10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 5, 3947 FOR SALE HOUSES SHOWN BY appointment only. The fin est suburban home In this community. Words will not describe It It must be cen. Call 4108 tor information and appointment only If you want a line home. THOS. A. ROBERTS, REALTOR Pormoriy of Hawkins St Roberts Bee MR. CHIPMAN Phone 4108 a82 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR ' 455 Court Phono 7698 HOME VALUES BRIHIIT, NEW. 3 Bedrooms. HW floors, Seflng Room, automatic oil, 70 x 128, ' East. Price 112.600. -$ BEDROOM. Insulated. S years young. 48 x 235. Berries, a rapes, cherries. Hol ; lywood district. Price 18250. Salesmen: Myles Henderson "Habby" Habernicht JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 a84 N. 23rd ST. 4 BDRMS., fireplace, wired for ranee, ga rage, spacious grounds. A REAL BUY AT 17500. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 24457 a82 S2000 WILL HANDLE COL. TYPE 4 bdrm. home, 1 bdrm. down Sz 3 up. dble. plbg., fireplace, auto-oil hrat, elec. h.w. heater, wired for elec. ramie. Home in splendid cond. Price $9000. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 a82 N. SUMMER ST. MOD. S BDRM. home, hdwd. firs., auto oil heat, elec. h.w. heater, fireplace, full basement, completely redecorated. ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price $9450. Call Dale L. Shepherd with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS . 134 3. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 24457 a82 NEAR LESLIE JR. HIGH SCH. $J1HW 2 BDRMS., auto-oil heat, utility rm. As dining rm. Completely redeco rated In As out. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. , Call D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 25338 a82- CHOICE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ONE OF Salem's Brand old homes over looking the city from Fry's Hill. A spen dld property to subdivide truly a fine value. FOR DETAILS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a82 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GOOD, MODERN 5 rm. home with dm, fireplace, hardwood firs., redecorated, like new, splendid location on paved St., east front. En ale wood school district. Auto, gas furnace. Price 19000. Src D. J. Dawson, with " ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 2-5338 nS2' MODERN BRICK HOME IF YOU really want something nice, don't neglect to nee this strictly mod, 6 rm. brick homo all on one floor, ',i A. of - around, cor. lot, 3 nice "bdrms. Sz small " den. Luc. liv. rm.. din. rm., utility rm., 1 covered patio, Iradlns from din. rm. 1 Dble. garage attached, tile bath. Price 117,000. Cnl! O. II. Orabonhorst, Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Ph. 4131; Eves. 22048 HERE IS a 4 rm. new liou.se you can move In, then finish, 3500 down, $25 per month. J RM. HOUSE near Hollywood with an , other small house on back of lot. 18500 r with good terms. F. II. WEIR 1247 S. Coml. Phone 0411 a83 NEW HOUSE B KM. Hwd. floors. Unfln. 3 rm. up stairs. 4 ac. Ph. 25838. aWi NEW 3-ROOM house on 45 acre. Oil clr- culator. wired for range. Laundry trays. A bargain at $3100. Out Cherry avenue off Alder avenue to 3995 Pleasant View drive. Phone 2-1101. a87 $jflR0 VERY neat, attractive 6-RM home. Has H.W. floors. Ok) floor furnace. 3-Car garaitc. Close to bus line. See O. V. Hume STATE FINANCE CO.. Realtors 153 S. HiRh St. Phone 4121 a84 NEW $ 1 2 ,000,(10 It A NO 1 1 type, strictly modern . 2 bdrm. home. Very large living rm.. , riming rm., kit,, den, beautiful floors, auto oil furnace forced heat, lovely lo cation north. Immed. poss. Cull RAY DAVIS. HUPP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Phono 3703; Eyes. D44t tt83 $7000.00 NICE 2 bdrm. home with nook, Liv. rm.. Kit., utility rm., trays, elect. ' watr, heater, hardwood firs., oil fur nace, Immed. pnss. Call RAY DAVIS. HUPP REAL ESTATE COMPANY ' Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Phone 3793; Eves. 0441 a83 FAIRMONT HILL Wi.W.OO S BDRM, home, LR, DR, Kit.. bath, plastered, garage, lawn, aardeu, fruit, nuts. ROxlftO lot. Best location. Take car as part payment. Terms. Call 1 RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chrmckcta Ft, Phono 3703; Eves. 0441 a83 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 17000.00 1,1V. RM., kitchen, 2 BR, bath, hwd. firs., fireplace, basement, furnace. Call OMER. HUFP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549;Evcs. 25091 a83' " IMMED. POSS. flMW.OO DOWN. Pnrt furnished 3 BR, Liv. rm., kit., cln.v to scli. A- bus north. Pull price 4(K10.00. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekcta Bt Phone 21540; Eves. 250111 b83 LO;ETY-'Nl':WhoiiiVnortri. LH,DH, K . 2 BR, utility, hall, sunporch, full bath, . elec. water htr,. elec. heat, garage, sep tic tank. Make us an offer. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt Phone 21540; Eves. 0441 a83- LEO CHII.DS. INC. REALTORS OOOl) BUYS (,') 000 I. O V E L Y BUNGALOW: Living rm. dining rm., kitchen with built-lns, bed- . room, lnmo closet. Nicely landscaped lot with room for large itarden. Good . location. LOOK! SMALL. NDW One-herrtuom home. Located on No. 20th. Elec. heal : com pletely Insulated. Lot about 100x137. . S540O $1000 dn., bal. 44 per mouth at 4'i. S NICE BEDROOMS. Living room, dining room, kitchen, built-lns, closets: garntce; nice lot. Close to school and stores. $7000. fcKAUTIFUL SETTING: Lovely 3 bedroom home, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen; full basement; garage. Best of locations. $10,500 and terms to ) tult. CALL or SEE James B. Hartman or 4 K. N. Voorhees ; a wim J LEO N. CHII.DS. INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to homo owners." 444 Slate SL J'" 9261 2 i McKILLOP nEAL ESTATE AGENCY , 100 South High I PHONE 5131 OH 8820 :''nO BR. HOME, Bath. Lit, DR, K. i plastered Interior, gas cooking and heal i inn, double garage, Immediate posses ?, slou. bus by door. Also extra garane t with small living quarters. All fuiul j ture except Ice box goes with plucc. I PHONE MJl OR 8620 ; McKILLOP INSURANCE AGENCY k, PHONE EVENINGS 4937-9340-7163-6901 B83' HOME FOR TWO tNC.LEWOOD IHST., clean, neat three rm. home and bath, garage, has a very lovely getting on largo lot. Full price l $4500. ' SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland ltd. Ph. 3353, Eves. 7057 FI LL BASEMENT, fireplace, dbl. garage. 