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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1947)
12 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER, 3 bedroom house, large cor ner lot, double garage, close to school and bus, price reduced, Immediate pos session. 1R10 Waller St. aav ONLY J 4800 ONLY 1 BEDROOMS. 5 rooms, Large living rm and kitchen, built-in, wired for range. i acre fruits and nut. Kelzer dlst. No. 215. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Ph. 9203 a79 ATTENTION, G.I.'S TOU CAN get a O.I. loan on this new atl-elcctrlc home, hardwood f Ira. Full bath. Excellent kitchen. Really good I8D50. 248. ' REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203a79 ff30A. 5 rm. hse. on N. 23rd St. Elec. stove At water heater, trash burner. Laundry room, nice lot, MONEY TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage Ph. 3723 aSl FOR SALE: 4 bedroom house. Good shape, fireplace, sir conditioned furnace. Own er, 35 Lansing Ave. af)2 1 $500 DOWN MO A MONTH GOOD K room unfinished house. Next to city limits. Park Ave. between D St. Si Market. No, 247. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 South High Phone 9203 a79- NEAR LESLIE JR. HI. I REDRM. home. Now vacant. Just reno vated. Fireplace, oak floors, full base ment, furnace, unusual yard. $7900. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 a79 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Ph. 7098 EXCELLENT VALUE! I R,R. home, Ige. lot, located near En Blew ood School, clone to High school. Only 7 yrs. old, well constructed, hdw. firs., fireplace, full basement, Ven. blinds. A home that will meet your re quirements. Price $9750. Terms. CALIFORNIA RANCH STYLE NEW! ENGLEWOOD school dlflt. 2 BR. home, spacious rooms throughout. Ov erhead Diesel Oil heating system. Love ly knotty pine patio. Well insulated, well constructed. A home with real charm. Price $12,600. WEST SALEM 6 YR. old, S B.R. home, 1 B R. dwn. 2 B firms, up. Immed. poss. This is a good home, and priced right, at $7750. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Res. 24682 Rca. 24781) Ph. 7606 a81 HOME Se Income. 3 B.R. home with furn ished apt. In rear. On North Front, close to canneries. Apt. rented lor $48 per mo. For rtutck sale $7900. THOS. A, ROBERTS REALTOR Formerly of Hawkins St Roberts See MR. CHIPMAN Phone 4109 a80 BETTER HOMES $1250 NICE 1 B.R. on ft acre, beautiful yard, nice district East. S.Ytlttt COMFORTABLE 2 B.R. on U acre close to school and bus South. fm. BEAUTIFUL 4 B.R. on comer lot. Close In North. Full basement, furnace, beniitlfiil grounds. $n, mo NEW 3 B.R. with nice view on 100x165 lot, hdw. firs., full basement, clrvm to bii5. New district. South. $11. film LARGE 3 B.R. with elec. heat, situated on beautiful wooded lot. This 1 really a nice home. North. THOS. A. ROBERTS REALTOR Formerly of Hawkins & Roberts ee MR. CHIPMAN Phone 4109 NELSON NEWS $6300 A GOOD modern plastered home with hwd. firs, throughout. L.R., Kit., 2 bdrms. Se bath, utility rm. In attached garage, elec. water heater, Imd. poss. 2 BDRM8. SOUTH A' WELL built plastered home, L. R Kit., 2 bdrms. Se bath, hwd. firs., fplnce, bus waif heater, full basmt,, Piped furnace, excellent location, near bus St schools. ',4 AO. KEIZER FAIRLY NEW good condition home with L. R., D. R.. Kit.. 2 bdrms., bath (tub not installed), unf. attic, elec. water heater, V. blinds, fruit St nuts, chicken hse.. 1520. IF NEITHER of these meet your require ments tell us what you want. We pro bably have It listed. NELSON At NELSON Cliet I. Nelson Theo. O. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. HOO-2 Masonic Bid., 495 State St. Ph. 4410 or 4622. Evea. 21150 a70 NEW OFFERING ENGLISH1 STYLE home between Leslie St McKlnley schools, 0 yrs. old, clean, roomy, L.R., D.R.. 2 B.R.'., all hdw. firs., full basement, auto, furn., land scaped both front and back yd., a su perior house In every respect. The kit chen is far, far above average. $13,750. THE HEAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 81 ENGLEWOOD BARGAIN MOD. S rm. home plus hmall den, auto lieat, flreplnce, hdwd. firs, throughout, elec. h.w, heater, large, utility room, many bullt-lns. Price $0000, Call Coburn L. Grnbenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty at. Ph. 4131, Eves. 7772 70 INCOME PROPERTY f IlDRM. home plus 3 rm. apt. located In No. 4 Indust. Zone. Apt. completely furn. Se rented for 14S a mo. Price $500. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. Call Dale L. Shepherd with ORAUENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 3-4487 79 NEAR STATE BLDGS. K. UITII St., splendid 5 rm. Eng. type home with unfln. upstairs, full basmt., fireplace, hdwd. firs., dble. gnrage, nice yard, fully fenced in renr. Owner leav ing city. $2.ri00 will handle. Price $9500. Call Dale L. Shepherd with ORAI1ENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eve. 2-4457 79" NEAT A clean 5 rm. home. Corner lot, fenced yd., paved st. Close to bus At srh. Very good location. W. Salem. 16, 830. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 8255 Eves. 2-5831 n79 VALUE. HOME. VALUE. SltnilRHAN COTTAGE, 7 years old. 2 bedrooms, L.R,, kitchen and nook. Newly decorated. Shrubbery. paved streets, sidewalks, all for $5500. Good Terms. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7606 Res. 3 4 788 a78 BY OWNER: New 5-room ranch style ho . Insulated, weatherslrlpped, deep well, electric water system, oil floor furnace. Lots of butlt-lns. Hardwood floors. Attarhed gar Bite. One block to bus. 2 blocks N, of Center, on block X. of Park. 3245 Knox Ave. a80 NEW MOVABLE HOUSES 8x54 FT. well-insulated St wired for all electric. Can be used as trailer houses or set on blocks. Add. rooms can oe built on for permanent house. They wo ul also make a nice court. Price reduced for quick sale, or an offer Across from Waters Ball Park on 8. 25th St., Snlem. aB0 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4 to 4 Call for details. BYRKtT St POTTS S39 OhemeVeta Phone 69S7 LEO N. GUILDS. INC. REALTORS OWN YOUR OWN IT ELI, LOCATED SUBURBAN HOME In fnst growing district. k acre, best of soli. Attractive 3-room house, knotty pine finish. Small barn and chicken house. Price $4200. ANOTHER ONE NEW AND NEAT not far out on paved mad. I acre, part In timber, balance newly cleared. Price only $4000. ENGLEWOOD: LOVELY CAPE COD BUN OA LOW. Living room, dining room, kit chen, bedroom, bullt-lns, closets, auto, h.w. heater, garage, well landscaped lot. Bus by the door. $5000. Terms. ft RNISIIED HOME. 6 rooms, fireplace; extra large- lot 50x200. Several fruit and walnut trees, paved street, close to bus. Price furnished $7000. Posses ion now. BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOME. Spacious lh' g room, cheerful dining room, large kitchen with bullt-lns, 3 nice brdroor s. Basement with auto, fur nace, double garage. All nicely land sen ped and located In a very good neighborhood. $11,750. CALL or SEE James B. Hartman or K. N. Voorhees with LFO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable servic to horns owners." 