Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 04, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Belcrest Memorial
Regular communicants and others who will make their annual
pilgrimage to the house of worship, are expected to fill Salem
churches to capacity Sunday in observance of Easter. As has
Services at
1st Methodist
Two identical Easter services
will be held in the First Metho
dist Church Sunday forenoon.
The first service will begin at
9:00 o'clock, the second at 11:00
o'clock. The pastor, Dr. Joseph
M. Adams, has chosen for his
sermon theme, "Will He Find
Faith?" The chorus choir, un
der the director, Victor B. Pal
mason, will sing, "This Glad
Easter Day" (Dickinson). Jo
sephine Albert Spaulding will
sing "The Cross" (Harriett
Ware) and 'Edith Fairham will
sing "Christ Went Into the
Hills" .(Hageman). Special pro
vision has been made for the
nursery and children s groups
through the entire morning.
During the 9 o'clock service the
pastor will baptise infants, chil
dren and adults and receive into
the preparatory membership
class those children who are to
tbe received into full member-
I ship later. During the 11 o'clock
service members will be re
ceived by the pastor.
Sunday evening the Junior Hi
Fellowship will be hosts to their
parents at a special worship
service which will include the
motion picture "Barabbas."
The Senior Hi and University
groups will meet together at the
home of the Barrick's, 1143 Ma
rion street, and listen to the Eas
ter section of Handel's "Mes
siah." Englewood Youth
Plan Breakfast
The youth of Englewood
Evangelical United Brethren
Church plan a group trip to Bel
crest to the Easter sunrise serv
ice, returning immediately to
the church for the Easter break
fast. The filmstrip "The Road
to Emmaus" will be shown dur
ing the opening session of the
combined Sunday school assem
bly. The Easter morning wor
ship will have the theme, "The
Resurrection: Faith's Anchor
age." Members will be received
into the church and infants will
be dedicated.
"The Cross Triumphant," a
new Easter cantata written by
Ira B. Wilson, will be given by
the robed choir under the direc
tion of Miss Evelyn Kent at 4:30
Easter Sunday afternoon. Youth
Fellowship will remain at the
church for a buffet supper and
1 their regular Youth Fellowship
Sunday evening program. Adult
Fellowship and the regular Sun
day evening worship are dis
missed for the evening. The
public is cordially invited to the
special Easter services.
There are several angles to
the question why a building is
famous, but to substantiate the
caption above only a few need
be recorded.
Any building set apart for re
ligious services is of interest to
the community. It reaches a
higher level of interest if it is a
distinguished example of eccles
iastical architecture. If its loca
tion dominates a street, an inter
section, or a square, it becomes
a landmark. If its communi
cants, or any one of them, are
outstanding in the social and
cjvic life of the community, or
1 V iIm'f
I i l' I
Park Scene
been the custom for a number of
years sunrise services will be
held at Belcrest Memorial park
at 5:30 o'clock Sunday morning.
The Rev. Louis White, pastor of
Knight Memorial church, will
deliver the sermon. Special
music will feature the observ-
Dr. Joseph M. Adams, pastor
of the First Methodist church
and president of the Salem Min
isterial association, will preside
during the program which will
include scripture reading by
Rev. B. A. Krueger of Centra)
Lutheran church; selections by
the Youth Center choir and a
prayer by Rev. G. A. Rouser of
Bethel Baptist church. "Rain
bows That Remain" is the sub?
ject of Rev. White's address.
A few of the larger churches,
in anticipation of overflow audi
ences, are . arranging identical
Sunday morning church services
to accommodate the communi
cants. Baptism of infants and
the reception of new members
will be included in many of the
church programs. Easter break
fasts., following the sunrise serv
ice will- attract many people to
the houses of worship as well as
to private homes.
Special music, in keeping with
the season of the year, will fea
ture many services.
Dr. Moon Speaks
To Christians
Dr. E. R. Moon will speak both
morning and evening at the
Easter services at the Court
Street Christian Church. His
morning message will be on the
subject, "If a Man Die Shall He
Live?" The series of special
Easter meetings will be brought
to a close Sunday evening when
Dr. Moon will speak on the
theme, "Man, Beast or Cab
bage." The annual Easter Breakfast
at 7:00 A. M. with program by
the Youth Department of the
church will precede the Bible
school Easter program at 9:45
A. M.
St. Paul Choir to
Present Eucharist
"The Holy Eucharist" by Ter
tius Noble, will be sung by the
Senior Choir at both 7:00 A. M.
and 11:00 A. M. service of Saint
Paul's Episcopal church. The
services will include "Christ Our
Passover" by Schilling and the
offertory anthem "Christ Tri
umphant" by Yon. The Junior
Choir will sing at the Children's
Eucharist at 9:30 A. M. Com
municants may receive Com
munion at all three services.
