12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oretron. Friday. April 4. 19-1' ' ' ?ark Bridge Logs Declared Perfect Silverton Old timers who mow their "timber," have pro nounced four logs from the Will oit area near Scotts Mills, ilaced on the area of the park jridge within the past few days, he most perfect obtainable. The city of Silverton is build ing a bridge leading from the Coolidge and McClaine park to the new park area with the ex cavation for the piers fairly well toward completion, but held up for a few days by high water in Silver Creek. The logs that are attracting favorable attention are of old growth Douglas fir. Two are each sixty feet long, three feet at the butt and 24 inches at the smaller end, even, and free from heavy knots. These will support the main bridge. The smaller logs are as perfect as the larger ones, 32 feet in length, and are for support of the old park ap proach. The construction is rustic ana will rest on cement piers. Among the attractions in the first American vaudeville show were Baby Alice, a midget weighing one and one-half pounds and a stuffed "mer maid." A few performances la ter there was added a chicken with a human face and Weber and Fields, a team of comedians. ! LEGAL NOTICE Or EXAMINATION NOTICE ui hereby given thai a Civil Service Examination for firemen aubiect to the rules. leiulatlon and proviso of the Civil Service Commtsion of Salem. Ornnn will be held in the Chamber of icomir.erce Rooms, 147 N. Liberty. 8a!m, Oreion. Friday April J5. 191. at B:DQ a.m. GENERAL acope of examination, in aa d.f.on to physical examination by the r.nr nhTsirian: keennext of observation, read ing comprehension, ability to lollow direc tion, relation with o'hM. physical abil ity o meet fire department requirements. Ten per cent ere ail ajowea on war iimi jervlce record. PAY: J187.00 a month for beiinner. Physical texts aa would ba ordinarily used in firt- ftKhtmi. REQUIREMENTS: Applicant must have bflen bona f;de residents of the C;ty of Salem for at lea.M one year immediately previous to the date of the examination and must be registered voters. Ate limiui are 31 to 31 year. Applicants who are placed on the eligi ble li-it will be required to take a physical examination from the city physician be fore appointment. Poor health or disabil ity defects reported by the city physician will be cause for removal from the elislble list. APPLICATION BLANKS may be Obtain l at the office of the City Recorder, must b filed in person, and will not be accept- ' for filing alter the following date: Thursday. April 17. 1947. at 5:00 p.m. DATED at Salem. Oregon. April 1, 1947. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. By: Alfred Mundt, Secretary and Chief Examiner. April S-3-4-5-7-8. - rfar of April. 1947. at 3:18 o'clock In th . afternoon, at which place and time the I aid creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a com mittee or creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business aa may properly come before said meeting. DATED at Corvallla, Oregon, this 3nd day of April, 1947 LESTER O. OEHLER. Referee in Bankrupt??. April 4. 81- CALL FOR BID Sealed blcLi will be received by (he board of Education of School District No 24. Marlon County, Oregon, up to S'OO o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, April 8. 1947 for furnishing 900 cords of slab wood si the various schools of the District. Specification blanks and . bid form may be obtained from and bids shall be filed with the District Clerk at 460 North High Street. Salem. Oregon. CONNELL C. WARD. District Clerk Mar. 7 28. Apr. 4. fN THE D!STRICTC0iRT0'FTH" UNITED STATES FOR TIIE DIS TRICT OF OREC.ON NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS To the creditors of VIVIAN ROSAMOND STANDIFER. B-20094 in Bankruptcy of 320 Lancaster Drive. Salem, in the County of Marlon and District aforesaid, a bank rupt: Notice l.i hereby given that said VIVIAN ROSAMOND STANDIFER has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by her on the 31st day of March, 197, and that the first meeting of her credi tors Till be held at Room 339. United States Post Office Bids.. Salem, Oregon. on the ltn day or April. 1947, at 2:la o'clock In the afternoon, at which place and time the laid creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ap point a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact aueh other business as mav properly come be fori said meeting. DATED at CorvaJlti, Oregon, thla and day of April, 1947. LESTER G. OEHLER. Referee lit Bankruptcy. April 4. II IN THE DISTRICT COl'RT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS To the creditors of WARREN HARDING DONOVAN, B-29M7 In Bankruptcy, of 3SB& Hazel Ave.. Salem, In the County of Marlon and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice in hereby given that said WAR REN HARDINO DONOVAN has ben duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on the 24th day of March, 1947, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Room 225, United States Post Office Bid., Salem, Oregon, on the 14th day of April, 1047, at 3:45 o'clock In the afternoon, at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a com mittee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. DATED at Corvallis, Oregon, this 3nd day oi April, 1B47. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS To the creditors of CARSON COLENZO STANDIFER. B-23093 In Bankruptcy of 320 Lancaster Drive. Salem. In the County o Marion and District aforesaid, a bank rupt: Notice is hereby tiven that said CARSON COLENZO STANDIFER has been duly ad judged a bankrupt oh a petition filed oy him on the 21st day or March. 