FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BfttCK, uied, cleaned. Phone 63. n80 ON AND extension cords. Y EATER APfUAMJI UU. 255 N. Liberty 9S' ULTRA VIOLET (sun) lamps. Infra-red (heat) lamps and heating pad. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n06 PANSY plants. Bit N. lgttt. n91 80, 40, SO and 66 sal. water hater lor for Immediate delivery. YEATER APPUANOE CO. 255 N. Liberty n96 PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty . n95 BESTAtJRANT GRILL, automatic, elec tric, 24 Inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty DBS' ELECTRIC ROOM heaters. All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 238 N. Liberty n95' TOASTERS, 2 slice, 13.10. 4 slice, 13.85, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 356 N. Liberty n9b ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen and Industrial exhaust, desk models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty flOB WASHING MACHINES that fit on your laundry trnys, full size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' 255 N. Liberty n96 ELECTRIC AND mechanical door chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty n95 LOOM WIRE, 12-2 and 14-2. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FRUIT JUICERS and can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 239 N. Liberty n9S' SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented. Cash paid for machines, regardless of condition. Ph. 7871 or write w, Daven port. 1930 North 16th. Work: Guar. oflO IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden fa da As covers. J YEATER APPLIANCE CO. iass N. Llb-rty d9S PliESSURE COOKERS, 16 quart. J YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ,. ' 235 N. Liberty nQ6' FOR YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio that assures gooa reception, rns Tro pic Master." YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 239 N. Liberty n96' PLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin lsh for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrett and lino leum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty B95 VACUUM CLEANERS t Westinghouae, Uni versal and Royal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. HBO" FARMERS. ATTENTION: Portable Clean Easy mils Inn machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. &901 OIL CIRCULATORS: Super Flame, me dium size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nBO' PALLETONE, ONE coat, washable oil paint for walls, ceilings and wallpaper dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n95a LAWN CART all metal, rubber tread, lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. N. Liberty n95 FISHING 4ACKLE boxes. YEATEK. APFLIAfVCB CO. 255 N. Liberty DOS' TRANSPARENT PLASTI-Kote for drain- boards, floors and furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N: Liberty n95' BITTER CHURNS. Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. - 255 N. Liberty nSS' ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, mantle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty B961 PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty - n95' CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug gies and lawn furniture look like new YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n95 COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and 2 I burner with half grill, f YEATER APPLIANCE CO. -'sSSS N. Liberty nM' FARMERS, ATTENTION: Westlnshouse auto, electric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 North Liberty. n90' WHEEL CHAIRS and Hospital Beds. Buy or sell, rni or trade. Max Buren, 745 Court St., Salem. Ph. 7775, nB9 FERTILIZER, II sack; $5 per yard, 6 yds. $25. Dial O, call 68F22. Phillips Bros.. Rt, 6, Box 118, Salem. D87 PHILLIPS BROS., cedar posts, corner posts, wood, hop poles, bean stakes. ensues, leriutzer ana special timoer or ders. Rt. 6. Box 118. Dial O. oaU 68F33 089 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357 ns8 NOW AVAILABLE: Concrete drain tile building blocks, sewer, culvert, lrrl gatlon At well pipe Fresh regular Keene cement, white sand, reinforcing steel, mesh sash, expansion Joints. OREGON GRAVEL CO., 1405 N. Front. Ft). 3417, nU ELECTRIC range burners now available for all makes of ranges. High speed Calrod type, solid top and replacement colls. For service or parts call 4311. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty. ' n88' NAVAJO RUGS & saddle blankets 175 South High. Ph 6088 n76' GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shovel At drag-line excavating WALL ING SAND AND GRAVEL CO Pb 1541 C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines. Parts ' r all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. nl03 HEAT YOUR home electrically It's coo venlent. clean economical Set us fo: tree estimates YEATER APPLIANCE OO 353 N Liberty n" WE BUY At sell furniture tools, stoves dishes motors radios, electric appli ances household goods tCLIQUAN'S 985 N Commercial Phone 9885 n SIDEARM WATER heaters, automatic, electric, fasten to your present tank. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. i - Nj Ltb.-r..7 "J5 ' tMV, YOUR clocks to the Clock Dr lffd 5otith 14th. nao WANTED MISCELLANEOUS USED OLD STYLE Maytag. Will pay high est cash price. Phone 26927. na80 GASOLINE motor, l'i h.p. or larger. Ph. 5313. 1235 S. 19th, Apt. 4. na!9 WANTED: JFWELER'S lathe. Writ Aim. Rt. 3 Bx. 37AB. na81 WANT 1: Set of good used golf clubs Call 24686. na78 S LOGGING TRUCKS. 