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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1947)
12 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES ENGLEWOOD dlst. Lovely 4 bedrm. home, 1 yr. old. Dbl. plumbing, hdw. floors, fireplace, full basement, attached gar age. 113,800. 15800 down. For parti culars call 9148. a82 S37 N, WARREN, Monmouth: 10 room corner house with la rite plot, to settle estate. Price, asking 16000. oiler con sidered. Attorney, Leon Heller, 1457 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. a80j fcUOO--NICE, clean 3 B.R. cottage. Llv, rm., kitch., bath, hdw. firs, thruout. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549. Eves. 35091. aSO1 NEAR ENOLEWOOD SCHOOL 11.1,200 3 B.R. home, Liv. rm., dining rm., kitch.. hdw. lira,, fireplace, lull size bsmt.. oil furnace. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549. Eves. 25091. a80' JBY OWNER: 2 bedrm. modern home, lot 100x130. New lawn, roses, berries. Furn., Including piano is modern gas ranite. $4900. 206 Futh St., Sllverton. Ph. 452 forenoon it after 7 p.m. a80 $11,500.' VIEW "property, lovely 2 bdrm. home with Elec. heat, fireplace, coved ceilings, double plumbing, most modern Kitcnen in ttaiem, you really must see this to appreciate It, 2 car garage, sulated & weather stripped. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS S45 S. Com'l. fit. Ph. 4590 Eves. 25830 a80 1 $n:i50. 4 rms. 6e bath with k acre of all kinds of fruit, large garage At work shop, this is a good location, this Ls a piasrerca nse., nwa. nrs. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S, Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eves. 25830 fl80' (2(1(10 DOWN. Lovely 2 bdrm. home East, hdwd. firs . atl. garage, imm. fobs, OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS S45 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 25830 a80 $J2.0O. 8 bdrm. home. This la a beauti ful Suburban home, latest design brick front, hwd. nrs, throughout, oil heat, beautiful fireplace, Imm. Pons. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500 Eves. 25830 880 SI (1.000. LOVELY 2 bdrm. home furnished, In Englewood dlst., large lot, full base ment with extra bdrm. Very best of furniture. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830 $0850. Z bdrm. home close in, fireplace, V. blinds, city bus In front of door, Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS S45 S. Com. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830 880 SUBURBAN SPECIAL IF you can handle a saw and hammer, here ls your chance to have a nice home cheap. 2 bdrm. home with upstairs, framed, sided, painted, plumb ing & wiring roughed In, ready to lath, drilled well, nearly Vi A. of good soil, iuii pnco jhoo.od. Terms can be ar ranned. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 9538 aao' $11,. Wo FOR this beautiful Suburban home, North. Large L.R. with big win dow, D.R., hwd. firs, throughout, oil furnace, 2 bdrm. down, unfinished attic, A. of good soil, on pavement, fireplace, 3 blks. to school and store. Call for appointment. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4090. Eves. 9536 a80' $fl(HH). EAST, fl rm. hse. with unfinished attic, 2 bdrms. down, hwd. firs., fire place, oil fir. furnace. Owner will sell furniture. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l, St. Ph, 4500. Eves. 9536 BUY OR SELL YOUR HOME AT THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24703 e83 HOMES, ALL PRICES $15,500 EXTRA nice, new. North. SM.WIO NEW, nice 3 B.R., N., 14 A. Sio.nim new, strictly mod. 2 B.R., N. SH,'5 2 D.R., new, on bus, E. S7!Ml 2 B.R., modern. Sdll.-id 2 B.K., North. Zone 3. S,vr 6 room plastered -home. North. Pine location. Inspect, make offer. RUr.O INSPECT this 2 B.R. Ullfln. but very livable 5 room home, make your offer as to terms. Imm. poss. 2 stoves, water heater. O. H. SANDERS. 231 N. High, 6B38. a7B isxi. B Lots and clean plastered 1 B.R. homo on N. Church St. Oil circulator and cook stove go. Venetian blinds. Lots of fruit, strawberries, etc. Immediate possession. IH50. ATTRACTIVE 2 B.R. home yrs. old East on bus line. Elect, water heat er. Wired for range. Garage. Immedi ate possession. KUK). Yi A. and new modem 2 B.R. homo close In East. Hdwd, floors, Ve netian blinds, elect, water htr. Wired for range. Sl.VflO. CLEAN modern 4 B.R. home com pletely furnished. Englewood Dlst. Hdwd. floors, Venetian blinds, base ment, furnnce, beautiful yard Ac shrubs. 8HMi. NEW modern 2 B.R. home N. Un finished . upstairs. Attached garage. Hardwood floors. OH furnace. Immedi ate possession. j eViwio. H A. nnd clean 2 B.R. home on Park Ave. Elect, water htr. Wired for range. Chicken hse. Fruit trees. $17ftO. CLEAN 2 B.R. home close In on; bus line. West Bnlcm. Wired for range. I Elect. Water Htr. Immediate posses- j ion. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 Evenings 25561 NELSON NEWS NEAR HOLLYWOOD As HIGHLAND SCHOOL GOOD SUBSTANTIAL plastered modern nome with L R., D. R., Kit.. 4 bdrms. bath on 1 fir., full basmt., piped fur nace neat, gn rater, larga corner paved st near Hollywood dial. Priced for lmd. sale. $7900. 4 BDRMS. NORTH IDEAL FAMILY liome or Income nroner- ty, substantial plastered mod. hse. with L. R., D. R., Kit., bdrm., on 1st fir., 3 bdrms. At bath on 2nd, elec. water nrnter, Iplace, lull basmt., oil furnace, near bus, stores, schools, lmd. poss. reduced to sell, J 10. lino. BRAND NEW, ATTRACTIVE. N.E. GOOD HOME In n beautiful native oak selling, large spacious L. R., D. R. Kit. Ac bnth. 2 bdrms., utility rm., - oi 1st fir., lame unf. attic for 2 bdrms. hwd. firs., all elec, dble. garage, $10,- on. IF NEITHER of these meet your remilr- ments tell us what you want. We pro bably have it listed. NELSON Si NELSON Chet I, Nelson Thro. G. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg.. 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4022. Eves. 21350 a78 $500 DOWN $40 A MONTH COOD 8 room unfinished house, Next to city limits. Park Ave, between D St, At MarKet. 247, REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 a78 $7350 ft E" 2 bedroom modern home. Hdw. nrs., eiec. neat, insulated, fine loca tion. 17800 f -BEDROOM modern home on paved strc t. Nr. school At bus. Nice corner lot. very good. i?nnn VERY nice 3-hcdroom home. Dining rm., living rm.. kitchen, bulll-ins. Large back lot. 8 yrs. old. Very neat ann ciean. ENOLEWOOD DIST. VERY ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom home close to Englewood Sch. Large lot. Im med. poss. Will consider car or trailer in irane, jh-'.iu. WALTER MUSORAVE. REALTORS 1233 Edgewater Phone 5109. a79' I BDRM. home with beautiful view. Near- lug completion at 253 Vista Ave. Own er ill decorate to buyer's specifica tions. Stop In during day or Ph. 4384 eves. 79 NORTH IN SALEM I BEDROOM home near grade & Cath olic school. Hardwood floors, fireplace, coved ceilings and linoleum. Full base ment, sawdust furnace. Remarkably pleasant inside and out. $10,500. 336. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 a78 ONLY $4800 ONLY t BEDROOMS. S rooms. Large living room and kitchen, bullt-lns, wired for range. ' acre fruits and nun. Keiier dlst. 318. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 Smith High hont! flaos W Journal Want Ads Pay Oregon, Tuesday, April 1, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES VERY INTERESTING AND NOT OVER PRICED A NEARLY new. very modern home. Cor ner lot In a fine new neighborhood. All rooms are large an J pleasant. 2 bed rooms. Insulation, weather stripping, Venetian blinds, radiant heat. Gracious living, definitely, and only 111.200. 254. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 878 NEAR LESLIE JR. HI. Z BEDROOM home. Now vacant. Just renovated. Fireplace, oak floors, full basement, furnace, unusual yard, 17900. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 a78 ATTENTION. G.I.'S YOU CAN get a G.I. loan on this new all-electric home. Hardwood firs. Full bath. Excellent kitchen. Really good; $8950. 248. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 878' JUST THE PLACE FOR THE family with children, pets, chicks, cow, etc. One acre near Hayes vllle. 3 bedroom home, quite new. L.R. At D.R. and kitchen across front of house. Oil heat, Elect, range. Large ga rage, barn and chick, house. Deep well, Large garage. A grand place. $10,800. 255. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 a78 $8000. O.I. OR CIVILIAN TWO YEARS old. 2 bedroom house. Oak floors throughout. Wired for electric range, attached garage, paved street, bus, near scnools. Will go $6000 on G.I. appraisal or can be sold to civilian. Bettor hurry on this one. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves. 7217 879 OWNER TRANSFERRED A BETTER than average home, located In West Salem. 2 bedrooms, full base ment, furnace. Double garage with large shop. $11,000. 261. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 a78 DANDY S B.R. home, elec. heat, fplace. double garage, large adjacent Jot on which can build 4 rental units. Luse Realty, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7952 a78 3 D.R. home in Englewood Dlst. and near HI. and Parrlsh. This ls a bargain. $6500. Luse Realty, Oregon Bldg. Ph, 7052 a7B 112,000. NEW beautiful 3 B.R. home East. Lot 70x128. Has fireplace. Oil heat. Hdwd. Doors throughout. Attractive ga rage. See this home. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 a80 LIKE NEW ENGLEWOOD DIST., 2 bdrm. home plus acn f utility rm. .strictly mod. and re-decorated Inside, auto, heat, fire place. Pecan firs, & cove ceilings. Price $0000. For appoint. Call D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5-13R n78 A OOOD HOME LARGE HOME plus extra lot. All In nice cond., 3 bdrms. A GOOD BUY at $7500. Call D. J. Dawson with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5338 a78 NEAR LESLIE JR. HIGH SCH. S7O0O. 3 bdrms., auto-oil heat, utility rm. it dining rm. Completely redecorated in At out. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. Call D. J. Dawson with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8, Liberty St, Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5338 078 NEAR STATE BLDGS. N. S4TII St., splendid 5 rm. Eng. type noma with unrin. upstairs, full basmt, fireplace, hdwd. firs., dble. garage, nice yard, fully fenced In rear. Owner leav ing city. $2500 will handle. Price $9, 500. Call Dale L. Shepherd, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 6. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 j 878 NEW COUNTRY HOME, ranch style and modern in every respect, all large rooms, fireplace, Insulated, elect, heat, dble, garage, outside fireplace and bar becue, beautiful setting on acre with lovely view and lots of fruit trees. 115,000. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3306 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 7057 a79 RAKE SHAKE ENGLISH STYLE 5 rm. home with unfinished attic, fireplace, full bsmt., dble. garage, lovely large lot, paved st. and close to bus. $9500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3388 Portland Rd Phone 3255. Eves. 7057 a79 G. I. or CIVILIAN NEW B.R. modern home on a most beautiful 100x190 landscaped lot with an abundance of fruit trees, auto, heat, hdwd. floors throughout. A real buy at $7500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 7057 a70 PHONE 6155 or 9510 $1500.00 DOWN. 1 bdrm. hse. on acre. I blk. to bus. North. Full or ce 14000. SIMM DOWN, Large 2 bdrm. hse. .4j acre. blk. to bus. North. Full price $4500. SIM0 DOWN. New 1 bdrm. hse. South. Imm. poss. Full Price $5900. fiooo.oo DOWN New 2 bdrm, hse. Large lot. Ketzer dlst. Full price $6700. $2000 DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hip roof hse. Highland dlst. Full price 16900. JlftOO.OO DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hse. Large lot. Keller dlst. Full price $7900. 15o DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hse., unfin ished attic. Large lot. Northeast. Full price 1B950. WE HAVE other listings. For add, Information call ABRAMS As SKINNER. INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Mtg. Loans Insurance a79 SM.OOO. COMPLETELY furnlshed2 B.R L.H.. D.R., Kii,, extra room In base ment, furnace, large lot, well land scaped. A late built Englewood home you should see. i LARSEN HOME Ar LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings, Personal Service I 164 S. Com'l St. Phone 8389 Kves.7440 or 24591 a79 0. 1. SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL District, two new Ultra Modern homes, oak floors, spa' clous living and dining rooms, very nice Kitchen with lots of bullt-lns. 2 bed rooms down, unfinished upstairs, large enough for two more bedrooms, auto matic heat, lot 60x150, nenr bus, $800 down, ask lor Hen Colbatn. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves. 26933 879' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEW TWO bedroom home Keiaer district, partly furnished Including two stoves, attached garage, paved street, bus by the door. 16600, JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves. 7317 879' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION EXCEPTIONALLY WELL built two bed room modern home, hardwood floors throughout, spacious living and dining rooms, beautiful modern kitchen with plenty of bullt-lns. Unfinished upstairs, automatic heat, attached garage, nice large lot. location In the Englewood School district. A real buy for 18850, ask for Ben Colhath JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eves. 26933 879 NEW fi-RM. HOME. Bath and utility. 