FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS! jtESTAURANT GRILL, Automatic dee trie. a incnei muare, Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 M. Liberty n95 TOASTERS, S slice, 12.10. 4 slice, 13.89. YEATE.H Af f IilANCG CO. 358 N. Liberty n95 ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen and industrial exhaust, desk models. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty nDS WASHING MACHINES that fit on your laundry trays full size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty DBS ELECTRIC AND mechanical door chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 3S5 N. Liberty 095 LOOM WIRE, 13-2 and 14-3. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty FBUIT JUICERS and can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden pads St covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n9S' PRESSURE COOKERS. IB quart. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty 095 EOR YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio that assures gooa reception, "rna Tro pic Master." YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 VACUUM CLEANERS: Westinghouse, Uni versal and Royal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n90' FLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin Ish for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' FARMERS, ATTENTION: Portabls Clean Easy mlltclng machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n90 i OIL CIRCULATORS: Super Flame, me-- dlum size. V YEATEH APPLIANCE CO. J 355 North Liberty n90 PALLETONE, ONE coat, washable oil paint lor wans, ceilings ana waupaper dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 LAWN CART all metal, rubber tread lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 FISHING TACKLE boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95' TRANSPARENT PLASTI-Kote for drain boards, floors and furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n05' BUTTER CHURNS. Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 ALARM CLOCKS, electrio desk, mantle ana wall dories. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' ELECTRIC range burners now available for all makes of ranges. High speed Calrod type, solid top and replacement coils. For service or parts call 4311. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty n8B PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n95 COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and 2 burner, with half grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' FARMERS, ATTENTION: Westinghouse auto, electric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n90 WHEEL CHAIRS and Hospital Beds. Buy or sell, rm or trade. Max Buren. 745 Court St., Salem. Ph. 7775. n89 FERTILIZER, $1 sack; $5 per yard, 6 yds 125. Dial O, call 68F22. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 118, Salem. n87 PHILLIPS BROS., cedar posts, corner posts, wood, hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, fertilizer and special timber or ders. Rt. I, BOX 118. Dial O. call 68F22 n89 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357 nss NOW ' AVAILABLE: Concrete drain ' tile building blocks, sewer, culvert, irri gation St well pipe Fresh regular Keene cement, white sand, reinforcing steel, mesn saan, expansion joints, ukjsuuh GRAVEL CO., 1405 N. Front. Ph. 3417. nss' CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug gies and lawn furniture look Jlka new YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty n95 GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL ING SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 8511 C. E, WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines. Parts .' all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. S785. 1940 N. 18th. nl02' BEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical See us tat free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty WE BUY St sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes, motors radios, electric appli ances, household goods KLIGMAN'S 285 N Commercial. Phone 9885. n1 SIDEARM WATER heaters, automatic, electric, fasten to your present tank. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Good used refrigerator. Ph. 24381. na84" WANTED: Apt. sUe elec. range and small oil clrc. heater. Must be in good con dition. Blanche Isherwood, Phone 3210 or 6F11. ' DB83 WANTED; Burlap and cotton bags, all Kin as. wiius rteiiey. rn. aaiso. naut USED FURNITURE Phone 9185 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O Box 724. p276 1 WILL not oe responsible for any debts other than my own alter this date April 7. 1947. Signed, John S. Kremer. P85 AUTOMOBILES CAB-OVER -ENGINE CHEV. 1039. Long whcelbase. Oregon Fruit Products, w. aaiem, pn. aqiu qa&' HARLEY 74, saddle bags, windshield v new transmission. Excel, shape. VJ53 HInes. q83 TRAILER 'HOUSE, 23-ft. Schult,ex"c. Fir Crest Trailer Park, 3910 N. River Rd. q88 NEW FENDER SKIRTS Im. diate Delivery. Dick's Used Cars. 1890 So. 12th. 0.88- FORD CAB over Truck, new 100 h. p. mo tor, cab and general condition excellent. Price $985.00. Harold W. Agnew Used Car lot across from Hotel Albany. Phone. 1053-R. Albany, Oregon. q86 JEEP FOR SALEl 942 Ford Jeep, new red paint, perfect condition, 1785.00. Harold W. Agnew Used Car lot across from Ho te' Albany. Phone 1053-R, Albany, Ore. q86 FOR SALE: 18 ft. Indian Trailer House. See at 888 N. Commercial. Sleeps 4 q85 BEFORE YOU SELL THAT CAR See TEAOUE MOTOR COMPANY FOR BEST DEAL in town. Cash on the line. We will pay Top Prices for Clean Cars. Your KAISER -FRAZER DEALER 355 N. Liberty q88 4t DODGE 4-yd. dump truck with 2-speed axel, inside trip, and heater. A-l cond. 1315 Plaza, W, Salem. Ph. 21058. q85 'S3 PLYMOUTH Coach. $325. Good condl tlon. 1610 D St. q85 CASH FOR best '40 or '41 sedan. Ph. 9148 or 805 Thompson. q85 FOR SALE: 1947 Burdette Trailer House. 