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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1947)
City Shops Have Repair Room When the present parking me ter controversy is ended and Sa lem has meters on the streets the city will have a place to repair them in the shops at 13th and Ferry. City Manager J. L. Franzen announces a room has been iitted up at the shops for the repair of city equipment, in cluding parking meters. Manager Franzen, to whom the meter question has been re ferred for recommendation to the council, will make a trip to Oregon and Washington cities for a first hand inquiry into the merits of various types, especial ly for comparison of the manual and automatic types. He expects tu report to the council within two weeks. The Salem Central Trades and Labor council has adopted and will send to the city coun cil a resolution calling for the adoption of union-made meters. It mentions no meter as not ap proved by organized labor. Some difference with the Park-o-Meter people has existed in the past, but Rey Bowles, repre sentative of that company, told the council Monday night that labor now has no grievance ' against his company. Y Robert Foote, representative of the Mico meter, made by the Michaels Art Bronze company, whose contract with the city was cancelled, is in the city, and hopes to re-establish the tran saction here. fear of want and war as the alternative to depression. Herbert Dennett West Stayton Men, Women Oyer 40 Don t Be Weak, Old Feel Peppy, Years Younger Take Oatrex. Contain tonic often nMded after 40 by bodiea weak, old solely because lack ing iron. Get regular $1.00 biz now only 69c 1 Try Ottrex Tonic Tablets to feel peppy, young er, today. Also contain vitamin Bl, calcium. For sale at all drug storea everywhere. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday. Mar. 27, 1947 9 F, orum-- Contributions tq this column must be confined to 300 words and signed by writer To the Editor: Sales tax Tax the farmers and wage work ers, so the rich can enjoy more wealth and luxury. Reduce the meager old age welfare assis tance, in addition to making them pay sales taxes. Cut the purchasing power of the masses by raising prices and you have the picture of the intelligence and ambition of those who asked your confidence at the last elec tion when they told us "Free competition would insure abun dance. This is the planned econ omy the upholders of privately owned free enterprise offer. There can be no planned produc tion and distribution economy that will give security and plenty o the workers until the farmer Cooperatives and the unions get together politically and de termine what state and national action is needed and how it shall be carried out. All economic questions pertaining to produc tion and distribution ' have be come political. We have the ability, the machinery and equip ment necessary to overcome the fear of want. Until the work ers take this action we will con tinue to pay taxes on our po litical mistakes in high prices, For QUALITY In Men's and Young Men's CLOTHES At Great Money Saving Prices Walk Upstairs to JOE'S Here you will find Suits, Topcoats, Sport Coats, Slacks, Trousers, Hats, Underwear, Sport Shirts,, Hose, Ties, Jackets and Raincoats. In fact Top Quality Clothes from Hats to Hose. All priced 10 Less than ground floor prices at Joe's. Your in spection invited without obligation. Low Upstairs Rent and Little Overhead Expense With Joe's 43 Years' E x p e r ience in the Cloth ing Business Makes These Great Savings Possible on Top Quality Clothes at JOE'S Upstairs Clothes Shop 442 STATE ST. i Above Morris Optical Co. Next-Door to Nohlgren's Restaurant Erom where I sit ly Joe Marsh Apple Tree Versus Wheat Field If you erer rtatt Jeb CrowetTs farm, heU take yon right out om 1 that back porch of his and show jw his apple tree. "There," says Jeb, "is nature's noblest creation fifty years, and bearm still the finest eider apples ' ill the county!" But last