14 Mile Lane High- way. Ph. 9207, Apt. No. 1, only after 0 p.m. na78 WANTED: Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Kelley. Ph. 23156. na94' USED FURNITURE Phone 81BS PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. Box 134. P276 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone except myself. A. C. Chsplln. 319 N. Com'l., or 1930 Hazel Ave. Salem, Ore., after April 1. 1947. P80 CHILDLESS COUPLE wish to adopt In. fant or small child. Write Box 192 Waldport, Oregon or telephone 21368 in Salem for details. p62 READING, know the truth. 2361 State. pSO AUTOMOBILES 46 INTERNATIONAL pickup, excellent cona., slew or 500 and good 40 or '41 "tun. tau sue. c, PONTIAC 2-door sedan, good tires, heater, looks and runs good. 1300. Ph. 3869. See at 1180 Jefferson. q80 FOR SALE or trade for '41 or '42 car, Mfl Ford, super deluxe, 2-door. 657 No. 20. . q78 MM TERRAPLANE. 1350. 430 80. 20th q80 "M NASH, clean, good-rubber." A iamtlr AUTOMOBILES '40 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. Deluxe Sdn. Good cond. R. At H. 61033. Ph. BB03. qBO 1041 DODGE dump truck, 4 yd. box, 2- speed axle. Good tires. Truck in good cond. Phone 31058. 480 41 FORD two door. Sell or trade. 1830 Monroe. Q7 1038 PLY. t pass. Recond., new tires At 5 p.m. QflO 1031 HAH LEY DAVIDSON, Just overhauled. good cond., good ruooer. iiou. l. a. Jenness, 1505 Alder Ave., N. Aluminum plant. Phone 34225! q80 REO COUPE, uood engine, rubber, new battery, siw. liio uross at. qu 1031 DURANT Sedan, good transporta tion. Phone 36793. QBO 36 FORD Tudor Sedan with '46 motor, new paint, new tires. See B. W. Branch, at DoolHtle Service Station. Center At Com'l., any time after 4 p.m. q80 FOR SALE: Trailer house, furnished. 1430. Phone 33283 evenings. qso 3ft DODGE Coupe, 1300. Runs O.K. Good rubber. After 6:00. 3210 Hanel. q80 '37 MASTER Deluxe Tudor Chev., heater, good cond. Ph. 8442B, Stayton. Rice's Chevron Station, q83 11)46 4 -DOOR Spec, Deluxe Plymouth Se dan. Call alter 4:30 at 181 Ben aw St., West Salem. Dealers need not call. q80 FOR SALE 1941 International ton pickup K-2) overload springs, 4 speed transmission, A-l condition. See to ap preciate at Hayesvllle Market, 6 miles North on 99E. Inquire at trailer house. q7B FOR SALE: Model T pickup with Ruxal rear end. (75, Good 2 wheel trailer. 135. 424 Evergreen Ave. q79 1041 BUICK sedanette, radio, heater, new tires, excellent coua. n. worn i St. 79 LOOK THESE CARS OVER ANY OF the cars listed will make you good transportation. Come in Ac select the car you want. We will make you a real deal, giving monthly terms to suit your income. loan DESOTO sedan. 1931 MODEL A Ford 4 dr. sedan. 1920 MODEL A Ford 2 dr. sedan. 11W7 CHRYSLER Flat bed. 1031 MODEL A Ford 2 dr. sedan. See your Kaiser Frazer Dealer, TEAGOE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty St. Ph. 7001 nfll- 1037 CHEV. panel, new paint. Good cond. $600. 771 SO. 21st. Ph. 7176. 0.78 37 CHEV. Master deluxe (595. 41 CHEV. ,4 dr. sedan deluxe 11125. 39 FORD 4 dr. deluxe sedan 835. GMC H ton pickup I55D. ONE TRUCK van 8x12, good cond. Open eves. At Sundays. Hamm's Garage, Dal las Highway Ph. 8466. q7B" WANTED TO buy, 1936 to 1942 Interna tional or Dodge truck, m to 3 ton, platform type, long wheel base, must have 2 speed axle or Brownie, must be In good cond. Would consider other makes, spot cash, call at 2405 s, Com'l. or Ph. 26908 Salem. q81 12 FT. V-bottom boat, 10 ft. folding boat, factory built At 9 '4 ft. walk-in Sportsman trailer. Sleeps 2, turn. 1018 7th St., W. Salem. q78 LEAVING STATE. '34 Chev. Make offer. 1397 N. Commercial or 260 Hood St Apt. 2. q78 '36 FORD Tudor, excel, cond., .good rub ber. 2407 State. q78 FOR SALE: 1940 tt-ton Dodge pickup, good cond. 3715 S. Com'l. Ph. 26180. q78 SMALL F.B. trailer house, 1550.00. Sleeps 4, furn. 3835 N. Cherry Ave. q78 NEW SHIPMENT of Kaiser-Fraser auto mobiles. Immediate delivery. First come first served. No trade-in needed. Also a lot of good used cars priced for quick sale. BRADLEY BROS. 2nd and Lewis SUverton, Ore. q80 TWO TRUCKS, '40 8tudebaker, '41 O.u'c. tandem drives with or without lumber rolls. Monmouth Ph. 6493. q79 '41 CHEV. super deluxe. Orig. finish, ra dio, heater, etc. Good tires. 870 N. Win ter. q79 WANTED YOUR CAR foi cash. Will pay mora for late clean models. Bee us now. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 &. 12th St. q9T FOR SALE: 1940 DeSoto sedan. New mo tor, 500 ml. Phone 6139. q84 1937 FORD Coupe. Good mechanical cond. 6 tires. Inquire Rlckreall Store. q79 AUTO PAINTING. PH. 4010 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO., 735 N. COM'L 0.86 HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Pree estimates overhauling oodj and fender repair painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR OO. Phone 8501 flalem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES - SERVICE - PARTS AO makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired SHROCK MOTOR OO. Phont 8502 - Salem FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans. city or farm properties; loans made as small as 1300. Bee us about refinanc ing your present contract or mortgage. A r PROVED CITY LOANS 4 G.I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. r80' FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on Improved real estate, Salem and vicin ity, amounts S500 to $5000, NET In vestors 5 pet. Interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal mm interest payments maae by ui without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO., 163 B. High St. I MONEY t REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS Wt Buy Real Estate Uortgues