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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1947)
10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Mar. 29, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES ONE OF the nicest exclusive home in Souttl eaicm. norma., iuu . conditioned, party room in bsint. with conuiuuucu, fm - - - llreplace. weather stripped, Insulated i. t . Vibb trnin annratsffd lor loan, view iiup i ---M. O. HUMPHREYS & CO., REALTORS na Vnfrerminru tin. ril. io 'Q ED BYRKIT, REALTOR i; BEDROOM home, 2 lots. New paint ,alde ana out. vicnn pin, 16000.00. ., ALL ELECTRIC, J bedrooms, coved cell ing1, attached garage, attlo room. On bus lino North. 12850 will handle. ( ROOM modern plastered, utility room, garage. Very good 1 acres, lots of trees & fruli. Overlooking valley. $V 000.00. i years old, rood paint, very clean. Large lot. 2 bedrooms, attached ga rage. Closa to city center North. 18, 250.00, SUBURBAN. 3 bedrooms, brand new. Elec tric heat, hardwood floors, double sink. Oar are. Large lot. 98950.00. 4 BEDROOMS, oak floors, plastered, In Englewood district. $10,500.00. BEAUTIFUL VIEW home in exclusive Mornlngslde Addition. Large grounds with lovely flowers and shrubs. Plenty of room for the kiddles and their pels, tl8.000.00. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR Phono 5081 Eves. 3434 339 Chemeketa Street 78 " HERE'S A "CRUMMY!" 0 R. cunning cottage. CITY WATER, pav ed street, sewer, gas In, toilet, no bath, kit. sink. Wood shed. NICE residence district. Big lot. garden plot, shade St fruit trees. (2400. $1000 down. J40 mo. Jmmed. Possession. SUBDIVIDE! BIO TRACT 200x182 It. Close to Salem's busiest street. All utilities avutlablc. (Heart of homes Ac State bldBS. PRICE (13000. Take car for part. O. W, STULLER, Broker Balem, Ore. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 131 a77 NEAT Si clean 5 rm. home. Corner lot, fenced yd., paved st. Close to bus it sch. Very good location. W. Salem. 16, 850. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255 Eves, 2-5831 a70 " FIVE ROOM HOME 1 TLUS UTILITY room. Includes I com plete bed, oil circulating heater, elec. i . water heater, elec. stove, curtains on -all windows, hen house, rabbit hutches, I arage, lot 50x165, located In small city, 4iear Salem. See ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM, 341 State St., Room 4, a78 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 465 Court Phone 7698 A HOME THAT INVITES REAL LIVING! NEW MODERN 1'.4 story, 2 bedrooms down. Unfinished upstairs. Well plan ned, well constructed. Outstanding value at today's prices. Only 18500. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7608 ' Res. 24789 n78 VALUE. HOME. VALUE. BimiJRIlAN COTTAGE. 7 yeura old. 2 bedrooms, L.R., kitchen and nook. Newly decorated. Shrubbery, paved streets, sidewalks, all for $5500. Oood tTerms. , JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR ,455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 24789 a78 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR - UNUSUAL -)- ROOM plastered, modern, log house. Good barn, poultry house, sheds, silo. Appro. 16 Ac. fenced. 13 Ac. cult. Bus at door. Oood price. MR. HABERNICHT RES. PH. 25238 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court Ph. 7006 a78 OOOD HOME AND ACREAGE! FAIRLY NEW, 4 room house. Just redec orated. 23 Acres. Willamette Silt, 20 Acres cult. 2 Acres timber, Oood Straw "berry land. Price 0000. HENRY TORVEND RES. PH. 25141 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court Ph. 1606 a78 INCOME DUPLEX $12,1 A mo., basmt., elec. h.w. heater, fur nace, 2 4-rm. units, excel!, location, -near Senior High Sch. Large lot. A REAL VALUE AT 111,450. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Libeity St. ' Ph. 4131 a76 HOME At INCOME CLOSE TO State Bldgs., splendid Dutch Col. home with auto-otl heat, elec. h.w. heater, hdwd. firs, up St down. Com plete double plbg., upstairs apt. with separate entrance, dble. garaue. FOR TJETAILS ; Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with 1 ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 COUNTRY HOME LOCATED R. of town. Mod. 5 rm. home with lull bsmt., rumpus rm. with fire place, hdwd. firs., fireplace, fine wa ter system, !', A. of excel, soli. Sec rtnis today. . Call Coburn I,. Grabenhorst. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 a76 CLOSE-IN HOME 8 BDRM. home located N., rcdec. thru out, hdwd, firs., fireplace, basement, furnace, lot 50x150 In No. 3 Bus, Zone, Price $10,500. See Richard E, arabenhorst, with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-50R9 a76' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7200 WILL buy this nice new mod. two bedrm. home with elec. heat. elec. wa ter healer, drilled well, elec, water system, 410 A. of rxccll. garden land on pnved road E. or Salem. SfMlOO WILL buy this nt tract, one-story o rm. nome wun nawa. lira, throng 11 out, fireplace, auto-gas heat, nice plbw. Ven. blinds, newly decorated on the in tterlor. Just like new, east front, paved 'St.. Dili line. Englewood Dwl. $WW WILL buy this 6 rm. home ell on one fir., with extra lot. paved street. E. front, extra lot, newly decorated, part basement, wood furnace. Extra gooa value. See D. J. Dawson with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 1134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 23338 a76' "D" ST. HOME MOD. bdrm home. hdwd. firs., fire e place, auto-heat, cor. lot, near Hiith acn.. Homo neat throughout, nice yard. S Richard E. Orabenhorst, with T ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTOR R 13 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 250(19 j a7(T $2500 WILL HANDLE OL. TYPE 4 bdrm. home. 1 bdrm rinwn 3 up., dble. plbg., fireplace, auto-oil nrai, eicc. n.w. neater, wired for elec. t range. Home In splendid cond. Price jaauu. iMMKUiATE TOSSESaiON. t Call Dale L. Shepherd, with t ORABENHORST BROS.. 11 E A 1, TOP A 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 24457 J a78 COUNTRY HOME W1IR BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrm. home very mod., overlooking the Will. River. Fie inlc grounds with barbecue pit. boat twharr. tennis court. Irge. dble. garatie 1 If you are looking fnr a country home. tSEK THIS TODAY. For appointment I Call Date L. Shepherd, with I ORABENHOHST BROS.. REALTORS (13 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 78' J YOU really want something nice, don't neurit iu acv m lb airjcuy moa. a rm -home alt on one fir., 3 nice bdrms. h.w. firs, throughout, small den. larg llv. rm. it din. rm. Covered patl leading from din. rm. Utility rm. dble. garage attached. H A. or ground Cor. lot. A beautiful home. Price 117, '000. J Call a. H. Orabenhorst. Jr., with I nnAIIKNIinRAT nnna nru r-,-..,,. J 134 8, Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 a76' MOD. SUBURBAN