I HAT else could it be but "In T' 'HE Salem Business and Profes TITOSTESS Sunday. April 13. will T)MART event on the social agenda wSfc for Thursday afternoon will be the Your Easter Bonnet" for the first week-end in April. 1947? sional Women's club, now pre paring a varied program based on I j be Mrs. Lawrence Osternian, w'npn oho pnlorluinc :it tpo In 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon -for be) Style-wise Salem matrons and maids have picked this year to wear the loveli est of bonnets for tbe Easter services. And more than a few young maids have picked Easter as their wedding day, with the ceremonies lovely with spring blooms. A busy spring season it looks for all, with many social events planned after the quiet of Lent. Golf has taken up again in earnest and gardening is an important part of the day, so that it looks (despite the uncertain weather) as if Salem's turned the corner well into spring. the life and times of Stephen Collins Foster, April 29 at Warren Hall, will hold its next rehearsal at the home of its director, Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson Tuesday evening, instead of Monday. Sponsored by the BPW club, the program will include in addition to choral selections, a mixed .quartet, a male quartet, several soloists, a double trio and a playlet featuring members of the Salem Civic players coached by Miss Beulah Graham. compliment to the 80th birthday an niversary of her great aunt, Mrs. Jose phine Garrigues of Portland, at her home in Marion street. About 45 guests have been asked to call between the hourstof 4 o'clock and G. Presiding at the coffee urns will be Mrs. Robert Eyre and Mrs. Otto J. Wil son, Jr. While and pink carnations and stock will center the tea table and be arranged about the rooms. which Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr., will hostess. The affair will be held at Normandy Manor and following the dessert hour, contract bridge will be in play. Guests at the affair will be Mrs Herb Stiff, Jr., Mrs. Richard Chambers, Mrs. Douglas Chambers, Mrs. Carlton Me Leod, Mrs. Charles Heltzel, Mrs. L. P. Campbell, Mrs. Robert Needham, Mrs. Richard Cooley, Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Joseph M. Devers, Jr., Mrs'. James Nicholson, Jr., Mrs. Coburn Graben horst, Mrs. John Hughes, Mrs. Frank Cross, Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. Lynn Heise, Mrs. Manch Gadwa, Mrs. Robert Gentzkow, Mrs. Richard Nelson, Mrs. Carl G. Collins, Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs. Robert DeArmond, Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Miss Dorothy Hardie and the hostess. " ' fC- 'rj- I; ':" I -3T V . ; l'--i X" ' .'1 Pv ' ' 1 '' v ''-.4 J $'- y n ' ' I ' . Atv '' ' I.OVELV BONNET; LOVELY GIHE. A poke bonnet topped with gentians, cornflowers, daisies and wheat spears took the heart of iVIiss Marianne Croisan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Croisan. of Salem. Earlier this week, Miss Croisan returned to the Oregon State eollegc campus, following spring vacation. A freshman, site is a member ot Kappa Alpha Theta there. (Jcslen-Millcr studio) riSS IRENE WACKEN, whoso marriage to Ben Kcrbcr will lake olace Sunday. April 13, at 2:30 o'clock, is making known her wed ding plans. She is- the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs R. H. Wacken and his mother is Mrs. Lee Kcrbcr. The rites will take place at SI. Joseph's Catholic church and a recep tion at the Salem Woman's club will follow. The bride will be given in marriage by her father. Her sister, Miss Lois Wacken, will be the bride's maid of honor and Miss Rosalie Wacken, an other sister, will be bridesmaid. Best man will be Ernest Snider and ushers will be Richard Ringwald, Don LaBrancho of Salem, The bridegroom's niece and nephew, John and David Timm, will be ring bearer and flower girl. Wednesday evening, Mrs. Lawrence Feldschau will be a hostess in compli ment to Miss Wacken, when she enter tains with a dessert affair at her home in Mill street. The evening will be spent informally and a bathroom shower will fele (he bride-to-be. Guests will oe Miss Irene Wacken, Miss Rosalie Wacken, Miss Lois Wacken, Miss Charlotte and Miss Eileen Ziclin ski, Miss Betty Gregg, Miss Myra Gregg, Miss Alice Pcrrinc. Miss Patricia Za hare and I he hostess. Guests next week-end at the Homer 1,. Gimlet