Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 27, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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k 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Mar. 27, 1947
iTea Honors
tTwo Visitors
In the Capital
J Thursday afternoon the Fair
mount Hill home of Mrs. Sidney
I Kromer was scene of an Inform
al tea at which a small number
I of friends gathered to honor the
hostess' sister, Miss Jane O "Rell-
ly. guest in the capital, and Mrs.
n Rudolph Prael. a newcomer
J here.
J' Miss O'Reilly, who has been
,, making her home in Seattle, has
been visiting in San Diego, Los
'5! Angeles and San Francisco on
r a vacation and is en route to
her home in Washington.
"Marion Wiest
': Shower Guest
A Monmouth Miss Marion
Jj Wiest was honored guest at a
h briday shower held at the home
of Mrs. O. A. Wolverton. Mrs.
t Edwin Jensen was co-hostess for
the affair. Games were enjoyed
J during the evening followed by
the opening of the shower gifts
J which were displayed on a table
covered in pink organdie and
"'overhung with a parasol covered
I - Ltt.
2 At the close of the evening,
4 refreshments were served from
! a table centered with a bowl of
t pink camellias, flanked by tall
J pink tapers. Mrs. William Wiest,
mother of the bride-to-be, pour-
ed and Mrs. Lowell Brisbane as
sisted in serving.
Miss Wiest is to become the
. bride of Kenneth Brisbane, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Bris-
bune on Sunday at the Mon-
mouth Christian church.
Guests bidden to the shower
Included Mrs. Wiest and Mrs.
Brisbane,. Mrs. William Buss,
Mrs. Harold Buss, Mrs. Paul
Meyers, Mrs. Bud Yung, Mrs.
" Carl Bond, Mrs. Lester Green,
I Mrs. Logan Wallace, Mrs. Clares
Powell, Mrs. Hattie Schweizer,
!, Mrs. Foster Hilterbrand, Mrs,
James Marr, Mrs. Raymond
Jj Armstrong, Mrs. LaMar Had-
dock, Mrs. Betty Wright, Mrs.
J; . Sylvia Cummins, Miss Betty Lou
Elliott, Miss Donna Canutt and
" Miss Joyce Bowen.
2 ...
j.Music Teachers
' Present Concert
? The Oregon Music Teachers
association presents four of its
members in concert Friday eve
t ning at 8:15 o'clock, in Waller
i Sollsts will be Mrc. Frank
Burlingham, Mrs. Lois Plummer
; Schmidt, Melvin Geist and Wil
li liam Fawk.
; i
11 chorale: Come Sweet Death ....
a Treharne-Bach
The Little Red Lark Clokey
J Marche Trlomphe Karg-Elert
llNlllnm CTnnrlr AwMnlil
11 Adelaide Beethoven
O' Thou Billowy Harvest Field ..
Lilacs Rachmaninoff
i By A Lonely Forest Pathway
I Oriffra
Whpn Vnu Oa Gulon
Love's Philosophy . . . . Quitter
Mrs. Frame uurungnam,
" Meazo-Soprano
Alice Crary Brown at the Piano
! m
Mazurka Chopin
Swond Nocturne Lescneuzity
"Concert Etude MacDowcll
Lois Plummer Schmidt, Pianist
; Im Wundcrshonen Monat Mai . .
i Aus Meinen Tranen spriesscn ....
k Schumann
Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube
I Chant Venitien Bc,m.berg
" Silent Noon Williams
I Heard a Cry Fisher
Melvin Gelst. Tenor
Mrs. Gelst at the Piano
v ...
j'Silverton Unit
"Welcomes Guests
; Silverton Delbert Reeves
" unit No. 7, American Legion
,' auxiliary, welcomed as distin
" guished visitors Monday eve-
1 ning from West Hills unit, Mult-
nomah, Mrs. LaVilla Kehrle, de
J partmcnt radio activities chair-
man; Mrs. Charles Lamb, Mrs.
J Freda Durst, Mrs. Marguerite
Mares and Mrs. Helen Vlaene.
Jj Mrs. Kehrle urged unit mem
b bers to compete in a radio script
J contest. Mrs. Kehrle establish
ed the first radio institute in
' Oregon, second such group in
2 the nation, another in Massa
chusetts. i Under community service, 10
hours work was reported with
thc visiting mobile TB unit
when 700 applicants were cared
J for. Betty Libncr is to attend
i Girls' State this year from Del
Hbert Reeves unit,
a On the nominating committee
'jare Mrs. Clifton Dickerson, Mrs.
. Lewis Hall and Mrs. John
Demas. Initiation of new mem
bers will be April 28.
J Mrs. C. J. Towe was program
a chairman for the past presi
dent's annual fun fest and Jitney
, supper with an unusually large
crowd present. Mrs. Harrison
t Fisher, with Mrs. A. J. McCan
jnel at the piano, directed group
.singing during the social hour.
