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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1947)
16 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES S7D50 VERY neat, attractive 5-RM home. Has H.W. floors. Oil floor furuace. 3-Car garage. Close to bus line. See O. V. Hume STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 a84 ' NEW SI 2,600.00 RANCH type, strictly modern 2 barm. nome. very large living rm., dining rm.. kit., den. beautiful floors, auto oil furnace forced heat, lovely lo cation north. Immed, poss. call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3703; Eves. 841 a83' (7600.00 NICE 2 bdrm. home with nook, iiiv. rm., Kit., utility rm., trays, ciuci watr. heater, Hardwood firs., oil fur nace, immed. pom. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3703; Eves. 9441 a83' FAIRMONT HILL SS350.00 8 BDRM. home, LR, DR. Kit., bah, plastered, garage, lawn, garden, fruit, nuts, 50x1 SO lot. Best location. Take car as part payment. Terms. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793: Eves. 9441 b83 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL (7000.00 LIV. RM., kitchen, 2 BR. bath, hwd. firs., fireplace, basement, furnace. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 31549; Eves. 25091 a83 IMMED. POSS. 91500.00 DOWN. Part furnished 2 BR. Llv. rm., kit., close to sen. it bus north. Full price $4600.00. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21540; Eves. 25001 aB3 LOVELY NEW home north. LR, DR. K 2 BR, utility, hall, sunporch, full bath, elec. water htr.. elec. heat, garage, sep tic tank. Make us an offer. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549; Eves. 9441 a83 COUNTRY HOME DUTCH COLONIAL, 4 lrge. bedrma.. dble. plumb., h.w. firs., fireplace, rumpus rm., auto-oil heat, dble. garage, spacious grounds with outside fireplace it patio, fully fenced. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Qrabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 a81 N. 23rd ST. 4 BDRM., fireplace, wired for range, ga rage, spacious grounds. A REAL BUY AT 17500. Call Coburn L, Orabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 a81 12000 WILL HANDLE COL. HOME, 4 bdrms., dble. plumb., auto oll heat, fireplace, large yard, splendid setting. A REAL FAMILY HOME. Price IS000. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131: Eves. 7772 nBf MODERN BRICK HOME IF YOU really want something nice, don't neglect to see this strictly mod. 6 rm. brick home all on one floor, '.i A. of ground, cor. lot. 3 nice bdi den. Lge. llv. rm., din. rm., utility rm., covered patio leading from din. rm. Dble. garage attached, tile bath. Price SIJ.UUU. Call G. H. Orabenhorst, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131 a81 YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE this close-in home with large grounds, will subdivide into sev eral choice lots, only six blocks from city center, choice residential district, beautiful shade trees, 6 bedrooms, double plumbing, basement, hot-water oil heal, known as the Fry Home, located at 006 South High St. FOR FURTHER DE TAILS, see , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a81 NEAR STATE BLDGS. Jf. 24th ST., splendid b rm. Eng. type home with unfln. upstairs, full basemt., fireplace, h.w, firs., dble. garage, nice yard, full fenced In rear. Owner leav ing city. $2500 will handle. Price $9500. Call Dale L. Shepherd, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 24457 a81 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS GOOD BUYS MOO LOVELY BUNGALOW: Living rm., dining rm., kitchen with bullt-lns, bed room, large closet. Nicely landscaped lot with room for largo garden. Good location. LOOK! SMALL, NEW One-berdoom home, Located on No. 20th, Elec. heat; com pletely insulated. Lot about 100x137, 3540011000 dn., bal. $44 per month at NICE BEDROOMS, Living room, dining room, Kitchen, built-lns, closets; sarago; nice lot. Close to school and stores. $7000. BEAUTIFUL SETTING! Lovely 3 bedroom1 home, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen; full basement; garage. Best or locations. $10,500 and terms to lult. CALL or SEE James B, Hartman or . K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." m 344 State St. Ph. 9261 aB3 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8020 $72.102 BR. HOME, Bath, LR, DR. K, plastered Interior, gas cooking and heat ing, double garage, Immediate posses sion, bus by door. Also extra garage with small living quarters. All Jural-1 turo except Ice box goes with place. rtiUNU 0131 OR 8820 McKILLOP INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE EVENINGS 4937-0340-7163-61101 , . a83j HOME FOR TWO XNGLEWOOD DI8T., clean, neat three rm. home and bath, garage, has a very lovely setting on largo lot. Full price 14500. SULLIVAN REALTY, INO. REALTORS 3385 Portland Rd, Ph. 3255, Eves. 7057 , a82' G. I, or CIVILIAN n B,K- "10n home on a most uuaumm iuuxi.U IBIldSCBPed lot Willi an abundance of fruit trees, auto, heat hwd. floors throughout. A real buy at $7500. SULLIVAN REALTY, INO. REALTORS J365 Portland Hd, Ph. 3255, Eves. 7057 . . a2" rULL BASEMENT, fireplace, dbl. garage', hwd. floors, wired for range, large un finished upstairs, large lot, fenced back yard. Thla ft rm. home is well located in N.E. part of city on paved st, with bus at door. Full price 59500. SULLIVAN REALTY, INO, REALTORS 3385 Portland nd. Ph. 3355, Eves. 7057 , n82 REALLY INTERESTING BASICALLY A 3 bedroom home in West Salem but with an extra bedroom In nuio a party room with f re- Place in basement. Living room, dining room, fine kitchen. Double plumbing. ""viicu iRtiir, tlU.SUO. 336 REIMANN REAL ESTATE - 801 Bout" Phone 9203 a81 52300 DOWN 530 A MONTH. PRICE $9500 FAIRMOUNT HILL BEDROOMS. Double plumbing. Good heating system. Fireplace. Double ga rage. 325 REIMANN REAL ESTATE r 201 South Hlgh Phone 9303 aSI STROUT BARGAINS COZY 1 B.R. home on i A., pvd. rd.. near city, A real buy at 53800. 10 A., mod. 8 rm., good bldgs. Tractor it equip. 1 A. cherries, 1 A. prunes. i A. strawberries. House completely furn. Only 18800. TERMS. I3RD ST.i 4 B.R.. on nice lot with shade, floweri. ahruhit. ft son tvuuo 4500 BUYS n A. About 4 A. cleared and balance fir timber. SEE THIS. PAUL CARTER, Assoc. 859 S. 12lh Bt. , , aai BY OWNER MALL 3 bedroom home, utility room attached garage, gas circulator it hot water. Small lot. Located In Highland district near bus & schools, Price $5000. If interested call 7468. aS5 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. I Oregon, Friday, April 4, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES WILL SACRIFICE unfln. noose with plumbing fixtures, 7 new Curtis win dows, elec. heater with fan. 1337 3rd St., W eat Salem. a86 HOME OF brick and stucco In business zone. 3 living rooms, Hi bedroom, bath, kitchen and nook, utility room, auto matic electric hot water heater. Vene tian blinds. Lot 50x140. 