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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1947)
FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS OLD style elec. washer, new motor, vuhei clean. 120, Royal Vacuum Cleaner, P. tlO. Ph. 3esi. n78 6H.P." SEABEE outboard motor, new, late model. Two washing machines, good condition. Paul Parkers Service & Re pair, 1117 Edgewater. Ph. 8819. n7 BOYS BICYCLE, 2:30 pm. 920. Ph. 36093. after n16 BOY'S 30-ln. Jr. else bike, flame as new. 2495 Broadway. n1 ONE 7 -TUBE Console radio, $35.00. 1 set coll bed springs, double slie. $7.60. Apt: 6, 1545 N. Capitol St Salem. n 80 -GAL. HOT water tank, side arm gas water heater. 275 McNary Ave., W. Salem, n76 BEAUTIFUL diamond ring. For sacri fice. 1010 N. isth between 7 and 8 In evening. n75 8ILKFL0SS MATTRESS. 890 Breys. n7 TILTING table saw, ti p. motor. 1705 Davidson, at ter g. me IISED 8 mo. daveno, chair, dinette set, floor lamp, chest of drawers, Seely down mattress. 2138 Fairground Rd. Apt. 7. me ,ELEC. RANGE, Berry St. good condition. 1898 BEAR CAT garden tractor, ments. Used very little, view. With mlplt 3440 Sunny- mo NEW 3 horse outboard motor. 1076 High-1 land Ave. txlf ONE OIL burner circulator, good cond. Nelson Bros. Ph.4148. n" COMPLETE bedroom suite, brand new. 1 . 9x12 blue axmlnster rug wtlh pad. Hard man alls teel wardrobe ' trunk with compartment. 5-piece breakfast set, red fox fur. 516 So. Hlkh, after 5 eve nings. n REMINGTON Sportsmaster .22 cal. rifle with case, practically new. Ph. 24519. n76 WESTINGHOURE Elec. Ranse, side oven, with clock. Good condition, $45.00. 145 S. Church. n WHITE porcelain sink and cabinet, left hand drain board, with faucets. Ph. 7RR1 after 4. 607 N. CaoltOl. APt. 2. MEN'S SUITS, practically new. Size n75 40 and 42. Ph. 24519. ALMOST NEW O.E. self charging portable 1W1N SIZE spring filled mattress, new 125. 75 Lansing Ave. like mi GOLD FIH. Snails, 08 Park Ave. ma COMBINATION Oas and Wood range, gas water heater and tank, leather dav eno, used vacuum cleaner. 1440 Ferry after 5 p.m. 2? ONE WISHING MACH, 2 chesU of draw ers, one mirror, 1181 7th St., W. Salem. n7fi ELEC. WASHING machine, radio. 1075 N. 13th St. t ELEC. Motors, and Va h.p. Oood cond. 1540 Shady Lane. N. Salem. nl5J wa'i'EK HYACINTHS At"lilies! Pember- ton's. 19B0 S. 12th. Ph, 2-3346. . n78 wnnn fitbkace with sawdust burner, thermostat controli, pipe & 6 hot air registers. Excellent cond. 390 East su perior. Ph. 2-4927. n76 SAVE ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 810,000 LIABILITY 5.000 Property Dam age. Yearly Rate, Marion Co.. $18.40; Polk C $14.40. See BILL OSKO at 466 Court or Dial 5061. nBB LARGE ENAMEL COOk Stove. With COilS. good cond. Ph. 22892. First house on Boone Road. West of old Jefferson high- way. Rt. 9, Box 477. n75 GOOD USED suits, dresses, coats, blouses, size 16 to 18, from $1 to $25. Ph. 4331. no' ACCORDION WURLITZER 120 bass, la dy's model, white, like new. Will con- aid' trad na lor car. loaa m. ivtn -t. n75 ELECTRICALLY HEATED greenhouse, 30 ft. of benches. Call 7530 days. 8055 Eves. n75 NEVER USED 35 mm Mercury camera, with tripod $75. 790 N. Church aft. 6 p.m. n'D- P&UZROSES, COLOSSAL strain. Ph. 3326. ZE lfl Northern Muskrat fur coat in ex. condition. Box 313, Capital Journal. n75 M YOUNG fat beef 30c lb. Government Inspected. Phone Salem 22630. nTB JOHN DEERE General Purpose tractor In good condition, new block. Joo Welssen fels. Route 1, Box 133, Silverton, Ore. 2'i Ml. East on Marquam Rd. Near Ablqua River. n75 MAPLE 6 year crib, spring and mattress. Mrs J Hugh Adams, 4090 N. River Road. Phone 2-2564. n75' EXCELLENT THORN LESS loganberry it boysenberry tips at 7c. Also have 50 youngberry. Ph. $532. 961 N. 15th. n78 BEAUTIFUL BAVARIA china dinner set. Service lor 6. Perfect cond. Ph. 6163. n76" MONTAG range, white and black,, with coils. Good cond., $40. Ph. 8056. n76 TWO pre-war celling- lights complete with outlet boxes, fireplace set complete with andirons and screen, girl's pre-war white shoe ice skates, size 7, like new Size 7 ladles' black riding boots, size 16 black breeches, like new, brown jodphur boots, size 1, antique walnut picture frame with attractive oil land scape. Pn. 31431 no HOME owners and builders, better in sulatlon at a lower cost. Salem Rock Wool Co., 1535 Broadway. Ph. 3748, We art nob listed In the phone book. n73' WOOD FURNACE, 125.00. This Is a fine buy. Phone 2-4564 or call at 420 Leslie after 6 p.m. n74 fOMC SIDING, enough sheeting for a house, and Dile of full 1" x 12" plank. All used, but good. Make an offer. 2060 University St. Days. n74 NEW ELECTROLUX sweeper, used 4 times. Grace Marlon, 460 Ford St. Ph, 24748. U74 t BURNER elec. hot plate, 3 mo. old. Excellent cond. Also nearly new Mon- tag wood range.' Duchess model with copper coils. Priced Reasonable. J. Fish er. 4040 State St. n74 LADY'S SUIT 2 sweaters, 2 blouses, dress, 1 pr. slacks, 1 coat. All clothes size 16. 2 prs. shoes, site 6tiE. After 3.30 p.m. 405 Union St. m CLOTHESLINE posts. Steel flower boxes Coaster wagons. Lawn sprinklers. Phone 3265. After t, 25287. D74 CANARY BIRDS, cages. Reasonable, Gerth Ave., West Salem. FOR SALE: 3 antique chairs. Ph. 25850. Mrs. M. Lentach. 4090 Portland Road, Salem. n74 ILD S bed-crlb. $35. 515 N. Summer. n74 FINE, WELL built steamer trunk. 615 N. Summer. n74 BEAUTIFUL mahogany china, cabinet. 185. 515 N. Bummer. n74 IVORY COLOR bedroom suite, N. Summer. 515 n74 BRASS fireplace set it screen. Summer. 515 N. n74 LOVELY walnut bedroom suite, $150. N. Summer. DAVENPORT it one chair, 300. 16 N. Summer. m n74 LOVELY davenport, 2 chairs. $250. N. Summer, CAR BATTERY, 6 VOlt. Ph. 4282 eves n74 CABLE NELSON small grand piano, brown wainuE, aueen Anne gtyit. Reasonable, Don Simmons, 1090 Highland, n74 FOR SALE: Hay. Phone 22502. ALUMINUM sheets, 4x13 ft. Cheap. 