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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1947)
joB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1&1BROB8 86x54, 20X13. 2 tapestry Chairs, ffl revolving clothesline ds bin at 1885 N. NGLE BED, box springs ft "jittreBs. bu reau, dresser, oars, wwu. -j OME OWNERS & builders. Better insu lation at B lower w. Wool CO.. 1535 Broaaway. f... ""- ... - il.t.ri tn the phone book. n76 BtANOARD" GROCERY cale.. 5c to MC 1 graduations. Also basket scales. Both S ? ..."T'aJ open ift J'8".." . ' to i p.m. me ,;to KEGS, I box. 8 common. '" iZ ken ol 1 box and common.. 0,11 31413. !l SPECIAL TRAILER axle. 4 Inches m wl 16 inch wheel,, hydnmUc brake., wllh' or without r. One kit. hull, 66" cnumc i.v , iih liriin Ions. On Clonics ih " doors, 24" deep. 48" wide, 80" hllh. One auto, high press, oil burner, complete with all comrois. mm aash with frame and trim. One 28" cordwood saw. new. One 36'' m 11 cut off hw. One logging long. One 10 ta v I -.,..nff riD saw with motor. Ph. cm 2 CANARY BENS and cage, 85. 684 N 17th. me LANG WEST WOOD range, perfect cond. Louis Zlelinski, Rt. 7, Box 340. Between Hazel Green Sen, and Church. n78 GARDEN TRACTOR lor sale. Almost new. 1540 Shady Lane, N. 8alem. n77 HOTPOINT RANGE, older model, auto., good cond. Oalrold uniU, 175. Ph. 4683. ma wrwm rimNACE with sawdust burner, thermostat controls, pipe St 8 hot air registers, excellent cona. juo e-ast ou nerlor. Ph. 2-4927. n76' min'R hlua lerrre suit, size 39. Call be tween 2 and 7 P.m. 2246 N. 4th. n78 two ladles' wool spring coats, else 20. ph. 3258. rxn BLACK RIDING boots, size H or 5, $5. Black velvet evening wrap, like new, J3. Infant's size crib, J5. Camp, matern ity girdle, 15. 375 N. 21st. Ph. 7087. mi- hizzer motor bike. In good cond. In quire at Everett's Garage, Salem-Dallas Highway. Ph. 24338. n77 MONARCH wood range. Equipped with fuel burner Ph. 24336. n77 1 ONE-H.P. & te h.p. single phase elec. motor. 2010 Water St. n77 BEAUTIFUL perfect 3 carat South Amer ican diamond zircon ring. White gold mounting, sioo. Ph. 3080. mo1 BRICK, used, cleaned. Phone 6252. n80' FEDERAL ENLARGER No. 120, high chair, nursery chair it misc. Ph. 4872. n77 ONE FR. black shoes. Size 10, 4-A. Phone 4248. rm PANSY PLANTS, blooming, field grown, 3355 Garden Road. n76 HOSKINS muffle furnace, 220 volt, 2000 degree melting point. Fred Anderson 753 Mill St., Sheridan, Ore. n77 Vt H.P. G.E. pump, good as new, with pipe, valves, switches. Cost 1450 new, Will sell 1195 cash. Ph. 22425. n77 CAMP OUTFIT H.P. Outboard Motor, $65 10 ft. Wlldwood Rowboat, 135 Trailer, lfl-ln. tires, 75 Wall Tent, 10x12, used one week, 127.50 2 Camp Cots, 12.50 each. Ph. 22425. n77' WESTINGnoUSE elec. range. 2370 Laurel Ave. n77 21 FT. FACTORY built trailer house, J1500. Castle Hall Cottages, 3'A ml. S. on 99E. n76 LEARN TO fly for free, with purchase ft Piper Cub, $1150. Valley Flying Service, Salem Municipal Airport. Ph. 3023. n77 NEW LIONEL elec. train. Ph. 4897. n77 TRASn BURNER and water tank, $10. Late table model battery radio with good batteries, $12, or trade for foot locker or fender skirts for '39 Ford. Shop made tractor out of model A truck, double transmission, rubber tires and steel wheels. 1935 Plymouth 4-door sedan, '41 motor. 443 North 23rd St. n76 QLD style elec. washer, new motor, washes i ciean. au. noya. vacuum uieaner, $10 Ph. 26818. n75 tt H.P. SEABEE outboard motor, new, late model. Two washing machines, good condition, raui ranters service k Re pair, 1117 Edgewater. Ph. 5B19. n76 BOYS BICYCLE, 2:30 p.m. $20. Ph. 26092, after n76 Same as new. n76 BOY'S 20-in. Jr. size bike. 2495 Broadway. ONE 7-TUBE console radio, $35.00. 1 set coil bed eprfngs, double size, $7.50. Apt. 6, 1845 N. Capitol St., Salem. n76 30 -GAL. HOT water tank, side arm ?a water heater. 278 McNary Ave., W. Salem. n76 fTlLKFL088 MATTRESS. 899Breyi7m6 TILTING tableaawiTpY motor 1785 Davidson, after 6, n76 USED 6 mo. daveno, chair, dinette set, floor lamp, chest of drawers, Seely down mattress. 2138 Fairground Rd. Apt. 7. me ELEC. RANGE, good Berry 8t. condition. 1898 n76 BEAR CAT garden tractor. With imple ments. Used very little. 3440 Sunny vlejR n7fl NEW 3 horse outboard motor. 1076 Hlgh land Ave. n76 ONE OIL burner circulator, good cond. Nelson Bros. Ph. 4149. - n" COMPLETE bedroom suite, brand new. 1 9x12 blue axmlnster rug wtlh pad. Hard man alls teel wardrobe trunk with compartment. B-plece breakfast set, red fox fur. 515 So. Hlkh, after 8 eve nings. n79 REMINGTON-Sp'ortsmaster .22 cal. rifle with case, practically new. Ph. 24519. me WHITE porcelain sink and cabinet, hand drain board, with faucets. 7881 after 4. 607 N. Capitol, Apt. GOLD FKH. Snails, 68 Park Ave. n78 COMBINATION Gas and Wood range, gas water heater and tank, leather dav eno, used vacuum cleaner. 1440 Ferry after 5 p.m. n78 ELEC. WASHING machine. . radio. 1075 N. 13th St, 1941 Olds car, n76 WA'i'ER HYACINTHS & lilies. Pembcr ton's, i960 S. 12th. Ph. 2-3340. n78 SPARK gas circulating heater. Good cond. 325 State 8U Martin's Shoe Store. n76' SAVE ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE" 6710,000 LIABILITY 5.000 Property Dam age. Yearly Rate, Marlon Co., $18.40: Polk C $14.40. See BILL OSKO At f1 466 Court or Dial 5661. n98' Vi YOUNG fat beef 30c lb. Government Inspected. Phone Salem 22839. n78 EXCELLENT THORNLESS loganberry & boysenb'erry tips at 7c. Also have 60 youngberry. Ph. 8532. 981 N. 15th. n78' CANARY BIRDS, cages. Reasonable. Gcrth Ave., West Salem, TELEPHONE ft lntercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Liberty nS5' LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent and incandes cent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders for immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 FLASHLIGHTS, GUARANTEED forever lights requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Liberty n95' CEDAR SHINGLES, Lumber and Build ing Supplies on direct Mill sale. PHONE 2-5950. EOLA LUMBER COMPANY. Sa- lem-uauas uignway. neO1 HOT PLATES, single & 2-burner, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 333 N. Liberty I.E.S. LAMPS and Torchiers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 333 N. Liberty IRON AND extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n95' ULTRA VIOLET (sun) lamp. Infra-red uw limps ana nesting pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ng5. PANSY plants. 