1-car garage and other outbuildings. Nut, cherry and pear trees. Good garden spot. Also extra lot adjoining. Priced right to party with money to handle. Wish to sell at once due to sickness in family. Located 1800 a. lztn, Salem, Ore. By owner, a83 BY OWNER: 2 homes, new. 3 bedrms.. J! vine rm., dining rm.. kltch, At builtlns, dbl. plumbing, 2 frplaces., full bsmt., opriiiKiuiK vtyaiem, new lawn. Also l A, 7 yr. old 6 rm. home. Barn, gar. H, 99E. Can be seen anytime. Reach own er, 1008 7th St., West Salem. a83 NEW MOVABLE houses. Price reduced for quick saie ooiore April 13. Across from waters sail Parte, on S. 25th St. a $11,500 VIEW property, lovely 2 bedrm. nome will) elec. heat, fireplace, coved ceilings, double plumbing, one of the most modern kitchens In Salem. You really must see this place to appreciate it. 2-car garage, Insulated and weather stripped. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. a83 SffilSO 4 RMS. At bath with 'i acre of all Kinds or fruit, large garage it work shop. This is a good location. This la a plastered, lidw. floors. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. a83 S'jwto DOWN: Lovely 2 bedrm. home, east. nuw. nrs., ait, Karaite, imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. a83 $12,0110 LOVELY 3 bedrm. home, east. i ins io b ocauuiui suouroan nome, latest design, brick front, hdw. firs., oil heat, fireplace. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 8. Com'l. St. .Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. 83" a Iu:drm. home, close in. Fire place, V. blinds, city bus In front of door. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 94S S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. a83 $ll,50 FOR THIS beautiful suburban home north. Large L. rm., with big window, D. rm., hdw. firs, thruout, oil furnace, 2 bdrms. down, unfinished at tic, ', A. of good soil, on pavement, 3 blks. to school and store. Call for appointment. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500. Eves. 25830. BY OWNER, clean, attractive 6 rm. house wihi i acre, Bath, automatic water heater, oil circulator, trays, elec. water system, elec. range, runs, drapes, garage. aiouu. ucautiiui surroundings, trees, good neighborhood. 3 ml. south on river rood, turn left on Corlsan Creek Rd., Jiuuae on rigni. it, J. Kuenstler. a83' HOMES. ALL PRICES $l5,Bno Extra nice, new. North. $N,.'lllO New. nice 2 B.R.. N.. V, A $10,51(0 New, strictly mod. 2 B.R., N, $ 8,;jfi2 B.R., new. on bus, E. 7,111111 2 b.r.. model $ 0,(1302 B.R.. North. Zone 3. $ 0YJ50 5-room plastered home. North. Fine location. Inspect, make offer. $ 3,730 Inspect this 2 B.R. unfin. but very liveable 5-room home, make your offer as to terms. Imm. poss. Two stoves, wfttcr heater. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 a81 4 BEDROOMS SOUTH LARGE LOT, paved stroct. Bus at front door. Double plumbing, fireplace. Very good condition, All excellent buy for iu.uuu. jjiocrni terms arranged. M. O. HUMPHREYS REALTOR 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 82 BEAUTIFUL NEW Home, Immediate Pos session. Located at 305 S. 24th St. Key at our oince. W. O. KRUEOER REALTOR 147 N. Com'l. Ph. 4728 a81 NICE 4 B.R. home, double plumbing, full uiiaemcni, uouoie garage, new 3 rm. ant. above, very large corner lot, vari ety fruit, bus by door, stores near. Ph. 2-4413. B82 $1500 FURNISHED, 7 room house, locat- ca caei on ous lino. Immediate pos session. $IWtt -a bedrooms, L.R., D.R., Kit., nice lot. located East In Eim ewood Dlst. $73000 room house, rear of the lot jiuiiib on i-nirgrounos itoaa, tun ease ment,, $7500 DUPLEX located S. In business r.oii e. 2 sets of plumbing, present In- ' come S90 per month. One-third down. $7000 SMALL 2 bedroom house, excellent district South. Basement, furnace, fire place. $ti?3(l bedroom hous located North. Completely modern and In good condi tion. Small lot. $10,5001 acre In the city limits with B room modern house, unfinished upstairs. All large, rooms: basement, furnace. 1'icmy oi iru t trees. $00003 acres, East near Auburn School, wihi fiiiiiiu a ruum uousc, un ous line. 00 young fruit trees. R OSTEIN is ADOLPH, INO. HO1. N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 or 24008 a81 NEW RESIDENCE. MONMOUTH 6 rooms, on iurnace, blk. rrom business dis trict. Excel, for family with children. Suit for professional man to convert to co: lb. office and resident. 90 completed excepting fixtures. Opp. to paint and Install fix. to suit. Approx. noo. Located 164 S. Broad St. See H. Price, builder, at 236 N. Echols St. or Phone Monmouth 450. a82 SI 550 DOWN MODERN 5 bedroom home, fireplace In nvnig room, wired ror range, electric water heater. V. blinds, double garage, niMumicH ana weainer stripped. Large lot BSxlUO, well Inndscaped, located on Hlway, inside town. J8D50. LEE OHM ART At CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a 7 BLOC K SNO RT 1 P6 TO WN A WELL constructed 7 room home lo cated in an excellent residential dis trict, this homo has a largo living room ano music room combined, din ing room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath down, 2 bedrooms up, basement with auto, oil fumnce. fireplace, lot is 50X165. Priced at 59500. LEE OH MART Az CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a VIEW HOME , LOCATED SOUTH of town, new modern! home, living room with fireplace, din-1 ette, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, full bath audi utility room with piirt plumbing, dou ble garase. fireplace, lame lot. nilv bus service at door. Priced at 511,500. LEE OHM ART As CO., REALTORS 477 Court St! Phone 4035 or 9680 a ENGLEWOOD dlst. Lovely"4 bedrm. horned 1 yr. old. Dbl. plumbing, hdw. floors, fireplace, full basement, attached gar age. 513,800. 55800 down. For parti culars call 9148, a82 8 llDUM. home with beautiful view. Near ing completion at 353 Vista Ave. Willi decorate to buyer's specifications. Stop In during day or Ph. 4384 eves. a83" NEW ONLY s.i4nn 4 ACRE of land, small home, 3 rooms and ontn, piped for ns, Includes gas ranae and gas water heater. MOVE RIGHT INIT'S Kr-'AUY. LEE OHMART As CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9880 ATTRACTIVE MODERN HOME A COMPLETE 6 room home with an un finished upstairs. 