2 Capital Journal .Salem, Michigan Governor Says 3 Top Chiefs of UAW Captives of Reds Washington, March 28 P) Gov. Kim Sigler of Michigan, testi fied today that three high officials of the CIO United Auto Work en' union are "captives of the communist party of the United Food Riot in Duesseldorf Duesseldorf, Germany, March ! 28 OP) Germans in a crowd of , about 100,000 stoned British-oc ; cupied buildings and attacked British military cars today in a j two-hour demonstration over food shortages. It was the most ; violent manifestation of unrest in ' the Ruhr since the occupation began, and the biggest rally i since Hitler. Two military cars were over turned and one was thrown in a park lake; another, carrying British and American corre spondents, was stoned by dem onstrators; windows in the three British buildings were smashed. Traffic was paralyzed as the huge crowd milled through the public park in the center of the city, listening to speeches by trade union leaders. British public safety officials said po lice reinforcements were stand ing by, but had been kept hidden from the view of the demon strators. Police had advised al lied vehicles to avoid the area i during the demonstration. 1 The crowd dispersed at noon, some marching away in columns, others streaming down streets like a football crowd going home. British officials say the 1550 calorie ration scale has not been met for the past few weeks, and that some places received only 800 calories. Arabian Agreement In Roosevelt Lockers Washington, March 28 OP) The senate war investigation committee, digging into a 1941 demand from King Ibn Saud for a $30,000,000 advance payment for Arabian oil, hit a snag to day when it learned that docu ments concerning it are with the late President Roosevelt's private papers. Chairman Brewster (R., Me.), said the committee will seek President Truman's help in getting them. Capt. Chester C. Wood of the navy judge advocate general's office reported that the docu ments are missing from the navy department files. Forest Service to Try Auction Method Portland, Ore., March 28 CP) . The U.S. forest service's first experiment In auctioning timber Instead of selling it under seal ed bids will be made May 5. The auction, on 78, .87,000 board feet of timber on the Wil lame creek watershed near Packwood, Wash., will be held here. Starts Tomorrow! DOUBLE THRILLS AND FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! "ROYAL" HE BATTLED MEN for the rule of a wild domain ... but surrendered ' to a boy's love and faith! Preston FOSTER Pirir fRirt ltnv JUfrH j-YJl ,ni BOA. "fftjf coiujwia f S'fv V PICTURES y II 1 t Oregon, Friday, Mar. 28, 1947 State." He listed them to the house committee on un-American activities as follows; "R. J. Thomas, former presi dent and now vice president of the union; George Addes, secretary-treasurer; and Richard P. Leonard, national director of the Ford department." Sigler said "They follow the communist parly lines in union activities." For months, the governor said, there has been a "terrific strug gle" for control of the CIO-UAW in Detroit between communists and good loyal American citi zens. The committee is considering bills to outlaw the communist parly. Sigler. took no definite stand on the measures in a prepared statement. But, he said, commu nism presents a "serious men ace" to America and he has been fighting its evil influences since the day he took office. He add ed there are "upwards of 15,000 communists in Michigan." Jews Blast Haifa Oil Pipeline Setting Off Disastrous Dock Fire Jerusalem, March 28 UP) British officials said today five Jews had blown up an oil pipeline in the Haifa dock district, setting off a fire that raged through exlcnHve oil and benzene installa tions. The announcement said the Jews, dressed as Arabs and armed with revolvers, forced their way through heavy defens es of the oil dock area at 9:05 a.m. and placed small charges of explosives under the pipeline in several places. They tried to flee in a small truck, the report said, but were turned back and then attempted to scatter and escape afoot. Sev eral suspects were rounded up for questioning, but police de clined to say whether any were connected with the blasts. Inhabitants of Haifa, a major Palestine port on the Mediter ranean northwest of Jerusalem, told of hearing two heavy ex plosions. The fire started by the blasts spread to nearby oil and benzene tanks of the Shell Oil compa ny. Police, navy and oil com pany fire brigades struggled for more than an hour to bring the blaze under control. A smoke pall spread over the