HOME XOV CAN'T beat this, If you really Want t a marvelous suburban home with , httle over 1 A. of ground. d Irge. rms, ,wlth hdwd. firs, throughout. Llv. rm, ,10x24 ft., fireplace. Irge. bdrms.. break fast nook. Full bsmt. fin. into one bed ,rm. At rumpus rm. with fireplace. Dble 1 garag attached. Bung, style, strictly 1 Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr.. with r ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS a134 8. Liberty St, Ph. 4131. Eves. 3-3 BY OWNER: New 5-room ranch ityle hoi , Insulated, weatherstrlpped, deep well, electric water system, oil floor furnace. Lots of built-lni. Hardwood floors. Attached garage. One block to bus, 2 blocks N. of Center, one block 'I. of Pork, 1245 Knox Ave. 80 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW $4750 8 B.R. house, located East, on 4 A. 11500 down win nanaie, oaiance nice rent, READY TO GO 18500 2 B.R. house, East Salem, furnished and terms ttiat are rigni. jaeoa aowa, oal. 140 per mo. at 5. NORTH EAST 18000 2 B.R. house, with tiled bath and drain bds., on large lot. Terms can be ar ranged. 3 BEDROOMS 18000 LOCATED IN East Salem, on large lot. with East front, oood terms. S2500 down, bal. at S250 per yr, plus int. 5 ACRES S7200 WITII 2 B.R- modern house, elec. heat and good location south. Some terms. 10 ACRES SOUTH 112.500 GOOD 3 B.R. house, full basement, trac tor and some machinery, also cow, calf and some chickens. 3 ACRES EAST $6250 MODERN HOUSE, hardwood firs., 'oil heater and range. Close to school, shop ping and transportation. SEE OR call us today for further Infor mation. Open Sunday P.M. MURPHY REALTY CO. REALTORS 1260 8. Com'l. Ph. 6028 Eves. 9785 a77' OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 4 $10,500. LATE built prewar 3 bdrms., hdwd. Ilrs., Iirpl., base., 2 lots. Simo. 3 Bdrm. home, elec, heat. $7500. 5 rms.. base,, North. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 a76 BY OWNER, formerly $7900, now $7500, Clean 5 rm. house. Includes oil circu lator, laundry trays. Garage, rues, drapes. 1 ac, lots of trees. Must have cash. 3 ml. So. on River Rd. Turn left Croslon Creek, 4th house on right side Mrs. R, J. Kuenstlcr. e78 A NEAT LITTLE MODERN HOME BASEMENT, FURNACE, fireplace, close- in location, with an extra furnished apartment that nets over $40.00 per month. S7500.0O with some terms. See Vick Bros, or F. O. Delano, 290 N. Church. Phone 5710. a77 SGMO BDRM. home east. Hdw. firs., V. blinds, large garage, utility rm. Elec. water heater. This Is a real buy, so don't wait to ace this. Imm. pom. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4500, Eves. 25830 878' SPECIAL: $2000 down buys this lovely 2 bdrm. home, hdw. firs., fireplace, full basement, clcse to bus and store. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590, Eves. 25830 a78 12,(100 Lovely 4 bedrm. home east, with large lot, most modern kitchen In Salem, breakfast bar, lots of bullt-lns, hdw. firs., fireplace, oil heat, att. garage, Plastered garage. This is a real home, so don't wait. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS S45 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590, Eves. 25830 a78' WiX.TO 2 BDRM. home, close to school and bus. Fireplace, 2 large bar ma., V. blinds, large lot. city bus In front of door. Don't wait to seo this special. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St, Ph. 4590, Eves. 25830 a78 VIHHt 2 BDRM. home In Kclzer district. Hdw. firs , fireplace, oil heat, extra large lot, 1mm. poss. Hurry, this won't last. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l 6ft Ph. 4590, Eves. 25830 a78 FOhTsaLE: In Toledo. New 5 room1 house, 2 Bedrooms and Bath, 2 Lots, Berries, Chickens. Ideal location. Immediate pos session, 13800 cash. Will accept car or panel delivery as part cash. Must be In A-l condition. P. O. Box 1094, Toledo, Oregon.. a80 11,500 VIEW property. Lovely 2 bdrm. home in the best location, city bus in front of door, TIiIb home has one of the most modern kitchens in Salem, elec. heat, beautiful fireplace. Insulated, weather stripped. 2-car garage. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4500, Eves. 25830 a78 lfMMl DOWN: Unfinished hse., Va A., Just out 01 city, paved st., city water, bus line. Full prlcj $3500. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4500, Eves. 9536 a78 O.T. (1850 NEW hse. In Kelzer, on pavement, near store, V3 A. best soli. Priced for quick sale. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St, Ph. 4590, Eves. 9536 B78 KEIZER DISTRICT S 500 NEW plastered house, 2 bdrms.. down, unfinished attic, hdw. (Ira., oil heat, Inrge L. rm., D. rm. Nearly A. Sec this before you buy. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St, Ph. 4590, Eves. 9536 a78 (7,100 LATE BUILT English style 6-Rm. Home and 2? Acres. Located close to City bus and city schools. $7500 S-KM. nosiE close to McKlnley cn. Has basement, furnace, unfln. attic. Comer Lot. $7tHM( NEAT attractive home North. Oak noors in lk. 011 floor furnace. Attach garage. Wooo new 5-Rm. home on Shipping St. itas uax noors. Elect heat., unfln. up stairs. See this home. $no NEW 6-Rm. home In Keizer Dtst. I'lastered. Oil floor furnace. Lot flOxinn S85HO NEAT attractive older home East. Has 3 URs all on ground floor, Com pletely furnished with extra good lur uiture. Lot 60x130. $9000 NEW 7-RM. home and 5 A. N.E. lias a A, red rospberries and ft A. straw berries. Oarage. NHMto MODERN 5-Rm. Home well located Bouin. Basement, furnace. Oarage. Im mediate possession $10,000 NEW 5-Rm. Home N.E. Flojt lurnace. h.w floors, fireplace, garage. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. phone 4121 Evenings 25206 b77 SMALL. A TT R AC T I V EH n ME OM.T Jii7.HI for this attractive 1 bedroom nome. nas living room with fireplace. Part hardwood floors, utility room, gas water heater, small lot, located on North 18th Street. LEE OHMART At CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or am NEW ONLY 1340(1 H ACRE of land, small home. 3 rooms and bath, piped lor gas. includes gas range and gas water heater. MOVE RIGHT in iro HEADY, LEE Oil MART & CO.. REALTORS 477 Couri St. Phone 4033 or 9680 I , , IFOR SALE by Owner: Five room houie. juv(w ii. corner jot; wirea for electric equipment, gas equipped, phone, bath, fireplace, glassed-ln porch, greenhouse. garage, partial basement, fruit, ber ries, garacn. ltt blk.i. school. See 3:43 or Sundays. Price $8300. Terms. Phone 169JX. 115 Sixth, Independence. a76 NEW 2 bdrm. house, attached Enrnre. hdwd. firs., Keizer Dlst. 728 N. Com'l. Ph. 26539 Eves. ? NEW 4 RM. unfln. house. Wired for eler ,,, I r . """ nmn-r. ae. S3450. w ill I ake some terms. 550 Hollywood Ave. Phone 26942. a77 A COMPLETE 5 room home with' an 1 un- ful! bath. 6 large closets, auto, air-conditioned oil rurnaee. insulated and weath er stripped, fireplace, V. blinds through out. Roaedalr Addition $10 500. LEE OHMART A CO., REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 9680 . FOR SALE by owner. See this attractive 2 bdrm. modern, well-built home, lovely . 