2 good bedrooms, full bath, 5 laise closets, auto, atr-condl-tloupd oil furnace. Insulated and weath er stripped, fireplace, V. blinds through out. Rosfdal Addition 510,300. LEE OHMART it CO., REALTORS 477 Court St Phons 4035 or 9680 a nnnn nnv LARGE 4 bedroom home with eomolete double plumbing, part basement with aulo. oil furnace, wired for range, elec tric water healer located on South Com mercial etreei jBBiO. LEE OHMART As CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4033 or 9880 SMALL, ATTRACTIVE HOME ONLY i,M for this attractive 1 bedroom home, has living room with fireplace, part hardwood floors, utility room, gas water heater, small lot, located on North 18th Street. LEE OHMART r CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9880 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE ROUSES BY OWNER, 2 bedroom house, large cor ner lot, double garage, close to school and bus, price reduced, Immediate pos session, 1810 Waller St. a84 ONLY $4800 ONLY 8 BEDROOMS. 5 rooms. Large living rm. and kitchen, built-lns, wired for range. li acre fruits and nuts, Kelzer dlst. No. 215. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 a81 ATTENTION. G.I.'s YOU CAN get a O.I. loan on this new all-electrle home, hardwood firs. Full Dam. excellent xncnen, iteany gooa 18950. 248. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 a81 $6800. 0 rm. hse, on N. 23rd St. Elec. stove is water heater, trash burner. iiaunary room, nice lot, MONEY TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage Ph. 3723 a FOR SALE; 4 bedroom house. Good shape, fireplace, air conditioned furnace. Own er, 3S Lansing Ave. a62 $soo down $40 A MONTH GOOD 5 room unfinished house. Next to city limits. Park Ave. between D St. is Market. No. 247. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 a81 NEAR LESLIE JR. HI. 3 BEDRM. home. Now vacant. Just reno vated. Fireplace, oak floors, full base ment, furnace, unusual yard. 17900. 259. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9303 all" JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Ph. 7696 EXCELLENT VALUE! B.R. home, lge. lot, located near En- glewood School, close to High school. Only 7 yrs. old, well constructed, hdw. flra., fireplace, full basement, Ven. blinds. A home that will meet your re quirements. Price 18750. Terms. CALIFORNIA RANCH STYLE NEWI ENOLEWOOD school dist. 2 B.R. home, spacious rooms throughout. Ov erhead Diesel Oil heating system. Love ly knotty pine patio. Well insulated, well constructed. A home with real charm. Price 112,600. WEST SALEM 0 R. old, 3 B.R. home, 1 B.R. dwn. 2 Bdrms. up. Immed. poss. This is a good home, and priced right, at 17750. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Res. 24682 Res. 24789 Ph. 7606 131 BETTER HOMES $42RO NICE l B.R. on W acre, beautiful yard, nice district East. $5300 COMFORTABLE 2 B.R. on U acre ciose to scnooi and bus South. $fM50 BEAUTIFUL 4 B.R. on corner lot. cioae in North. Full basement, furnace, beautiful grounds. $11,500 new 3 B.R. with nice view on louxifla lot, hdw. firs., full basement, elate to bus. New district, South, $11, BOO LARGE 3 B.R. with elec. heat. situated on beautiful wooded lot. This is really a nice home. North. THOS. A. ROBERTS REALTOR Formerly of Hawkins Sc Roberts L.e MR. CHIPMAN Phone 4109 a81 NEW OFFERING ENGLIsn STYLE home between Leslie is Aictuniey schools, 6 yrs. old, clean, roomy, L.R., D.R.. 2 B.R.'s., all hdw. firs., full basement, auto, furn,, land scaped both front and back yd., a su perior house In every respect. The kit chen is far. far above average. $13,750. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 all MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4 to 6 Call for details. BYRKIT A POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phone 8937 BUY OR SELL YOUR HOME AT THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a83 VERY INTERESTING AND NOT OVER PRIflRn A NEARLY new, very modern home. Cor ner 101 in a line new neighborhood. All rooms are large and pleasant, 2 bed rooms. Insulation, weather stripping, Venetian blinds, radiant heat. Gracious living definitely, and only $11,200. 254 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 a81 OWNER TRANSFERRED A BETTER than average home, located in west aaiem. i oearooms, full basement, furnace. Double garage with large shop. 311,000. No. 261 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 a81 BEAUTIFUL CREEK HOME BRs., Bath, LR., DR., Kit., Fireplace. Hwd. flr&, full bsmt., furnace, garage. Lovely yard with creek. Bus at door. a mtis. io ecn., $10,500. Call "ELMER' AMUNDSON. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone. 3210 337 N. High Street a83 FOR SALE LOTS PLAN TO BUILD $ 650 Lot 50x80. North. 5200 down. 700 Corner lot 48x108. Terms. $ 850 Lot 70x80, North. $250 down. $1050 Good lot, 50x130, North. $2100 Fine river frontage, North. $1300 Lot 90X100. Zone 3. $5700 Well located lot 80x141. Zone 4. O. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 6838 ta81 BUSINESS LOT. 21. blocks N. of Center St. on busy thoroughfare. Building suitable for temporary quarters. Owner, Box 331 Capital Journal. an 8 5 WE HAVE for sale lots In Wolf's subdi vision. Across from Reiner School. A few left at 5523.00 each. No trouble to show you. Seven lols sold Tuesday. W. G. KRUEOER REALTOR 147 N. Com'l. Phone 4728. aa82 SPECIAL PRICE: 10 lots, by owner. Wa ter furn. Good soil, sell, is city bus. N. E. 35 Lansing Ave. aal04 LOT. 70,xl'J5 excellent location In Capl tola addition 5800. Inquire 170 Duncan aaSl RESIDENTIAL lot on beautiful Ben Lo mond Heights. Unobstructed view of city and mountains. Only two left for sale on top of hill. 90 foot frontage. 54250 cash. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 1 SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. DIAL 4016 EVES. 8213 . aaB2 LOT AND bldg. mat. Inq. 1445 Oak. an83 FOR SALE FARMS 73 a. Good 4 rm. hse. 312.305.00. 3.1 A. clover, 32 A. oats. 1 A. filberts, 3 large chick, hses., incubator hse., 2 elec. incuDaiors, good Darn, machine shed, elec. water system. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa 8t, Phone21549; Eves, 9441 b83 CHERRY &" WALNUT FAR M LOCATED 4 MILES out on paved road. o a, oi gearing noyai Ann cherries. 4 A. of bearing- walnuts. Rnm nihrti Good 7 rm. plast. home with elec. water system, barn As garaice. IMMEDIATE rutwboaiuN. trice 512,000. Call G. H. Orabenhorst, Jr., with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph, 4131: Eves. 23948 b81 NEW HOUSE At 33 23 A. CULT'., new 3 bedroom house, elec. neat,, ipi., pecon noors, small stream. See ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM, 341 State. Ph. 6963. Salem. b81 30000.00 3 ACRES N.E. 3 Acres berries. lias new 8-Room home. Oarage. This Is a good buy. Call O. V. Hume STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 133 S. High St. Phone 4131 bS4 A., 1 MI. north, 99E, west on Claxter road 3 blocks. 6 rooms and bath, elec- irio water system, oarn, chicken house, wooasned. Family fruit. 1 A. pasture, 3 A. oats and vetch. Will take house arouno aaiem up to 55000. H. R. Bishop, Rt. 7. Box 22. b83 A FARMER'S PAUM 60 ACRES, 43 A. cleared. 