4 hwd. floors, wired for range, large un . llniihed upstairs, large lot, fenced back , yard. This 5 rm. home Is well located , In N.E. part of city on paved at. with , bus at door. Full price 19500. SULLIVAN nFAI.TY, INC. , REALTORS , 3S85 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 7n;.7 . aBJ ' $350DOWN $50 A MONTH. PRICE $0500 ' FAIRMOUNT HILL 4 BEDROOMS, Double plumblnr. Goad ' heating system. Fireplace. Double ga rage. 345 I REIMANN REAL ESTATE ' SOI South HUh Phone ti'ioi am FOR SALE HOUSES CIVILIAN NEW S B.R. modern home on a most beautiful 100x180 landscaped lot with BY OWNER SMALL 3 bedroom home, utility room, attached garage, gas circulator At hot water. Small lot. Located In Highland district near bus 6c schools. Price $5000. If Interested call 7468. a86 HOME OF brick and stucco In business zone. 3 living rooms, l'i bedroom, bath, kitchen and nook, utility room, auto matic electric hot water heater, Vene tian blinds. Lot 50x140. 1-car garage and other outbuildings. Nut. cherry and pear trees. Good garden spot! Also extra lot adjoining. Priced right to party with money to handle. Wish to sell at once due to sickness in family. Located I860 S. 12lh, Salem, Ore, By owner. a83 BY OWNER: 2 homes, new. 3 bedrms., livlnr rm.. dining rm.. kitch. At builllns, dbl. plumbing, 3 frplaces,, full bsmt,, Sprinkling system, new lawn. Also 1 A. 7 yr. old 6 rm. home. Barn, gar. N., 99E. Can be seen anytime. Reach own er, 1068 7th St.. West Salem. a83 NEW MOVABLE houses. Price reduced lor quick sale before April 12. Across irom Waters Ball Park, on S. 25th St. a86 SI i,r,wt VIEW property, lovely 2 bedrm. home with elec. heat, fireplace, coved ceilings, double plumbing, one of the mo-st modern kitchens In Salem. You really must see this place to appreciate it. 2-car garage, Insulated and weather stripped. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'). St. Pll. 4500. Eves. 25830. a83 Snr,(i t RMS. At bath with . acre of all kinds of fruit, large garage & worn shop. This is a good location. This Is a plastered house, hdw. floors. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'). St. Ph. 4500. Eves. 35830. a83 an abundance of fruit trees, auto, heat, hwd. floors throughout. A real buy at J 7300. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 7057 a82 $.0(10 DOWN; Lovely 2 bedrm. home, east. Hdw. firs,, att. garage. I mm, poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 345 S. Com'I. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. a83' Sl'l.ooo LOVELY 3 bedrm. home, cast. This is a beautiful suburban home, latest design, brick front, hdw. firs,, oil heat, fireplace. Imm. pass. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'I. St. Ph. 4500. Eves. 25830. a83 MiJirrft ; HKDiEM. home, close in. Fire place, V. blinds, city bus in front of door. 1mm. po:s. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. a 83 Sm'.swi FOR THIS beautiful suburban home north. Large L. rm., with big window, D. rm., hdw. firs, thruoul, oil furnace, 2 bdrms. down, unfinished at tic, lj A. of good soli, on pavement, 3 blks. to school and store. Call for appointment. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'I. St. Ph. 4500. Eves. 25830. B83' BY OWNER, clean, attractive 5 rm. house with 1 acre. Bath, automatic water heater, oil circulator, trays, elec. water system, elec. range, rugs, drapes, garage. $7,100. Beautiful surroundings, trees, good neighborhood. 3 ml. south on river road, turn left on Corlsan Creek Rd 4th house on right. R. J. Kuenstlcr. a83 4 BEDROOMS SOUTH LARGE LOT, paved street. Bus at front door. Doubln plumbing, fireplace. Very good condition. An excellent buy for $10,000. Liberal terms arranged. M. O. HUMPHREYS REALTOR 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 a82 NICE 4 II. R. home, double plumbing, full basement, double garage, new 3 rm. apt. above, very large corner lot, vari ety fruit, bus by door, stores near. Ph. 2-4413. aB2 N V. WR E S I HEN (I e7Ti67Tm O U THooms, oil furnace, blk. from business dis trict. Excel, for family with children. Suit for professional man to convert to co ib. office and resident. 80 completed excepting fixtures. Opp. to paint and Install fix. to suit. Approx. J 100, Lucatrd 104 S. Broad St. Sec R. Price, builder, at 230 N. Echols St. or Phone Monmouth 450. aB2 11530 DOWN MODERN 2 bedroom home, fireplace In living room, wired for range, electric watrr hratcr, V. blinds, double garage, insula trd and weather slrlpied. Large lot 05x120. well landscaped, located on Hlway. Inside town. 18850. LEE OHM ART A; CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 0080 a 7 BLOCKS NORTH OF TOWN A WELL constructed 7 room home lo cated In an excellent residential dis trict, this homo has a large living room and music room combined, din ing room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath down, 3 bedrooms tip, basement with auto, oil furnace, fireplace, lot Is 50x165. Priced at $9500. LEE OHMAUT fc CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a VIEW HOME LOCATED SOUTH of town, new modern home, living room with fireplace, din ette, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, full bath and utility room with part plumbing, dou ble garage, fireplace, large lot. City bus service at door. Priced at $11,500. ' LEE OHMART !c CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a irN(il,EWO()D dlst. Lovely4 brdrmThome", 1 yr. old. Dbl. plumbing, hdw, floors, fireplace, full bnsemcnt, attached gar age. $13,800. $5800 down. For parti culars call 9148. a82 1111 It M. homo with beautiful view. Near Ing completion at 253 Vista Ave. Will decorate to buyer's specifications. Stop in during day or Ph. 4284 eves. a85 NEW -ONLY $3400 !i ACHE of land, small home. 3 rooms and bnlh, piped lor gas. Includes gas rautte and ens wnter heater. MOVE RIGHT INIT'S ItKAUY. LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 9680 AT TRACTIVE MODERN HOME A COMPLETE 5 room home with an un finished upstairs. 2 good bedrooms, lull bath. 5 la t ne closets, auto, air-conditioned oil furnace Insulated and weath er stripped, flreiiiare, V. blinds through out. ltaNrdulo Addition $10,500. LEE OHMART At CO., REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 0880 A GOOD BUY LAKOK 4 bedroom home with complete double plumbing, part basement with auto, oil furnace, wired tor range, elec tric water healer located on South Com mercial Street $8950. LEE OHMART & CO.. REALTORS 477 court St Phone 4035 or Bftsn SMALL, ATTRACTIVE HOME ONLY (tl.'VU for this attractive 1 bedroom home, has living room with fireplace, part hardwood floors, utility room, gas water heater, small lot, located on North 18th Street. LEE OHMART Az CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or BfiBf) BY OWNER. 2 bedroom house, large cor ner lot. double garage, close to school and bus. price reduced, Immediate pos session. 1810 Waller St. aS4 IFOR SALE- 4 bedroom house. Good shape, fireplace, air conditioned furnace. Own er. 35 Lansing Ave. a82 S500 DOWN $40 A MONTH GOOD 5 room unfinished house. Next to city limits. Hark Ave. between D St .fc Murket. No. 247. REIMANN HEAL ESTATE 301 South Hnili Phone 9303 aS2 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4s to 6 , Call for details. BYRKIT & POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phona 8937 a OWNER TRANSFERRED A RKTTl.K than average home, locatrd In West Salem. 