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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1947)
(Boots ciiiifl pur By Gloria Robimon One of Salem's too cowboy met with an unfortunate and serious accident this week and landed in the hospital for a six-weeks' stay. Hank Hess was practicing roping calves at his home near Jeffer son last Wednesday night, when his big horse, Cop, fell on him while working with a calf. Hank likes visitors so all you guys and gals scurry up and see him soon. . . . Fun night was very ably led by the club president, Fred Anunsen and Ken Golliet. Ralph Stangby and Vada Carson won the scurry race, Carol Flesher came in first on musical ropes .,. and a bean bag race provided excitement and fun for all the ' riders . . . The Tanbark club gained another member in the person of Doreen Driscoll who took a mean tumble when her mount tried jumping a little too high. The special prize was a handsome horse statue won by Lee Rushin. Cowboy lingo: The Salem Calf Roping club played host to the Western Riders from Port land Sunday for a rootin' toolin' session of bulldogging, roping and a little bronc riding tossed in. Among the group which came from Portland were Bob Henry, Bill Kunkel, Hal Fields, Jack Halter, George Triplett, Ted An- derson and Carmen Murray . . . T The boys brought some mighty big steers in with them and did a nice job of dogging . . . Rodeo talk is in the air again and one of the first shows of the season will be presented March 29-30 at the Ruby Stock farm near Portland . . . An early show will be held the first Sunday in May at Monmouth sponsored by Ray Adams . . , Salem boys are ex pected to take part in both shows. Social news: Tommy Allen has announced that an old time dance and basket social will draw out the Saddle club mem bers and their friends on the evening of April 3. This dancin', eatin' and romancin' event will be held at the Roberts Grange wun tne Roberts orchestra giv ing out with the rhythm. Millie Lindeman is in charge of deco ration, Peggy Turley is head of refreshments, Pat Coleman takes tickets and Vick Kelley will see to it that the ladies' baskets all get auctioned off to hungry, eligible males. Sounds like fun. Newbrys Hosts Wednesday For Dinner Senator and Mrs. Earl New bry of Ashland were hosts Wednesday evening at the Grille room of the Marion hotel for a dinner honoring members of the senate labor and industry com mittee and its clerks. Covers were placed for Sen. and Mrs. Eugene Marsh of Marshfield, Sen. and Mrs. Earl Balderree of Grants Pass, Sen. and Mrs. Merle Chessman of Astoria, Sen. and Mrs. Thomas Mahoney of Portland, Sen. and Mrs. Douglas McKay of Salem. Sen. and Mrs. Paul Patterson of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Socolofsky, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wallace, special guests and the hosts. Sen, and Mrs. Earl Newbry of Ashland. Spending her spring vacation in Salem is Miss Mary Nadine Snellstrom, a student at Oregon State college, who is the guest of her parents, Rep. and Mrs. John Snellstrom of Eugene. - Guest this week with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Mc- Cargar and her family is Mrs. George Lawrence of Portland. Castle Permanent Weveri Phone 3663 sns rim National Bmh Rilling Kooler Waves Ralliwell Kold Waves MACHINE WAVES Permanent! c ff and Complete J.UU up Operator BI.ANCHR KELLER IULEU ARNOLD Phono Tour Appointment Now COLOTYLE ilia .1 F If To make tired, unsightly bath rooms glamorous. The essen tial treatment for new con struction. Everlasting washable beauty. No more painting. Installed complete by our own Colo tyle craftsmen. 340 Court St Dial 9221 very . T ijy toes M Artcraft Stockings... so divinely sheer ... so unbelievably beautiful ... for the woman who wants to eeevery bit as lovely as she is. In new Spring Shades, designed to harmonize with new spring clothes. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday', Mar. 27, 1947 7 OS DECORATED TUMBLER AND TRAY SET Set- includes metal tray and eight colored tumblers SPECIAL PLUSH EASTER If t BUNNIES Wl Mm for iiV tBSSi KB! J "XT 1 to The Best in Underthings RAYON PANTIES PHIL-MAID Tearose Small, Medium, Large PAIR RAYON HOSE Phonograph A large selection of Capitol, Columbia, Ma jestic and Victor records. An album or a selection of single records would make just the right gift for Easter. CRYSTAL LUNCHEON SET 4 plates and 4 cups. A real buy at $29 SANFORIZED WHITE c u i n tc j n i IV i 3 jfc Ideal for sports or dress wear. " Sizes 14Vi to 17, long sleeve length. Rayon and pure thread silk. Merceriz ed cotton welt. Foot reinforced with cotton. Pair CANDIES ) A perfect gift for Easter a one- pound box of assorted chocolates. Box j SOLID I CHOCOLATE 'bunnies I EASTER jKHARD CANDYfcS c Pound EASTER'S DRESS-UP 11MEI Look smart in any one of many new dress arrivals that include so many styles in beautiful yet prac tical solid rayons and butcher linens. Larger sizes in pastel rayon prints. Better Dresses for Less B NEW BLOUSES FINE BLOUSES Include sheer chiffons, jerseys and rayons All tail ored to fit right. $3.95 Dainty crepes with elbow length sleeves $4.95 1 Qms J 1 $1.75 to $2.50 KAY'S it 460 State Street