33 A. bottom. n a. orcnard. Grain crops in. Barn 42x38. 8 room house, electricity. $14, 000 includes 8 cows. This Is an honest vaiue, 1013. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 bSl LOOK THIS OVER io acres. 4 room house. Barn. Good wen, eicciricuy, s a. cult, l A. orchard, fenced A level. 34300. S1330 down. 821-A. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 b81 BERRY FARM 180 ACRES. 40 acres strawberries, 40 acres loganoerries, 10 acres boysenberrles, SO acres young prune trees. 40 acres sown to fescue, 10 acres timber. Nice modern home and all equipment go. 30 acres strawberries will product this year, ev erything next year. THOS. A. ROBERTS REALTOR Tormerly of Hawkins Roberts flea MR. CHIPMAN Phona 4109 toll FOR SALE FARMS JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR EXCLUSIVE FARM LISTINGS! APPROX. 18 A. South. Prunes is Walnuts, living Quarters, price jshoo. 0 A, Good 3 rm. cottage, near Salem Airport, i-nce suaou, 48 A. Fruit farm, showed a very good In. come last year. Lge. o rm. hse. in good con an ion. in ib, 24 ton cherries, io ion pears, 20 ton apples is prunes, 40 walnut trees. A good farm invest ment at S19.000. 5 A. East, close in. Good 6 rm. hse., dble. viuk. new poultry nse sman Darn, garden tractor. Creek is Springs. Won derful view. Price (12,500. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Res. 25141 Ph, 7696 b$l SUBURBAN 10 ACRES, la fruit and '4 ararden tanrt. Beautiful 3 B.R. modern home, livestock and equipment go at J 12,500. 5 ACRES berry land with comfortable 2 u.k. nome with elec. heat. Double ga rage, barn and poultry house. 17250. THOS. A. ROBERTS REALTOR formerly oi nawxins Be Roberts See MR. CHIPMAN Phone 4109 b81 FOR SALE: 5 acre tract. Magnificent view oi wiuanieue vauey and Cascade moun tains. 15 min. from downtown Salem. Paved road, approx. 4 blocks from school. $1500 Phone 6826. b8i NELSON FARMS BEFORE YOU BUY a farm or acreage oneci our new list of more than tot properties. Copy available on request Nelson it Nelson. Masonlo Bldg,. Ph 4410. k FOR SALE ACREAGE JUST THE PLACE FOR THE family with children, pets, chicks, cow, etc. One acre near Hayes vllle. 3 bedroom home, quite new. L.R. it D.R. and kitchen across front of house. Oil heat. Elect, range. Large ga rage, barn and chick, house. Deep well. A grand place. $10,800. 235 ' REIMAN.i REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 8203 bb81 SUBURBAN HOME i ACRE, east on pavement, beautiful all modern 3 bedroom home, outside fire place, fish pond, family fruit, lots of shrubs and flowers, bus by door, really a showy place at $7500. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3366 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; Eves. 25831 bb82 I v njnco rt.Ei, NEAR ODE, 6 room home and floored attic. wibii gmsemeiit ana iurnace, 4 years old, barn, and chicken house, about l'i acres In cultivation, balance nice fir timber. This is neat and nice. . $10,000. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; Eves. 23831 bb82" Hi A. SURtTRRAM $13,700.00 LARGE Llv. rm. is Dining rm.. Kitcnen, 2 bdrms., bath. Hwd. firs., frplace, basement, furnace. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21349; Eves. 25091 bb83' 20 ACRES choice soli, North. 2 A. timber. 6 rm. plast. house with shade. Several aurea soon Derries. .Barn, equipment. $18,000. Terms. 20 ACRES, all cultlv., spring, berries. o-room house, old barn, gar., chick. jiuuoc, aome enuiD. ihihio. Rnni i o stnts ricn soil. 8 mi. North. New ' o.n. nome, cam, elect, refrlg.. cow chickens. $7400. S ACRES, exceptionally good 3 B.R. home, UNlMPROvnn 5 ACRES Royal Annes, net $1300 In 1946. . in umoer, aeea (o spring, good road. 4 mi. West. S47?nu. cv. 10 ACRES, near Pratum poorhousej good creek, some timber, siznn 214 A. all fruit, fine view. $1375. bb81 STREAM FRONTAGE A V A I L A RLE N I Tr setting on pavement. Ph. 8836 tot fur ther details. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY, REAL ESTATE bb82 M ACRE, close in N. Nice 4 room home", um, ugiHs, wirea ior range, Karaite several trees, $6,300. Will trade for house in Salem. MONEY TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON - 849 N. Cottage. Ph. 3723 bb82 AC.. 4 rm. hse. 2 bdrms, gas range, water heater, bedrm. it liv. rm. fur "urc barn, poultry house, 12 hens. $4900. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MELVIN JOHNSON 540 N. Cottage Ph. 3723 bbfll" JUST RIGHT for home or investment. Best suburban acreage bays in the val ley, and they are going fast. Perfect valley views fine location, good soil elec. is phone lines, close to school, near pavement. Fruit crop this year could nearly pay out. 34 to 10 ac. on easy terms. Ph. 5355 evenings. You can't mi megp tracts. bbflfl' FOR SALE: 10 A. mixed fruit m,ii, a a cherries. Close In. Priced right. Llberai "11- . 1 auiiuyview. rn. 30759. 0082' REAL ESTATE G.I. SPRflTAT.S SEVERAL well constructed new homes, firtftV nn J aming rooms, oak .. . ,v unru. ort oc 801q 0 Cjvl. J!ans a larer down payment. laaon TNnrvuf 2 BEDROOM home with additional ..-. :,1,w per month. Fun basement, double plumbing, fire place. Immediate possession. Good fln- 56300 SITRTIRTIAM - -fciiKuum Plastered house, barn and inrBO 101 82X389. good u ouuPing center. A REAT. innip Hs 'MIL ow""! a"d berries, nice 7 . auacnea garage Picket lence and beautifully landscap ed. Only J8500. call Ben Colbath. AlITfl nflire. GOOD first class auto court. Just rlcht "PI. nr. on Investment. Im- JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR .u'Ivenln 36823 r JMJOaplto. cS1. McKILLOP REaITestATE ' AOENOy" 169 South Hllh PHONE 5131 OR 820 CITY r?T'..B-R- bunEnlow, L.R.. k nook bath, built-in,. pl.ster and p.Ve'reS ?. terlor, fir floors, oil heat, double T "lock, grade school" blocks, large lot with flower and vege- "sslon" "' "" 2 pS- Venetian blinds, electric ookfni .nd heating, garaae. eiru "' "hool. Immediate possession. '7ut "ry 3 B.R. home, L.R K nook bath, built-in, fireplace plas'-' tered Interior, hdwd. floors electric IrThV'! h"w tt.ched."ec' rlL f8t ln JB R s' 'end back yard, room for ffurripn i.. " '-ONi story bungalow, a B R? bath, Aj.K., K., nook. Venetian htinj. i mem. fireplace, hdwd. floors, electric d?uhto nd fruit room attached, fenced-in back yard. - M400 (4 acre with 2 b.r. hi,n.,iAn k. , D.'R omb''"d. K., bath, built ns, plastered Interior, electric cook ing and water heating, oil heat, single .rrt L,IZ "'cni,ra. renced-in back yard with outside fireplace and nice lawn and shrub. WMO-Ranch style. 