and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Lie S-216 M-222 153 8 High St r AUTO LOAN8 WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN m.nn weens No M-159 8-164 r MONEY POTJ arVTTBV nnn nnn F Vou are capable of building 10 to uuuaci. emicro or vicinity during 1047 and oeed financial assistance Contact Us. We are also Interested in financing one or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie 8216U222 ioj ts. mgn et Ph. 4121 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP, uUAno 6-131 and U-S36 and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial Bt Tel 9168 r FARM AND CITY LOANS i and 6 'OUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages 307 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph 7163 f Directory ACCOUNTANTS MONTHLY Bookkeeping service, including oaiance sneci, tax returns, a. s crock ett Ph 3-2839. 002 APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR, Ph. 2-5100. oioo ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestio refrigeration service Ralph Johnson Appliances S33 Center Ph 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9631. O1021 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 376 8. Com'l. Ph. 6161 Brake At Wheel aligning specialist, o!01 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Pbona 7131 Hltht, 34411. 131 Cental. DIRECTORY BULLDOZERS BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 305 Fair view Ave. Phone 23146 Salem. 066 GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 35379. CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENSLEY, 771 H. Silt St. fn. 7170. OIUJ- CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph 4071. 083 CONTRACTING GENERAL C E M E N T CONTRACTING. Harry Hill. Ph. 7641. ol00 DECORATING DECORATING At general repair. Ph. 5523. OX03" DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. oioo- EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph. 7000. 175 N. High. 088 DIGGING A LEVELING DIGGING, Basements, Ditches, Leveling, fill uiri. feco, paciiio Excavating com pany, Salem Oregon. Phona 3456 or 1793. Afi9 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, buttons At buckles covered, altera tions. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. o93 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH, MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3050. Lee Cross. 1260 N. 17th ol 03 BREITUAUPT'S for flowers. Dial 9105 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3672. o FURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED; Furniture to Blue and repair. Lee Bros., 4020 E.' State. Ph. 21233. 0153 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free del. 1717 Center St. Phone 5305. olOl HOUSEFAINT1NG C. HORN. Good work. Free estimates. Ph. 5313. 1235 S. 10th. o96 LANDSCAPING LAWNS, planting, landscape plans. Ar bor Landscape Service. Phone 7665. olOO LEVELING A DOZING JOHNSON St BRIGGS. Grading Bis. Si Roads. Phone 8035 Salem. 097 SILT & GRAVEL garden sand. Leveling At dozing. Bosley At Meyer. Ph. 3046 or - 2-3160. 079 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H. HA USER, 025 Saginaw. P7828 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. SALEM MOVING ft Delivery Service. Phone 7665. Insured Carrier. 098 MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar, Mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. o96' OIL CIRCULATORS OIL CIRCULATORS. 24 hr. service. Parts available. Phone 6072. 098 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping. o89 PAINTING. Call for Jack. 4001. PAINTING AND decorating. Roy Hanson. Ph. 25838. Rt. 1, BOX 406-A. o78 PAINTING A PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PAfERHANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. H. J. Wood worth. Phone 3016. o82 PLOWING At DISCING GARDEN plowing At discing. George Wil son. Phont 68F1S. o80 PLOWING AND DISCING gXr DENPLOWING an d discing in N . Salem or Kelser. Ph, 22160. olOO PLUMBING PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travlss. 1039 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. 087 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads. envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery. Johnson Printing Co. In basement at lea s. Liberty St. olOl RADIO TUBES RAY MOORE. 3370 Portland Rd. Salem RADIO REPAIRING QUICK, DEPENDABLE, saves you money kax muuku mo Portland Rd.. Salem oflO SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SILT and gravel. Bosley At Mey er. PH. 3048 or 32160. GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel At draslln excavating Walling Band & Gravel Oo Phone 8561 o f-EPTIC TANKS MIKE'S Cesspool At Septic Service, mod ern equipment 1079 Elm St., W. Salem, Ph. 9468 or 5337. olOl' K P. HAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned 1143 8th St. W Salem. Ph. 7404. o90 SEPTIC TANK drains cleaned Ph. 9633 1087 Elm Jack Boenlng. o82 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate Prompi service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. o81' SPRAYING SPRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. olOO LUAirLtit spray service. Trees At weeds Modern equipment. Aerosol generator Conrentronal sprayer. Philip W. Bielke Phone 21208. o97 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL At DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks in Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points Larmer Transfer At Storage Ph 3131 o VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER ACUrM" CLEANER owners, tri will service your Hoove i cleaner com pleto for S3. 