(LurcLeA oj-
Text and Drawing By Frederick Polley
its rector or minister is of na
tional importance, then the
church edifice becomes famous.
Trinitv Churrh. frnntt
Copley Square in Boston, meets
an ui mese requirements ana
more. Copley Square is bound
ed bv famous htrilriinffc nnH bp.
chitectural masterpieces, yet
Trinity holds its place unques-
The vipw nrfcfntrt in no
pencil drawing is from St. James
avenue ana snows me majestic
bulk and mass of the tower.
Across the square may be seen
the classic Public Library of
Baptisms at
1st Christian
Two identical services, one at
9:00 and one a 10:50, will be
held at the First Christian
Church Easter Sunday morning.
The Church School will be ab
breviated and will be placed be
tween the two services. The
Choir, under the direction of
John Schmidt, will sing the an
them, "Now Is Christ Risen," by
Shawker, and Fred Bates will
sing "For God So Loved the
World." Rev. btrain is to
preach on the theme, "More
Than Conquerors."
For the 7:30 hour. Mr. Strain
has selected for his subject,
What Easter Celebrates." The
anthem of the evening will be
"God So Loved the World," by
Stainer, and Betty Pugh Hagen
will sing "Sheep and Lambs,"
by Homer. A piano and organ
duet, "Adoration," by Borowski
Stoughton will be a feature of
the service, with Lois Schmidt
at the organ and Harold Ranton,
at the piano. A baptismal serv
ice will climax the activities of
the day.
Calvary Features
Combined Choirs
The combined choirs of Cal
vary Baptist Church are present
ing the cantata "The Easter Tri
umph" at the Easter Vesper Ser
vices at 4:30 P. M. Sunday. This
expressive and melodious can
tata is by Carrie B. Adams. E.
D. Lindburg is the director and
Mrs. D. B. Kleihege will be at
the organ. Soloists are Miss
Bernice Kleihege, Mrs. W. C
Heringer, Miss Lola Spencer.
Mrs. Howard Houston and W. I
Lowrey. For the offertory Ken-
ard Adams will play a violin
solo, "Cavatina." There will be
a beautiful baptism service at
this time.
In the morning Dr. Durden
will speak on "The Glory of
That First Easter." The Senior
choir will sing "Calvary" by
Rodney and "The Risen Lord'
by Greene. The Junior Choir
will sing "The Garden of God
First Baptist
Features Music
Easter will be highlighted at
the First Baptist church by the
presentation Sunday evening of
the cantata "The Risen Redeem
er" by E. K. Heyser. Soloists
will include Mrs. Myron Eaton
Walter Lottis, Mrs. Gene Spill-
man, Mrs. Virginia Morley, Mil
ton Dierks, Mrs. Theodore Roth,
Mrs. Gus Lindstrand, Ralph
Cooie. Robert Gallagher and
Mrs. Othejla Purvine. -
The cantata includes a num
ber of solos, duets, quartets, nar
ratives and recitatives. An invi
tation has been extended the
general public to attend.
Trinitv was rnnvprroj i
1877. and at that time Dhiiir
Brooks was its rector. He served
as pastor from 1869 to 1891.
when he was made bishop of
Massachusetts. There is a Phil
lips Brooks memorial on the
Huntington Avenue side of Trin
itv ernrtitii hv nnnnlp
.... "J fu,.uia. juusuip
tion of his friends. The architect
of Trinity Church, H. H. Rich
ardson, defined the architectural
style as French Romanesque,
the central tower a derivative of
the towered churches of Au-
vergne. '
Foursquare Church
Presents Dramas
Two Easter dramas will be
presented by the youth of . the
Foursquare Church, 490 N. 13th
Street, Sunday evening at 7:45
P. M. The one, ' taster Is a
Wonderful Day After All," is in
modern setting, while the other,
Barabbas." is in native Pales
tinian setting and theme. Both
are unique and present the Eas
ter message in a colorful nfid
vivid way. The public is invit
ed to attend.
Award Pins Will
Be Presented
Central Lutheran CMirc
Hood and North Summer strcc
Rev. R. A. Krueger, Pastof,
planning a full morning of aetiv
ities on Easter Sunday, Tin
sunaay scnooi win pre;
program at 9:30 A. M.
ing of group singing,
and a short play entit
Third Day" by the o.
and girls. The Primar
ment is under the super
Mrs. I. G. Lermon and
ior Division. Miss EvcMi R9
vorson. Award pins wijlSeji5"tjM
senled to 27 boys and BliyiMtM
perfect attendance
ter quarter.
lie morning vJH
1 be held at
Kir will hrin
the theme, "Who Wn(-lRoll
reeled by Raymond Carl. The
pastor will preach on "The Cor
onation." These services are
open to the public. Sunday eve
ning at 7:30 the pastor. Rev. S.
