8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday. Mar. 31, 1947 Miss Wilson Is Engaged By Jean Taylor Revealed this weekend was the engagement of Miss Juanita Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Wilson of Sa lem. and Henry A. Hanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Han son of Silverton. No date has been set for the wedding. Both young people attended Salem schools and the bride- elect served 14 months in the WAVES, stationed at New York and the Seattle U. S. naval hos pital. She is working at the in dustrial accident commission. Her fiance served in the navy two years, stationed in the South Pacific and Japan. He is now working in Salem. Eagles Auxiliary Monthly Program During the past few weeks six new members joined the auxi liary to the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Candidates were Mrs. Mildred Spencer. Mrs. Ethel Mott, Mrs. Margaret Smalley, Mrs. Jessamyn Ladd, Mrs. Ethel Faulkner and Mrs. Wilma Frye. Social club has been renewed, meeting at the homes of mem bers. Next card party will be held at the home of Mrs. Reva Davidson in North 24th street Tuesday afternoon. Drill team has scheduled a meeting Wednesday afternoon in the auxiliary hall. Tuesday at the regular meet ing, the revealing of unknown friends will be given. An Easter party will follow the meeting. Nomination of officers for the coming fiscal year will be held April 29. Election will be held during May, with installation in the first week of June. Reception Fetes Recently Wed Pair Pralum A reception was held at the home of Mrs. Lydia Dirks Tuesday evening honor ing Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dirks, who were married recently. After opening the gifts the eve ning was spent visiting. ( Mrs. Grovcr Bass assisted her mother. About thirty guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Dirks are living in Pratum. Independence Woman's club speaker of Tuesday afternoon will be Mrs. T. Leland Brown of The Dalles. Mrs. Brown was former fine arts chairman of the slate federation. She will speak Tuesday on old glass. Music will be furnished by Mrs. Paul Dodd and hostesses will be Mrs. Ira Mix, Mrs. S. E. Owen, Mrs. Ed Moffitt. Mrs. Minnie Hiltibrand and Miss Henrietta Wolfer. Mrs. McFarland Club Hostess Mrs. P. O. McFarland was hos tess to the Dine and Do club, with Mrs. Clair West as assisting hostess. A birthday cake honored Mrs Gwen Elwood. Visitors were Mrs. Alfred Stredwick, Mrs. R. K. O Con nor, Mrs. Johnny Reese, Mrs Fred McFarland and Mrs. Dean Brenerman. Mrs. Stredwick, Mrs. Reese and Mrs. O'Connor became members. Amity Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs were surprised on their fifth wedding anniversary at a late hour, when eleven friends called Portland Choir Sings At Salem High School The Salem high school choir is sponsoring Wednesday at the high school, presentation i choir, 70 members strong. f Miss Sally Terrell is presi- f dent of the organization, and j; Miss Marjory Albertson is director. The event is open I to the public and will be held $ from 8:45 o'clock until 9:30 5 o'clock in the morning. $ Lint'ield Alumni Hold Yearly Reunion Recently the Tillman avenue home of Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A Dowd was the scene of the an nual reunion of the Salem chap ter of the Linfield college alumni. Over thirty alumni were present. President Milton E. Coe pre sided at the business meeting, when Mrs. Guy Hickok was elected president for 1847 ana Mrs. Amanda Anderson, secre tary-treasurer. Dr. Hugh Dowd, state alumni president, told of plans of the state group. From Linfield college came President and Mrs. Harry Dil lin, Lester Adams, Dr. John L. Boling and Dr. Walter Dyke, who spoke. Dr. Dowd showed movies of his recent hunting trip into Can ada, along with other events of interest. Alumni were in atten dance from as far back as the class of '01. Gates Club Holds Social Meeting Gates Mrs. George Child op ened her home to members of the Gates Woman's club for their social meeting. Mrs. Edward Chance was assisting hostess. Following a short program the afternoon was spent informally. Mrs. Chance gave a reading and Mrs. Nelson Lanphear played a piano solo. Refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the afternoon to Mrs. Burrcl Cole, Mrs. Hollis Turnidge, Mrs. Al bert Millsap. Mrs. Clifford Am bers, Mrs. T. R. Burton, Mrs. Charles Tucker, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Harry Reiser, Mrs. Tillmon