846 K. 16th. nfll' JO, 40, 58 and 68 gal. water heaters for 4 ror immeataie delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 381 K. Liberty nM- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PRESSURE COOKERS, uuce pan type. XtftlfiK AffULAWUE CO. 355 N. Liberty n85 RESTAURANT GRILL, automatic, elec tric, 24 inches - square. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 ELECTRIC ROOM beaters. All types. XtSA'lbK ArrJjiANUB CO. 235 N. Liberty nS5 TOASTERS, 2 slice, 12.10. 4 slice. 13.85. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9S ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen and Industrial cxnaust, deck models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 WASHING MACHINES that lit on your laundry trays, lull size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9S ELECTRIC AND mechanical door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9S LOOM WIRE. 12-2 and 14-3. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FRUIT JUICERS and can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n93 SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented. CBsn paid lor machines, regardless ol condition. Ph. 7671 or write W. Daven port, 1930 North 18th. Work Guar. n90 IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden pa as dc covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 PRESSURE COOKERS, 16 quart. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ' n95' FOR YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio that assures good reception, "The Tro pic Master." YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty n95' PLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin ish for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty , n93 VACUUM CLEANERS: Westinghouse, Uni versal ana Koyai. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nflO' SPECIAL Comet, 9 mon, $1.00. Ph. 7828 or mall order to Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, 925 Saginaw. n76 FARMERS, ATTENTION: Portable Clean Easy mil Kin? machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liborty. nBO1 OIL CIRCULATORS: Super Flame, me dium size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 North Liberty ti90' PALLETONE, ONE coat, washable oil paint for walls, ceilings and wallpaper dries in one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' DRY MYRTLEWOOD ready for turning. beautiful for bowls V lamps. 100 Waldo Ave. Ph. 5348 Eves. n76 ORGANIC FERTILIZER Very good for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere In Salem. 6 sacks, $5.00. 1 ton $10.00. Phone 8127 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY n77 LAWN CART all metal, rubber tread. lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty n95' FISHING TACKLE boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' TRANSPARENT PLASTI-Kote for drain- boards, floors and furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n95' BUTTER CHURNS Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, mantle and wail clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n95a CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug gies and lawn furniture look like new YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty n95 COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and 2 burner with half grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liber ... n95 FARMERS, ATTENTION: Westinghouse auto, electric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty. n90 WHEEL CHAIRS and Hospital Beds. Buy or sell, rent or trade. Max Buren, 745 Court St., Salem. Ph. 7775. n89 FERTILIZER, SI sack; $5 per yard, 8 yds Dial o, can CSF22, Phillips Bros.. Rt. 8. Box 118, Salem. n87 PHILLIPS BROS., cedar posts, corner posts, wood, hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, fertilizer and special timber or ders. Rt. 8. Box 118. Dial O. call 68F32 089 FULLER brufhes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357. nS8 NOW AVAILABLE: Concrete drain tile building blocks, sewer, culvert, irri gation & well pipe Fresh regular Keene oement, white sand, reinforcing steel, mesh sash, expansion Joints. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1405 N. Front. Ph. 3417. n86 ELECTRIC range burners now available for all makes of ranges. High speed Calrod type, solid top and replacement coils, For service or parts call 4311. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N Liberty. n88 ELECTROLUX complete with attachments, $89.75. Sales service ft repairs. Limited amt available. 175 8. High. Ph. 6088. n76 NAVAJO RUGS Si saddle blankets. 175 South High. Ph 6088 n76 GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shove) St drag-line excavating WALL ING SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 6841 WALNUT SHELLS. 13 sacks for 1.00 $3 ton IC.orfeln Pack Co. 460 N Front. C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines, Paits f . r all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5763. 1940 N.-lSth. n76 BEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venlent, clean, economical See us fot tree estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N Liberty o WE BUY & sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes motors radios, elec trio appil ances household goods KLIOMAN'S 185 N Commercial Phone 9885 n' SIDEARM WATER heaters, automatic, electric, fasten to your present tank. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9S TAKE YOUR clocks to the Clock Dr. 190 south 14th. nl WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: JEWELER'S lathe. Aim. Rt. 2 Bx. 37AB. - Writ J, na81 WANTrn: Set of good used golf clubs, Call 24688. na73- LOGOING TRUCKS, 14 Mile Lane High way. Ph. 9207, Apt. No. 1, only after WANTED: Clean top soli. Ph. 26232. na77 WANTED horse gas motor. Ph. 26425. Ba76 WANTED: Burlap and cotton bags, all Kinds. Willis Keller. Ph. 33156. na94 USED FURNITURE Phone 91S5 PERSONAL READING, know the truth. 