3 B.R., L.R.. dinette, K., bath, brand new, hdwd. floors. Plastered interior, electric cooking, gas n.nur, iHiinr aiacc possession residential district. Verv ,"OCOiMW"' 39900 BRAND new, residential lot, Just Z " ".n until, ij.K,, D.R., K, built-lns. fireplace, plastered Interior, hdwd. floors, electric cooking, gas heat utility room and wash trays, garage very nice. Immediate Possession. rwio H acre and -2 B.R. house. L.R., K nook, bath, utility room and wash lAy2' .flwtri8, rooking and heating, hdwd. floors, plastered Interior, garage ?? 1 1bus,ind hl- "ge kitchen ith nook, electric water system, fluo rescent lighting, carpeted wall to wall ... au .urimure u new and may be purchased vtr. "y S10.0O0 14 icre. with new. mnrim .,. tifut 3 B.R. ruse, L.R.. D.R.. K., nook, plastered Interior, hdwd. floors, fire place, utility room with wash trays electric cooking and heating, electric water system, double garaae, 2 weeks' possession. House very nicely arranged. PHONE 3131 OR 8630 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High Phone Evenings 9340-4937-1183-6901 c!3 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE $3300 2 BEDROOM home south, Lot 30x120. $3700 1 BEDROOM home south on Vs acre- of iana, $5900 S BEDROOM north, good location, nice lot. JVfc-W HOMES S BEDROOM homes east, will go O.I. If you are not a G.L. these places can be bought for $1500 down, balance on mommy payments. APARTMENT HOUSE THIS IS a real nivestment. Has 2 apts., complete in every detail. One 4 room and one 5 room. Clean, neat, and well located. On bus near stores and schools. Rents for $100 per mo. A good buy at $11,600. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. Com'l. Phone 4217 c82 SUBURBAN ACRES 4?4 BEAUTEOUS ACRES! 4 m. East on pvd. road. High it dry. Midst delightful suburban hcies. City bus, city gas, schl, bus, elec, stores. $1200 income '46 from bearing filberts, cherries, prunes, garden. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME HERE. 14000. CABIN OR TRAILER SITE 200 x 18 FT. Heart of Salem. Utilities available. $3000. Take car to S10D0. C. W. STULLER, Broker, Salem, Oregon m. i, ox ii. waiiace Koao cot NELSON NEWS AC. W. SALEM FAIRLY NEW insulated house with L. R, D. R Kit., 2 bdrms., bath (fixtures not installed), utility rm. with L. trays, unf. attic, wired for range, elec. water neater, dm. garage, bearlne family or chard, lots of street frontage, ideal for suoaivision, S7soo. 4 BDRMS.. NORTH IDEAL family home or Income property, suosianuat Plastered mod. nse. with L. K.. D, R.. Kit., bdrm.. on 1st fir. 3 bdrms. is bath on 2nd, elec. water jieaicr, ipiace, tun oasmt,, oil furnace, near bus, stores, schools, imd. poss., reduced to sell, $10,000. 4 BDRM. SUBURBAN DELUXE A VERY GOOD substantial home with large spacious L. R. it D. R., Kit., bdrm., bath, 3 large bdrms., elec. water heater, hwd. firs., full basmt., new furnace, weather-stripped doors it Insulated, completely redecorated, dbl. garage, approx. l& ac. family orchard, close to city limits. IF NEITHER of these meet your require ments tell us what you want. We prob ably have It listed. NELSON it NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622, Eves. 21350 c81 R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR $4500 NEAT 2 .Br., living room, kltch., bath, nice garnge. Paved drive. HOLLYWOOD $8500 ONE BR. down, 2 large rms. up. LR, DR. Kit., bath, new carpet LR it DR, nice oil circulator. Garage. Fruit. ENGLEWOOD $05003 B.R. Hdw. floors. Venetian blinds. EXCEPTIONAL 5 ACRES NORTH. Five room house. Elec. wawr sysicm, iruit and nuts. Must be seen to be appreciated. $8500. 10 ACRES 4 miles East. 2 B.R. house. Good barn, poultry house, elec. water system, iruit, . near school, good soil, $7000. R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol Phone 3031 16 Years Hollywood District c83 WANT A JOB? AN OLIVER Crop Row Tractor, Plow Disc, Harrow it Trailer for transport ing. A very good very modern 7-room home. Fine barn; chlx house, etc., 10 Acres, darn good soil. $5000 Cash, $500 a year. No. 824 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 c81 FOR SALE BY nwKRR 3 BDRM. house and bus. bldg. Close In uu inwuy nortn. $12,000 lull price. Immed. poss. Terms. 3035 Portland Rd. Courtesy to brokers. 83 G.I. HOUSE 5 YEARS OLD. Lovely modern style jiuiiic ii. . noors, nice living room, 3 bedrooms down, 1 up. Good location. $7450.00. CASCADE DRIVE. View property, acre, wuuhiiuj, mtc Hwn ano snrupoery. Prewar built house that you will like. JU,3UU.UU, 4 B.R. HOME on N. Summer. Dnnhl plumbing, large living room, dining H u,"'Jo oi oownsown. $5700.00 will handle. R. E. MEREDITH, REALTOR Phone 8841 no s. Com'l cBl Va ACRE, 2 B.R. HOUSE' NORTH. ALMOST finished new- house, Full price 54300. Liberal tprm. aanArf M. O. HUMPHREYS CO.. REALTORS 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-4596 C82' HURRY! BARGAINI .w kuoms, bath. Terms. J370O. J 15 MONTH WITH DOWN payment. 2 rms., bath, eity water, gas range. Only $3250. THIS WEEK ONLY NEW s bedrm. W. Salem, close school, bus. Only $7500. OTHER BARGAINS E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 B. Commercial Ph. 25497 c81 THINKING OF buying or selling a home, farm or acreage? See or call HESS NELSON or MARION LOONEY with WILLIAM E. MOSES. REALTORS aant MONEY TO LOAN on rnst mortgages to 6 Call for details. BYRKIT A POTTS 339 Chemeketa. Phone 5981 WANTED REAL ESTATE LOVELY FACTORY trailer home as part Kajmiciii un moaeraieiy price small nome. o LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 0261 ca83' 'LARGE OR small, we sell them all. For quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca83' WANTED to list for sale a modern 3 bdrm. iiuiuc. iiu5i. oe convenient to schools. ' wuj'ei- win pay up to SI2.000. Call O. V. Hume STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 ca84' WE HAVE numerous Inquiries for homes uu untunes properties. Your listing will c.c prompt ano emcient service. SEVERIN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDG, DIAL 4016. EVES. 8313. cal03 LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL EM. 8A- rmlii uo. o. W BARTLETT REALTOR. 149 N. HIGH ST. PH. 786o" ea FOR PROMPT and courteous serrice list ywur property witn FLOYD VOLKEU Rnai Estate Broker 555 Wl LbeJ Phone 7327 ca WE ARB in need 01 good homes to tell m or near Salem U you wish to Ut your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea NOTTCEI Ii your property ts for sale, rem or exenange, 11st it with us W nave all kinds casb buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S High St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE Apt. House, (3 apts.) 2 furn., near Campus in Corvallis, for a 4 Bedrm. home in Salem. Close-in. BIS S. 17th. Corvallis. Cb8l BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NO BLUE RKV THIS VERY fine, well established grocery and market Is Ideal for man and wife to run. All stock is quality merchandise. Equipment Is good. Shelving and Inl ands new. Now netting 3500 a month. Your closest investigation invited. No phone information. Yes, you may have iub nnres5. aouo. 731 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201J0' High Ph. 9203 cdl SUBURBAN Rrocery,-stock7fixtures "and building. Doing good business. Price tivau, see this buy. See O. V. HUME STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 133 So. High Ph. 4131 cd84' BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP DOWNTOWN location with long lease. All equip., supplies and lease for only $3330. No phone Information on this one. Illness forces sale. M. O. HUMPHREYS As CO.. REALTORS 3388 FAIRGROUNDS RD Ph. 24596 . cd83 TEXACO SERVICE STATION WELL located, rent $50 mo good lease. Ait equip, ano siock included. 