16 ft. See at 1155 S. 13th St. Sleeps 4. q85 41 DODGE 4-yd. dump truck with 2-speed axel, Inside trip, and heater. A-l cond. 1315 Plaza, W. Salem. Ph. 31058. q82 S5 FORD COUPE, '37 motor. Seal beam lights, 1300. East Center St., 4 ml. out. Rt. 9, Box 123. q84 1939 CHEV. 3 dr. Radio, heater, excellent mechanical, new paint lob. Can be seen at Doneiley's Motor Clinic, 898 N. Lib erty, irom B:ao a.m. to 5 p.m. qe '46 PLY. 4-door sedan, heater St extras, to best offer within 3 days. Inquire at Oregonlan office, 474 Ferry. q84 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE: MO V-8 4-dr. Sedan. No dealers. 945 Belmont. q84 41 MERCURY 5 pass, coupe, A-l cond. 5 new tires. 1378 N. Church. q84 RADIATOR, ENGINE St transmission from 1937 Ford, 60 model, excel, coud. Ph. 34893. q84 JEEP TRACTOR 3 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY THE VEHICLE with a hundred uses. Come In and see the modern way of farming. Hydraulic equipment now available. ELSNER MOTOR CO. 353 N. High. Salem. Ore. q84 TRUCK 1942 G.M.C. 2'i ton, 10 wheel. Metal box type bed. WxV Inside. Has connections and pivot for conversion to dump truck. New brakes with vacuum boost. Excellent condition. Leaving state. Must sell Immediately. Ph. 24934. 1335 Plaza, West Salem. Cor. Plasa St Rose mont. q87 LOOK! LOW PRICES TODAY'S SPECIALS USED CARS $995.001940 Hudson Coupe. R.H. 1995.00. M95.00 1939 Olds Sedan. R.H. 1995.00. $795.00 1937 LaSalle Con. Coupe. R.H. MK5.00 1938 Plymouth Sedan. R. $550.00 -1935 Plymouth Sedan. H. 1935 Plymouth Sedan. R.H. S330.00 1938 Chevrolet Coach. 5395.001934 Chevrolet Sedan. $195.001935 Reo Truck, VA Ton. 1943 BARLEY, 45 motorcycle. 1435.00. Many More Bantams to Please You. RON'S MOTOR CO. Phone 4598 240 S. High, Salem q83 1940 CHRYSLER Windsor, good buy at shoo, inquire Huooara uarage, hu bard, Ore. q84 BIG BUICK Sedan. Runs good, good rub ber $175. 720 N. 17th. q84 '87 MASTER Deluxe Tudor Chev.. heater. good cond. Ph. 8442B, Stayton. Rice's Chevron Station. q83 WANTED TO buy, 1936 to 1943 Interna tional or Dodge truck, ii to 3 ton. platform type, long wheel base, must have 2 speed axle or Brownie, must be In good cond. Would consider other makes. Spot cash. Call at 2405 8 Com'l. or Ph. 26908 Salem, q81 FOR SALE: 1940 DcSoto sedan. New mo tor, 500 ml. Phone 6139. q84 WANTED YOUR CAR foi cash. Will pay more for late clean models. See us now. SQUARE DFAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St. q 12 CHEV. 2 dr. sedan. Excellent cond. Call between 5 & 7:30 eves. Ph. 6431. Leaving town. q83 LATE MODEL International pick-up. 24,000 miles. Ph. 24605. C. L. Rund. Q83 16 2 -TON DO)GE truck, 4000 ml. R. & H Windshield washers, 5 speed trans., booster brakes. West Linn Garage. Ph. Oregon City 23761. q83 MODEL A FORD Coupe. Excellent cond. Good tires. Rood paint. Price's Mobile Station. 3157 Portland Rd. q83 CONV. CLUB CPE, '40 Pontlao deluxe Tires, top, engine A-l cond. New sent covers. R. & H. By owner. Ph. 6181 Q-83 HOUSE TRAILER, 18-ft., like new. $450. 6 mi. S.E. of Independence at Frank Turner Store. qS5 AUTO PAINTING. PH. 4010 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO., 725 N. COM'L q6 HUDSON SALES SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting. "Give Bhroctt a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8503 Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES SERVICE PARTS Alt makes used motorcycles boughs sold repaired SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8502 - Salem FINANCIAL 4 ',4 PERCENT money for loans on new or already built modern homes any where In the Willamette valley. 10 to 25 years repayment plan. Also plenty of money for building modern homes, iinancea during construction. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 S. High St, r85 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FAitM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chllds, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. r83- WE LIKE to make LOANS WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan renuests. pre a use malting loans Ol Vis to VlbQ or more Is our ONLY business. Phone or visit Personal Finance Co., You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" in Just 1-vlsit. Call today. 518 State St., Rm. 125, Salem Ph. 3191 E. Gallinger, Mgr. Lie. S. 122 M. 165 rl05 FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for aale first mortgages on Improved real estate, Salem and vicin ity, amounts $500 to $5000, NET In vestors 5 pet. Interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 S. High St. t MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Bu Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS Lie S-216 M-222 153 S High St r n T n inahio WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDQ Liicer'afl no. M-1911. s-154 MrtWEV mn annrnv arrr nnaa IP OU are capable of Building 10 to tw uuui oaiein or vicinity during 1947 and need financial assistance. Contact Ua. We are also Interested In financing on or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO.. Llo 8216M222 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS S-138 and M-338 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS S Commercial St Tel 9168 136 FARM AND CITY LOANS ana e VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO aw Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph 7162 r Directory ACCOUNTANTS APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 2-5100. olOO' ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Center Ph 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. o!02 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 6161 Brake St Wheel aligning specialist. olOI" AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 7838 Night, 2417 333 Center. o BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 305 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 23146, Salem. ol08 BULLDOZING leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 305 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 23146 Salem. 