Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 28, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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New Trail ways Buses Now in Service Above, pictured in the Oregon State house driveway, is
one of the fleet of ACF Brill Coaches purchased by West Coast Trailways and put in service
in Oregon since intrastate operating permit was recently granted the company. The coach is
powered by a 245-h.p. Hall-Scott motor. It is air conditioned and has specially-made windows
of heat-resisting glass. Spacing of seats gives ample leg room, and under the seats is space for
luggage. Reading lights are above each seat. The big vehicles cost $25,000 each. West Coast
Trailways will start new schedules April 5 with at least 12 buses through Salem daily.
progressive dinner with mem
bers going from one home to
another for different courses
and entertainment. Homes vis
ited were those of Gloria Curtis,
Betty Satter, Carol Kaufman,
Magdalene Stahl, Carol Hilficker
and Janice Scharf. The girls
leader is Mrs. Paul Bassett. The
girls have their articles about
ready for the spring show.
Mrs. Charles E. Sicemund of
Garden road is spending a few
days this week at the home of
her son, Edward, and family in
East Salem Sunday Schools
Continue Regular Services
East Salem, March 28 Two East Salem schools winch have
been having Sunday school and church services, under the aus
pices of the American Sunday School Union, Swegle and Middle
Grove, announce that the regu-'
lar services which they have
been carrying on for several
years will continue as before
consolidation of the school dis
tricts with Salem schools.
Frank Bennett announces the
school buildings may be used for
Sunday school as long as it of
fers no direct competition to
churches of the immediate com
munities. Swegle Sunday school
will again be followed with reg
ular morning church services.
Taking the place of Reverend
Emil Kraft who entered the for
eign missionary field Enoch
Zimmerman will preach each
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
For some time he has been hav
ing child evangelism classes each
week in his home for a group of
neighbors who live on Center
street. This group is coming
over to Swegle with him for the
morning services. The average
attendance is now over 50. The
services are undenominational,
as the Sunday school union co
operates with all evangelical
faiths, working in rural commu
nities and suburban city com
munities which are otherwise
unreached. The American Sun
day School Union is a mission
ary enterprise established in the
east in 1817 and in the North
west in 1882 with a district su
perintendent, Raymond P. Tag
gart, with headquarters in Port
land. Rev. Peter Becker is the
organizer for this and neighbor
ing counties.
Something new in 4-H club
meetings was tried this past
week by the "Homemakers" 4-H
club of Middle Grove. It was a
Eugene Company Low
On Meridian Job
Portland, March 28 VP) Low
bid of $195,938 for concrete
abutments and piers for railroad
relocation at the Lookout Point
(Meridian) dam site in Lane
county was submitted Thursday
by REM Construction company
Col. O. E. Walsh, district army
L engineer, referred the bid to Col.
Theron D. Weaver, north Pacific
division engineer. Five other
bids, ranging up to a high of
$404,861, were received. The
government estimate was $214,-
The project involves construc
tion of six concrete abutments
and seven piers in connection
with relocating the Southern
Pacific's Cascade rou.-j tracks at
the site of the dam reservoir on
the middle fork of the Willam
ette river one mile southeast of
the railroad station of Jasper.
Half Acres $500.
Acres $900.
For Sale by Owner
Phone 22416
Cyanide gas has been used ef
fectively to kill rattlesnakes.
Grad u t i o n
Watches. Lay-It-A
way Now.
Take your
pick beautiful
new design.
Prettier than
Our prices are
' reasonable. A
large stock of
watches, bands.
To make tired, unsightly bath
rooms glamorous. The essen
tial treatment for new con
struction. Everlasting washable beauty.
No more painting. Installed
complete by our own Colo
tyle craftsmen.
340 Court St.
Dial 9221
For TU, n .
FresLh ond cold with P ,.
"u ore never f remem-
; and minZ' SuPP'es the
fflor Milk i2T. KeePMay.
for oetter health 'n r,nk !t often
At your Store or at your Door
lli Payments.
2135 Fairgrounds Road
Phone 9205
Attends FHA Meeting
Woodburn Mildred Guth
rie was delegate from the Wood
burn high school FHA chapter
at the state meeting Friday and
Saturday at Oregon State col
lege. She was accompanied by
Mrs. Arnold Troftgrubcn, who
is mother advisor for the local
club. Representatives from the
60 chapters attended the "friend
ship" session.
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Mar. 28, 1947 3
The Aztec name for their
town on the site of Mexico City
was Tenochtitlan.
Packed With
New Features!
PINCOR A-16, for smooth
quiet mowing. Modern, all steel
construction lightweight
16" cut easy to handle hand
adjusted cutting height from
Yi" to 2Yi" with a twist of the
hand knobs built-in sharp
ener and sealed lubrication.
Hardware Co.
120 N. Commercial
White Outside
will be scarce again this summer, but right
now we have a good supply of
in gallons and 5-gallon cans. Come in now.
Don't wait and be disappointed.
Also full line of Fuller interior
paints and varnishes and Velduro
water paint.
Johnson's, Simoniz, Old English Waxes and
Franklin Rubber Gloss Non-Slip Wax and
265 North High St.
Phone 6634
Peter. Peter, pumpkin eater,
hapa wife and couldn't keep her.
Put her in a pumpkin shell,
There he kept her very well .
nrhah i i
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