Ice Cream
Quarts are only
Salem & West SoUm
. ' - O""" , . ji
i'ti ' .
I' f
Yt iWirn aMiiiwMMMi
Engaged Miss Arlene De
Atta Fromm, whose betrothal to
Philip Judson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Judson, was told
Wednesday evening.
Miss Fromm to
Wed Mr. Judson
Revealed Wednesday evening
at a party for which she was
hostess was the engagement of
Miss Arlene De Atta Fromm
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Fromm and Philip Judson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jud
son of Salem.
No date has been set for the
Both young people went to
Salem schools and Miss Fromm
is a sophomore at Oregon State
college, home for spring vaca
tion. Her fiance is a senior at
Oregon State following service
in the South Pacific with a med
ical detachment with the 33rd
infantry division.
At the dessert party Wednes
day evening at the Fromm coun
try home, tiny pastel Easter eggs
tied with ribbon and with a pic
ture of the couple, told the news.
Guests were Mrs. George Ear-
hart, Mrs. Bill Maseey, Mrs. Don
Panek, Mrs. Henry Mattson,
Mrs. Don Judson, Miss Caroline
Helton of Portland, Miss Sylvia
Mattson, Miss Frances Mattson,
Miss Mary Elizabeth Reinhart,
Miss Pat Keppinger, Miss
Dawna Welty, Miss R e n a
Skaggs, Mrs. Mathias Crouscr,
Miss Alma Baal and the hostess.
Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Free of Salem visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Festherston. Mr. and Mrs. Free
and Mrs. Fetherston attended
school together in St. Francis,
Kans., and had not seen each
other since that time.
Woodburn The regular meet
ing of the Scttlemier Park asso
ciation will be held Friday,
March 28 at 8 p.m. at the library
clubroom. All representatives or
alternates are urgently rcquest
ed to be present.
New ... to
Miss Hamilton
Tells Troth to
Courtney Jones
Event of Thursday afternoon
was the informal party for which
Miss Dolores Clement and Miss
Dolores Hamilton were hostesses
at the Clement home in East
Wilson street.
Members of the college set
were bidden to an afternoon of
cards, during which tea was
served. A bridal shower was
arranged by the hostesses in
compliment to Mrs. Edward Sal-
strom (Dorothy Bergsvik).
Surprise announcement of the
afternoon was that of the en
gagement of Miss Dolores Ham
ilton, who is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Hamilton,
and Courtney Jones, son of Mr
and Mrs. J. C. Jones of Salem.
No date has been set for the
wedding, but it will be this sum
mer. The bride-elect attended
Salem high school and is now
in the office of Dr. James L,
Sears. Her fiance served in the
navy, attending Wabash college,
Ind., with the V-12, and is now
majoring in engineering at Ore
gon State college. His fraternity
is Kappa Sigma.
Cards with the pair s names
inscribed, hidden in single daffo
dils at each cover at Thursday's
party, told the news.
Guests for the afternoon were
Mrs. Salstrom, Miss Pat Agee
Miss Jane Carson, Miss Harriet
Huston, Miss Marianne Crolsan,
Miss Gloria Myers, Miss Sue
Small, Miss Madeline Keene,
Miss Gloria and Miss Barbara
McClintock, Miss Kathy Moran,
Miss Patsy Nickens, Miss Peggy
Sears, Miss Peggy Paxson, Miss
Doris Dixon, Miss Joan Randall,
Miss Barbara Sundet, Miss Mar
garet Newton, Miss Meta Wool-
dridge and the hostesses.
Hobbs Home Is
Au Revoir Scene
Mrs. Emery Hobbs entertain
ed Monday evening at her home
in Jefferson street with an in
formal dinner given as an au
revoir to Lt. Col. and Mrs. Ira
Wintermute, who left Wednes
day morning following a leave
in Salem.
They will return to their for
mer base. Reno, Nev., for orders
as to their future station.
Covers were placed for Lt. Col.
and Mrs. Wintermute, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Wallace Hug, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Cooley, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Pickens and the
Miss Maxine Landon, a stu
dent at the University of Ore
gon, is among those spending
her spring vacation in the capi
tal city. Miss Landon is the
guest of her parents, Rep. and
Mrs. M. M. Landon of Sweet
match beloved Stradivari Perfume
STRADIVARI perfume ... the fragrance with a love son? In its
heart. In gilt crown bottle : 2 oz. $25.00
... 1 oz. $13.50 . . . V oz. $7.50.
Stradivari toilet WATER ... Truly Stradivari, rich and deep
with fragrance. Sceptre bottle, in rose
colorcd cupid box. 4 oz., $6.50.
Stradivari DUSTING powder ... to complete her ensemble in
Stradivari fragrance. In rose-colored
cupid box with bath puff, $3.60.