2361 State. PB0 PROFESSIONAL ADVISER, known by for mer name Martin, 1271 Chemeketa St. Appointments 1p.m. to 9 p.m. p77 AUTOMOBILES 10X7 CHEV. panel, new paint. Oood cond $600. 771 SO. 21st. Ph. 7176. q78 37 CHEV. Master deluxe 3595. '41 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan deluxe 11125. '89 FORD 4 dr. deluxe sedan $823. GMC 4 ton Pickup $350. ONE TRUCK van 8x12, good cond. Open eves, at ounoari. Hamm s Garage, Dal las Highway Ph. 8466. q78' WANTED TO buy, 1936 to 1942 Interna tional or Dodse truck. 1H to a tan platform type, long wheel base, must nave 3 speed axle or Brownie, must oe in good rond. Would consider othr makes. Spot cash. Call at 2405 Com l. or Ph. 28908 Salem. q8l AUTOMOBILES t FT. V-bottom boat, 10 ft. folding boat, factory built St 9tt ft. walk-in Sportsman trailer. Sleeps 2, furn. 1018 7th St.. W. Salem. Q7S LEAVING STATE. '34 Chev. Make offer. 1397 N, Commercial or aoo wood at. Apt. 2. 118 1948 STUDEBAKER Pickup 1-ton stake. Sell or trade on ton pickup, 11600. Joe Hetterscheld. Box 46-A, Beaver creek, Ore. Ph. 553. 178 136 4-DR. Standard Sedan, Chev.. R&H, good. $473. Ph. We. 4382, Portland. 0.76 '36 FORD Tudor, excel, cond., good rub ber. 2407 State. QTs FOR SALE: 1040 V4-ton Dodse pickup. good cond. 3715 S. Com'l. Ph. asiao. Q7B' SMALL F.B. trailer house, 1550.00. Sleeps 4, furn. 3825 N. Cherry Ave. n GARDEN TRACTOR for sale. Almost new 1540 Shady Lane, N. Balem. Qii FOR SALE New streamlined house trail er. Sleeps 4, IB-tot. $550. Private party. Back of West Slay ton store. q77 FOR SALE or trade. 29 model A Bed., A-l throughout. 3 washing machines, A-l cond. Tractor in A-l cond. All priced for quick sale or trade. 34 Park St. 7? 1 BUICK sedanette, good cond. dealers. Ph. 21330 evenings. No q77 COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICE THEN YO" WILL BUY THESE 19 OLDSMOBILE Sedan Club 6. R4H. 1942 Mercury 4 dr. Sedan, RH. 1941 studebaker 4 dr. Deluxe tona R&H, 1940 Ford Coupe (3). 1938 Studebaker 4 dr. Sedan (perfect). 1935 Ford Sedan 2 dr. 1931 Chevrolet 2 dr. Cash, Terms or Trade SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 South 12th St. q76 FENDER SKIRTS 1 I ORDERS TAKEN now for Universal fender skirts. Fit most cars. Delivery in one week. DICK'S USED OARS 1890 South 12th q77 FOR SALE or trade for older car or wreck, '36 Chev. and '36 Piym. coupe, dandy condition, new paint. Twoof the best buys in town. 1790 N. Front St. q77 LOOK 42 FORD Deluxe Sedan, R&H. '41 Chry. Royal 4 dr. Sedan. Fluid drive. R&H. '41 Pontiac Sedan. '37 Hudson Six 4 dr. Sedan, R&H. '35 Chevrolet Coupe. '35 Chevrolet Pick-up. 548 N. HIGH. PH. 2-1448 q76 FOR SALE: New 16-foot Bungalow trailer house. Bullt-ins and sink, noo, oiai Helgcson, Qervals, Ore. q76 RECONDITIONED '41 Hollywood Graham, new paint, good motor ana tires, raaio and heater, Ph. 4393. q78 37 FORD TUDOR. Cash, trade or terms. 440 North 23rd St. Ph. 25616. q77 24 FT. HOUSE TRAILER, tandem wheels. elec. brakes & furn. Priced lor quick sale, $1185.00 cash. Rt. 8, Box 838. Hall mile west of Keizer school. g77 NEW SHIPMENT of Kaiser-Frazer auto mobiles. Immediate delivery, nrst come first served. No trade-In needed. Also a lot of good used cars priced for quick sale. BRADLEY BROS. 2nd and Lewis Silverton,, Ore. q80 '32 CHEV. 2-door. Good running cond. Cheap. 2535 Laurel Ave. q76 FOR SALE: 1940 or 1941 Ford truck, both In first-class condition. Good rubber. 1941 Is three axel job. 605 N, Capitol Bt. Phone 2-1802. q78 1931 HARLEY DAVIDSON, just overhauled, good cond.. good rubber, 8125. L. A. Jenness. 1505 Alder Ave., N. Aluminum plant. Phone 24223. qrr 1937 STUDEBAKER sedan. Good run ning order. Donseley's Motor Clinic, 898 N. Liberty. 7S" '80 CHEV 4-door sedan, good motor, good rubber, an glasses, new paint ana raaio. '33 BUICK 4-door sedan, mech. A-l, fair rubber, all glasses, has neater. 36 PONTIAC 2-door sedan, all In A-l cond., clean throughout. '36 CHEV. flat bed, complete overhaul, eood rubber. W. E. WALLS. 1 mile W. of Aumsvllle toward Turner. q76 TWO TRUCKS! '40 Studebaker, '41 O.M.C., tandem drives with or without lumber rolls. Monmouth Ph. 6493. q79 1933 CHEV., fair cond. 14th St. 323 N, q76 FOR SALE 1933 Chevrolet Master. Ph. 22116. No dealers. Excellent condition. q76 '31 CHEV., good cond. throughout. Looks good Can be seen week days after & p.m. Sat. 8c Sun. 3440 8unnyvlew. q76 1935 FOLD conv., built Into '40. '41 motor. hydraulic brakes, new paint, top, skirts, radio and heater. 336 South Church, Silverton. q16' 1946 INTERNATIONAL pickup. Overloads, heater, 6-ply tires, excellent condition, pnone sub. no aeaiers. q'o' 41 CHEV. super deluxe. Oris, finish, ra dio, heater, etc. Good tires. 870 N. win ter. 1940 WILLYS, new motor, good cond. $550. Inquire 328 North Commercial. q77 1930 BUICK slckup. Can sea 5:30 P.m 653 North High. q77 BY OWNER: '35 Stude. recently overhaul ed, good tires, $450. 1115 V4 Jefferson, Dally except Sunday. q77' '3ft F"RD 4 Door Bed., with '37 motor. Radio, heater. Call Salem Vintage Store, 224 N. High St. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m; c77' 28 FT. SCHULT. Sleeps 4. Butane range, air cona., on circ, eiec. nraxes. very reasonable. 3910 N. River Rd. Fir Crest Trailer Park. q76 WANTED YOUR CAR for cash. Will pay more for late clean models. See us now. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1153 S. 12th St. q97 '41 FORD 2V4 ton truck with lumber rolls, In top shape with good lumber haul, 728 N. Com'l. Ph. 26539 Eves. q76 '3? CHEV. Coupe Transmission overhaul ed, new clutch, heater. Priced reason able. Call after 5 p.m. 1758 South Capitol St q76 FOR BALE: 1940 DeSoto sedan. New mo tor, 500 ml. Phone 6139. q84 1937 FORD Coupe. Good mechanical cond. 6 tires. Inquire Rickreall Store. q79 1938 DeSOTO 2 Dr. ce.'