3 44 State St. Ph. 9261 aSO Journal Want Ads Pay Ore, Wednesday, April 2, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES ENGLEWOOD dlst. Lovely 4 bedrm. home, 1 yr, old. Dbl. plumbing, hdw. floors, fireplace, full basement, attached gar age. $13,800. $5800 down. For parti culars call 9148. a82 287 N. WARREN, Monmouth: 10 room corner house with large plot, to aettle estate. Price, asking $8000. Offer con sidered. Attorney, Leon Heller, 1457 Broadway, new yorg is, h. r. aou- S41.V0 -NICE, clean 2 B.R. cottage, Llv. rm., kitch., bath, hdw, firs, thruout. Call OMER, HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21649. Eves, 25091. a80 NEAR ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL 118,200 3 B.R. home. Liv. rm., dining rm., kitch., hdw. firs., fireplace, full size bsmt., oil furnace. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549. Eves. 25091. a80 BY OWNER: 3 bedrm. modern home, lot 100x130. New lawn, roses, berries. Furn., Including piano Si modern gas range. $4900. 206 Fifth St., Sllverton. Ph. 452 forenoon Se after 7 p.m. aSO $11,500. VIEW Property, lovely 3 bdrm. home with Elec. heat, urepiace, covea ceilings, double plumbing, most modern kitchen In Salem, you really must see this to appreciate It, 2 car garage, In sulated Ss weather stripped. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eves. 2S830 $6,150. 4 rms, St bath with ,4 acre of all kinds of fruit, large garage Be wont shop, this Is & good location, this 1 a plastered hse,, hwd. firs. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eves. 25830 a80' $2000 DOWN. Lovely 3 bdrm. home East, hdwd. firs . att. garage, imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS S45 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 25830 a80 $12,600. X bdrm. home. Thla Is a beauti ful Suburban home, latest design oricx front, hwd. firs, throughout, oil heat, beautiful fireplace. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eves. 25830 aBO $16,000. LOVELY 2 bdrm. home furnished. In Englewood dist., large lot, lull base ment with extra bdrm. Very best of furniture, OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830 16850, 3 bdrm. home close in, fireplace, V. blinds, city bus in front 01 ooor, Imm. Poss OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l, St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830 a80 SUBURBAN SPECIAL IP you can handle saw and hammer, here is your chance to have a nice home cheap. 2 bdrm. home with upstairs, framed, sided, painted, plumb ing At wiring roughed In, ready to lath, drilled well, nearly "A A. of good soil, full price $4100.00. Terms can be ar ranged. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500. Eves. 9536 S1I.50O FOR this beautiful Suburban home, North. Large L.R. with big win dow, D.R., hwd. firs, throughout, oil furnace, 2 bdrms. down, unfinished attic, 4 A. of good soil, on pavement, fireplace, 3 blks. to school and store. Call for appointment. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 845 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 9536 aSO iBOOfl. EAST, 5 rm. hse. with unfinished attic, 2 bdrms. down, hwd. firs., fire place, oil fir. furnace. Owner will sell furniture. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500. Eves. 9536 aaO BUY OR SELL YOUR HOME AT THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 4.13 N. High St. Phone 34793 a83 $4250. Lots and clean plastered 1 B.R. home on N. Church St. OH circulator and cook stove go. Venetian blinds. Lot! of fruit, strawberries, etc. Immediate I possession. I $4850. ATTRACTIVE 3 B.R. home 6 yrs. old East on bus line. Elect, water heat-! er. Wired for range. Garage. Immedi ate possession. (70(H). V A. and new modern 3 B.R. home close In East, Hdwd. floors, Ve netian blinds, elect, water htr. Wired for range. $15,150. CLEAN modern 4 B.R. home com pletely furnished. Englewood Dist. Hdwd. floors, Venetian blinds, base ment, furnace, beautiful yard St shrubs. $8M50. NEW modern 3 B.R. home N. Un finished upstairs. Attached garage. Hardwood floors. Oil furnace. Immedi ate possession. $0on. Vi A. and clean 3 B.R. home on Park Ave. Elect, water htr. Wired lor range. Chicken hse. Fruit trees. $4750, CLEAN 3 B.R. home close In on bus line. West Salem. Wired for range. Elect. Water Htr, Immediate posses- lion. Onll Slanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 163 S. High St. Phone 4121 Evenings 35581 a80 $7350 NEW t bedroom modern home. Hdw. firs., alec, heat, Insulated, fine loca tion. $7800 t-BEDROOM modern home on paved stn t. Nr. school St bus. Nice corner lot. Very good. $7600 VERY NICK S-bedroom home. Dining rm., living rm., kitchen, bullt-ins. Large hack lot, 6 yrs. old. Very neat and clean. ENGLEWOOD DIST. VERY ATTRACTIVE 2-bcdroom home. close to Englewood Sch. Large lot. Im med. pass. Will consider car or trailer In trade. $8250. WALTER MUSORAVE, REALTORS 1333 Edgewater Phone 5109. a79 3 BDRM. home with Beautiful view. Near- Ing completion at 253 Vista Ave. Own er ill decorate to buyer's specifica tions. Slop in during day or Ph. 4284 evrs. a7B NEW ONLY $3400 H ACRE of land, small home, 3 rooms and bath, piped for gas, includes gas range and gas water heater, MOVE RIGHT INITS READY. LEE OHM ART Si CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 96RO ATTRACTIVE MODERN HOME A COMPLETE 5 room home with an un finished upstairs. 2 good bedrooms, full bath, 5 large closets, auto, air-conditioned oil furnace, Insulated and weath er stripped, fireplace. V. blinds through out. Rosertnle Addition $10,500. LEE OHMART St CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 9680 A GOOD BUY LARGE 4 bedroom home with complete double plumbing, part basement with auto, oil furnace, wired for range, elec trio water heater, located on South Com mercial Street $8950. LEE OHMART St CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 6680 WANTED TO hear from party Interested in buying NEW MODERN HOME: small down payment, balance month W. Capital Journal Box No. 329. a79 SM ALLTaTTR ACTI VE HOME ONLY $4730 for thla attractive 1 bedroom home, has living room with fireplace, part hardwood floors, utility room, gas water heater, small lot, located on North 18th Street. LEE OHMART St CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 9680 a NEW COUNTRY HOME, ranch style and modern in every respect, all large rooms, fireplace. Insulated, elect, heat, dble. garage, outside fireplace and bar becue, beautiful setting on acre with lovely view and lot of fruit trees. $15,000. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Ives. 7(7 a79' RAKE SHAKE ENGLISH STYLE 5 rm. home with unfinished attic, fireplace, full bsmt,. dble. garage, lovely large lot, .paved at. and dose to Mis. $9500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd Phoue 3355. Ives. 7057 a79 $m.noo. COMPLETELY furnished 3 BR L.R., DR., Kn extra room in base ment, furnace, large lot, well land scaped. A late built Englewood home you should tee. LA R.S EN HOME LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings, Personal Service 164 8. Corn ! St. Phont Evea. 7440 or 24591 S79 FOR SALE HOUSES $12,500. NEW beautiful 3 B.R. home East. Lot 70x128. Has fireplace. Oil heat. Hdwd. floors throughout. Attractive ga rage. See this home. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 183 S. High St, Phone 4131 a80 G. I. or CIVILIAN NEW i B.R. modern home on a most beautiful 100x180 landscaped jol wun an abundance of fruit trees, auto, heat, hdwd. floors throughout. A real buy at $7500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 7057 a79 PHONE 6155 or 9510 $1500.00 DOWN. 1 bdrm. hse. on h acre. 1 blk. to but. North, run price nuuu. $1500 DOWN. Large 2 bdrm. hse. H acre. '4 blk. to bus. North. Full price 1000. $1500 DOWN, New 1 bdrm. hse. South. Imm. poss. Full price $5900. $1000.00 DOWN New 3 bdrm. hse. Large lot. Ke ger dlst. Full price woo. $2000 DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hip roof hse. Hlshland dlst. Full Price $6900. $1500,00 DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hse. Large lot. Kelzer dist. Full price 79U0, $1500 DOWN, New 3 bdrm. hse., unfin ished attic. Large lot. Northeast, run price $8950. WE HAVE other listings. For add. information call ABRAMS Se SKINNER, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9S10 Mtg. Loans Insurance a70 G.I. SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL District, two new Ultra Modern homes, oak floors, spa cious living and dining rooms, very nice kitchen with lots of bullt-lns. 2 bed rooms down, unfinished upstairs, large enough for two more bedrooms, auto matic heat, lot 60x150, near bus, $800 down. Ask for Ben Colbath. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves. 26923 a79' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEW TWO bedroom home Kelzer district. partly furnished Including two stoves, attached garage, paved street, bus by the door. $6600. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves. 7217 , ,79 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION EXCEPTIONALLY WELL built two bed room modern home, hardwood floors throughout, spacious living and dining rooms, beautiful modern kitchen with plenty of bullt-lns. Unfinished upstairs, automatic heat, attached garage, nice large lot, location in the Englewood School district. A real buy for $8850, ask for Ben Colbath JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves. 36923 a79" FOB SALE: In Toledo, New 5 room house, 3 Bedrooms and Bath, 3 Lots, Berries, Chickens. Ideal location, Immediate pos session. $3800 cash. Wilt accept car or panel delivery as part cash. Must be In A-l condition. P. O. Box 1094, Toledo, Oregon. aSO FOR SALE LOTS SPECIAL PRICE: 10 lots, by owner. Wa ter rum. Good soil, sch. Si city bus. N. E. 35 Lansing Ave. aal04 LOT. 70'xI25. excellent location In Capi- tola addition $800. Inquire 170 Duncan Ave. aa81 CHOICE LOTS TWO LOTS size 100x100 stubed In for sewer, located 17th St Mill. Price $1500. See ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEED HAM, 341 State St., Room 4. aa79 RESIDENTIAL lot on beautiful Ben Lo mond Heights. Unobstructed view of city and mountains. Only two left for sale on top of hill, 90 foot frontage. $4250 ennh. SEVER IN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. DIAL 4016 EVES. 8213 aaS2 LOT AND bldg. mat. Inq. 1445 Oak. aa82 EXCLUSIVE LOTS JURT BEING placed on the market a few nice building lots In the Engle wood school district. Small down pay ment If desired. Here Is your oppor tunity to secure a lot at a reasonable price with a small down payment. To tal price $600. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves. 7217 an79 $1100. BUILDING lot close to Richmond school on paved St. 464xl9r. MOO LOTS 75x87 East. New Dist. 27 BEAUTIFUL view tots must be sold together. A real opportunity for a builder. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4131 FOR SALE FARMS A FARMER'S FARM 80 ACRES, 45 A. cleared, 25 A. bottom. 12 a. orennrn. urnin crops in. Barn 42x38. 8 room house, electricity, $14, 000 includes 8 cows. This is an honest value. 1013. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 0303 b70 LOOK THIS OVER 10 ACRES. 4 room house. Barn. Good wen. electricity, a A. cult. 1 A. orchard. Fenced St level. $4500. $1250 down. S21-A. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South" High Ph. 9203 b79 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR EXCLUSIVE FARM LISTINGS! APPROX. 15 A. South. Prunes St Walnuts, living quarters. Price $5800. A. Good 3 rm. cottage, near Salem Airport. Price $6,150. 46 A. Fruit farm, showed a very good In come last year. Lge. 6 rm. hse. In good condition. In 1846, 24 li ton cherries, 10 ton pears, 30 ton apples St prunes. 40 walnut trees. A good farm Invest ment at $19,000. 5 A. East, close In. Good 6 rm. hse., dble. f iur. rw poultry use., sman oarn, garden tractor. Creek & Springs. Won derful view. Price $12,500. Call Henry Torvend JOB HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Res. 25141 Ph. 7696 b81 SUBURBAN 10 ACRES. '4 fruit and i garden land. ornumui a b.k, monern nome, livestock and equipment nn at in snn 5 ACRES berry land with comfortable 3 u.k. nome wun elec. heat. Double ga rage, barn and poultry house. $7350 THOS. A. ROBERTS REALTOR Formerly of Hawkins & Roberts See MR. CHIPMAN Phone 4109 Ml- BERRY FARM 160 ACRES. 40 acres strawberries, 40 acres iiwanDcrries, iu acres boysenberries. 20 acres young prune trees, 40 acres sown to fescue, 10 acres timber. Nice modern nume ana an equipment go. 20 acres strawberries will produce this year, ev erything next year. THOS. A. ROBERTS REALTOR Formerly of Hnwklns St Roberts See MR. CHIPMAN Phone 4109 faSl $10,30017 A. Lovely home. 10 A. cultl- mra, a, vetcn, 1 A. timber. Elec. water system, chicks, cows, some rab bits. lg. chick hse. Call Ed Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 9441. b80 ATTENTION DAIRYMEN! ONE OF THE valley's finest Grade A uaincA. Da acres o excellent oil. gent ly rolling, all tiled and under cultiva tion, wen lencea. Modern 36x72 barn, milk house, machine shirt anri hn nn Very' good 2-bedroom insulated home wun mil oasement. Beautifully land scaped. Good terms. Full price. $30 000 WALTER MUSORAVE, REALTORS 1233 Edgewater Phone 5109. b79' FOR SALE: 5 acre tract. Magnificent view oi wuiameue valley and Cascade moun tains. 