Jo u rna I Fea tu re Pae DANCE ON THE DESERT ) By Florence Theel 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 2, 1947 AP Newi(alurt Radio Ptc$ra$A Wednesday P. ML IKSLM T IKGW KEX ""A IKOIN?," I . Hop Harriain superman Capt Midnisbl Tom Mil . i New Newi TravHrr Traveler Music Music Cisco Kid I Cisco Kid I Stirs of Todai ' News I Honis I Newt I tluffv'a Tarn I Duffy'i Tavern ' Music Mustcal J T il A. Musical ' T.R.A, Tfrrr and "Irate. Knox Mannlni Sky Kim I Music Jarfc rmtront ! News llemincnay News ttn Friends I Soncs Songs Dinah Shore I Dinah Shore I Name of . I Thai Sonc i' Up to routh i' Up to Youth I Frank More an ' l.nnr Ilansrr ! Dreamfna I Frank Morran ' Lone Itnnerr Drcaminc I Kyser's Kolli'sr Paul Whitman I Inforni.itmn timer's Kollrice I Paul Whitman I Informal ion ! New i Jack Smith fthoi I Dr. f'hrlsttan I Dr. Christian 'n Aliner Supper Club l I Fleetwood Law ton I Stinxa (iMdersleeve j Willie Piper I (illdfTftlerve I Willie Piper 0:00 News 0:1 ft Pictorial 8:30 1 Orchestra 9:45 Orchestra Dennis Day Dennis Day I DM Attorney 1 Attorney 10:00 Fulton Lewii, Jr. 10:1 I News J(1:S(V- ' News 10:15 Orchestra 11:00 I Open ITnasa 1:im- I Open Rous II :3ft i Open House 11:45 News 12:00 I News Flashes I Sports Orrh. I Hand Wagon I New j Orchestra I Orchestra t Orchestra I Bins Crosby t Kins Crosby I Henry Morgan I llenrv Morgan "TrW 1 Mr. Motorist I tToncer! limit I Concert Hour Concert Hour I Concert Hour Orchestra I Orchestra ISIxn Off Sim Off I X-Tra Hour Thursday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. :0n I News .Turn pin Jacks I Music Timekeeper I Dave West 6:80 March of Tim I News fi:iS News News I It u tier I Ruder I Rualrr Iluclcr :00 News Farm Tims 7: IS Rise and Shins I Firm Time k t;S0 j News The Old Sonsa t :45 Farm and Home Nrwr Roundup Rors Martin Arronskj I .lumen Atihe I Market Reports R:0o I Ilaven of Rest I Fred Waring H:lfS ) Haven of Rest Frrd Waring fltfO Sins I Jack Rcrcn 11:45 Vie Llndlahr James Abbe I rtrrnkfast Club 1 Hreiikfasl Club I Rreakfiist Club 1 Rreakfast Club 0:00 I Orchestra I Oregon Carav.m I Kennev Raker 9:IB Mnsie (News Krnney linker 9:30 Pastor's Call j Words A Muslo I llrencmun's Hfst. 0:45 Art Raker f Words & Mu.sie I Rrenemun's Rfat. 10:00 News I School OaYan Drake 10:15 I Bins Slnfs School Ted .MiHotie 10:30 Songs Tropic Celiacs Mr Unry 10:45 Orchestra Joyce Jordan I M Story Donald Puck By Wait Disney Boltlenecked! , " -p - "l , BOTTLES Vf5 j cp U " ' ' '' l;.r Final . . w.Hii Henry By Carl Anderson t Jack Carson ! Jark Car I N. W. NriKhtinrs i N. W Vriglihori Army I Orchestra 1 Vpiti j KOIS Klork I KOIN Klork KOIN Klnck TkOIN" Klock I News 1 News I Fact Finder I Consumer News Art Baker I Grand Klaro I Rosemary TftatT sitilf h" !Aunt Jenny Helen Trent I Our Gal Sunday 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 I Orjranalitics I Today's Childien Hymns I Day Dreams I Women White I Mrlodv Queen tor a Day Mnstiuerarle 1 Listening Post Queen for a Day t Lite of World ! Fthel and Alhert I Bis Sister Ma Perkins iDr. Mnlone Jload of Life I 2ml Mrs. Burton ! Perry Mason I Lone Journey I Rose of Dream Pioneer j News Walt Klrrnan News I Ma Perkins ' Mnr- or Today Hillbilly Serenade Pepper Young I F.rf. Hill Variety Show Rlgtit to Happlns I ll.ive Host J Sunny Side Vn f Sunny Side Up 1 :00 Jambores ;IIt News 1:30 ) Orchestra 1:45 I Orchestra 11:00 8:15 3:30 S:45 ":Wt 4:1 4:30 4:45 I Show Show Hearts Desire Hearts Desire I Muslo Musie News I Orchestra J Riirkstnge Wife I Stella Dallas I Lorenzo Jones Wlddcr Brown I A Girl-Marrirs 1 Portia Fares Life I Just Plain Bill Front Pge Farrrll Road of Life Lora Lawton I Aunt Mary I Dr. Paul I At I At Home What's