i Settlement of (Vets Requests Washington, April 1 M" An Alaskan resident and a veterans' representative urged the house public lands committee yester day to settle veterans in the territory as a bulwark of de fense in the event of another war. The legislation Is designed to give veterans up to 640 acres of agricultural land, 1,920 acres of grazing land, 1,920 acres of tim ber land or a combination of any two of the categories, and 920 acres for fur raising. "It is a rich, desirable, gen erous but empty land," Gilbert P. Sessions, Ketchikan, testified. "Alaska needs veterans now. It has been called our last fron tier, but unless we proceed to settle it with our own kind, it will become our lost frontier. "If we do not occupy it, oth ers will. Russia's sons are just across a channel, 50 miles from our lands, and they are said to be there in numbers up to 1, 000,000. The same number of our sons should be on our side of the line." Sessions said that alien groups seek to place "vast (hordes of aliens" in Alaska and Ylhat "others with a pinkish tinge apparently seek to delay and obstruct a complete American ettlement." East Salem Offering Clinic; Gun Club Plans Rifle Range East Salem, April 1 The first well-baby clinic for East Salem communities will be held at Swegle school house all day Thurs day. It is being conducted by organized volunteer assistants with Dr. Stone of the Marion county; department of health the physi cian in charge. Mrs. George Standley is central chairman School Bond Issue Beaten st Monmouth Monmouth, April 1 A pro posed bond issue of $40,000 for a temporary eight-room elemen tary school unit to relieve cur rent conditions was defeated here Monday by a vole of 190 to 85. The amount was design ed to purchase a site and a building from Camp Adair. However the Oregon College of Education has arranged mnrs apace for the training school to take care of the current emer gency and it is believed this will prove sufficient. Monmouth also rejected consolidation with In- aepenaence early in the year. Direct Air Service Hemmed Manila, April 1 VP) China National Aviation Corporation will resume direct Manila Shanghai service with C-54s Friday, Pan American Airways loeal agents, mid today. Cewtf Permanent Woven Phone S663 sw rim National Bank Rilling Kooler Waves Halliwell Kold Waves n MACHINB WAVES Permanent C AA Complete Operators BLANOTO KUULA ABNOLD Mum Toar Apyalnlainila New and up KBIXIB Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixtures For Immediate Delivery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary Location, m N. Liberty, Salem, Ore. Phone 9411 and the hours of 9 to 10 a.m. have been assigned to Swegle community. Mrs. L. H. Allison, Mrs. Charles Jayne and Mrs. Cecil Frame have registered the babies for these hours. Fruit land hours are 10 to 11 with Mrs. Standley Fagg, Mrs. Cecil Miller and Mrs. Kenneth Run ner making their assignments. Middle Grove has the hours 11 to 12 a.m., and their committee are Mrs. J. C. Wikoff, Mrs. John Schafer and Mrs. Lewis R. Pat terson. The hours for Rickey will be 1 to 2:30 p.m. and mak ing the plans for this commu nity are Mrs. Fred Schrecken- gost, Mrs. Oliver Hickman and Mrs. Harvey Meyers. Auburn has the hours 2:30 to 4:00 and Mrs. Roy Krash is general chair man for making the arrange ments. Each district may have 10 babies examined at this clinic. If any mother has made an appointment and received her card and finds she cannot be present for the clinic she should call one of the volunteer assist ants of her district, or the gen eral chairman so that another mother may be contacted. In line with other improve ments for the promotion of worth while community activi' ties at the Four Corners the new Four Corners Rod and Gun club at its last regular meeting in the community hall last week began to discuss plans for a range to be located near the Four Corners which will accom modate large and small bore rifles and shotguns. Movies on wild life and pres ervation were shown. The next meeting will be in the hall April 3. Oliver Rickman is president of the club. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Stewart entertained at a family dinner on Sunday to honor their son, Jim, who was confirmed at St. Mark's Lutheran church, Palm Sunday morning. Guests were his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Kolbe and his uncle, B. E. Kolbe of Yakima who were also week-end guests in the Stewart home. The Lancing Neighbors Gar den club met Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Ben Rathjen on Lancing avenue. A 1 o clock dessert luncheon was served to the 17 members pres ent. Each member brought a corsage already made up and Mrs. Edna Lively was speaker for the program hour. She dis cussed general rules followed in the making of any kind of a corsage. Guests for the after noon were Mrs. J. V. Aplet and Mrs. Wilcox. At the business meeting members considered becoming a regular federated club. The Edina Lane home exten sion club met on Friday for the regular March meeting, at the home of Mrs. Drew Michaels on Edina Lane. A luncheon was served by the project leaders, Mrs. Frank Caspell and Mrs. Richard Rosecrans. The same project, "Company Dinners," that other units of the county have had this month was con sidered and the leaders report ed on the training dinner they had attended. Guests Duncan Home Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Duncan of Seattle visited his parents, the C. R. Duncans, as they returned from a two weeks' outing which took them to Cali fornia, Mexico, Nevada, Utah and Arizona. 1 ATTENTION, NURSES! 1 A NEW SHIPMENT OF Gotham Gold Stripe WHITE NYLONS Have Arrived at SALLY'S Liberty and Court Streets J .' . ' 135 ....... j ttevtiwt lucky enough to vitit here find gnot umt, -Ml 'Tyf 111 Km org enough for AH Baba's Forty 7httv, ueed for fk'eMlFFvl oawnf 1 04 And rart. fomed wmw, qSSyfjmJf Easter greeting cards which portray the 7jLr jfc W i spirit of Spring. Select cards you will SdffiSwjL I Proud senl o your friends and JryfrSfwi relatives. Famous Hallmark and Gibson Igv greeting cards are featured. 4 mm UsiKSS- fkee! 'Win itM ijgg 0fr m 0 mm Permit Issued For Mausoleum Construction of a burial vault building by Salem Mausoleum and Crematorium, Inc., on West Hoyt street to cost $55,000, was approved Monday by the Ore gon district review committee of the civilian production ad ministration on application of Lloyd T. Rigdon. Other Salem projects approved were C. H. Sanders, self ser vice laundry, 385 Jefferson. $9830; J. E. Stone and George A. Stone, store and shop, 1540 Fairgrounds road, S5000; Keith Brown Building Supply, dry kiln building, 1450 Tile road, $3800; and W. E. Gladow and H. W. Lewis, shop, 1085 Broad way, $3000. Outside approval was given the Church of God, church THE OREGON BOB 1 C A 101 Styles Machine JSTV Phone 7953 '?yJrtAi for appointment fiSgSSSS "Circulette" in SM- the finest of all Permanent Waves. Exclusive at lller S shop Miller Bldi. building, Third and Grant streets, Woodbum, $23,000; Floyd B. Bassett, machine shop, one-half mile east of Lyons, $3000 and Ransdcll and Gibson, grocery, Ninth and Elm streets, Albany, $10,900. Izaak Walton, who achieved nnmoriaiiiy writing aoout me joys of fishing, was a London irnnmnnppr hv Irnrin Visiting Grandparents Silverton Margaret and Darlene Green of Portland, small daughters of the John W. Greens, are with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Burson of North Silverton, while their mother is hospital ized with a new baby sister of the young girls. k jrffwW'rih Pieture KiSKjl V ) Framing, 340 COURT STREET A SENSATIONAL NEW WAY TO COLOR UPSp U - '.1 $1 se Now comes a sweetly fragrant liquid utterly devoid of oil or grease, to deck your lips with the first truly smear-less, and the only truly fasting color they have ever had. It's simply marvelous. Apply before dinner and you'll discover at dawn that your lips have lost none of the rich redness and bewitching luster this heavenly liquid instantly gives them. WILLETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State Street Phone 3118 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, April 1, 19477 WEDNESDAY ONLY I r: Eft C.DEM1 I I I IWHILE-U-WAIT SPECIAL! MEN'S..: CHILDREN'S... LEATHER OR COMPOSITION HALF SOLES 1 29 BbJb PAIR ... WITH THIS AD NEATLY ATTACHED WHILE-U-WAIT Salem's Fastest, Dependable Shoe Repair at Department Store Nationally Operated Basement Store I mm o . u-L- in oroduction. The M oHering ihe greatest valu, a, - This is in keeping with Ford s policy possible cost. FORD MOTOR O M P ANY