4 way asav a. a76 La. creek lot, full MOD 5 RM house, bsmt. Hwd. floors, 9345 before noon. imm. poss. ROSEDALK ADDITION io.3oo.oo nice llv. rm. & din. rm. with -u. ir., iirepiace. kitchen. 2 B.R, oatn. unr. attic, full bsm.. furnace. This Is the best house In town for the HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors ui Chemeketa 8t. r"- Eves. 25091 77 A nonn nnv LARGE 4 bedroom home with complete double plumbing, part basement with , auto, oil furnace, wired for range, elec tric water heater, located on South Com mercial Street 89i-0. LEE OHMART Ai CO.. REALTORS 477 Court Si. Phone 4038 or 9680 FOR SALE HOUSES S7500 e ROOM house with lot that fronts on 2 streets In business zone. Excellent for man who wants home and place for small business. $81503 BEDROOM house located North. Full basement with sawdust furnace, fireplace, wired for range. Small lot. Garage. S9300 MODERN 2 bedroom home with un finished upstairs. Full basement, fur nace, fireplace, wired for range. Lo cated East near State Hospital. ROSTEIN St ADOLPH. INC. noli N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves, 8314 or 24908 a77' S74AO. NICE clean 3 bdrm. suburban home North, liv. rm., Kitcnen, Dam, i lots. This Is very well-built. Call OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549 Eves. 25091 a77' IMMED. POSS. 11.VW.00 DN. buys this 2 B.R. home. Llv. rm.. kit..-50x124 lot. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 21549 Eves. 25031 a77' BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. home, lg. corner lot. Priced for quick sale. No dealers. 1810 Waller St. a7T WEST SALEM: $6500. 2 bdrm. home, nice & clean, hdw. firs., elec. heater, mis is priced to sell. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590, Eves. 25830 a7B' BY OWNER: Duplex. Oood Income. Excel lent location east on bus line, price $11,500. Phone 5483. a77 VACANT: 3 bedrm.. L.R., D.R.," K.",- utility. att. gar., elec. range et water ntr. uon crete found., new paint, good shape. Lg lot. E. front. Nice loc, close In 8. io dealers. Owner, 490 N. 21st. a77 NEW MOVABLE HOUSES 8x24 FT. well-Insulated Aj wired for all electric. Can be used as trailer nouses or set on blocks. Add. rooms can oe built on for permanent house. They woul also make a nice court. Price reduced for quick sale, or an offer Across from Waters Ball Park on S. 25th St.. Salem. a80 $3300 FULL PRICE 3 RM. house on large lot. N. Just out side cltv limits. M. O. HUMPHREYS It CO.. REALTORS 2288 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24598. a77" PHONE 8131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High $0500 LARGE LOT, 2 BR bungalow. LR. Dinette, K, Batn, tjosemem, piesierea Interior, composition roor. Fireplace, electric cooking and gas water heating, automatic sawdust heat, close to bus and school. One bedroom apt. with Vt bath is rented, walnut and pear trees, some berries, lot is fenced. $0850 BRAND NEW, Colonial Style, 2 BR home, LR, DR. K, Bath, plastered inte rior, HW floors, electric cooking and heating. Garage, close to bus and school, upstairs unfinished but stairway Is in, and sub-flooring. Utility Room and in sulated and weather-stripped. SI0.50O LARGE LOT. new house. I'4 sto ries, upstairs uniinisnen. ria-sierca in terior. HW floors. Fireplace. 2 BR. Bath. L.R., D.R.. K., Venetian blinds, electr.c cooking and heating, Oarage, close to bus and school. Very nice and clean, bnusn Inntilnteri nnd weather-stripped. $11,200 POSSESSION Almost Immediate ly, large lot, house I year 01a. Moaern style, nicely arranged, well built, good neighborhood, new carpeting from wall to wall, lawn Is In, Utility Room, 2 BR. LR. DR, K, Venetian Blinds, electric cooking, plastered interior. Fireplace, close to bus and schools. Most of furni inrp run hn hniieht etxra. $11,750 TWO BEDROOM bungalow, Bath, LR. DR, K, plastered Interior, HW noors, Fireplace, Basement, electric cooking and water heating, automatic sawdust heat. Garage, close to bus and schools. Very nice and clean home, beautiful HW floors, lots of shrubs and nice lawn. $12,000 MODERN One Story, 2 B.R. home. LR. DR, K, Bath, Venetian Bunas, e years old, shingle roof, plastered inte rior. HW floors. Fireplace, Utility Room, electric cooking and water heating, au tomatic oil heat, Oarage, bus by door, close to schools. Very nicely arranged, well built house, good location, newly riPRnmtnri. nice lawn and shrubs. $1 1,000 WELL LOCATED, one-story bun galow, 2 BR main floor, LR, ub, k. Both, Venetian Blinds, HW floors, plas tered Interior, Just 5 years old. Base ment and 2 BRs In basement. Electric cooking. Garage, Nice yard and garden snot, bus by door and close to school. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 189 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 Evenings 7103-6901-4037-9340 a76 REIMANN. REALTOR HOUSES S 32501 Bdrm. Large lot. South. ( $ 3150- -2 Bdrm Unfln. $500 Dn, 274 s :t:oo 3 Rm., '.sA. South. 3 $ 4!HHt 3 Rm. Bu. 2 Bl. South. 5 $ ftwio 2 Bdrm. furnished. V A. 215 S (i8502 Bdrm. Corner lot. 225 $ 70004 Bdrm., furnished. 402 $ 750fl -2 Bdrm. North. 257 $ 701HI 2 Bdrm. Leslie Jr. HI. 259 $ 80002 Bdrm. Roscmont. 213 S 200 2 Bdrm. Go. O.I. 242 S 89502 Bdrm. Bsmt. Go G.I. 248 $ Dooo 2 Bdrm. Fireplace. 210 $ n.wo 3 Bdrm. North. 320 $ 9750- -2 Bdrm. Go. O.I. East. 224 in.5io--4 Bdrm. South. 406 sio.koo 2 Bdrm. West Salem. 255 $11,200-3 Bdrm. East. 254A. 511,3004 Bdrm. 1 Acre. East, 409 $11,500 -2 Bdrm, West Salem. 256. $I2,WH 2 Bdrm Spanish, 222 $13,0004 Bdrm. South. 408 S13.50O 2 Bdrm. Bsmt. East. 228 SI 1,500 4 Bdrm. South. 414 $15,000- -2 Bdrm. View. South. 230 $13,3004 Bdrm. West. 413 $15,500 2 Bdrm. Fnirmount. 250 $15,800 -2 Bdrm. Creek. Enst. 204 $18.000 3 Bdrm. South. 327 ttr,.o0--3 Bdrm. Spanish. 333 $28,0003 Bdrm. Brick. South. 301 O.I. Loans Secured F.Il.A. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High. Eves. 3621. Ph. 9203 a76 0 ROOM house, with 3 B.R., also fruit 9i laundry room. Concrete floor in ga rage At drlxc Inlaid linoleum. 706 Hay tor St., Dallas. Phone 183J. a77 ATTRACTIVE 3 -BEDRM. HOME DRIVE BY 1815 S. CHURCH ST. $2500 DOWN. If Interested see THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a76 THEY'RE" NEW j ! THEY'RE WELL BUILTI I AND THEY'LL GO G.I. SV l.L HOMES located east, priced from $8300 to S9500. If you aren't G.I. these place can be bough,t on easy terms. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 So. Commercial Phone 4217 e7S LEO N. GUILDS, INC. REALTORS CHOICE VALUES $4200. VERY NICE arranged 2 bedroom home. Living rm., large kitchen. All clean as a pin. Garage: good lot. Sec this place before you decide. ENtiLEWOOD: Living rm., dining rm. kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms; full basement with an extra bedroom. Oarage. Good large lot. $7900. LOVELY RANCH TYPE. All very spacious ,rms. Living rm., dining rm., kitchen, 2 bedrooms: .bullt-lns, closets, utility rm.; att. garage. Nice lot. $9490, Avail able to everyone will go G.I, FAIKMOl'NT HILL I) I ST: Lovely English style with large living rm., fireplace, dintna rm.. kitchen and nook, 2 bed rooms, hardwood floors throughout; bath with tub and stall shower: unfinished upstairs: full basement. Att. garage; lot about 50 x 163. Nicely landscaped. $15,000. CALL or SEE James B. Hartman or K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph. 9261 a77 4-BEDROOM HOME VERY CLOSE in. Income $100 mo. plus nice living quarters. 18450. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a76' NEW SUBURBAN home. You can buy it move Into this mod. new home at once. I have the key. 2 bdrms. Lg. lot. Priced to sell. $6950 GEO. D. ALDER IN, REALTOR 431 Ore. Bldi. Ph. 3780; Eves. 21462 a76 KI RNISI1ED THREE B.R. home on 99-E South. Bsmt., auto, furnace, garage, work shop, fruit, H acre with 100 ft. frontage, $7900. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3355, Eves. 7051 a76 BY OWNER: 2 bdrms.. auto. heat, at tached garate, hdw a. lira. 100 waiao Ave. Ph. 5348 Eves. a78 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4 to 6- Call for details. BYRKIT A POTTS IK Chemeketa. Phone IM7 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW 2 B.R. home, Keiser Dlst., wired for range, 40 gal. elect. W.H., large lot. Good term-i. $6150. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 7037 a76' THREE B.R. HOME NORTH, 10 years Old, full bsmt. with 8.D. turn., wired lor range, fireplace, large lot. $10,500. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3235, Eves. 7057 678' DUPLEX $12,650 NICELY located duplex. Auto. oil furnace, (place, full finished bsmt. Upper rents for $80 per mo. A real buy. Call Ray Davis HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793; Eves. B441 a7T SMALL B-YR ''OLD HOME. Plastered throughout, elec. heat, completely iurn., with good furnishings including te frlxcrator. elec. stove and washer. Rea sonable down payment and bal. like rent. Immed, poss. Inquire 2090 Mill Street. a78 NEW 5-RM. HOME. Bath and utility. '& acre. Keizer dlst. Ph. 25156. a78 FOR SALE furnished: $5500. 7 room house. 2 lots, large garage. ',4 down. Will take good used car as part payment. 549 Ford. a77 FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOTS $1250. LOCATED in Klngwood Heights, city water. $1500. LOCATED S. In Ben Vista. 110x210. $1600. CORNER lot, Klngwood Heights, city water. FOR LOTS OF ALL LOCATIONS Bee Richard E. Orabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5089 aa76" ONE BEAUTIFUL lot on Falrmount Hill. 00X150. fn. 7881 ait. p.m.. Apt. z. aa78 BEAUTIFUL LOT at Keizer, 9 walnut trees, situated Just right for building. High, good soil. Sale by owner. 1260 N. 17th after 5:30. aa77 FOR SALE FARMS FARM . . . FOR 30 DAYS ONLY1 32 ACRES . . . Mostly fruit and walnuts. Live Spring. Oood 5 rm. modern noose, dble. plbg,, small basement, lge. kit chen, dbl. garage. Good poultry house (wired) , I Acre In strawberries. This is priced to sell at $10,000 MR. TORVEND Res. Ph. 25141 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 b78 THRIFTY FARMS I HERE'S A REAL VALUE! Fine 143 A. Willamette 6c Amity Loam. 10 miles N.E. Salem. Close Brooks, Labtsh, Mt. Angel, aervais, Woodburn. On Pvt. Nr. 99E Htway. 140 A. growing crops. 2 houses, big barn, 2 wells, 2 elec. pumps. FINE FENCES. ONLY $22,000. FINE POWER IMPLEMENTS AVAILABLE! ONCE IN A LIFETIME! 07 ACRES 10 mi. N.W. Salem. 80?i super plow land pastured past 27 years. 20 wooded. Salem mall, Salem Hl-Schl. bus, etc., at property line. Grade schl. 100 yards. MATCHLESS VIEW. 1000 yds. to hiway & stages. FULL PRICE $8000. NO IMPVTS. BUT MAGNIFI CENT HOMESITE. , THE BUY OF THE YEAR! SMART 92 A. FARM on WALLACE ROAD hiway c FRONTS TOO ON WILLAM ETTE. 6 ml. from heart of Salem. Hea vy crop. Handsome extensive lmpvts. READILY SUBDIVIDED. $20,000. O. STULLER. Exclusive Agent, Salem. WALLACE ROAD. Rt. 1, Box 121. b77 $12,0007 ROOM plastered hse., 9.4 A. 5 A. cherries, 3',i A. walnuts, some fil berts. Well. elec. pump, barn, 4 cows. Close In. Call Ed Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa Ph. 21549; Eves. 9441 b77 BEST BUY IN SMALL FARMS: 80 acres few miles out on Mecadamcd Road. About 30 A. cultivated: few A. orchard; balance pasture. Comfortable old bldgs.; electricity; well and spring water. A Real, Real buy for only $7000. SEE James B. Hartman. or K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 b77' 23 A. 23 A. cultivated. 4 R. house. Elec tric water system, deep well. Barn, chicken house, 2 horses, plow, disc, wagon. $8000.00. 10 A. FILBERTS and cherries. Large 9 R. house, full basement. $20,000.00. li A.40 A. in crop, good barn. 7 R. house. 4 ocarooms. batn, electric water sys tem. $12,600.00. 38 ACRES. Oood land. Oood location. Large house, large barn. $11,000.00. 24.70 ACRES. Cherrlca, prunes, walnuts. 24 Acres cultivated, 5 R. house, elec tricity. $8500.00. .17 A. 6 Acres In alfalfa, balance In pas ture. Barn, chicken house. 8 head of stock. 5 R. modern house. $12,000.00. HUBER REAL ESTATE Monmouth, Oregon Ph. 569 b76 FOR SALE: 5 acre tract. Magnificent view ot Willamette valley and Cascade moun tains. 15 min. from downtown Salem. Paved road, approx. 4 blocks from school. $1500. Phone 6820, b77 !j-ACRE farm, clear, N. Take some trade. No buildings. $3000 down, bal ance to suit. Inquire 607 N. Capitol, Apt. 6. b80 NELSON FARMS BEFORE YOU BUY a farm or acreage check our new list ot more than too properties. Copy available on request Nelson A Nelson, Masonlo Bldg.. Ph 4419. b" FOR SALE ACREAGE $8950. NICE a rm. home on 2'i acres good soil, chicken liouse, barn, dble. garage, front rm., elec. pump, lovely lawn & shrubbery, on bus line. Mr. Walters. HUFF. REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Ph. 3793 Eves. 25260 bb77 $7400. 4 bdrm. sub, home on one acre E., elec. water system, Venetian blinds, terms $1500 down, balance monthly payments. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa P137!3 Eves. 25360 bb7T FOR SALE: 10 A. mixed fruit, mostly R.A. cherries. Close in. Priced right. Liberal terms. 3111 Sunnyvlew. Ph. 25759. bb83' Srt.1110 H'h A 2 hses., barn, chicken hse.. ouoie garage, lamny orchard, spring with eloc. w. ays., wired for range, elec. water heater, telephone ie share. Owner lias lert tor Calif. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St Ph. 4590, Eves. 9536 bb78 KEIZER district: 10 A. of strawberries. These are aU certified plants. This and next year's crop will pay for place. This Is a fine piece of ground to subdivide. Terms can be arranged. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590, Eves. 25830 bb78 PENN 4-CORNERS District H acre with 5 room house, wired lor range, electric water heater, garage, small barn. A nice place for $4750. NEAR AUBURN SCHOOL 2 acres with small 5 room house, very neat. 90 young fruit trees, cane berries. On Bus line. Price $6000. SWEOI.E school District i acre with & room nouse, garage, barn and chicken house. Some fruit trees. Price $7000. ROSTEIN St ADOLPH, INC. 110'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 or 24908 bb77 JUST RIGHT for home or Investment. Best suburban acreage bays In the val ley, and they are going fast. Perfect valley views, fine location, good soil, elec. it phone lines, close to school, near pavement. Fruit crop this year could nearly pay out. 24 to 10 ac. on easy terms. Ph. 5353 evenings. You can't miss on these tracts. bb86 S A., 1 MILE north 99E, west on Cluster roaa 3 Blocks, e rooms and bath, elec tric water system, wood shed, fruit room, barn, chick house, lumber for other chick nouse. Family fruit. 1 A pasture. 3 oats and vetch. Suburban bus service. H. R. Bishop, Route 7. Box 22. bb77 4 B.R. HOME N.E. NEAR 09E on one acre, berries and fruit. This is a very nice home. Hwd. floors, fireplace, furnace. $11,300. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3333. Kvej. 21413 bb76' BY O NER: 1 acre, good 3 B.R. home double garage. North 01 underpass I ml and 2nd house east of 99 Hiway. Ph 24210. bb77 (FOR SALE ACREAGE SUBURBAN HOME 314 ACRES, east. 6 room, all modern plas tered home, barn, chicken house, double garage, family orchard, on bus line. Just the place to retire on. Very beau tiful. $8950. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC., REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25831. bb76' 5 ACRES N.E. NEAR 09E. 5 room home and floored at tic, with basement and furnace, 4 years old, barn, and chicken house, about 1 acres In cultivation, balance nice for timber. This Is neat and nice. $10,000. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 21413 bb76 ATTRACTIVE shake house, furn. Immed. pass. Low down payment, bal. 5 per cent. a A. land, fruit trees, berries, dbl, gar., chicken house, wood shed. Must sell. Make offer. 600 Beck Ave.. 4-Corners, bb77" $5800 5 AC. FRUIT and nuts. Fair 3 bdrm. plastered home. Small barn. Water system. Good location. Call Ray Davis HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793; Eves. 9441 bb77 H ACRE EAST, new 2 B.R. cottage style house, all modern, wired for range, wa ter heater, good well, close to bus. $5000. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 25831 bb78 OAR DEN ROAD 5 ACRES, nice home, five years old, large li, 11., -a ocarooms, u.n., Kitcnen, oatn, unfinished up, dbl. garage, chicken house, 3 acres Boysenberries, house fur nished Including elec. range, new refrlg. $9850. May go G.I. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 25831 bb76 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS HOME, SECURITY AND INCOME IF YOU have reached the age when you may soon navo to expect to give up a Job that you are now holding or If you are a woman left pretty much alone you will wisely acquire a property now In which you can have a comfortable home and a substantial Income. IN ORDER to be certain of the future safety 01 your Investment which means security you will want to have your property In a location where there will bo constant demand for rooms by de sirable tenants. Among the best of these are university people and state officials and employes. Their wages remain constant regardless of good times or bad times. WE HAVE a property listed now in which a coupie or a single lady can have a comfortable home and $95 a month in come with very small outlay. We will be glad to give full details about this property to any. one Interested. The price Is very reasonable. NELSON it NELSON Chct I. Nelbon Theo. G. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622; eves. 21350 c76 SALEM REALTY PHONE 7660 S4750 PRICED for quick sale, roomy 1 bedroom nome on acres about 3 miles from town, partially furn. Including elec. range, elec. water heater. Equivalent to city water. It's nice for the price and has excellent possblllltles as future bldg. site. See it and COMPARE. IF YOU DO YOU'LL BUY IT I Exclusive list ing. VETS DON'T MISS THIS WE THINk It's more good house for the money tnan you'll find anywhere else in town! This lovely home has two bedrooms, full basmeent, large living room, dinette and a kitchen the wife will love. Auto. furn. heat., hdwd. firs., attached garage is plastered. Can't be beat for $8500. Exclusive listing. DRIVE BY AND BEE IT ONE YEAR old home at 2075 N. 18th, 2 bedrooms down and large unfln. attic, owner will finish If desired. Hdwd. firs, throughout. Attractive rough finish Plaster in living and dining room, with coved celling. Convenient kitchen, util ity room and attached garage. Hag elec. heat. $10,500 unfurnished, $12, 600 furnished. Furniture all new. Ex clusive listing. RECENTLY REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE A TRULY lovely home on one acre tract. nortn, 4 bedrooms, spacious living and dlningroom. Attractive fireplace, hdwd. . floors, auto. heat. Beautiful landscaped yard. Sturdy small barn. The coun-1 try home you've been waiting for. Only $11,500. DAIRY FARM 21 STANCHIONS in two barns, milking macnine, o acres 01 me unest pasture with 7 year around springs. 19 acres oats and vetch. Fordson tractor with all equipment. Excellent elec. auto, water system. Family orchard and some berries. Poultry house, dbl. plumbed, 2 bedroom home, large living and dining room, fireplace. Very pleasant kitchen. All the comforts of a town home on 72 acres. 7',i miles from Salem. All for $19,500. Exclusive listing. BAROAIN 30 GOOD ACRES $4500. About 7 miles from twon. A HOT SPOT ONE OF the neatest small restaurant set ups In town. If you know anything about the resaurant business, see this. SALEM REALTY COMPANY C. W. Bartlett, Realtor 140 N. High St. Ph. 7660 Eves. 2-4773. 2-5580, 6198 Art Holmes, Cleave Bartlett, Jr.. Don Tungate, Salesmen c77 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 4 EASY TERMS ON ALL $5001) New 5 rms., suburban. $0.100 New 5 rms. suburban. SKti.Mi New 6 rms. suburban. $4000 Large 4 rms. it nk., about 1U A. $5400 Late built 4 rms., about ',i A. nut and fruit trees. Vacant. $3800 Partly finished, suburban. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 c76 MOVINO MONDAY. WE will be settled in our new office In the new addition to the Sena tor Hotel. We will welcome you to in spect our new home. MERRILL D. OHLINO Insurance CHAS. HUDKINS it SON Real Estate -250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 c78 REMNANTS: There Is a special sale of fabric remnnnts at Elfstrom'g Drapery Dept. 2nd floor. c78 HOUSE AND large brick market bldg. Terms. Fred Anderson, 753 Mill Bt.. Sheridan, Oiegon. c80 3 ACRES with 2 B.R. hse. 