2058 Warner. n74 TELEPHONE A lntercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty nP5 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent and Incandes cent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 35$ X. Liberty n$6 RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders tor unmecuate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 355 N. Liberty MS FLASHLIGHTS, GUARANTEED forever lights requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 SHINGLES CEDAR SHINGLES. Lumber and Build' ing supplies on direct Mill sale. PHONE JLvn-Dallas Highway . n60' sTdT PLATES, single 3-burner, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 351 N. Liberty FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I.E.S. LAMPS and Torchlers. Y EATER AffiilAWUB WU. 255 N. Liberty IRON AND extension cords. YEATER AffljlAHUB UU. 255 N. Liberty n95' ULTRA VIOLET (sun) lamps. Infra-red (heat) lamps ana nesting pa as. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty rM PANSY plants. 846 N. Mth. nil" 30, 40, SO and 60 gal. water heaters for for Immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N. Liberty n95 PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' RESTAURANT GRILL, automatic, elec tric, 24 Inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n5' ELECTRIC ROOM healen. All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' TOASTERS, t slice, 12.10. 4 slice, (3.85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9S' ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen and industrial exhaust, desk moaeis. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9S' WASHING MACHINES that lit on your laundry trays. fun size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' ELECTRIC AND mechanical door chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 LOOM WIRE, 12-3 and 14-2. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty FRUIT JUICERS and can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented. Cash paid for machines, regardless of condition, Fti. 7671 or write w. uaven port, 1930 North 18th. Work Guar. n9l IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden pads & covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 PRESSURE COOKERS. IS Quart. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' FOR YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio that assures good reception, "me iro- Pic Master." YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' GOOD ORCHESTRA!, grand piano. Rea sonable. 687 N. Front. n74 PLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin ish for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 VACUUM CLEANERS: Westlnghouse, Unl versal and Royal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n90' SPECIAL Comet, 6 mon, $1.00. Ph. 7828 or mall order to Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, 926 Saginaw. n76 FARMERS, ATTENTION: Portable Clean Easy mlliclng machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty, n90 OIL CIRCULATORS: Super Flame, me dium size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n90 LADY'S adult size bicycle. Phone 8178. bargain. n74 MONARCH GAS range with trash burn er, like new, box 20, Beech Ave. n74 DRY MYRTLE WOOD ready for turning, beautiful for bowls & lamps. 100 Waldo Ave. Ph. 5348 Eves. n70 SURFACED DIMENSION lumber usable rejects 2x4 to 2x12. Random lengths Gordon it Azarow Lumber Co., Silver ton, Oregon. n76 4 IN. SOIL pipe & fittings. Wood range with water colls. $60. 10 sacks cement, 90c sack. 535 N. Winter. n74 ORGANIC FERTILIZER . Very good for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere In Salem. 6 sacks, 15.00. 1 ton $10.00. Phone 8127 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY n7T 6 -IN. BELT and wheel grinders and pol ishing equipment tor metal and wood. 1145 N. Liberty. n75 PALLETONE, ONE ' coat, washable oil paint for walls, ceilings and wallpaper dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' LAWN CART, all metal, rubber tread. lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty x FISHING TACKLE boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n96' TRANSPARENT PLASTI-Kote for drain- boards, floors and furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 BUTT1R CHURNS. Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, mantle and wail ciocxs. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n9S' PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95' CANVAS PAINT to make awnings, bug gles and lawn furniture look like new YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n95' COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and 2 burner with half irill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' FARMERS, ATTENTION! Westloghouse auto, electric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. l WHEEL CHAIRS and Hospital Beds. Buy or sell, rent or trade. Max Buren, 745 Court St., Salem. Ph. 7775. n89 FERTILIZER, $1 sack; $5 per yard, 6 yds. $25. Dial O, call 68F22. Phillips Bl Rt. 6, Box 118, Salem. n87 PHILLIPS BROS., cedar posts, corner posts, wood, hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, fertilizer and special timber or ders. Rt. 6, Box 118. Dial O, call 68F22, n89 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. NOW AVAILABLE: Concrete drain tile building blocks, sewer, culvert, Irri gation it well pipe Fresh regular Keene cement, white land, reinforcing steel. mesh sash, expansion Joints. OREGON GRAVEL CO, 1405 it. Front. Ph. 3417. nS6' ELECTRIC range burners now available for all makes of ranges. High speed Calrod type, solid top and replacement colls. For service or parts call 4311. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty. . nBB ELECTROLUX complete with attachments, 169.76. Sales service A repairs. Limited amt availaole. 175 8. High. Ph. 6088. n76' NAVAJO RUGS & saddle blankets. 17! South High. Ph 6088 n70 COW FERTILIZER, $5 a yard or $9 a loaa. rnone 7320. mo1 GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shovel drag-line excavating. WALL. tNO SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 8561 TALNTJT SHELLS, 13 sacks for 1.00 $ ton. Ciorfelo Pack Co.. 460 M Front ;. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines. Pajts fr all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. n76' BEAT YOUR home electrlcaUy It's con venient, clean, economical See us t tree estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 365 N Llbertr WE BUY as Mil - furniture, tools, stoves dishes motors radios, electric apptl ances. household goods KLIGMAN'9 285 N Commercial. Phone 988 SIDEARM WATER heaters, automatic, ciectric, tasten to your present tana. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 TAKE YOUR clocks to the Clock Dr. South 14th. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 14 36425. horse gas motor. Ph na76' WANTED) Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Kelliy. Ph. 21166. na94 USED FURNITURE. Phone 1184. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL ADVISER, known by for mer name Martin, 1271 Chemeketa St. Appointments 1p.m. to 9 p.m. p77 AUTOMOBILES 19.17 STUDEBAKER sedan. Good run ning order. Donseley a Motor Clinic, 898 N. Liberty. q76 'SO CHEV 4 -door sedan, good motor, good rubber, all glasses, new paint and radio. 'S3 RUICK 4 -door sedan, mech. A-l, fair rubber, all glasses, has heater. 56 PONTIAC 2-door sedan, all In A-l conn., clean throughout. '38 CHEV. flat bed, complete overhaul, pood rubBer. W. E. WALLS. 1 mile W. of AumavlHe toward Turner. qlfl TWO TRUCKS. '40 Studebaker, '41 O.M.C., tandem drives with or without lumber tolls. Monmouth Ph. 0493. 0.79 FOR SALE 1935 Chevrolet Master. Ph. 22116, No dealers. Excellent condition. q76 '31 CHEV., good cond. throughout. Looks good, can be seen wee a ays auer s p.m. Sat. it Bun. 3440 Sunny view. q76 1938CHEV.r fair" cond." $185. 323 N. 14th St. Q76 1935 FOr.D conv.. built into "40. "41 motor, hydraulic brakes, new paint, top, alcirpj. radio and heater. 236 South Church. Bllverton. 76 1946 INTERNATIONAL pickup. Overloads, heater, 6-ply tires, excellent condition, Phone 9148. No dealers. q76 '41 CHEV. super deluxe. Orlg. finish, ra dio, heater, etc. Good tires, 870 N. Win ter. q79 1938 BUICK cpe., 50.000 actual miles. Can be seen at 1984 Statt St. R. P. Taylor. c75 1040 WILLYS, new motor, good cond. $550. Inquire 330 North Commercial. q77 IBM BUICK pickup. Can see 5:30 p.m 053 North Hllh. q77' FOR SALE: '34 Chev. Town Sedan. South 13th. BY OWNER: '35 Stude, recently overhaul ed, good tires. 1450. 1115V& Jefferson. Dally except Sunday. q77 IfiSfl PLYMOUTH Coupe. New motor, good tires. For sale by owner. 1440 waller et, Q74 '46 AND '47 MODELS AT ORVAL'B 1047 CHEV. fleetmaster sedan $2195 1947 Chev. Stylemaster sedan 2196 1940 Chev Stylemaster sedan -, 1995 1940 Chev. Stylemaster 6-pass. cpe. 2095 1946 Mercury sedan cpe 2295 1S46 Mercury convert, cpe 3495 1946 Mercury tudor 2195 1946 Bulck roadmaster sedan 2895 1946 Ford super deluxe sedan, cpe., 2095 1946 Ford 6 deluxe tudor 1896 1946 Plymouth deluxe sedan 1895 1946 Nash suburban sedan 2996 TRADES AND TERMS MANY OF the above cars have radio and heaters and all have low mileage and carry Orval's Guarantee. ORVAL'B USED CARS CENTER AT CHURCH 8TB. Ph. 4702 q76 'as ford 4 Door Bed., with '37 motor. Radio, heater. Call Salem Vintage Store, 224 N. High St. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. q74 '86 FORD Panel. Mechanically good. $425. 2345 Garden Rd. Trailer house in rear. Call evenings. q74 TRAILER house. Including daveno. Ice box and table. $450. Ph. 22282 evenings. q74 1944 NATIONAL trailer house. 23U H. 120 N. Eima Ave., 2 blocks east of Fen 4-Comers. q74 '87 FORD, 4 dr. deluxe. 542 2nd St stayton, pn 2184. Q74 33 FT. SCHULT. Sleeps 4, Butane range, air cond., on eirc, elec, brakes. Very reasonable. 3910 N. River Rd. Fir Crest Trailer Park. q76 19.11 BARLEY DAVIDSON, lust overhauled. gooa cona., gooa ruooer, sioo. k. A. Jenness, 1505 Alder Ave,, N. Aluminum plant. Ph. 24225. q74' WANTED YOUR CAR foi cash. Will pay mora for late clean models. See us now. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 8. 12th St. . q97 1045 GMC ton pickup. With 4 speed transmission overload springs. 15,000 miles. Can be seen at Larson A Klelo union oil station, 2540 Portland Rd. q74 1928 GRAHAM Bros. (Dodge) truck With hoist. $250. 2009 Center. q74 MODEL T pickup. Oood tires. $75. 2009 q74 Center, '41 FORD 24 ton truck with lumber rolls, in top shape with good lumber haul, 728 N. Com'l. Ph. 26539 Eves. q76 '87 CHEV. Coupe. Transmission overhaul' ed, new clutch, heater. Priced reason' able. Call after 5 p.m. 1755 South Capitol St q76 TRAILER FOR sale. Cheap. 1984 State St. K. L. Anreni. q76 FOR SALE: 1940 DeSoto sedan. New mo tor, 500 ml. Phone 6139. q84 1029 MODEL Truck for sale. 416 W. Rural. q75 TRAILER HOUSE. Any reasonable offer accepted. Charles Berry. 1005 21st q75 1937 FORD Coupe. Oood mechanical cond. tires. Inquire Rlckreall Store. q79 1035 DeSOTO 3 Dr. Coach. Motor re cently overhauled. Price about 1175. 1251 Howard St. q70 TRAILER HOUSE, furn. May be seen at 580 South 19th. q70 FOR SALE eauitv in 36-ft. 1946 "M" sys tem trailer nouie, Dutane cooxing. Castle Hall Cottages. 12th St. Jet. W. Alyea. q75 AUTO PAINTING. PH. 4010 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO., 725 N. COM'L q95 19.13 CHEV. parts for sale. 143 Abrama 074 Ave. HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates overhauling oody and fender repair painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why. SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 1603 Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES - SERVICE - PARTS An makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired. SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 6502 Salem7 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED 1 REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties! loans made as small as $300. See us about refinanc ing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 4tt O.I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4 LEO N. CHILD8, INC. REALTORS' 344 State Street. Phone 9201 r74 FIRST MORTOAOE8 ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on improved real estate, Salem and vicin lty, amounts $500 to $5000, NET In vestors 6 pet. Interest, Make your own selection. Collections of all principal ana interest payments made by without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO.. 161 8. High St. LOANS FOR SHOPPING $21 to 1260 or more on signature, furniture or auto. No outsiders. 