60 piut paru U required Hogg Bros. Ph 9149 0 WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates, T. PULLMAN Ph 5985 WIIITTAKER'8 WELDING WORKS Ph 5600 qS2 WELL DRILLING I J. A. SNEED A SONS. Well drilling 2505 omuim ot oaiem. r none 6H09. 0127 CLEMENT BROS,, we il d ruTe r t. Rt" i Gervals. Ore Ph. 3-4376. oflB WELL DRTLLING. m7dT EnloeT"ntr9, qua itt. mourn KQ, fa. 26186. o83 WINDOW CLEANING ACME WINDOW" CLE A MRS Windows wwawora cieanan rioors 4ieaa ed. waxed it polished Ph 3337 ui Court -anidoc OulherUon and Matner WINDOW cleaning house cleaning, floor waxing. Salem Window Service. Ph. 31343. out PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVTCB WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph. 817T LODGES I. O. O. P. meets every Wednesday night. In- itntarv HfcrreA Vlcltiipe welcome. Dance. PraternaJ Order or Eagles meet every Tuesday at 8 pjn More than s million members A Salwi Lodge No. 4, AJ. & ygVA.M. Wed., April 2. Dinner. 'y3;30 p.m. (65cj. Lodge 7:30 p.m. 79 From 1936 through 1945, American railroads set a record of one passenger fatality in rail road accidents for every 733 million passenger mi lei of service. Market Quotations Portland Eaitslde Market No. 1 heads In new crates of caunuower were offered at $1.65 at today's session of the Portland Eastslde Farmers' Whole sale Produce market; No. 3 stock sold down to 50c a crate. Spinach was quoted at 75c a crate wtln some selling at 60-65C Radishes were oiterea at 7Q-B&C a ooien bunches. Portland Produce Esrnan BHtterfat Tentative isuoiecl to Imme diate change) Premium quality maximum Portland 75-76c: first quality 70-80c lb.; second quality 75-76c; valley routes and country points 3o less than first, or 77- 78c. Butter Wholesale f.ob bulk, 68 lb cubes, AA, 93 score, 66-67c; A, 92 score, 70-71c; B, 90 score, 65-66c; C, 99 score, 66c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 42-49c; Ore gon loaf, 42-53c; triplets. 39-50Vie. Etc To wnDiesaiera: A sraaa large 46U-47ttc; medium. 43-44c; small. (pullet) 41tt-42!o; B grade large 40A- 4214C. Eiks Purchases nom tanners; current receipts 37-41c, buyers pay 3-3 ic doz. below wnoiesaie quotations on grauea basis for best hennery eggs 'ortland Dairy Markev Butter Prices to retailers; Grade' AA carton, 71c; AA prints. 70c; A prints. 70c; A cartons 7lc; B prints, 69c; one fourth pound cubes, cent higher. Eggs Prices to retailers. AA large, 2- 53c: A large, 49-50C! AA medium, 48c: A mediums, 45-4fic; A small, 42c dozen; car con 24o additional) Cheese- -Prices to retailers Portland: Oregon singles, 43-54c lb.; Oregon loaf. 46-S6c; triplets. 42tt-34e. Poultry i Lira Chickens No I Leghorn broilers 1 to 3 lbs. 27c lb.; fryers 3 to 8 lbs.. 24-25c: 3 to 6 lbs., 27-350 lb., roasters 4 lbs, and over 27-35c; roosters and stag 12-lno lb.: colored all weights, 29-30c Fowl, Loahorn over 3 Mi lbs.. 20-22c. Rabblla Average to retailers 48-aOe lb; dreiwd prices to producers 43c. Iryet live white 20-24o lb.; colored. 17-3 le ib Vesetables: ArtlchnkM-4 doz. 34.00-4.15; 5 dox. 14.25-4.35; Cftl.. 4 doz. $4. 50-4. 75: 6 doz., S4.76-S.00 Calif, central dlst. No, 1 me diums, 25-25o lb.: boxes 38-8.50; small. 23-24C Ib Asparagus Calif., small, 27-39c: crate. 610-10.50; box, (4.35. Truck sales, medium, 13.90. Beets Calif . bunched 4 doz., 35.60-6.00 Broccoli 18 bunches. S4.35-4.75: Calif.. 28 bunches, tft 75-6. Brunei &prouis Cabbaie Round neaa. 80 lb cratei small $2.50-75; California crates. 13-3.75; red 10-15c lb. California No. I, 34.00-4.50; kraut, 11.65-1.75; red, Calif.. 15.00-5.50. Track sale, Calif., round head, S2.80-3.00 crate; local, 80 Ib. crate, small, up to S4 for best. Truck sales. Calif., S3.70. Carrots Buncneo, cam., e doz.. S4.3.V track sales. Calif.. 6 dor... S4-4.20 track sales, Cal., 6 doz., 34.25-4.30. Truck sales, 8 doz., 14.00. Cauliflower Cat., trimmed std crates. 31.25-1.50: Roseburg, Ore., SI. 75-3. 00 n crat. Olro. bunch, SI. 15-65. Track sales, 1 1.75-2; local, II 50-1.75. Few high rs S2.10. Celery Heart material. 4-6 dor... 14.50 5.00. Pascal, crates, S5.5D-75; sturdy crates. e-e,&o. Best. 15.00. lair. 35-5.25. crate. Track sales, std. crate, -fair, 13,50- 70. Cucumber California hothouse, lugs. Oregon notnouse, 3 doi., (10.50-12 Garlle Oregon white 25-30o lb.: Calif.. 36-300 lb. Lettuce Calif.. 4 doz., S4.OO-4.50; Ariz.. 4 aoz., 94.oo-i.30. 1 tuck sales. Ariz.. 14.00 Dried On lorn Oregon yellows, No. 1 and larger. S2.35-2.50; mediums. Sl.50-1.75 truck sale, mediums. 31.60; Leek, local. tsu-vuo aoz. Ear Plant 33-35C. Green Onions Local. 75-80e dox. bun. Local, mid-Columbia, 40-50c Panlejr Calif., S5.-5.50, 10 doz. bunches Parsnips Local. $1.00-1.35 lug. Peas Calif., 30 lb. crate. (3. 50-3.75: loose, 12'4-15c lb. Calif., 28-30e lb, Crates. $3.25-3.50. Peppers Mexico. 45 lb. 111.00-12.50: Track sales, 311.00; 100 sc 19-200 lb, uaiu,, 4a to. J7-7.50; loose, aa-a&c. Potatoes Deschutes russets. No. 1 grades, S3.75-3.90 100 lb. sack: 25-lb. sacks, 95-98c Bakers. S4.25-4.50; Yaki ma, S3.20-3.40; Texas. Florida Bliss Tri umphs NO. 1-A, 33-3.10; No. 1-B, 13.30- 3.25. RndlsliPi Calif., $6-6.35, 10 doz. crates; 65-70c doz, bunches. Local, 76-80o doz.; Nevada, $4.60 for 10 doz, Rutabagas 31.16-1.25 lug Spinach Local, mid-Columbia. 65-7S& a 4i to, oox, tew nigner. Squash oanLsn tugs. 31-1. 15; orange ooxes ia.&o-a.7&; Hubbard. Marblehead. 6-7o lb.; Calif., banana, 6-6ttc lb.; Calif., ZUUSilini, 14.35-4.50 a 26 lb. lug. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey. 20 lb. basket, 35-5.35: Calif.. Louisiana yams, S4.50-4.75. Texas, S4.00-4.1S. Tomatoes Mexican. repacked. jo.ou-o.a; 20 tuns, J4-4.20. Track sales, lues, 35. 