'no bath). good deep well, good dark soil, located east. Price $4750. NEW S B.R. home. comb. L.R. it D.R.. kltch., utility, bath, att. garage, oil fir. furn., elec. w. heat., hdw. firs., on big lot. Reduced for quick sale. Price $8250. 57H ACRES, all cult., with good 6 rm. nsp., garage, barn. stan. for 10 cows, pltry. hse., br. hse., fam. orch.. Amity dark soil, on good oil rd., located 4i mi. S.E. McMlnnvllle, Ore. Price $11,000. EXCLUSIVE LISTING 2 B.R. hse., barn, 2 chick, hses., elec. w. system, gar. it shop, on 10 acres of good soil, 8 acres of berries (straw, rasp, boysen), 4 acres of timber and pasture, fam. orch. This place brought In Or. Income of around $4000 last year. See this today! Price $10,000. HANSEN'S REAL ESTATE Phone 24566 971 Edge water St. c"8" HOMES 4 RMS., bath, garage, lawn, fruit. Paving. uiose scnooi ous. J 42 30. 8 ROOMS CLOSE TO Jr., Sr., school. Paving. Qould oe two 4-rm. apt. Only $4800. REALLY NICE S B.R. on one floor. Bath, utility, garage. snruos, lawn, paving, close bus, school. South. If you want a nice home priced rUht, take a look at this. $10,300. ACREAGE ACRE east, no bides. $875. 14 ACRES, north. $1850. 1 ACRE north, garage. $1373. 4 ACRE, south. $700. 6 ACRES. 4 rm. house, 4 A. prunes. J'-i ml. downtown, south. $6000. LISTINGS WANTED E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commercial. Ph. 25497. e77" St 500 BUYS tO ACRES on old Pae. Hiway. approx. 8.5 miles downtown Salem, hck house, coop, well, elec, some timber. NICE SETTING. Some timber. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY REAL ESTATE Phont 8835 C7I REAL ESTATE $1500 DOWN TERMS ON BALANCE OP $3850 5 ROOM modern sub. home, located east of center, ti A, ground. Shrubs ana lawn. Bus service. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY, MARCH 30 FROM 2:30 TO 6:00 P.M. 680 BIEBER ST. i blocks past State Hospital OWNER: PHONE 22425 e76 MONEY TO LOAN on fmt mortgages. 4 to nr. Call tor details BYRKIT A POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phont 5981 DRIVE BY AND SEE IT ONE YEAR old home at 2075 N. 18th. 2 bdrms. on. and large unfln. attic, owner will finish if desired. Hdwd. floors throughout. Attractive rough fin ish plaster In llv. and din. room, with coved ceiling. Convenient kitchen, util ity rm., and attached garage. Has electric heat. $10,500 unfurnished, $12,500 furnished. Furniture all new. MAKE AN OFFER t VETS DON'T MISS THIS , WE THINK It's more good house for the money than you'll find anywhere else in townl This lovely home has two bedrooms, full basement, large llv. rm., Dinette, and a kitchen the wife will love. Auto. furn. heat. Hdwd. floors, attached garage is plastered. Can't be beat for $8500. RECENTLY REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE A TRULY LOVELY home on one acrs tract, nortn. 4 bdrms., spacious llv. and din. rm. Attractive fireplace, hdwd. floors, auto heat. Beautifully land scaped yard. Sturdy small barn. The country home you've been waiting for. Only $11,500 DAIRY FARM 21 STANCHIONS In two barns, milking machine. &a acres 01 tne finest pasture with 7 year around springs. 25 acres oats and vetch. Fordson tractor with all equipment. Excellent electric auto. water system. Family orchard, and some oerries. poultry nouse. Dbl. plumbed, 2 bdrm, home. Large llv. and dining rm., fireplace. Very pleasant kitchen. All the comforts of a town home on 72 acres, 74 miles from Salem. All for $19,500. SALEM REALTY COMPANY C. W. Bartlett. Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 Eves. 3-4773; 2-5580; 6198 Art Holmes, Cleave Bartlett, Jr., Don Tungate, Salesmen. c76 WANTED REAL ESTATE UST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM. SA LEM REALTY CO. O. W BARTLETT. REALTOR. 149 N. HIGH ST PH. 7660 ea' FOR PROMPT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 055 N. Liberty Phone 7327 ca ATTENTION OWNERS OWING to our strategic location on high way 99fL we nave commenced to get a numbe of out-of-state buyers. We need listings on good farms, city homes, acreage and any kind of a business that you want to selL We sold over one million dollars in property In '46 and we will really appreciate your listings SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3368 Portland Rd Ph. 3255; evea. 14479 WE ARE in need ot good Domes to sell In or near Salem LI you wish to list your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea NOTICE If your property is lor sale, rent or exchange, list It wltb ua. We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS 163 8 High St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE Apt. House, (3 apts.) 2 furn., near Campus in Corvallis, for a 4 Bedrm. home In Salem. Close-In. 616 S. 17th. Corvallis. cb81 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APT. HOUSE, 2 stories, 8 rms., wired separately, 2 baths, cement septic tank, lot 60x120. Possession In 30 days lower part, upstairs at once. A. R. VanNatter. Hubbard. Oregon. cd77 NO BLUE SKY THIS VERY fine, well established Grocery and Market Is idea for man and wire to run. All stock Is quality mrechandlse. Equipment is good. Shelving and Islands new. Now netting $500 a month. Your closest Investigation Invited. No phone Information. Yes. You may have the address. $9000. 751 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Ph. 9203 Cd76 COURT OR BUSINESS SITE HIGHWAY FRONTAGE on 99E near Woodburn. 431 ft. frontage, 2.30 acres all in bearing filberts. Ranch style, modern home, completely furnished. An excellent investment, $7800 full price, $2500 down. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 3355, Eves. 7037 cd78- HOME, GARAGE, SERVICE ST A. and property at Keizer. Lot 75 x 345. House needs some finishing. Garage includes all equipment necessary to start bus., except ' hand tools. Station handles Chevron products. This is priced right at $9500. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 21413 cd76 BEAUTY PARLOR In Canby. Three booths operating. Write Box 24 or phone can by 2716. cd78 FURNITURE FOR SALE NEW WALNUT bedroom suite. 2075 N. 18th. d77 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 751J da CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 759S. Stat Street Furn. 1900 State da' HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 6110. da FOR SALE IIVESTOCK AT STUD REG. THOROUGHBRED Stallion. Ch. Broomstick blood line. Also good quar ter mare Cross. Standing at Ward's Stnbles, Stlverton Rd. Rt. 7, Box 404. Phone 25153. e76 MIXED POLICE terrier to give away. Very good dog. 8 mos. old. Trailer No. 5, Camp Joy Cottages. 3215 Portland Rd. ec76 THREE heavy work horses, 8. 9 & 12 years old. work single or double, rn. 7947. C76 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows & boars ' t your larm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. McCandtlsh. Rt. 9, Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147. ea96 WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Sncthen. 