086 GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 35379. O90 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENSLEY. 771 S. 21st St. Ph. 7176. 0103 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19tb St. Ph 4071. 089 CONTRACTING GENERAL C E M E N T CONTRACTING. Barry Hill. Ph. 7641. olOO DIRECTORY DECORATING DECORATING St general repair. Ph, 5533. O103 DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. oioo EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery Ph. 7000. 175 N. High. 088 DIGGING A LEVELING DIGGING, Basements, Ditches, Leveling Fill Dirt, peco, pacinc Excavating com pany, Salem Oregon. Phone 3456 or 193. oS9 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, buttons St buckles covered, altera tions. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. o93 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH. MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. Lee Cross. 1360 N. 17th ol02a PfcMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 1980 . 12th. 098' BREITIIAUPT'S for flowers Dial 9195 0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS HO WELL FUNERAL HOME Ph 3872 o FURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros., 4020 E. State. Ph. 21233. ol53 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. WAT KINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free .1el 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. olOl- 110 USE PAINTING C. HORN. Good work. Free estimates. Ph. 5313. 1235 8. 19th. 096 lANDSCAPING LAWNS, planting, landscape plans. Ar bor Landscape service, rnone 7665, nog LEVELING & DOZING JOHNSON & BR1GGS. Grading Sis. V Roads. Phone 8035 Salem. o97 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS M IIS. P. II. nAUSER. 925 Saginaw. P. 7828 O107' MATTRESSES C A PITA LBE D DING. Phone 4068. SAI.E5. MOVING & Delivery Service Phone 7865. Insured Carrier. o98 MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar, Mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. 096' OIL CIRCULATORS OIL CIRCULATORS. 24 hr. service. Parts available. Phone 6072. 098 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate, Ph 9513. 857 Shipping. 089 PAINTING. Call for Jack. 4001. PAINTING & PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PA 1'EH HANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. H. J. Wood worth. Phone 3015. O-108" PLOWING AND' DISCING GARDEN PLOWING and discing; In N. Salem or Kelzer. Ph. 22160. olOO PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travis. 1029 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. . OBT PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads. envelopes, business cards, office forms. briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery, Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 162 S. Liberty St. 101' SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SILT and gravel. Bosley St Mey er. Ph. 3046 or 22160. OBI GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock, Shovel & dragline excavating Walling Sand Gravel Co Phone 8561 o SEPTIC TANKS ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate. Pro) pt service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. 0107 MIKE'S Cesspool Si Septic Service, moo em equipment 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 9468 or 5327. olOl C F. HAM EL. Septic Tanks Cleaned. 1143 8th St. W Salem. Ph. 7404. o90 SEWING MACHINES sewing machines repaired and rented Cash paid for machines, regardless ol condition Ph 7671 or write W Daven port, 1930 North 18th. Work Guar. O-PO SPRAYING SPRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. olOO COMPLETE spray service. Trees Si weeds Modern equipment. Aerosol generator Conrentronal sprayer. Philip W. Blelke Phone 21208. 097 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Lines tor household goods to California points Larmer Transfer St Storage. Ph. 3131. o VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACrrro CLEANER owners, wi will service your Hoover cleaner com plete for 13.50 plus paru If required Hogg Bros. Bh 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5985. O107" WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph. 5600. O108 WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe, Rt. 9. BOX 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 25198. O108' J. A. SNEED & SONS. Well drilling 2505 Brooks St., Salem. Phone 6809. ol27 CLEMENT BROS., well drillers. Rt. 1, Gervals, Ore Ph. 2-4378. o89 WINDOW CLEANING ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walls A woodwork cleaned Floors Glean ed, waxed St polished Ph. 3337 Ml Court uanadoo Culbertaon and Mather WINDOW cleaning house cleaning, floor waxing. 6alem Window Service. Ph. 21342. WIHING ELECTRIC WIRING No delay. Material available. Phone 9740. O108 WOOD SAWING LEGAL NOTICE OF EXAMINATION NOTICE Is hereby given that a Civil Service Examination for firemen subject to the rules, regulations - and provisos of the Civil Service Commlsion of Salem, Oregon, will be held in the Chamber of Commerce Rooms, 147 N. Liberty, Salem. Oregon, Friday April 25, 1947, at 9:00 GENERAL scope of examination. In ad dition to physical examination by the city pnysiclan; keenness of observation, read ing comprehension, ability to follow direc tions, relations with others, physical abil ity to meet fire department requirements. Ten per cent credit allowed on war time service record. PAY: S187.O0 a month for beginners. Physical tests as would be ordinarily use a in lire mhtma REQUIREMENTS: Applicant must have b.en bona fide residents of the City of aaiem ior at least one year Immediately previous to the dale of the examination and must He registered voters. Age limits are 21 to 31 years. Applicants who are placed on the eligi ble list will be required to take a physical examination from the city physician be fore appointment. Poor health or disabil ity defects reported by the city physician will be cause for removal from the eligible fist. APPLICATION BLANKS may be obtain ed at the office of the City Recorder, must oe nied In person, and will not be accept e for filing after the following date: Thursday, April 17. 