65-5.75; 12 lb. tubs, S3.00-3.15, New York Stock Quotations tBy the Associated Preset New York At- Closing quotations today Allied Chem At Oya 174 American Can 93' Am Power At Llgh: 14a Amer Tel St Vel it Anaconda Copper ) Atchison ( Brndlx Aviation I Bethlehem Steel Boeing Aircraft California Pncklng T"T" Canadian Pacific u J I Case r Chrysler Corp 8J Commonwealth At Sout 3 " C nsoltdated Edisor 37 " Consolidated Valtee Continental Insurance Crown Zeilersach 28 Curtis Wright D Idas Aircraft " Duponv at rremou-i ... lflB General Electric 35S General foods 3'n General Motorf 59si Goodyear Tire 65 '4 Great Northern pfd .. Internationa) Harvester 87 int Paper pfd ... ... Johns Mnn villa 122'b Kennecott 47 Long BeU A 18 Maytag inu Miami Copper 16V4 Montgomery War 58 Nash R.elvlni.10' 16'i National Dairy 32 N Y Centra 17 North Am Co 27't Northern Pacific , 19 Pac Amei Fish ll'i Pacific ins Eleo .. 39 Pacific TAT .... Pnn American Penney J 'O -, Radio Corp Rayonier Payonler Pfd Reynolds Metals .... Richfield Sateway , Sear Roebuck ..... 8in;mr on Southern Pacific . .. Standard Brand. .. Standard Ol' Calif Stewart Warner ... StudebaKer Sun Mining Union Oil Union Paclflr United Airlines United Airciaft united States Steel Warner rtrotheri ., West Elee Mfg Oo ., Woolworth Ill 13i 2- 8" 36'4 3I-' . 54 '4 . 18 . 21S , ll'-j . 21 '4 .124 , 27 T4 lSi .... 25S .... 48 LEGAL NOTICE OFFINAL HEARING Notice Is hereby given that Joseph J Jalcubec. administrator of the Estate of Louis Stephen Jalcubec, deceased, has fll ed hfc final account In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marlon Coun ty, and ald Court- hu, by an ordor thereof, designated Thursday, the 1st day of May. 1947, at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day, In the Court Room of said Court In Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, as the time and place Tor near ing objections to said final account and the aettlnvnt of said estate, at which time and place all persons Interested in said estate are required to appear and show cause. If any, why said final ac count should not be allowed and the estate settled and closed, First publication April 1, 1047, Last publication April 29. 1947. JOSEPH J. JAKUBEC, Administrator Chas. J. Zrzsn. Attorney. Pacific Bide.. Salem. Oregon. Apr. 1 I II 23 20 Truck sales. Mexican, 35 50. Turnips Bunches, do, buncnes Fresh Fruit: Apples Oregon delicious, t. At t 14-4.26 tiox; choice 13 76-85; Ortleys, w. and p. comb, grade. S3 16-35; Newtons f and f.. Sl.75-3; w ana p S4-t.25. Red Delicious, w and p. up to 35.50: Wlnesaps w At p, 14.50-5.00. Hood River, w. and p.. 34.50-75 Avocados California Feurtes, sizes 34 and 30, S4. 25-4.35. Bananas Bunched, S3 35-3.50; rui hands, S12.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Datei Calif 34. 8 os pkgs. li.U-t. Grapefruit Texas pinks. 70'i-90'i. S4.75- 5.75; small. S4.00-4.35. Marsh seedless. s-96's. S3.00-3.35; Ariz, white, 33-50-3.85. Ruby red. all sties, 35. 50-5.75. Lemous Calll., 300-360 S, J7.00-7.7S; 432 s. S6.00-6.25. Llrnei California 15 tubs 01 ff limes S2. 75-3. 00 Orames California navels. 200's and larger, $6.35-6 60: 352's and smaller. 35.40 5.60: 2ZS's and smaller, $4.90-5.10. Pears D'Anjou. 34.76-65. wrapped and packed: ,ooae. S3. 26; Boso. loose. $2.76-3: Yakima. S3-3 36 I Persimmons Calif, lugs. S3. 35-3.50. I Pineapples- Cuban, $7.35-7.50. Rhubarb Extra fancy. $3.50-3.65; fancy, $2.00-10; choice $1.75-80. few high as $3.00: Sumner. Wash., hothouse, l5o lb., local neid grown, $1.00-1.15 18 lb. box. Quince--Lorn 1 "J4-So iw Packed Vegetables uellophanf wrapped a dozen: Broccoli, 13 oa. 11. 75-1. 85; spin ach. 34 13-oz. S3-3.33: brussell sprouts 9-OZ.. $3.20-36. Garlio Cloves 20 1-os packages, 31.65 1.75 Dressed Meatei Veal Heavv top quality 38-30c; top quality light, 33-34c lb.; B, 3S-36c: O. '32 24c; cull, 18-aoo lb. Bogs Slock butchers, packer stile. 125-160 lbs., 37-38e; over 313 lbs.. 36-37e sows, all weights, 30-35o lb. UIOM-AA, SB-tDo; A. 37-380 B. 34-36C O, 28-30C Multon 10-160 lb. according to quality and weight Beef Best quality. 30-3301 B. 26-26e: O, 20-22c; canner and cutter. 18-I9c; bo- .ogna bulls 25-26o Wool Cascara Uarki Cmcara Bark Green 8-8 "A ei dry. 30c Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 45o lb Mohair 40o lb on 12-month growth. Hides Green beef. 12-13c; calves. 3c Ib. Kip hides, 23c. Rendered Inedible Fata 12e lb The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are FOB shipping points Delivered eastern price Is zenerall IU cents higher than F O Jl plant quota tions Chicago Grain Chicago, April 1 (U.PJ Cash grain sales: Wheat nominally higher: no sales. Corn: Unchanged to three cents lower: 1 yellow 1874; 2 yellow 1B7H; 3 yellow 182-186'i; 4 yellow ne'i-lSS'i; 5 yellow 167-177; sample grade yellow 153-J64 . uats: one to two cents lower: 1 white 94-95Vi: 3 white Ol'.i; sample grade wnne B7t. Barley: Malting 160-200 nominal; feed du-iDu nominal. Chlcnro Livestock Chicago. Anrll 1 m (USDAl sUhi hogs 7000; total 10,500; slow; 75 cents to 61.00 lower on all weights and sows; top 26.25; most good and choice 180 -a fin pounds 25.50-26.10: good and cholrn am. 4wu pounas ai.'ro-as.oo; 300-360 pounds .u-i.ia, miisi. coon ana ennir jinnra 21.50-22.00; few choice 22.25, salable cattle 7.500; total 7,500; salable calves 1,200; total 1,200; slaughter steers and heifers dragRy, weak; cows yather slow; steady to weak: two loads chnirp 12a0 lb. fed steers 36..10: two loads held higher; bulk average-medium to top-good steers 1,125 Ib down 30.50-24.75; bulk iiieuiuni la lop-gooa neiiers 18.00-23.50; load strictly good 1,200 lb fed cowa 18.50; uui luiuiuun ana meaium cows 12.75 15.25; canners and cutters 0.50-12 so sausage bulls weak at 16.50 down and beef bulls 25 cents lower with lfi on th. practical top: vealers steady at 25.00 Salable sheep 3,500: total 4.500; higher asking prices retarding trade; mostly early bids around steady; good and choice fed wooled lambs bid 32.15-3! on- en.rDn asking around 26 cents higher; best wooled lambs held upward to 23.35; other classes Portland Grain Portland, Ore.. Apr. 1 (tf) wheat fu tures not quoted. Cash grain: Flaxseed A.ftft. Cash wheat bid: Soft white 2.38; soft white (excluding rex l 2.38; white club; western red 3.45. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 .48. Today' car receipts: Wheat 104: bar- icy i; nour i; corn l; oats 4; hay 2; mlllfeed 8. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. April 1 OJ.PJ Livestnrk Cattle salable 126; calves 25. Market acuve. tuny steady; med. to Rood steen 19.00-22.50: medium to soorl hlfr 17 tin. 20.50; high good heifers Monday up to tanner ana cuiier COWS ll.PD-J.f-0; medium to good beef cows 15.50-n.oo: strictly good cows quotable to 18.00 and above: good beef bulls up to 18.00; lint sausage bulls 14.00-16.00; good to choice vealers scarce; salable around 23.00-26.00 Hogs salable 100. Market active. tHV good to choice 180-235 lb. 28.00; 140-165 lbs. 27.00; 256-296 lbs. 28.60; ,;ood 425 Ib, sows 23.50; one lot choice 103 lb. feeder pigs jaie Monaay jt.oo, new high. Sheep salable 50. Market nominal unnri to choice wooled lambs salaole around 21.00-21.50 shorn; Iambs 20.50 down; good Salem Markets Completed trom reports ol Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised daily.) Hiall Price Rabbit Feeds Pelleta, $4.25 cwt. Efg Mash 14.80 cwt. Dairy Feed $3.85 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 80c lb.; No. 2, 26c; colored fryers, No. 1, )2c Ib E(gs Buyers' Prices Whit and Brown extra large grade A 43c; med., 38c; standards, 38c dozen, pullets, 30c; crax, 30c. Wholesale PriceLarge 47c dozen, med. 42c dozen. Butter Wholesale A, 70c. Retail Grade A, 75c, Butterfat Premium. 74c: No. 1. 7Se: No. 2, 69c. Trail Brochure Released by Council Portland, April 1 (P) The lirst of a series of brochures on American pioneer trails, "The Applegate Trail," has been re leased by the Oregon Council of the American Pioneer Trails as sociation. The 28-page booklet was writ ten by Walter Meacham, executive-secretary of the association It has an introduction by Gov ernor Snell. Others in the his toric series will include the Barlow Trail, the Oregor. Trail and the Lost Wagon Train. Markets Briefed (By the Unll.d Preu) Stocks irregularly lower in quiet trading. Bonds irregular; U. S. govern ments did not trade. Curb stocks irregularly lower. Silver unchanged in New York at 75 cents a fine ounce. Wheat futures closed up lVt to 7 cents. Voting machines were used for the first time in the United States in Rochester, N.Y., in 1896. Selected Stocks Score Advances New York, April 1 m Led by aviations, motors and steels, selected stocks enjoyed a recov ery move in today's market al though many pivotals failed to participate. Mild irregularity prevailed after the opening. Dealings quickened at intervals but slow downs were frequent. There was a brief active flurry in the final hour when favorites added fractions to around 3 points. Losers were plentiful and most top marks reduced at the close. Transfers were in the neighbor hood of 800,000 shares. Maine and Michigan Ratify Amendment Augusta, Me., April 1 (IP) Maine's dominantly republican legislature was the first in the country to ratify a proposed fed eral constitutional amendment limiting the presidential tenure of office to two full four-year terms. The action came yesterday without discussion in the senate and after brief debate in the house where the vote was 82 to seven, with the minority all democrats. Thirty-six stales must ratify the amendment. Lansing, Mich., April 1 W) hoping vainly to make Michigan the first state to ratify an amend ment to the federal constitution limiting the presidency to two terms, the state legislature rush ed the bill to approval in only 55 minutes last night. Representatives approved the measure 6!) to 1 and senators passed it 25 to 0. ' Postal Receipts Gain Over Year Ago Although postal receipts in Salem for March were $115.73 below a similar month in 1946 first quarter receipts for 1947 were $14,831.84 above the first three months of last year, ac cording to records as announced Tuesday by Postmaster Albert Gragg. His figures show that receipts for March of this year were $46,740.98, as compared with $46,856.71 in 1946. March re ceipts of 1945 were $41,770.49 The first three months' period showed receipts of $155,768.87 as against $140,937.03 in 1946. Usual fluctuation in business is credited with the slight falling off of March as compared with a year ago. Billion Dollar Budget For New York City New York, April 1 (IP) Mayor William O'Dwyer today submit ted to the board of estimate New York City's first billion dollar executive budget, amounting to $1,029,120,314.73 for the fiscal year 1947-48. The mayor recommended a use tax on motor vehicles of $5 for passenger cars and $10 on commercial vehicles to help meet expenditures for education al purposes. These taxes only recently were authorized by the legislature. The mayor predicted a record high real estate tax of $2.95 per $100 of assessed real estate, an increase of 25 points over the current $2.70 rate. The pre vious record was $2.89 for the fiscal year 1943-44. 