city. The sight of this and the Dance Silverton Armory Every Saturday WOODRY'S 14-PIECE ORCHESTRA Phone with Gail Bill PATRICK- SHEFFIELD WiSvn . Rim Uonrv . Prnrtne Vomnor DflVlll THE WONDER . introducinf IUJIHL WILD HORSE Si 3467 7' i CEORGt ARCHAIN8AU0 TtD RICHMOND McClelland Monday Guest Dalton F. McClelland, execu tive secretary of the interna tional board of the YMCA of the United States and Canada, will be the speaker at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon Monday noon. His subject will be "World Youth." The meeting will be the chamber's participa tion in the city's holy week ob servance. Mr. McClelland served the YMCA for 30 years as world service secretary in India. Dur ing this period, from 1915 to 1945, he occupied positions of large influence and responsibil ity and was intimately identified with Indian life. New members to be announc ed will be: Frank Sholkoff and Ben Cohen, partners in the Town and Country store, 293 North Com mercial. Carl Wicklander, Ben eficial Standard Life Insurance, Salem Trunk it Equipment com pany, 3455 D street. Leonard Rcimann and C. J. Connally, Reicon Express, 201 South High. Charles Jens, 321-322 Oregon building. , sound of explosions and of ve hicles racing through the streets spread excitement through Haifa, but no curfew was imposed, Haifa is the terminus of the Iraq Petroleum company's 800 mile pipeline which carries "oil from the Kirkuk fields in north eastern Iraq. Duffy Will Become Oregon Director Portland, March 28 UP) The consolidation of farm home ad ministration offices will be com pleted in the Pacific northwest by April 1. Walter A. Duffy will become slate director for Oregon, Washington and Alaska, with the personnel here cut from 55 to 28. Idaho functions will be transferred from the Port land regional office to the Salt Lake City office, under Carl Magelby. Snakes are immune to many types of poisonous gases. The Place to Go Is tattucJ Chateau STEAKS CHICKEN BARBECUED CRAB HAM A Mile from Falraronnds Entrance en Bllrerlon Road Open at 6:30 Closed Monday Phone 9838 n Matinee Daily From 1 P.M. The Wonder . Wild Horse, Smartest Thing On Four Feet, Meets The Smartest Kid On Two ! - AND - Joe Palooka Steps Right Out Of The Comic Strip in His Latest and Best Fun Packed Ad venture! NEWS FLASHES! THOMPSON WINS IN ' GEORGIA BATTLE OF i GOVERNORS! SPOT j NEWS FROM INDIA! SOUTH AFRICA! BIG 1 HAUL OF NARCOTICS IN N.Y.! SPORTS! j DOG RACE IN ALASKA! SCOTCH CURL ON ICE! HORSE FAIR IN ITALY IS 500 YEARS OLD! New York Stock Quotations (By th Assumted Preui Nsw York & Cloalni quotation! to Allied Cnem 4i 1 American Cio . . Am Power Si Llih. A met Tel A Tel 1 Antconda Copper ..... Atchison Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Aircraft . California Puck mi Canadian Paclllo J I Case Chrysler Corp Commonwealth & Bout- C .nsolldated Edlsor Consolidated V a J tee Continental Insurance Crown Ze He roach ; CurtLu Wrltht D it las Aircraft Dupom a rtemou't 1 Oeneral Electric Oeneral Poods Oeneral Motor? i Ooodyear Tire I Great Northern pfd International Harvester ; tnt Paper pfd n Johns Manvlll i: Kennecott Long Bell A Maytai Miami Copper Montgomery War'1 j Nuh Kelvlnnof National Dairy N Y Centra. North Am Co Northern Pactflo Pae Am Flab Pacific Gas Elec Pacific T & T ,, . Pan American Penney J O Radio Corp Rayonier Bayonler Pfd Reynolds Metals : Rlchrteld Safeway Sears Roebuck Rinslair OH Southern Pacific - Standard Brands Standard Oil Calif Stewart Warner Studebaker t Sun Mm In Union Oil : Onion Pacific !..""!!!! 1 United Alrllnea : United Airctaft United States Steel Warner rtrothers West Elee Mfg Co Woolwortb . . Markets Briefed (By United Prr.u) Stocks irregular in moderate trading. Bonds firm: U.S. governments did not trade. Curb stock irregular. Silver quoted in New York at 74 cents a fine ounce, up one cent. Wheat closed off 3 !4 cents to up l?i cents. Boom in Birth Rates Washington, March 28 (U.R) The United States is undergo ing a birth rate boom which might increase the population to 165,000,000 by 1990. A cen sus bureau report said there were more births in this country in 1946 than in any previous year. Although final figures are not prepared, it is estimated the total is 3,440,000. Phone 3467 LEON ' y'JOE ERR0L KIRKW00D" MOW WUSH at 0E PALOOK GUY KIBBEE ELYSE KNOX 1IONEL STANDER tomnaimon STANLEY PRAGER Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, March 28 (A) A handful of stock favorites ex hibited quiet strength today al though many market leaders lost their recovery steam of the two preceding sessions. Mild irreg ularity ruled