home will be Mrs. IS. (J. Ap persun and Mrs. Norwood Apptvsnn of MeMinnvillc. Bride of Sunday at St. Peter's Catho lic church in Nowbcrg, will be Miss Carol Joy Harper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben I' Harper of Salem, when she exchanges vows with Paul Gisi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gisi of Newbcrg. The rites will lake place at 2 o'clock Easier afternoon. Given in marriage by her father, the bride will wear a pink jersey gown with scrolls printed in black and black nialiue trim. She will wear a bandeaux hat topped with flowers and black ac cessories. Her flowers will be roses ami sweet peas. Mrs. Joe Gisi. Jr.. will be matron of honor and best man will be Barney Jlyrios of Portland and ushers are Ben Franklin and Lloyd McClintock, both of Newberg. A reception will be held at the home of the bridegroom's parents, with Mrs. Lawrence Gisi pouring and Mrs. Mar garet Smith cutting the wedding cake. After a trip to the Oregon coast, Ihe couple will be at home in Portland. The bridegroom is attending Multnomah col lege. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hagensou are an nouncing the engagement of their daugh ter. Ardclle, to John Meier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Flavins Meier of Salem. The wedding of the couple will take place in June. The bride-elect attended Salem high school and is now working in Salem. Ho attended Sacred Heart academy and served three years in the army. He is now employed in Salem. The announcement ot Miss llagon son's engagement was made known re cently at a shower honoring Miss Lor raine Maerlz, given by Miss Gladys Schollien and Miss Phyllis Sanders. Pi Bela Phi Mothers club will meet at the YWCA Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The chapter house is closed for spring vacation. Mrs. Charles Layport will review "The Miracle of the Bells'" by Jannay. Hostesses will be Mrs. W. H. East and Mrs. B. F. Schmoker. t4"UpiTER-AMERICANSM" will be l the theme of the Saturday, April J1I-12, meeting of the Salem Wom an's club with Mrs. Clifton Mudd in charge of arrangements. The meeting is in keeping with Pan-American day, April 11. Speaker for the afternoon will be Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar of Portland, past president of the national Federation of Woman's clubs, who conducted a tour of 22 American women at direction of the president of the United States, through South America. She will speak on some phase of the Latin American nations. Special guest will be Senorita Rosa Colombo, of Costa Rica, exchange stu dent at the University of Oregon on scholarship of the Oregon Federation of Woman's clubs. Carrying out the theme, Mrs. Harris Lielz will sing South American num bers, accompanied by Mrs. Richard Meyer. Judy Seamsler will give ' a tam bourine dance. Mrs. Glenn McCormick is in charge of the tea hour. K5: LAItGE-BltlSIMED HATS are "just right" for willowy Phyllis Srhnrlt, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, 1. 11. Sohnell of Salem. Phyllis attends the I'niversily of Oregon, where she is a sophomore and a member of Kappa Kappa Gumma. (Jestcn-Miller studio) The United Spanish War Veterans and auxiliary will meet at the VFW hall for a business meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The executive board of the Salem district Girl Scout association will meet on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Chcrrian room of the Chamber of Commerce. -ISS DOROTHY HARD1E, attrac tive, blonde bride-elect of John R. Hay, whose marriage will take place April 12 at St. Paul's Episco pal church, will be complimented Wed nesday evening when Mrs. Richard Cooley entertains at the Ralph H. Coolcy home in North Summer street. The affair will be a dessert bridge with a bridal shower feting Miss Hardie during the evening. Guests will be Miss Hardie, her moth er. Mrs. W. J. Hardie. Mrs. Arthur D. Hay, Mrs. Ralph Coolcy. Mrs. Bob Na pier of Corvallis, Mrs. Byron Menu:, Mrs. Russell Kanz. Mrs. Gervais Elliott, Mrs. Harvey Quistad. Mrs. Fred A. Davis, Mrs. Robert De Armond, Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs.. James Nicholson, 'Jr., Mrs. Joseph Dcvers, Jr.. Mrs. Clay bourne Dyer, Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr., Mrs. Wallace Hug. Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Mrs. Jack McCullough, Mrs. Jack Price, Mrs. Robert Burrcll, Mrs. Robert Pickens. Mrs. Robert Yeager. Mrs George Roth, Mrs. A. L. McCatferty, and the hostess. "ISS JEAN ROWLAND, bride- elect of George Stroeher, is lell- g friends of her bridal plans. The couolc will be married Saturday ir rning. April 19, at 10 o'clock in St. J- soil's Catholic church. Soloist before the ceremony will be T. . s Elizabeth Nelson. Accompanying her will be Wayne Mousey. Maid of honor will be a Pi Beta Phi si.jrity sister. Miss Mary McKay. Stand ins with Ihe bridegroom as best man is .h'cli Wooclfield and ushers are to be Eoklon Owens, Jr., Mark Hatfield, Held Shclton and Gone Schmidt. In charge of the breakfast which will follow the ceremonies arc Mrs. E. H. Kennedy and Mrs. George Nelson. Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Kennedy will be ' hostesses Friday evening in compliment to Miss Rowland. Friends have been asked to a dessert party with an informal evening follow ing, to be held at the Kennedy country home. A miscellaneous shower will fele the bride-to-be. Covers will be placed for 30. The engagement of Miss Alice C. Bar ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barham of Salem, to Philip C. MeHar ness, son of Rev. and Mrs. Charles Mc Harness ot Spokane, was announced re cently In Toledo, Oregon, at an informal party at the A. R. Stanley home. Both young people are teaching in Toledo. The bride-to-be attended Sa lem and Illinois High schools and Greenville, 111., Free Methodist college The wedding will take place in the summer. The Eastern Star Social club will meet Tuesday at the Masonic temple for a 1:13 o'clock salad luncheon, followed by cards and sewing. Mrs. Earl Wiper is chairman. Home for the Easter week-end will be Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly and Janic, of Eugene, guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brabec. 0Kl ft -'V . Ft M ' I ') :: J - . ' .,!(:; ;v.-..'- : . .1 .;-..-' I ' :'-': ' IV HER EASTER BONNET of lace, with roses on it would be flic refrain sung of Miss Helen Paulson, attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Paulson, now a sophomore at Oregon Stale college, where she is a member of Kappa Al-ba Theln. Ouslnndinir in campus affairs. Miss Paulson is also a member of the Spinster organization in Salem. Uestcn-Miller studio) HE Salem YWCA board of direc tors will meet Tuesday morning at 9:45 o'clock at the YW to hear reports from various committees. Mrs. B. F. Williams, chairman, will discuss the work of the personnel com mittee which has been interviewing to fill vacancies and determining policy. The nominating committee, under Mrs. O. I. Paulson, has been considering new members of committees upon which there are vacancies. Mrs. Norman Winslow and Mrs. Carl Halvorson will report the work of the membership committee, of which they are co-chairmen. In two months lime, 200 new members have been recruited and plans are being made for a member sh'' meeting in May. '.'he building committee is planning a letter-writing effort lo secure more funds for the proposed new building, with $100J)00 of the $180,000 already raised. Mrs. Frank Spears is chairman. Mrs. Wallace Carson chairmans the residence and building plans committee, which plans visits to residence halls and .athletic departments to determine needs ol the new building and to determine policies for running it. Mrs. Margaret Rosccrans. chairman of the finance committee, will report, dis cussing the committee's plans, among other items, for the budget for the fiscal year. Reported upon loo will' be the young adults committee headed by Mrs. A. A. Schramm and the Y-Tecn group under Mrs. Howard Post, which is working with the Tri-Y to raise money lo send a delegate to the firsl YW-YM convention, to be held at Grinnell college this summer. Mrs. Karl Becke. constitution commit tee chairman, with her committee, is working on changes and amendments to be made in the constitution. The Spiritual Sunflower club met Thursday at the home ot Mrs. Maud Harms to work on articles for the bazaar and rummage sale to be held May 10. Present were Miss Mary Butler, Mrs. Mary Gerken, Mrs. Mary Mann. Mrs. Constance Rausch, Mrs. Florence Zeller, Mrs. Florence Smalley. Mrs. Louise Hall, Mrs. Amy Picrpoint. Mrs. Theresa Ole man, Mrs. Martha Vocgllin, Mrs. Elvcra Cervenka, Mrs. Gladys Mazac. Mrs. Sarah