Holn' Ladies Bride & Groom Itrlde Si Groom Laities Be Seated I Ladies Be Seated I Dorothy Ills I M usle 1 News 1 Come and let li ' Hh A- Vic t Rhythm House Party House Party Newspaper of Air Newspaper of Air School of Air School of Air ' I Meet the Missus 1 Meet the Missus I News Evelyn Wintfln I News I Fulton Lewis. Jr. j Woman's Secret I Reg Miller News of World I News Life Beautiful I Buck Rogers I News I Hhylhm I Norlhtvrst Tntln I Northwesterners I'i'iinesser jrn My Opinion One l itoul Tracer f Lost Persons 0 MEXICAN nn JUMPING- FJ? BEANS The Nehhs By Hess G-Man Junior BUT I'M I SOME OTaERTiME.)SORB. J AFTER AIL TMlS f BUT I I I 1 AM AM AGEMTOFl I hbs I (TRVIhJG COR ) I'M TAKIMGOVEr7( COUSIM X . IS MY CxItRT HAVE THE UNITED STATES A ; . kh opp tor awuilesS --VV , - PWORrTV5 OUHIQR.MAVBEl V STATIOVn TFv 7lKJ 7 1 f A WHAT l-illlc Orphan Annie By Harold Gray Profit Motive XateM Pattern !StE - D JCT1 W HERE? fLL tW YOuS OH.THAT f NOW, OP COORSE, I Cfttf LAST? IT CON P COUDSE, IF M3U FEEL MY No! NOT THOTjlj 1 FIFTY A WEEK-ER-) DIFFERENT- I AFFORD TO QUIT MY LAST FOREVER, IECKWOOM JOB INTERFERES Wn H I BE H W -TXI START f THANK VOU ) NIGHTCLUB JOB - IF PAX IF I jH TJjgJM VSSE I'lic (Jumps By Gus Edson Intern! inc Comoany R252 'ATTKKN NO. Ka58 Pretty Tolly Give your wardrobe a boost with this smart blouse accented by a vividly colored parrot. Wear the blouse with or without a suit coal it is equally smart. Lovely for spring or summer and easy to make. Don't miss il! Pattern envelope No. H2528 contains tissue pattern (sizes 14. 16 and 18), tracing of design, color chart and directions. To obtain this pattern, send 15c in COINS, giving pattern num ber, your name, address and zone number to Peggy Roberts. Salem Capital Journal. 828 Mission street, San Francisco 3. Calif. H3 sVfci'Wi ) 4 feS i 1IR 0jNiTATASaA;G,0 leto! p oHpIeir-'ciei iv,e V, IVY IINMnXim, I O OUfijrM.jkia I iA D E V'e'rWJ EST s;o!yw'a:t'e reJn 0(r luks rnimmm n r . dr: r-fPi Bww jM r c e rt c ' w ff m c n s o la'r5e w.Eja A V e'R AiG EP3A RA Bl l t pNsIi d';mf aim!e en gSJe V E;ne tJoIn SiElEM Sl'E'lN!TgR'BSiTl ACROSS . Tlifok black liquid 4. Toll 9. Uovlno anlnia 13. Dovomcd Harden U. Phllipimin tiiountaio . Decuy Kamous 17. Write It!. Kuturtalned Id. SUIl 22. Kuttumcj 2. Eiialitj Repair 27. O con n 21. Jewel 3 3. Test 21. Mountain In Alaska M. Knclish rlvor $7. Pronoun IS. Uneasy , Nota ot ths scalo , Enli-sli furm ol tliu k'ttt' 44. Coif iiioiiiu ii. Assume a i overt-tit lio.sUj ro 47. Aiinrkaii tO. Make a mlstiiks 1. I'reoedlng nights SI. MovIiik vrnsoo i.l. U lack lii. Sour b'i. Natural dcpiesslon f2. Tribunal ft?,. I'tir.slan fairies 6i. The hei b ev liG. II rue 67. ShiRly AS. At orrKsni fin. Sliolter 70. Horss Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 71. Lour fish DOWN 1. Aiicli'tit Irish i-a ut tal !. rarltclo 2 3 L4 p & 7 e I 9Vo 7x ' 7$ -. 75 . 'i ' , ?7 Q So Si "bio s-f sf voT6i" -g. 4 - t. tllcction reports 4. Flaxon fabric fc. r-itive Irrirlo no! i' a . l.-..t 7. ilctal-bf urina ctiinpomiiN H. lmuieri-o iiKiiln 9. I'ranrcd 11. t'ustom lit. Typo cf aulo- inobiio SI. Fall boh t net 23. Mnkora of floth 2. "t. Indian corn Compound cthor 2S. PusUc ;!