Raynor Smith will speak on "My
Visit to The Holy Land."
Plan 2 Services
The First Congregational
Church, 700 Marion, will have
two services on Easter Sunday:
9:00 A. M. and 11:00 A. M
Music: Senior choir at both serv
ices, "Light" by Scott. Youth
choir at the earlier service,
"Come, Sing With Exultation'
by Spence. At the 11:00 o'clock
service. Mrs. Josephine A.
Spaulding will sing, "In the End
of the Sabbath" by Speaks. Ser
mon: "Let Us Trust God" by Dr.
Church school for pie-school
children at 9:00 A. M. Nursery
during the 11:00 o'clock service.
Pilgrim Fellowship groups
will meet at 4:45 Sunday morn
ing for a sunrise service and
breakfast. Leader will be Alan
Catholic Church
Schedules Events
Silvertoii Saint Paul's Ca
tholic church of this city ob
serves Good Friday with a
mass of prc-sanctified during
the early forenoon and venera
tion of the cross from 2 to 3
p. m. and at 7:30 o'clock.
Holy Week observance calls
for holy communion at 7
o'clock Saturday morning, cere
monies following mass at 8 a.m.
and confessions from '4 to 5:30
and from 7:30 to 9 p. m.
Easter Sunday masses will be
held at 6:30, 8 and 10 a. m.
Salvation Army
Easter Program
A two part Easter production
"The Crucifixion" and "The
Resurrection" will feature the
Salvation Army's observance of
the day at the local citadel Sun
day. The "Songsters," directed
by Mrs. Norma Valdez will play
a prominent part in the pro
gram which will include duets,
solos and quartette, numbers.
Brigadier Collier will preach the
sermon. . .
Eggs of the albatross are four
or five inches long.
Easter morning glorious!
Christ arose VICTORIOUS!
He's ascended into Heaven
There to intercede for us;
That through his sacrificial
We too can be VICTORI
11 be held at52PrMl 3TOTCSiS
iftitor will hrinrfr'thp msanee lstel , W
eft the theme, "WJio Will;-"Roll !
Twif tu5,stonetj ThCJlifnoir
l-vu jm n rr m a i i,imi4i..'WL.n.i'niMui tutu u . j ' .
lyiai main MiKiionuKaJlil ort. Br rlLS .. ri,ster serAomeilrJ "M Min WiW 3W
taCCOriKfl ltd IhOEcMdilhlf A Corel ,pn Mth.c. b, 'jE!J, 1S f - II 'U
Cantata Will
Be Repeated
The choir of the First Evan
gelical United Brethren church
will repeat the illustrated Can
tata Pageant, "Tarry Ye Until,"
on Easter Sunday night at 7:30
p.m. The program of music, art
and drama was presented last
Sunday to the largest Sundav
night congregation on record of
the-church with only one ex
ception. Solo parts in the cantata, "Oli
vet to Calvary," will be taken
by Viola Ermel, soprano; Gene
vieve Jaffe, contralto: George
Millcn, tenor; and Linden Lau baritone. The character
parts, Peter and John, in the
pageant written by Rev. Wilmer
N. Brown, will be taken by M.
M. Gaiser and I. B. Shafer. The
lighting and colored art pictures
re rheostatically controlled by
arvey Hanson, Howard Leach.
nd Gerald Jaffe. A back
ene of Joseph's garden and
Slvary was drawn by Ray
fifteen minute organ con
of Easter music will be
ented by William Faw, at
Easter Sunday morning
rrVice will begin at 10:50 a.m
he service of Holy Baptism will
! administered. Rev. George
will sing, "Open the
t the Temple" by Knapp.
ing Redeemer" will be
;r message by the min-
-tjjnrnf'v' p
breakfast 7 a.m. Sunday
school 8:45 a.m. Bible school Easter pro-
aram. Momma service m:3u a kiuh.
Sermon subject: "U a Man Die Shall He
Live?" Dr. E. R. MOOn. tvenina service
7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject: "Man.
Beast or Cabbage." Dr. E. R. Moon.
The Churrh of (lod 280 Chemcketft, up
stairs. Frank Allaway, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a.m. Morning worship n. xouns
people 7:45.