Rains. Mrs. Melbourne Rambo and Mrs. Nelson Lanphear. THE OREGON BOB i qn i01. Ah v w styles Machine Ferma- it 50 m Phone 7953 'mto "CircuMte" In the finest or all Permnnent Waves. Exclusive at Room ? Millet Dldf. Miss Frazier Now Mrs. Cour A legislative romance was culminated Saturday when an nouncement was made of the marriage of Miss Mabelle Fra zier, secretary to Sen. Allan Carson of Salem and Lester Cour, United Press correspond ent from Portland, which took place March 15, in Lewiston, Idaho. Mrs. Cour is the daughter of Mrs. G. N. Frazier of Salem. Her husband, aiding legislative coverage for the UP, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Cour of Portland. He is a former reporter on the Seattle Star. Garden Club at Zahare Home Brooks Don Rasmussen, as sistant county agent, spoke on "Landscaping and Shrubs" at the regular meeting of the Brooks Garden club Thursday at the home of Mrs. Margaret Zahare. Attending the luncheon were Mrs. J. W. McClure of Aurora, Mrs. Ed Zahare, Salem, Mrs. Patsy Brutka, Mrs. Gertrude Zenger, Mrs. Elizabeth McNeff, Mrs. Bertha Morisky, Mrs. An na Heilman. Mrs. Anna Lehr man, Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Elva Aspinwall, Mrs. Gertrude Reed, Mrs. Minnie Dunigan, Mrs. Willa Vinyard, Mrs. Nora West line, Mrs. Evelyn Jones, Caro lyn and Robert, Mrs. Golda Hadley, Mrs. Ora Gregg, Mrs. Mary Wampler, Mrs. Eva Conn. Mrs. Opal Rasmussen, Mrs. Ma rie Bosch, Mrs. Anna Dunlavy and the hostess, Mrs. Margaret Zahare. Mrs. Nora Westling will be the next hostess for the club. Edina Lane Home Extension Meet The Edina Lane home exten sion unit met at the home of Mrs. Drew Michaels. Topic, "Company Dinners," was pre sented by Mrs. Frank Caspell and Mrs. Richard Rosecrans. Luncheon was served from the food prepared. Guest was Mrs. Carl Jordan, and members present were Mrs. Otis Bradberry, Mrs. Frank Cas pell, Mrs. Jim Keyes, Mrs. George Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Rich ard Rosecrans. Mrs. George Sey mour, Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, Mrs. Jay Yarnall, Mrs. Gleason Young and the hostess. Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixtures For Immediate Delivery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary Location, 55 N. Liberty. Salem. Ore. Phone 9412 The Phone 3925 Beauty Bar tfli 201 1st Natl &, TSl" Bank Bldf. 4 Operated CT 'ES1'??- by Nan YCti Williams V '.'t-Q and Ziuia S5 Hales Featuring OfV Ne6tle VS Permanente S Halliwell , Cold Wave Other Permanents $5 and np Op td Et. br Avpolntmuil W .! II' .i l.ii.l IT ADD J UP We manufatcure, sell and service a COMPLETE line of radios and radio-phonograph combinations . . . Custom-Built to SUIT YOU ... We Manufac ture It ... It HAS TO BE GOOD! ii mAf we Fi i j"$' Yf''All Account Vv H 4f t JA A',' v V"C I UU W&Umo SiMCirt Slio 115 NORTH LIBERTY STREET r Iff V ""tit Lw Honored Mrs. Grace H. Davis, national secretary-treasurer of the ladies' auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, who was honored Saturday at a reception held in the Congress hotel in Portland. Many aux iliary members from Salem at tended the reception and con ferences which followed. Miss Rathjen to Wed in April Adding her name to the list of spring brides is Miss Doro thy Rathjen, whose engagement to Abe Patapoff of Lebanon, son of Mrs. Anna Patapoff was re vealed recently. Miss Rathjen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rathjen o Salem. The wedding will take place in mid-April. Miss Rathjen is employed at the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company and her fiance is employed at Lebanon. He is also studying pre-medicine at Oregon State college. ! Chadwick chapter, No. 37, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet Tuesday evening with a no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock followed by the regular session at 8 o'clock. The meeting will PEO Committees Are Announced Woodburn Chapter J of the PEO Sisterhood met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs Jess Fikan, with the new presi dent, Mrs. Fred T. Odgers, pre siding. Mrs. Odgers announced the following standing committees: Year book, Mrs. Paul Mills, Mrs. W. S. Scarborough, Mrs. O. L. Withers; educational, Mrs. Nellie Muir, Mrs. Annette Sim mons, Mrs. Kenneth Thompson; auditing, Mrs. George A. Lan don, Miss Gladys Adams; cour tesy, Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, Mrs. Ivan C. Beers; entertainment, Mrs. Jess Fikan, Mrs. Florence