Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 28, 1947, Page 11, Image 11

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    Dr. Baldwin Will
Speak Sunday
Dr. L. B. Baldwin, Corvallis.
will speak on "The Triumphal
Entry" at the Mission Street
United Brethren church in the
Palm Sunday services, at 11 a.m.
Dr. Baldwin spoke to the local
congregation in the annual
homecoming service last fall.
The pastor, Rev. George Mar
tin, will preach in the evening
service at 7:30 on the subject,
"Peter and Judas."
Holy week services are sched
uled for Tuesday through Thurs
day evening with communion
service on Thursday evening
Services each night at 7:30 p.m.
Catholic Convention
Summons Delegates
Mt. Angel Delegates attend
ing the Archdiocesan Council of
Catholic Women convention at
Portland, were Mrs. John Kloft,
Mrs. Henry Saalfeld, Mrs. Wil
liam Harrahill, Mrs. Fred. J.
Schwab and Mrs. L. A. LeDoux.
They were representatives of
the Catholic Order of Women
Foresters, Catholic Daughters
of America and St. Ann's Al
tar society. These organiza
tions are affiliated with the
N.C.C.W. belonging to the" Ore
gon City deanery, which is the
second largest deanery in Ore
gon with 10 affiliations.
Palm Sunday Sermon
Slated for Stayton
Stayton The Stayton Meth
odist church has planned its
Palm Sunday service at the reg
ular time Sunday. Rev. R. T.
Cookingham, pastor, will have
as his subject, "The Triumphant
Entry of Jerusalem.
Good Friday will be observed
at 7:30 p.m. next Friday, when
communion will be held for all
members of the church and con
gregation. "The Last Sayings
of Jesus on the Cross" will be
presented by the pastor.
Africa has a more uniform cli
mate than any other great divi
sion of the globe.
Congo Missionary
Guest Speaker
Dr. E. R. Moon. African mis
sionary and explorer, who is
conducting a series of pre-Easter
services at the Court Street
Christian church, will speak
Sunday morning on the theme,
"Keeping the Faith." His Sun
day evening subject, "From Can
nibalism to Christ," is the out
growth of his 15 years' experi
ence as a missionary to the Bel
gian Congo in Africa.
Dr. Moon explored and chart
ed the Juapa and Ubangi rivers.
PILES Hurt Like
Sin! But Now I Grin
Thousand, chant tro.ns to trim. Ose
a doctors' formula to rellevt discomfort
ol pile Bent druE.lsts by noted Thorn
ton ft Uinor Clinic. 8urprlsln. QUICK,
palliative relief of patn. Itch. Irritation
Tend to soften, shrink swelling-. Use
doctors' war. Get tubs Thornton es
Minor's Rectal Ointment or Rectal Sup
positories today Follow label directions
For sale at all drug store., everywhere
In Salem at Fred Meyer Dm.. Adv.
For this work he was made a
fellow of the Royal Geographic
society of London, England.
For 10 years Dr. Moon taught
in the College of Missions and
Butler university in Indianapo
lis, Indiana. Teacher, mission
ary, explorer and Christian lead
er, Dr. Moon is a speaker of out
standing merit.
Convention Scheduled
Pratum The Hayesville dis
trict Sunday school convention
will be held at the Pratum
Mennonite church Sunday,
March 30, starting at 10 o'clock.
Dr. S. P. Levene
3380 Portland Rd. Ph. 4272
W Mile North of Underpass
on Portland Highway
Church of Christ
Builds at Keizer
The Church of Christ plans!
to begin construction of its
new church building, in tie
Keizer community in the near
future. The building will be
erected on the E. A. Lee sub
division on Prince road, just off
North River road.
The Church of Christ will not
solicit funds with which to build,
but does extend to the Keizer
community a hearty welcome to
attend the services conducted
in the building.