Emmanuel Pentecostal 445 Ferry SI.
Clovls Canle, pastor. Sunday school 10
a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening
service 7:30 o'clock. Y. P. Sunday eve
ning 6:30 p.m.
Central Lutheran Hood and North
Summer streets. Rev. R. A. Kruener, pas
tor. Sunday school Easter program at
0:30 a.m. Primary department, Mrs. I. O.
Lcnnon. Junior department, Evelyn Hal
vorson. Morning worship service 11 a.m.
Sermon subject: "Who Shall Roll Away
the Stone?"
First Churrh or Cod Cottage and
Hood streets. 0:45 a.m.. Sunday school,
Mrs. H. A. Schlatter. Supt. 10:45 a.m.,
program by Junior Sunday school and
blessing of babies and children. 11, ser
mon, "The Risen Christ." 6:45 p.m., or
dlance service. 7:45 p.m., missionary ser
mon by Rev. John D. Crose, missionary
on furlough from Syria. Rev. and Mrs.
H. A. Schlatter, ministers.
Highland Avenue Friends N. Church
at Highland avenue. Cora E. Gregory,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preacn
ing at 11 A.m. with Joseph Recce the
Oregon yearly meeting superintendent
speaking. Ministry and oversight, Sunday
at 3 p.m. C.E. 6:30 p.m. Sunday evening
meeting 7:30.
The Salvation Army 241 Stale street.
Captain and Mrs. R. B. Leslie r. com
manding officers. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Y.P. Legion 6
p.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Brigadier
and Mrs. H. B. Collier will be here for
all the services on Easter Sunday.
Calvary BaptiM 1230 South Liberty.
Rev. Charles Durden, D.D., pastor. Sun
day school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject: "The Glory of
That First Easter." 4:30 p.m. Easter
vesper service with Easter baptisms. The
combined choirs will present the cantata
The Easter Triumph."
Englewood Evangelical United Brethren
North 17th at Nebraska avenue. J. M.
Goodhcart, pastor. Youth Fellowship
Ea.ster breakfast at 7 o'clock in church
basement dining room. Sunday school
9:30 a.m. Otis Bradbury, superintendent.
Filmstrip, "The Road to Emmaus" in
opening. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Members received, Infants' Easter dedi
cation. Sermon subject: "The Resurrec
tion; Faith's Anchorage." Easter canta
ta, "The Cross Triumphant" at 4:30
o'clock. Youth Fellowship buffet supper
at 3:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship at 6:30
P.m. Evening service dismissed.
Evangelistic Tabernacle Assembly of
fiod Ferry at 13th street. Rev. Walter S.
Frederick, Pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m.
J. Bartlctt, superintendent. Morning ser
vice 11 o'clock. Resurrection morning ser
vice. Sermon subject: "Weeping at the
Empty Tomb." 6:30 Christ's Ambassadors,
Y.P. Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Evan
Eristic rally. Sermon subject: "Wonders
of His Resurrection."
First Baptist Liberty and Marion Sts.
Rev. Lloyd T, Anderson, pastor. Sunday
school 0:45 a.m. Ray Cates, superinten
dent. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
.lubject: "The Glories or the Resurrec
tion." Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Ser
mon subject, the presentation of the
Easter cantata, "The Risen Redeemer"
by the choir.
Christian Missionary Alliance North
5th at Gaines street. Herman J. Bohl,
pastor. Wyman B. Bohl, associate. Sun
day school 9:45 a.m. Special Easter pro
gram by the classes, prepared by the
' T A " T- r- r-. t
t A j I t K s
1230 S. Liberty
11:00 A.M.
Rev. Charles Durden,
4:30 P.M.
Easter Baptisms
"The Easter Triumph"
nual Easter
different- teachers. Mornlnr service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject, our openint an
nual missionary convention with , Miss
Evelyn Prince Just returned from Colum
bia, S A. as our first speaker. Evening
service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject:
"Missionary Tidings." orchestra practice
5:30. Young people 6:30.
Hareiville Baptist Sunday School
Hayesville iwhool house. Rev. Henry Bar
net,, pastor. - Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Mornins service 10:45 o'clock. Sunrise
services at 5:45 a.m. at the Hayesville
oemelery' .
Seventh-day Adventiit Corner Hood
and Summer. O. T. Dickinson, pastor.
Sabbath school. Saturday. 9:30 a.m. Morning-
service at 11 o'clock. Communion
service. Young people's meeting at 3:30
p.m. Sunday night's subject: "The Resur
rection of Christ and the Home of the
St. John's Lutheran (Mo. Snod) N.
