Early Silverton Pair Observe Golden Wedding Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Welch Norton, 404 Third street, will observe their golden wedding next Friday, with open house at the family home from 3 to 5 o'clock, and from 7 to 9 in the evening. Relatives and friends are invited through the press. On Sunday, April 13, a dinner will be served at 1 o'clock at the Modern Woodman hall Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. John Bcntz of Sublimity are an nouncing the engagement of their daughter, Dolores, to Rob ert E. Cromer of Stayton. She has been employed. in this city for a number of years. No date has been set for the wedding. JBride-elect Is Honored Oak Point Bride-elect, Miss Elva Brown, was honored with a miscellaneous shower recently at the home of Mrs. R. A. Al derson. The afternoon was spent informally. Miss Brown is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Brown and will become the bride of Robert Rika, son of Mr. and Mrs Adolph Rika of Independence, the latter part of April. Bidden to honor Miss Brown were: Mrs. O. E. Brown, Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mrs. John Coville, Mrs. T. C. Muller, Mrs. Keith Peterson, Mrs. Rodney Peterson, Mrs. Grove Peterson, Mrs. Dave Peck, Mrs. Elizabeth Comstock, Mrs. Ellis Lauderback, Mrs. Adolph Rika, Miss Vera Hawk ins, Clara Brown, Beverly Hawkins, Barbara Shirley and Beverly Peterson, Judy Peter son, Barbara Jean Muller and Hazel Hughes. District III Nurses Meet Tuesday evening, District III of the Oregon State Nurses' as sociation held the monthly meet- inn at the Salem Woman's club with a symposium on education, . presented by Miss Tina Duerk sen. Chairman is Mrs. Turner The program centered around student nurses 'impressions of 4 psychiatry and assignments on psychiatric nursing services. In troduced were students nurses on affiliation from schools in Oregon and Idaho, Miss Rosic Fong, Miss Hattie Barr, Miss Pa tricia Keyes, Miss Doris Herald Miss Florence Dick, Miss Eliza beth Armstrong, all of Portland Miss Aileen Rupp. The Dalles, miss Maxme Miller, Astoria Miss Shirley Brooks, Pendleton Miss Elsie Nelson, Baker; and Mrs. Doris Emery of Boise. Several of the visitors spoke oricuy on their viewpoints. Salem General hospital nurses were hostesses of the meeting. Mrs. Carl Schwendemon and children, Phyllis and Carl Jr . of Seattle, are spending the week in Salem, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil tvans, Mr. and Mrs. George Pickens and other relatives. with guests calling until 5 p. m. in compliment to the honored couple. Elizabeth Ellen Thomas be came the bride of Samuel Welch Norton April 11, 1897, at the pioneer John Elliott home near Monitor. They were attended by Awilda Elliott-Fish, still living near Monitor, who will share in the pleasures of the 50th anni versary. , The Nortons lived many years on a portion of the donation land claim of the parents of the bridegroom, the Thomas Har vey Nortons, pioneers to Marion county in 1852. Mr. Norton was born 81 years ago. Mrs. Norton is 68 years of age. She came to Marion county with her family at the age of 16 years, attended Oak Lawn school. Norton atten ded Grassy Pond where their nine children also went to school. He was a farmer for many years. Mrs. Norton has an interesting self-instructed hob by, painting in oil of scenery and flowers. The couple arc Gold Star par ents, LeRoy losing his life at Luzon near the close of World War II. The children of the Nortons are Zayn, Silverton; Mrs. Flor ence Oster, Valsetz; Harvey and Welden of Bend; Willard, Ray mond and Warren, all of Silver ton; Lawrence of Portland; and LeRoy, casualty of the war, buried on Luzon. One great grandson, Kenneth Stuki, lives in Portland. Grand children are Velma Norton- Stuki. Portland; Edgar, Rich ard, Melba, Barbara, Dorothy Mae, Harold, Faye and Ruth Ann, all children of the Zayn Nortons; Floyd Norton, son of Harvey, in Korea, and Dickson of Bend; Joyce and Larry, children of Willard; Ralph, son of Raymond; Lawrence and Paul, sons of Lawrence; and Janet, daughter of Warren. The Nortons are members of the Mormon church. Mrs.Adamsh Honor Guest Saturday afternoon the Ld- ward Roth home in North 21st street will be scene of an infor mal tea arranged in compliment to Mrs. Howard Adams of Mon terey, Calif. Major and Mrs. Adams, for merly of Salem, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Corey. Maior Adams is sta tioned at the Presidio at Fort Ord. Hostesses for the affair are Mrs. Roth and Mrs. Leon Perry and friends of the honor guest have been invited to call be tween 3:30 o'clock and 5. Club to Aid Youth Center Woodburn The regular busi ness meeting of the Junior Wom ans' club was held Wednesday evening at the library club rooms and the club voted to as sist in the Youth Center plans sponsored by the Woodburn Fire department, which were outlined by Bud Forgard and Harold Schiel of the department. Mrs. Harold