1947, at 5:00 p.m. DATED at Salem. Oregon. April 1, 1947. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. By: Alfred Mundt, Secretary and Chief Examiner. April 2-3-4-5-7-8. LODGES tyfs. I- O. O. P. meets every fc yj-. a Wednesday niKnt. in- Mtatory degree. Visitors welcome. Dance. Fraternal Order ol Easrles meets every mesaay ai a pjn More inan a minion memners Journal Want Ads Pay Market Quotations Portland Eaitide Market No. 1 cauliflower was offered at 81.75-2 with No. 1 Rosebiirg'a quoted at $2.50 2.75 a crate at today's srsslon on the Portland Eaittslde Farmers' Wholesale Pro duce market. Tomatoes were valued at l. 35-1. 50 a flat. Radishes were offered at 65-750 a dozen bunches. Willamette valley and mid-Columbia green onions sold at 40-45C a dozen. spinecn was oiierea at ou-vac a zu-io box. Portland Pfoffac sarnanaa Butterfal Tentative tsuojeet to Imme diate change Premium quality maximum Portland 75-76c: first quality 10-BOc lb.. second quality 7S-76c: valley routes and country points 3c less than first, or 77 76c. Butter Wholesale t o D bulk, 61 lb cubes, AA, 93 score, 66-67c; A, 93 score. :o-7lc; a. 90 score. 6a-66c; c. 89 score. 68c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 43-49c; Ore gon loaf, 43-53C1 triplets. 39-504c. Est To wholesaler: A grade larve 47'.i-48!jc: medium 44.j-45'.ic; small, (pullet) 41i-424c; B grade large 42'A- 44!:c. Em Purchases nam farmers: Current receipts 37-4 ic, buyers pay 3-3 'c doi. below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs Portland Dairy Market Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA carton, 71c; AA prints. 70c; A prints, 70c; A cartons 71c; B prints, 69c; one fourth pound cubes, VI cent higher. Esss Prices to retailers, AA extra large, 56c: AA large (certified) 54-55c: A larne, 49-50c: AA medium, 50c; A mediums, 45- 46c; A small, 43c dozen; carton, 2,.ic ddltlonal. Cheese Prices to retailers Portland: Oregon singles, 43-54e lb.; Oregon loaf. 46-56c; triplets. 2-a4c. rnultry: Live Chfrkens Paying price to produ cers: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs., 30c lb.; fryers, 2 to 3 lbs., 30c lb.; 3 to 4 lbs.. 34-35c lb.; roasters. 4 lbs, and over. 3 4-3 5c lb.; fowl, Leghorn, under 31b lbs., iy-zuc id. over aj ids., ho id.; iowi. colored, all wts 32-34c lb. Rabblli Average to retailers 48-60e lb; dressed prices to producer's. 43c. fryer live white 20-24e Ib.i colored. 17-21o ib Vegetables: Artichokes -4 doz. 14.00-4.15: 6 dos $4.25-4.35; Cal., 4 doz. $4.50-4.75; 5 doz., t4.75-5.00 CaliL central dlst. No. 1 me diums. 25-SSc lb.; boxes 18-8.50; small. 23-24C lb Asparagus Calif, central dlst. No. 1 mediums, $4.50-5; track sales, medium, 14 35: Yakima No. 1, 16-18c: small, to 10c. Beets Callt., buncnea 4 doz., Ji.5U-b.uu Broccoli 18 bunches. $4.25-4.75: Calif.. 28 bunches, $5 75-6. Brussci Sprouts 32-2.20. Cabbace Round nesd. 80 lb eratea small $2.50-75; California crates. 13-3.75: red 10-15c lb. California No. 1, 14.00-4.50; kraut, $1.65-1.75; red, Calif., 15.00-5.50; Track sale, Calif., round head. $2.80-3.00 crate; local, 80 Ib. crate, small, up to $4 for best. Truck sales, Calif.. 13.70. Carrots Bunched, Calif., 6 doz., $4.35 5; track sales, Calif., 8 doz.. $4-4.20. track sales, Cal., 6 doz., $4.25-4.30. Truck sales, 6 doz., 14.00. Cauliflower Cal.. trimmed aid crates, 12.00-2.25; Roseburg, Ore., 1 1.75-2.00 a crate Clrc. bunch. 11.15-65. Track sales, $1.75-2; local No. 1, $1.70-1.85. Celery Heart material, 4-6 doz., $4.50 5.00. Pascal, crates, $5.50-75: sturdy crates, $6.25-6.75. Best, $5.00, fair, $5-5.25 crate, rracit saies, sta. crate, lair, ia.50 75. Cucumber California hothouse, luas. $9-9.50; local hothouse, $10-12; 30-35c lb. Garlic Oregon white 25-30c lb.. Call! 28-30o Ib. Lettuce Calif., 4 doz., 14.25-4.75; Ariz. 4 doz., $4.25-4.75. Truck sales, Ariz., $4.00. Track sales, Calif. Delano, $4.35-4.50, Dried Onlens Oregon yellows. No. 1 and larger. $2.35-2.50; me d lams, $1.50-1.75; truck sale, mediums, $1.60; Leek, local. -90c doz. Eei Plant 23-35C Green Onions Local. 75-80c doz. bun Local, mld-Columbla, 40-50c. Parsley Calif., $5.-5.50, 10 doz. bunches Parsnips Local. $1.00-1.25 lug. Peas Calif. 20 lb. crate. (3.50-3. 75; loose, 12 '.3-15o Ib. Calif., 28-30c .b Crates, $3.25-3.50. Edison dlst., Calif, 28 lb. hamper. $2.75. Peppers Mexico, 45 lb. $11.00-12.50; Track sales, $1 1.00; 100 se 19-20c lb. Calif.. 45 lb. $7-7.50; loose. 23-25c. Potatoes Deschutes russets. No. 1 grades, 13.75-3.00 100 lb. sack; 25-lb. sacks, 95-98c Bakers, $4.25-4.50; Yaki ma, $3.20-3.40: Texas. Florida Bliss Tri umphs No. 1-A, 13-3.10; No. 1-B, $3.20- 25. Radishes Calif., $6-6.35, 10 doz. crates; 65-70c doz. bunches. Local, 70-60c doz.; aevaaa, lor 10 doz. Rutabagas $1.15-1.25 lug Spinach Local, mid-Columbia. 65-75c a 20 lb. box, few higher. The Dalles, box oi ai'i id. Duncnes, $1.50. Bquasn Datum tuns S 1-1. 15: oranue boxes $2.50-2 75: Hubbard. Marblehead. 6-7o lb.; Calif., banana, 6-6'ic lb.; Calif. ZULOhlnl, $4.25-4.50 a 26 lb. lug. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey. 20 ib. Basket, $5-5.25: Calif.. Louisiana yams. $4 50-4.75. Texas, $4.00-4.15. Tomatoes Mexican. repacked. $6.50-6.75; 20 tubs. $4-4.20. Track sales, lugs. S5.65-5.75; 12 lb. tubs. S3.00-3.15. Truck sales, Mexican, $5 50. Turnips Bunches, si. 10-25 do, bunches Fresh Frullt Apples Oregon delicious, f. f- 14-4.26 box; choice S3 75-85; Ortleya, w. and p comb, grade, $3 15-25; Newtons. t and f.. $1.75-2; w ano p $4-4.25. Red Delicious, w and p. up to $5.50; Wlnesaps w St p. 14.50-5.00. Hood River, w. and p.. $4.50-75 Avocados California Feoirtes, sizes 24 New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press i Now York St- Closing quotations today Allied Chcm St Dye 173'i American Can 02 "i Am Power As Llgh; 13 'i Amer Tel St Tol 165'i Anaconda Copper 39 'a Atchison i 8Ti Bendl Aviation 33'i Bethlehem Steel jjO'i Boeing Aircraft 2 Is California Packing 27'-i Canadian Paclfio 2' J I Case 351 Chrysler Corp do Commonwealth St Sout. 3 consolidated Edisor 21 Consolidated Vultee fm 17 Continental Insurance , . sii Crown Zcilersach 28'i Curtlaa Wright '', w2 D ig las Aircraft 73 Dupont at Ncmoun ... ia4U General Electrio 35 General Poods 431.. General Motor gfj Goodyear Tire 7.7. .'...". .1 S3 Great Northern ptd .. ".'..'.'..., 42 International Harvester "."""" , 85V Int Papei ptd ...7.7. WW Johns Manvllla ".."".". 123 Kennecoti '. ",.11" 46'i Long Bell A', 17si Maytag .".','..','..'.'. 10 Miami Copper 6"'i Montgomery War- sn'- Nash Relvinhioi ...... ib; National Dairy 3.- N Y Centra 7.7.77. 7.7. 16 North Am Co ,',"", 10 Northern Pacific .,. .7.. "7. 18i Pac Amei fish ""7.77" 10-i Pacilic 'J Eleo 30.- Pacific TAT ' ij0 Pnn American .3 Penney J C 43 Radio Corp i- Rayomei ' Hayonler Pfd Reynoldi Metals Richlieid Salewaj Sear Roeouck feinriair Oh Soutnern Pacific Ij!,' Standard Brands ,! s Standard On Call! ... "; Stewart Warner Studeoaaei ' ' dun Mining Union Ou j " Union Pacific 7. t United Airlines 27i- United Airciaft WW"" 20'i jmited States Steel ... WWW.'. , 71'; Warner nrotheri 151; West Elec Ufa Co ' 25 Wooiworth .'.'"." 484 LODGES Stated meeting Tuesday. Aprii Salem Lodge No 4, A.F & flSVA.M. Wednesday, April 9. E. y4, degree, 1:30 p.m. 85' and 30. $4.25-4.35. Bananas Bunched. S3 25-3.501 out hands. S12.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 24, 8 ol pkgs. $4.95-5. Gi iprfrult Texas pinks. 70's-90's. $4.75- 6.75: small, $4.00-4.25. Marsh seedless. S-96S, $3.00-3.35; ADZ. Wlllte, $3.50-2.85. Ruby red. all sizes. $5.50-5.75. etnon Calif.. 300-360 1. S7.00-7.75: 432 s. S6.00-6.25. Limes California 16 tuba ol limes S2.7S-3.00 Oranses California navels, 200's and larger. $6.35-6 60; 252'a and smatler, $5.40- 5.80: -x and smaller, S4.90-5.10. Pears D'Anjoti, S4.7&-85. wrapped and packed: oose. S3. 35; Bosc loose. 12.75-3; Yakima. S3-3 25 rersimmons Calif, luia. $3.26-3.60. Pineapples Cuban, $7.25-7.50. Rhubarb Extra fancy,. S3. 50-2.65; fancy. $2.00-10; choice $1.75-80. few high as S2.00; Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 15c lb., local field grown, $1.00-1.15 18 lb. box. Quince Local 2-5o rw Packed Vegetables cellophane wrapped. a dozen: Broccoli. 13 ot... $1.75-1.85; spin ach. 24 12-oz. $2-2. 25; brussell sprouts 9-oi. $2.20-35. Garlie CUnei 20 l-os packages. SI. 65- 1.75 Dressed Meals) Vral Heavy top quality 35-3fic; top quality light, 32-34c lb.; B. 25-26c; C, 13 24c; cull, 18-20c lb. Hon Bloc it outchers, packer style. 125-160 lbs . 37-3Sc: over 313 lbs.. 36-37c sows, all weights, 30-34c lb. Lambs A A. 3B-40c; A. 37-3801 B, 84-36C C. 28-30C Mutton 10-15o Ib.. according to quality and wet cut Beef-Best quality. 32-34c: B. 25-26c; C. 22-24C) caiiner and cutter, 18-19c; bo- .ogna bulls 25-26c. Wool Cancara Barkt Casrara Bnrk Oreen 8-8 Vic; dry. 20e Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 45c lb Molialr 40c lb on 12-mnnth growth. Hides Green beef. 12-13CJ calves, 43c Ib. Kip hides 23c. Rendered Inedible Fats 12e Ib The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are F O.B shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally I cents higher than P O J) plant quota tions Chlcngn Livestock ChicHco. April 7 (JPi (USDAl Salable hogs 5,500. total 10,000; mostly steady with Friday's average; fairly active on wicgms under ZfiO pounds but heaver nogs and sows dull: goon and choice 180- 260 lb averages 26.75-27.50; ton 27.50 or weights up to 235 lbs: 260-.100 lb 25.75- 27.00: 300-380 lbs 25.00-26.00; good and cnoice sows 2J. 50-23. 25. Salable cattle 14.000. total 14.000. sal able calves 800, total 800: fed steers and yearlings including yearling heifers fully steaay wun last ween; market fairly ac tive; cows and bulls strong to 35 cents nigner; veaiers steady al 26.00 down largely steer and heifer run; good and choice steers 23.50-27.00: high-choice of- ic rings 28.00; load choice to prime, 1.200 Ib averages 29.75; choice fll'5 lb heifers 25.00; cutter cows 12.75 down: most beef cows 13.00-15.50; 17.00 paid freely for weighty sausage bulls; stock cuttle slow Salable sheep 5,000, total 6,000; not fully established: two cars mostly good grade 117 lb clipped lambs with No. 1 and 2 pelts around steady at 20.25; wooled lamb quality rather plain with most buyei talking considerably lower or around 22.50 on best kinds, held upward to 2j 00; other classes scarce: few native slaughter ewes sicaay at Portland Grain Portland. Ore., April 7 (Tj Wheat: No luiures quoted. (train: Oats, barley and corn un quoted; No. 1 flax 8.00. Cash wheat (bid": Soft white 2.30; soft white (excluding Rex) 2.30; white club 2.30; western red 2.30. Hard rod winter: Ordinary 2.30; 10 per cent li percent 2.38: 12 percent 2.47. Hnrd white Baart: 10 percent 2.31; 11 percent 2.37; 12 percent 2,43. Today's car receipt: Wheat 74: flour 5; corn 3; oats 1; hay 1: millfeed 10. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore, April 7 (U.W Llveslock: Cattle salable 1500: calves 150. Mar ket uneven; steers in light supply, active, strong: medium to good cows and heif ers about steady: thins on dairv tvne cows lower; bulls and calvtfs slendy. Pew loads good fed steers 22.00-2:1.50; top ji.uu; meoium 10 gooa neucrs ih.uo-21.50; few 22.00: common heifers down to 14,00; medium (o good beer cows 15.50-18.00; young cows lfl.00; canners nad cutters 9.50-12.00; good beef bulls up ot 17.75; good to choice veaiers at 23.00-26.00; ex treme top 27.00. Hogs salable 1000. Market steady with largely best kinds good to choice 180-240 lbs 28,50; heavier and lighter weights 26.00-27.00; good sows 23.50-24.00; feeder pigs 29.50-30.50. Sheep salable 600. Market steady 1o weak. Good to choice wooled lambs 21.00; medium to good springs 16.00-20.00: feed ers 15.50; wooled ewes quotable to 9.50. Salem Markets Completed Irom reports ol Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Price Rabbit Feeds Pellets, $4.25 cwt. Y.fK Mash-4.80 cwt. Dairy Feed 13 85 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens, No. 1 34c lb.; No. 2, 30c; colored fryers. No. 1, 33c lb Ems Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra large grade A 45c; mcd., 40c; standards, 36c dozen, pullets, 30c: crax, 30c. Wholesale Price Large 47c dozen, med. 42c dozen. Butter Wholesale A, 70c. Retail Grade A, 75c. Bulterf at Premium, 74c; No. 1, 73c: No. 2, 69c. Corn Pit Buying Gains Late Strength Chicago, April 7 (IP) Buying entered the corn pit on an in creased scale toward the close of trading today and the yellow cereal spurted for gains extend ing to around two cents at times. Wheat and oats, lower early, also developed late strength. May wheat moved up several cents before the close, imparting a firmer undertone to deferred deliveries. Wheat closed 34-4:!i higher. May S2.53-2.53 '-i, corn was IV4 2 higher, May $1.78 -'4 and oats 14 to 1 cent higher, May 88 De Gaulle Makes Bid for Power Strasbourg, France, April 7 OP) Gen, Charles de Gaulle called on the French people to day to organize themselves into what would amount to a poli tical party supporting him and his ideas. He said this would prevent a dictatorship, anarchy or overthrow of "the indepen dence of the state." It was the former provisional president's frankest bid for re turn to political power and came a day after he had declared that, should a new tyranny menace the world, ' the United States and France should stand to gcther in opposing it." There are about 50 species of the vireo, a bird of character istic and often musical song. Seek to Limit Aid lo Greece Washington, April 7 W) Senate critics sought anew to day to narrow President Tru man s doctrine of world-wide aid to "free peoples" by writing into the Greek-Turkish bill a proclamation against interven tion in any other nation's civil strife. With the senate expected to start debating the S400.000.000 stem-communism measure Wed nesday, Senator Edwin C. John son (D., Colo.), spearheaded a drive for such a non-intervention amendment even though it already has been rejected by the foreign relations committee. Johnson's proposal would state in effect that the United States in extending aid to Greece and Turkey, is not es tablishing a policy under which it will feel called upon to inter vene in the trouble of nations elsewhere. It also would re affirm American intentions to submit to the United Nations all future disturbances involving world peace. The Colorado senator told a reporter he regards Mr. Tru man's March 10 statement to congress, that this county will "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by out side pressures" a departure from traditional1 American policy. The president reiterated in his Jefferson day dinner address Saturday night his doctrine of "aiding these peoples whose freedoms are endangered by outside pressures." He did not mention Russia by name. Two Stayton School Teachers Resign Stayton The Stayton school board accepted the resignations of two teachers when it met at the high school. Tendering resignations were Miss Marjean Hickman, home economics teacher at the high school, who plans to be married, QnH Mrs T.nnra Stevpns. Qradc school teacher, who plans to de vote her time to her home. In observance of Good Fri day the schools closed Thursday evening and will reopen again on Wednesday. Teachers will attend the meeting of Oregon Teachers in Portland, Monday and Tuesday, rriaay, June o, was the tentative date set lor closing the school year. Directors Elected For Bean Festival Stayton Discussion of plans for this year's bean festival was held when directors and repre sentatives from various civic and fraternal organizations met in the offices of the Wright Truck company. Three-year directors elected wer. John Chrlstrnscn, Roy PhlHppl and Ernest Doz ler. Hold-over two-year directors were Edw. J. Bell. Walt Bell and Angus Ware. G. W. Schatchtslck. Charles Johnson and L. H. Wright were one-year directors held over. In a meeting following the main meeting the directors re elected L. H. Wright president, and G. W. Schachlsick secretary-treasurer. Angus Ware was elected vice president. Present at the meeting were Charles Johnson, John Christen son, Angus Ware, Marion Cun ningham, Irvin Parbcrry, Tillic Spaniol, D. George Cole, Ray Kerber, Harold Pendleton, Law rence Lierman, Ernest Dozler, Mae Spraker, L. H. Wright, G. W. Schachtsick, Edward J. Bell and Clyde Hilton. Red Cross Quota Is Almost Reached Dallas With nearly $5000 raised Polk county is on the verge of surpassing its $5900 Red Cross quota, according lo Mrs. A. J. Cleveland, executive secretary of the local chapter. Bill Dalton, Dallas chairman, reports that about $1700 has been raised on the city's $1940 quota. Independence has gone over its $840 quota and leaders there have staled that they ex pect to reach $1000. Monmouth, under the chairmanship of John W. Lamcrs, has made its $550 quota. First district in the county to make its quota was the Pcrry-dale-Ballston area with Waldo Finn chairman. Typical of cooperation in rural districts is that reported by A. V. Oliver, drive chairman, from Jim Best in the Mt. View Popcorn area. As chairman there Best raised $58 as against the quota of $20. With the official