1550 Lancaster DrH Salem, Ph. 21345 morn, or eves. eaI7 RABBITS WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any furs. West Side Fur Co., West Salem eb82 WING'S BABBITRY pays highest prices for rabbits, 4 to 6 lbs. 3985 State St. 1 blk. E. ot 4 corners. Ph. 109F5. eb80 PETS COCKER SPANIEL puppies. Ph. 9353. After 5 p.m. eco COCKER SPANIELS, reds, blacks St otn;r types. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Port land Rd. ec76 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure bred. Females $25, males $35. Roy 11. Simmons, Rt- 4. Box 270. Ph. 21143. FOR SALE WOOD FRESH CUT sawdust, $4 a uniL OREOON FUEL CO., Phone 5533. eeso- GOOD DRY 18 in. wood. Immed. delivery. OREGON FUEL CO.. Phone 5533. ee95 CALL HIGHWAY rUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 Journal Want Ads Pay (FOR SALE WOOD MUX WOOD. $6.00 load- Ph. 8853 or 6341. ee88 PLYWOOD cores it old fir. Ph. 3380. ce86 TRI CITY FUEL 2 Cord Load $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16' Slab Wood it Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONB 6td3 We Qlv S&H Green Stamps ee77 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block. Double load $20.00. Imm. del Pb. 348. Yamhill, Ore. "76 BONE-DRY mlU wood 16" green slab, good for furnace Ph 7731 ' GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 34031. $4 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB St EDGINGS. PH. 6683 ee77 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN St DRY WOOD and sawdust Stove oil and dtesel oil. Pb. 2-4031. ce FOR SALE POULTRY CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chicks every Wed. Boylngton's. 3710 State 189 BABY cniCRS hatching twice weekly In seven varieties. New Hampahlrea always available In chicks. Growing pullets, any age. Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens. ny number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 32861 Lee's Hatchery t WANTED HELP WANTED: ONE part time secretary. Shorthand preferred. Parrisn junior High School. Phone 3197. g81 WANTED MANAGER for Salem branch of large transportation company. Tills is highly responsible straight salary posi tion. Applicant must be established resident of Salem, in good health, age 25 to 40. Transportation experience ne cessary and must be well thought of by Salem references. State briefly scho lastic and employment history, family status, and Qualifications for mana gerial position. Write to Personnel Manager, P.O. Box 3618, Portland, Oregon. g81 SALESMAN Opportunity to build good paying permanent business. Year-round demand, no off-seasons. National or ganization. Unlimited earnings on com mission and bonus. Write: United Labo ratories, Inc., Cleveland 12. Ohio, for full details. C76 CRANKSHAFT grinder man. Experienced. Phone 4a54. Ask for Joe. g78 OPENING for A-l auto mechanic, must have hand tools. 809 Edge. St., W. Salem. . . . . g77 IF YOU'RE Interested in $500 to $800 per month and can meet the following re qulrements, married, car, willing to work. Bteelco stainless steei cooking Utensils has an opening in Salem. Don't answer if you cannot meet public and work. Write Box 320, Capital Jour nal. g77 OREGON JOURNAL needs young man for position in this area. See Mr. Wick at, 4J3 J-'erry or can Tea lor apt.. g77' WANTED: Salesmen with arc welding ex perience, sales ability, presentable ap pearance. Must have car. will be re quired to locate in Salem, HUlsboro, Eugene, Medford, Roseburg, Baker, Pen dleton. Earnings to those who qualify $6000 to $8000 per year. Applicants will be interviewed by Mr. H. D. Ooldy, at the Senator hotell Write H. D. Ooldy. care Senator Hotel, for inter view next week. g77 GIRL or woman for cooking and house work. Private room, board and exc. salary. Ph. 5936. $78 BOOKKEEPER Knowledge of stenography for saw mill office, near Salem, 5 'A day wk. Salary $50. Write, stating exp. Box 312. Capital Journal. B77 WOMAN TO help with care of 2 children. Dally except Sunday. Phone 2-548B. g80 WANTED: Automobile mechanic. Walter Zosel Co., Chemeketa At High Sti. g77 FORMER NAVY and Coast Guardsmen Interested In re-enlistment In the Coast Guard service, are urged to con. tact your local recruiting office now, for many of the critical ratings of fered previously, are closing fast. For mer EM. FC. RM, AETM, enlisted now as 2nd or 3rd class, depending on former, rate. ETM, RDM. SOM. enlisted as 1st 2nd, or 3rd class, depending on for mer rate. PHM's enlisted as HAlc only. All other ratings enlisted as Seaman lo or Flr:man lc. There will be fur ther changes In the near future, to ACT NOW. CONTACT your local recruiting United states coast Guard stations at Rm. 32. 360 ',i State St., Salem, g HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Must like children. Permanent Job. Oood wages Write Mrs. John W. Kltzmlller. 412 Shelton St., Dallas, Ore., or ph. 182. g76 WANTED: MEN to work In hop yard. Ph. 23052 or 9623. John J. Roberts St EXP. WOOL presser, city Cleaning Works 143 state st. f GOOD DEAL for right salesmen. Salem Rock Wool Co. 1535 Broadway. Ph. 3748 EXP. LADY for fur reparr e alterations Price's. 133 North Liberty c' ARE YOU a former Navy or Coast Guard Veteran, with any of the following ratings? RADIOMAN. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN'S MATE ELECTRICIAN'S MATE RADAR MAN AND SOUNDMAN OR FIRE CONTROLMAN IF SO YOU ARE probably eligible for en listment In your old rate at the same grade up to first class. Several other rates also open to first class. First as. signment in this district! Base pay for first class Is now $135 per month. p1uj longevity. You still get the free medical ana dental aid for self and dependents family allowances and sea duty pay. 20 ot 30 year retirement. Your former ser vice counts toward pay and retirement 20 year retirement now pays $128 per month for life. All pay li income tax free. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUTURE CONTACT your local recruiting United States Coast Guard stations at Rm. 32 360'i State St., Salem. g WANTED POSITIONS LADY TO do general housework and care for mother and new baby. Ph. 24873. h.78 YOUNG MAN wishes Inside work. Perm anent If efficient. Phone 6396. h77 CARPENTER GENERAL CARPENTERING is REPAIR WORK. PHONE 26798. LADY WANTS work. 8 hra. day by hour Call 3421. h77 LAWN MOWERS quickly, expertly ground, repaired, old established place. Ph. Ted 7603. Pick up and deliver. 