3 bedrooms, full basement. furnace. Double garage with large shop. $11,000. No. 261 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 8203 a83 BEAUTIFUL CREEK HOME 3 RRv, Bath. LR., DR., Kit., Fireplace, Hwd. firs., full bsmt., furnace, garage, Lovely yard with creek. Bus at door. 3 Blks. to Sch,, $10,500, Call "ELMER" AMUNORON. BURT PICHA. REALTORS , Phone. 3210 337 N. Uith Street 83 FOR SALE LOTS GROUND SPACE FOR LEASE LOCATED ON Pacific Highway, fronts on three streets. Suitable for used car lot. IDEAL LOCATION. S50 per month. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 aa82 BUSINESS SITES NORTH COM'L ST. 50 X 130 ft. No. 3 zone. Price $2500. South 12th St. 50 X 80 ft. No. 3 zone. Cor. lot. Price 13500. South 12th St. 42 x 100 ft. No. a zone. Cor lot. Price S3500. South 12th St. 124 x 160 ft. No. 3 zone. Cor lot. TERMS. South 12th St. 200 x 140 ft. No. 3 zone. Cor. lot. TERMS. South 14th St. 100 x 100 ft. No. 3 zone. Price $3500. South 14th St. 50 x 100 ft. No. 3 zone. Price $1500. South 13th St. 124 x 80 ft. No. 3 zone. Price $3500. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 aa82 GROUND LEASES WE HAVE several sites suitable for USED CAR LOT, drlve-ln restaurants. Will ground lease desired footage. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTOR 3 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 aa82 BUILDERS Near schools Sz' bus in city. Ph. 3245. ! aa87 BUSINESS LOT. 2'i blocks N. of Center St. on busy thoroughfare. Building suitable tor temporary quarters. Owner, Box 331 Capital Journal. au85 WE HAVE for sale lots In Wolf's subdi vision. Across from Keizer School. A few left at 1525.00 each. No trouble to show you. Seven lots sold Tuesday. W- G. KRUEGER REALTOR 147 N. Com'I Phone 4728. aa82 SPECIAL PRICE: 10 lots, by owner. Wa ter furn. Good soil, sch. St city bus. N. E. 35 Lansing Ave. aal04 RESIDENTIAL lot on beautiful Ben Lo mond Heights. Unobstructed view cf city and mountains. Only two left for sale on top of hill. SO foot frontage $4250 cash. SEVERIN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. DIAL 4016 EVES. 8213 Ba82 LOT AND bldg. mat. hu Jsi FOR SALE FARMS A GOOD BUY 87 ACRES practciallv all farm land, level, paved road. 8 miles out. 6 room farm house. Price only $8500. Terms. GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 b82' CHERRY Ai WALNUT FARM LOCATED 4 miles out on paved road. 5 acres or bearing Royal Ann cliernes. acres of bearing walnuts. Some filberts. Good 7 room plastered home with elec, water system, barn and garacc. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. Price S12.000. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; cvc. 22048 b82 BARGAIN Klin ACRES. 75 acres of good dark soil, tinder cult. Located on Pacific hlh way 90E, 12 miles from Salem. Beau tiful bltlg. site. This would make some one a wonderful stock ranch. For only $25 an acre. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; eves. 22048 b82" JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7698 FARM SPECIALS 80 A. on Pudding River, 30 A. cultivated. Old buildings, best soil. 50 A. Pasture, Timber. Price $10,800. 5 A Close In. Good 6 room House. Barn Az Chicken House. Orchard. Willamette Silt soil, Beautiful view. Nice Home. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 4.'5 Court Phone 7696 b84 A. Good 4 rm. hsc. $12,500.00. 35 A. clover, 32 A. oats, 1 A. filberts, 3 large chick, hses., incubator lise., 2 elec. Incubators, good barn, machine shed, elec. water system. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Phone 21540: Eves. 9441 b83 50000.00 5 ACRES N.E. 3 Acres berries. Has new 6-Room home. Garage. This Is a good buy. Call O. V. Hume STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. HlEli St. Phone 4121 b84 .1 A., I Ml. north, ODE, west on Claxter mud 3 blocks. S rooms and bath, elec tric water system, barn, chicken house, woodshrd. Family fruit, 1 A. pasture, 3 A, oats and vetch. Will take house around Salem up to $5000. H. R. Bishop. Rt. 7, Box 22. b82 A FARMER'S FARM (10 ACRES, 45 A. cleared, 25 A. bottom. 12 A. orchard. Grain crops In. Barn 42x38. 8 room house, electricity. $14, 000 Includes 8 cows. This Is an honest value. 1013. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 0203 bS2 FOR SALE: 5 aero tract. Magnificent view of Willamette valley and Cascade moun tains. 15 mln. from downtown Snlcm. Paved road, approx. 4 blocks from school. $1500 Phone 6826. b84 NELSON FARMS BEFORE YOU BUY a farm or acreage check our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson At Nelson, Masonle Bldg., Ph 4419 b FOR SALE ACREAGE MOD. SUBURBAN HOME YOU CAN'T brat this, if you really want a marvelous suburban home with a little over 1 A. of ground. 5 line. rm.1?. with h.w, firs, thru-out. Liv. rm. 1 x 24, fireplace, lrgc, bdrm., breakfast nook. Full bnsemt., fin. Into one bodrm. At rumpus rm. with fireplace. Dble. ga rage attached. Bung, style. Strictly mod. Call G. H. Orobrnhorst, Jr.. with GRAUENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. L'2'.H8 bb82 ACREAGE 10 A. located 4 miles S.. view prop., all under cult., drilled well, on good road. Price $3250. TERMS. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Pll. 4131; Eves. 25089 bu82' JUST THE PLACE FOR THE family with children, pets. chicks, cow, etc. One acre near Hayes ville. 3 bedroom home, quite new. L.R. Ai D.R. and kitchen across front of house. Oil heat. Elect, range. Large ga raitc. bum and chick, hou.se. Deep well. A grand place. $10,800. 255 HEIMAN.. REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 bb82 SUBURBAN HOME i ACRE, east on pavement, beautiful all -lodern 3 bedroom home, outside fire place, fish pond, family fruit, lots of shrubs and flowers, bus by door, really a showy place at $7500. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves. 25831 b82- 5 ACRES N.E. NEAR fi!)l' 5 room home and floored attic, with basement and furnace, 4 years old. barn, and chicken house, about l'j acres in cultivation, balance nice fir timber. This is neat and nice. (10.000. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves. 2.R31 bbfi' 1' A. SUBURBAN XI3. 700.00 l.AKC.E Liv. rm. St Dining rm.,1 kitchen, 2 bdrms.. bath. Hwd. firs., frplncr, basemrnt, furnace. Call OMER, HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. r0Uf 21349: Eves. 25091 bb83 STREAM FRONTAGE A VAIL ABIT Nice setting on pavement. Ph. 8836 for fur ther details. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY, REAL ESTATE bb83 i ACRE, close In N. Ntce 4 room home, bath, lights, wired for range, garage, several trees. $6,300. Will trade for house In Salem. MONEY TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage. Ph. 3723 bb82 Jl'ST HlCHT for home or investment. Best suburban acreage bays In the val ley, and they are going fast. Perfect valley views line location, good soil, elec. At Phone lines, close to school, near pavement. Fruit crop this year could nearly pay out. 2i to 10 ac. on easy terms. Ph. 5355 evenings. You can't miss on these tracts. bb86 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE: 10 A. mixed fruit, mostly R.A. cherries. Cl;:e In. Priced right. Liberal terms. 3111 Sunnyvlew. Ph. 25759. bb82 REAL ESTATE SI'MO. 2 lots and clean plastered 1 bdrm. home North. Oil circulator and cook stove go, Venetian blinds. Lots of fruit, strawberries, etc. Immediate pos session. 5Ih;,o. Attractive 2 bedrm. home 6 years old. East on bus line. Elec. water heater. Wired for range, garage. Im mediate possession. $7K(i0. acre and new modern 2 bdrm. home close In East. Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, elec. water heater, wired for range, $15,000. Clean modern 4 bedroom home, partly furnished, Inglewood Dist., hdwd. floors, Venetian blinds, basement, furn,, beautiful yard and shrubs. Immedi ate possession. $8X.iO. New modern 2-BR home N. Un finished upstairs. Attached garage. Hardwood floors. Ol llurnace. Imme diate possession, IU.ihjh. i acre and clean 2 bedroom home on Park Ave., elec. water heater, wired for range, chicken house, fruit trees. A good buy. 17.W. Clean 2 bedroom home on bug line In West Salem. Close to canneries. Wired for range, elec. water heater, ga rage. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121; eves. 25561 c85 WALNUT PARK CENTER BET, 23rd Ai 24th, N. front 52 X 100. Only 11225. Walter Socololsky, Real Estate. Phone 8836. c83 HOME3EEKERS AGENCY IF YOU are looking for a city home, a business, acrcago or farm, wc invite you: to sec what wo have before you buy. Following are a few examples: i CITY HOME j 7 ROOMS and bath, basement, furnace, i plastered, about j acre in nice loca-1 tion, gas range and water heater. G250.00. BUSINESS PROPERTY WE HAVE many business opportunities for sale. Come In and look them over. These include rentals, groceries, cafe, etc, ACREAGE 10 ACRES, 7 acres tillable, 7 rooms and bath, fireplace, automatic oil furnace, excellent for berries, about 3 miles out. $8900.00. FARM 133 ACRES. 70 acres tillable, good-sized 2 story hip roof barn, 4'j acres young filberts, Includes John Deere tractor on rubber, full set farm machinery, in cludes stock, drilled well and electric pump, old but liveable house. $10,000.00. Write or call for new picture folder. HOMES EE KERS AGENCY SILVERTON. OREGON c82 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 CITY n-i7M 2 B.R. bungalow, L.R., K., nook, bath, built-lns, plaster and papered in terior, fir floors, oil heat, double ga ruue, bus 1 block, grade school 6 blocks, laruo lot with flower and vege table garden, lot fenced, 3 weeks' pos session. $.,700 FURNISHED. Spanish style stuc co exterior, one bedroom, L.R., K., bath, Venetian blinds, electric cooking and heating, garage, close to bus and school. Immediate possession. one story 2 B.R. home. L.R., K., nook, bath, built-lns, fireplace, plas tered interior, hdwd. floors, electric cooking, oil heat, garage attached, elec tric heat in B.R.s, fenced back yard, room for garden, few furnishings go. Sjiioo ONE story bungalow, 2 B.R., bath, L.R.. K., nook, Venetian blinds, base ment, fireploce, hdwd. floors, electric cooking, double garage and fruit room attached, fenced-in back yard. SUBURBAN SJUoo !'j Bcrc with 2 B.R. bungalow. L.R. Az D.R. combined, K., bath, built ins, plastered Interior, electric cook ing and water heating, oil heat, single garage, family orchard, fenccd-ln back yard with outside fireplace and nice lawn and shrubs. SfWiO Ranch style, 2 B.R., L.R., dinette, K bail), brand new. hdwd. floors, plastered interior, electric cooking, gas heat, garage, Immediate possession, residential district. Very nice. $!,') i to n R A N D new, residential lot, Just suburban, 2 B.R.. bath, L.R., D.R., K., built-lns, fireplace, plastered Interior, hdwd. floors, electric cooking, gas heat, utility room and wash trays, garage, very nice. Immediate Possession. $!),-,iH) acre and 2 B.R. house, L.R., K nook, ha Hi, utility room and wash trays, electric cooking and heating, hdwd. floors, plastered Interior, garage, clo.se to bus and school, large kitchen with nook, electric water system, fluo rescent lighting, carpeted wall to wall in L.R., all furniture is new and may be purchased extra. Slii.iinil i acre, with new, modern, beau tiful 2 B.R. house. L.R., D.R., K., nook. Plastered Interior, hdwd. floors, fire place, utility room with wash trays, electric cooking and heating, electric water system, double garage, 3 weeks' possession. House very nicely arranged. PHONE 5131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High Phone Evenings 0340-4937-7163-6001 C82 $3500 i BEDROOM home south. Lot 50x120. $3700 1 BEDROOM home south on !i acre of land. $5000 1 BEDROOM north, good location, nice lot. NEW HOMES 2 BEDROOM homes east, will go G.I. If you are not a G.L. these places can be bought for $1500 down, balance on monthly payments. APARTMENT HOUSE THIS IS a real investment. Has 3 apts., complete In every detail. One 4 room mid one 5 room. Clean, neat, and wen located. On bus near stores and schools. Rents for $100 per mo. A good buy at $11,600. MORRIS REALTY CO. 070 S. Com ). Phone 4217 C82 SUBURBAN ACRES 41 BEAUTEOUS AC It Est 4 m. East on pvd. road. High A; dry. Midst delightful suburban In es. City bus, city gas, schl. bus, elec, stores. $1200 Income '46 from bearing filberts, cherries, prunes, garden. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME HERE. $4000. CABIN OR TRAILER SITE :on x 18 FT. Heart of Salem. Utilities available. $3000. Take car to $1000. C. W. STULLER, Broker, Salem, Oregon RLl.JloxJ.Jl. Wallace Road c82 R. A. FORKNER7 REALTOR Si;.o NEAT 2 Br., living room, kitch., bath, nice garage. Paved drive. HOLLYWOOD $r.o ONE BK down, 2 large rms. up. LR. DR. Kit., buth. new carpet LR Az DH, nice oil circulator. Garage. Fruit. ENGLEWOOD SiiMHi 3 B.R. Hdw. floors. Venetian blinds. EXCEPTIONAL 5 ACRES NORTH. Five room house. Elec. water system, fruit and nuts. Must be seen to be appreciated. $8500. 10 ACRES 4 miles East. 2 B.R. house. Good barn, poultry house, elec. water system, fruit, near school, good soil. $7000. R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol Phone 3031 16 Years Hollywood District c83' WANT" AJ O B ? AN OLIVER Crop Row Tractor, Plow, Disc, Harrow Az Trailer for transport ing. A very good very modern 7-room home. Fine barn: chlx house, etc., 10 Acres, darn good soil. $5000 Cash. $500 a year. No. 824 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 0203 CB3 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 BDRM. house and bus. bldg. Close tn on hlway North. $13,000 full price. Immed poss. Terms. 