4 acre. Keiier dist. Ph, 25156. a78 BY OWNER, formerly 17900. now $7500. Clean A rm house. Includes oil circu lator, laundry trays. Garage, rugs, drapes, 1 ac lota of trees. Must have cosh. 9 ml. So, on River Rd. Turn left Croslon Creek, 4lh house on right side. Mrs. R. J. Kuenstler. a78 FOR SALE: In Toledo. New 5 room house, 2 Bedrooms and Bath, 2 Lots. Berries, Chickens. Ideal location. Immediate pos sesion. 13800 cash. Will accept car or panel delivery as part cash. Must be In A-l condition. P. O. Box 1094, Toledo, Oregon. a80 SMALL. ATTRACTIVE HOME ONLY U?no for this attractive 1 bedroom home, has living room with fireplace, part hardwood floors, utility room, gas water healer, small lot, located on North 18th Street. LEE OHMART CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phont 403 B or 0680 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES REDUCED S1400 ONE OF the nicest exclusive homes In South Salem. 2 bdrms.. full bsmt. conditioned, party room In bsmt. with fluplace, weather stripped, insulated, ranch type, has been appraised for O.I. loan. View property, dbl. garage, M. O. HUMPHREYS & CO., REALTORS 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 a78 ED BYRKIT, REALTOR PHONE 6981 2 BEDROOM home. 2 lots. New paint in side and out. Clean ie neat as a pin. 16000.00. ALL ELECTRIC, 2 bedrooms, coved cell ing, attached garage, attic room, bus line North. 12350 will handle. .1 ROOM modern Plastered, utility room, garage. Very good l'4i acres, lots of trees At fruit. Overlooking valley. 17,- 900.00. 0 YEARS old, good paint, very clean Large lot. 2 bedrooms, attached ga rase. Close to city center North. 18, 250.00. SUBURBAN. 3 bedroom, brand new. Elec tric heat, hardwood floors, double sink. Garage. Large lot. 18950.00. I BEDROOMS, oak floors, plastered, In En ewood district. $10,500.00. BEAUTIFUL VIEW home In exclusive Morn In aside Addition. Large grounds with lovely flowers and shrubs. Plenty of room for the kiddies ana tneir pets. $18,000.00. ED BYRKIT. REALTOR Phone 5981 Eves. 3434 339 Chemeketa Street a78' NEAT A clean S rm. home. Corner lot, fenced yd., paved st. Close to bus & sch. Very good location. W. Salem, 16, 850, SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255 Eves. 2-5831 879' JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 A HOME THAT INVITES REAL LIVING! NEW MODERN l'i story. 2 bedrooms down. Unfinished upstairs, well plan ned, well constructed. Outstanding value atf today's prices. Only $8500, JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 R,es. 24789 878J VALUE. HOME. VALUE. SUBURBAN COTTAGE, 7 years Old. 2 bedrooms. L.R.. kitchen and nook. Newly decorated. Shrubbery. paved streets, sidewalks, all for $5500. Good Terms. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 24789 a78 BY OWNER: New 5-room ranch style ho. . Insulated, weatherstrippea, neep well, electric water system, oil floor ftirndfiB. Lots of bullt-lns. Hardwood floors. Attached garage. One block to bus. 2 blocks N. of Center, one block E. of Park. 3245 Knox Ave. a80 NEW MDVAm.E HOUSES 8x21 FT. well-Insulated As wired for all electric. Can be used as trailer nouses or set on blocks. Add. rooms can oe built on for permanent house. They woul also make a nice court, price reduced for quick sale, or an offer Across from Waters Ball Park on S. 25th St., Salem. "-"0 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4 to 8 Call lor aerans. BYRKIT At POTTS 819 ChemeV-eta Phone 8937 a SMALL B-YR OLD HOME. Plastered throughout, elec. heat, completely iurn., with good furnishings Including re frigerator, elec. stove and washer. Rea sonable down payment and bal. like rent. Immed. poss. Inquire 2090 M'll Street. a' NEW ONLY $3400 W ACRE or land, small home. 3 rooms and bath, piped for gas. Includes gas ranee and ns water heater. MOVE RIGHT IN IT'S HFADY. LEE OHMART As CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 968" ATTRACTIVE MODERN HOME A COMPLETE 5 room home with an un finished upstairs. 2 good bedrooms, full bath. 6 large closets, auto, air-condl-tloned oil furnace. Insulated and weath er stripped, fireplace. V. blinds through out. Rosednle Addition 10.500. LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 8680 A OOOD BUY LARGE 4 bedroom home with complete double plumbing, part easement wun auto, oil furnace, wired ror range, elec tric water heater located on South Com mercial Street $8950. LEE OHMART At CO.. REALTORS 477 Court st Phone 4035 or 968n LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS OWN YOUR OWN WELL LOCATED SUBURBAN HOME In fast growing district. acre, nest or soil, Attractive 3-room house, knotty Pine ..finish. Small barn and chicken house. Price $4300. ANOTHER ONE NEW AND NEAT not fnr out on paved road. 1 acre, part in timber, balance newly cleared. Price only $4000. ENGLEWOOD: LOVELY CAPE COD BUN GALOW. Living room, dining room, kit chen, bedroom, bullt-lns, closets, auto, h.w. heater, garage, well landscaped lot, Bus hy the door. $5000. Terms. FURNISHED HOME. 6 rooms, fireplace: extra large lot 60x200. Several fruit and walnut trees, paved street, close to bus. Price furnished $7000. Posses sion now. BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOME. Spacious llv. b room, cheerful dining room large kitchen with bullt-lns, 3 nice bedrooirs. Basement with auto, fur nace. double garage. All nicely land' scaped and located In a very goad neighborhood. $11,750. CALL or SEE Jnmes B. Hnrtman or K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph. 9261 a80 WANTED TO hear from party Interested In buying NEW MODERN HOME; small down payment, balance monthly. Capital Journal Box No. 329. a79 FOR SALE LOTS PLAN TO BUILD SflRO Lot B0X90 North. $200 down. 5ll Corner lot, 48x108. Terms. SHAO Lot 76X80. North.. $250 down, jtlitfm Good lot. 50x150. North. filon Pine river frontage. North, ft S0O Lot 90x100. Zone 3. C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High 5838 8R78' RESIDENTIAL lot on beautiful Ben Lo mond Heights. Unobstructed view of city and mountains. Only two left for sale on top of hill. 90 foot frontage. $4250 ensh. SEVER IN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDO. 212 N, lliail, DIAL 4016, EVES. 8213. aa82 LOT AND bldg. mat. Inq. 1445 Oak. aa82 EXCLUSIVE LOTS JUST BEING Placed on the market i few nice building lots In the Engle wood school district. Small down pay ment If desired. Here la your oppor tunity to secure a lot at a reasonable price with a small down payment. To tal price 1600. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph, 8216 Eves. 7317 aa79' StIOO. BUILDING lot close to Richmond school on paved St, 461xl9r. MOO LOTS 75x87 East. New 21 BEAUTIFUL view UMs must be sold i ob finer, a reat opportunity ror a builder. Call O. v. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 a80 FOR SALE FARMS $10.800 mi A. Lovely home. 10 A. culti vated, 4 A. vetch, 4 A. timber. Elec. water system, chicks, cows, some rab bits, I, chick hse. Call Ed Smith, HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 9441. b80 ATTENTION DAIRYMEN! ONE OF THE valleys finest Grade A dairies. 85 acres or excellent soil, gent ly rolling, all tiled and under cultiva tion, well fenced. Modern 38x72 barn, milk house, machine shed and hog pen. Very good 3-bedroom Insulated home with full basement. Beautifully land scaped. Good terms. Full price, $30,000. WALTER MUSORAVE. REALTORS 1333 Edgewater Phone 5109. b79 FIVE ACRES 1 -A. Royal Anne cherries, t A. straw berries, 4 A. of thornless boysenber ries, H A. prunes, some timber. 5 rm. house. Suburban Bus every hour. Price $5000 . 3 miles out. See ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM, 341 Slat St. Room 4. bit FOR SALE FARMS FOB SALE: 5 acre tract. Magnificent view of Willamette valley and Cascade moun tains. 15 mln. from downtown Salem. Paved road, approx. 4 blocks from school. $1500 Phone 6826. b84 A FARMER'S GO ACRES. 45 A. cleared, 25 A. bottom. 12 A. orchard. Gram crops in. Bar: 19via a rfti'.m hniiae. electricity. $14. 000 Includes 8 cows, This ls an honest value. 1013, PffTMANM HEAL ESTATE 201 S. High Phone 9203 b78' rntiNTnY HOME BEDROOMS. 1 A. 7 miles from Salem, all utilities. Large garage, airawDRmc: As boysenberries. Bus bv the door, ml. to school. $7500. 802-A. BEIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone M b78 innlf THIS OVER to ACRES. 4 room house. Barn, uoon well, electricity. 8 A. eiilt, I a. orcnara, Tw.d l level. 14500. $1250 down, 821-A. TJtfTMAMM TJFAL F-STATE 201 South High Phone 9203 b78' rcnnn VERY GOOD TEN ACRES of rich black loam ana this modern 7 room nome oniy & miw from the civic center, xnree oenroonw. full basement, automatic oil furnace, fnr lrtrlf rane. hot wnt.e: tank, automatic water system and fine well, good sized barn, chjek. houses, dnnble Karate. No dry season with BProptiml water rights and irrigation Dtimo. family orchard. New Oliver trocfor. nlows and one good cow. 824 $5000 Hnwn. J500 a year. RFTMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. Hidh St. Phone 9203 b7B' CHERRY" "WALNUT FARM LOCATED 4 miles out on paved road. I A. of hmrlnff Roval Anne cnerries. A. of bearing walnuts. Some filberts, r.nnrf 7 mnm Dlnst. home with elee, water system, hnrn A garage. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. Price $12,000. Call O. H. O rah" nh rrst. Jr.. with ORABENHORST PROS.. RFALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2fln D7H BARGAIN 10 A., 75 A. of good dark soil, under cult. Located on Pac. H. 9BJ5 12 miles from Salem. Beautiful building site, Thi would make some one a won derful stock ranch. For only $25.00 per A. Call O. H. Grnbonhorst. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 D7B fl A. farm about 12 miles from Salem Very nice 3 B.R. home. barn, lame chicken house. Fruit, berries and nuts. All In cultivation. To be sold with equipment. Immediate possession. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. . Phone 4121 b80' JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR - UNUSUAL - ROOM plastered, modern, log house. Good barn, poultry house, sheds, silo. Approx. 15 Ac. fenced. 13 Ac. cult. Bus at door. Good price. MR. HABERNICHT RES. PH. 25238 GOOD HOME AND ACREAGE! FAIRLY NEW, 4 room house. Just redec orated. 23 Acres. Willamette Silt. 2( Acres cult. 2 Acres timber. Good Straw berry land. Price $8000. HENRY TORVEND RES. PH. 25141 FARM . . . FOR 30 DAYS ONLY I 32 ACRES . . . Mostly fruit and walnuts Live Spring. Good 5 rm. modern house, dble. plbg.. small basement, ure. kit' chen. dbl. garage. Good poultry house (wired), I Acre in strawberries. This Is priced to sell at $10,000 MR. TORVEND Res. Ph. 25141 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7698 b78 86-ACRE farm, clear, N. Take some trade. No buildings. 13000 down, bal ance to suit. Inquire 607 N. Cap'tnl. Apt 6. b80 NELSON FARMS BEFORE VOW BUY a farm or acreage check our new list of more then 100 properties Copy available on request Nelson St Nelson. Masonla Bldg.. Ph 4419 b FOR SALE ACREAGE 3 ACRES and 5 rm. home. Close In South. House wired for range. Full bath. Elect, water htr. This home needs some decorating but a buy at $4500. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS , 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 bb80 SUBURBAN HOME LOOK THIS over, beautiful mod. S rm. home with approx. 1 A. of ground. 43 cherry trees, 2 walnut trees. Paved road on bus line. Price $10,000. Call O. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 bb78 20 ACRE choice soil, North, 2 A. timber. 6 rm. plast, house with shade. Several acres good berries. Barn, equipment. $18,000. Terms. 20 ACRES, all cultlv., spring, berries. 5- room house, old barn, gar., chick. house, some equip. $6000. South. ACRES rich soil, 8 ml. North. New 2 B. R. home, bath, elect., refrig-,, cow, chickens. $7400. B ACRES, exceptionally good 3 B.R. home, double plumbing. Price $11,800. UNIMPROVED ft ACRES Royal Annes, net $1200 In 1946. 2 A. fir timber, deed to spring, good road, 4 ml. West. 14750 '4 cash. 10 ACRES, near Pratum, poor house; good creek, some timber. $2500. Vi A. all fruit, fine view. $1375. C. H. SANDERS-231 N. High-5838. bb78 58050 NICE 5 rm. home on 2'4 A. good soil, chick hse.. barn, dbl. garage, fruit rm., elec. pump, lovely lawn A; shrub bery, on bus line. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793. Eves. 35260. bb80 $7100 1 BEDRM. sub. home on 1 A. east. fciec. water system. V blinds. Terms $1500 down, bal. monthly payments. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793, Eves. 25260. bb80 8-1000 SUBURBAN E, Nice 2 B.R. home. jiv. rm mien, can be had for $1200 down. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 25091. bb80 SUBURBAN HOME i ACRE, East on pavement, beautiful all moaern a oearoom nome, outside fire place, fish pond, family fruit, lots of shrubs and flowers, bus by door, really a showy place at $7500. Hurry, It won't lost. SULLIVAN REALTY ""INC. REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 25831 b79' 5 ACRES EAST, large modern 2 bedroom nome, cmctcen house, large garage, 3 acres boysenberries. home furnished in cluding elec. range and new refrig. $9650. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3355. Eve. 25831 bb79' 5 ACRES N. E. NEAR finE, 5 room home and floored at tic, with basement and furnace. 4 years old, barn, and chicken house, about 14 acres In cultivation, balance nice fir timber. This Is neat and nice. $10,000. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 31413 bb79 r'4 ACRE CHICKEN FARM with modern plastered home, dble. garage, some fruit, very attractive. $8950. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3355. Eve. 35831 bb79 JUST RIGHT for home or investment. Best suburban acreage bays In the val ley, and they are going fast. Perfect valley views fine location, good soil, elec. At phone lines, close to school, near pavement, Fruit crop this year could nearly pay out. 24 to 10 ac. on easy terms. Ph. 5355 evenings. You ean't miss on these tracts. bb86 $5800 AC. FRUIT and nuts. Fair 3 bdrm. plastered home. Small barn. Water system. Good location. Call Ray Davis HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 141 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793; Evci. 9441 bb80 FOR SALE: 10 A. mixed fruit, mostly R A. cnerries. close in. priced right. Liberal terms. Sill Sunnyvlew. Ph. 35759. bbS3 REAL ESTATE HOUSE AND large brick market bldg. Terms. Fred Anderson, 753 Mill St.. Sheridan, Oregon. cSO REAL ESTATE BURT PICHA. REALTORS HOUSES $65,003 BRs., House with extra apt. rented for $35.00 per mo. Basement, double plumbing, paved st. and side walk, walnut trees, also garage on alley, $4900. North on Commercial St. 2 BRs.. Bath, LR.. DR., Kit.. Lot 100x130" In Business zone and corner lot, ACREAGE IB ACRES In cltv limit-. Price flOSO per acre. Make goon sunn i vision, FARMS MfS.flOO 38 ACRES. 1'4 mile N. of Chema wb. In rrons and orchard, some timber. Boll ls Will. Silt. 3 BR. modern home. 3 nice lame barns. This ls a beautiful nlaee. Call for appointment. flft.flOO FOR 08 ACRES with large barn and houe Just 44 ml. south of Salem. Some bottom land. nme timber. LOTS ffl.W 7Bxt50' SOUTH with View. Elec. City water and gas, suburban bus every hour. $5ftft SIZE 00x180' Near Paulus new Can nery. Oood soil. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210 337 N. High Street c80 CALL 5131 OR 8620 MrTtTT,T,nP rtV.T. ERTATE AflENf!V SAW5yLL, R ROOM HOUSfe. AND 120 AJK.a ur LiAnu. eeaumm surround ing Land. Portable sawmill, American Make. 3 head blocks. 16 foot carriage, 60 Inch saw. 36 inch log. 100 Horse power Diesel motor fnew), 10 Inch drive-belt, New edger, 2 saws 27 inch, Oldsmoblle power unit with governor. TIMBER, approximately '4 to 4 mil lion feet, fir, alder, maple and yew wood. Additional timber can be pur chased. LAND, 14 acres of fescue, 12 acres of oats and vetch, other land can be cleared for cultivation. HOUSE, H mile off main highway, 3 bedrooms, L.R., D.R.,' K., Bath. Pantry, also up stairs. Hot and cold water, electricity telenhone, spring water piped to house. BARN, with 9 stanchions and mllkin machine, silo, chicken house and - 50 chickens, approximately, 3 milk cows, calves, team of horses with harness, mowing machine, rake, disc, waton, seeder drill, family orchard. 11 walnut trees. 16 Inch trout In river on North Santlam. Price only 119.500. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 Snuth High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 Evenings 9340-4937-7163-6901 CB0 REMNANTS: There Is a special sale of fabric remnants at Ellstrom's Drap Dept. 2nd floor. C7B' R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR ACREAGE KEIZER 54 A. Exr.eotlonal soil, fine looatlon. cherries, filberts, walnuts, apnies. .uiv. rm., din. rm.. kitch.. bath. 2 hedrms. Elec. water system. A GOOD BUY at $8500. FRUITLAND l A. Good soil. 5 rm. hse., elec. water sys.. barn, good poultry hse., 15 A. cult good well. H ml. schl.. bus to HI schl. $10,000 with R00 fflsh. . APT. HOUSE 58500 LOT 48x174 ft. 5 npts. bringing $137.50 per mo. in addition to s rm. reserved by owner. Might consider good trailer house. .RESIDENCE $4flOO RflxlOO lot. Liv. rm., Vttch., sh. bath, 2 bedrms. Trees and shrubs, oood garage. Paved drive. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS S10.SOO BUYS very nice home. Llv. rm.. din. rm,. kitch.. bath, 3 bedr. on ground floor. Hdw. floors, fWpl., full base ment, furnace, gar. Nice large yard. This Is a trood location and a good buy. Near HI A Jr. HI schls. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Stt.nnftLARriE lot. New 2 bedr. hse., llv. rm., din. rm., kitch.. bath. hdw. firs. 2 rm. upstairs unfin. Venetian blind. F'ec. hflt. TJtllltv rm. Dbl. gar. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 16 Years Hollywood District 1853 N. Capitol. Phone 3031. c80 REMEMBER OUR NEW office is In the new addition to the Senator hotel. Let us show you our new home MERRILL D. OHLINO Insurance CHAS. HUDKTNS & SON Real Estate 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 c79 MONEY TO LOAN ftt mortgages t to I". n' frtT BYRKIT A POTTS 839 Chemeketa Phnm 1981 WANTED REAL ESTATE 'LARGE OR small, we sell them all." For quick, denendnble service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. RF AT, TORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca80 WANTED: The best house $1000 down will buy. Phone 6458. ca80 WANTED: The best half acre or more 600 will buy within 4 ml. or Salem. Phone 6458. ca80 WE HAVE numerous Inquiries for homes and business properties, "our listing win receive prompt and efficient service, REVERIN REALTY CO. SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. DIAL 4016. EVES. 8213. C8103 ,IST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM M- LFM REALTY CO C W BARTLFTT REALTOR. 149 N HIGH ST. PH 78flr ea' FOR PROMPT and courteous service Hat your properly with FLOYD VOLKEL, Rl Ste Broker 555 N Liberty Phone 7327 ea' ATTENTION OWNERS OWING to our strategic location on high way 99E we have commenced to get a numhe' o out-of-state buyers Wf need UsMngr on good farms, city homes acreage and anv kind of a business that you want to sell We sold over one million dollars In property (rt '46 and we . w1P realty appreciate your listings SULLIVAN REALTY. INC. REALTORS 336A Portland Rd Ph. 3255: 2447Q WE ARE In need o! good homes to ell tn or near Salem If you wish to 1M your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea NOTICE! If your property is for ale rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kinds cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 HI eh St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE VERY CLOSE IN, business zone. Will ex change equity of comfortable 5 rm. modern home In Salem as down pay ment on 20 A. or more with house, barn, electricity, water. Y.'lth or with out fruit. Wm. Lesley, 458 Mill St, cb79 WILL TRADE Ant. House. (3 apts! 2 furn., near Campus in Corvallts, for a 4 Bedrm. home In Salem. Close-In. 816 S. 17th, Corvallls. cb81 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DUPLEX fl?. 6.10 NICELY located duplex. Auto, oil furnace, fplace. full finished bsmt Upper rents for $60 per mo. A real buy. Call Ray Davis HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793; Eves. 9441 cd78' WAREHOUSE COLDSTORAGE PLANT EQUIPPED for fruit handling, turkey kllllng, warehouse space, has full con crete firs., large cold storage space, spur tracks on both sides of bids.. 10,000 sq. ft. of space. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 135 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; eve. 7772 cd78' INCOME PROPERTY 3 BDRM. home plus 3 rm. apt, located In No. 4 inoust. zone. Apt. completely furn. At rented for $48 a mo. Price $8500. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eve. 34457 cd78 NO BLUE SKY THIS VERY fine, well established grocery ana market is laeai tor man and wire to run. All stock Is quality merchandise. Equipment is good. Shelving and Islands new. Now netting $500 a month. Your closest Investigation Invited. No phone Information. Yes. You may have the address. $9000. 751. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 rd78 FOR SALE: Gene's Bicycle Shop. West Salem. Make an offer. Goes to highest offer, 1126 Edgewater Ph. 21568. d80 WILL TRADE- filling station & garage business for house in Salem or vlcfnl'y. Box 330, Capital Journal. cd82 WOOD" YARD-"; M800. ENOUOH business for J trucks. steady hauling Includes 3 trucks, bunk era Aj equipment. Cleared $7000 last year. 8ee ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM, 341 State St., Room 4. Cd78' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INCOME PROPERTY NEW DUPLEX rents for $75.00 per mo. This Is a real buy at $8700.00. GROCERY STORE PRICED for quick sale. There ts no good will to buy here. Pay for the fixtures and stock only, Down town location and a perfect set-up for two people. 2-year lease. You can't beat this for $4100.00. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. Com 1. Ph. 4217 cd80 BI'SINE"! OPPORTUNITIES $8000. SUBURBAN Grocery store In a good growing community, this Includes building with extra rentals. OLSON & REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590; eves. 25830 ' cd80 EXCELLENT-RENTAL PROPERTY INCOME about 18000 year, full price $29,000. Terms If desired. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N High St. Ph. 24793 cdSO1 ZONE 4 PROPERTY 11200 SO. FT., well located. $5700. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Ph. 24793 cd80' McKILLOP'S OPPORTUNITIES 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 SHINE SHOP, 7 leather chairs, hat blocking, net Income approximately 1300 a month, everything goes, now leased and rented. Price $1350.00. TRUCK LINE. Truck Van and equipment and tools It takes to move. Can go any where In state, has use of telephone and office. Brand new set of truck tires and tubes, and blankets Included. Price. $2500.00. SERVICE STATION. West Salem. Equip ment goes. Now leased at $25 per mo. Price 13500.00, ANTIQUE snoP. Immediate Possession. Stock at present value at Inventory. Rent now $20 per month. Price 13, 750.00. HOUSE. SERVICE STATION. GROCERY and RESTAURANT, on highway west. 6 room house, 3 bedrooms. Nice loca tion, business Just started. Price, 112, 000. DRY GOODS STORE, out of town. Busi ness has been established for 23 years, with same owner. Brick building. In cluding stock and fixtures $10,000.00. Grosses about $35,000 a year, GROCERY AND FOUNTAIN LUNCH. Very good location. All stock groes, all fixtures, 21 stools and 8 booths, 4 year lease. $12,600. RESTAURANT. VERY welt located. Seats 84 people. 9 tables, 4 booths, all new equipment. Lease 5 years with 5 year option. Parking space drlve-In. Neon sign. B liquor license, $13,500. Stock extra. SERVICE STATIONS, GROCERY STORE3 HESTAURANT8, APARTMENT BUILD INGS. APARTMENT HOUSES. TOUR IST CABINS, CHICKEN FARM. BUSI NESS LOTS. TRAILER CAMPS. w have them all, either here or for miles arouna. CALL US, 5131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENflV PHONE EVENINGS 7163, 6901, 9340, 4937 cd79 BEAUTr PARLOR In Canby. Three booths operating, write Box 24 or phone Can by 2716. cd78 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. okiuha ruKWiiURB CO. Phone 7511 . da CASH FOR YOUR used furniture Ph 7598 State Street Furn 1900 State HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at wooory Auction Market Ph 6110 da FOR SALE FIVESTOCK JERSEY HEIFER, fresh 2 months, milk ing I'M gai. price 1100. C, L. Woods. Rt. 2, Box 387, Salem. e80 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows As boars t your farm -or delivered mar ket price. E. McCandllsh, Rt. 9. Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147. ea96 RABBITS WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any iura. west erne rur co., west Salem eb82' WING'S BABBITRY pays highest prices iui ibuuiis, i w a ids. o!oo state oi. i ui& c. oi curnern. rn. luaro. eosu PETS ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure- orea. Females $25. males 135. Roy H. Simmons. Rl. 4, Box 270. Ph. 21143. ec FOR SALE WOOD FRESH CUT sawdust, 14 a unit. OREGON r UEii CO., Phone 5533. ee80 GOOD DRY 18 In. wood, Immed. delivery OREGON FUEL CO., Phone 5533, ee95 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 MILL WOOD. $6.00 load. Ph. 6852 or 5341 e88 PLYWOOD cores & old fir. Ph. 3380. ee86 DRY WOOD Af sawdust. Ph. Maker 7868. ee85 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load 120.00 Imm. deL Ph 346 Yamhill, Ore. ecl02 BONE-DRY mill wood 18" green slab good tor furnace Ph 7721 ee GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 24031 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN A DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove on and dlesol oil. Ph. 2-4031. FOR SALE POULTRY CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chicks every wea. Eoyington's. 3710 State 189 BABY CHICKS hatching twice weekly to seven varieties New Hampahtres always available In chicks Growing pullets, any age. Phont 22861 Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 32861 Lee's Hatchery f WANTED HELP WOMAN to care for two children and do light housework, room and board and wages or by days. Sat. aft. & Suns, off. Call 22201. g'I9 WANTED: Saleslady for notion dept. Full time position. Apply Worths Depart ment Store. ( ' g79 SALESWOMAN, age 23-30, for Jewelry store. Some typing ability. Top salary. References required. Write Box 327. Capital Journal. g WANTED Man for position of responsi bility, earnings $50.00 per wk. to start. Car and references necessary. Give ad dress and telephone number in answer. Write Box 326 Capital Journal. g79 STEADY JOB with big Income. Make $600 to $800 per mo. Exp. not neces sary, 360 H State St., Rm. 34. g82 WANTED: ONE part time secretary. Shorthand preferred. ' Parrlsh Junior High School. Phone 3197. g81a WANTED MANAGER for Salem branch of large transportation company. This is highly responsible straight salary posi tion. Applicant must be established resident of Salem, In good health, age 35 to 40. Transportation experience ne cessary and must be well thought of by Salem references. State briefly scho lastic and employment history, family status, and qualifications for mana gerial position. Write to Personnel Manager, P.O. Box 3818, Portland, Oregon. g81 CRANKSHAFT grinder man. Experienced. 