1947, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Room 225. United States Post Office Bids., Salem, Oregon, on the 14th A Sixty Grand Smile Bridget Pugliese, 8 (center) of Brook lyn, is all smiles as are her playmates, twins Jean (left) and Rose Marie Gabriel. Bridget, whose right leg is still bandaged, was crippled for life when she was run down by a Brooklyn trolley as she pushed the twins from its path last summer. She was awarded $60,000 by the city. (AP Wirephoto) Howard Announces Faculty Additions Monmouth President C. A. Howard of Oregon College of Education announced the fol lowing appointments of new faculty members this term: Mrs. Audrey Calef will teach physi cal science, chemistry and a biology laboratory. She is the wife of Fred Calef, Independ ence attorney and is a graduate of Mills college. Her appoint ment was necessitated by the addition of several new science classes for the spring term. Assisting in the English de partment will be Miss Edctha Hartwig, OCE director of dormi tories. She will teach one of the world literature classes origi nally taught by Miss Edna Min gus. Miss Mingus is recuperat ing in a Salem hospital from a fall she suffered last term. Miss Hartwig has done both under graduate and graduate work in English at the University of Oregon. Also assistaing in the English department is Mrs. Bar bara Lieuallcn who is teaching classes in world literature. Mrs Lieuallcn, wife of the registrar, was appointed to take over some of the classes previously taught by Miss Mingus. She is a grad uate of Pacific university, Esek Hopkins was commander-in-chief of the U. S. navy fleet from 1775 to 1789 and is the only man in history to hold that position other than the presi dent of the United States. DADDY LOOK Santa Fe Cigars With bands reading "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl" Exclusive at RUTH'S , Lobby Pioneer Trust Bid. 135 North Liberty Telephone 3194 EXPERT RADIO REPAIR On All Types of Radios Our Shop Located in Our Farm Store Comer High at Trade Phone 3194 For Pick-up Service M s A BETTER GARDEN NEEDS BETTER PLANTS BUY TESTED, TOP GRADE STOCK At WARD'S SHADE TREES Sturdy stock available in fast-growing and popu lar varieties. FRUIT TREES Strong, healthy field-grown stock in all popular varieties for the home orchard. Plant now. STRAWBERRIES Gem, Marshall, Rockhill and Streamliner. You are assured of good crops and better profits when you plant WARD'S healthy, sturdy plants. RASPBERRIES Cumberland Black, Cuthbert Red, St. Regis; New Washington, Willamette Large. Also Boysenberries, Youngberries, Rhubarb, Asparagus and Many Other Garden Needs FARM STORE Trade and High Phone 7948 April i. LESTER O- OEHLER, Referee in Bankruptcy-, IN THE DIftTIICT COURT or THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS To the creditor of DONALD M. COL VIN, B-36081. in Bankruptcy, c,o U. J. Klrlc, St. Paul, in the County of Marion and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby liven that atd DON ALD U. COLVIN has been rinlt .rtlnHr,H a. bankrupt on a pautjon filed by him on the. 7th day of March. 194T. and that the first meeting of his creditors be held at Room 136, United States Post Offtca Bids., Salem. Ore on. on the 14th day of April, 1947. at 2:00 o'clock in the after noon, at which place and time the d creditors may attend, prove their cla:njft. appoint a trustee, appoint a commltteeM creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business at may prop erly come before said meetlni. DATED at Corvallis, Oreion, this 2nd day of April, 1847 LESTER G. OEHLER. Referee in Bankruptcy. April 4. 81 18,098 1 Steps a Day 1 l That's What the Average Per- j i son Takes Each Day. I i . $ J That's a Lot of Pounding Your S Feet Absorb. ... I I So Why Not Walk on Well Re- paired Shoes? . I WHILE-YOU-WAIT I SERVICE SALEM'S FASTEST I DEPENDABLE SHOE REPAIR ALL WORK GUARANTEED USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT Nationally Operated Basement Store , COUPON Bend thl.1 coupon with II .00 and I will mail prepaid 3D blooming site 1 Hybrid Oladlolun. New varieties in beautiful paalel shades. I Beaverton Bulb Gardens ( Beaverton, Oregon It's here . . . VESTPOK' dry snaver WARD ACTUAL MHl NO RKTMCtlY MO tOAPO WATTY NO MIRIOl At last ! A vrjtt pocket ill dry f haver for the man with betwecn-shave rrubbie. Quick, comfortable (can't nick or tcrape), Vestpok can be wed any time, any place! For office, plane, taxi, locker room, camp . . . and, of course,, at home I $3.00 with 10 of the ftnett razor fteel bladei. , to. t. MUOff . t m hM iNM N. e4tntxfc.u4e YESTPOfC rDI&NIIFI6D ICR I O 77 WflMONDy UIRTCHy -nLveRniARe - . v... j . nnriiuu -vwy jrma -rm i c TP 'If 1 si -I Wh rho says you're only young once? Take a look at this trim, new Buick or better, take its wheel and see just how wrong that old saw is! One look at these sleek lines, the long, taste-of-tomorrow fenders and just watch yourself start getting young ideas. Find an open road, gun ' this beauty just a bit and see how the spirit of springtime wells up in your soul and sets the red blood coursing. Good road or bad, on these soft all-coil springs you take every thing with youthful zip and zest, quite freed from jar or jolt. City street or country road, with all this poised and husky road weight beneath you, you travel your level course, steady and non swerving even on curves. Pull up somewhere and see how people turn to note the Very Important Person who's arriving. Take it through the tangle of traffic and see how nimbly it maneuvers check it at a bou levard stop and see how sure and positive its controls are. In all truth, here's a car that's any man's darling, every man's pride. A car that not only meets your needs for transportation, but ' satisfies your every hankering for size and power, style and room, solid worth and top-dollar value. Naturally, it's a much wanted car. America's most wanted auto mobile, in fact. Definitely not the number to be picked up off the counter any time, anywhere. That's why forethought pays and prompt decision gets results. You are simply playing safe when you get your order in now! WMt will Mru, u DtwMiaal, wffl fc taBllt: ,t arm et m mm m mHitlt, Otto J. Wilson Company 388 N. Commercial St Phone 9961 Salem, Oregon