closing dale of the national drive already passed, Oliver and Mrs. Cleve land urge all chairmen and solicitors to complete their work and make final reports so that the results may be tabulated. Amonff Ihft firif nnrlahlo watches were round forms cali co; "Nuremberg eggs." fHrablrft) la highly contanoui ana win ITCH; illnus for life If not topped. Its sole cause It tht Itch-mite which la Immune to ordinary trratmenti. EX SOIM klllH the Itch-mite almost Instant ly. Only three day EXSORA treatment requfrrd At lour Nearest FRKD MEVEB Drug Section Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Albert C. Grass Gragg Nominated As Postmaster Washington, April 7 (IP) Pre sident Truman sent to the senate today the nomination of Albert C. Gragg as postmaster at Sa lem, Oregon. Gragg, who has been acting postmaster since the retirement ot Henry R. Crawford June 30, 1945, reported that he had re ceived no information from the national capital concerning his nomination by the president. He added that he did not expect to receive any word until the sen ate had acted upon the presiden tial recommendation. However, he is under the impression that the senate is holding up all nominations, temporarily. Markets Briefed (By the United Press) Stocks lower in quiet trading. Bonds lower; U. S. govern ments did not trade. Curb stocks lower. Silver unchanged in New York at 76 cents a fine ounce. Wheat futures up to 4 cents. Hogs, cattle and sheep steady. Obituary Ctrl Cart son Woodbuni Carl Carlson. 12, April 4 el the Ilulchluson liaspUal In Oregon City where he had brrn about a wpck, uorn In Drnmnrk March 16, 1875 and came to the United States 36 years ago and to Woodburn a month ano irom Nebraska. His home was at 1015 Hardcasllc avenue. Survived bv Ills wile, Ednn Carlson of Woodburn, and one tlauK liter, Carrie Glaser or Stanton, Nebraska. The body will be .shitMPd to Plltcrr, Nebraska, by the Htnuo mortuary (or the luncral services nd interment. Lucy Alice Harrington Lebanon Mrs. Lucy Alice Harrlnnton, 18, died at her Lacomb home on April 3. Born Januniy 3. IBiil), at Sheridan, she lived her entire Hie In this state, spcndlntt 43 years In Dull as before com Inn to La- comb live years ano. Services arraiiKed by Howe-Huston ol Lebanon, were held at the La comb Baptist church Monday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Ed McClaln officiat ing. Burial in the Lacomb cemetery. Sur viving arc her husbnnd, Walter C; daugh ter. Mrs. Opal Fairbanks. Lacomb; broth ers, Joseph Parker, Lacomb, and John Parker, Santa Monica, Cain.; granddaugh ter, Mrs. Mamarct Wills ot Lebanon. Del mar D. IVIIlard Dayton Ttmeral services largely attend ed for Delmar D. Willard, 28, were held at he Plonc r church at Dayton Thursday. He was the sou of Mrs. Vedah Willard and the late Arblc Willard of Dayton. He was accidentally killed March 31 while worklns with a road construction com pany between Redmond and Prineville. Hev. P. E. Fishrr of Portland officiated, assisted by Rev. Dean Vermillion of Port land who erved as chaplain more than two years with Delmar In overseas army service. Also Rev. Cooksley, local pastor. assisted. Miss Annabel Nelson, accompa nied on piano by Mrs. Herman Louis, ennn. Her served more than four years in World War II. He was member of Dayton Odd Fellows and American Legion. He was born at Dayton June 29. 1918. His home had always been at Dayton. He was grad uate of Dayton hlftti scimol and attended Orcson State college at C"rvn!lj. Before the war for a number of years he was employed at the Dayton hardware store. He Is survived by his mother and one sister, Sylvia Willard, and many other relatives at Dayton. Ca.sket bearers, all veterans except one, were Robert Dreher, Lawrence HpiIIb, Clair Palmer, David Robinson, Nolan Sweeney and Robert Sillwcll. Burial was at Dayton Odd Fel lows cemetery. Macy and Son of McMlnn villo were In chame of arrangements. Emma Jane Mavnard Albnny Mrs. Emma Jnne Mii vnard, ST, of 121 East f ourth street, died at her home Saturday. Funeral services were held from the FLslier Funeral home Monday. Burial In the City View cemetery at Salem. She had bern a resident of Albnny 17 years. She was born Decern her 25. IHiI), In Noble county, Ind. She married Lorenzo A. nen nett June 7, 1HB0 In Indiana. Mr, Ben nett died in in:i4. Site later married John Mnynard at Plerceton, lud. He also pre ceded her In death, Survlvlnn are three sons: Walter A. Bennett, Walker, Minn.; Floyd E. Bennett. Walker, Minn., and Hos coc Boyd Hemic tt. Albnny: em lit r rand children and 12 (treat itrandirhlldren. Want Real Medicine For That Cough f From A Cold Watch Out or Coughs Due to Colds Or Upper Bronchial Irritations You'll know you've got hold of the rlfrht tiling when you tnke your first dose of Itron-chu-line Km ills I on. It'a no insipid awcet bur. try concoc tion but It's one with a real kick. An a matter of fitct It foela great froing; down gives Instant relief soothe a hacking rucking cough resulting from a cold, almost while you are swallow ing It Satisfaction is guaranteed or money hack (,-el Uron-chu-lin today Capital Drug Store HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Fissure Fistula Hemorrhoids Prolapse Itching and other Rectal disorders are corrected. No Hospitalization Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo- Proctologist 218 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon m Monday, 'April 7, 1947 IS Stocks Decline On Strike News New York, April 7 VP) The darkening labor picture discour aged stock market bidders today although selling was among th lightest of the past year and de clines generally moderate. The ticker tape loafed during the greater part of the proceed ings. Steels, motors, rails and many pivotals were down frac tions to a point or so from the start. Some short covering ap peared in the final half hour. Transfers for the