Stat at Liberty, "On th Corner"
Mystery Dinner
Celebrates Fete
Stayton About 90 attended
the mystery dinner given by
the American Legion auxiliary
to celebrate the 20th birthday
of Stayton post American Le
gion at the Women's clubhouse.
Welcome was extended by
Mrs. Marian Miller, president of
the unit, who Introduced past
presidents of the unit and pre
sented Charles Johnson who
called upon the past-presidents
of the post. Mrs. Stanley Krue
ger of Salem, auxiliary district
II president, spoke as did Fred
Lathrop of Portland, depart
ment commander pf Oregon. Ira
Pilcher, grand chef de gare, of
the 40 and 8 club, was also in
troduced. With a committee in charge
of each item on the menu, the
dinner was prepared without
anyone knowing what the com
plete dinner would be. Host
esses were Mesdames Eva Hum
phreys, Margaret Johnson, Nel
lie Jones and Myrtle Pieser.
Mrs. Krueger again addressed
the women and complimented
them on their membership gain.
Mrs. Miller conducted ceremon
ies in dedication of the flag re
cently purchased by the unit. A
sum was donated to cancer con
trol. ...
Youngsters to
Lester, aged four and Eu
genia, aged six, children of Mr
and Mrs. Leon Margosian, who
celebrate their birthdays on
Saturday, will be honor guests
when their mother entertains
that day at their home in Morn
ingside. The youngsters will play out
doors and have ice cream and
cake late in the afternoon.
From Portland will come Mrs.
J. Frederick Johnson, Jacque
line, Jerry and Susan; Mrs. Etric
Baumgardner, Jane and Robert;
Mrs. Forrest Rieke, Forrest Neill
and Mary Macklin; Mrs. W.
Charles Martin, Ann and Robert;
Mrs. Paul Pinckney, Leslie and
Cynthia; from Camas, Mrs. Her
man Estes and Libby and from
Salem, Mrs. W. R. Speck.
Youngsters from Salem will
be Tommy and Jimmy Barnett,
Johnny and Marjorie Wenger,
Kaye and Sandy Tomilson, Sus
an Keech and the honor guests
Lyons The Woman's club
met at the community hall for
an afternoon of quilting and
completing plans for the benefit
to be held at the Rebekah hall
Thursday evening. There will
be games, a cooked food sale
and a short program.
Monmouth Mrs. O. A. Wol
verton attended the golden wed
ding anniversary and breakfast
at the home of her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter M. Persons.
Reversible Cotton fk Mj 4 aSP'
..Crib Blankets MS A
36x50 1-39 to2.38 s -j
Fine soft cotton crib blankets that vA tft -'-' 10
make perfect gifts! Cream ground 1
with assorted nursery patterns on one Wv A J&$ ' J'i ,
side, solid cream color on the other. MSi V t , ?S&''! ?
Beautifully bound with a 3-inch rayon ll 1 1 fJ ry WjC J- VV V'v?
satin border. 36x50. " V&lA ' JL V, : iv
Ilfjfn( 'gO M Size 135 WOOL SHAWLS
r Cl'trr 3 QR
Vf TlXvV 11 Vl' Lovely white organdy, trimmed with Blue"" J,3
i' l'fK J ILi- If ' ft S I ( Pink or white. Daintily stitched. nd practical ... all wool
if ftri K SkS XWV-i IS, 'A wllh Irlnoad adgei and woven.ln
M AJL tis V' A dealgna. Largo wrapping (lie.
K Gaberdine Overalls ! fgWv
A nri"-ri3,. Well Tailored in lit ja , J 'ill '
fX right. Just the thing for 1 AO - ' , V
t$.fmJkki that little fellow to I f V.
I fU, a,wKi rough house. In tan, and xsJ ' I
1 S ..: j blue. Sizes 2 to 6. J'
yacJs SWtettT Assorted Colors, 1 OA L- .w..fa4
1 I I
1 11 'w js
shucks, il
fis run LA3 1 en mum 1 1
Girs Ruffled
Size 2 to 14 1.Z9
LualrouV rayon aatln with 1 pretty
flounea along tha hemlina. Built-up
ahoulder atylo. Taaroia.
m 1 uinni cvidtc
HLk'nuuk vniniw
Sizes 1 to 4 2.98
Colorful all wool aklrta daalgnad In
plalda and tolld tonta, plaata and
novalty atylaa.
, Junior-Sized
Well-tailored plnwale corduroy bib
pants available In bright and pastol
colors. 8ile 2 to 62.
1 ntv 1 s
-4ies 0 to 3. Soft and easy
on baby's tender feet, snug
at the 1 JO
Sizes 2 to 14
Brief and cuff ttyles. with elastic
waist and double crotch. Tearose
1.29 to 1.98
Dotted ewlsa or cotton shantung,
styled In white and pastel with
novelty trims, filzaa 1 to 4,