near the close. Transfers tapered to around 900,- 000 shares. . Among better movers Interna tional Harvester and National Distillers touched new 1947 highs. Others attracting bids were Santa Fe, Goodyear, Cat erpillar Tractor, American Can, Air Reduction and American Smelting. Assorted professionals cashed in on the idea the Wednesday- Thursday rally may have im paired the technical position of the market. Bonds were uneven. , Closing Dow-Jones averages: Industrial, 178.63, off 0.56; rail, 49.22, off 0.02; utility, 36.05, up 0.05; 65 stocks, 64.11, off 0.11. Sales totaled 830,000 shares compared with 1,140,000 shares yesterday. Curb volume was 220,000 shares against 260,000 shares yesterday. Bond turn over of $3,780,000 compared with $3,365,000. Band Letter Awards -Given 9 Students Nine high school students having passed all of the neces sary musical tests in playing; and directing, received their band awards Friday. They are Roger Middleton, Kenneth Ham ilton and Ray Walden, cornet ists; Lowell Fox, clarinetist; Jack Brooks, trombonist; Bob Miller, oboist; Rodney Beals, flutist; Glen Garrett, French horn and Deryl Yocom, saxo phone. At present the band and or chestra, student soloists and ensemble players are working on music directly connected with the state district contest scheduled for Albany, April 25 and 2b. About 20 soloists will enter the contest for state rat ing. Students and groups re ceiving superior ratings at Al bany will be eligible to enter the national regional contests at Ellensburg, Wash., May 9-10. OPENS 6:45 P.M. Now! June Haver In Technicolor "3 Little Girls in Blue" Gail Russell "Hearts Were Growing Up" OPENS 6:45 P.M. Now! Judy Canova "Sleepy Lagoon" Tim Holt "Six Gun Gold" ENDS TODAY! (FRIT Dan Duryea "THE BLACK ANGEL" Phyllis Calvert "Madonna of 7 Moons" H.S.WARNER 0 New High Prices Bid for Timber Portland, March 28 VP) New high prices for Siuslaw forest timber $17.98 for a thousand board feet of Douglas fir and $14.95 for cedar were bid on a sale of 13,000,000 feet, the U.S. forest service said today. The timber lies in the Cape creek area near Florence. Foreign War Yets Dedicating Colors Woodburn The installation of officers of Champoeg post. Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be held at the Woodburn ar mory on Tuesday evening, April 1, at 8 o'clock, instead of April 6, as first announced. Installation of the auxiliary officers will be held at the next regular meeting, April 16, at the IOOF hall, with Mrs. L. L. Hanson, district deputy presi dent, as the installing officer, assisted by her corps of officers from Salem. HI RABBITS! There's Lots Cooking Tomorrow! MY BIG SPECIAL BUGS BUNNY SHOW At 10:00 A.M BIG STAGE SHOW Broadcast Over KSLM Special Cartoons Thrilling Serial Last Chapter Royal Mounted Rides Again Doors, Open 9:30 a.m. to- t&eoe. I show in : i ciow, m j ii 'fyy 1 " ' 10?V'm- rHORcruGH- trnkf- f&iteMm HHiM BREDS" Extra 'Speaking of Animals' I rfT'.rt!42LA M & Latest World News!! : TONIGHT! yte. ail F Army to Close 55 Airfields Washington, March 28 CP) The army announced today it is closing down 55 posts and airfields. Thirty-live of them were de clared surplus and 20 put on inactive status. Those declared surplus will be turned over to the war assets administration for disposal. Those declared inactive usually are put on a caretaker basis. The announcement said the retrenchment will mean release of 42,000 civilian employes at the installations. "Several others' posts will be closed later, the war department said. Their locations were not announced. The department said the re ( I Van's teriiTicl ' Wynn'i liolousl Pot Kirkwood't gorgeousl ' Cuaat and Lombardo ff " zingy and grand! G-M'iMu Topper ft I litol Topper to V Easy to Wed "I v linnu smHG iw tm nt TnS116 W TOP Of ft 8 4 irw - WW W -rr-rr - i I 2L- P -f! . KEEN AN WYNN$ fv J M PAT KIRKWOOD ff , U Wps XAVIER CUGAT a4? Special 1 -lk PH Feature ; JVWmi W&mm 1 G,,osts of Fun!!! , aVfiif 1 imS l Frank Morgan ! Jimmy Lydon ! a.tt-W Ml T ' Keenan Wynn " jlr ti dd J ft I ! fl duction in civilian personnel will bring down to 358,683 the number of civilians working for it. Famed Oil Man Dies. 4 Dallas, March 28 W) Colum bus M. (Dad) Joiner, 87, fam ous Texas oil man who struck the world's greatest oil field in East Texas in 1930, died last night in a Dallas hospital. Opem (1:45 f.M. CO-FEATURE Gary Cooper, Loretta Young "ALONG CAME JONES" Sir LARRY.PARKS - EVELYN KEYES WIILIAM DEKAKEST-BILL GOODWIN UlUinil It 1U(II lllESIIEEt sVflLSKT . GREEK. TME VfORlB -rut wflBin s IXTRA! "I Love My Husband . . . But!" "Cat Fishing"