.ly overhauled. 1351 Howard St. Coach. Motor Price about $375 q76 TRAILER HOUSE, furn. May be seen at 580 South 19th. Q76 AUTO PAINTING. PH. 4010 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO., 725 N. COM'L 0.95 HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates - overhauling nodi . and fender repair painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why. SHROOS MOTOR CO Phone 8503 Saiem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN sales - service - parts AM makes used motorcycles bought soia - repaired SHROCK MOTOR OO Pnooe 8502 Salem FINANCIAL WANT buyer for 8U.O00 contract. Writ ten at 6 pet. Payable on or before 12 montns. win give l2,.-i pet. discount WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 r7 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST ft to 40 Years and NO Commission 1 Leo N. Childs. Inc. REALTORS 344 State. St. Ph. 9261 r77' FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages improved real estate, Balem and vicin ity, amounts 8500 to $5000. NET In. vestora 6 pet. Interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal aim inhere, pijmcnu maae Dy without charge to tha investor. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 B. High fit LOANS FOR SHOPPING 125 to 1250 or more on signature, furniture or auto. No outsiders. 88.38 a mo repays $100 loan in full In 1 mo. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of $ who ask for loan at Personal get It, Call today. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY, E. Gallinger Mgr. Phone 3191 618 State St Room 125 Lie S 123 M 16r rift' Journal Want Ads Pay FINANCIAL $ MONET $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS Lie 8-218 M-222 153 8 High St t MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE IF TOO are capable of building 10 t 1D0 nouses saiem or vicinity during 1947 and need financial assistance. Contact Oa. Wa are also interested In financing one or two large apartmant house units. STATE FINANCE CO., Lie 8216U232 183 8. High St. Ph. 4131 f A D T O LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 8tb FLOOR GUARDIAN 8LD0). License No. M-169. 6-154 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 6-138 and U-338 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 8 Commercial St Tel 9188 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4t and 6 TOUB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldx. Pb 7162 r Directory ACCOUNTANTS MONTHLY Bookkeeping service, Including balance sheet, tax returns. O. E. orocK ett. Ph. 2-2829, 082 ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX. GEN. ACCOUNTING, AUDITS CAIN'S ACCOUNTING Service. Rm. 181 Pacific blda.. fits statr at. saiem. are. Ph 6990. Res. 6217. 077 APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 2-3100. Ol00 EXPERT BENDIX and commercial anil domestic refrigeration service naipn Johnson Appliances 338 Center Ph 4036 ARCniTECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. 076' AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 5161, Brake is Wheel aligning specialist. olOl AUTOMOTIVE JUST A MILE from high prices. Delmar Auto Reflnishlng. 3995 E. state at. aoav & fender repairing, auto painting rn 2-5913. Free estimates, all work guaran teed. 2 day service, o76 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 7838 Night, 24417. 333 Center. BULLDOZERS BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. aoa rairview Ave. Phone 2314S Salem. 086 GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 25379. CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY. ill a. mat. rn. iiio. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING, Cliff Ellis, 1905 N lain at. rn wn, CONTRACTING GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Harry Hill. Ph. 7641. oiwr DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church, pnone vni. omu- EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph. 7000. 173 N. Hlgn. QW DIGGING A LEVELING DIGGING, Basements. Ditches, Leveling rill Dirt, peuo, pacmc bxcavawnit com pany, Salem, Oregon. Phone 3456 or R793. 89 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, buttons it buckles covered, altera tions. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. o93 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS 1260 N nth. 076 PEMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 12th. BREITHAUPT'S for flowers Dlftl 9195 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3672 0 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free del 1717 Center St. Phone 5385. oif HOUSEPAINT1NG . HORN. Good work. Free estimates Ph. 5313. 1235 S. 19th. o96 LANDSCAPING LAWNS, planting, landscape plans. Ar- bor Landscape service, pnone vatta. oiuu LEVELING St DOZING JOHNSON St BRIGGS. Grading StS. Roads. Phone 8035 Salem. oa; SILT St GRAVEL garden sand.' Leveling is dozing. Bosley it Meyer. Ph. 8040 or 2-3160. 079 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. SALEM MOVING Delivery Phone 7665. Insured carrier. MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar, Man do- lln, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 75BQ. OBP' OIL CIRCULATORS OIL CIRCULATORS. 24 hr. service. Fart available. Phone 6073. oua" PAINTING AND PAPERnANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping, oaa PAINTING. Call for Jack. 4001. PAINTING AND decorating. Roy Hanson. Ph. 25838. Rt. 1, BOX 406-A. OTB PAINTING St PAPERnANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PAfERHANGING EXPERT PAPERnANGING. U. worth. Phone 3015. PLOWING A DISCING GARDEN plowing ii discing. George Wil son. Phont 58F15 o80 PLOWINO AND DISCING G A R DEN P LO WING anddiscfng In N. Salem or Keirer. Ph. 22160. olOO PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service, Larry Travlss. 1029 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. o87 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterhead!, envelope, business cards, office forms, briefs, snail booklets. Quick delivery. Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 162 8. Liberty St. olOl' RADIO TUBES RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd. Sslem RADIO REPAIRING QUICK, DEPENDABLE, saves you money RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd.. Salem SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SILT and gravel. Bosley - Mey er. Ph. 3046 or 22160. 088 GARDEN SOIL crushed rock Shovel dragline excavating Walling Sand Gravel Co Phone 8561 SEPTIC TANKS MIKE'S Cesspool iz Septic Service, mod ern equipment. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem Ph. 9468 or 5327. OlOl' E F. HAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned 1143 8th St. W Salem. Ph. 7404. 090 SEPTIC T4NK drain, cloned Pb. .33 1087 Elm Jack Boenlng. 062 BOTO-ROOTER 8EWER SERVICE: Sew erj and drain, cleaned. Pre. estimate Prompt service. Ph. 5337 or 94S8. oel SIGNS AND IHO'CAKDS Ph 1636 Eldoo Stott 07A SPRAYING SPRAYING. L. W. CaudU. Ph. 7100. OlOO Market Quotations Portland Presnee ExeBanse Batlerfat Tentative (subject to imme diate change) Premium quality maximum Portland 75-76c: first quality 70-B0o 10.: I second quality 75-76c: valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or 77-1 78c. I Botler Wholesale f.o.b. bulk, s m cubes, AA, 93 score, 66-67c: A, 92 score, 70-7lc; B, 90 score, 05-66c; C, 89 score, 68c. Cheesa Selling price to Portland i wholesalers: Oregon singles 42-49c: Ore-1 gon loaf, 42-52c; triplets. 39-SOe. Eggs To wnoiesawra a grace lara 46,.4-471Ac: medium, 43H-44V4C. small. (pullet) 41ft-4?tte; a graaa targe un- 42 He. Ears Purchases rroro farmers: current receipts 37-41c, buyers pay 3-3 Vic 6ot. below wholesale quotations on graaoo basis for best hennery egga Portland Dairy Market Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA carton, 71c: AA prints. 70c: A prints, 74c: A cartons 75c; B prints, 69c: one- fourth pound cubes, U cent higher. Eft prices to retailers, aa largr, si c: A large. 48-49c; AA medium, 46c: A mediums, 45-48c; A small, 44e dozen: Car ton 2Ho additional). Cheese Prices to retailers Portland: Oregon singles, 43-34e lb.: C ret on loaf. 46-56c: triplets. 42 -84c Poultry: Live Chickens No t Leghorn broilers 1 to 2 lbs. 27c lb.; fryers 2 to 3 lbs.. 24-23ci 3 to 6 lbs., 27-35o lb.; roasters. 4 lbs. and over 27-3Sc; roosters and stags 13-150 lb.: colored all weights, 29-300 Fowl. Leghorn, over 3Vi lbs., 20-22c. Rabbit Average to retailers 48-0Oo lb; dressed orlces to producers 43c. fryors live white 20-240 tb.t colored. 17-2 lo lb Vegetables! Artichokes 4 doe. $5 00-3.23: 5 dot. $5.60-6.00; Cal. 4 doz. $4.50-4.75: 5 doz., $4.75-5.00 Cam. central dist. no. l me diums. 25-26c lb.; boxes 18-8.50: small. 23-24C lb Asparacus Calif., No. 1, mediums, 14 c; small. 27-29c: crate. $1010.50; box, 14.75-5.25; small, 13-He lb. Track sale. $4.50. Beets Calif . bunched 4 doz.. $5.50-6.00 Broccoli 18 bunches. $4.35-4.75; Calif. 28 bunches, $5 75-6. Brunei Sprouts 13-2. ?D Cabbage Round neaa. 80 lb crates small 12.50-75: California crates. $3-3 75: red 10-15c lb. California No. 1, $4.00-4.50 kraut. $1.65-1.75; red, Calif., $5.00-5.30 Track sale, Calif, round head. $2.80-3.00 crate; local, 80 lb. crate, small, up to $4 for best. Carrots Bunched. Calif., 6 doz., 14.35- 5; track sates, Calif., 6 doz., $4-4.20 some $4.50. Cauliflower Cal.. trimmed std crates, 11.25-1.50: Roseburg. Ore., il.40-i.50 a crate. Circ. bunch. $1.15-65. Track saleB, 11.75-2; local, $1.25-1.35. Few high hi $2.10. Celery Heart material, 4-6 doz., $4.50- 5.00. Pascal, crates, $5.30-75; sturdy crates, $4.50-4.75. Best, $5.00, fair $4.23 crate. Track sales, sta. crate, lair, 75. Cucumber California hothouse, lugs. $9-9.50. Oregon hothouse. 3 doz., $10.50-12 Garlic Oregon white 25-30o lb.; Calif.. 28-3 0c lb. Lettuce Calif.. 4 doz., $4.00-4.50; Ariz, 4 doz., $4.00-4.50. Dried Onions Oregon yellows, No. 1 and larger,; mediums,; truck sa'e, mediums, $1.60; 3-lnch, 12.25- 2.3a. Leek, local, 80-90e doz. Erg Plant 22-25C Green Onions Local, 75-SOo doz. bun Local mid-Columbia. 4o-fi0c. Parsley Calif., $5.-5.50, 10 doz. bunches t'arsnips Local, fi.uu-i.aa lug. Peas Calif., 20 lb. crate, $3.30-90. Peppers Mexico, 45 lb. $11.00-12.30; Track sales, $11.00; 100 re 19-20c lb. Calif., 45 lb. $7-7.50: loose, 23-2SC. ' Potatoes Deschutes russets, No. 1 grades, $3.75-3.90 100 lb. sack: 25-lb. sacks, 95-98c Bakers, $4.25-4.50: Yaki ma, $3.20-3.40; Texas, Florida Bliss Trl umphs No. 1-A. $3-3.10; No. 1-B. $3.20- 3.25. Trac sales: Baker gems, $3.35; Fla. Bliss Triumpns, Radishes Calif., $6-6.35, 10 doz. crates: 65-70C doz. bunches. Local, 90c-$l doz.; Nevada, $4.50 for 10 do. Rutabagas--$1 13-1.23 mg Spinach Local. mld-Columbla. 65 -75c a 20 lb. box, few higher. Squash Danlm tugs 11-1 13i orange boxes $2.50-2.75: Hubbard, Marblehead, 6-7c lb.i Calif., banana, 6-fl',4c lb.; Calif.. Zucchini, $4.25-4.50 a 26 lb. lug. sweet Potatoes Calllorma Jersey. 20 ,b. oaskot, $5-5.25: Calif. Louisiana yams. $4.50-4.75. Texas, $4.00-4.15. Tomatoes Repacked, $5.50-73; Mexican, as Is. $0.23-6.75, repacked, $6.30-6.75: 20 tubs, $4-4.20. Track sales, lugs, $5.73-6: 12 lb. tubs. $3.00-3.13. Turnips Bunches. $1.10-23 doz. bunches $1.35-50 lug; Calif bunches, $1.10-25. DIRECTORY COMPLETE spray service. Trees it weeds Modern equipment. Aerosol generator Conrentronal sprayer. Philip W. Blelke Phone 21208. o97 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL St DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks to Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Lines ror household goods to California points Larmer Transfer St Storage Ph. 3131. 0 VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACtiriT CLEANER owners. w will service your Hon vet cleaner com pleto for $3.50 plut paru U required Hogg Bros. Ph 9149 o' WEATHER STRIPPING FREE lillmatea. T. PULLMAN. Ph 5966 081' WIIITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph 08J. WELL DRILLING J. A. SNEED 4 SONS. Well drllllnl 3509 Salem. Phone 6809. 0127 Brook St., CLEMENT BROS., well driller! Oervala, Ore Ph. 3-4378. CHESTKR J. PUGH. Rt 3. Boa 388B 33413. ealrm WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe. Rt. 9, Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 38198. 