16th and A streets. Rev. H. W. Gross,
pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Spe
cial Easter sunrise service at 6:30 a.m.
Regular morning service at 9:30 a.m. and
10:45 a.m.
Firat Con relational North Cottage at
Marlon. Rev. S. R. Huntington, D.D.,
pastor. Sunday school 9 a.m. Morning
services 9 and 11. Sermon subject: "Let
Us Trust God." Youth choir and adult
choirs at 9 a.m. service. Senior choir at
11 a.m. Mrs. Josephine Spaulding singing
"In the End of the Sabbath" by Speaks.
No Pilgrim Fellowship groups In the
The Reorraniied Churrh of Jesuit Christ
of Latter Day Saint aCorner North 11th
and Chemetceta street. Church school 10
a.m. Morning service 11 a.m. Sacrament.
Zion's league 6:30 p.m. Bible study class
7:30 p.m. Charles H. Asher, pastor.'
Bethany Evangelical and Reformrd
North Capitol and Marlon streets. Guest
speaker. Rev. Ed Staufrer from Portland.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Fred E. Kruse,
superintendent. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject: "The Resurrect
ed Life." Fellowship luncheon at noon.
South Salem Friends South Commer
cial and Washington. J. Francis Lowe,
pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m, Children's
Easter exercise during the Sunday school
hour. 11 o'ock, Easter cantata (The
Risen Saviour'., followed by worship per
iod and public welcome for new mem
bers Into church fellowship.
First Ciirmekpta .nd
Winter street. Chester W. Hamblln, pafl
tor. Francis H: chambers, assistant. 9:45
a.m.. church aciiool. 9:15 and 11 a.m..
identical services. "Llfes Golden Hour."
sermon by the pastor. 5 p.m.. Vesper
service of music and scripture. 8:30 p.m..
740 Cherr avenue
: tiniTiMi.
.-- wake!
fcvhowl :. tn.
IfltMatlon. 'TM Uttl-
itft-lfcth tn Mill fj
Universal Chnreh of the Master (Spir
itual) 460 N. Cottage street. Rev. Char-
Craig, co-pastor. Evening service
7:30. Sermon "The .Easter Story."
First Methodist Church and St ate
streets. Joseph M. Adams, pastor. Youth
fellowship 7 a.m. Easter breakfast. Two
Identical worship services 9 a.m. and 11
a.m. Bermon "Will He Find Faith?" Jos
eph M. Adams. Music "This Olad Easter
Day," the choir. Solon, "The cross." Jos
ephine Albert Spaulding ( first service) ,
"Christ Went Into the Hills," Edith Fair-
ham (second service. Baptisms at the
close of the first service. Church school
at the close of the 9 o'clock service. No
evening service but 6:30 service will re
sume next Sunday.
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church and Che
meketa streets. Rev. George H. Swift,
rector. Holy Eucharist senior choir 1
B.m. Children's Eucharist junior choir 8:30
a.m. Holy Eucharist senior choir, i
mon 11 a.m.
Central Church of Christ N. Cottage
at snipping streets, James A. scott, min
ister. Bible school 10 a.m. Church serv
Ice 10:46 a.m. Sermon 'The Transfigura
tion of Christ." Evening service 7:30.
Sermon, The life or Christ will be set
forth in readings and song, led by our
young people. Wednesday evening prayer
service 7:30.
Knlfht Memorial Congregational Louis
E. White, minister. Nineteenth and Ferry
streets. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Easter
programs In all departments. Mrs. Fred
Boyer Is supt. Morning worship 11 a.m.
Sermon "Life Eternal." 3a3t-r music ly
the choir under the direct "en of Mrs.
Richard Smart and violin 10I0 dv Miss
Stella Teenon. Mrs. Lewis Mtchll Is
organist. Church lime nursery 11 am
Young peoples meeting 8:30 p.n
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints V.F.W. hall, Hood and Churrh.
John E. Salsbury, bishop. Sunday school
10 a.m. Sacrament meeting 11:30 a.m.
Evening service 6:30.
Jesus Name Pentecostal Tabernarh
1175 Lewis street. Wilbur King, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service
U a.m. Evening service at 7:30 p.m.
Silverton Churches
Church of God O. W. Clcghom, pas
tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship 11
a.m. Evangelistic service 8 p.m.
Lalter Day Saints (Mormon) Sunday
school 9:45 a.m. Worship U a.m. MIA
7:30 p.m.
Assembly of God Omar Bailey, pastor.
Sunday school 8:45 a.m, Divine worship
11 a.m. Young people's society 6:45 p.m.
Evangelistic service B p.m.