15 mln. from downtown Salem. Paved road, approx. 4 blocks from school. $1500 Phone 6826. b84 ? A. farm about 12 miles from Salem. very nice 3 BR. home. barn, large chicken house. Fruit, berries and nuts. All in cultivation, To be sold with equipment, immediate possession. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4131 b80 bs-auku rami, clear, N. Take gome trade, no buildings. $3000 down, bal ance to suit. Inquire 607 N. Capitol, Apt. 6. b80 NELSON FARMS BEFORE YOU BUT a farm or acreage check our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson St -Nelson. Mason Is Bldg., Ph 4419 b' To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE ACREAGE 20 ACRES COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. Cherries, ber ries, pears, prunes, apples, filberts St English walnuts, located hi mi. from Commercial cannery. Barn, pasture, hen house, 6 rm. modern house. $5000 cash will handle. Balance terms. Or would consider some trade. See ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM, 311 State St. Room 4. bb79 FOR SALE 35 A., approx. 8 A. in young bearing fil berts, some family fruit St berries. Bal ance pasture St timber. Good 4 rm. plast. house with garage, new tile ma chine shed. Could be used for chicken or brooder house. Price $10,500. Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 3-2948 bb79 VIEW ACREAGE 10 A. located 4 miles out on good road St light line. Just off main Pac. H. Beautiful view of valley St mts. 4 A. of good prune orchard. Bal. under cult. Price $3500. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 bb79" CHERRY ORCHARD ABOUT 13 A. of good bearing orchard lo cated on good county road S. of Salem, also 8 A, of pasture. A real bargain at $6500. Call Coburn L, Grahenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7773 bb79 JUST THE PLACE FOR THE family with children, pets. chicks, cow, etc. One acre near Hayes vllle. 3 bedroom home, quite new. L.R. St D.R. and kitchen across front of house. Oil heat. Elect, range. Large ga rage, barn and chick, house. Deep well. A grand place. $10,800. 355, REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 South High Phone 9203 bb79 AC, 4 rm. hse. 3 bdrms. gas range, water heater, bedrm. St llv. rm. fur niture, barn, poultry house, 13 hens. $4900. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage ' Ph. 3723 bb8I- 3 ACRES and 5 rm. home. Close In South. House wired for range. Full bath. Elect, water htr. Thla home needs some decorating but a buy at $4500. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High St. Phone 4121 bbSO $8050 NICE 5 rm. home on 2 'A A. good soil, chick hse., barn, dbl. garage, fruit rm., elec. pump, lovely lawn St shrub bery, on bus line. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793. Eves. 25260. bb80 $7400 4 BEDRM. sub. home on 1 A. east. Elec. water system, V blinds. Terms $1500 down. bal. monthly payments. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793. Eves. 35260. bbBO $.1000 SUBURBAN E. Nice 3 B.R. home. liv. rm., kitch. Can ba had for $1200 down. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 25091. bb80 SUBURBAN HOME Vi ACRE, East on pavement, beautiful all modern 3 oenroom nome, outside lire place, fish pond, family fruit, lots of shrubs and flowers, bus by door, really a showy place at $7500. Hurry, It won't last. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 35831 bb79 5 ACRES EAST, large modern 2 bedroom home, chicken house, large garage, 3 acres boyscnberrles, home furnished In cluding elec, range and new refrlg. $0850. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 325S. Eve. 25831 bb79 5 ACRES N. E. NEAR 99E, 5 room home and floored at tic, with basement and furnace, 4 years old. barn, and chicken house, .about Vh acres In cultivation, balance nice fir timber. This Is neat and nice. $10,000. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3355. Eve. 21413 bb79 2Vi ACRE CHICKEN FARM with modern plastered home, dble. garage, some fruit, very attractive. $8050. SULLIVAN REALTY INO. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3355. Eve. 35831 bb79 JUST RIGHT for home or Investment. Best suburban acreage bays In the val ley, and they are going fast. Perfect valley views fine location, good soil. elec. St phone lines, close to school, near pavement. Fruit crop this year could nearly pay out. 2 ',4 to 10 ac. on easy terms. Ph. 5355 evenings, You can't miss on these tracts. bb86' $5800 5 AC. FRUIT and nuts. Fair 3 bdrm, plastered home. Small barn, water system. Good location. Call Ray Davis HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793; Eves. 9441 FOR SALE: 10 A. mixed fruit, mostly R.A cherries. Close in. Priced right. Liberal terms. 3111 Sunnyvlew. Ph. 25759. bb82' REAL ESTATE HURRY! BARGAIN! NEW 4 ROOMS, bath. Terms, $3700. $15 MONTH WITH DOWN payment. 2 rms., bath, city water, gas range, uniy jaaao. THIS WEEK ONLY NEW 3 BEDRM. W. Salem. Clost school, ous. only $7500. OTHER BARGAINS E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commercial Ph. 25497 c81' WANT A JOB? AN OLIVER crop Row Tractor, Plow, ujsc, Harrow & Trailer ior transport ing. A very good very modern 7-room home. Fine barn; chlx house, etc. iu Acres, nam goon sou. $5000 cash. $500 a year. No. 824 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 C79 $4750 PRICED FOR quick sale. Roomy 1 bed room home on Hi acres about 3 miles from town. Partially furnished includ ing elec. range, elec. water heater. Equivalent to city water. It's nice for the price and has excellent possibilities as future bldg. site. See ft and COM PARE. IF YOU DO YOU'LL BUY 1TI VETS DON'T MISS THIS WE THINK it's more good house for tht money than you'll find anywhere else in townl This lovely home has two bedrooms, full basement, large llv. rm., dinette, and a kitchen the wife will love. Auto. furn. heat, hdwd, floors, attached garage Is plastered. Can't be beat for $8M0. DRIVE BY AND SEE IT ONE YEAR old home at 2075 N. 18th. Two bdrms. dn. and large unfin. attic, owner will finish If desired. Hdwd. floors throughout. Attractive rough fin ish plaster in llv. and din. room, with roved ceiling. Convenient kitchen, util ity rm. and attached garage. Has elec tric heat. $10,500 unfurnished, $12,500 furnished. Furniture all new. DAIRY FARM 31 STANCHIONS In two barns, milking machine, 62 acres of the finest pasture with 7 year around springs. 