083' WINDOW CLEANING ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Wlndooa wall, A woodwork cleaned Floor, clean ed, waxed & pollahed Ph 3337 Ml Oourt wanadoo Oulbertaoo and Mather WINDOW cleaning house cleaning, floor waxing, saiem window service, rn 21342. OOI PROFESSIONAL Phone 4457 WOOD SAWING CLEANING SERVICI R. B Cross. Ph 8178. LODGES I. O. O. P. meets every Wednesday night. In- itatory degree. Visitors welcome. Dance. Fraternal Order of Eagles meeta every Tuesday at 8 pjn More man a million memoers. LEGAL "NOTICES" Examination for Certified Public Ac countants of Oregon will be held in Port land from 1:30 P.M.. May 14. through Fr ., May 16, 1947. Applications must be filed with the Secretary on or before April 14, 1947. E. P. Van, CP A. Secretary 509 American Bank Building Portland 5, Oregon. March 29 and 31. 77 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MARION COUNTY, No. 12035 In the matter of the Estate of VENCEL L HRUDKA. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, his verified final account as ad ministrator of the estate of Vencel L. Hrudka, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, April 22, 1947. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day as the time, and the Court room of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County In the County Courthouse In Salem, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 21st day OI MSrcn. 1947. PAUL WHITE, Administrator of the Estate of Vencel L. Hrudka, deceased. PEERY T. BUREN, Attorney, 613 1st Nat'l. Bank Bids., Salem, Orison. First publication: March 22, 1947, Final publication: April 19, 1347. Mar. 22'39-Apr. S-12-19. Fresh Priil It Applet Oregon delicious, f. L, 14-4.28 box: choice $3 73-83; Ortleys, w. and p. comb, grade, $3-18-25! Newtons. t and. f.. $1.76-3: w ana p $4-4.25. Red Delicious, w and p, up to $5.50: Winesaps w it p. $4.50-5.00. Hood River, w. and p., $4.50-75. Avoeidcs California Feu r tea. sizes to. iO 24, 30. $4-4.25 box; choice, $3.75-85. Bananas Bunched. S3.35-s.oui eui hands, $12.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 24, 8 ol pkgs. B4.I3-I. Grapefrolt Texas pinks, 70's-9O's, $4.78- 5.75; small, $4.00-4.25. Marsh seedless. 80's-96's $3.00-3.55; Ariz, white, $2.50-2.85. Lemons Call!.. 300-300 s, 432's, $6.00-6.35. Limes California 19 tubs 01 8 limes $2.75-3.00 Orancet California navels. 200's and larger, $6.35-6 60: 353's and smaller, $5.40 5. 60: 388's and smaller, $4.50-5. Pears D An Jo u, 14.75-85, wrapped and packed! loose. $3.25: Boio. loose, $3.75-3: Yakima, $3-3 25 Persimmons Calif, lugs. l3.3o-l.BD. Pineapples Cuban, 17.25-7.50. RhubarbExtra fancy, $2.30-2.65: fancy. $2.00-10: choice $1.75-80, few high as $2.00: Sumner, Wash., hothouse. 15c lb., local field grown. $1.35-1.35: $i.40-i.30, is id. ox. Quince Local 2-SO V Packed Vegetables cellophane wrapped a dozen: Broccoli 12 ox.. $1.73-1.85: spin ach. 24 13-oz. 32-2.25; brussell sprouts 9-02. $2.20-38. Garlla Cloves 20 1-os packages. $1,65- 1.75. Dressed Meatst Veal Heavy ton quality 28-30e: top quality light, 32-34c lb.; B, 25-26c; O. 32- 24c; cull, 18-20C lb. Hosa Block butchers, packer style 125-160 lbs.. 37-38c: over 213 lbs.. 86-37c- sows. all weights, 30-35o lb. Lambs AA. 38-400! A, 37-36CI B, I4-3DC C. 38-30C Mutton 10-180 lb., according to quality and weight Beef Best quality, 30-32ei B. 23-26c; O. 20-32c: canner and cutter I8-I9c; bo- .otna bulla 35-aflc Wool Cancara Barki Cascara Bnrk Green 8-B4e; dry 20c Wool Valley cosrs and medium trades 45c lb Mohair 40o lb on 12-month growth Hides Green beef. 12-13CI calves, 43c lb. Kip hides, 23c. Rendered Inedible Fata 12e lb The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are FO.B shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally l Vt cents higher than FOJi plant quota tions Chicago Grain Chicago, March '39 (U.PJ Cash grain soies: Wheat: nominally strong; no sales. Corn: stronger; 4 mixed 182 : 3 yel low 188-189'i: 4 yellow 17614 -1B7U; 6 yellow 172-178; sample grade yellow 181. oats: up one to two cents. I mixea 98; 1 white heavy fiB'i-lOO'i; 1 white 07S. Barley: Malting 160-200 nominal; feed 140-160 nominal. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., March 29 Wi Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 71.00: barley No. 2-45 lb. b.w. 67.00; corn unquoted: No. 1 flaxseed 8.50. cash wheat ( biai : boh wnite 2.30; soft white (excluding rex) 3.36; white club 2.36; western red 2.36. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.40: percent 2.40; 11 percent 2.40; 12 percent 2.52. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 2.30; percent 2.48: 12 percent 2.32. Today '1 car receipts: Wheat 36; barley 5; corn 8; oats 4; hay 1; miureea Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Prleea Rabbit Feeds Pellets, $4.20 cwt. Egg Mash $4.65 cwt. Dairy Feed $3.75 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 30c lb.; No. 2, 26c; colored fryers, No. 1, 32c ID Esse Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra large grade A 43c; med., 38c; standards, 36c dozen; pullets, auc; crax, sue. Wholesale Price Large. 44o dozen, med Butter Wholesale A, 70c. Retail Grade A, 75c. Butterfat Premium, 74c; No. 1, 73c: No. 2. 69c. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New 7ork as- Closing quotations to-lay Allied Chem it Dye 173 American Can Am Pewer it Light Amer Tel At Tel 16 JN Anaconda Oopper 40li Atchison Bendl Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeina Aircraft " , 34'fc 01'. California Packing ,,,, Canadian Paclflo I Case , 37 H Chrysler Corp commonwealth S Sout nsolldated Edlsor . 27'. Consolidated V'ultee . 17!4 continental Insurance , Crown Zflleroacn Curtisa Wright 38'. iglas Aircraft Duponv oe rfemouri - General Electric General foods General Motor? , . 42 i . 60S Goodyear Tire Great Northern pfd International Harvester .... . 56; . 