Portland 010 000 12 Los Angeles 010 000 01 Error, Ballinger, Left on bases, Port land 4, Los Angeles 7. Twobae hits, Sauer, Dobbins 2. Wild pitch, Bridges. Sacrifice hit, Ostrowslci. Runs batted in, Dobbins 2. Double piays, Dobbins to Ra dulovtch lo Crawford, Schuster to Strinfter to Richards. Time, 1:30. Umpires. Powell, Ford and Mazzeo. Official attendance, 15,766. First game: Seattle 200 000 032 007 IS 1 San Francisco ...001 200 130 018 14 3 Ripple. Rubiel , Yelovic (9i and Stagg; Joyce, Rosso (fl) and Ocrodowski, Leonard b. Second game: Seattle 000 030 03 3 0 San Francisco 000 200 02 & 0 Posedel and Hill: O'Neill, Lien 15), Stew rd 16) and Leonard. First lame: Oaklanl 000 000 000 000 S 1 San Diego 000 000 000 011 8 1 Buxton and Ratmondi; Seats and Kerr. Second game: Oakland 000 230 1 fi 8 1 San Dieno 000 000 1 1 6 0 Ga.uaway and Kearse; Salvo, Kerrigan (5 and Rice. First, same: Hollywood 010 110 31310 10 2 Sacramento 003 103 000 7 9 2 Basso. Hufford S. Caster (7, Yaylian (D) and Unser, Cameron 7; Mann. Nel son (5), Oronin 17), Art nelson t0) Ander nandes. . Second same: Hollywood 201 100 04 10 0 Sacramento 020 001 2 fi 10 0 Select A Skirt' Ouoftfy ,oW Rain Halts Activity in Solon Camp Medford, April 7 (Special) Although virtually all activity was suspended because of the non-cooperative attitude of the weather man, Manager Jack Wilson's hopes for a successful Salem Senator season rose a bit by reason of the arrival of Mel Nunes, inficlder, and Pitcher Vince Lazor. Both are from the Portland club. Cold rains have kept the squad inactive much of the time since they established camp here in late March. All three games scheduled with Oregon State college and the doubleheader with the Uni versity of Portland were washed out. The squad is scheduled to re turn to Salem April 14 and Manager Wilson is praying for warm weather for this week since his athletes are badly in need of long hours of diamond toil. Leaders Change In ABC Firing Los Angeles, April 7 U.R Firing in the American Bowl ing congress settled down to ''booster" efforts today follow ing a riotous week-end in which leaders in all four divisions were replaced. Chicagoans ran up the best doubles series yester day while an Arizonian, Henry Peterson of Tucson, rolled the tournament's highest singles game. George Palubiak, 29, an ac countant, and his 33-year-old lanky partner, Bob Janus, rolled a 1,300 doubles series with Pal ubiak hitting 746, high series for the meet, with games of 243-215-288. His total was the 13th highest ever recorded in an ABC. Janus had 156-199-199. Al Zimmerman Cops PGA Meet Portland, April 7 &) Al Zim merman captured his third Ore gon professional match play championship yesterday as he scored a 1-up victory over Ted Longworth in a 36-hole play off. Zimmerman played Longworth all even in the 18-hole meeting at Longworth's own Waverly course, each carding par 72, stood squared at the end of the first nine at Alderwood but then picked up his one stroke victory margin on the back nine. Scores: Zimmerman 72-67 141; Long worth 72-70 142. . - - Volk Faces Apostoli San Francisco, April 7 (IP) Fred Apostoli, the former mid dleweight chamDion. spelt tn even the score for his only de feat on a comeback campaign tonight when he hooks up with bodd.v volk of Portland, Ore., in a 10-round bout. Brooks Wins, 12 to 9 Brooks Brooks grade school's softballers defeated Hazelgreen grademen 12-9 here Friday. Movie Actor Harold Lloyd is a member of a Santa Monica, Calif., bowling team. Grenory. CBMpr (71. mid Unaer; Smith, Babbit it and Fitzgerald. Saturday' ReMilL Portland 1. Lor Anselcs 0. San Pranclflco Brattle 3 (13 Innings). Sacramento 3, Hollywood 2. San Dleao 9. Oakland 7 (10 Innings). t . ' " 1 111 I f-'t there he gardenias $h' 'tfF,.,-. Let there he good friends W "tflr"' fl ' 'W good )f I 5,A?r, I wa' someone offer the toait, i fFj I '"" I "Pleasant Moments" -C vf That fits right into your smile! Nfttlonal Dlfltllleri rroducU Cerponlion, Xtw Tork. Blended Wbiiker. M A M la . . J , ae This Unusual Hobbyhorse finish of a race at the finish of a race at the Gulfslieam park at Hol lywood, Fla., was by Piot (3), Dauntecud was second and War Rider (not shown), was nurd. (AP Wirephoto) K Moose Clabaugh, gallon-sized Pacific Coast league veteran out fielder, dropped in on the Salem baseball team at the Senators' Medford training camD last week and hurled for a battine uractice session. . . . Lippy Leo Durocher is going into the movies. Hej is to play the number two role in a forthcoming movie, ".750 Smith," which features Eddie Bracken and the appearance of every top sports writer and' newspaper columnist in Manhattan. Bill Stern will do the narrating for the film, which involves the case history of a young man named Smith (Eddie Bracken) who joins the Dodgers destined to pound out a mighty .750 swat figure. Durocher plays the true-to-life part of Dodger manager. . . . Quite a heavy response to Coach Lon Stiner's call for spring football practice at Oregon State college (109 aspirants reported), but minus from the group is Dick Gray, the "Gray Ghost'' of the 1945 Freshmen squad who expects to join the varsity this year. A