19 acres oats and vetch. Fordson tractor with all equipment. Excellent electric auto, water system. Family orchard, and some berries. Poultry house. Dbl. plumb ed, 3 bdrm. home. Large llv. and din ing rm. Fireplace. Very pleasant kitch en. All the comforts of a town home on 72 acres, 1 miles from Salem. All for $ 19,500. BARGAIN 30 GOOD acres $4500. SALEM REALTY COMPANY C. W. Bartlett, Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 1660 Eves, 2-4773; 2-3580; 6198 Art Holmes. Cleave Bartlett, Jr., Don Tungate, Salesmen c80 G.I. HOUSE 5 YEARS OLD. Lovely modern style home. H.W. floors, nice living room, 3 bedrooms down, 1 up. Good location. $7450.00. CASCADE DRIVE. View property, acre, exceptionally nice lawn and shrubbery. Prewar built house that you will like. $10,300.00. i B.R. HOME on N. Summer. Double plumbing, large living room, dining room. Walking dtstanca ol downtown. $5700.00 will handle. R. E MEREDITH. REALTOR Phone 8841 176 8. Com'l c$l REAL ESTATE HOUSE AND large brick market bldg. Terms, Fred Anderson, 753 Mill St.. Sheridan, Oiegon. c80 REMEMBER OUR NEW office is in the new addition to the Senator hotel. Let us show you our new home MERRILL D. OHLINO Insurance CHAS. HUDKINS St SON Real Estate 350 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 c79' FURNISHED. READY TO LIVE IN S BF.DR0051 HOUSE, nice yard, elec. heat. hardwood floors. Inclds. eiec. range ft ret. $3600 down, bal. at $40 per month at 5. Full price S8500. 5 ACRES. $7200 LOCATED SOUTH. 2 B.R. house, with elec. heat. Some terms can be arranged. 3 ACRES. EAST. $6250 MODERN HOUSE, garage, small chicken nouse, some oerriea. " more. MURPHY REALTY CO. REALTORS 1360 8. Com'l Phones 6026; Eve. 9785 c79 THINKING OF buying or selling a home. farm or acreage? see or can Hfc&o NELSON- or MARION LOONEY with WILLIAM E. MOSES, REALTORS, 331". State St. Ph. 4993. C BURT PICHA. REALTORS" HOUSES $85003 BRs., , House with extra apt. rented for $35. 00 per mo. Basement, double plumbing, paved st. and side walk, walnut trees, also garage on alley, $4900. North on Commercial St. 2 BRs., Bath. LR.. DR.. Kit.. Lot 100x130' In Business gone and corner lot. ACREAGE 13 ACRES In city limits. Price $1050 per acre Make goon sunnivision. FARMS S4B.00O 36 ACRES. 14 mile N. of Chema- wa. In crops and orchard, some timner. Soil Is Will. Silt. 3 BR. modern home, 2 nice large barns. This Is a beautiful nlare. Call for appointment. $15,000 FOR 68 ACRES with large barn and house Just ml. somn or oaiem. Some bottom land, some timber. LOTS 650 75x1 n; SOUTH with view. Elec. City water and gas, suouroan ous every hour. $550 SIZE 60x180' Near Faulus new Can nery. Good sou. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210 337 N. High Street c8Q CALL 5131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY SAWMILL, 8 ROOM HOUSE, AND 120 ACRES OF land. Beautuui Burrouna Ing Land. Portable sawmill, American Make, 3 head blocks, 16 foot carriage, 60 inch saw, 36 inch log, 100 Horse power Diesel motor (new), 10 Inch drive-belt, New edger. 2 saws 37 Inch, Oldsmobile power unit with governor. TIMBER, approximately H to mil lion feet, fir, alder, maple and yew wood. Additional timber can be pur chased. LAND, 14 acres of fescue, )3 acres of oats and vetch, other land can be cleared for cultivation. HOUSE, 'i mile off main highway, 3 bedrooms, L.R., D.R.. K., Bath, Pantry, also up stairs. Hot and cold water, electricity, telephone, spring water piped to house. BARN, with 9 stanchions andimllklng machine, silo, chicken house and SO chickens, approximately, 3 milk cows, calves, team of horses with harness, mowing machine, rake, disc, wagon, seeder drill, family orchard. 11 walnut trees. 16 inch trout in river on North Santlam. Price only $19,500. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 Evenings 9340-4937-7163-6901 cBO- R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR ACREAGE KEIZER 514 A. Exceptional soil, fine location, cherries, inoerts, walnuts, appies, rm., din. rm., kitch., bath. 2 bedrms. Elec. water system. A GOOD BUY at $8500. FRUITLAND 20 A. Good soil, 5 rm. hse., elec. water gyx., barn, good poultry hse., 15 A. cult., good well, H ml. schl., bus to Hi achl. $10,000 with $4500 cash. APT. HOUSE $8500 LOT 48x174 ft. 5 apts. bringing $137.50 per mo. In addition to 5 rm. reserved by owner. Might consider good trailer house. 1450050x100 lot. Liv. rm., kitch., sh. bath, 2 bedrms. Trees and snruos. oooa garage. Paved drive. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 310.500 BUYS very nice home. Llv. rm., din. rm.. kitch., bath, 3 bedr. on ground floor. Hdw. floors, flrepl,, full base ment, furnace, gar. Nice large yard. This Is a good location and a good buy. Near HI Se Jr. HI schls. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SI 1,600 LARGE lot. New 3 bedr. hse., n v. rm., om. rm., xitcn.. eatn, ndw. firs. 3 rm. upstairs unfln, Venetian blinds. Elec. heat. Utility rm. Dbl. gar. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 16 Years Hollywood District 1853 N. Capitol. Phone 3031. c80a HONEY TO LOAN on tost mortgages. 4 to 6 Call for details BYRKTT POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phont 6981 m WANTED REAL ESTATE 'LARGE OR small, we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca80 WANTED: The best house $1000 down will buy. Phone 6458. ca80 WANTED: The best half acre or more $600 will buy within 4 mi. of Salem. Phone 6458. ca80 WE HAVE numerous inquiries for homes ana Business properties. Your listing will receive prompt and efficient service. , SEVERIN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. DIAL 4016. EVES. 8213. cal03a LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM. SA LEM REALTY CO. O. W BARTLETT. REALTOR, 149 N. HIGH ST PH. 7660 ca FOR PR031PT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL, Real Estate Broker 555 N. Liberty Phona 7327 ca' ATTENTION OWNERS OWING to our strategic location on high way BO'S, we have commenced to get a numbe- ol out-of-state buyen. Wo need listings on good farms, city homes. -tcreagp -and any kind of a business that you want -to sell We sold over one million dollars In property In 46 and we will really appreciate your listings SULLIVAN REALTY, INC REALTORS 33M Portland Rd. Ph. 3235; aves, 24479 ca WE ARE in need ot good homes to sell in or. near Salem If you wish to tut your property for salt, see GRABENHORST LROS, REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 ca NOTICE! If your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list .It with ui. We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE COH REALTORS 133 8 High St EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE VERY CLOSE IN, business zone. Will ex- cnange equity of comfortable 5 rm modern home In Salem as down pay ment on 20 A. or more with house, barn, electricity, water. Vtth or with out fruit. Wm. Laaley, 458 Mill St. cb79 WILL TRADE Apt. House. (3 apts.) 2 furn., near Campus in Corvallis, for a 4 Bedrm. home in Salem. Close-In. 616 8. 