32.000. LEE OHMART As CO., REALTORS 477 COURT Ph. 9680 or 4035 cd83' EX. OPPORTUNITY for one or two men to maxe good living. Fully equipped auto paint shop, doing fine business. Cheap for cash. 1790 N. Front St. cdSl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INCOME PROPERTY TWO BEDROOM home plus 3 rm. apt., located in No. 4 lndust. zone. Apt. com pletely furn. and rented for $48 a mo. Price $8500. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. Call Dale L. Shepherd With GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; eve. 24457 cd81- $13,750 HOME As income. 4 bdrms. it bath up, bringing in $125 per month. L. rm., D. rm., kitchen, bath, 2 bdrms. down. Hdw. firs., fireplace, basement, sawdust heat. Well located. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph, 4590. Eves, 9536. Cd83 INCOME PROERTY $39,000 10 APTS., located in good dis trict. (3 per mo. income. Call for appointment. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 0336. . cd83 NEW MOVABLE houses. Would make a nice court, price reduced for quick sale before April 12. Across from Waters can rarx on a. Z5th St. cd86 BEER TAVERN NEW EQUIPMENT, includes concrete Duuaing. lot, fixtures, stock and equip ment. Doing excellent business. A real bargain at $12,000. Call "ELMER" - AMUNDSON. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High Street cdBl IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ONE OF THE FINEST GROCERY SET-UPS IN THE WILLIAMETTE VALLEY, WRITE OR SEE SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. HIGH ST. PHONE 7660 . Cd81 WILL TRADE filling station it carage business for house in Salem or vicinity. Box 330, Capital Journal. cd82 FURNITURE FOR SALE BED, spring is mattress. Used $13.50 In good cond., elec. wash, machine "d J17.50 ic S25 00 o-Pc. bedroom suite 570.50 Unfinished chests $4.95 to $17.75 Dining room table with 5 leaves, cnairs. used $42.50 used it new clothes racks.. M.25 to S2 25 New chrome all metal dinette sets $45.00 1000 STATE ST. Ph. 7596 d83 all household furniture, including ineiie set, bedrm. suite, chest, etc. no, a uuncan Ave. Ph. 7586. dSl' BREAKFAST SETS (10 and 515. Tee Boxes K mm mattress, JH.5U. Push button table model radio, sin. Now nP i $15. Biltwell daveno, davenports. $15 to 339.50; bed. coil springs, mattress, $28.50; dining room set, $39.50; baby buggy, crib, bassinette, high chair, Mon- -.v.. wet,. nmiKc, Kerosene range, dressers, $6; studio couch, 515; large window. MARTIN'S FURN. CO. 420 S. Com'!. 81 WANTED FURNITURE WANT DINING table is 4 chairs (used) 1005 S. 21st. da83 IIIfiHFR CASH prices for your furniture. oHiuHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 CASH FOR YOUR used furniture Ph 7598 Stat Street Furn. 1900 Stair da' HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn V TI JJ, A--MarkBt Pn 8110 da LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. ioou Lancaster Dr., Salem. Ph. 21345 morn, or eves. eal03' WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows uuaio t ir your larm or aeiiverca mar ket price. E. O. McCandlish. Rt. 9, Box 233, across from Ball Park on South RABBITS WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any ui.a. -tut oiaa ur Co., west Salem PETS SPRINGER SPANIEL puppies. 675 Bleber St. 1 block East of State Hospital. cc82 TOY BOSTON Terrier. A.K.C. Reg. Box 55. Rickreall, Ore. H. M. Ph. Dallas 6-F-21. P. O Walt. cc81 AUSTRALIAN Shepherd puppies, excel, for atocK aogs or pets. Rt. 6, Box 136. ecSl ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure- wreu. remaies sua, males $35. Roy H Simmons. Rt. 4. Box 270. Ph. 21143 FOR SALE WOOD GREEN SLAB is edgings, 2 cord load, 38.00, fun uu. -none oojs. eeuu FRESH CUT sawdust. Imm. delivery. $8.00 toaa. uregon -fuel UO. Ph. 5533. eeflO' TRI CITY FUEL 3 Cord Load $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood As Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We Give S&H Green Stamps ecl03' 34 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB is EDGINGS, PH. 6683 eel03' GOOD DRY 16 In. wood. Immed. delivery OREGON FUEL CO., Phone 5533. ce95 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 MUX WOOD. $6.00 load. Ph. 6852 or 5341 88' PLYWOOD cores is old fir. Ph. 3380. ee86 DRY WOOD is sawdust. Ph. Maker 7868. ee85 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load $20.00. Imm. deL Ph 346 Yamhill, Ore. eel02 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green slab good for furnace Ph 7721 ee GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 24031. WEST SALEM FTTPT. Pn GREEN A DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove on ano oiesei oil. Ph. 2-4031. ee FOR SALE POULTRY CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick; every wen, uoyington's. 3710 State f09' BABY CRICKS hatching twice weekly in seven varieties mew tiampsnires always aviiBDie in cmcaa urowing puuets. any ge. rnone naspi. uee'a Hatcnery, CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, an; numoer prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 33861 Lee's Hatchery f PRODUCE STRAWBERRY plants: Rcckhlll Ever bearing. Large plants now growing. Many are budding. Will deliver 50 or more, inese plants will bear this year. All fresh and green. T. A. Brewster. Box 261-C, Salem. Rt. 2. ff8l WANTED HELP WANTED: Registered barber. Ph. 7452, g83 SILK FINISHER is wool prcsscr. Fore man's Cleaners, 1070 S. Com'l.' Ph. 9448. K LADY WITH at least 3 years' or recent grocery experience to clerk and work in checker. Good working conditions. in person only after 7 p.m., Friday or Saturday. Klngwood Market, across street from City Hall, West Salem. .81 EXP. SHIPPING As receiving clerk. Please apply in person. Interstate Tractor As Equipment Co.. 3055 Sllverton Rd. g83 EXP. ALTERATION lady. 365 Highland Ave. Electric Cleaners. Ph. 4821. g84 WANTED s MIDDLE-AGED woman for housekeeper and companion, for elderly couple. Bd.. room, wages. C. J. Rice, 938 E. Cleveland. Woodburn. e83 WANTED: EXPERIENCED Beauty Oper ator. Lipstick Beauty Salon. Pb. 3838. -82 WOMAN AS Janltress. H. L. Stiff. g85 EXP. FURN. Salesman. H. L. Stiff g8S LADY TO be trained to handle nation ally advertised, specialised Una Beauty Products, approved by Good House keeping At American Medical Magazines. Write Box 334. Capital Journal. g82 LADY TO do general housework and car! lor aother and new baby. Ph, 3437? j LOST: FAWN Cocker pup. Reward. Re 81 1 turn to 3710 Qarden Road, kBl' WANTED HELP WANTED: VETERAN, preferably married with Auto Farts or Mechanical experl ence for G.I. Training as Parts Man. rnone calls. Ballou is Wright, 445 Che meketa St. g82 MEN FOR hop yard work. Bus will pick up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m. Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. will Hart Hop Farm, Ph. Salem 22631 WANTED; Trained or experienced como- tometer operator at once. Basic salary $150. Apply Mr. Fritz. Room 121, State Capitol Building. g81 A-I AUTO MECIIANIC, steady work. Your utvu uusa. aw age water etc.. w. eaiem SALESWOMAN, age 23-30, for Jewelry store, aome typing ability. Top salary, References required. Write Box 327 Capital Journal. g steady JOB with big income. Make auu io fauu per mo. Exp. not neces- sary. auu',ti btate Bt., Rm. 34, g82' WANTED! ONE part time secretary. snorthand preferred. Parrlsh Junior Mign scnooi. Phone 3197. g81 WANTED MANAGER for Salem branch of large transportation company. This Is highly responsible straight salary posi tion. Applicant must be established resident of Salem, in good health, age io w. iransportatlon experience ne cessary and must be well thought of by Salem references. State briefly scho lastic and employment history, family status, and qualifications for mana gerial position. Write to Personnel Manager, P.O. Box 3613, Portland Oregon. gg EXP. LADY for fur reparr a alterations WANTED POSITIONS WINDOW FRAMES and screens, cabinet aoors, nrawer ana regular cabinet work. Large or small orders accepted. Con venient location. Vi block Ladd is Bush. Mastei-wood's Cabinet Shop, 184 So. Commercial. Ph. 5396. hl08a t'VK GOT the truck. Have you got the Job? 22-ft. semi lumber truck. Call uia between 8 and 5. 25353 eves. h82' WILLIAM C. DREW. Plumbing Repair tivi. mi ourner saies 6s service. 4R3 N 19th St. Salem. Ph. 5395. h85 WILL CARE for small children In my Jiome. uay, wk. or MO. 2246 N. 4th. h82' WILL CARE for children, 3 to 8 yrs. of hbu, in my noma weeK aays rrom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. One meal furnished. 51.50 per aay. aauu ureer. Ph. 5316. h8l' GARDEN PLOWING it discing. Ph. 50-F-2. Hollis Bice. h89 MIDDLE AGED lady wants work for 1 or a. via Trade. h81 WILL DO ironing In my home. 51 per nr, WANTED: Interior painting. Small job specialty, rnonc aoilo, h9Q L TRANSFER, light hauling. Ph eves, ph. 23685. M04 SECRETARIAL: Stenographic service. Ph h!03 SUMMER LINE Construction Co. We build teiepnone ana power lines. G.I. owned ana operated. Phone 25759. 3111 Bun nyvlew. j,83' WILL KEEP pre-school child by day or ween, rnone uiiau. n63 FIRST CLASS carpenter work, new or remodel. Large or small. Ph. 8281 h88 L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 7900. hlOO GARDEN PLOWING As DISCING. Ford Tractor. Ray Satter. Ph. 22504. h96" PLOWING AND discing. No Job too large or too small. Chas. B. Jayne it Sons, 1020 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 25733. h96 ALTERING is sewing. Ph. 26934. INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6798. h87 PLOWING is general tractor wor. Have D-2. 3rd house south of Brooks on Pacl- 110 nignwav. on right. J. K. Mmty. Rt. 1. Box 274 Brooks. h90 BOOKKEEPER WITH considerable expe rience available Good refrencej. Box 258 Capital Journal. h.85 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better bs Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 FOR RENT FOR ADULTS: Attractive, mod., lg. 3-rm. apt,, nrcpiace, veranda. Ph. 8146. J81 -ROOM Center. furnished apt. Adults. 1935 J81 MIDDLE-AGED couple to do few chores for free rent, 2 bdrm. farm home. 10 mi. out. Call at 231 N. High St. JS1 SLEEPING room, automatic heat. Center St. Ph. 25692. 2131 J83 SLEEPING room, garage. 694 North Church. Private home. JB3 WHY RENT or build? Price reduced for tiuicK saie oeiore April 12 on new mi able house. Across from Waters Ball rarK on a. 25tn St. J LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rm. Zmp. middle aged lady. 645 Ferry. J82 WELL HEATED sleeping room In base ment for working girl. Close in. 405 Union. jai POWER CEMENT Mixer FOR RENT. Borkman Lumber is Hdwre. Co. J82 ONE RM. apt. for business lady. 666 S. Summer. j82 ROOM. Business man. Ph. 6406. J81 WILL GIVE office space to party in roofing or Insulation bus. For answer ing phone. Call 9444 days or 8542 eves. J81 NEW TRAILER spaces. Phone 6097. J83 TRAILER space available soon. All mod ern, ciose in, near bus, 1005 S. 21st or 21st and Mission. 82 ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent sell, H. G. Pugh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4692 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff FLOOR Ward sander for rant. Uontcomery WANTED TO RENT VET At WIFE urgently need furn. apt, No children. Phone 6941. Ja83 YOUNG COUPLE would like to get mar ried out nave no apt. could you help tnem out? call 9109 days. 21695 eves. - Ja88' YOUNG COUPLE needs clean furn. apt. no cniiorcn or pets. Ref. Ph. 4348 or an. J a 63 URGENT: Permanent, reliable business man needs home Immediately, Holly wood district. Excellent references. Ph 21664. Ja83 WANTED TO LEASE. OR RENT furnished house by Oregon State i-actory Representative. No children. Furnish references. Box 333, Capital Journal. ja85 ELDERLY WOMAN wishes small apart ment in nome 01 eideny lady or couple. Ph. 6449. or call at 703 N. High St. References. Ja81 HOME URGENTLY needed by Vet, Wife it aaugnter. iKcd Salem so well when stationed nere we have returned. Ph. 2-215. Ja84 WANTED to rent by May 1 ,2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Will agree to vacate In 30 days if house is sold. Otherwise permanently. References. Ph. 309G. Ja83 COUPLE, Willamette vet and wife, wish smau turn. apt. call 4171, ext. 460 days and 4360 eves. Ja83 RELIABLE couple As small daughter want nouse or apt. to rent. Veteran being transferred from Portland. Pay to $50 Call collect. EA1609. Ja82 VET. WIFE, child urgently need 2 bdrm.. u1.1u.11. i.ouae or apu fa. 6073 days: 31719. Ja85 ROOM .AND BOARD CHILDREN under 4 yrs. cared for by the oay in my nome. spacious yard. Exp. teacher. Inquire 350 Belmont. JJ86 LOST AND FOUND LOST: WHITE dog with black spots, fe male, name Roxy, Reward. Ph. 3309 k83 LOST: LADY'S brown oxford, never worn. ieit loot, rnone 8369. Reward. k83 REWARD FOR Maggie, black and white mm ciotr. crippled in left front foot. Ph. 5882. k82a LOST: Small black Corde purse. Lost at 13th fe State. Sat. Return to 630 Thorn p- 800 Ave- M1 LOST AND FOUND BILLFOLD, MON. afternoon. Conta; money, laenuucauon papers. J. Ktrkpatrlck, Ph. 23476, Liberal rew No MISCELLANEOUS TOPPING AND removal danger trees any- wnerc. n vcrreen Ave. m. 21232 or 3340. m92 TAKE YOUR clocks to 190 8. 