18.38 a mo. repays $100 loan In full In 15 mo. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan at Personal get It. Call today. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY, E. Galllnger Mgr. Phone 3191 518 State St Room 126 Lie. S 122 M 185 r76 $ MONET $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Moris ace and Contract STATE FINANCE COM REALTORS Lie 8-216 M-222 163 8 Hllh Si r MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE t TOU are capable of building 10 to 1O0 bouses Salem or vicinity during ivt7 ana oeea noanciai assistance. Contact Da. We are also louratd Is financing one or two large apartment nous units. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie S316M333 163 & High St. Pn. 4131 I AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. ,1th PLOOR OUARDIAN BLDO). Llcefse Ha M-159 8-164 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 5-13B and M-138 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 8 Commercial St Tel 9108. 138 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 and b YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph 7102 r Directory ACCOUNTANTS MONTHLY Bookkeeping service. Including balance Sheet, tax returns, o. E. crocx ett. Ph. 2-2829. 082 ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX GEN ACCOUNTING. AUDITS CAIN'S ACCOUNTING Service Rm. IX) Pacific bids. 618 Statr St Salem. Ore. Ph 5990. Kes. 6217. 077 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 5101 Brake it Wheel aligning specialist, o75 APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 2-6100 074' EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestlo refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Center Ph. 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. o76' AUTOMOTIVE JUST A MILE from high prices. Delmar Auto RetlQlshlng. 3995 E. State St. Body A fender repairing, auto painting. Ph. 2-5913. Free estimates, all work guaran teed. 2 day service. o76 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 7838 Night, 24417 333 Center. BULLDOZERS BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 306 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 23146 Salem. 086 GLEASON'S Catering 5ervic. Ph. 25379. 090 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. EN5LEY. 771 S. gist. tn. 71 to. Oil' CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph 4071. oB9 CONTRACTING GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Harry Hill. Ph. 7641. ol00 DELIVERY SERVICE EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph. 7000. 175 N. Hign. OHB" SALEM D LIVERY and Pickup Service. Church Phone 4711. o74 146 8 DIGGING & LEVELING DIGGING, Basements, Ditches, Leveling. Fill Dirt. PECO. Pacific Excavating com pany. Salem. Oregon. Phone 2458 or 8793. 0S8 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, -buttons S buckles coverea, altera tions. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. 093 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph, 3056. LEE CROSS. 1360 N. 17 tn. . 070' PEMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 12th. BREITHAUPT'S for flowers Dial 9195 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3673. 0' HOUSEPAINTING C. HORN. Good work. Free estimates. Ph, 5313. 1235 S. 19th. OUB HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free del 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. 07S LEVELING A DOZING JOHNSON it BRIGGS. Grading Sts. it Roads, Phone 8035 Salem. otn SILT A GRAVEL garden sand. Leveling it dozing. Bosley it Meyer. Ph. '3040 or 2-2160. . 079 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. SALEM MOVING it Delivery Service. Phone 7605. Insured Carrier. oaa MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar, Mando lin, banio, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7509. 096' OIL CIRCULATORS OIL CIRCULATORS. 24 hr. service. Farts available. Phone B07Z. oa PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 snipping, obs- PAINTING. Call for Jack. 4001. PAINTING AND decorating. Roy Hanson. Ph. 25838. Rt. 1, BOX 406-A. 078 PAINTING A PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PAPERHANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. worth. Phone, 3015. PLOWING A DISCING GARDEN plowing it discing. George Wil son. Phont 58F1&. 061 PLOWING AND DISCING GARDEN PLOWING and discing In K. saiem or Keizer. pn. aaieu. oiuu PLUMBING PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Traviss. 1029 mgniand Ave. pn. 8601. 087 RADIO TUBES RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd. Salem 080' RADIO REPAIRING QUICK, DEPENDABLE, saves you money RAY MOORS. 3270 Portland Rd., saiem SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SILT and gravel. Bosley it Mey er. Ph. 3046 or 22180. 088 GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel it dragline excavating Walling Sand 8c Oravel Co Phone 8561. 0 t-EPTIC TANKS K F. HAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned. 1143 8th St. W Salem. Ph. 7404. o90 MIKE'S Cesspool it Septic Service, mod ern equipment. 107R mm eu w- eaiem. Ph. 9468 or 6327. 076' SEPTIC TANK, drains cleaned. Ph. 9633, 1007 Elm. Jack Boening. 082 BOTO-ROOTEB SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate Prompt service. Ph. 6327 or 9408. 08 1' SIGNS AND SUO-CABDS. Ph 3635 El don Scott 076 SPRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. olOO COMPLETE spray service. Trees it weeds Modern equipment. Aerosol generator. Conrentronal sprayer. Philip W, Blelke. Phone 21208. 097 TRANSFER AND STORAGX LOCAL DISTANCE Transfer, storage. Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Lron Van Lines tor household goods to California point. Larmer Transfer it Storage. Ph. 3131. o' VACUUM CLEANERS Boover VACtrrrj cleaner owners. will service your Hoovei cleaner eom Dletc for 12.50 plus part U required Hogg Bros. Ph 9149. 