Seventh Day Adventlst Elder Bcasley,
pastor. Sabbath school Saturday 9:30
a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Saturday,
St. Paul's Catholic Father John J.
Walsh, pastor. Sunday mass, 8 and 10
am. Week days, 8:15 a.m.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
B. A. Franklin, pastor. Sunday school 10
a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Young people's ser
vice 6:45 p.m. Evangelistic evening ser
vice 7:45.
Pilgrim Holiness Carl Mansfield, pas
tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship 11
a.m. Evening service 7:30.
Christian Science Sunday school 9 43
a.m. Services at 11 a.m.
Immanuel Lutheran-S. L. Almlle. pas
tor. Sunrise service. 6 a.m. Easter break
fast by Luther League. Sunday school
10 a.m. Baptismal service it Sunday
-v.. uuui. MBier iesnvai service,
" oc.hiuji. mc Meaning of
::.. .:--:'::..r;ir; ' .:
"Gethsemane to Calvary" 5;i
presented by
North Winter and Market
APRIL 6 7:30 P.M.
Mr. W. H. Zimmerman, Director
Mrs. Winnie Zimmerman, Pianist
Mrs. Ethel Fine, Chalk Artist
Mary Houser, Soprano Herbert Hansen, Jr., Tenor
Walter Barham, Baritone
Marie Barham, Contralto
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, April 4, 19473
Lenten Concert
Friday Evening
The First Christian Church
will present its choir in a lcnton
concert Friday evening at 8:00
M. The choir will sing th
secred cantata, "The Cruci
fixion" by John Stainer. Solo
ists for the occasion will be Reid
Shclton and Chester Douglas,
tenors, and Peter Larson, bass.
Fred Bates, baritone, and Victor
Wolfe and Gilbert Clansman,
basses, will sing incidental
solos. The choir will be direct
ed by John Schmidt, with Lois
Plummer Schmidt at the organ.
Missionaries at
Alliance Church
Beginning with a sunrise ser
vice, the Christian Missionary
Alliance church has planned a
variety of activities for Easter
Sunday. Young people will
sponsor a breakfast at 8 o'clock
and at 9:45 the Sunday school
will present a program of songs,
recitations and exercises.
The opening session of the an
nual missionary convention will
open at 11 o'clock, with Miss
Evelyn Prince a missionary from
Colombia, South America as the
speaker. The convention will
continue through April 13 with
Rev. R. G. Burnett from Ecua
dor and Rev. E. F. Irwin from
French Indo China sharing the
speaking with Miss Prince.
The Alliance church sponsors
a corps of more than 600 mis
sionaries in foreign fields.
United Brethren
Minister Speaks
"If Christ Be Not Risen" is
the subject of the Easter sermon
by the pastor, Rev. George Mar
tin, of the Mission Street United
Brethren Church. 1155 Mission
street, which will be given at
11:00 A. M. Miss Patricia Olson
will sing "Ivory Palaces" and
the choral number will oe
Where Have They Laid Him?'
A brief Droeram presented by
the Sunday school will precede
the Easter worship service from
10:30 to 11:00.
Evening service meets at 7:30.
Dallas Churches
Trinity Lutheran Karl A. Uir, pastor.
Sunday school, 10. Divine service, u.
Grace Mennonlte-Homer Lelsy. Pastor.
Q,io .fhnni 10. Morning worsmp. n.
Resurrection sermon ay U"L " ,
will present the cantata, "The Risen Sav
ior," at 7:30 P.m.
Christian and Missionary Alliance A.
lloenlsch, pnstor. Sunday school, B:Am.
Morning worship, 11. Sermon topic.
"Christianity's Greatest Day." Evening
service, 7:45. Special choir and Sunday
school Cantata.
Evangelical United Brethren Young
people's Eoster breakfast. 7:30 a.m. Sun
day school. 9:45. Easter mes-sanc, 11. "The
Empty Tomb" by W. A. Backer, pastor.
Youth Fellowship, 7. Evangelistic hour,
7:45. Sermon, "The Emmaus Way."
Salt Crek Baptist Otto Nallinger, pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning wor
ship, 11. Evening services. 8. Cantata by
the choir. Messages at morning and eve
ning services by Rev. Henry Plelfer of
Forest Park, 111.
Assembly or God Gordon Kampter. pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor
ship, 11. Easter sermon by the pastor.
Young people's mccllnisR, 7. Evening serv
ice, 8. Young ladies' octetta will lead In
singing the "Passion Story."
Mennonite Brethren Easter sunrise
service at the cemetery. Sunday school.
