Bunny Keynote Fun for Small Fry Easter Party To small fry, Easter means bunnies, so when you plan a young Easter party! make the bunny the keynote. Start out with soft drinks which make a party for youngsters and turn the bottles into rabbits by making simple paper cut-outs. Use white card board for the heads and bodies of the bunnies, folding the paper to cut, as shown in sketch. Stick these on the front of the bottles and attach a small white card board cottontail on the back. Use pink shiny paper to line the ears and accent eyes and nose. The appropriate fare for this party is rabbit food, of course. Have a plate of raw vegetables young green cabbage leaves, baby carrots scrubbed clean, cauliflower flowerets, radishes and big black olives. Have a small fancy paper cup of mayon naise for each guest to dunk his vegetables in. Chinese Easter Nests serve as the one indispensable hot dish and hot cross buns go for bread and cake both. Chinese Easter Nests 6 eggs 4 tablespoons butter or margarine I Mi cups sliced mushrooms 1 cup sliced onions 1 teaspoon salt H teaspoon celery salt V, teaspoon pepper 1 cup chicken broth 3 cups drained canned bean sprouts 2 tablespoons cornstarch Vx teaspoon sucar i cup cold water 2 cups Chinese-type noodles Place eggs (in the shell) in a saucepan; cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Remove from heat, cover pan, and allow to stand. Melt butter or margarine in skillet. Add mushrooms and onions: saute lightly for five minutes. Sprinkle with season ing, add chicken broth; cover and cook for five minutes. Add bean sprouts, mixing thoroughly. Heat to boiling. Combine corn starch, sugar and water. Stir into hot mixture, and continue cooking for five minutes. Remove hard - cooked eggs from water and peel off shells. Cut eggs in half, crosswise. Place yolks in bowl. Mash and moisten to a paste with a little liquid from the hot vegetable mixture. Kefiu cavity in egg whites. Place noodles on individual plates. Heap hot vegetable mix ture in center and place two stuffed egg halves in the middle. Hot Cross Buns Vi cup sugar 3 tablespoons melted butter or margarine i teaspoon salt 1 cup milk, scalded 1 yeast cake cup warm water 2 eggs 3 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 4 teaspoon allspice H cup seedless raisins 1 dozen marshmallows U cup confectioners' sugar Stir sugar, butter and salt into milk. Soften yeast cake in warm water. When milk mixture has cooled to lukewarm, add the yeast and one well beaten egg. Sift together the flour and spice, add with raisins to liquid and mix well. Cover and allow to rise in a warm place until dou ble in bulk. Shape into two-inch balls and place in a well-greased baking pan. Beat remaining egg lightly and brush over tops of buns. Snip a deep cross in the top of each with scissors. Bake in a hot oven (400 degrees) for 20 minutes. Cool. To make a sugar-saving icing for the buns; Melt marshmal lows over hot water; beat in con fectioners' sugar until well blended. Make crosses on buns while icing is warm. Cool before serving. Amity Vocational Instructor Henry T e m p a s accompanied two members of his class, John Castecl and Royal Tarter, to Portland to witness the state FFA public speaking contest. Mrs. Roy Westling And Baby Showered Brooks Mrs. Patsy Brutka and Mrs. Opal Rasmussen were hostesses at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Zenger honoroing Mrs. Roy Westling and baby Sandra Diane with a shower. Those present were Mrs. Ar nett Werner of Gresham, Mrs. Harry Bosch, Mrs. Anna Lehr man, Mrs. Elizabeth McNeff, Mrs. Golda Harley, Mrs. Opal Rasmussen, Mrs. Elmer Conn, Mrs. Nora Westling, Mrs. Flor- Capilal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, April 3, 1947 15 ence White, Mrs. Nona Sidebot tom, Mrs. Bertha Morisky, Mrs. Patsy Brutka, Mrs. A. J. Har ris, Mrs. A. M. Dunlavy, Mrs. Gertrude Zenger and the honor guests Mrs. Roy Westling and