fall, when a group of M was there, Lad Denny points across the river to his grain fields and says! "There's an even finer sight! Acres and acres of golden grain yon can make dozens of appetizing things with including wholesome, sparkling beer." Both of them got so eloquent on the subject, that the rest of us worked up quite a thirst; so Jeb goes to the icebox for beer and cider. And when the refreshments come, Lad chooses eider, and Jeb takes the beer! From where I sit, that's the answer to most disputes. Yon can talk all yoa want, but when it comes to tastes and preferences, there's jwt no argment. Copyright, 1947, Uxittd Suta Br neat Foundation r Don't Forget to STOP At Shrock's LOOK At Our Guaranteed Cars LISTEN To our prices and payment plan 1941 Chrysler Highlander. R. d- H., auto, trinsmlst Ion, fluid drive 1912 Ford Coach (8 Cylinder), completely reconditioned 1911 Plymouth Business Conpe, tin new IMS motor, mm perfect 1940 Mercury Sedan, R. & H., reconditioned motor with low mileage 1940 Plymouth Sedan, radio and heater, new paint , 1010 Ford 5-Pass. Conpe, new paint and runs rery coed 1 1910 Hudson Coach, radio and heater, reconditioned 199 Chevrolet 5-Pasa. Coupe, R. 4c H., orlftnal paint and rood tires 19.19 Chevrolet Sedan, heater, new paint The following are good automobiles but do not carry a guarantee 1938 193: 1937 1931 11130 IBM 1933 1931 192ft 1936 1938 Ford Sedan, radio and heater, new paint Ford Coach, radio and heater, new paint and upholitery Terraplane Sedan, radio and healer, exceptionally clean Terraplane Coupe, radio and heater Dodce Sedan Plymouth Sedan Plymouth Sedan ' Plymouth Sedan Ford Sedan Terraplane Coupe Hudson Sedan, 8-Cylinder SAVE AT HROCK'S On the same lot twelve years Listen KSLM, 12:45 noon Tnes. thru Saturdays. Thursday night studio broadcast, Oregon Playboys, 7:30 to (:00 Chemeketa & Church Sts. Phone 7922 or (Gar.) 8502 at GEVURTZ LACE PANEL CURTAINS 2.25 Choice of Pattern! each Neatly hemmed sides and bottom Top headed, ready to hang Exquisite patterns in crattspun cotton with a lustrous finish. Deep eggshell color. You'll want to hang them at the important windows in your home! v. A TILT-BACK LOUNGE CHAIR with Matching Ottoman $99.50 Just lift your feet to the big restful ottoman and tilt the chair back to its most comfortable angle! Resil ient inner-spring cushions! Attractive velour cover. Walnut finish frame. Easy Credit Terms Simmons DOUBLE-DUTY SOFA-BED Use it as a sofa, or convert it easily into a comtortable double bed . . . you'll enjoy amazing comfort either way! Full spring construction. Long wearing tapestry cover. Concealed bedding box beneath seat. PAY ONLY 2.50 A WEEK! $ 8950 18th CENTURY KNEEHOLE DESK $ 59.75 Beautifully styled with platform base and 9 roomy drawers, walnut finish, with appropriate metal hardware.: Chair extra. PAY ONLY 2.50 WEEKLY Smart New Patterns in FELT BASE RUGS 9x1012 ft. Size $ 9.95 All the favorite tile, floral and em patterns, in gay, colorful binations. Easy to clean hard face holds up under lots of use! mod- NSfgS Sturdy Oak 5-Piece Set $69.95 Extension table and four panel back chairs with leatherette scats. Built for long service in simian, oak finish. PAY WEEKLY c I 5-Piece Solid MAPLE SET '49.75 Charming Early California design in solid hardwood maple, beautifully finish ed. Refrectory type table and 4 sturdy chairs with upholstered seats. PAY WEEKLY! WALNUT 5-Pc. DINETTE $ 59.50 Trim, slim modern lines with real dignityl Exten- . sion table and 4 ladder back chairs. Hardwood and veneers in a luscious finish. W8 1 iy J.' LIMED OAK 5-PC. BREAKFAST SET $69.75 Limed oak extension table, comfortable chairs have leatherette upholstery in harmonizing colors. PAY 2.50 WEEKLY! Metal Chrome Dinette, 5 Pes. 69.50,89.50 Sparkling tubular chrome steel base, combined with durable easy-to-care for plastics in bright red and white. Roomy extension table, 4 chairs. PAY WEEKLY! I V 27 1 a chum cm a 4iQ 4tff 275 No. Liberty St. Salem, Ore.