The building will be 37x90,
and large enough to accom
modate all who attend, with
five large class rooms, and an
auditorium with a seating ca
pacity of approximately 400.
Lumber and materials will be
placed on the lot next week,
and construction will start soon
Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Friday'.- Mar.' 28, 1947 II
nAr rhartsranarl tw Mies e?i
schke. The day was spend visit
ing the state capitol building,
airport, paper mill, library,
asylum grounds and penilen-
ttarv Thnw whn rnnlr Them hv
car were Bill Regelle, Jim Bow
man and Richard Wardell.
"Salem Model Airplane Club"
Airplane. Boats, Railroad Kits
Cherry City Model
21st and Market Streets
Class Visits Salem i
Falls City The eighth grad
ers made a trip to Salem and
On Cherry Blossom Trail
Beautiful new ranch home, suburban, two bed
rooms, 3a Acre cherries and walnuts. Two fire
places, oak floors, electric heat. Large covered
patio, double garage.
First Ranch House on Orchards Heights Rd.
Just Off Wallace Rd.
Judson's SIXTEEN repair trucks
Are Stocked to Save Time and Expense
Phone 4141 for a Skilled Workman
Heating service
Plumbing repairs
Oil burner service
Pump repairs
279 N. Com'l. Salem Phone 4141
mm u uiyjuvj
Hundreds of dollars worth of fine merchandise is
being disposed of daily from our enormous stock
of women's wear. Come in as quickly as you can
and you will be astounded by the wonderful sav
ings you can make by taking advantage of an un
steady market and unsettled conditions.
SI I TC 0W na ne ur season 's over un'' August, we advise all
w I I J KIT1! W MA women interested in a new coat to wait until that time before
o ..r i . . i I selecting a new garment. Fur coats left on the market are un-
n . . . . , Beautiful women S SUltS, tailor- I HI desirable, due to the fact that they have been culled down to
uress and street shoes in suede, ed and dressmaker, in all the A . fourth and fifth grade. There will be very attractive prices
patent and kid. Both black and newe$t pQttems Qnd of the f jn Qq g f g with new selection of skins and wonderful new styles when we
brown. Every pair the finest $10 est materials and colors. Every AUGUST FUR SALE
shoes, and you can select one or sjze. Regularly sold to $55.
fnore pairs at onV Now you can have them at only MME. HUNTINGFORD Women's Navy
i-dccc cuafp Ask our cosmetician about 30 pairs in broken lines. Beauti-
Mme. Huntmgford cosmetics. ful shoes but not a run of sizes.
In low heels. Beautifully trim- Large selection of b e a u t i f u I This isone of themostoutstand- Excellent workmanship and styl-
med gabardine shoes made by a prints , wools and plain crepes. inq lines in America It will give ina- All $12.95 values to close
-fine New York house. They sell Sizes 9 to 24. Regularly sold at , ,, out at only
readily at $10.95, but for this $19.95. To go in this promotion US great P'eaSUre t0 explin a" & f tr
promotion they will go at only at only the benefits derived from these 56.95
. 4 j A well-known preparations.
$6.95 $14.95
Popularly sold at $22.95. Prints Cleanup broken lots. Will no 63 pairs in assorted colors. fabrics Make jt a
and pastels. One- and two- last long. Formerly priced at Mostly small sizes in well-known
piece. While they last will be $5.95 and $10. To move quick- makes. Formerly sold to $2.95, Point to consult one of our sales
sold at only ' ly aid to go at only to go quickly at women the next time you pur-
$16.95 $2.95.. $4.95 95c chaselinfleie
Vivian Enyeart
Owner and Operator
After you have been in this
beautiful salon you will be
pleasantly surprised when com
paring their finished services
with your regular work.
Doors Open at 9:30 Every Morning
Lucien LeLong J
Probably the best-known line
in Salem. The most beautiful
ly packaged gift line on the
market with very attractive
prices. $1.00 and up. We
are now able to offer you a
complete line.