Sandra Diane. MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem 33c Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixtures For Immediate Delivery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary Location, 255 N. Liberty. Salem, Ore. Phone 9412 f DADDY LOOK Santa Fe Cigars With bands reading "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl" Exclusive at RUTH'S Lobby Pioneer Trust Bldg. FLEX ALUM Venetian Blinds We measure, Install and Adjust All Orders Without Charge Rapid Service 340 Court St. 3rd Floor mm ....J 1 'O -Here's a 'Real CHICKEN DINNER. Just think -"half a chicken in a can" LYNDEN CHICKEN FRICASSEE Already cooked -just heat and eat -plenty of good, rich gravy -marvelous with hot biscuits, with dumplings, or in savory chicken pie. Lynden Chicken Fricassee is now back at your grocer's -the easy, economical way to have a chicken dinner-no work, no waste, no trouble. Get a big tan TODAY mm with dumplings, or in savory I I aF- .aria,, f rfHSSIt 0 eft DtfS , vetf I I A---A ItnV . 1 -tm- illinium l . -vi w I 1.71 i-r, 40 V Qvj m m . mi limn r v mm LSH I m Aunt Jemima IN PERSON Nationally Famous Pancake Queen . . .at Our Store . : : Saturday, April 5 We cordially invite you to come in and meet her and sample her delicious pancakes. And bring the children they will enjoy meeting her, too. Here All Day Saturday at Erickson's Super Market AUNT JEMIMA Pancake and Waffle Flour 20 oz. pkg 15c 2Vi lb. pkg 29c Vi lb. pkg 37c 5 lb. pkg 53c Aunt Jemima Buckwheat Flour 20 oz. pkg 19c 2Vi lb. pkg 35c VA lb. pkg 43c 5 lb. pkg SCHILLINGS COFFEE A$r Drip or Regular 1-lb. jar COTTAGE CHEESE 93c Fisher's Finest pint carton " EVANS HONEY OOc Strained Finest Quality 1-lb. Jar Marshmallow Syrup Al Crimson Rambler 24 oz. Jar FANCY CHOCOLATES Ogc Hamilton's Finest Candies 1-lb. box SPECIALS EFFECTIVE FRIDAY THRU MONDAY Stuffed Olives Early American JA Giants 5 oz. jar JmjfC Ripe Olives Wyandotte Medium 9 oz. can Linclscy Largo 9 oz. can 29c ... 33c Dill Pickles Steinfcld's . . . .quart jar 33c Sweet Mustard Pickles Libby's 12 ox. jar 25 C SERVE TENDER CHICKEN FOR YOUR EASTER DINNER! FRYERS Dressed and Drawn Tender, First Quality Birds. ib. 66c 41 tcettu -rAace l0t uov-- ftt)et l.veov i.iO u- too CALIFORNIA SPRAY CHEMICAL CORP. 81 S.E. Yamhill St., Portland, 14, Oregon Pork Roast lb. 57c Young and Tender Loin Hams lb. 65c Armour's Star or Swift's Premium Halt or Whole Rib Steak . lb. 59c Armour's Quality Branded Steer Beef Oysters . pint 59c Fresh Pacific Fine for Frying FRESH ASPARAGUS WE',!., 2 lbs. 29c CALAVOS , or Salads Sweet Potatoes Fancy Southern 2 lbs 25c New Potatoes 3 lbs. 23 C Green Peas 2 lbs. 25 C 2 for 29C Oranges Medium Size Sunkist 70" 2 dozen Texas Pink Dozen Grapefruit 59c Tuna Fish Sea Dip Grated, No. Vi can 35c Can Oysters OQc Sea Shell tall can " v Kadota Figs OQc Golden Poppy . . No. 2 Vi can Apple Sauce TO Stokelcy's No. 2 can ' 10c Borax Chips 35c 25c Dog Food Dr. Ross, Canned, tall can Twenty Mule Team, lg. pkg. 2 for Boraxo Hand Cleaner Corn 2 cans OQ. Del Maiz No. 2 can Whole Kernel Corn Heart of Valley O OQf Fancy, No. 2 can . . cans Stringless Beans Santiam O OQ No. 2s cans Blue Spot Fancy. . If. No. 2 can - cans JC Rose O 1Q. No. 2 can cans " Kidney Beans 17 Van Camp's Red, No. 2 can ' Bean Sprouts Q Ben-Gee No. 2 can OLD MONK French Dressing With Olive Oil Base 0"T Large 16 oz. jar ? I C OLD MONK MAYONNAISE Guaranteed Fine Quality C- Pint jar t JC DICED CARROTS Standby No. 2 can CAIICDID AIIT Slokclcy Fancy jfULrinnw i,;lr Large No. IVi can. 10c 17c TOMATOES Tasty Pak No. 2 can JACK SPRAT Fancy Solid Pack No. 2 can 20 C ASPARAGUS All Green TASTY PAK CUT SPEARS , No. 2 eon 33 e WALLA WALLA FANCY SPEARS No. 2 can 37 C Opening Hours 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Open Sundays for Your Convenience 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 1 KBM Just Beyond UNDERPASS on PORTLAND ROAD t 4