78 Phone 4554.- Ask for Joe. WANTED: MEF to work In hop yard. Ph. 33052 or 9623. John J. Roberts A EXP. LAD) for lur repair a alterations Price's 13S North Liberty WANTED POSITIONS SECRETARIAL: Stenographic service. Ph. 8388. hl03 SUMMER LINE Construction Co. We build telephone and power lines. O.I. owned and operated. Phone 35759. 3111 Sun nyvlew. h83 WILL KEEP pre-school child by day or week. Phone 8338. h83' hour, day or week. h80 WILL CARE for children by day, week, or i mo. Ph. 2-6446. h7 WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER WANTS repair work. Ph. VENETIAN BLINDS Laundered ub.-,-ABIR. h79 Call us for oromot rtni . FIRST CLASS carpenter work, new remodel. Large or small. Ph, 8261. h88 TRUCKING, local Ac long distance haul ing. Lumber hauling from Camp Adair, M. M. Oettls, 635 Norman Ave. h79 LADY TO do general housework and care for mother and new baby. Ph. 24873. his CARPENTER GENERAL CARPENTERING As REPAIR hso WORK. PHONE 26798. LADY WANTS work. 8 hrs. day by hour. call 3421, H77 LAWN MOWERS quickly, expertly ground. repairea, oia established place. rn. Ted 7603. Pick up and deliver. 1293 N. 5th. h79 SPRAYING. L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 7900. hi 00 GAM TRANSFER. Local, light hauling, household goods moved, prompt, ef ficient service. Moderate price. Ph 25837. h78 GARDEN PLOWING As DISCING. Ford Tractor. Ray Satter. Ph. 22504. h96' PLOWIvG AND discing. No Job too large or too small. Chas. B, Jayne & Sons, 1920 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 25753. h96 ALTERING & sewing. Ph. 26954. INTERIOR PAINTING Phone 6796 h87 PLOWING As general tractor work. Have D-2. 3rd house south of Brooks on Paci fic highway. On right. J. K. Mintv Rt. 1, Box 274 Brooks. h90 BOOKKEEPER WITH considerable expe rience available Good refrences Bos 258 Capital Journal. hSS AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better b Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 b EDUCATION INSTRUCTION OR TRADE SCHOOLS' MECHANICALLY MINDED men look in to Refrigeration and Air Conditioning as a profitable future career. G. Approved. Write Utilities Inst., 1328 Belden, Chicago 14. hh78 FOR RENT 2-ROOM apt. 457 8. Coml. Ph. 6416. J79 SMALL completely furn, unmodern cot- tage. Near Dollas, Ore. $25 mo. Ni children. Ph. 5355 Salem, eves, J80 MIDDLE aged couple to do few chores for free rent. 2 bdrm. farm home. 10 ml. out. Call at 231 N. High St. J79 RM. PARTLY furn. apt. for employed couple. No drinking. References re quired. 1363 Elm St., West Salem. J79 NICE RM., employed couple. Bus Se cafe. 1366 State St. J 78 SLEEPING room for man. 468 N. 18th St. J80 NEW TRAILER spaces. Phone 6997. J83 NICE TRAILER house. 3225 Sllverton Rd. J79 TRAILER space available soon. All mod ern, close In, near bus. 1005 S. 21st or 21st and Mission. J82 SLEEPING room, 2 blks, downtown, mid dle aged gentleman preferred. Call 0316. 70 DRY basement room, working man, hot water, shower, single. 790 N. Church. GENTLEMAN'S room, single or double. Close In. Ph. 24948. J79 FREE RENT of a modern 2 -room house In Dallas to a woman who will help with housework for 2 adults. For par tlculars call Salem 2-4779, and evenings, forenoons J79 WILL SHARE my home with middle aged employed lady. West Side. 1132 6th St. J79 DOUBLE SLEEPING room. Auto. heat. J79 2131 Center. SLPG. RM. Men. 448 Center St. In alley, rear Woodrow bldg. No drinkers. J79 NICELY furnished sleeping room In pri vate home for gentlemen or employed married couple. 368 N. 13th, St. J79 ROOM for rent. 370 Beilevlew. Ph. 21477. J78' NICE CLEAN sleeping room In private home, bus and restaurant. 1078 High land Ave. J78 SLEEPING ROOM on bus line. Kitchen prlv. Phone 7612. 178 Ozone. Good health. Rent Pugh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4692 r TRAILER space available, market next door, castle Han cottages, iztn Bt. Jet Ph. 25769. J79 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff FLOOR lander Ward Montgomery WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent by May 1 .3 or 3 bdrm unfurn, house. Will agree to vacate In 30 days If house Is sold. Otherwise permanently. References. Ph. 3095. Ja83' OFFICE MANAGER and wife would like to rent or lease by May 15 small fur nished or unfurnished house. No smok ing or drinking. Phone 6133. Ja80 APT. OR DUPLEX, ground floor, by sail or's wife &s child, 2',a yrs. old. Ph. 6808. COUPLE, Willamette vet and wife, wish small furn. apt. Call 4171, ext. days and 4360 eves. Ja83 VETERAN A, wife (nurse), wish small house. Prefer north or east. Ph. 21605. ja80 GARAGE or small bldg. suitable for small work shop, G. Hall, 2455 Tr&de Phone 5085. j&79 UNFURN. MOD. 2 bdrm. house by mid dle-aged temperate couple, no children Box 325, Capital Journal. Ja79 VET A WIFE urgently need apt. No children. Ph. 9722 or 6941. Ja79 RELIABLE couple As small daughter want house or apt. to rent. Veteran being transferred from Portland. Pay to $50. Call collect, EA1809. Ja82 PERMANENT RESIDENTS desire mod. Un- rurn. home. Will pay a year's rent In advance. Ph. 4380. Ja78 FURNISHED APT. or housB near Highland school. L. E. Bailey, Cherry City, Cabin 6, J&78 VET, WIFE, -child urgently need 3 bdrm., uniurn. nouse or ape. jpn. B07J aavs: eve. 21719. Ja79 VETERAN, WIFE and child need a 3 room apt. or house furn. or unfurn. No drinking or pets. Call 2-5506. Ja78 VET A FAMILY of 3 desperately In need or iurn. or uniurn. nouse or apt. Best of references. Write 199 N. Lancas ter, Salem. Ja78 LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold watch, name "Barber" on back. Reward. Call Barber MacDuffee. 1445 State St. Ph, 8760. k80 LOST: LADY'S brown purse containing children's clothes As billfold. Reward. Mrs. McLean, Rt. 3, Independence. k78 LOST: LADY'S brown oxford. Never worn. left foot. Phone 8396. Reward. k79 FOUND: LADY'S watch. Call 4171. Ext k78 223, miss Lamb. LOST: Black billfold. Ph. 5917. Reward. k78 MISCELLANEOUS FABRIC REMNANTS on special sale at Eirstrom & Drapery Dept., second floor. m78 395 South m79 DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 6000 m89 FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. HEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, $1.00 JjbS SPRING ER, 404 COUrt St. m87 DOES YOUR roof leak? Use 100 as phalt shingles Unharmed by any wea ther, rain or shine Fireproof Installed by experienced men For FREE esti mate phone 7171. Western Auto Sup ply Co. m79 'HOME GUARD" Home Insulation pro tects your family against extreme temperatures pays for Itself oy saving up to 33V. of your fuel bills. Free Estimate. Western Auto Supply Co Ph. 7177. m79 NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a Dreadnaurht Sander by hour or day Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177 mT9 MISCELLANEOUS THE VENffHAN BLIND LAUNDR CLEANERS Phone 6909. 