(. (lonrriil flirht 31. Kur-Wai Inn animals 3'. However 3. "., Nnrtnern tdrd 3. Female find- ptpor 40. I.I no for nttarh- lite n flshhnok 43. nranoh off til. I'Vi'ilnlne nam 4S. rcrrndo T'O. Toop Ronre 5.1. Kast India" pa I in n rr. Ffiundod S.m of Adam ST, Animal rn- Onol 60. Anoirtn baccliatinllan cry M. Ship smill boat t. riiti rcn C VCC..MV M IklTV CkXkl D-DIO YOU S VFS--WY AUNTY SAW SAYCHIOE? )THE NEWSPAPER STORY ABOUT WONPckFUL GUMP I CAME AS FAST AS I COULD lira . ii !ii ii it . . i MRS. GUMP ., Til DA' WHAT'S wonumi yah LOOK LIKE YOU'VE SbtN ft GHOST; U I HAVE ! SHE IT IS A IN I nt rAKLvjK -Jk l.uli and lel'f JEFF, WANNA BUY H CHAIR? f BUT THIS IS Bv Piiirl Fisher t: IT LOOKS Maybe Queen Anne Was a Jockey! Who Knows l don't know QUEEN ANNE -AND IF SHE HAS LESS LIKE THAT I FEELSoRRy -. FOR. H.6R- i A GENUINE ANTIQUE I t li&vf A EN"'"t tstNUINc QUEEN ANNt I VfiiZa IT7T M lTo Me-' . Z3&- ( t? By Gene Byrnes Infant Industry Yfl DONTSEtN I TH' STUPP EVEN ) WHATCHA I HERE, LIKE. IT J TURN UP? ) WAS ) V TM' WAR nltthin' 6UT A BUSTED f LATCH ON I POLL AN1 A U TO 'EM. SOHMY--I S HUNK, OP ( Out FORTUNE ) ioioet OF 1EWI Ttii! MM moh tAtiiessef KMWfAT ft. THE IDEA CZ4. NOW MUM I V A SOFT TUHtf J ' Tiir'an IVKIL6 JANE S (31IARP5 HURRIED By Edjiar Rice Burrouirhs mm i;-iiK muff i i i iv'i -.t Bsau&x'u. vtj Tarzan Imperiled SUODENLV BCCOMINS aware op HIS PRESENCE THE JUNGLE LORD STALKSP THEM, OUIETiy AS A LEOPARD. iflf pYvlFiNwlfl THe GANGSTERS TURNE5 AN5 1 lg7lTfrSNI"rl " SWWG UP THEIR WEAPONS. (Chapter 25) Eileen's note was on Bert's dresser in his room, as he some how fell it would be. He tore the envelope open, relieved and yet annoyed, too, at the single line of explanation: "They want me to come back to the office, so I'm driving back to Los Angeles with Mr. Halli- day tonight. Eileen. Tight-lipped, he handed the letter to his mother, who had quietly followed him to his room, when the last guest had departed and the doors were locked. She read it and for a long moment she said nothing. "Funny that she didn't say anything bid us all goodbye, at least," she said, with a puzzled expression. "Didn't Mr. Halliday say any thing about it either before he left?" "No not about going togeth . He did say that Eileen went to Palm Springs this afternoon to send a telegram. This must have been it." 'They just quietly planned the thing together, then?" Mother and son looked at each other silently. They were think ing the same thing. But, of course, Mr. Halliday wasn't really interested in Ei leen. How could he be? Why, he was more than twice her age. He wgs merely driving her back home, accommodating her. But, if there wasn'4 anything more to it than that, why hadn't either of them come right out in the open? Suddenly Eileen s deception infuriated him. 'Just goes to show, you never can depend on anybody. You think you know a person, un derstand them, and you haven't got the faintest idea of what goes on inside their minds." 'You don't suppose what hap pened today about Gloria had anything to do with it," his mother asked thoughtfully. Why, that had nothing to do with Eileen. She wasn't even around." But suddenly It struck him that it might be the answer. Eileen had gone to her room aft- luncheon. She must have heard the racket in his office with Blackey Davis. The boys had come running to see what it was all about. Had Eileen come, too when the boys had ushered Blackey to the door when Gloria had broken down and wept upon his shoulder? 'Well, if she wants to pick up and go away like this, without giving a person a chance to ex plain things " His mother looked as though she understood what he was thinking. 'Well, goodnight, son. Get a good night's rest. Things will look different in the morning." But Bert couldn't rest. He lay there, wide awake, thinking. Eddy had reasoned with him sensibly: "Well, of course, Eir leen has her apartment to keep up, in Los Angeles. Naturally she feels more secure, with her old job and a regular income. After all, we really aren t es tablished here yet. And she cer tainly did a lot to come down here and get us started." "But to let me down like this without even saying goodby." Eddy had given him a funny look. "Maybe she doesn't figure that she has not with Gloria here to sing". Eddy had got into bed then and turned out the light. Hei was lying there, across the room now. breathing regularly. 