3035 Portland Rd. Courtesy to brokers.- c83 'a ACRE. 3 B.R. HOUSE NORTH. ALMOST finished new house. Full price $4300. Liberal terms arranged M. O. HUMPHREYS At CO.. REALTORS 3:86 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 c83 HURRY I BARGA1NI NEW 4 ROOMS, bath. Termi. $3700. $15 MONTH WITH DOWN payment. 3 rms.. bath, city water, gas range. Only $3250. THIS WEEK ONLY M.W 3 BEDRM. W. Salem. Close school, bus. Only $1500. OTHER BARGAINS E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 7T0 S. Commercial Ph. 25497 cfl THINKING OF buying or selling a home, farm or acreage? See or call HESS NELSON or MARION LOONEY with WILLIAM E. M OSES, REALTORS, 331 'i State St. Ph. 4993. c MONEY TO LOAN on rust mortgages to 1 Call for details BYRKrt St POTTS 339 Chemeketa. Pbone 5941 WANTED REAL ESTATE LOVELY FACTORY trailer home as part payment on moderately price small home. SEE LEO N. GUILDS, INC.. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca83a "LARGE OR small, we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca83- WANTED to list for sale a modern 3 bdrm. home. Must be convenient to schools. Our buyer will pay up to $12,000. Call O. V. Hume STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 4121 e84 WE HAVE numerous Inquiries for homrs and business properties. Your listing will receive prompt and efficient service. SEVERIN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDO. DIAL 4016. EVES. 8213. ca!03 UST WITH SALEM TO SELL EM. 8A LEM REALTY CO. C. W BART LETT. REALTOR. 148 N, HIGH ST. PH. 7660 ca FOR PROMPT and courteous service List your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Reg) Estate Broker 555 N. Liberty Phone 7327 ca WE ARE in need ol good Domes to sell Id or near Salem If you wish to Ut your property for sBle, tee GRABENHORST EROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 ca NOTICE I ir your property U tor tale rent or exchange, list it wltb ui. We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 High St ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPECIAL $11,500, a big chief restaurant, N. on 99 highway with ,7 of an acre. This In good business property. Shown by appointment only. OLSON Az REEVE REALTORS 945 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590; eves. 35830 Cd84- GARAGE on highway 99, $10,000. liberal terms. Bldg. 38X60, large lot with liv ing quarters on rear, stock and equip ment at Inventory. Tor particulars call or write R. H. COPPOCK. REALTOR 210 Oregon Building Ph. 8902-5514 ed82 BEER TAVERN NEW equipment. Includes concrete bldg., lot. fixtures, stock and equipment. Do ing excellent business, A real bargain at $12,000. Call "Elmer Amundson, BURT PICHA, REALTORS 337 N. High St. Ph. 3210 cd82 WIDOW Interested In buying a small gift shop, apparel shop, or grocery store in or near Salem. No gas pump. Would consider buying share in business. Have had selling experience. Write Box 338, Capital Journal. cd87 NO BLUE SKY THIS VERY line, well established grocery and market Is Ideal for man ftmt wife to run. All stock Is quality merchandise. Equipment Is good. Shelving and Isl ands new. Now netting $500 a month. Your closest Investigation Invited. No phono Information. Yes, you may have the address. $0000. 751 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 20 So. High Ph. 9203 cd82' SUBURBAN grocery, 'stock, fixtures "and building. Doing good business. Price $7050. See this buy. See O. V. HUME STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 So. High Ph. 4121 cd84- BARBER, AND BEAUTY SHOP DOWNTOWN location with long lease. All equip., supplies and lease for only $5250. No phone Information on this one. Illness forces sale. M. O. HUMPHREYS Ai CO., REALTORS 2286 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Ph. 2450S cd8U TEXACO SERVICE STATION WELL located, rent $50 mo., good lease. All equip, and stock Included. $2,000. LEE OHMART Ai CO., REALTORS 477 COURT Ph. 96B0 or 4035 cd83 Si:t.;r0iio5IE &" income4bdrmsr& bath up, bringing in $125 per month. L. rm., D. rm.. kitchen, bath, 2 bdrms. down. Hdw. firs., fireplace, basement, sawdust heat. Well located. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'I. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 9536. cd83 INCOME PROERTY $3'i.0O0 III APTS., located in good dis trict. $375 per mo. Income. Call lor appointment, OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'I. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 9536. cd83 NEW MOVABLE houses. Would make a nice court. Price reduced for quick sale before April 12. Across from Waters Bait Park on S. 25th St. cd86 WILL TRADE filling station"" As garage business for house In Salem or vlclni'y. Box 330, Capital Journal. cd62 FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE at the following address: 513 N. Summer St. High class furniture. 4 poster twin bedroom suite, solid cherry. Twin bedroom suite, solid walnut. Box springs. Mattresses. Child's Crib. Living room suite. Davenport At 2 chairs, perfect cond. Fireplace set At electric log. Large wicker bird cage. Have sold my home and will make very fine prices to you. 515 N. Summer St. d84 BED. spring Az mattress. Used $13.50 In good cond., elec. wash, machine used $17.50 St S25.00 5-Pc. bedroom suite $70.50 Unfinished chests $4.95 to $17.75 Dining room table with 5 leaves. 4 chairs. Used $42.50 used Az new clothes racks.. $1.25 to $2.25 New chrome all metal dinette sets $45.00 STATE ST. FURNITURE 1000 STATE ST. Ph. 7596 d83 WANTED FURNITURE WANT DINING table St 4 chairs (used). looo s. a ist. daB3 HIGHER CAsn prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 CASH rOR YOUR used furniture. Pb 759ft State Street Furn. 1909 State da HIGHEST PRICES paid Phoos Glens at Woodry Auction Market Ph 5110 da FOR SALE IIVESTOCK AT STUD REG. Thoroughbred stallion. Ch. Broom- slick blood line, also good quarter mare cross. Standing at Ward's Stables. Sil verton Rd. Rt. 7, Box 404. Ph. 25153. C82- LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem. Ph. 21345 morn, or eves. eal03 WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows As boars -1 your farm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. McCandllsh. Rt. 9. Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147. ea96 RABBITS WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any furs. West Side Fur Co., West Salem eb83 PETS BEAUTIFULLY marked wks. old male twin puppies. Very Intelligent. Would like to place them together. Ph. 24361. ec84' SPRINGER SPANIEL puppies. 