1293 N.5th. , h79 SPRAYING! L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 7900. MOO MIDDLE aged lady take care of children. By hour. Phone 24611. h76 YARD WORK Box 314 Capital Journal. ma GAM TRANSFER. Local, light hauling, household goods moved, prompt, ef ficient service.. Moderate price. Ph. 25637. h7B WANTED: Children to care for, by wk. or mo. pnone 38F14. rm LAWN & FIELD weed spraying. Tree spraying. Philip W. Belike. Pb. 31208. h77 PLOWING, new equipment. Call us for immediate work. Ph. 21208 or 27P4. h77 PART TIME. Exc. bus. background St training, stenog. is bkkg., capable han dling coriespondence. Middle aged. Write Box 310, Capital Journal. h77 GARDEN PLOWING At DISCINO. Ford Tractor. Ray Satter. Ph. 22504. h.961 FOR LAWN, garden work ft odd lobs, call jim s ai, rn. aeie. oetween s & a. h76 PLOWING AND discing. No Job too large or too small, chas. B. Jayne & Sons, 1920 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 25753. h96 LANDSCAPE gardening. New lawns a spe cialty. Plowing it discing small gardens Ph. 25823. 1340 Saginaw. T. W. Reel h77 ALTERING At sewing. Ph. 36954. h88 INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 1798. h$7 WANTED POSITIONS PLOWING Ss general tractor work. HaVe W. Jm iiuuoo avutu u arutJKJ on Pacl- fio highway. On right. J. K. Mlnty Rt. 1, Box 274 Brooks. nSQ 90 BOOKKEEPER WITH considerable expe- rience avauaoie. utraa rctrencej. Box 258 Capital Journal. DB9 CALL 2-3563 for your spring sewing alterations, ah won promptly done 3155 N. River Rd. 07T AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co $302. FOR RENT ROOM for rent. 370 Bellevlew. Ph. 21477. J78 SLEEPING PORCn with adjoining room suitable for parlor or study. Clean. Con venient for students or State employee. 757 Center Street. J78 NICE CLEAN sleeping room in private home, bus and restaurant, line High land Ave. J78 SLEEPING ROOM on bus line. Kitchen priv. mane 101. jia SLEEPING room for business man. Ph. 5323. 745 N. Capitol. J78 CLOSE-IN rooms for men. 414 Bellevlew and S. Liberty. J17 NICE, QUIET sleeping room. Good heat. plenty 01 not water. 113 rt. vnurcn. 177 ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent, sell. H. G. Push, a 84 n. nm. rn, 4592. 1 TRAILER space available, market next door. Castle Han cottages, win 01. jet. Ph. 25769. J79 FURNISHED sleeping room. 630 Marlon. 176 SLEEPING ROOM. Gentleman. Ph. 64B5. J76 SLEEPING room for employed gentleman. 1185 N. com'l. J'o- ROOMS FOR RENT. 725 N. Church. J77 Phone 7198 TON AND nALF flat bed truck for hire. 1706 N. 4th. 170 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff FLOOR sander Ward. Montgomery WANTED TO RENT PERMANENT RESIDENTS desire mod. un- furu. home. Win pay a yeara rent in advance. Ph. 4380. Ja78 WANTED TO rent: Small farm within 15 miles or Salem. Must nave electricity. J. Crawford, Bldg. T-314 Farm Labor Camp, or write Box 1000. ia76 FURNISHED APT. or house near Highland school. L. E. saucy, uncrry uuy. Cabin 6. Ja78 WANTED by April 5, small furnished apt. by Willamette aiuuem, ot who. -. Ja77 ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS! WHY LET your house stand vacant when responsible party, vet. wife and 2 yr. old son, desperately need home? Will sign contract to vacate within 30 days if property is sold. Please call JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Ph. 7606 Ja77" COUPLE WANTS 2 bdrm. house or apt. Furn. or unfurn. City or euouroan. Phone 7891. 3a77" WANT 3 room apt., furnished. Ph. 32332. jav7 WANTED: Nice apt. for dentist and wife. No children, pets, or drinking, write Box 319, Capital Journal. Ja77 VET, WIFE, child urgently need 2 bdrm., unfurn. house or apt. Ph. 6073 days; eve. 21719. Ja79 VETERAN, WIFE and child need a 3 room drinking or pets. Call 2-5506. Ja78 VET & FAMILY of 2 desperately In need of furn. or unfurn. house or apt. Best of references. Write 199 N. Lancas ter, Salem. ja78 EMPLOYED couple wants turn, or unfurn. apt., preferably east near Slate St. Phone 5426 days, 4430 eves. Ja77 GOOD 2 bedroom house, unfurn. Middle aged couple. No children. No pets. No smoking. No drinking. Need It by April 10th. Best of references. Permanent. Call 6597. ja77 COUPLE, Willamette vet and wife, wis) 5 small furn. apt. Call 4171, ext. 460, days or 4360 eves Ja77 PERMANENT business man wants 1 or 2 bedrm. house near Hollywood dlst. Ph. 24888 or 21684. Ja77 STATE EMPLOYE will pay 4 months rent In advancs for furnished or unfurn ished 2-bedroom home, or will lease for 1 year. Phone 8081. Ja76 LOST AND FOUND FOUND: small black female puppy. Ph. 905Q. JC76 FOUND: LADY'S watch. Call 4171. Ext. 223, Miss Lamb. k7S LOST: Black billfold. Ph. 5917. Reward. k78 LOST Child's yellow sweater near St. Vincent's scnooi. Ph. 26081. K76 FOUND: Red Cocker Spaniel. Ph. 24504. k76 LOST: Red Cocker Spaniel. Ans. to Buster." Family pet. Ph, eves. 31181. k7B MISCELLANEOUS fabric remnants on special sale at Elfstrom's Drapery Dept., second floor. m7B CURTAINS washed, stretched. 395 South 23rd. m79 DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 5000. m80 FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. HEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, $1.00. L,3 BfttlNUKK, 464 COUrt Bt. nlBl" DOES YOUR roof leak? Use 100 as- p ii ait sningles. unharmed by any wea ther, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men For FREE esti mate phone 7177. Western Auto Sup Ply Co. m79 'HOME GUARD" Home Insulation pro tects your family against extreme temperatures pays for Itself by saving up to 33Mi of your fuel bills. Free Estimates. Western auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. m19" NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a Dreadnaught Sander by hour or day. Western Auto Supply Co. Pb. 1177. m79 VENETIAN BUNDS Laundered expertly. Call us for prompt, efficient service, THE VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY CLEANERS Phone 6909. m" HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical See as tor free estimates YEATER APFLXANCa g ' CO. 355 N. Liberty tbM HEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, dozer work, ditching basement excavation, sand, gravel, crushed rock mason sand, con crete mix cement. SALEM SAND St GRAVEL CO. 1405 N FRONT ST., SALEM OREOON. Phone 9408 or 21924 tn DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Commercial 8tl. SALEM Phone 8311 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ELEC. mod, washing machine. Excellent cona. iiu w. Lincoln. m" TWO 30-gal. water heaters, one 20-gil. mo, gas water neater. Kitcnen cao inets. restaurant size gas range, wood circulator. Ph. 3178. n78 GAS RANGE Sz hot water tank, practical ly new. 033 uames Ave. a WHITE ENAMELED Monarch range with xresky oil burner installed $115.00. Isaak Dyck,' Rt. 1. Box 284, Dallas, Oregon. 3' ml. N.E. of Dallas, Polk Station Comm. n76 BUNK BEDS, springs St mattresses, used o mo. 4TO3 n. River Road. Ph. 22564. nT8 3 doors, l new. 2 second hand for $5. 2403 rrospect Lane. ns SEA-KING SINGLE outboard motor, per- feet condition. 335.00. Ph. 530JK t)78 PRIMROSES, MANY varieties. 35c Sz 35c. Wallace Rd. to 3rd turn to L., the 3rd turn to left again. 1st house. P. W. Munson. n78 ONE-QUARTER horse gas motor, dining i room suite, pre-war daveno, portable laundry traya, large chair with match ing foot stool. Inside doors. Call 9345 before noon. n77 (Continued on Page 11;