Vrooman, a guest, Mrs. Benson and the hostess. Next meeting will be April 17 at the home of Mrs. Amy Picrpoint, 1574 Mill street. North Howell The April home exten sion meeting was held at the Grange hall with Miss Amanda Beals and Miss Mina Beals hostesses, presenting the program. Practice nights were announced as April 9 and 11. A rose show will be held in June, Appointed for the next luncheon com mittee are Mrs. Bertha Dunn, Mrs. Olga Beals, Mrs. Gladys Waltman and Mrs. Josic Stevens. Mrs. Thomas W. Bump reported on her recent California trip. Mrs. Martha Vinton of Vancouver, Wash., and her daughter, Lois, who ar rived from Los Angeles, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vinton of Turner. Miss Vinton will see friends in Van couver and Castle Rock. ftft) ) PRING COMES TO AMERICA," a series ot slides on early bcau- ty throughout the country, will highlight the Salem Garden club meet ing to be held at 109 South Commercial street Monday afternoon. The slides will be presented by Miss Margaret McKinney. A feature of the afternoon will be unusual arrangements of spring flowers. The tea hour will be in charge of Mrs. Carl Nelson. Assisting will be Mrs. L. H. McMahon, Mrs. Homer McWain, Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Mrs. O. L. Poe, Mrs. E. V. Perrine, Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans and Mrs. G. A. Sprong. The Weslcyan Service guild of Jason Lee Methodist church is postponing its meeting of Monday to April 14 so members may attend the lecture of Muriel Lester at Leslie Junior high, school. -& Y r 1 v t" ' i ' I i A S iJi - W- - - a mb PhVD !"BBON' CATCHES THE EYE OF Miss Janet Rllea. blonde daughter of Mrs. Wheeler Rllea, when she makes her choice of the all-important Easter springtime hat. Janet is a Kappa Alpha Theta at the University of Oregon, where she is a sophomore. (Jcsten-Miller studio) Easter guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Crain will be their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown of Milwaukie and their three sons, Brian, Bruce and Eric, and Mr. Grain's sister, liss Mildred Crain of Marylhurst. B AP1TAL unit No. (I, American . Legion auxiliary will honor de partment of Oregon oflicers on their official visit to unit 9, Monday -J evening at the Woman's club. Invited are representatives from women s patriotic and service organiza-t tions in Salem. A special program wilU be presented and in charge of the lea hour will be past presidents of the organization. Q $TJ IMPLE, informal rites Easter after r? noon will unite in marriage Miss Palma Paulson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paulson of Dell Rapids, S. D., and Roy Remington, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remington of Salem. Rev. Mark A. Gclzandaner of St. Mark's Lutheran church will perform the rites at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, in West Lefelle street. White tulips, azalea, dogwood and white tapers will be Ihe setting for the marriage, which will take place before members of the two families and a few close friends. Playing the wedding music will be the bride's niece. Miss Mary Margaret Her manson of Dell Rapids, S. D. The bride will wear a softly tailored n ural Kasha suit of off-white, She .11 wear black accessories and a cor sage of American Beauty roses and violets. Following the wedding ceremony, a hv ict supper will be served the guests. Pouring will be a sister of the bride, Mrs. John Hcrmanson of Dell Rapids. S. D. Assisting will be Mrs. Herbert Schoeneman of Sioux Falls, S. D., an other sister, and Miss Mary Margaret Hermanson. Another sister, Mrs. Con rad Paulson, will pour. Out-of-town guest expected for the event will be Mrs. Percy Willis, of Portland. Immediately after the supper, th hel I'ipf couple will leave for a coast motor trip into-California. After April 12, they will be at home in Salem at the Am bassador apartments. The two-month-old twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Voves, Richard John and David James, will be christened Sunday at St. Joseph's Catholic church. Father T. J. Bernards will perform the ceremony and sponsors for the babies will be their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deneke. Following the services, Mrs. Voves will entertain members ' of the families at a dinner at her home in South High street.