knee injury is keeping Gray on the sidelines. More 'Sittings' The Bremerton Bluejackets will have "one of the best infield: in the (Western International) league" if current beliefs of 'Jacket Manager Alan Strange are correct. . . . Milt Cadiuha, star Spokane Indian chucker in the 1946 WIL campaign, who was re leased by Owner Hollywood when he broke his pitching arm in a winter accident, may attempt a comeback with the Indians this season. . . . Brooklyn Dodger Boss Branch Rickey, still keeps one eye on Montreal's Negro star, Jackie Robinson, and has suggested that Robinson be returned to first base. Rickey probably feels that Robinson's best chance to become a full-fledged Dodger is in the role of first sacker. ... Of all the shifts that have been employed in attempts to halt the boom of Ted Williams' Boston Red Sox bat, the strangest was unleashed by the Dallas club of the Texas league in a recent spring training game. As Williams came to the plate for the first lime, all the Dallas fielders except the battery trotted into right field, jumped into the bleachers and parked themselves in the scats. After several minutes of no action, the Dallas team ran back on to the field. Rocha Hard on Records When Ephriam "Red" Rocha, Oregon State's scintillating 6 foot 8-inch all-Coast basketball center, started breaking Northern division Pacific Coast conference records, he didn't stop halfway. After climaxing a brilliant three year Beaver career with a great 1947 season, Mr. Rocha holds every league individual scoring mark except one. Only the 253-points-in-one-season mark sel by Vince Hanson in 1945 stands intact after Rocha's record-shattering three-year, performance with OSC. Among marks now possessed by the lanky basketeer from Hilo, Hawaii, is the three year grand total of 636 points, and the single game record of 38 points. Sanders - Edgers Polishers Dutch Boy No-Rub Wax Gym Finish Pale Floor Sealer, and a complete line of Dutch Boy varnishes and floor fillers. McGILCHRIST Gr SONS 255 NORTH COMMERCIAL 2.59 per Gal. HANG ON, BROTHER RISS ROSS By Chris Kowitx FOR RENT - S Proof, tl'o Grain Neutral Spirlla. mfrBt?"s Dad Clubbers Slate Feed The Salem Dads' club, an organization that encourages amateur athletics, especially on the public school level, will sponsor its annual basketball dinner program next Friday night at the high school cafe teria. Coach "Slats" Gill of Oregon State college will be guest speaker and' will relate his impressions of the Kansas City tournament where his Beavers were nosed out by the University of Oklahoma. Guests will include players from the public schools, Willamette uni versity and members of the squad that won the state ama leur championship. Clair Brown, acting president of the club, will preside. THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! (That goes for Ford Service', too!) You'll find it pays to bring your Ford "back home" to us for Genuine Ford Service. Here are four important reasons why: 1. FORD-TRAINED MECHANICS Who know your Ford best. 2. FACTORY-APPROVED METHODS For faster, better work. 3. SPECIAL FORD EQUIPMENT For a job done right. 4. GENUINE FORD PARTS And here's a real time saver: You'll get immediate service on all jobs! Try Genuine Ford Service, We're sure you'll agree . . j VALLEY MOTOR CO. 375 Center Street Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, April 7, 197 3 Jim Demaret Easily Wins Masters Event Augusta, Ga., April 7 (UP) The happy-go-lurky Jimmy Dc. marct headed home for Texas today with perhaps the most cov eted title of golf in his pocket the Masters and never had it been won more easily. Demaret started the final round on a hot but windy Easter Sunday three strokes ahead of the field, scored a one-under par 71 and sat Jack" and waited without worrv totnals of thc Pacific coast cham see if anyone could better his! P"""'P association here 281 for 72 holes, seven strokes below par. Nobody did. although Byron Nelson, coming out of virtual re- i tirement from golf, and the husky amateur from Toledo. Frank Stranahan, made noble efforts, Stranahan, who made the best score ever posted by an amateur in the 11th annual event found ed by Bobby Jones, had a 28a with a 68 yesterday to tie Nel son for second place. Stranahan had three birdies in five holes on the back nine but didi.'t have quite enough to clip Demaret at the wire. But thc main effort, lo head-off Demaret, had al ready fizzled the bid by Austra lian Jim Fcrrier who actually drew abreast of Demaret at the eighth hole. A large part of the crowd of 12,000 was there to cheer him ! on at tnc ninin nolo but r erner went one over par on that one and blew completely apart on thc back stretch, winding up with old-timer Henry Picard at 286. Pointer Wins Trials Ritzville, April 7 iPi Egyjv tian Buck, a while and liver pointer dog owned by H. L. .Stone of Spokane, won the fea Mure event of the annual field Made right right . . . last longer AT 40 MPH IT TAKES. 137 FEET" T 02 STOP! r 3 ' If a child ran in front of your car, could stop in time? Better makt certain your brakes tvill do the job! HOW DOES CAR COMPARE? 3JI5 North I.iltertv Telephone 3158 I 1 V M 95e STORES I