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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1947)
J rTi'L.;-,. iim I Air Terminal Freight in Salem New, fast airplane freight service out of Salem is shown here accepting 12,000 turkey eggs for a 36-hour flight to Philadelphia, starting at McNary field. Air ishipment reduces hatching failures by 10 percent. D. A. Heinz of North Salem Hatchery passes Ya case of turkey eggs to Ralph Hollis who stows the fragile cargo. t - Frank McKennon Gets National Board Post Frank McKennon, chief of the division of plant industry of the Oregon department of agri culture, was elected vice-chairman of the national plant board at its annual session in Des Moines, Iowa. Thif is the second national office accorded McKennon in less than a year, as he is also serving as second vice president of the National Association of Marketing Officials. McKennon reports the nation. al plant board adopted several resolutions of interest to ure eon fruit growers and nursery men, including one which urged other states growing nursery stock subject to stone fruit virus diseases to adopt tree and bud wood certification programs similar to those already operat ing in Oregon, Washington, New York and Michigan. The na tional group endorsed S.338 calling for amendments to the federal plant quarantine act of 1912. This bill is now before congress. Signs of spring activity on farms east of the Rocky moun tains were extremely few, he said upon return to Salem. Ernest W. Hawkes Added by Willamette : Dr. Ernest W. Hawkes will join Willamette university's fac ulty as an instructor in the bi ology department during the summer course, according to an nouncement by President G. Herbert Smith. Dr. Hawkes has served as head of the depart ment of life science at Golden dale college, Calif., for the past 18 years and was contacted dur ing Dr. Smith's recent trip to California. He will teach zo ology while at Willamette. Dr. Hawkes secured his A.B. degree from Dakota Wesleyan, his master's at Columbia and his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania. age for every package of Heinz baby food purchased by mothers throughout the United States during the week beginning April 7 and ending April 12. School Group Meets Oak Point The Oak Point School Society met at the school house. Mrs. Ronald Hardman. president, presided over the business meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Rodney Peterson and Mrs. Elizabeth Comstock. Clarence Ruddell showed several reels of motion pictures. The program for the April meeting will be in charge of the teachers, Mrs. Ethel Yung and Mrs. Ivan Williams. The Vatican city stale was created within the city of Rome by treaty between the Pope and the king of Italy in 1929. TOO WiAK TO DOAflYTIIirjG On 'CERTAIN DAYS' Of MntthT This great medicine to amotu to relieve painful distress and tired, nervous. Irritable feelings, of such days when due to female func tional monthly disturbances! 2g Expert i ri i Painters 3f Are Now vfl Available 3 J I 3 Now it the time 2 u 3 to do residen- fjyj f k tiol and indus- 1 Vff A 2 trial painting. 1 JrH 'Se est'mate1, J 340 Court St. Ph. 9221 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, April 4, 147 9 Aumsville Arranges Program for Easter Aumsville S p e c i a 1 Easter services are planned for the Wesleyan Methodist church Aumsville for Easter. Sunday school will commence at 10 o'clock with an Easter program by the class. Church at 11:15 with the topic, "The Reverend Lord." Evening prayer service will be at 6:30 and the evening service at 7:30 o'clock. The Bethel Union church will also have a special Easter pro gram during the Sunday school hour. Baby Food Gifts to European Children In response to the nationwide appeal of the American Friends service committee, an outright gift of one million packages of baby food for the hungry chil dren of Europe was announced today by H. J. Heinz, II, presi dent of H. J. Heinz company. Pittsburgh. At the same lime Mr. Heinz stated his companv stands ready to make a gift of additional millions of packages cf baby food by giving one pack- GET YOUR COLORED EASTER CHIX AT FARMERS' UNION 343 NORTH COMMERCIAL RINGLAND'S PET SHOP 4.3 FERRY STREET BOYINGTON'S HATCHERY 3710 STATE STREET Easter Decorations FOR YOUR MANTEL Madonnas . . . angels . . . choir boys . . . birds . . . figurines . . . deco rated taper candles. FOR YOUR TABLES Vases . . . crystals . '. . pottery . . . waxed fruits . . . Gift Shop, Main Floor ttijUhJ jfc? Carter . . . BELLE-SHARMEER VANRALLTE HOLEPROOF THEME CAMEO X t SPECIALLY BOXED AND WRAPPED FOR EASTER GIFTS! Give her the finest . . . and that is no less than the above brands featured here at Miller's. For ultra sheers! Sheers and mid-sheers . . . for every day and at the office, you'll find the right weights . . . sizes in both foot and leg lengths... JUST ASK OUR HOSIERY EX PERTS! REMEMBER . . . that box of gift stockings at Miller's today! Tfulle I-' i 1ST rati Hps 428 414 426 Jj Sack fyainl 4105 Munsing wear's Two-Way Stretch Foundettes Are Back Again! Right on the beam and right out of this world as far as young American figures are concerned. Munsingwear knit ... they make yon feel free and look oh . . . so sleek. 428 Fashion at Full Length In a Munsingwear Foundette If you're looking for allover restraint ... here is your guarantee of figure perfection. Magic designing by Munsingwear will smooth you out in fashion's new full lines ... with gentle support. See our collection of Foundettes today. 414 Munsingwear's Foundette Pantie Girdle Puts Your Figure in Its Place Strictly for the young and active, this knitted wonder pantie of a patented stitch fabric of rayon, cotton and "Lastex" yarn. It's flexible as you are . . YET smooths down bumps and sleeks up curves. It's made with a comfortable rayon crotch and garters are detachable. 426 Munsingwear Two-Way Stretch from the Woman's Angle You don't have to be a junior to know the joy of a Munsingwear two-way stretch Foundette girdle. This medium weight style is made for average or even heavier figures ... is knitted to smooth and shape you into lovelier, younger lines. ALWAYS EXPERTLY FITTED! SWlle'J