5000 U.S. Marines Taken from China Shanghai, April 1 (IP) Five thousand American marines have been withdrawn from North China to Guam since Feb ruary 1, Adm. Charles M. Cooke, Jr., commander of U. S. naval forces in the western Pacific, said today. U. S. forces began to withdraw after the state department an nounced Jan. 29 that the United States had decided to end its con nection with executive (truce) headquarters at Peiping. Greyhound Bus Strike Authorized ("Imnhn. Anrll 1 (IT) A strike affecting more than 1000 AFL employes of the Overland Grey- (Srabhles) Is high y contagious and win ITCHl tlntie for life If nm topped. Its sole rause Ik the llch-mlle whlrh Is Immune to ordinary treatments. FX SORA kill thr Itch-mite almost Instant ly. Only three day EXSORA treatment l required At Toor Nearest FRED MEYER Drug Bretlon Promptly Relieves Itching and Helps Heal Ugly SKII1 RASHES Here's a Dortor'g tntiwptic formula Zemo a atainlem liquid which appears intinibl on the skin yet so hiRliiy moflicatPd that first applications relieve itching, burninuof Skin Rashes, Kpzema, Athlete's Foot and similar skin and scalp irritations due to external cause. 7fimo is backed by an amazing; rorord of success! First trial convinces. In 8 sizes. For severe ewes buy special Extra Strtngih ZEM0 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday, April 1, 194713 hound Bus lines in 13 states has been authorized in the event the company fails to set up a pen sion and disability plan, a union spokesman said today. No date was set for the strike. States Involved are Nebraska. Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado, Il linois, California, Arizona, Ne vada, Utah, Wyoming, Kansas. Missouri and South Dakota. Company spokesmen were not available for comment. Board of Trade Corn Rally Chicago, April 1 (IP) Confir mation of renewed export in quiry for corn and commodity credit corporation buying, start ed a good rally in corn toward the close of today's board of trade session and all grains climbed to the highest levels of the day. Deferred deliveries of wheat carried a steady undertone dur ing the greater part of the ses sion, while the May delivery was off as much as four and one-half cents at times on reports of ex cellent progress of the winter wheat crop. Policemen Face Bad Conduct Charges Providence, R. I., April 1 W Thirteen suspended Provi dence policemen face charges of immoral conduct involving nightly trysts with women in city-owned Roger Williams park. The charges were brought yesterday by the bureau of po lice and fire only a few weeks after two other Providence offi cers were arrested for allegedly conspiring with a gang of bur glars, three of whose members were ambushed and shot to death by police in a roadside restaurant. A 14th policeman also was suspended yesterday in another case. Murray said morals charg es also would be preferred against this 26-year-old rookie. Chinese Reds Refuse To Free Americans Nanking, April 1 (IP) Brig. Hon Rohert Soule. American mililni-v ottanhp SIliH lodnv that ctonHv nrpssnrf? nn P.hinesp com munist leaders for tne release oi two assistant attaches seized one month ago had been without re cult MaJ. Robert Rigg of Chicago .nH rant .T w c.n ins nf .van- ston, 111., were seized by com munists north ol unangenun Mnnnhnrinn rnnilnl March 1 Tho Amprfcan emhnssv and mil itary officials have been unable to establish direct contact with them. Obituary vii 1m Huddteston Stayton Elmer Lee Huddleslon. 72. a farmer living one ana one-niui mnr northweat of West Stayton was killed In a head-on collision In front of the Darley plantation a quarter mil north of Weat Stayton aooiu iu:ju p.m. oni urdny. He wa born In Henrietta, Okla., .iniw a 1024 a iton of Mr. and Mrs. Jnmm P. Huddlcnton. and wm a veteran of World War II. Funeral services will be conducted at Weddle funeral chapel Wedneddny at 3 P,m. with Rev. A. N. Doiigor of the Seventh Do Adventlat church officiating. Burial will be In Lone Oak cemetery. In addition to his wife he is survived by his parents, bro thers and sinters, James D., Virgil A.. Lonnl J.. Arthur. Marvin. Mrs. Laura Fry, Mrs. Leona Stewart, ome Mae miiu dteston, all of the vicinity, and Mrs. Viola Stewart of near Fresno, Calif. ducted Tuejiaay at me weaaie mnerai homo in Stayton for Mrs. Rosa Bturde vant, age 83, who died at a Salrm ron- inl wan In Lone Oak cemetery. Mrs. Siurnevani wbji oorn novrnmer mw. 3he Is survived by her husband. Church Sturdcvant of 3505 State street, Salem, P. G. Wlnckler SUverton Word has been received of t;ie death of P. O. Wlnckler, 7D. former SUverton resident. March 10. in San Di ego, at the home of a sister. Final rites were at Davenport, Iowa, the home of the Wlncklers for many years. He was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Annie Dunn of South First street, Fred Knis SUverton Funeral services tor Fred Krug, 50. will be held at 3 o'clock: Wed' ncsday from the Pratum Mrnnonlte church with burial In the Pratum ceme tery under the direction of the Ekman funeral home. Lue( Toft SUverton Puneral services for Luest Toft. 78. will be held from the memorial chapel of the Ekman funeral home i.t 3 o'clock Thursday, Rev. M. J. K, Fuhr officiating and burial In Valley View cemrtery. HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Fissure Fistula Hemorrhoids Prolapse Itching and other Rectal disorders are corrected. No Hospitalization Quick Kelief Or. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Proctologist 218 N. Libert; St. Salem, Oregon Hi Wanted STRAWBERRY ACREAGE Will Furnish Certified Plants and Financ Under Term Contract Starr Fruit Products Phone 6073 Salem, Accidentally Shot in Foot Howard Beugli, 19, who lives at 879 North Cottage, is in Sa lem Deaconess hospital with a painful gunshot wound in tke left foot. At 12:45 a.m. Tuesday Beu gli, Warren L. Jones, 19, of 132 Carlton way, and other young people, were in a car that was parked at the dead end of Wash ington street. In the rear of the car was a .38 caliber revolver belonging to Jones. Jones told police, whom he called to the hospital, that he reached for the gun to show it to Beugli. The gun was cocked, he said, and in some manner was discharged. The bullet entered the foot just in front of the instep. It did not pass through the foot, and was to be extracted Tuesday after X-rays had been taken. Police said that when Beugli was questioned separately from Jones his story tallied. He said the muzzle of the revolver was not over six inches from his foot when it was fired. House Votes School Lunches Washington, April 1 (IP) The house today voted a $6,000,000 fund for the school lunch pro gram. Births, Deaths Births Stlvcrton To Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kropr. Molalla. a daughter, March 30, at Stiver ton hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. John W. Oreen of 9418 N. Richmond, Portland, March 37. riAURhter. Grandparents. Mr. ana Mrs. M. S. Burson, SUverton. Deaths William Rutherford In this city March 37, William Ruther ford, at the age of 58 years. Survived by his wife in Portland, and a sister, Mrs. J. A. Chambers of Olldale, Calif. Ser vices will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Wednesday. April 3, at 8:30 p.m. Interment In the IOOF cemetery. Mrs. Eva Devlne in this city Mnrch 31. Mrs. Eva De- vine, late resident of 2607 North Fourth street at the age of (lfi years. Wife of W. Everett Devlne of Snlem; mother ol Ruth B. Wahl or Fairfield, Me., ana u. Agnes Davidson of Missoula, Mont.; and sister of Antone Hassllnger of Sequin, Tex., and Miss Minnie Hasslinger of Sa lem. Four grandchildren also survive. An nouncement of services later by W. T. Rlgdon company. Charles H. Bnrch In this city March SO, Charles R. Burch, late resident of 1840 Madison street, at the age of 60 years. Survived by hta wife. Rose Burch of Salem: a daughter, Oeraldlne E. Burch of Minne apolis, Minn.; two brothers, Emlle Burch of Rochester, Minn., and Chris Burch of Hammond, Minn.; and four sisters, Mrs. Margaret Saveresslg and Miss Ma rie Burch, both of Salem, and Mrs. Ella Walters and Mrs. Amelia Stubs tad, both of Hammond, Minn. Services will be held Wednesday, April 3, at 3 p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with Rev. M. A. Getzen daner officiating, assisted by Rev. W, N. Brown. Mrs. Ida M. Meyer Mrs. Ida M Meyer, late resident of 830 North 15th street, at a local hospital, at the age of 70 years, Survived by nef husband, A. W Meyer of Salem; five sis ters, Mrs. Frank Masknntlne of Portland, Mrs George Gotbrolh of Sheridan, Mrs. Ernest WlPbold of Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. Minnie S locum be of Tlgard and Mrs. Louisa Fulton of Sherwood, Oregon; and a brother. Emit Schuman of Sheridan. Mem ber of St. John's Lutheran church. Serv ices will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Wednesday. April 3. at 3 p.m. with Rev. H. W. Gross officiating. Interment in the City View cemetery, Arthur C. French Arthur C. French, of Portland, Oregon, at a local hospital, March 30, at the aga of 40 years. Survived by his wife, Rosa lie French and a step-daughter, Eleanor, both of Portland, Oregon; three slaters, Mrs. Jeanne Hlatt and Mrs. Louise Rob erts of Salem, Oregon, and Mrs. Fran ces Hamilton of LaGrande. Oregon, and two step-sisters, Mrs. Mildred StApleton and Mrs. Marian CIrmo of Port Orchard, Washington. Services will be held Wed nesday, April 3, at 1:30 p.m. at the Clough-Barrlck chapel with Rev. 8. Ray nor Smith officiating. Interment In Bel crest Memorial park. Gottfried flchulx Gottfried Schutx, late resident of route 5, Salem, at a local hospital, April 1, at the ase of 81 years. Survived by a brother, John Schutz of Salem, and sev eral nieces and nephews. Announcement of services later by dough -Bar rick com pany. Mrs. Minnie V. Duncan Mrs. Minnie V. Duncan, at the resi dence, at route 1, Independence, Monday, March 31. Wife of James A. Duncan of Independence; and sister of Mrs. Delia Lunger of Lafayette, Oregon. Mrs. Flora SloiiRh, Mrs. Jessie Shoup and H. B. Boush, all of Portland, and Rou Bough of Yakima, Wash. Annottncement of ser vices later by Clouah-Barrlck company. Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Etch When your skin Is Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from external causes, and you're crazy with Itching torture try Sanitone Oint ment. Itching stops promptly. Smarting disappears immediately. Sanitone Ointment la also won derful for itching feet, cracks be tweeo toes and Athlete'. Foot For Sale at: Willett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone 3118 Why Suffer Any Longer When others fait as our Chines "cm dies. Amaslng success for 8000 years in China No matter with what ail ment your art affile ted disorder, (inusltla- tie art, innga, llvar. Kldnera gas. constipation, alsera. diabetes, rheumatism, call and ola rider fsvar. tktn female complaints CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE tIRRB CO Office Roars I U I Tnes. and Sal. mtr IM Com mr ratal Phone 81830, SALEM. OBI. Oreg. Church & Mill 7