17th, Corvallis. cb81 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MUSIC BUSINESS including stock A equipment offered for sale In small val ley town. A fine set-up for some one in that line. Price 85000. Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr.. with ORABENHOR8T BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves, 33948 cd79' BEER TAVERN NEW EQUIPMENT, Includes concrete building, lot, fixtures, stock and equip ment. Doing excellent business. A real bargain at can ELMER AMUNDSON. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 R High Street cd81' BUSINESS -FOR SALE SMALL IDEAL RESTAURANT LOCATED JUST south of town doing goon Business, rrice includes building, land, fixtures and everything that makes Up a restaurant. 2 -room living quar ters. Full price is MURPHY REALTY CO. REALTORS 1360 8. Com'l Phones 6926; Evg, 0785 WILL TRADE filling station St garage business for house in saiera or vlclni1 Box 330, Capital Journal. cdU BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ONE OF THE FINEST GROCERY SET-UPS IN THE WILLI AMETTE VALLEY, WRITE OR SEE SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. HIGH ST. PHONE Y660 cd8ta EX. OPPORTUNITY for one or two men to make good living. Fully equipped auto paint shop, doing fine business. Cheap for cash. 1790 N. Front St. cd81 EARNINGS VERY GOOD GROCERY AND meats. EXCLUSIVE TRADE. EXCELLENT LEASE. ALL INVESTIGATION Invited. FINE EQUIPMENT. TOP GRADE Stock. PRICE S(KK). NO. 751 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 SouthHigh Ph 9203cd79 FOR SALE: Gene's Bicycle Shop. West Salem. Make an offer. Goes to highest offer. 1126 Edgewater. Ph. 21568. cd80 INCOME PROPERTY NEW DUPLEX rents for 176.00 per mo. This Is a real buy at $8700.00. GROCERY STORE PRICED for quick sale, There Is no good will to buy nere. Pay lor tne iixtures and stock only. Down town location and a perfect set-up for two people. 2-year lease. You can't be'at this for $4100-00. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. Coml Ph. 4217 cd80a BUSINE-R OPPORTUNITIES $8000. SUBURBAN Grocery store in a good growing community, this Includes building with extra rentals. OLSON Si REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590; eves. 35830 cd80 EXCELLENTRENTAIj PROPERTY INCOME about $8000 year, full price $29,000. Terms If desired. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N High St, Ph, 24793 cd80 ZONE 4 PROPERTY 11200 SO. FT., well located. $5700. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St.Ph. 24793 cd8Q McKILLOF'S OPPORTU N ITIES 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 SHINE SHOP, 7 leather chairs, hat blocking, ner Income approximately $300 a month, everything goes, now leased and rented. Price $1350.00. TRUCK LINE. Truck Van and equipment and tools It takes to move. Can go any where In state, has use of telephone and office. Brand new set of truck tires and tubes, and blankets Included. Price. $2500.00. SERVICE STATION. West Salem. Equip ment goes. Now leased at $35 per mo. Price $3500.00. ANTIQUE SHOP. Immediate Possession. Stock at present value at inventory. Rent now $20 per month. Price 13, 750.00. HOUSE. SERVICE STATION. GROCERY and RESTAURANT, on highway west. 6 room house, 3 bedrooms. Nice loca tion, business Just started. Price, $12, 000. DRV GOODS STORE, out of town. Busi ness has been established for 23 years with same owner. Brick building. In cluding stock and fixtures $10,000,00. Grosses about $35,000 a year. GROCERY AND FOUNTAIN LUNCH. Very good location. All stock groes, all fixtures, 21 stools and 8 booths, i year lease. $12,600. RESTAURANT. VERY well located. Scats 84 people, 9 tables, 4 booths, all new equipment. Lease 5 years with 5 year option. Parking space drlve-tn. Neon sign. B liquor license. $13,500. Stock extra. SERVICE STATIONS. GROCERY STORES RESTAURANTS. APARTMENT BUILD INGS. APARTMENT HOUSES, TOUR IST CABINS. CHICKEN FARM. BUSI NESS LOTS. TRAILER CAMPS, We have them all. either here or for miles around. CALL US, 6131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY PHONE EVENINGS 7183, 6901, 8340, 4937 Cd79 FURNITURE FOR SALE BREAKFAST SETS $10 and $15. Ice Boxes, cot with mattress, $9.50. Push button table model radio, $15. New fir. lamp, $15. Blltwell daveno, davenports, $15 to $39.50; bed, coll springs, mattress, $38.50; dining room set, $39.50; baby buggy, crib, bassinette, high chair, Mon arch Elec. Range, kerosene range, dressers, $6; studio couch, $15; large window. MARTIN'S FURN. CO. 420 S. Com'l. dSl WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASII prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Fhona 7511 da CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 7396 Stat Street Furn. 1900 Stats da HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at woodry Auction Market. Ph 5110. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION tonight at 7 O'clock. LANE SUDTELL S COMMUNI TY AUCTION. LOCATED 14 MI. E. OF FAIRQROUNDS ON SILVERTON RD. PHONE 6098. dd79 FOR SALE IIVESTOCK AT STUD REG. Thoroughbred stallion. Oh. Broom stick blood line, also good quarter mare cross. Standing at Ward's Stables. Sll verton Rd. Rt. 7, BOX 404. Ph. 25153. 79 JERSEY HEIFER, fresh 2 months, milk ing 2i gal. Price $100. C. L. Woods. Rt, 2, Box 387, Salem. e80 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs, Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem. Ph. 21345 morn, or eves. eal03 WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows & ooars -1 your larm or delivered mar ket priceE. C. McCandllsh, Rt. 9. Box 333, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147. ea96 RABBITS WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any furs. West Side Fur Co.. west Salem eb83 WING'S BABBITRY pays highest prices for rabbits, 4 to 6 lbs. 3983 State St. 1 blk E. ot 4 corners. Ph. 109F5. eb80a PETS TOY BOSTON Terrier. A.K.C. Reg. P. O. Box 55, Rlckreall, Ore. H. M. Walt. Ph. Dallas 6-F-21. c81 AUSTRALIAN Shepherd puppies, excel, for stock dogs or pets.. Rt. 6, Box 136. ecfli ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure bred. FemAles $25, males $35. Roy fl. Simmons. Rt. 4. Box 370. Ph. 21143. FOR SALE WOOD TRI CITY FUEL 2 Cord Load $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood ft Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We Give S&H Green Stamps el03 $4 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" BLAB St EDGINGS. PH. 6683 eel 03' FRESH CUT sawdust, $4 a unit. OREGON FUEL CO., Phone 8533. ecBO GOOD DRY 16 In. wood, Immed. delivery OREGON FUEL CO., Phone 5533. ee95 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 MIIL WOOD. $6.00 load. Ph. 5853 or 5341 Ce68' PLYWOOD cores St old fir. Ph. 3380. ee86 DRY WOOD St sawdust. Ph. Maker 7868. ce85 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Beavy block Double load $30.00. 