Goulet, Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. Kenneth McGrath, Mrs. Wayne B. Gill, Mrs. Jack Barnes. BIL committee, Mrs. Neal A. Butterfield, Mrs. L. S. Mochel, Mrs. George D. Jones, Mrs. Mar- cile Carson; reporter, Miss Zoa Lowthian; historian, Mrs. Char les B. Cornwell. Mrs. O. L. Withers was in charge of the program for the evening, which was a constitu tional quiz. She was assisted by Mrs. Paul Mills. Assisting the hostess in serv ing refreshments were Miss Zoa Lowthian and Miss Gladys Ad ams. Camgtf ire Mrs. Robert Covert met with the Evergreen Blue Bird group of West Salem at her home on March 24. The meeting was opened with the singing of the Blue Bird song. It was decided to have an Easter party and each girl will bring a guest. Favors for the party were made. Mavis Malbon was a guest at the meeting. On Thursday, March 27, the Happy Blue Birds met with their leader, Mrs. M. W. Ready, to make tray favors to take to the children at the T. B. hos pital on their next meeting day. honor charter members of the chapter. Polk Federation Meets Wednesday The Polk county Federa- i tion of Rural Women's clubs will meet Wednesday at the West Salem Methodist church, Third and Garth streets. I The business meeting will be at 10 o'clock in the morn- ' ing and Marion Freeman from f the research and educational department of the Ken Glass company will speak at 11 o'clock. Following noon j luncheon, Mrs. Sadie Orr J Dunbar, past National Fed- , eration of Women's clubs i president, will speak at 2 o'clock. Musical numbers will be furnished by hostess clubs, t Marilyn Murphy joined the group. The Tekawitha Camp Fire Girls met March 27 with their leader, Mrs. O. F. Coffcl. Plans were made for entertaining the junior high girls from Corval lis, visited in Salem March 29. Mrs. O. V. Hume met with the Busy Bee Blue Birds at her home Thursday afternoon. Eas ter place cards were made and plans were completed for an Eas ter egg hunt to be held at their next meeting. The Ducky Doodle Blue Birds, under the leadership of Mrs. W. R. Criswell, held their regu lar meeting at the home of Mary Jane Meffert on Monday, March 24. Games were played and refreshments served after the group had had their pictures taken. Mrs. Howard Houston met with the Sacajawea Camp Fire Girls at the Calvary Baptist church on Thursday, March 27. The girls made stencils on dish towels, hankies and bandanas. The Happy Blue Birds met with their leader, Mrs. Ray San ford, on Thursday, March 27, to make Easter bunny masks, which they colored with cray ons and for which they made whiskers out of broom straws. At their next meeting they will dye Easter eggs. Some Aircraft af Combat Strength Seattle, March 31 CP) Al though air force leaders are "too busy building the air force from its post-war low to worry" about the international situation, Lt. Gen. Ira C. Eaker said yesterday that several groups of heavy bombers and fighter planes are at combat strength and ready for action. The deputy commander of the army air Torces, here on a na-tion-wjde inspection of air ma teriel command facilities, said gj-r I (Lw. Do fwPie,urei y Framing, 340 COURT STREET the exact number of units at fi strength is a military secret. The general was to leave 1 day for Sacramento, Calif, The current record-breaki U. S. orange crop was neai twice as large as the prew average. COLOTYLE To make tired, unsightly bath rooms glamorous. The essen tial treatment for new con struction. Everlasting washable beauty. No more painting. Installed complete by our own Colo tylc craftsmen. 340 Court St. Dial 9221 "39 FOR 36" We can write the insurance on your home under construction for 3V4 years for the same cost as an ordinary 3 year policy. INCLUDE SALEM'S GENERAL AMERICA AGENT IN YOUR PLANS FOR A NEW HOME. CHUCK CHET jiiiiininuuriH1 LfliMta INSURANCE OREGON'S LARGEST UPSTATE AGENCY SALEM AND COOS BAY 129 North Commercial St. Dial 9119 S CWOODRY FURNITURE CO. BRINGS YOU THIS ) This Comfort Special has 6enUine Sl $1.00 per Week Limited Quantity. " ' --"W' SS5::- Full or Twin Size -" "' Simmons is again making comfortable innerspring mattresses in limited quantities . . . and they have sent an allotment to us. While they last, we are glad to bring you this splendid Sleep Value. FEATURES: Innerspring construction . . comfortable upholstery . . attractive, durable covers . . pre-built border with French edge . . ventilators, handles, and button tufts. Box Spring to match, $39. SO. Ask obout our convenient terms. A 1 tt-rjnsmGiflaiiRV