Army Posts for uniier-veis Under ( new war department plan recently announced army officer-veterans now attending college may receive commissions in the regular army, thus mak ing eligible for commissions those men due to receive college degrees or complete graduate work before July 15, 1947. The new program concerns those men applying for regular army commissions in the coast artillery, field artillery, infan try, engineers, finance, ordnance, q u a r termaster, transportation, signal, chemical and military police branches, but not to ap pointments in the air corps, judge advocate general's depart ment, medical corps, dental corps, veterinary corps and chaplain corps. Applicants must not be over 28 years of age as of July 15, and must have been commission ed in the army of the United States or any of its components subsequent to July 15, 1944. Let ters requesting application forms must reach the adjutant gen eral's office in Washington, D. C, not later than April 15. The forms should contain informa tion on college or university en rollment, scheduled date of graduation, degree to be con ferred, date of birth, date of entry into active commissioned service, choice of army or serv ice, names of all previous and immediate commanding : or su pervisory officers and address at which applicant can be reach ed during the 45 days following his graduation. Colonel Allison To Address Post Speaker at the Tuesday night meeting of American Legion post No. 136, which will be held at the American Legion hall will be Col. Phillip Allison, retired field artillery officer with the U. S. army, now making his home in Salem. The colonel, a veteran of 32 and a half years of service with the army, 20 months of which were spent in the ETO theater, where he was in charge of the 15th replacement depot, will show the group a number of old weapons and tell of their history. The collection started by Col Allison's father, an army gen eral, has been continued by the son and contains a number of weapons dating back many years. Discussed at the meeting will . be legislative matters pertain- ing to veterans. Berry Fair Contest For Queen Opened Lebanon, Scio high school submitted the first candidate for queen of the Lebanon straw berry fair and centennial, Jay- cee officers in charge of the queen contest revealed this week. Miss Hilda Fleming was the unanimous choice of the' student body to represent Scio at the festival to be held in Lebanon on June 5, 6 and 7. Other high schools which will select candi dates are Albany, Brownsville, Halsey, Harrisburg, Sweet Home and Lebanon. Puerto , Rico was discovered by Columbus on Nov. 19, 1493, during his second voyage to the new world. Phone 3925 The Beauty Bar 201 1st Natl Bank Bids;. Operated by Nan Williams and Zana Hales Featuring Nestle Permanents Halliwell Cold Wave Other Permanents $5 and up Om. Wed. Etc by Appointment .A. it m M Tift Wpi rilk j an Take Milk from Train Striking Louisiana dairymen seize milk destined for New Orleans when an Illinois Central train stopped at Amite, La., to take on passengers. Forty 10-gallon cans were lifted from the express car. The strike, protesting a proposed slash in prices, has already cut off 80 percent of the New Orleans supply of fresh milk, state officials said. (AP Wirephoto) Man in Hospital Faces Traffic Charge Albany, March 28 Richard Right, Monmouth, will be con fronted by a reckless driving charge when he leaves the Al bany General hospital, where he was taken in the city ambulance Wednesday night to be treated for a broken collar bone and a severe facial gash, which he received when his car overturn ed on the Pacific highway, two milps smith of .Tpffprson. According to Deputy Sheriff! George Miller, who investigat ed and who filed the charge, Right was thrown 50 feet from his car, which overturned in the highway ditch and was demol ished. When found by passing motorists Right was emerging from a pool of water into which he had been catapulted. The injured man was reported by motorists, said Deputy Mil ler, to have been accompanied by two men but they had disap peared before the officer arrived. Between 1922 and 1943, the population of Haifa in Pales tine has jumped from 24,000 to more than 120,000. Our International-Approved JtecondrHoning Puts Cylinders, .in Top Shop James H. Maden Co. 2955 Silverton Rd. Salem Growth Shown by Annual Dog Show There were more dogs and more cash customers at the Sa lem Lions club annual canine show held at the state fair grounds last week-end, Harry Willett, general chairman for the exhibition announces. Dogs numbered 451 while paid specta tors were approximately 2700, or 500 more than a year ago. Total gross receipts from all sources were $3698.83. While expenses have not been entirely tabulated, it is probable the Li ons club will realize a sizable sum for their activity program. Audiometer Tests " Given 3949 Pupils During the systematic check conducted by the Marion county department of health in the in terest of better hearing for stu dents, a total of 3949 pupils were tested by the audiometer. This figure was revealed in the Feb ruary statistical report of the de partment. Other work among the pupils included 734 dental inspections, 444 inspections by physicians or nurses and the holding of 85 public health lectures and talks. In connection with tuberculo sis control the department gave 268 tuberculin tests which re sulted in 25 positive reactions. There were 156 X-ray and 144 fluoroscopic examinations and nurses made 101 field visits. Examination Set for Employment Post Applications will be received up to midnight April 12 by the state civil service department in connection with an examination for state employment service di rector. The examination is for the purpose of establishing an eligibility list from which cer tification of the top three names will be made to the state un employment compensation com mission. The beginning salary for em ployment service director is $400 a month and applicants must have had a minimum of at least six years in progress ively responsible experience in the field of industrial or labor relations, corporation