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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1947)
14 Capital Journal, Salem, 0 Check Homes, Chief Advises Fire Chief W. P. Roble ad vises Salem residents as part of the spring housecleaning to make a careful check of their homes, room by room, for re moval of fire hazards. Many of the hazards, he said, are the result of thoughtless acts of care lessness and can be removed with little effort. But the remov al may save thousands of dol lars in fire damage. Here are some of the common hazards found in their home, he said: In living rooms an unscreen ed fireplace, waste basket just below an ash tray, lint accumu lated in an air register, over loaded electric outlet. Attic chimney crack, kin dling-dry old papers, combusti bles against the chimney. Kitchen wood range too close to walls, unguarded smoke pipe, matches in reach of chil dren, oil mop in closet with hot water tank, clothes or dishtowels drying too near the stove. Furnace room unprotected floor joists too near furnace, cobwebs between joists, ashes in combustible c o n t a i ners, too much litter in general. Garage or shop oil leakage, emery wheel sparks near gaso line, oil-soaked rags, poor wir ing. Outside house curled shin gles, dirty chimneys, aerial or electric wires over roof or too near chimney, backyard brush. Moose Refuse Hall to Hilda Seattle, April 1 VP) Walton G. Leckey, Moose lodge secre tary, said today the lodge had denied use of its hall for a speech by Mrs. Hilda Eisler, wife of Gerhart Eisler, alleged com munist leader. After renting the hall to the civil rights congress for Mrs. Eisler's appearance, Leckey said the lodge learned that other or ganizations, "some of which arc known to be infiltrated with communists," also were sponsor ing the speech. "It is against our policy to grant use of the hall to such or ganizations," he said. Sponsors of the speech besides the Civil Rights Congress are the Seattle Ship Scalers' union, the National Negro council, the Washington Pension union, the community party, American Youth for Democracy and the New World. Mrs. John Caughlan, Civil Rights Congress executive sec retary, said the meeting would be held In the ship scalers' hall Holy Week at Saint Joseph's Holy Week and Easter Sun day services at St. Joseph's Catholic church are announced in the following program: Wednesday, April 3 Evening service. 7:30 P.M. Holy Thursday, April 3 Holy Communion distributed at 6 and 0:45 A.M. High Muss at S A.M. followed by procession to the repository. Adoration all day. Holy Hour services 7:30 P.M. Good Friday. April 4 Mnss of the Prefliuicuneci, Atlorntlon ol the Cross, Seven Words, Way of the Cross 12 Moon to 8 P.M. Good Friday NlBht services. .. .7:30 P.M. Holy Saturday, April S Preliminary aerviceH 7 A.M. Hlah Mass (to follow Immediately) a A.M. TONICS Here's One Of The Greatest OlOODIROt) ' YOU CAN BUY If you have SIMPLE ANEMIA! You B'rls and women who suffer so from simple Anemia that you're pale, wonk, "UrngRed out" thlsmny bo duo to luck of blood-Iron. So try Lytlla E. Plnkhnm's TABLETS ono of the best homo wiiys to build up red blood to Ret more strength in such enses. Plnkham'sTabletaareoneof thogreftt est blood-Iron tonics you can buyl Lydia L Pinkham's TA01CTS Woi irrcn s RADIO SERVICE 2017 Fairgrounds Road in the Heart of Hollywood Immediate service on your radio. We pick up and deliver. YOUR NUW CROSLEI Is Now Available PHONE 7681 FLEXALUM Venetian Blinds We measure, Install and Adjust All Orders Without Charge Rapid Service regon. Tuesday, April 1, 1947 Caster Sunday, April Solemn Rich Mass 8:30 A.M. Low MlU 8 A.M. Low Mass 0 A.M. Low Mau .,,..... 