675 Bieber St. I block East of State Hospital. ec82 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure bred. Females $25, males 135. Roy n. Simmons. Rt. 4. Box 270. Ph. 31143. FOR SALE WOOD GREEN SLAB & edgings. 2 cord load, $8.00. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 5533. ee90 FRESH CUT sawdust. 1mm. delivery. $8.00 load. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee90 TRI CITY FUEL 3 Cord Load S10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood At Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We Give S&H Green Stamps ee!03 CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 et8 GOOD DRY 16 In. wood. Immed. delivery OREGON FUEL CO., Phone 5533, e3 FOR SALE WOOD 14 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB As EDGINGS. PH. 6683 eel03 Mill WOOD. $600 load Ph. 5352 or53T ec88" PLYWOOD cores Az old fir. Ph, 3380. ee86 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double toad $20.00 Imm. del. Ph 346 Yamhill, Ore. ec!02 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green alas good for furnace Ph 7721 tn GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 24031. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN A DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and dlese) oil. Ph. 2-4031. eea FOR SALE POULTRY CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every Wed. Boylngton's. 3710 State f59 BABY CHICKS hatching twice weeklyln even varieties. New Hampshlres always available In chicks Growing pullets, any age. Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens. n number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery f WANTED HELP WOMAN TO operate concession stand at carnival; trailer to live in; leaving wed. Write Box 339, Capital Journal. g83 SALESMAN WANTED: A real opportunity for a man willing to work. No experi ence necessary. Apply Campbell Rock Wool Co. 883" WANTED: VETERAN, preferably married with Auto Parts or Mechanical experi ence for G.I. Training as Parts Man. No Phone calls. Ballou St Wright, 445 Che meketa St. S32 MEN FOR hop yard work. Bus" wllPplck up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m. Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 P.m. Will Hart Hop Farm, Ph. Salem 22631. SALESWOMAN, age 23-30. for Jewelry store. Some typing ability. Top salary. References required. Write Box 327 Capital Journal. ga STEADY JOB with big Income, Make $600 to $800 per mo. Exp. not neces sary. 360 'i State St., Rm. 34. g82 WANTED: Registered barber. Ph. 7452. g83 SILK FINISHER St wool prefer. Fore man's Cleaners, 1070 S. Com'I. Ph. 0448. EXP. SHIPPING At receiving clerk. Please apply in person. Interstate Tractor fc Equipment Co., 3055 Silverton Rd. g83 EXP. ALTERATION lady. 565 Highland Ave. Electric Cleaners. Ph. 4821. g84' WANTED: MIDDLE-AGED woman for housekeeper and companion, for elderly e.uple. Bd., room, wages. C. J. Rice. 938 E. Cleveland, Wood burn. c82 WANTED: EXPERIENCED Beauty Oper ator. Lipstick Beauty Salon. Ph. 3836. WOMAN AS Janitress. H. L. Stiff. g85' ECTrFURN7Salesman. H. L. Stiff g85 LADY TO be trained to handle nation ally advertised, specialized line Beauty Products, approved by Good House keeping H American Medical Magazines. Write Box 334. Capital Journal. g82 WANTED POSITIONS SPRAY PAINTING, Ralph Alsman, 1720 Lancaster drive. Ph. 24248. )il07 WINDOW FRAMES and screens, cabinet doors, drawer and reyular cabinet work. Large or small orders accepted. Con venient location. 't block Ladd At Bush. Masterwood's Cabinet Shop, 164 So. Commercial. Ph, 5596. hlOG I'VE GOT the truck. Have you got the job? 22-ft. semi lumber truck. Call 4U6 between 8 and 5. 25353 eves. h82 WILLIAM C. DREW. Plumbing Repair Service. Oil burner sales Az service. 403 N. 18th St. Salem. Ph. 5395. h85 WILL CARE for small children In my home. Day, Wk. or Mo. 2246 N. 4th. h82 GARDEN PLOWING St discing. Ph. 50-F-2. Hollls Bice. h89 WANTED: Interior painting. Small Job specialty. Phone 25745. h90 G. A: M. TRANSFER, light hauling. Ph. 35637: eves. ph. 25665. 1H04' SECRETARIAL: Stenographic service. Ph 288. hl03 SUMMER LINE Construction Co. Wc build telephone and power lines. G.I. owned and operated. Phone 25759. 3111 Sun nyvlew. h33 WILL KEEP pre-school child by day or week. Phone 8338. h83 FIRST CLASS carpenter work, new or remodel. Large or small. Ph. 8281. h88 SPRAYING. L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 7900. hi 00 GARDEN PLOWING St DISCING. Ford Tractor. Ray Sattcr. Ph. 22504. h96' PLOW I G AND discing. No Job too large or too small. Chas. B. Jayne St Sons. 1920 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 25753, h96 ALTERING As sewing. Ph. 26954. INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. h87 PLOWING As general tractor worg. Have D-2. 3rd house south of Brooks on Paci fic highwar. On right. J. K. Mlntv. Rt. 1. Box 274 Brooks. h90 BOOKKEEPER WITH considerable expe rience available. Good refrenccs. Box 258 Capital Journal, h85 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better D Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 FOR RENT FURN. KITCHENETTE apt. Emp. gentle man. Ph. 4469. J82' SMALL NEW business location at 757 Edgewater St., W. Salem. Ideal watch maker shop. Attractive glass block front. Moderate rental. J87 SLEEPING room, automatic heat. 2131 Center St. Ph. 35692. J83 SLEEPING room, garage. Private home. 694 North Church. J83 WHY RENT or build? Price reduced for quick sale before April 12 on now mov able house. Across from Waters Ball Park on S. 25th St. J86". LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rm. aged lady. 645 Ferry. Emp. middle J82 POWER CEMENT Mixer FOR RENT Borkman Lumber Az Hdwre. Co. J82 0N2 RM. apt. Summer. for business lady. 666 S. J82 NEW TRAILER spaces. Phone 6997. J83 TRAILER space available soon. All mod ern, close In, near bus. 1005 S. 21st or 21st and Missioj J82 ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent sell. H. G. Pugh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4692 GOOD USED PIANOS H. L. Stiff FLOOR sander for rent Montgomery Ward ) WANTED TO RENT MOD. t BDRM. unfurn. house, city t.r suburban, by middle-aged couple: no children. Write Box 338, Capital Jour nal. Ja8J f ADULTS desire 2 or 3 bedroom house on or before June 1st. Rent or lease with six months or more in advance. In or out of town. Acreage preferred. Permanent residents. Call 24318 or Box 336. Journal. Ja87 PHARMACIST, single, settling In Salem June 10, desires apartment or room. Contact J. H. Wlllett, Capital Drug Store or write Box 337, Capital Journal. Ja84 UROENTLY NEED 2 or 3 bdr. house by April 10. Preferably Hollywood Dlst. Phone 9357 or 6058. References. Ja87 VET A WIFE urgently need furn. apT. No children. Phone 6941. JaS3 YOUNG COUPLE would like to get mar ried