manage ment or public administration, and college graduation or equi valent. At least three of the six years experience must have been in a responsible or admin istrative capacity. Application blanks may be secured from any office of the employment service or from the 444 Center street office of the commission. Williams Estimates Shop Fire Damage Woodburn Perry Williams reports damage totaling about $5000 in the building, equip ment and merchandise from the fire which broke out in the shop of Williams Machinery and Im plement Co. on Young street last week. The fire started from a match used by a workman to light his pipe, igniting a vat of asphalt paint. The loss is cov ered by insurance. Work of repairing and renovating the building is underway. The shop will probably be closed for two or three weeks but the sales room in front will be open. Contractors Home Owners See us for your electrical work. We have the ma terial and the time. Free estimates. Our work is priced right. Karnes Electric Co. Electrical Contracting 2060 N. Capitol PHONE 7566 JjWe Do & ttW V J Framing,! Too! 340 COURT STREET Clarus Cqiriera 35 m.m. F. 2.8 Coated Precision Machined' Film-Photo Finishing Flash Bulbs Projection Lamps RADIO7 REPAIRS WIGGINS PHOTO & ELECTRIC 252 N. Church Ph. 6874 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Portland Downtown Office Building Price $300,000.00 Gross annual income $95,000.00, showing a net profit of well over $50,000.00 a year. Will consider part trade. Box 318, Capital Journal Flexalum Aluminum Slat VENETIAN BLINDS ' Made to Measure ' RIGHT HERE IN SALEM FLEXALUM The new aluminum slat is be ing used exclusively in Salem aluminum Venetian blinds. Let us show you this new slat material. You will be pleased with its quality and price. Large stock of window shade materials just received. We make them up to order. Two-day service. Call Us for Weather Stripping Reinholdt & Lewis VENETIAN BLINDS 560 South 21st Street Phone 3148 A single pane, or glass for an entire factory. We are equip ped to handle all your glass requirements. i i FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY S JF- 1 3 i ya r d l e y j j Regularly TWO ,., Regularly $1.00 Each , NIGHT CREAM ENGLISH COMPLEXION CREAM DRY SKIN CLEANSING CREAM LIQUEFYING CLEANSING CREAM AMl!Y-Ml;eTi rot AMIUCA All CMATEft IN INCLAND ANB FTNMHSB IN TMi UJ..C WON TUB OBJCINAL CNGUSH FORMULA!, COMBINING IMPOBTBBt AND DOMESTIC INCt FOUNT QUISENBERRY'S CENTRAL PHARMACY 410 State St. DIZZINESS Br J. H. Willett 1 tk. Capital Drat Iter Dizziness is a sypmlom of va rious ailments, but most of them can be traced to a tiny bodily mechanism the labyrinth of the inner ear. It is no larger than our small est fingernail, yet it controls our entire sense of body balance. Any disturbance of the organ results in dizziness. Perhaps almost everyone has experienced a sense of dizziness at one time or another. It is an indication that something is wrong and repeated attacks should be diagnosed by your doctor. He may prescribe medication, if so you will want fresh potent drugs. Let your doctor recom mend the pharmacist who can supply these. Thlj Is the 434th of a asrlei of Xditorltl Advertisements appearing In th ceplUl Journal each Friday. Willett's Capital Drug Store Cor. State Jt Liberty Ph. lilt War Dead Aid Givenj By Veterans' Bureau Next of kin of war service personnel buried overseas will be given assistance by the Ore gon department of veterans af fairs in filling out the forms on which are to be indicated what disposition they want made of the remains of the war dead. This announcement was made by Director George Sandy, who also stated both the Portland and Salem offices would offer that service. Under the law the families have the option of burying the deceased in a permanent Ameri can military cemetery overseas; returning the remains to the U. S. or American possession for burial in a private cemetery with the government paying $50 toward local burial expense; burying the deceased in his homeland if foreign born, pro vided the United States can ob tain an entry permit, or having Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Mar. M, 1947 9 the remains returned to the U. S. for final interment in a na tional cemetery near their home. Davis Family Moves Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Layton Davis of Lebanon have moved to Silverton from their Lebanon home. Davis Js the father of Mrs. Warren Duncan (Maude Pride). They are mak ing their home at the residence of Mrs. Duncan in the Pine street district. The Duncans are occupying the country place of the Daviscs near Lebanon. "WE MANUFACTURE IT IT HAS TO BE GOOD!" For all types of radios and radio - phonograph com binations see us. You'll find us courteous and prompt , . . with a warm welcome always awaiting you. lilHIII!l!lW!IIIBIIIiBlll! i MEAT SALE BEEF, half or whole . . . lb. 28c PORK, half or whole . . . lb. 38c CTCCD Grand A, Fancy Eastern IL OjC, EEIVf Oregon, half or whole 'O. JOC SALEM MEAT CO. 25th & Turner Rd., Across From Walters Ball Park Phone 3013, We Cut, Wrap and Quick Freeze, 2 lb. WE BUY LIVESTOCK f N IV todarj. Mi upon their mat jtui B li il dependable senna among boo- I 111 sa's''sl VS9rs- Upright 1 g I 1 rorritrurtioowitii sbetai einBioitti mm "'n"'"aDrclfl,iifP4 C jB5e disired r&w&Z' ,Ba5r,T .tf rfl mon,1 i a Mii"u-sr)i-ajMjijjii!MMjiuijj i SOLD IN SALEM BY 340 Court Street Salem, Oregon t Model No. 19 $1150 each ! Another Beautiful Homart Model Home of Today- Take this full-color, die-cut cardboard model with yew, let it up, and e your dream ' j home come to life just as it will appear among flowers on your lot! Or select from J J many other Pollman-designed homes. Scale model, suggested floor plan, and fur f mlure cutouts ... all yours for just $1.50! See these models at SEARSi start your planning, today! MIIIIKI. Nil 1 tk .-m:' MODEL NO. 1 5 COMPLETE BLUEPRINTS for the home you choose . ...;lut bok W ' - so. All details needed to build a modern home that features compact kitchens, storage aj ification" of your dream home for only $51 00 t gout, -mcw Jack." JUUiJ 484 State St.