434 . S7U Paper pfd Johns Manvllle Kennecott Long Bell A Maytag , -lis ml Copper Montgomery War Nash Kelvlnator , 474 10H National Dairy N V Central . 17 V North Am Co Northern Pacific ,., Pao Amef Fish .... Pacilio Qas Eleo ., Paciflo TAT .... Pin American Penney J O Radio Corp , , Rayomer Hayonler Pfd .... Reynolds Metals Richfield Safeway , Sear Roebuck tn:lair Oil Southern Pacific ... Standard Brands Standard Oil CaUf Stewart Warner ... Studebaker , Sun Mining Union Oil , Union Pacific United Airlines United Alrciaft baited States Steel Warner nrothers ., West Eleo Mfg Oo ... Wooiworth . 27 U . 19U ,110V . 13 H , 40 , 33 'i .. 22 1H .. a Hi 26 .. mi 74 .. 1SH .. 2ft, ... 4fl'. DANCE TONIGHT SILVERTON ARMORY WOODRY'S 14 Piece Orchestra SUBURBAN GARBAGE SERVICE Trash, Brush, Garbage Removed Regular Service or Contract Hauling Spring Is Here Don't Be Late QUICK CLEANUP Dial 2-5678 3620 State St. Journal Want Ads Pay Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Stocks Decline In Dull Trading New York, March 29 (U.R) Stocks turned lower after a hesi tant start today as grains and cotton moved forward. The market opened with prices little changed but turned down when professionals and individ ual investors alike showed indif ference. There was nothing new in the day's news to prompt ac tivity on either side of the mar ket. Although leaders generally were lower, there were a few in dividual strong spots. Rails were down fractionally. Wheeling Steel gained nearly a point in an otherwise lower steel group. Mo tors were soft. American Tele phone was down a small frac tion. Closing Dow-Jones slock av erages, 178.36, off 0.27; rail, 49.15, off 0.09; utility, 35.99, off 0.06; 65 stocks, 64.01, off 0.10. Sales totaled 290,000 .hares compared with 340,000 last Sat urday. Curb volume was 80,000 shares compared with 90,000 last week and bond turnover of $1 340,000 compared with $1,380,- 000. Births, Deaths Births Hoefer To Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Hoe- fer, 480 South 18th, a son, Peter, March 4. Braden To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Braden, 3096 State, a daughter, Synthia Ann, March 13. Hunter To Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Hunter, 3215 Portland road, a son, Walter Eugene, March 19. Richardson To Mr. and Mrs. George H. Richardson, Woodburn, a son, George Herbert, March 20. Carothers To Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Carothers. route 2, Canby, a daughter. Susan Rae, March 31. Junewlrth To Mr. and efra. Franrfs J. Jungwlrth, Lyons, a son, Ronald Lynn, March 7. Aasland To Mr. and Mrs. Orwald B. Aasland, Mill City, a daughter, Sharon Jo, March 8. Holland To Mr. and Mrs. James C. Holland. Salem, a daughter, Effle Pauline, March 6. Luff man To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Luff man, route 1, Woodburn, a son, Dale Edward, March 8. Tomllnson To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Tomllnson. route 1, Turner, a son, Doug las Ray, March 10. Smiley To Mr. and Mrs. Ora P. Smiley, West Etayton, a daughter, Linda Jane, March 11. Koch To Mr. and Mrs. Anton Koch, route 6, a son, Ronald Gene, March 13. Boh anon To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Bohanon, 340 Division, a son, Lloyd c. March 13. Berry To Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Berry, route 1, Lyons, a daughter, Sharon 1 Diane, Feb. 19. Wolf TO Mr. and Mrs. Perry K. Wolf, route 1. Stayton, a daughter, Barbara Jean, Feb. 31. Croddy To Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Croddy, 2207 N. Front, a daughter, Linda Joyce, f'eo. 3i. Harmon To Mr. and Mrs. John R. Har mon, route 4, a son, David Lynford, Feb. 27. Johnson To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Johnson, Mill city, a daughter, Su sanna Jean, Feb. 28. Cannon To Mr. and Mrs. Charley W. Cannon, Idanha, a son, Ronald Dwayne, Feb. 28. Jacoby To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a. Jacoby, Sublimity, a daughter, Susan Sarah. Silverton To Mr. and Mrs. John Mad den of Woodburn, a son, March 28, Sil verton hospl'.al. Deaths Mrs. Mary E. fa I Ion Mrs. Mary E. Pation, late resident of 1000 Judsorl street, Saturday, March 29, at the age oi 97 years. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Lewis Judson of Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Rose Chambcrlln and Miss Elmft Weller, both of Salem; two nieces, Miss Mary Weller and Miss Mar tha Weller, both or Salem; and three neplu a, J. W. Chambcrlln of Portland, H. Chamberlln of Los Angeles and Ocorge C. Weller Of Salem. Announce ment of services later by Clough-Barrick company. Charles Clement Russell this city March 39, Charlrs Cle ment Russell, late resident of 1078 H Inu la nd avenue, at the age of 65 years, Hu&band of Mrs. Mao Riisbcl of Salem; and father of Ward C. Russell and Miles J. Russell, both of Salem, Otto w. Rua. sell of Springfield, Oregon, and Mrs. Ha eel Patterson of Oervals, Oregon. Also survived by eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Services will be held Tuesday, April 1, at 1:30 p.m. at the W r. Higdon cnapei with concluding ser vices in the City View cemetery. II. E. (Dick) Owens H. E. (Dick) Owens, at his home at Woodburn, March 27, at the age of 58 years. Husoand of Pear) E, Owens. Serv ices ..1)1 be held Sunday, March 30, at 2 p.m. at the Howe-Huston Funeral home a' Lebanon, Oregon. Concluding services will be In the IOOF cemetery at Lebanon Mrs Effte Bark Mrs. Elfie Back at her residence ai 1170 Chemeketa street, Salem, March 24. Survived by two brothers, Ivan Pooler of Joseph, Oregon, and Ear) Pooler at Pra- oreaon. services will be held Mon day, March 31, at 1:30 p.m. at thn Clough-Barrick chapel with Rev. Louis White officiating. Interment In Mt. Hope cemetery. Arthur James All en by Arthur James A Hen by. late resident t.t 1450 Oxford street, at a local hosrtltal. March 26, at the age of 75 years. Survived by a brother, Thomas N. Allenbr of Salem, and three sisters, Mrs. Anna White and Mrs. Minnie McClaughry, both of Exeter. Wanted: Walnut Meats Pieces and Willamette 305 South Cottage Street Salem, Wanted STRAWBERRY ACREAGE Will Furnish Certified Plants and Finance Under Term Contract Starr Fruit Products Phone 6073 Salem, Oreg. Church & Mill Saturday, Mar. 27, 1947 11 Calif., and Mrs. Agnes Langstaff In Xng- iana. services win oe neia at tne noweu Ed wards chapel Monday, March 31, at 10:30 a.m. with interment In the City View cemetery. Harriet Kostenborder At the residence. 