10 A.M. Hlth Mats 11 A.M. Special Easter Music at all Masses ST. PATRICKS CHURCH INDEPENDENCE. OREGON EASTER SUNDAY Mass 9 A.M. Scholarships Again Offered by Bank The U. S. National bank, Mt. Angel branch will award two scholarships for the 4-H summer school at Corvallis to pupils of St. Mary's school. Miss Theresa Dehler, principal, was notified by J. H. Fournier, manager of the bank, that the choise of members to receive scholarships is left to the school, the only stipulation being that one is to go to a girl, and one to a boy. This is the second year 4-H club members o the community are to receive the opportunity of scholarships provided by the bank. MMBkBaakMaitf Prompt Relief llllll'JI'j Emollient, mildly IIJI-ltjIafllB medicated Cuticura lafBaUaULyieVa Ointment soothes CUTICURA oYnTMENT Good Friday Observance The traditional Good Friday union service, sponsored by the Salem Ministerial association, will be held on Good Friday', April 4, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. at the First Congregational church. The program has been arranged by a committee com posed of the Rev. Chester W. Hamblin, chairman, the Rev. Seth R. Huntington, and the Rev. Walter S. Frederick. The following men are having a part in the program: The Rev. Allen C. Wilcox, the Rev. Dudley Strain, the Rev. Charles Dur den, the Rev. H. A. Schlatter, the Rev. Louis White, and the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson. Presidenf Extends Sugar Rationing Washington, April 1 VP) Pres ident Truman late Monday signed legislation extending su gar rationing and controls until October 31, of this year, and controls on a restricted group of industrial and drug items un til June 30. DADDY, LOOK! Santa Fe Cigars with bands reading "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl." Exclusive at RUTH'S Lobby Pioneer Trust Bldg. DR. RAYMOND B. WALKER Minister, First Congregational Church, Portland KNIGHT MEMORIAl'cONGREGATIONAL CHURCH South 19th and Ferry Streets Tuesday, 7:45 p.m., "THE UNAFRAID" Wednesday, 7:45 p.m, "EASTER 1947" ALL ARE WELCOME THEY'RE HERE! ...who's here?... Why, Spring! and Bishop's New Boys' Suits . r or course: Easter Morn comfortably, confidently in.. V .IT Vs. MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Pre-flexed Gold Bonds . . , you don't have to break them in. They give you wonderful foot freedom plus eye-catching appeal. Fine quality leather soles, rubber heels. Tan. Sizes 6 to 11. Moccasin Style LOUNGERS Wear them anywhere . . . work, school or time on your own. You'll like their rugged construction; their soft comfort. Easy-on, easy-off. Genuine Goodyear welt. Leather heel, sole. 6 to 11. 331GB Brand, spankin' new and as easy on the eyes as fresh Spring buds are these sleek new arrivals! , . . then there is that fresh new shipment of RAY GILBERT Sport Coats that fairly exude springtime . . , . , and LOADS of new 100 virgin wool Dress Slacks in Bedford cords, Backaderes and gabardines, man-tailored by Rough Riders at $11.50 . and SHIRTS . and SHORTS . and SOCKS . and SHOES . and well, just about everything your young man needs for Easter . . . and After! (FIFTY MORE NEW "HUSKY" SUITS ARRIVED YESTERDAY!) Bishop's Boys' Shoes Expertly cut from rich, plump hides and hand lasted to conform to B i s h o p's orthopedic lasts, Bishop's Boys' Shoes for growing feet put that young fellow of yours on a "firm foundation" for many years to come. Sizes 1 to 9; A to E widths. $3.95 to $9.85. EASTER IS NEXT SUNDAY! BOYS STORE 9 IEGB You're Always Sure of Good Wear, Proper Fit, Complete Satisfaction 4M JIM CHILD'S BROWN OXFORD Equally right for In-ichool hours, or after-school play, dress-up too. Correct support for growing feet. 82 to 12. 4.45 PLAY SANDALS 3 98 f Child's Brown Oxford I Better built for harder wear. Sizes 8j to 12. 1 I A wnme "T" trap "y' ,n 5 I cV SKla whlt" ,Mther- Fln flttin Pe,r" -rr-. s 7Kfi?"f7 shaped heel. Leather soles, rubber Brown High Shoe, 812-12 4.45 mz y-gy ' ''n4l,h lefcM"!4tob5! ''07' 4 J X-RAY SHOE FITTING W )J 3l H f v'!&t Your foot Is measured for proper length and your wiTilnfw'iiiTBl W Ml J f -.1 I - -v scientifically checked by modern X-Ray mUll lllj illiiW j yiiethoiWsoon WHITE HIGH SHOE Day-ln, day-out comfort and support for busy little feet. Roomy toe, better - fitting heel. Quality leather. 8a-12. 484 STATE STREET 140 Court St. 3rd Floor s