1 BEAT your home electrically venlent, clean, economical Bee ui rnV free estimates Y EATER apdi r CO. 255 N Liberty l HEAVY HAULING excavation and toaA building, land clearing dozer work ditching basement excavation gaud! gravel, crushed rock mason land eon. crete mix cement SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO 1405 N FRONT ST SALEM OREGON Phone 9408 or 21924 DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State A, Commercial Sta SALEM Phone 8311 m; FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LARGE collapsible baby buggy! Good m.ju. iiuisif Kniv. a.uu. Phone 26578 or 2055 Hazel Ave. n80' FOUR walnut dining room chairs, cov ered wun needlepoint. 455 Dniverslty st, n80" FINEST pre-war western saddle, com plete. 1185.00. Also medium size western saddle complete 160.00, Ph. 5356 eves. ' n80 BREAKFAST set, Hotpolnt elec. range. uiaer moaei. rn, biuu, n80 38 SACKS fiber plaster, fresh, $24 per ton. Norman Pfafflnger, 5 ml. E. Wood burn on Woodburn-Mt. Angel highway, n80 OIL HEATER, suitable for cabin or house trailer. Duo-Therm with blower fan. Box 25, Falrhaven Ave. n78 ABC WASHING machine, excl. cond. $50. 124 Court or Ph. 126M, Dallas. n80 GRAY ENAMEL wood range In excellent condition. Price reasonable. Ph. 28033, n8i- GREEN GYPSY Singer As hen, 2 cages. $15. Phone 22458, n8Q COCKER SPANIEL puppies for Easter) Blacks, reds, males A; females. Sale Veterinary Hospital, Portland Rd. n8if WISCONSIN Schramm air compressor,,1 10 gal. Devllbis pressure pot & 225 ft. good hose. Ph. 9444 or 158 Ratcliffe Dr. after 6. n80 $50 COVERT topcoat, size 40. brown. Worn very little. Price $35. Phone 21014 after 6 p.m n80 improved mountain grown MaV shall strawberry plants. M. Dorgan, Rt. 1, Scotta Mills, Oregon. n79 NEW FURNITURE at W price. Cocktail tables, china lamps, end tables, leath erette davenport St chair, rocker, rugs, electric heaters. 1440 Ferry St. after B p.m. n80 REFRIGERATOR. 856 8. 12th. nB3 ONE 2-WHEEL trailer, one force pitcher pump, one sawdust burner. All for $24. Phone 21567. nM I V FT. BATHTUB, '31 Chev. radiator. n83 Phone 24478. black TOP grain valet suitcase. Ph. yyai. nso BLUE TAG Marshall strawberry plants. certuied by Oregon State college. It pays to plant the best. We are con tracting additional strawberry acreage. Ph. 5502 or write United Growers, Inc.i Salem, Oregon. 83 DESCHUTES Netted Gem seed potatoes. Phone 5502 or write United Growers, Inc., Salem, Oregon. n83 HOOVER vacuum cleaner with attach ments, used less than 1 yr. Rt. 1, Box 92, or Ph. 637, Jefferson, Ore. n80 STRAWBERRY plants: Rockhlll Ever bearing. Large plants now growing. Many are budding. Will deliver 50 or more. These plants will bear this year. All fresh and,' green. T. A. Brewster. Box 216-C, Salem. Rt. 2. n80 DAHLIAS, gladlolosi 88T" Rosomont Ph 4325. . tl88 JOHNSON outboard motor, 2W h.p. Ready pull starter. Full reverse, ready to go, not new. $85. K. Smith, Marion Mo tors, 333 Center. n79 ELEC. mod. washing machine. Excellent cond. 110 W. Lincoln. n78" TWO 30-gal. water heaters, one 20gal. auto, gas water heater. Kitchen cab inets, restaurant size gas range, wood circulator. Ph. 3178. n78 GAS RANGE As hot water tank, practical- I iy new. H&5 Games Ave. n7S BUNK BEDS, springs Aj mattresses, used,' 6 mo, 40CJ N. River Road. Ph. 22564. &78 s doors, 1 new, 2 second hand for 5. 2465 Prospect Lane. n78 SEA-KING SINGLE outboard motor, per- icct condition. 135.00. Ph. 5309, n78 EASTER BUNNIES for the children. Mil He Abramson, 110 Evergreen Ave,, Sa lem, Oregon. n79 LIKE NEW. Daveno and matching plat form rocker, exc. condition. 1765 "B" St. n79 extension dining room table with 5 straight chairs As guest chair. Buffet to match. Chromium table As i chairs. Breakfast set. Complete fireplace set. 945 Tamarack. n79 17-JEWEL Elgin pocket watch. Guaran teed perfect. 2131 Center St. n79 NEW WESTINGHOUSE automatic Iron, diamond ring set, small radio. All bar gains. See evenings at 1364 N. Liberty. n79 LADY'S 120 BASS accordion. Reasonable, 848 Belmont. Ph. 25540 after 5 o'clock. n78 WHITE ENAMEL trash burner. 445 S. '21st St. n79 STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts. Coaster Wag ons. Welding. General repairing. Cn 11 3265 or 25287. n79 WESTINGHOUSE 'refrigerator, 30 CU. ft. Ideal for restaurant, grocery or large farm home. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nl02 SPANISH ELEC. guitar. 5 tubes, 12 in. speaker. Inquire dally after 5:30 p.m. E. E. Martin, 104 W. 3rd St., Apt. 5, Albany. Oregon. n79 SPARK SMOOTH top gas range. Excel lent condition. Ph. 5272 after 5. n79 MIRRORS 30xli4, 20x72, 2 tapestry chairs, iL-iujviuB tiumesune ac oase at 1B8& N, 19th. n73 LANG WESTWOOD range, perfect cond. i.ouis ziennsKi, Rt. 7, Box 349. Between Hazel Green Sch. and Church. n78 ONE OIL burner circulator, good cond. COMPLETE bedroom suite, brand new! J. wxia oiue axminster rug wtlh pad. Han man alls teel wardrobe trunk v'iQu compartment. 5-plece breakfast sell red fox lur. 515 S. High after 5 eve nings. n79 GOLD FIH. Snails, 68 Park Ave. D7 COMBINATION Gas and Wood range, gas water neater and tank, leather dav eno, used vacuum cleaner. 1440 Ferry after 5 p.m. n78 WAiEB HYACINTHS A lilies. Pember- ton s, 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 2-3346. 1)78 SAVE ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 510,000 LIABILITY 5,000 Property Dam age, yearly Hate, Marion Co., $18.40: rone C 114. 40. see BILL OSKO At 486 Court or Dial 5661. n98' YOUNG fat beef 30c lb. Government; inspected. Phone Salem 23639. n78 EXCELLENT THORNLESS loganberry Aj ooysenoerry tips at 7c. Also have youngberry. Ph. 8532. 981 N. 15th. n78 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent and incandes cent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 TELEPHONE & intercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 253 N. Liberty B95 RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders for immediate aenvery. YEAIER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95" FLASHLIGHTS, GUARANTEED forever lights requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 SHINGLES CEDAR sniNGLES, Lumber and Build ing supplies on direct Mill sale. PHONE 3-5950. EOLA LUMBER COMPANY. Salem-Dallas Htghwaj. n80 HOT PLATES, single At 2-burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty E.S. LAMPS and Torchiers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty (Continued on Page 13)