9:45. Easter service, 10:45. Sermon by
G. H. Jantzen, pastor, "Now Christ Is
Risen." Easter service in song, 7:30.
Free Methodist Evelyn Collins, pastor.
Sunaay school. 9:45. Program by the Sun
day school, Easter program and Easier
message by the pastor. Closing Easter
service, 7:30.
Presbyterian Earl Win. Benbow, D.D .
pastor. Church school. 9:45. Morning wor
ship. 11. Sermon theme, "Hope Springs
Eternal." Vesper service with the com-
for This Day." Reception or members.
Adult confirmation.
Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr, pas
tor. Special Sunday school hour, 945
a m.. Easter story, pictures. Easter fes
tival service 11 a.m., sermon: "He Is
Risen." Adult baptism, processional offer
ing. Confirmation Instruction Saturday
9:30 a.m.
Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte, pns
tor. Sunday school and Bible cta.s 10
a.m., Olfta Johnson, Supt. Easter
service 11 a.m., theme: "The Stone Is
Rolled Away." Male choir sings. Sunday
school Easter program 7 o'clock in llic
evening. Confirmation instruction Sat
urday 10 a.m.
First Christian Arthur Chnrlrs Bnl'es,
minister. Sunrise service nnd 6:30 break
fast by young folk of C.E. Bible school
9:45 a.m.. M. B. Ford, Supt. Assistants,
James C. Bonner and Harry Vetter. Com
munion and Easter sermon topic: "The
Peace of the Resurrection." Christian
Endeavor, 6:30 p.m. Service 7:30 p.m.,
sermon: "Immortality." closing the ten
day pre-Easter services.
Methodist B. P. Browning. pa.stor.
Church school, 9:45 a.m., Mrs. Nada Lee
Orinde, Supt, Easter service, 11 a.m.,
sermon: "He Is Risen." Special music.
Mrs. Harrison Fisher in charge of the
evening service, 7:30, Youth Fellowship
Marquam Methodist G. A. Garboden, I
In inter. Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship
11 a.m. Young people's service 7:45 p.m.
Wayne Houser, Bass
Paul Barham, Bass
blued and Presbyterian choiri
in the Methodist cliurch at 5 p.m.
Evutuelical Mennonite Brethren D. P,
Schultz, pastor. Sunday school, 0:45,
Easter music and message by the pastor,
11. Musical Easter program, 7:30.
Christian--Fred Tow tie. pastor. Bible
school, 0:30. Morning worship. 11. Special
Easter music. Christian Endeavor, 6:30.
Evening service, 7. so.
Methodist Clark S. Enz, pastor. Church
school. 0:45. Morning worship, 11. Ser
mon, "We Believe In Empty Tombs." Ves
per service with combined Methodist and
Presbyterian choirs, i p.m.
Apostolic Kailh N. C. Swensen, pastor,
Sunday school. 3:30. Morning service, 11.
Musical Easter program, 8.
Oak Grove Chapel Clark S. Enz, pas
tor. EaMer worship. 0:43. Sermon, "Wa
Believe In Empty Tombs." Church school,
Church of God J. W. Hunter, pastor.
Sunday school. 3:45. Morninn worship, 11.
You ne people's meeting, 6:46. Evemnt
service. 7:30.
' Seventh Day Atl vrnlUt C. T. Dickinson,
! pa.stor and district superintendent. Sab
bath school, 9:tj. Sermon, 11.
Christian Srlenre Sunday school, J:4S.
Morniiu service. 11. Subject of the lesson
.sermon for the week is Unreality."
Kali City Seventh Day Advent il
Ralph Gladden, pallor. Sabbath school,
Frcnchme services, 11.
Falls City Free Mcthudist Stanley Wal
ker, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning
service, 11. Youiift people's meeting, 7.
EviuiKcllstic service, 8.
Falls City Methodist Quentin Schenck,
pa.stor. Sunday school, 10. Morning serv
ices, 11. Young people's meeting, 6.
Petire IlvutiRrlirnl Howard Perry, pa.s
Icr. Sunday school, 10. Church service,
St. Philip's Catholic Mn on Easter
Sunday, 8:15 unci 10:16 a.m.
Church of Jrstis Christ of Latter Day
Saints Elder J. L. Orion, presiding. Sun
day school, 10. Preaching, 7.
S inula y Srhmit Sunday school,
i. Services, 11:30 a.m.
Falls City Christian H. N. Waddell,
pastor. Special Easter program. 10:30 a.m.
Special music and sermon by the pastor.
Mill City Churches
Presbyterian Dr. David Ferguson, min
ister. Sunday school 10 a.m. Easter pro
gram. Morning services 1 1 o'clock. Ser
mon "Easter SuihIbj."
