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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1947)
Dallas Offers faster Rites Dallas All Dallas churches are planning appropriate ser vices on Easter week-end to commemorate the crucifixion of Christ and the resurrection. Most all churches will have Good Friday services and they will be followed by services of music, baptism and reception of new members on Easter Sun day. A union Good Friday service will be held at 2 o'clock under the sponsorship of the Dallas Ministerial association in the Evangelical United Brethren church. Rev. Gordon Kampfer will speak on "The Call of the Cross." The high school brass quartet and Mrs. Wesley Sher man, soprano soloist, will pre sent special music. - t On Sunday morning the asso ' ciation is planning an Easter sunrise service in the Dallas Odd Fellows cemetery at 6 a.m. Rev. W. A. Backer will deliver the message and music will be by the Evatigelical Mennonite -Brethren male quartet. Cantatas and musical pro grams will be a highlight of the day Sunday. The Apostolic VFaith church will present an Easter program of music at 8 p.m., the Grace Mennonite can tata, "Risen Savior" at 7:30 p.m., Christian and Missionary Alliance, choir and Sunday school cantata at 7:45, Salt . Creek Baptist church, cantata, 8 p.m., Assembly of God, "The ' Passion Story" at 8 p.m., Men nonite Brethren, Easter service , in song, 7:30 p.m., Presbyterian ' and Methodist vesper service, j 5 p.m., and the Christian church, special music at the 11 a.m. service. Most churches are planning evening services on Good Fri day as well as the combined afternoon service. At the Catholic church, be sides the evening Good Friday services at 7:30, confessions will be at 7:30 p.m. Saturday and masses will be at 8:15 and 10:15 a.m. on Easter. Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon. Thursday, April 3, 19473 Porpoises, dolphins and whales are, according to sci ence, land animals that have given up their original habitat for the ocean. AOEYOUPAtt i I'MOIRED ; due to MONTHLY LOSSES? 1 You girls and women who lose so I much during monthly periods that j you're pale, weak, "dragged out" : this may be due to lack of blood-Iron, j So try Lydla E. Pinkham's TABLETS I one of the best home ways to j build up red blood In such cases. 1 Pinkham's Tablets are one of the best blood-iron tonics you can buyl ! lydia E. Pinkham's TAOICTS GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Sponsored by Salem Ministerial Association on Good Friday, April 4, 1947 at THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ' 12:00 Noon - 3:00 P.M. Speakers: THE REV. ALLEN C. WILCOX THE REV. WILMER N. BROWN THE REV. DUDLEY STRAIN THE REV. CHARLES DURDEN THE REV. H. A. SCHLATTER THE REV. LOUIS WHITE THE REV. LLOYD T. ANDERSON WAR SURPLUS 5J5 2.95 35c 625 1.00 24.50 .1.75 1.50 SALEM SURPLUS STORE PHONE 5697 976 SOUTH COMMERCIAL VETERAN OWNED AND OPERATED NAVY OXFORDS Black dress, assorted sizes SUBARMINE SANDALS Top grade leather NAVY CAPS Baseball type NAVY FIELD JACKETS Light weight, water-repellant. . . AMMUNITION BOXES Metal, .50 caliber DOUBLE BUNKS Complete with two mattresses . . RAINCOATS 1.75 SUNTAN SHIRTS Sizes 15'2, 16, 16'2, reclaimed. Ward-Wise Value In STUDENTS' SPRING SUITS To take first place in the young crowd's favor. . . ex pertly tailored all-woolflan-nel suits in the classic glen plaid pattern. Popular double-breasted-drape model. Brown and blue. Regular and long sizes 33 to 38. 25.98 ill Big Reductions in Wards of Smart Spring Week-End Specials Pi Don't Miss These 8 81 Reg. 4.98 Purses Reduced Smartly styled all-black plastic O purses, best quality, now only Lovely White Scarfs These white rayon scarfs were 77 f 98c. Buy now for only C Bright Rayon Scarfs Regular 1.89 scarfs reduced for Q7f this weekend to only ". W I C Men's Dress Shirts In tan, gray, blue. Sizes 14 to 17. A7 All sleeve lengths. Were 3.85, now 6.98 Men's Sport Shirts In small, medium, large. Your Q7 choiceof brown, grey or cream. . . . Jm M I 4.98 White Sport Shirts All tailored. Sizes small, medium Q7 and large. Buy now for 1 11.95 Bedford Cords Reduced All 100 wool. Choice of brown, Q Q"T tan or blue. Now ' w s 9.45 Loafer Coats 100 wool two-toned. Q M'T Smartly styled for spring Oi"l Men's Tweed Suits Here's a well tailored suit in sizes 34 to 40. Sells regularly at 34.95. Buy on this week- OO Q7 end special at AmM oM I 1.39 Men's Ties Wear the smartest for Easter and "l look your best. Reduced to I oWw GOOD BUYS Girls' Dresses REDUCED TO CLEAR All Sizes, Styles and Patterns 41 Only Girls' Dresses Alt Were 1.98, now If l 22 Only Girls' Dresses Q7f Were 3.48, now ill, 34 Only Girls' Dresses Q7r Were 2.98, now ' 35 Only Girls' Dresses 1 AJ Were 3.98, now 11 Only Girls' Dresses O AJ Were 4.98, now 15 Only Girls' Dresses 'o AJ Were 5.98, now M.1t Special Prices Boys' Slipon Sweaters All wool in sizes 10 to 16. In brown, J7 tan, maroon and blue. Reg. 3.89. 1.85 Boys' Sport Shirts Short sleeved plaid shirts in blue Q7 and tan. Sizes 10 to 18 7 I C 25.98 Boys' Suits Plaid, sporty styles, 33 to 38, in Q Q"T blue' and brown. Now Boys' Sport Coats Good assortment of colors in sizes 10 to 18. Excellent patterns. Q QTF Priced as high as 12.98, now M W I 6.98 Dress Trousers Part wool, in sizes 18 to 20, in (f A7 blue or brown. Now only J.M1 1.39 Flannel Shirts An excellent spring item in plaid Q"I ' cotton flannel. Sizes 6 to 18. Now. . O C 79c Boys' "T" Shirts All white in small, medium, large. r"T Priced for this weekend to only J I C Boys' Sport Shirts In solid colors: brown, blue, green and ' white. Short sleeved. Were 1.49. Q7f Sizes 6 to 16. Now w I C 1.29 Sport Shirt For boys. Solid colors in sizes 2 to Q7 10. Has short sleeves. Now W I C 4 I Check Every Value Women's Suits Reduced Regular 45.00 to 48.00 in brown, white, yellow and black, black and white check and blue-white OQ 77 stripe. Now .., ZtWot I 38.00 Women's Suits All wool crepe in grey, blue, black L ff and aqua. Sizes 10 to 18. Now. . Z.J.JJ 29.95 Women's Suits All wool in brown, green and black. Sizes 10, 12, 16 and 20. J (( Yours for Easter for X. I V 7.98 Bolero Suits ', In pastel and black. Large assort- C 77 t ment. Sizes 12 to 18. Now Ji 19.98 Women's Dresses Black crepe in pure dyed silk. "1 Q Q7 Sizes 10 to 20. Now I 3 j 12.98 Women's Dresses In sizes 9 to 15. Black, navy crepe Q Q"T with novelty and lingerie trim. Now ,'3 4