full proceed ings held to the neighborhood ol 600,000 shares. Gainers included Consolidated Edison, U. S. Lines, Douglas Air craft, Union Carbide and Johns- Manville. Sales totaled 630,000 shares compared with 680,000 shares last Thursday. Curb volume was 190,000 shares against 170,000 shares last Thursday. Bond turn over was $2,970,000 compared with $2,737,000. Births, Deaths Dealhi Mrs. Amies Catherine I.lvesley Mrs. Agnes Catherine Ltvesley, at th residence at 844 Marion street. April 4. -vlved by her husband, Charles Ltvesley of Salem: two daughters, Mrs. James Gar vin of Salem and Mrs. G. B. WftMf oi Phoenix. Aria;.: two brothers, Percy Nyt and Oconto Nye, both ot Vancouver. B. C; and a rrandson, Chnrles Garvin of Salem. Services will be held Tuesday, April 8 at 3 p.m.. from Clounh-Barrlck chapel witii Rev. George H. Switt, officiating, inter ment at Bclcrcst Memorial park. Mrs. Clara Harper Mrs. Clara E. Harper, at the residence, 1544 Ferry street. Friday, April 4. Bur vivlni are a daughter, Miss Hazel Harper of Salem, and a son. Chester Harper ot Molalla: 12 grandchildren, several great, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Services postponed because or the deatb of a daughter. Mrs. Fern Moores. George E. Adams George E. Adams, at a local hospital, April 4. at the age of 77 years. Father of Mrs. Mabel Dalo or Astoria'. Ship ment Is being made to Spokane by Clough Barrlrk company for services and In terment. Emma Jane Keller At her home at route 7, Salem. April 6, Emma Jane Kelley, at the aRe of 84 years. Mother of Mrs. Bessie P. Edwards of rout 7, Salem: grandmother of Frank L. Ed wards of Terrebonne. Oregon, Max J, Edwards or Eureka, Calif., and Dorothy F. Edwards of Salem; and sister-in-law ot Mrs. Ollle Fields of Portland. Also sur vived by several great grandchildren and nieces and nephews. Services will be held Tuesday, April 8, at 1 :30 p.m. at th W. T. Rlgdon chapel with concluding serv ices at Belcrest Memorial park. Rev. Lloyd Anderson will officiate. Mrs. Fern Moores Mrs. Fern Moores. late resident of Neha- lem, Oregon, at a local hospital April 8. Survived by a husband, Albert L. Moores of Nehalem: a daughter. Miss Evelyn Mae Moores; a son. Merrill L. Moores; a sla ter. Miss Hazel Harper of Salem: and a brother, Chester C. Harper of Molalla, Oregon. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barriclt company. Olle Haugen Olle 'laugen, at the residence at route Salem, April 6. Burvivcd by two sons, Floyd Haugen of Salem and Raymond Haugen of Otis, Oregon; three grandchil dren and several brothers and sisters in the cast. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barriclt company. Mrs. Mela E. Johnson Mrs. Meta E. Johnson, at the residence at 1675 South High street, April 6. Sur vived bv her husband. H. E. Johnson ot Salem: four sisters, Mrs. Edith Borden of Portland and Mrs. Emadel Levine or Llndsborg. Kans.; two brothers, Oscar Schwabbauer and Delbert Schwabbauer, both of Salem: and four nieces and neph ews. Services will be held at the Clough Barrlck chapel Wednesday, April 9. at 1:30 p.m. with interment In Belcrest Me morial park. Mrs. Isadore Wesley p'rs. Isadore Wesley, late resident ot I486 State street, at a local hospital. April 6. Survived by a daughter. Mrs. Mildred L. Snyder of Salem: a son, Ernest O. Fitz gerald of Laramie. Wyo.; sister, Mrs. E. O. Miller of Silverton; a brother, L. W. Cornelius of Salem: two grandchildren. Miss Patricia Snyder of Salem and James Fitzgerald of Laramie, Wyo.: and a niece and nephew of Silverton. Services will be held Tuesday. April 8. at 1:30 p.m. at the Clouch-Barrlek chaprl with Rev. Seth R. Huntington officiating. Alma Irene lleekman Alma Irene Heckinan, at a local hos pital. April 6. at the age of 33 years. Bur v'.ed by her husband. Robert Heckman of Salem: a daughter. Roberta Heckman of Salem: a son, Robert Heckman of Salem: parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Little ot Salem; two sisters. Mrs. Sherman Wilkin son of Siletz, Oregon, and Mrs. Benjamin Crenshaw or Salem and Jewell Little of Salein; and four brothers, Charles Little, Ernest Little and Junior Little, all of Salem, and Eldred Little of Springfield, Oregon. Services wilt be held at the Howell-Edwards chaprl, Tuesday. April 8. at 3 p.m. with Rev. F. B. Culver officiating. Interment In Belcrest Memorial park. Hale Helm Mumfnrd Hale Helm Mumford, late resident, of Toledo, Oregon, at Toledo. April 4, at tha age of 74 years. Survived by three chil dren, Mrs. Olayds Williams and Mrs, Grace Ounderson, both of Toledo, Oregon, and Mrs. Oenlc Davis of Salem: and three brothers, Maurice Mumford of Seattle and Leonard and Arthur Mumford, both ot Canada. Services will be held Tuesday, April 8, at 11 a.m. at the Bateman chapel at Toledo with conrludmg services In the City View cemetery at Salem, Tuesday at 3-30 p.m. William Alhrisht William Albright, late resident of Ger vals, at a local hospital. April 6, at th ngc of 81 years. Announcement of serv ices later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. $tthintj Stop Scratching! Try Ttsst For Quick EiM and Comfort Here Is a clean, powerful, pene trating oil now dispensed by phar macists everywhere at trilling cost that brings speedy relief from Itch ing and torture of externally caused skin troubles. Moone's Emerald OU soothes th itching and torture, helps promote more rapid healing. Get Moone's Emerald Oil at Capital Drug Store. Money back tf not fully satisfied. Why Suffer Any Longer When others tall ost our Chines tnv dies Amazlni ueces tor 6000 remn id Chin No mitter with what U mentj" your are afflicted disorder ilnusltts. neru tunga. Ilei- ridner fan. constipation ulera dlaoetee. h..n,.iisn1 ali anii ntkdrlfr I it lit remilf complaint i "in k rl ITT' I CHAN 1 CIT1NESR HERD OC Office floor U i Tnet. and Bet eolf IM N Commercial, fhnne tll. ALEM. OHK,