Church r Christ Lloyd Whltford. pas
tor. Sunrise services 6 a.m. Followed by
Easter breakfast. Sunday school 8:45 a.m.
Morning services 11 o'clock. Sermon "Lif
After Death."' Christian endeavor 6:30
p.m. Booster club program 7:30 p.m.
First Spiritualist 24B N. Commercial.
Servires 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. Thomas
Gazeley and Mrs. Gazclcy, speakers. Cir
cle at 6.
Clear Lake Community (Kvantelical
Vnitrd llrethern) V. A. Zorncs, minister.
Easter service 0:55 a.m. Sermon "Th
Misapprehended Gardner." Church school
It a.m. Christian endeavor 7 p.m. Easter
choir concert 8 p.m.
Ln Irish Center Community (Evangelical
I'nlted llrethern) V, A. Zornes, minister.
Church school 10 a.m. Easter program
by the church school and choir at 10:45.
West Salem Methodist Gerth avenut
and Third. G. Leonard Jones, pastor,
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Leo Esty,
supt. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon "And Jesus Advanced.0 There will
be a service of baptism and reception
of members. Evening service 6:30 o'clock.
Youth fellowship.
First Church of Christ, Scientist Che
mekctn anil Liberty. Sunday school 11
n.iii. Morn Inn: service 11 a.m. Sermon
"Unreality." Evening service 8 p.m. Sor
mnn "Unreality," Wednesday evening
meeting 8 p.m.
Four Corners llaptisl State street at
Elimi avenue. He v. Frank O. Fcrrin,
pastor. Bible school 9:45 a.m. Ben
Swinford, supt. Morning worship 11.
Message. "The Resurrection of Jesus '
Youth training unions fi:30. Evening serv
ice 7:30. Subject "What Will You Do
With Jesus?" Illustrated by slide pic
tures. First l-vanicrllcal United Brethren
Where Marlon crosses Summer street. Rev.
Wilmer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school
9:30 a.m. It. H. Ermcl, supt. Morning
service 10:50. Rev. Brown will bring
nn appropriate Easier message. Evening
service 7::t0. Second presentation of
Easter cantata pageant, "Tarry Ye Until."
Church 1 125 Elm street. Re.
A. A. Loewcn. pastor. A. H. Fadenrecht,
associate. Easter Sunday: Sunday school
9:45. Morning worship 10:45. Rev. J.
C. Kastclein. speaker. Evening service
7:15 p in. Christian film. 40 voice Easter
cantuta. "Immortality." Violin solo. Ser
mon. Hcv Kasteleln. Baptist evangelist,
speaker, who will also speak every night
through the week.
Salem Youth Center 262 N. Cottage.
Lulu Walton Quick, leader. Morning
service 11 o'clock. April 6. Subject
"Easter." Evening service 8 o'clock Tues.,
April 8. Subject "Shepherd of All." Li
brary open 6 afternoons each week. 3
to 5.
rrlnfile. Sunday School held in Pringlg
school building, 10 a.m. to U a.m. Max
J. Pembcrton, supt, KuMcr program 8 p.m.
Salem l'ree Methndlst Corner N. Win
ter and Market. Richard T. Fine, pastor.
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Easter program
10:40 a.m. Message 11:20 a.m. "Facing
the Tomb of Christ." At 7:30 p.m. the
Young People of the church will present
Hie Barred Cantata, 'Xie.thscmane to
Leslie Mellnitllst Houlh Commercial at
Myers. Joseph KnrttLs, pastor. Sunday
school En.stei piomaiu 9:45 a.m. Easter
service 11 a.m. Sermon "Go Tell of the
Gift ol Life." Youth fellowship 6:30 p m.
Eastern concert 8 p.m. Wesley fellowship
ft p.m. Mid-week service Thursday 7 30
Foursquare 100 N. IBih. Rev. Charles
Tate, pastor, Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Sunday school Easter program. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Sermon "The Sun of
Righteousness. " Evening service 7:45
Two Bible dramas. 'Easter Is a Wonder
ful Day After All." ami "Barabas," pre
sented by Hie youth ol the church. Tues
day 7;45 p.m. prayer service.
Wc Invito You to Our
9:45 a.m.
Biblo School
Our Attendance Goal
Pastor Preaching
1 1:00 a.m., "The Glory
of the Bursted Tomb"
7:30 p.m., "The Man
Who Missed Easter"
Glorious Music
Directed by
Orwin F. Dexter
13th at Center St.
Orvillc W. Jenkins (