but have no apt. Could you help them out? Call 9109 days. 21695 eves. JaS6 URGENT: Permanent, reliable business man needs home Immediately. Holly wood district. Excellent references. Ph. 31664. JaS3 WANTED TO LEASE OR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE by Oregon State Factory Representative. No children. Furnish references. Box 333, Capital Journal. Ja85 Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED TO RENT YOUNG COUPLE needs clean furn. apt. No children or pets. Ref. Ph. 4348 or Ja83 HOME URGENTLY needed by Vet, wife St daughter. Liked Salem so well when stationed here wo have returned. Ph. 2-2415. JaS4 WANTED to rent byMay 1 .3 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Will agree to vacate In 30 days if house is sold. Otherwise permanently. References. Ph. 3095. Ja83 COUPLE, Willamette " vet "and wife, wish small furn. apt. Call 4171, ext. 460 days and 4360 eves. Ja83 RELIABLE couple St small daughter want house or apt. to rent. Veteran being transferred from Portland. Pay to $50. Call collect, EA1609. Ja82 VET. WIFE, child urgently need 2 bdrm.. unfurn. house or apt. Ph. 6073 days: 21719. ja85 ROOM AND BOARD CHILDREN under 4 yrs. cared for by the day in my home. Spacious yard. Exp. teacher. Inquire 350 Belmont. Jj86 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Car cushion between McClay and Salem. Phone 22391. k83 LOSTTVIliTE dog with black spots, fe- male, name Roxy. Reward. Ph. 3509 LOST: LADY'S brown oxford, never worn. Left foot. Phone 8369. Reward. k83 RLWAnD"F6irMagg!e, black "Tndw"nit"e bull dog. Crippled In left front foot. Ph. 5882. k82 MISCELLANEOUS TOPPING AND removal danger trees any where. 412 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 21232 or 3349. m92 TAKE YOUR clocks to 190 S. 14th for ;patr. Clock Doctor. m84 DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 5000 m89 PKEE DIRT. Salem Armory. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, $1.00 LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m87 HEAT your home electrically It'a coo vcnlent, clean economical See us (oi free estimates Y EATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N Liberty n UEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing ' dozer work ditching basement excavation, aaiid gravel, crushed rock mason sand, eon crete mix cement SALEM SAND At GRAVEL CO. 1495 N FRONT ST. SALEM OREGON Phone 0408 or 21924 m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State At Commercial 8ta SALEM Phone 8311 n FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE SAWDUST burner furnace, auto, controls. Phone 5048. n84 i II. P. ELECTRIC motor and grinding stand, complete with wheels, A-l shape, $25.00. 642 Edgewater St., Cabin 12. n84 NEW CURTIS windows, elec. heater with fan. Prewar new bath tub. lava tory, toilet complete. 1327 Third St., W. Salem. n86 -WHEEL TRAILER, one 650x16 new re cap, elec. locking gas caps. One used hot water heater. Shell Service Sta.. 12th and Mission. n84" FOR SALE: Fountain and Sandwich Bar, complete with stock, lease, equipment on Highway 97, seats 19. P. O. Box 171. Redmond, Oregon. n87 FAIRBANKS-MORSE 225 gal. shallow Well pump and tank. Good condition. $75. Phone 6163. H84 WORLD BICYCLE. 2295 Lee St. n84 GARDEN TRACTOR Sec the Nichols Gar den Tractor at Ward's Farm Store. All purpose tractor designed and built for small farms and acreages. Powered with 4,1 H.P, heavy duty Wisconsin engine. h82 NEW CIRCULATOR type wood stove, will sell cheap. E. Renting, Rt. 8, Box 1180. U ml. S.E. of Keizer School. n84 RIVER SILT. Phone 25913. HAMMOND UPRIGHT piano and bench, mahogany tin., excel, cond. Fh. 4936. n82 RUG, SLIGHTLY used, rose color, 11' 3" x la', Dining room table, baby bed. Model Cabins, Rt. 1, Box 67. Brooks. n84 TENOR BANJO with steel reinforced case. Practically new. see at Keizer Garage, A mi. N. on River road. n84" NEW OIL burning unit for wood range. Has never been used. $64.50. T. W. Kingston, 44 Lansing Ave. Ph. 25760. n83 MODi:RN white wood range. Excellent conitlon. Good burner. $60. L. W. King ston, 44 Lansing Ave., Salem, or Phone 25760 n83 WE DDING RING set, Cheap. Apt. 5, 1375 N. Commercial. n83 FORD FERGUSON tractor St H. G. Oliver clctrac tractor, both new. West Linn Garage. Ph. Oregon City, 23761. n83 WILL SACRIFICE 1946 edition complete set of encyclopedia. Never used. Terms to responsible party. Box 335, Journal. n83 s If A VE.M ASTE R elec. razor. Ph. 5309. n83 LEASE ON office space in Hollywood. 1931 Durant sport roadster, $350. 4-hole si earn tabic. $20. 4-burner AB gas range 365. One restaurant booth, $40. 2003 North Capitol. n86 HOTPOINT elec. range, $125, Ph. ONE PORTABLE phono., like new. Ph. 24950 after 6. n83 HORSE OWNERS See the two-horse trailer now available at Ward's farm Store, High and Trade Sts., Salem. Also cattle trailer with built-in stanchions. Also available one and two-wheel trail ers. Two-wiicel trailer has dump body. n82- J-WHEEL trailer, bed 4x6, 2 ft. high. Overload springs. Good rubber. $45. Phone 5309. n83 ELECTRIC floor polishers, ideal for home or store. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty. nl06" WHITE ENAMEL trash burner with colls. good cond. do not call wed., Sat. or Sun. 2580 Hazel. - n83 HI SPEED elec. drill, new. Used 2 days. Bargain. Ph. eves., 4815, n83 PANSIES, sturdy plants, blooming. 3355 Garden Road. n83 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 17 S. High. Phone 6088. nl06 ELECTROLUX cleaner St air purifier. Now avatiaoie. complete with all attach ments. 169.75. Home demonstration giv en. 17a S. High. Ph. 6088. nlOS 3 SECTION Springtooth Harrow. A. Hill man. Rt. 3. Box 950, Salem. S. River Road to Homestead Rd., 4 ml. n86 ACETYLENE welder, 5 welding tips At cut ting torch. Salem Saw Works, 1293 N. 5th St. Ph. 7603. n82 COOK COVER CROP DISCS In all sizes arc now available at Ward's Farm Store, nigu ana iraac sis., saiem. n82' X JOINT. 1 Inch galvanized pipe. 75 ft.. t in. ooii pipe miinga. e oundies iatning. 63 a M. winter. n83' ONE G. E. sweeper, with attachments. All in line shape. 28a Fisher Rd. Ph. 21347. nB3 WHITE pedal sewing machine. $50. Ph. 5414. ' n83' G.E. HOTPOINT 2-burner elec. plate, 3 speeos, sh. oo universal automatic iron, $4.50. Caste Dutch oven, $1.50. Ph. 21853. 636 N. 17th. ' n83 FIRTEX. 4x8. 16x32-in.. I."ln.x8-ft., Rt. 7. Box 431L. McCain avenue, off Sil verton road. 083 REALLY REST mattress, almost new. 125 Lana Ave. n82 '36 CORD V-8 engine, complete, perfect for hot rod. Also rear axle with springs excellent for trailer. Ph. 2651 SIL VERTON. n85 1947 NORGE Elect, range. 439 Log Cabin St., Independence. n82 MAMMOTH BLACKBERRY planti. Good roots. 25c. Ph. 25354. n81 PREWAR DAVENO. Lg. Chair St foot stool, doors. Call 5960. n82 COMBINATION GAS At wood range water tank 125. 