0 WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. WHITTAKEE'I WELD IN O 5600 WORKS. Ph. 082 WELL DRILLING CLEMENT BROS., well drllleig. Oervais, Ore. Ph. 2-4376. CHESTER J. PTJGH. Rt 3. BOX 288B. 3-3412, Salem. WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe. Rt. 9. BOX 144, Auburn Rd. Ph. 35191. 062' Market Quotations Portland Enlilde Market Bunched green onions soitl Tor 404sc a dozen bunches at today's session of the Portland Eaitsida Farmers' wnoieaaie produce market. Spinach was ottered at w-isc s ao-in box Willamette valley cauliflower was quoted at $1.60 for best quality with or dinary heads In old crates selling at $1- l.ia. new crates Ol oesi neaaa torn at $140. Radishes were offered at 90c a dosen bunches. RhubarbSold at soc-1 a 1Mb Box. Portland Proanoe IinBioii Buiterfat Tentative tauojeel to Imme diate change) Premium quality maximum Portland 75-70c: first quality 70-80c lb.: second quality 75-70c; valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or n- 78c. Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk, 68 m cubes, AA, 93 score, 66-07e; A, 92 score, 70-71c; B, 90 score, 65-60c; C, 89 score, OKc. Cheese Soiling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon tingles 42-49c; Ore ion loaf. 42-62r-i triplets. IB-fiOc. Ess To wholesalers A grade large 46'4-4714c; medium, 43Vi-44,.4c; small, (pullet) 41tt-42lic; B' grade large 40 H 42 Vic. Ecki Purchases nom larmers: Current receipts 37-41c, buyers pay 3-3 'Ac dot. below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs Portland Dairy Market Butler Prices to retailers: Grade AA carton, 71c: AA prints. 70c; A prints, 74c; A cartons 75c; B prints. 69c: one- fourth pound cubes, Vi cent higher. Esis Prices to retailers, AA lerg. 61 52c; A large, 48-49c; AA medium, 40c; A mediums, 45-46e: A small, 44o doien; Car. toru 2tte additional). Cheeie Prices to retailers Portland Oregon singles, 43-54c lb,; Oregon loaf. 18-56c; triplets. 42lfc-64e Poultry: Live Chickens No 1 Leghorn broilers 1 to 2 lbs. 27c lb.; fryers 2 to 3 lbs.. 24-25c; 3 to 6 lbs.. 27-3So lb. t roasters, 4 lbs, and over 27-35c: roosters and stags 12-15c lb.; colored all weights, 29-30c Fowl. Leghorn, over 3'i lbs.. 20-22c. Rabbits Average to retailers 4B-D00 n; dreued prices to producers 43c. lryera live white 20-24e lb. I colored, 17-21e lb Vegetables: Artichokes 4 doa. $3 00-S.2S: 6 doc. 15.60-6.00: Cat. 4 doz. 14.50-4.75; I dos., $4.75-5.00. Calif, central dtst. No. 1 me diums. 23-260 lb.; - boxes (8-8.50; small. 23-24C lb. Asparagus Calif., No. 1, mediums, 17 ic; small. 27-29c; crate. $10-10.50; box. (5 40-6.75; small, 1316c lb. Beets Calll . bunched 4 doi ts.50-fl.oo Broccoli 18 bunches. (4.25-4.75; Calif.. 28 bunches, (5 75-6. Brussei Sprouts $2-2.26 Cabbage Round tieua. 80 lb eratei small (2.60-761 California crates. (3-3.75: red 10-I5c lb. California No. 1, (4.00-4.50; kraut. (1.05-1.75; red, Calif.. $5.00-5.30; Track sale, Calif,, round head, (3.80-3.00 crate; local, 60 lb. crate, small, up to $4 for best. Carrots Bunched, Calif., 6 doz.. $4.35- 5: track sales, Calif.. 6 doz.. (4-4.30; some 14.50. Cauliflower Cal.. trimmed std. crates. (1.25-1.50; Ro&eburg, Ore., $1.25-1.50 a crate. Clrc. bunch, tl. 13-65. Track sales. (1.75-2; local. (1.00-1.25. Few high as (2.10. Celery Heart material, 4-6 dog., (4.50- 5.00. Pascal, crates, (5.5075: sturdy crates, (4.50-4.75. Best, 15.00, fair (4.25 crate. Track sales, std. crate, fair, $3.50 75. Cucumbers California hothouse, lugs, (9-9.50. Oregon hothouse, 3 doz $10.50-12 Garlic Oregon white 26-300 lb.; Calif,. 28-300 lb. Lettuce Calif., 4 doz., $4.00-4.50! Ariz., 4 doz.. 34.00-4.50. Dried OnionsOregon yellows. No. 1 and larger,; memuma,; truck sa'e, mediums, (1.60; 3-lnch, $2.25- z.33. Leex. local, 80-soo doi. Egg Plant 22-25C Green Onions Local. 75-80C dox. bun. Local, mid-Columbia, 60-70c. Parsley Calif., $5.-5.50, 10 doz, bunches Parsnips Local, $1.00-1.25 lug. Peas Calif., 20 lb. crate, $3.50-90. Peppers Mexico. 45 lb. $11.00-12.30; Track sales, (11.00: 100 sc 19-200 lb.: Calif., 45 lb. $7-7.50; loose, 33-2&C. Potatoes Deschutes russets. No. 1 grades, 13.75-3.90 100 lb. sack; 25-!b. sacks, 95-980 Bakers, (4.25-4.60; Yaki ma, (3.20-3.40; Texas, Florida Bllaa Tri umphs No. 1-A, (3-3.10; No. t-B, $3.20 3.25. Track sales, Idho, (3.57; Baker gems (3.35: Fla. Bliss Triumphs, $3.06. Radishes Calif.. $0-6.25. 10 doz. crates: 65-70c doz. bunches. Rutabagas $1.15-1.28 lug Spinach Mid-Corumb la. (1.00-1.25. (2.60-3.75; mla-Columbia. (1.00-1.60 20 lb box; local, The Dalles, 75c-(l. aquasn cams iuks ti-l.16: oranae boxes $2.50-2.75: Hubbard. Uarhlehead. 6-7c lb.; Calif., banana. 6-6 ',4c lb.; Calif.. Zucchini, (4.25-4.50 a 26 lb. lug. sweat Potatoes California Jernr. 20 ib. basket, $5-5.25i Calif.. Louisiana yams, (4.50-4.75. Texas, $4.00-4.15. Tomatoes Repacked, 15.50-75: Mexican. 1 Is. (6.25-0.76. repacked. 16.50-0.75: 20 tubs. $4-4.20: Track sales, lugs, $5-6.60. 12 lb. tubs, 13.O0-3.1S. Turnips suncnes. ll. 10-25 doa. bunchaa. $1.35-60 lug; Oallf. bunches, $1.10-25. Fresh Fruit 1 Apples Oregon delicious. 1. sk I.. 14-4.26 box: choice (3 75-86; Ortleya. w. and a. comb, grade, (3 15-25 Newtons. f and- f.. i.o-z; w ana p M-4.35. Red Delicious, w and p, up to $5.50; Wlncsaps w it p, (4.50-5.00. Hood River, w. and p., $4.50-75, Avooidti California Peurtes. sizes is JO 24, 30. (4-4.25 box; choice, $3.75-85. Bananas uuncnea. l3.2A-s.5Di nut hands, (12.00-13.60 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif. 24. 8 01 okas. 64.85-6. Grapefruit Texas Dinks. 70's-90's. 14.78. a.i&s small, (4.00-4.25. Marsh seedless, 80's-86's, (3.00-3.55; Ariz, white, (3.50-2.85. kimoni uaiu., 3UU-3UU S. S7.fiD-7.BS: 432'S, (6.00-6.25. Limes California 1ft tubs Of llmaa (2.75-3.00 Oranses California navels. 3flna ami larger, 10.35-000: 252's and smaller. 1&.40. 5.60; 288's and smaller. 14.80-5. pears D-Anjou, $4.75-83. wrapped and pacxeai loose, bosc, loose. $2.76-3; Yakima, (3-3 35 Perslmmnns Calif, lues. $3.25-3.60. Pineapples-Cuban, (7.25-7.50. Rhubarb Extra fancy. fane $2.00-10; choice (1.75-80. few hlrh as 12.00: Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 150 lb., local 1IC1U HIU0 fl.l3-l.4U. Quince Local. 2-So h,. Packed Vegetables uelloohane wraoom a dozen: Broccoli. 