Schiel was appoint ed as club representative to meet with the firemen and it was vot ed to turn over the balance in the resuscitator fund to the fire men for youth center program. Tickets for the spring dance were given out to members and those not present may get their tickets at the Hall of Beauty. Tickets were also distributed for the mother-daughter ban- quet to be held April 16 and may be secured from Mrs. Lawrence Heer at the Farmers Union market. Mrs. Adrian Schooler, club president, Mrs. Joe Sowa and Mrs. Lawrence Heer were named as delegates to the Ma rion County federation meeting at Jefferson on April 18. Other delegates and alternates will be named later. Mrs. Leslie Paulson, program chairman, presented Miss Grace Banker and Mrs. Roy Arncy in piano solos. Mrs. Larry Wilkins served re freshments, assisted by Mrs. Eugene Stoller and Mrs. Merton Harrison. Independence Club At Hardman Home home of Mrs. Rodney Hardman, with 12 members present. Plans were announced for the dinner and bazaar to be held in the fall. The next meeting will be at the Z. Bartel home April tenth. Mrs. Viola Shaffer, home demonstration agent, will dem onstrate "Conserving You." This meeting will start at 1 p. m. ... Mrs. Cowan Is Re-elected Head Woodburn Mrs. A. G. Cowan was reelected president of the Woodburn Womans' club at the annual election of officers held at the regular meeting Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. P. C. Mc Laughlin was re-elected vice president; Mrs. L. B. Detweiler Oak Point The Independence was elected recording secretary, Rural Woman's club met at the land Mrs. P. L. LaBarr, corres ponding secretary. Mrs. R. L. Anderson was reelected treas urer. Delegates elected to attend the Marion County federation meeting at Jefferson on April 18 were: Mrs. A. G. Cowan, Mrs. Oliver S. Olson, Mrs. William Peltz, Mrs. W. O. Green and Mrs. L. R. Detweiler. Alternates named were Mrs. Melvin John son, Mrs. G. T. Wadsworth, Mrs. Frank Covey, Mrs. Charles Bu chanan and Mrs. P. H. Seely. The club voted to buy an elec tric range for the kitchen and pay for its installation. During the program hour Cap tain R. B. Lesher of the Salem Salvation Army showed colored motion pictures of flowers, plants and natives of Alaska. Refreshments were served from the attractive tea table with decorations of Easter nov elties, flowers and tapers. Pre Capital Journat, Salem, Oregon, Friday, April 4, 1947 7 siding at the urns were Mrs. W. O. Green and Mrs. Frank Covey The hostess committee includ ed Mrs. Walter G. Miller, Mrs Herbert Hoyt, Mrs. Hartley Le- Febvre, and Mrs. Harris Nelson. Shower Precedes Club Meeting Lincoln Mrs. Ted Muyskens was honor guest at a pink and blue shower for which her sis-1 ter-in-law, Mrs. Harvey Muys-l kens opened her home Thursday Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. Jeff Williams and Mrs. R J. Meissner. Assisting were Mrs. Agnes Boyd of Weddell, Idaho, mother of Mrs. Harvey Muyskens and Jean Muyskens. Preceding the shower the Lincoln Goodwill club met with Mrs. H. D. Burns, president, eon. ducting the brief session. Money was donated to the Methodist church women of West Salem. Women who added their name to the membership were Mn. W. B. Hunt and Mrs. John Peterson. DON'T THROW YOUR WATCH AWAY! WE FIX THIM WHEN OTHERS CANT! GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING fe''w4'&l!1&'B&Wk$J8r iff KSA. -v. fVt fSj- . WC4 "nirnrnWiffil llilll I IIIIIIIIIIIHI iWBOTWilifflMlffin The Beauty Bar Phone 3925 201 tst Natl Bank Bldi Operated by Nan Williams and Zana Hales Featuring Nestle Permanent HalllweU Cold Wave Other Permanent $5 and np Opa Wed In t pltBisl AM, IT'S COMING TONIGHT! ACCENT ON MUSIC SALEM HIGH AUDITORIUM Friday, April 4th, 8:30 P.M. GREATEST STAGE . REVUE SALEM HAS EVER SEEN Featuring Such Stars As: TEDDY HALE, Ted Lewis' Shadow TONY KARLOFF, Boris Karloff's Screen Double MANIACS OF RHYTHM, Harlem Dance Team PORK CHOPS and GRAVY, Comedy Dancers SMILEY TURNER, Famous "Waterfront" Singer ALICE HULETT, Toe Tap and Character Dancer JAXSPONG, Sensational Magician And Many Others! ENTIRE CAST SUPPORTED BY Glenn Williams Ten Piece Band Tickets on Sale Salem Record Shop and Taylor's, Independence Delightful to the touch and sight . . . ethereally soft and light. Such are the fabrics that in spired designers to turn out these dresses . . . the newest looking, most flattering dresses of many seasons. Solids and prints dramatically draped, gracefully pleated, ingenuously designed for you; for an Easter of opulent beauty.. Milter i.i i F I- Vi a-,""' . - rvr Mill1 Tl "fr-i Tin' turn "i imiri ir Tiimri -inim- mm m in n i n nm miin mm in wniin minoii unim Famous "Fromrn" Fox Fur Scarfs and Jackets Are Here! Make her extremely happy Easter morning: with FROMM FOX FUR! Those beautiful FROMM FOX FUR ads in Vogue, Harpers, Made moiselle magazines are living pictures in our fur depart ment. Select one now and pay later! Prices are way down!