1mm. del Ph 346. Yamhill, Ore. e103 BONE-DRT mill wood 16" green slab, good for furnace Ph 7731 ee GREEN OR DRY BLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 14031 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN A DRY WOOD and sawdust. Store oil and dlesel OIL Ph. 3-4031. FOR SALE POULTRY CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick1 every Wed. Boy ing tons. 1110 Stata 169 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS hatching twice weekly in seven varieties. New Hampshire! always available In chicks Growing pullets, any age. Phons 32861 Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, toy number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Pnon 3286) Lee's Hatchery ( WANTED HELP MEN FOR hop yard work. Bus will pick up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m. Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 P.m. Will Hart Hop Farm, Ph. Salem 22631. LADY TO do general housework and care for mother and new baby. en. 2wia. g81 WANTED: Trained or experienced comp tometer operator at once. Basic salary $150. Apply Mr. Frits. Room 121, State Capitol Building. b81" A-l AUTO MECHANIC, steady work. Your own boss. 809 Edgewater St., w. aaiem. 831 WOMAN to care for two children and do light housework, room and board and wages or by days. Sat. aft. At Suns, off. Call 32301. . B79 WANTED: Saleslady for notion dept. Full time position. Apply 'Worth's ueparc ment Store. g79 SALESWOMAN, age 23-30, for Jewelry store. Some typing ability. Top salary. References required. Write Box 327. Capital Journal. g WANTED Man for position of responsi bility, earnings $50. 00 per wk. to start. Car and references necessary. Give ad dress and telephone number In answer. Write Box 326 Capital Journal. g79 STEADY JOB with big income. Make $600 to $800 per mo. Exp. not neces sary. 360 '.-a State St., Rm. 34. g82 WANTED: ONE part time secretary. Shorthand preferred. Parrlsh Junior High School. Phone 3197. g81 WANTED MANAGER for Salem branch of large transportation company. This is highly responsible straight salary posi tion. Applicant must be established resident of Salem, In good health, age 25 to 40. Transportation experience ne cessary and must be well thought of by Salem references. State briefly scho lastic and employment history, family status, and qualifications for mana gerial position. Write to Personnel Manager, P.O. Box 3618, Portland. Oregon. g81 WANTED: MEN to work In hop yard Ph. 23052 or 9623. John J. Roberts Sz Co. g EXP. LADY for fur re pan a alterations Price's. 135 North Liberty c WANTED POSITIONS WILL CARE for children. 3 to 6 yrs. of age. In my home week days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. One meal furnished. $1.50 per day. 2360 Greer. Ph. 5316. h81 GARDEN PLOWING St discing. Ph. 50-F-2. Hollis Bice. hS9 MIDDLE AGED lady wants work for 1 or 3. 745 Trade. h 81 WILL DO Ironing In my home. $1 per hr. Phone 26897. J1B1 WANTED: Interior painting. Small Job specialty. Phone 35745. n90 A M. TRANSFER, light hauling. Ph, 35637. hl04 SECRETARIAL: Stenographic service. Ph. 8288. M03 SUMMER LINE Construction Co. We build telephone and power lines. G.I. owned and operated. Phone 25759. 3111 Sun nyvlew. h83" WILL KEEP pre-school child by day or week. Phone 8338. hB3 HOUSEWORK by hour, day or week. rnone 26930. nee WILL CARE for children by day, week, or mo. Ph. 3-6446. h79 CARPENTER WANTS repair work. Ph. 6918. h79 FIRST CLASS carpenter work, new or remodel. Large or small. Ph. 8281. hS8 TRUCKING, local St long distance haul ing. Lumber hauling from Camp Adair. M. M. Gettis, 635 Norman Ave. h79 CARPENTER GENERAL CARPENTERING Se REPAIR WORK. PHONE 36798. h80 LAWN MOWERS quickly, expertly ground, repaired, oio esiaonsnea piace. fn. Ted 7603. Pick up and deliver. 1293 N. 5th. h79 SPRAYING. L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 7900. hlOO GARDEN PLOWING St DISCING. Ford Tractor. Ray Satter. Ph. 32504. h96 PLOWING AND discing. No Job too large or too small. Chas. B. Jayne St Sons, 1930 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 35753. h96 ALTERING St sewing. Ph. '26954. INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. hS7 PLOWING St general tractor work. Have D-2. 3rd house south of Brooks on Paci fic hlghwar. On right. J. K. Mlnty. Rt. 1. Box 374 Brooks. h90 BOOKKEEPER WITH considerable expe rience available Good refrences. Box 238 Capital JournaL b85 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Ettar Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. Close In. Business man preferred. 293 N. Church. J80 ROOM. Business man. Ph. 6406. J81 WILL GIVE office space to party in roofing or insulation bus. For answer ing phone. Call 9444 days or 8542 eves. J81' 3-ROOM apt. 4S7 S. Coml. Ph. 6416. J79 SMALL completely furn. unmodern cot tage. Near Dollas, Ore. $25 mo. N children. Ph. 5355 Salem, eves. J80' MIDDLE aged couple to do few chores for free rent, 3 bdrm. larm nome. it ml. out. Call at 331 N. High St. 379' 3 RM. PARTLY furn. apt. for employed couple. No drinking. References re quired. 1362 Elm St., West Salem. J79 SLEEPING room for man. 468 N. 18th St, 180 NEW TRAILER spaces. Phone 6997. J83' NICE TRAILER house. 3225 Sllverton Rd. J79 TRAILER space available soon. All mod' ern. close in, near bus. 1005 B. aist or 31st' and Mission. 83 SLEEPING room. 3 blks. downtown, mid dle aged gentleman preferred. Call 6316. J79 DRY basement room, working man, hot water, shower, single, ivo n. cnurcn. GENTLEMAN'S room, single or double. Close in. Ph. 34948. J7" FREE RENT of a modern 3 -room house In Dallas to a woman who will help with Housework ior a adults. For par ticulars call Salem 24779, forenoons and evenings. J79 WILL SHARE my home with middle aged employed lady, west Side 1132 6th St J79' DOUBLE SLEEPING room. Auto. heat. 3131 Center. J79 SLFG. RM. Men. 448 Center St. in alley, rear Woodrow bldg. No -drinkers. J79 NICELY furnished sleeping room In pri vate home for gentlemen or employed married couple. 