14th tor repair, uiock uocior. m84 DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment s notice, en. ouuu. m89 FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. 81 HEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, 11.00. L.3 HFKIWUEH, 4t)4 UOUrt Bt. Dl87 BEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical See us (or free estimates Y EATER APPLXANC3 CO. 253 N Liberty HEAVY HAULING excavation and road ouiiaina, iana clearing, oozer work, ditching basement excavation, laud, gravel, crushed rock mason sand, con crete mix cement SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO 1405 N FRONT ST., SALEM OREGON Phone 9408 or 21924 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARRY S EM LER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State it Commercial 8ti, SALEM Phone 831 1 t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BERNEY'S FLOWER GARDENS PRIMROSES, 50c is $1.50 doz. it up; blues aouoies, 20c ss up. Delphinium, Pacific coast, hybrids, 15c it up. Colum bine, Sc. Peonies, 45 varieties, 25c is up. Roses, J6 varieties. 40c it up. Polyan thus, primroses, cholco seed, 35c packet,! postpaid. Gladiolus it painted daisies it other shrubs 6s plants. Two plants free with every $2 order. Shrub free with 55 orders. Highway 99E, across from Stage Depot, Hubbard, Ore. No Sunday calls. nil- SIX-FT. 1941 mode refrigerator. Sealed unit, fast freezer, cabinet it mccln, in top shape. $163. 1230 N. C nurd J. n82 NEW OIL burning unit for wood range. Has never been used. $64.50. T, W. Kingston, 44 Lansing Ave. Ph. 25760. n83 MODERN white wood range. Excellent conitlon. Good burner. 560. L. W. King ston, 44 Lansing Ave., Salem, or Phone 25760. n83 WEDDING RING set, cheap. Apt. S, 1373 a. commercial. n83 TRACTOR, 2 bottom; 2 16-in. new plow. MCUormiCK-Dcering. Will trade or sell for disc plow. H. D. Hewitt, Rt. 3, Box 724, Salem. On Vita Springs Rd. FORD FERGUSON tractor is H. G. Oliver cietrac tractor, both new. West Linn Garage. Ph. Oregon City, 23781, 1,83 THE WORLD famous SELMA TRAILER goes anywnere witn turn-on-a-dlme maneuverability. Also SELMA low bed hay and orchard wagons. Wards Farm Store, High and Trade Sts., Salem. n81- ALUMINUM tubing and couplers for im- meaiaie oenvcry. complete irrigation systems now available. Wards Farm 1 Store, High and Trade Sts., Salem. nsi YOU CANNOT afford to reroof with shingles at the present price of corru gated aluminum roofing. Now available In fl-X-8-10 and 12 foot sheets. Wards Farm Store, Trade ano" High St., Salem. n81 WILL SACRIFICE 1946 edition complete net 01 encyclopedia, wever used. Terms to responsible party. Box 335, Journal. n83 SHAVEM ASTER elec. razor. Ph. 5309. n83 LEASE ON office space in Hollywood. iHdi Durant sport roadster, 5350. 4-hole steam table, $20. 4-burner AB gas range $65. Ono restaurant booth. $40. 2003 North Capitol. 86 HOTPOINT elec. range, $125. Ph. n83- ONE PORTABLE phono., 24950 after 6. like new. Ph. n83 "-WHEEL trailer, bed 4x6, 2 rt. nigh. Overload springs. Good rubber. $45. Phone 5309. -,33 ELECTRIC floor polishers, ideal for homo or store. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. , ; 235 North Liberty. nlOfl WHITE ENAMEL trash burner withcoito. uu. UL cau yyea Hftt op Sun. 2580 Hazel. nsi HI SPEED elec. drill, new. Used 2 davs. Bargain. Ph. eves., 4815. ns3 pjs'ESl sturdy plants, blooming. 3355 , n83 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 175 w. inn, rjiune ouua. nl06 ELECTROLUX cleaner is air purifier. Now available. Complete with all attach ments, $69.75, Home demonstration giv en. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. nl08- a BE.iij.iun apringtooth Harrow. A. Hill man, Rt. 3, Box 950, Salem. S. River Road to Homestead Rd 4 mi. n86 acetylene welder, 5 welding tips & cut ting torch. Salem Saw Works, 1293 N 5th St. Ph. 7603. 82 8 JOINT, 1 inch galvanized pipe, 75 ft.. 4 in. Soil pipe is fittinas. A Jv.-hw lathing. 535 N. Winter. n83. NE t?' 8WeP"- with attachments. All . o.mfB. oo .risncr Hd. Ph. 21347. n83" 9XLmL o W0OL WHton rug. Excellent .. ..M1uU,UICl iiau t winter. WHITE pedal sewing; machine. 350. ph. G.E. HOTPOINT 2-burner elec. pla"te, 3 a V ' . -"ivciatu automatic iron, 34.50. Caste Dutch oven. 31,50. Ph 21853. 536 N. 17th. JJ NEW lavatory (perfect) 330 and a slight ly damaged double sink (new) $20. PBS N. Capital. n8l FIRTEXrTxB. 16x32-ln., 16-In.xB-ft., Rt". 7, Box 431L. McCain avenue, off Sll verton road. n&3 REALLY REST mattress, almost newT 125 Lana Ave. n82 38 CORD V-8 engine, complete, perfect for hot rod. Also rear axle with springs excellent for trailer. Ph. 2651 SIL VERTON. 1947 NORGE Elect, range. 430 Log Cabin St., Independence. nB2 MAMMOTH BLACKBERRY plants. Good roots. 25c. Ph. 25354. n81" PREWAR DAVENO. Lg. chair stool, doors. Call 5960. OVERCOAT is suit. Ph. 4218. it fOo n82C" n82T COMBINATION GAS is wood range 6s m ft. ,ia. uourt St. n82' FOR SALE: Two bed-davenports, $1800 eacn. a-burner gas plate, cabinet ra dio 315.00, coffee table, $10.00. Large salesman's trunk, $10.00. 119 Carlton Way, corner Abrams. na2 FOR SALE A good Steiner violin, valued '" i(-jewei wrist watch, $25. 165 Roberts avenue, Salem Ore., off Silverton road. 82 OIL circulator, 2-3 room size, with 50- Front, apt. 5, after 5. nZ2 PORTABLE typewriter, Underwood, stan- uttru ncyooara. nKe new. New 5-man rubber boat. New 3V4 h.p. Johnson out board motor, never used. Tried In barrel for hour. New model 12 Win chester 20 ga. shotgun. 1553 State. Be fore 11 a.m. or 3 to 7 p.m. n82 NEW ELECTRIC Domestic sewing ma- cnine at console radio as phono. Ph. 8466. a3 HEAVY DUTY portable air compressor wun -?4 n.p. uas jaotor. U5. Phone 2-1139. 83 1944 GEM Trailer Home. 20 ft. stationery oca. ijois oi Duut-ins, on neat. Mrs, B. L. Beal at Penney's or after 6 p.m. at Space 11, Silver Edge Trailer Court, Sllverton, Oregon. n82 ELECTRIC 42 gallon water heater. $79.50. ia. 4314, romano. nl06 BED AND dresser, hardwood, 403 Union. n81 NEW AND used shlplap. 2x4s. 2x6s, 2x8s. ana ius, new ana usea windows. Used doors, used brick. 8. 13th is Howard. 1260 Howard. n8J CRAWFORD ELECTRIC range with trash burner 6z not water colls. $125. Ph. 4883. 82 MASONITE HOUSE trailer. Insulated. Completely reflnlshed Inside and out. Awning, ice box, electric heat, gas plate. Ph. 2-6631. n81 (Continued on Page 17) tar Wail. kr! i )