1327 Court St. n82' FOR SALE: Two bed-davenports, S18.00 each. 2-burner gas plate, cabinet ra dio $15.00. coffee table. $10.00. Large salesman's trunk, $10.00. 119 Carlton Way, corner Abranu. B82 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR-SALE A good Stelner violin, valued at $40. Also mans n -jewel wrist watch. $25. 165 Roberts avenue, Salem; Ore., off Silverton road. nsj OIL circulator, 3-3 room size, with So- gal. drum, plus 30 gal, oil, $50. 687 N' Front, apt. 6, after 6. n82 PORTABLE typewriter. Underwood, stan dard keyboard, line new. New 5-man rubber boat. New 2'i h.p. Johnson out board motor, never used. Tried In barrel for i hour. New model 12 Win chester 20 ga. shotgun. 1553 State. Be fore 11 a.m. or 3 to 7 p.m. n62 NEW E:.ECTR1C Domestic sewing ma chine At console radio Si phono. Ph. 8466. . n83 HEAVY DUTY portable air compressor with h.p. Gas Motor. $115. Phone 2-1139. n82 1011 GEM Trailer Home. 20 ft. stationery bed. Lots of built-lns, oil heat. Mrs. B. L. Bcal at Pcnncy's or after 6 p.m. at Space 11, Silver Edge Trailer Court, Silverton, Oregon. nS2 ELECTRIC 43 gallon water heater. $79.50. TA. 4314, Portland niOG NEW AND used shlplap, 2x4s, 2x6s, 3x83, and 2x10s. new and used windows, used doors, used brick. S. 12th St Howard. 1260 Howard. n82 CRAWFORD ELECTRIC range With trash burner At hot water coils, fin. rn. 4883. H82 LOGAN SCREW-CUTTING lathe, with ex tras. Ph. 61F22 for information. n82 FACTORY BUILT trailer houses. Open evenings tor your convenience. King wood Used Oar Mkt. 1221 Edgewater. n82 ACCORDION WURL1TER, 120 bass, la dy's model. While, -hko new. 155a N. 19th. Ph. 8985. n85 ALL WOOL rug Az pad 307.50. Occasional chair $32.50. Platform chair At otto man $32.50. Study desk $15.00. Used 1 yr. In good cond. 1630 Yew St. nBa LADY'S ROLEX Oyster watch. Sweep 2nd hand. Excellent cond. $o0. 614 N. Cot tage aft. 6 p.m. n85 FOR SALE OR TRADE '33 V-8 In good condition. '42 cabinet mo del radio. '47 table model radio. Elec' Wash. Machine. One good tractor. 31 Pont. Scd. All In good cond. and cheap. 34 Park Ave. between Center and D St. n85 ATTENTION. PLEASE FOLKS, HERE'S real, honest -to -goodness value. Famous make Daveno, Cogs well club chair and matching otto man. Metal floor lamp and chrome smoker. Bonaflae $128.95 value. The 5 pieces yours today for only $96.50. You save $32.45. Terms, trades, lowest prices, at the WOODRY FURNITURE MAR KET, 1605 NORTH SUMMER. n82 ELECTRIC RANGE, very good condition. Terms, trades, lowest prices. WOOD RY'S FURNITURE MARKET, I6IIS NORTH SUMMER. n82 ONE-HALF fat young beef, 30c lb. Gov- nmcnt inspected. Ph. Salem 22639. n84 ROYAL CARPET sweeper, attachments. uining room suite. iticKrean, ore, P. O. Box 55. Ph. Dallas 6-F-21. H. M. Wai:. nB4 FRIGIDAIRE ELEC. refrigerator, 4 cu. It. one bimptcx mangle, type C.C. 1. Phone 5413. 1973 N Capitol. n84 COMPLETE NEW line of boats. Molded Plywood Boats. Isham Boats. Kelly Boats. Aluminum Canoes. SALEM BOAT HOUSE Foot of Chemeketa Street n84 I EDL. 95 Clctrac Tractor, Isaacson Ca- Die uozer and carco Logging Drum. 918 Birch St., Dallas. n87 NEW SHINGLES, 7 sqs. No. 1. Phone 4HUJ, silverton. n81 COCKER SPANIEL puppies lor Easter. Blades, reds, males At females. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Portland Rd, n82 REFRIGERATOR. 858 S. 12th. VA FT. BATHTUB, '31 Chev. radiator. rnone 24478. nS3 BLUE TAG Marshall strawberry plants. uertmca by Oregon State college. It pays to plant the best. We are con tracting additional strawberry acreage. Ph. 5502 or write United Growers, Inc.. Salem, Oregon. n83 DESCHUTES Netted Gem seed potatoes. mono 5a02 or write United Growers, Inc.. Salem, Oregon. n83' DAHLIAS, gladlolas. 881 Rosemont. Ph. n88 4335. U'PKTIVniiniTSV MfHrnfnr in 1 1' ideal lor restaurant, grocery or large farm home. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nl02" ONE OIL burner circulator, good cond. ncisoQ mas. rn, aivi. n" SAVE ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 510,000 LIABILITY 6,000 Property Dam age. Yearly Rate, Marlon Co., $18.40; Polk C $14.40. See BILL OSKO at 466 Court or Dial 5661. n98 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bathuom. fluorescent and Incandes cent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 TELEPHONE & intercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 353 N. Liberty n95a RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders for immediate delivery. YEA'IER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n95 FLASHLIGHTS, GUARANTEED forever ugnts requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 DOT PLATES, single St 2-burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty LE.S. LAMPS and Torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty IRON AND extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 tJLTRA VIOLET (sun) lamps. Infra-red MisttK lamps sua ncaung pa as, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95" PANSY plants. 846 N. 16th. n91 30, 40, 60 and 66 gal. water heaters for lor Immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. ItATtK AffhlANUti CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 RESTAURANT GRILL, automatic, elec tric, 2 incnes square, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, Liberty n!)5 ELECTRIC ROOM heaters. All types. riiA'1'i.H. ALLIANCE CO. 25a N. Liberty nOS. TOASTERS, 2 slice, $2.10. 4 slice. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n95 ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen and Industrial exnausi, aesK models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 WASHING MACHINES that fit on your laundry trays full size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 355 N. Liberty - n95 ELECTRIC AND mechanical door chimes. YEATER, APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 LOOM WIRE, 12-2 and 14-2. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' FRUIT JUICERS and can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented. Cash paid for machines, regardless of condition. Ph. 7671 or write W. Daven port. 1930 North 18th. Work Guar. D90 IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden, pads .St covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 PRESSURE COOKERS, 16 quart. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 FOR YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio that assures good reception, "The Tro pic Master." . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n95a VACUUM CLEANERS: Westlnghouw, Uni versal and Royal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty. n90 PLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin ish for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 359 N. Liberty nP5 OVERCOAT A suit. Ph. 4218. n83- (Continued on Page 11) A