'Well, thank goodness for Gloria's loyalty, anyway," Bert thought She had certainly stood up to Blackey Davis told him where to get off at. There couldn't be any question but that she'd rather be there at The Hacienda with his band even on speculation, this way than at the smart Oasis, with Blackey Davis. He still couldn't understand why, but it was cer tainly a consolation. He plumped up his pillow. changed his position. But sleep wouldn t come. H l s thoughts went around in another circle. Tomorrow Eileen would be in Los Angeles, would see his younger brother Paul, who was in love with her. He had actual ly tried to throw them together, when the army doctor had or dered him to the desert for his questionable lung and because, unlike Paul, he then had no fi nancial prospects. Well, now they'd be together. Perhaps aft er close association with him down here, Eileen would decide Paul was her best bet, after all. But the thought of Mr. Halli day persisted. Those older men certainly had charm, finesse a gallantry with women. Why, weren't all the ladies at the Maryland club simply gaga over him? ' Hadn't even his own mother lost her heart? "Oh. hell!" He must get his thoughts off this dizzy merry-eo-round and get some sleep. The desert dawn was brighten ing his window. "Eileen was the one to quit," he thought with wounded pride and stubborn logic. "Okay, then she'd have to be the one to make the first move to straighten things out" if she ever did! (To Be Continued) Johnson Will Give Amity Valedictory 1 Amity Richard Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson, has been selected as valedictor ian of the senior class at Amity union high school. His grade point average was 3.85. Salu tatorian will be Eleanor Modde meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Moddemcyer of the Fair view district, with a grade point average of 3.69. George Poloi rated third with an average of 3.68. Annual Easter Sale Slated at Silverton Silverton Mrs. Ralph Fran cis, president of St. Monica's Al tar society of St. Paul's Catholic parish, has announced her com mittee personnel for the annual Easter egg and cooked food sale Saturday at the Western Auto store from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Serving will be Mrs. Ludvig Moe, Mrs. Ralph Francis, Mrs. Joe Ehli, Mrs. J. Stahman, Mrs. L. B. Scharback, Mrs. Leo Gier and Mrs. Inez Heater. 3038 SIZES 3-8 flPilllli 1 ipp Butterfly Frock For the younger lassie, a precious dress with wing shoulders scalloped and ruffled to echo the dainty neckline. Little skirt puffs out and wide belt ends in perky back-tied sash ... all the fea tures she will love! No. 3038 is cut in sizes 2, 4, 6, and 8. Size 4 requires 1 k yds. 35-in., 2 yds. ruffling. Send 20c for PATTERN, which includes complete sewing guidt Print your name, address and style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish Include postal unit or zone number in your address Address: Pattern Department Capita Journal, 552 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif Room and Board . . . By Gene Ahem HEY. CHATMORE. I VvANT YUH TUH BE IN ON MUH RIDDLE CONTEST" AN' IF YUH GIT DA KlbHT ANSWbK,YUHLI WIN 100 --HERE IT IS. WHAT HAS 2 FEET, 2. MOUTHS AN' 6 EYES ? IT'S GOT A ' 'v REAL. ."X AMCWCP ? 100 S;- HONESTLY YOU H MfcAN IN ACTUAL SPECIE WHY THAT"; TUP AlAC RID'DLE THE JUDGE ASKED Mb IU SOLVt FOR. HIM' " FOR. THE MAGNIFICENT SUMOFl-- THAT FOXY OLD KNAVE n ZiiND CHATMOR.E CAN USE THAT SPENDOLA'