3395 D Street. March 27, Harriet Kostenborder, at the age of 88 years. Survived by three children, Mrs. Edith Miles and Mrs. Edna Flake, both of Salem, and Alvln L. Kostenborder of Sublimity; 13 grandchildren and slsnt great grandchildren. Services will be held Monday, March 31, at 1:30 p.m. from the W. T. RIgdon chapel. Interment win oe in the City View cemetery. William Rutherford In this city March 27, William Ruther fArH t tha ate of 56 years. Survived by his wife in Portland, and a sister, Mrs. J, A. Chambers of OUdale, Calif. An nouncement of services later by the How ell-Edwards chapel. Mrs. Ida M. Merer Mrs. Ida M Meyer, late resident of 838 North 13th street, at a local hospital, at the age of 70 years. Survived by ner . husband. A. W. Meyer of Salem; five sla ters, Mrs. Frank Maskantlne of Portland, Mrs. George Gotbroth of Sheridan, Mrs, Ernest Wiebold of Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. Minnie Slocumbe of Tiaard and Mrs. Louisa Fulton of Sherwood. Oregon; and a brother. Emll Schuman of Sheridan. Mem ber of St. John's Lutheran church. Serv ices will be held at the Howell-Edwarda chapel Wednesday. April 3. at 2 p.m. with Rev. H. W. Gross officiating. Interment in the City View cemetery. Mrs. Elisabeth Marlon Singer Mrs. Elisabeth Singer, late resident of . 1143 Sixth street, West Salem, at a local hospital, March 27. Survived by five daughters, Mrs. Ann Church and Miss Betty Wells, both of West Salem, Mrs. taarti at rt of Sale m. Mrs. Katherine Staats of Portland and Mrs. Theresa Bayer of Concora, n. n., live arniiacn..-. dren, Sharon and Sandra Wells and Betty and David Bayer, au oi oicm. u r.i- .f Tftcoma: and two aunts, Mrs, Margaret Hatespek or Salem and Mrs. Katherine Swartx of Bremerton. Wash. Services will be held Tuesday. April 1. pt 2 p.m. at the ciougn-uarricn ciwvn with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. In terment will be In the City View ceme tery. Donald James Felser Donald James Felser. late resident of 345 Lancaster drive, at a local hospital Friday. March 28, at the age of 28 years. Survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ber O. Felger of Salem; grandmother, Mrs. Laura E. Jones of Portland: an aunt, Mrs. Bertha Held of Portland, and two uncles, Jack W. Ehrlngier ana Arcnw Herron, both of Portland, cervices wm ao held Monday, March 31, at 3 p.m. at tha Olough-Barrtck chapel with Rev. S. Ray nor Smith officiating. Mrs. Veronla Cadwell At the residence, iyiu rrauvn wnn street, March 28, Mrs. Veronla Cadwell. Mother or Mrs. Oliver Myers of Salem, George Cadwell of Salem and Frank Cad well of Portland: granamoiner m u.uu Myers of Salem: and sister of John Bouil lard of San Slmion. Calif.: Mrs. Helen Htrons and Miss Julia Bouillard, both of Salem. Services will be neia wonaay. March 31, at 10:30 a.m. at mo w. i. m don chapel with concluding services In Belcrest Memorial pars,, ur. joFepn ams will officiate. Obituary Hersal Eugene Owens Lebanon Hersel Eugene (Dick) Owens, 56, a resident of this area for more than 35 years, died March 37 at Woodburn where he had lived for the past five months. He was born at Halltown, Mo., Oct. 20, 1890, Well known here and ac tive In many organisations, he was a veteran of World War I, a charter mem ber of Santtam post 31, American Legion, a member of the IOOF and Rebekaha for 30 years, and at the time of his death a director of the Oregon Guernsey Breed ers association. Funeral services will bo held Sunday at 2 p.m. at me mowb-iiiu-ton chapel with Elder George Simons of ficiating. Interment will be in the IOOF cemetery, the Odd Fellows conducting graveside rites. Surviving are his wi dow, Pearl e.; aiep-aauanier, mim. nor Hutchinson, Portland; an aunt, Mrs: Miles Horton of Lebanon and a number of nieces and nephews. Chicago Livestock Chicago, Marcn an im-iuoufti able hogs 500 (estimated); compared week aao weights under 260 lbs. 76c-1.0O lower, over 260 lbs. and sows 50-75 lower. Salable came aou .esiimaieai ; cum- pared with week ago: Good and choice steers and yearlings lost 50-1.00 tempor ary upturn and on strictly peddling trade declined additionally 25-50 under late last week: comparable heifers fully 50 lower, but medium grade steers and heif ers held steao at 22.00 and 21.00 down respectively; extreme top weighty steers 29.00; paid early: top yearlings 28.75 and choice heifers 26.00; practical closing top average-choice weighty steers 27.50 but, several loads earlier In week 37.75-28.75: bulk good and choice steers and year ling.' late 22.50-26.50. comparable heifers 21.00-24.00: stock cattle steady at 17.50- 21.30; beef cows, after gaining as-ao, weakened late, canners and cutters stea dv: bulls weak to 30 lower late but veal- ers 1.00 up with closing shipper under tone strong at 26.00 downward; most orn-. cows 13.50-15.30: heavy sausage bulls closed around 16.50. Salable sheep 100 (estimated); com pared week ago; slaughter lambs steady to 25 higher than at close of last week; week's and closing top fed wooled lambs 23.50; good and choice frd wooled Iambs 22.50-23.40; medium and good wooled lambs 21.50-22.25, common to medium 17.00-20.60; shorn lambs and yfarlinss scarce: few mostly good to choice 110 lbs. yearling wethers 18.00: slaughter rwes around 50 hitcher: six cars mixed medium to choice 106-111 lbs. wheat-pastured ewes to 10.75. two cars common to medium 9.50-65. few cars 96 lb. Idaho shearing lambs 22.33. W.'r. on. of Ih. ttw invilad lo membership In fhi, world-wide group Professional Mortuary Skill Honest Pricing Courteous Swvic to ALL Clough Barrick Co. Est 1878 Phon. 9139 Salem, Ore. Amber Halves Grocery Co. Oregon Phone 4140