368 N. 13th St. 379 AfMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent aeu. n. u- ruin, oe n. urn. ro. twi y TRAILER space available, market next door. Castle Hall Cottages, 12th St. Jet. Ph. 25769. J79 GOOD USED PIANOS S L Stiff FLOOR sandir for rent Ward Montgomery r WANTED TO RENT WANTED: Furn. or unfurn. apt. or small house by elderly couple. Permanent tenants. Call 3719. Ja81 ELDERLY WOMAN wishes small apart ment in home of elderly lady or couple. Ph. 6449. or call at 705 N. High St References. JaSl HOME URGENTLY needed by Vet. wife St daughter. Liked Salem so well when stationed here we have returned. Ph. 3-3415. i a 84 WANTED to rent by May 1 .3 or 3 bdrm. unfum. house. Will agree to vacate In 30 days if house is sold. Otherwise permanently. References. Ph. 3095. ja83 WANTED .TO RENT OFFICE MANAGER and wife would Ilk to rent or lease Dy may is small fur. n is tied or umurnisned nouse. mo smokV mokV Jl8o ing or drinking. Phone 6133. APT. OR DUPBEX, ground floor, by i or wile st cniid, a1 yrs. oio. Fn. 6808. Ja80 COUPLE, Willamette vet and wife, wish small furn. apt. Call 4171, ext. 460 days and 4360 eves. jB83 VETERAN St wife (nurse), wish small house. Prefer north or east. Ph. 31605. JaSO GARAGE or small bldg. suitable for small work snop. o. Han, 295 Trade St. Phone 6083. Ja79 UNFURN. MOD. 2 bdrm. house by mid dle-aged temperate couple, no children. Box 325, Capital Journal. Ja7fl VET A WIFE urgently need apt. No children. Ph. 9733 or 6941. Ja7S RELIABLE couple St small daughter want house or apt. to rent. Veteran being transferred from Portland. Pay to $50. Call collect. EAI609. Ja82 VET, WIFE, child urgently need 3 bdrm.. unmrn nouse or ape. fn. 0073 days; eve. 21719. ja-f9 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Small black Corde purse. Lost at 13th Ss State. Sat. Return to 650 Thomp son Aye. kBl LOST: FAWN Cocker pup. Reward. Re turn to 3710 Garden Road. kal LOST: SMALL white dog. black head and ears, large round black spot on back, larger one off to left side, long tail, named Spot. Please write Box 189, Mill City, Ore. Lost In vie. of 6. Salem Heights. k79 BILLFOLD, MON. afternoon. Contains money. Identification papers. J. E. Klrkpatrick. Ph. 33476. Liberal reward, s kBl. LOST Gold watch, name "Barber" on back. Reward. Call Barber MacDuffee, 1445. State St. Ph. 8760, k80 LOST: LADY'S brown oxford. Never worn, j left foot. Phone 8396. Reward. k79y MISCELLANEOUS TAKE YOUR clocks to 190 8. 14th for repair, clock Doctor. m84 CURTAINS washed, stretched. 395 South. 22nd. mBD DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notiee. Ph. 5000. m89" FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. HEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, $1.00. LES SPRINGER, 454 Court Bt. m8T DOES YOUR roof leak7 Usa 100 as phalt shingles, unharmed by any wea ther, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men For FREE esti mate phone 7177. Western Auto Sup ply Co. m79 "HOME GUARD" Home Insulation pro tects your family against extremo temperatures pays for Itself by savin up to 33V4 of your fuel bills. Proa Estimates. Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. m7 NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a Drendnaught Sander by hour or day. Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177 VENETIAN BLINDS Laundered expertly. Call us for prompt, efficient servic THE VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY GLEANERS Phone 6909. O BEAT your home electrically It's eon venlent, clean economical See us or free estimates Y EATER APPLXANC3 CO 255 N Liberty "n HEAVY HAULING excavation and rosd building, land clearing, dozer work, ditching basement excavation, saud, gravel, crushed rock mason sand, con crete mix cement. SALEM SAND St GRAVEL CO, 1405 N FRONT ST., SALEM OREQOH. Phone 9408 or 21934. m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State St Commercial 6ta SALEM Phone 8311 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OLD MODEL 10 ft. meat case Se Blue Flash bottle cabinet. W. Woodburn Store. Phone 2531. nL FOR SALE or trade for low-back toilet. Used apt. size electric range, k h.p, elec. motor, new. Ph, 3963, Mrs, CarrU gan, 1025 So, 23rd, n$l LG. SIZE Montag Circulator, $40. Trash ourner se water lann, iu. rn. aooia. n81 ONE BERGER wood burning pipe furnaoa. $25.00. Phone 2-2384. nSO GAS RANGE for sale. 1370 Chemeketa St. nSL ONE-HALF fat young beef, 30c lb. Gov ernment Inspected. Ph. Salem 33639. PRIMROSES Specially priced for Easter. Phone 3326. n8L ROYAL CARPET sweeper, attachments. Dining room suite. Rlckreall, Ore. P. O, Box 55. Ph. Dallas 6-F-21. H. M. Walt. nS4 LOVELY PREWAR Karpln davenport and chair. Reas. Chest of drawers. Nearly new black pin stripe 3-plece suit, sise 20. Odd dishes. 1315 N. 5th. n81 FRIGIDAIRE ELEC. refrigerator, 4 cu. ft. one simplex mangle, type c.c. l. pnona 5413. 1973 N Capitol, n84 BLUE SPRUCE, Cyprus, other shrubbery, not large, rnone B3&D. nai HOME-MADE girls' dresses, sizes . 1-4. 1315 Lee St. Don't call Sat. n81 FOR SALE: Welding equipment. Portable welder, gas generator, vise, drill press, '39 Ford pickup, spray paint gun Ss comp., flex shaft grinder, welding rod, set sockets, large crescent wrenches. Rt. 2, BOX 355-C. Ph. 25777. n8i COMPLETE NEW line ot boats. Mold Plywood Boats. Isham Boats, Ktvr Boats. Aluminum Canoei. SALEM BOAT HOUSE Foot of Chemeketa Street nit NEW SHINGLES, 7 sqs. NO. 1. Phoria nil 4203, Sllverton. BERNEY'S FLOWER GARDENS PRIMROSES, 50c Se $1.50 doz. and up: oiues a oouoies, zoc st up. Delphiniums), Pacific coast hybrids, 15c At up. Colum bines, 6c. Peonies, 45 varieties, 25c Se up, Roses, 16 varieties, 40c As up. Poly anthus, Primroses, choice seed, 35c packet, postpaid. Gladiolus As Painted Daisies Se other shrubs St plants. Two plants free with every $2,00 order. Shrub free with $5.00 orders. Highway 99E, across from Stage Depot, Hubbard, Ore. No Sunday calls. n79 I FDL, 95 Cletrac Tractor, Isaacson Ca- Die Dozer and carco Logging Drum rf 1 Birch St., Dallas . rfc7 i- otor. JF h. 2324, 1 H.P. single Ph. heavy duty motor. sq. unaercourse smngies. Ph. Stayton. n7S WOOD RANGE for sale. Ph. 26446. n81 GOOD TRADE YOUR CHOICE of two city view bldg. sues pius a gooa ihjo unev, sedan for a iate model car. Call 1460 D St. Ph. 93 17. nai FOR RALE: Light blue formal, suitable ior young gin. worn only once, $10. Phon 2-1559. 1 n81" LARGE collapsible baby buggy. Good cona. wursery care. 12.00. Phons 36578 or 3055 Hazel Avt. uBO FOUR walnut dining room chairs, cov ered with needlepoint. 455 University St. nBu' FINEST pre-war western saddle, com ucir. io,).uu. nua iiicuiuin size western saddle complete $60.00. Ph. 5355 eves. nSO BREAKFAST set. Hotpolnt elec. range. 38 SACKS fiber plaster, fresh. $24 per ton. Norman Pfafftnaer, 5 mi. E. Wood- . burn on Woodburn-Mt. Angel highway. n80 GRAY ENAMEL wood range In excellent condition. Price reasonable. Ph. 35033. all GREEN GYPSY Singer St hen, 3 cages. $15. Phone 22458. n80 COCKER SPANIEL puppies for Easter. Blacks, reds, males Se females. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Portland Rd. nil' WISCONSIN Schramm air compressor, 10 gal. Devllbts pressure pot St 325 ft. good hose. Ph. 9444 or 158 Ratcllffe Or. after 6. n80 550 COVERT topcoat, size 40, brown. worn very little. Price $35. Phont 21614 after 6 p.m nSO improved mountain grown Mar- snail strawDerry plants. M. Dorgan, Rt. 1. Scotts Mills, Oregon. n79 (Continued on Page 13)