12 os.. $1.75-1.85; spin ach, 24 12-ok. $2-2.25; brussell sprouts 9-oz... 12.20-35. DIRECTOR! WINDOW CLEANING ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Window wans a wooawori cleaned Floors glean ed, waxed it polished Ph. 1337 $41 Court ans doc Culberuoo and Mather WINDOW cleaning house cleaning, floor waxing, saiem window Service. 31342. o91 PROFESSIONAL Phone 4457 CLEANING SERVICE WOOD SAWING Cross, Ph. 8178. o76 LODGES I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday night. In- ltatory decree. Visitor welcome. uance. Fraternal. Order or Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pm More than a million members. A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & yRfA.M. e. a. Degree Friday, March 28, 7 p.m. 75 A Klngwood Lodge No. 204, A.F. VTiVcV A.M., at Woodburn Friday, 'Sy 8 p.m. M. M. Degree. 75" LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IB HEREBY OIVEN" That the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon in Probate has ap pointed the undersigned administrator of the estate of RAY GRANT, deceased. All claims of persons against said estate must be presented to said administrator at the office of J. F. Ulrleh, Pearce Build ing. Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from date hereof with proper vouchers. DATED and first published the 37th day of March, 1947. J. K. WEATHERFORD. Jr.. Administrator. WEATHERFORD tt THOMPSON, Albany, Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. March 37; April 3, 10, 17. G a rile Cloves 30 l-ea. package. (1.65- 1.75. Dressed Meatat Veal Heavy top cue lit r 3B-30e: top quality light, 33-34C lb.; B, 36-3 8c; C. 33 24r; euU, 18-200 lb. Hogs Block Dutcners, packer siyia, 125-160 lbs.. 17-lBc: over 313 lbs- 36-37c: sows, all weights, 30-35C lb. Lambs A A, 38-Mci A, 1 7-1 Ml 0, .e O, 38-300- Motion 10-150 tb.. according to quality and walsht Beef Best quality, $0-33ei B, 3S-36ei O, 20-22c; canner and cutter, 18-19oi bo ;ogna bulls. 25-200, Wool Caseara Barki Caieara Bark Or ten l-SUet dry. 30e Wool Valley eoarsf and medium grades 46o Ib Mohair 40e lb on 13-month growth. Bides Green beef, 12-13e; calves, 41c Ib. Kip hides. 23c. Rendered Inedible Fata 13s D The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are F.OJI. shipping points Delivered eastern price la generally m cents higher than P.OJB. plant quota tions Chlease Grain Chicago. March 37 W.B Cash grain salet: Wheat: Lower; 3 mixed 280. Corn: Lower: 6 mixed 168la : 2 yellow 190; 3 yellow 1844.1B91,; 4 yellow 180V -187; 5 yellow 166-176; sample grade yel low 155t-108: 3 white 19241; 5 white 171: sample grade white ISS'i. Oats: Lowr; 1 mixed heavy 98't-9fl; 1 white heavy 974-99; 1 white 90-98; 2 white gai: 3 white 96't, Barley: Malting 160-300 nominal; feed 130150 nominal. Chicago Livestock Chicago, March 27 (jPi (U8DAI Salable hogs 9,000; total 18.000; very slow; weights under 250 pounds 1.00-1.60 low er; closing fully 1.50 lower; weights over 250 pounds at 1.50-2.00 lower; sows scarce, around 1.00 lower; bulk good and choice 180-250 pounds 26.50-27.00; top 27.25 sparingly; good and choice 260-300 pounds 35.50-26.50; 300-350 pounds 25.00-26.76; most good and choice sows 22.75-3.26, mostly 23.00. Salable cattle 6,500. total 6.500: salable calves 600, total 800; good and choice fed steers, yearlings, and heifers very slow, weak to 50 cents lower than Wed nesday's average; medium to low-good grades steady to weak; cows steady ex cept canners, 25 cents lower or more; bulls and vealers about ateday: two loads choice 1.300 Ib fed steers 27.50; next nignest price bulk averaae-medtum to top-good fed steers and yearlings Salable sheep 8,500. total 8.000: si au en ter lambs opening fairly active, steady to shippers; numerous loads good and choice fed wooled western lnmbs around 90-100 lb averages 23.36-23.60; early top 23.50 lor around four cars Colorados; wen-unisnea wooiskins held slightly above 23.60; eight cars late arrivals Just being yarded; other classes scarce. Portland Grain Portland, Ore., March 37 () Wheat fu tures not quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 3. 38 lb. white. 70.00; barley No. 3, 46 lb. B.W., 67.00; No. 1 flax, 8.50. Cash wheat (bid: Soft white 3.36; soft white (excluding Rex) 3.36; white club. 2,35; western red, 2.35. Hard red winter: Ordinary, 2.40: 10 Per cent, 2.40: 11 per cent, 2.44. Ham wnne Baart: Ten percent, 2.39: II percent, 2.45; 12 percent, 2.49. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 67; bar ley. 4; flour, 4; corn, 6; oats, 4; hay, l; mlllfeed, 7. Porllsnd Ltreotock Portland, Ore.. March 37 flj.P. Livestock Cattle salable 125: calves 76. Matket very active; strong with Wednesday; cows 26-50 cents or more above Monriav: steers scarce; few medium to good heifers 18.00- .uu; common greats down to 14.00; canner and cutter cows mostly 10.50-13.50; fat, dairy type cows to 15.00 with out. standing heavy Holstelns up to 16.00 and 17.00; odd sausage bulls 10.00; good to cnoice veaiers strong at 22.00 to 25.00; selected to 27.00. Hogs salable 100. Oood to choice 180 240 Ib butchers steady at 28.25-28.60; heavier and lighter weights under pres sure; few 270-305 lb weiohta 28.60-3S.&D: 1G0-I0O lbs 26.60-27.00: Rood sows tariv at 23.60-24.00; choice 114 lb feeder pigs Wednesday 28.50. eneep salable 26. Market nominal; good to choice wooled lambs salable around 20.50-21.50; top Wednesday 31.50 for one strictly sorted lot; good to choice wooled ewes salable 6.50-9.00 or above. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers, (Revised dally.) Retail Prlee Rabbit Feeds Pellets, $4.20 cwt. Ess Mash 34.65 cwt. Dairy Feed 13.75 cwt. Foultrr Heavy colored hens, Ho. 1 Sfle lb.; No. 3, 26c; colored fryers, No. 1, 2c lb Ests Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra large grade A 43c; med.. 38c; standards, 36c dosen; pullets, 30c; orax, SOc. Wholesale Price Large. 44a dozen, med Butler Wholesale A, 70c. Retail Grade A, 75c. Butterfat Premium, 74c; Mo. 1, 73c: No. 2, 69c. Markets Briefed (By the United Press) Bonds higher; U.S. govern ments firm. Curb stocks higher. Wheat futures closed off 10 cents. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New York A Closing quotations todayt Allied Cham Dre 174'A American 'Can 93 Vk Am Power A Light ... 144 Amor rel it Tel ,,, 166 ',i Anaconda Copper 40 'h Atchison 864i Bendla Arlatlon 35 Bethlehem steel 93' Boeing Aireraft 31 California Packing 39 Canadian Pacific 12" J I Case 37 Chrysler Corp 99 Commonwealth A Sout 3H C-nsolldated Edlior 37'i Consolidated Vultet 17'fc Continental tnsuranea 51 ai Crown 2ellenacb , 39 Ourtiss Wright bi D iglaa Aircraft 69 i Dupont at rTemou-1 193 Oeneral Electrlo 36 Oeneral Foods 431 General Motor? AlH Goodyear Tire 661 Oreat Northern pfd 43 International Harvester 66 int Papei pfd ... Johni Manvllle 136 'i Kennecott 48'i Long Bell A ifl'fc Martag 10 Miami Copper n Montgomery War' ce'k Nash B.elvlnar.01 ni National Dairy 33T4 N Y Central 1S North Am Co 37'i Northern Pacifist 19H Pae Amtr run 11 PaciflO Oas Elee 40 Paclfle TAT 110'S Pan American 13S Penney J O 3"i Radio Corp 9'i Rayonier 33 Bajonter Pfd Reynolds Mstali 33 Richfield IVi Safeway 32H Sears Roebuek 30'fc Sinclair OH 15S Southern Paclfle 43 Standard Brands 34'fa Standard Oil Call SJ'i Stewart Warner IIS Studebaker 33 'i un Mining ... 13'i Union Oil 31 H Onion Pacirie 135 United Airlines 33'i United Aircraft 18ls halted States Steel 74!t Warner brother 16 Weil Elee Ufg Co 36'i iWoolworta 49 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Grain Trading Breaks Open Chicago, March 27 W) A slight improvement in the rail road box car situation, enabling shippers to send greater sup plies to terminal markets, today caused a wide-open break in i grains on the board of trade. Corn was under heavy selling pressure despite the fact that the commodity credit corpora tion announced purchases of the grain yesterday at Kansas City, Minneapolis and Chicago. All contracts of wheat closed 10 cents lower, the limit decline, May $2.61. All corn contracts ended 8 cents lower, the limit decline, May $1.79. There was an accumulation of selling orders in the pit at the end with no buying orders present. Oats dropped 5 to 6 cents, the latter decline. The limit for this grain. May closed at 86- 87. Barley was off 6 cents, May $1.58. Slocks Advance Up to 3 Points New York, March 27 (JP) The stock market today dupli cated its recovery swing on Wednesday with dealings cross ing the million-share figure for the first time in more than two weeks. While top marks were shaded near the close, gains of fractions to better than 3 points predominated. Pleasing dividends lifted U.S. Industrial Chemicals, National Distilling and Royal Typewriter. Others ahead Included U.S Steel, General Motors, Chrysler, Firestone Tire, Goodyear, Mon santo Chemical, U.S. Plywood. Professionals cashed quick profits at Intervals although most still leaned to the buying side on the idea that the list was in shape for a further rally.. Bonds were steady. ill City Class Elects Officers Mill City Election of off I cers was the principle business at the meeting this week of the Friendship class of the Presby terian Sunday school. Results were as follows: President, Mrs, Dclos Hoeye; vice president, Mrs. Arlo Tuers; secretary treas urer, Mrs. Albie Fisher. Offi cers will serve one year begin ning In April. Afternoon devotions were led by the class instructor, Mrs, Herbert Schroeder whose topic was "Easter." Following the business meeting hostess served refreshments to the following class members; Mrs. Schroeder. Mrs. Hoeye, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs Ed Rupp, Mrs. Verne Clark Mrs. Arfthur Kreiver, Mrs Frank Merrill, Mrs. Derrel An. dersen, Mrs. Charles Kelly. Social Hour Club Presented Program Independence Mrs. Walter Smith and Mrs. Ed De Armond assisted by Mrs. Fred Hill, were hostesses at the Smith home for members of the Social Hour club of Monmouth and a group of in vited guests. A feature of the afternoon was a talk by Dr. C A. Howard on his recent trip to Atlantic City, N, J., where he attended the American Associa tion of Teachers' colleges. Invited guests for the after noon were Mrs. A. L. Thomas, Mrs. M. J. Butler, Mrs. Clara Williams, Mrs. O. B. Lyday, Mrs, Ralph Kletzing, Mrs. Melvin El kins of Monmouth and Mrs Edith Jones of Salem. Refresh ments were served by the host esses. Obituary James J. Hall Woodburn Funeral services for James J. Hal. 75. Ufa long resident of wood' burn, who died Wednesday morning at a Salem hospital, will be held Friday, March 28, at 3 p.m. from the Rlngo chepel wiih the Rev. O. A. Jewell, pastor of the Metlv odlst cnurch. officiating. Entombment Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum at Salem, i Hall Is survived by his wife. Mrs. Jnm Dawson Hall of Woodburn; a son, Nelll Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin! Zemo A Doctor's tii6( liquid promptly relieve ttch of akin irrita tions due to external 7TU0 cause. In three sizes. IT! J BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys If baekstebe and ley; palmare malting' yon miserable, don't Just complain and do nothing about them. Natu re may be warning you th your kidneys need attention. ThekidneyseraNature'aehirway of taking excess acids and poisonous waste out of the blood. They help moot people pass about I pints a day. If the 16 miles of kidney tubes and filter don't work well, poisonous waste matterataya in the blood. These poisons may start nagging; backaches, rheumatic pains, leg palni, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffinessundcrthe eyes, headtches and dliil neis, KrcquentorscantyiiaMagiswiU) smart IngandburTiingiometirniithowi there 1 1 some thing wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask vur druggist for Doan'a Fills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 60 yean, Doan's f iva happy relief and will help the It Bailee of kidney tubse flush out poisonous waste from th. UoxL Ort Ceu'i fUk. Thursday, Mar. 27, 1947 19 Hall or Seattle; a daughter. Mrs. Mar garet Foster or Potsdam, New York: four grandchildren: and a brother, William -W. Hall of Portland. E. Doxlater Falls City E. Doxtater's lunerai ser vices were held Tuesday from Dan a funeral home. He had a Masonic service. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, dauahfaer. Mary Jones, wumar, uai.i two brothers of Los Angeles: two step sons, Robert Wright of Phoenix, Ariz., Derrell Wrlsht of San Bernardino, CaL Interment m In the Odd Fellows ceme tery in Dallas. Births, Deaths B'whnrnTn Mr. and Mr. H. F. Wil liams of Woodburn. a daughter, March 33 st the Silverton nospuai. ant nas oeen named Betty Jean and has two brothers. John and Dale. Grandfather is Bert Byeri of Woodburn. Woodburn To Mr. and Mrx. Brn Jones Lebanon, formerly of Woodburn, a. daughter, Myrna Lee. They now have two dots and two girls In the family. Woodburn To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bauman (Emma Halter) of Stitrldun, a 9 pound aslrl, March 35 at a Sheridan hospital. First child. Grandparrnts are Mr. and Mrs. O. Halter and Mrs. and Mrs. Steve Bauman of Woodburn. Silverton Births announced from ths Silverton hospital this we fit are a daueh ter. March 33, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Perry Williams, Woodburn: March 34, a son to Mr. and Mrs. C F. Harvey of Orrvais, and a daiishtar to Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Smith, Shedd; to Mr. and Mrs. Justus Parker of Scio, March 36, a son. Deaths Mrs Xffie Bark Mrs. Effie Back:, at her yesld?nee at 1179 Chemeketa street. Salem. March 34. Survived by two brothers. Ivan Pooler ot Joseph, Oregon, and Earl Pooler at Prs- Oregon. Announcement jater oy Clough-Barrlck company. William G. Hamrlck in this eitv Monday. March 24. Wil liam G. Hamrick. late resident of 3765 Portland road, Salem. Survived by three daughters, Mrs D. E. Bullock, Miss Mil. dred Hamrlck and Miss Arelene Ham. rick, all of Salem, and a ton, Leslie Hamrlck of Salem. Services will be held Saturday, March 39. at 10 a.m. at tha Clough-Barrlck chapel with interment In Belcrest Memorial park. Mrs. Helen Pierce in this city March 34. Mrs. mien Pierce, late resident of 1360 North Cot- ase street. Mother of Lois Evans and Betty Kiienatler, both of Salem: and sis- er of Chet Long of Brotneti. wasn., ana Earl Long of Eugene. Services were held Thursday, March 37, at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with eon eluding services In the City View ceme tery. Rev. 8. Raynor Smith officiated. Ralph Jaeob Walllnr Af the residence. 896 South 14th street. March 33, Ralph Jacob Walling at the age of 57 years. Husband of Iva Irena Walling of Salem; father of Ralph A. Walling and Warren Walling, both of Tillamook, Robert Walling with the U.S. army at Greenville, B.C., Doris wood oi Sacramento, Calif., Verna James of Du fur, Oregon, and Lester Walling, Margaret Rlcketts, Bessie Walling, Georaia Walling and Edna wall ng. an or saiem, ana brother of William Walling of route 6. Salem, and Mrs. George Sutherland of Rockaway, Oregon. Also survived by five grandchildren. Services were held Thurs day. March 37, at 3 p.m. from the W. T. Rigdon chapel with concluding services la the Claggett cemetery. Rev. Dudley Strain officiated. William T. Wheeler t William T. Wheeler, 65, former resi dent of Salem, died at Pendleton March He is survived oy a wue, cora wneeier of Pendleton, and following brothers and sisters: Frank, Newport; Mrs. Dot Arthur, Klamath Falls; Mrs. Bessie Cooper and Jessie Wheeler, Salem. Services will be held Friday. March 38, at 10:30 a.m. at the Clough-Barrlck chapel with Interment in the Macleay cemetery. Horace Pa! .Tcnes Horace Paul Jones, late resident of Port land, at a local hospital, March 36. Ship ment has been made by Clough-Barrick company to Portland for services and Interment.. Arthur James Alltnby Arthur James Allenby. late resident ol 1450 Oxford street, at a local hospital. March 26, at the age of 75 years. Survived by a brother, Thomas N. Allenby of Balem, and three sisters. Mrs, Anna White and. Mrs. Minnie McClaughry, both of Exeter, Calif., and Mrs. Agnes Langstaff in Eng land. Services will be held at the Howell Edwards chapel Monday, March 31, at 10:30 a.m. will Interment in the City View cemetery. Jens Peterson Jens Peterson, at a local hospital, March 36, at the age of 73 years. Announce ment or services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Harriet Koitenborder At the residence, 3595 D street, March 37, Harriet Kostenborder, at the age of 86 years,- Survived by three children, Mrs. Ed'th Miles and Mrs. Edna Flake, both of' Salem, and Alvln L. Kostenborder of Sublimity; 13 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Announcement of services later by W. T. Rigdon company. William Rutherford In this city March 37. William Ruther ford, at the age of 56 years. Survived by his wife In Portland, and a sister, Mrs. J. A. Chambers of Otldale, Calif. An nouncement of services later by the How ell-Edwards chapel. Mrs. Ida M. Merer Mrs. Ida M Meyer, late resident of 639 North 16th street, at a local hospital, at the age of 70 years. Survived by ner husband, A. W. Meyer of Salem; five sis ters, Mrs. Frank Mnskantlne of Portland, Mrs. George Gotbroth of Sheridan, Mrs.. Wlebold of Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. Minnie. Slocumbe of Tlgard and Mrs. Louisa Ful-: ton of Sherwood, Oretton; and a brother.. Emll Schuman of Sheridan. Member of St. John's Lutheran church. Announce-. ment of services later by the Howell Edwards chape). Works Soothing Magic In RHEUMATIC PAIN Need the Fastest Relief, Longest Hcst Comfort -that can be found thousands of sufferers now turn to OINT-EASC forlgrcattr relief because It contains not just one or two, but FOUR great " psin-relleving medicines which bring ALL THEIR STRENGTH AT ONCE to relieve such miseries. For frit sompe write OINT-EASE 38 C St.,HaUQWtU,u OINT-EASE Main, Stop Scratching! Try This For Quick Eai. and Comfort Here la a clean, powertui pene trating oil now dispensed by phar macists everywhere at trifling cost that brings speedly relief from Itch ing and torture of externally caused skin troubles. Moone's Emerald Oil soothes the Itching and torture, helps promote more rapid healing. 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