f Grade Crossing Danger Cited In a plea to drivers of private and commercial vehicles for clos er observance of traffic regula tions and warning signals at rail road crossings, J. W. Corbett, general manager of Southern Pacific, today pointed out that more than three grade crossing accidents a day occurred last year on Southern Pacific's lines in six western states. One-third of these accidents resulted from automobiles and trucks being driven into the side of a railroad car or locomotive, and more than half of them oc curred in daylight, Corbett said. About one-third of the acci dents involved trucks, and most of the accidents were in urban areas where train speeds were 15 miles an hour or less. Among the 647 casualties were 131 deaths, it was revealed. "For their own safety, and the nrntentinn nf train nasspneprs and crew members," Corbett' said, "we arc renewing our ap peals to operators of motor ve hicles to heed warning signs and signals in conformity with the law. Southern Pacific has in vested more than $1,000,000 in grade crossing warning devices, and last year paid out more than $760,000 for wages of crossing watchmen and signal maintain ers and for materials used in maintaining crossing protection devices, but the records indicate common caution was not used by a great many motor vehicle driv ers at railroad crossings." Valley Places Visited Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Van Gieson have had as their house guests for a week a brother and sister-in-law of Van Gieson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morse of Monterey, Calif. The visitors made many tours to lo cal scenic and educational places during their stay. Easter Program Held By Church Society Falls City The WSCS of the Falls City Methodist church held the March meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Hughes. A no-host dinner was served. Af ter dinner an Easter program was conducted by the president,! Mary Allen, Mrs. Jessie Moyer, Mrs. Fred Hughes. Those atten-Mrs. M. L. Thompson, Mrs. Lu ding were Mrs. Mary Stelzer.llu White. Mrs. Faye Frink, Mrs. Mrs. James Taylor, Mrs. W. L. i D. J. Grant and Mrs. Paul Hea Regelle. Mrs. Josie Knapp. Mrs. 'cock. Dried snake venom retains its poisonous qualities unaltered. Back jgj Again! r M SAME HIGH If ( ?'jJl 11591 RAIO LOTION CUANSINO QSW. JOT k CRIAM WV van. - jsr ...war SKIN FRESHENER SPECIAL NITE CREAM CurfbvMfc, Simt Slii "Krf., fkWof. QUISENBERRY'S CENTRAL PHARMACY 410 State Street Phone 9123 S3 TRY 'EM BOW Take yburTick with PICTSWEET SO TFAtOEK, SO SMEEr, SO GOOD 70 FAtT' The choic ii yours plump ond juicy Bif QqjuU Peat or th tender JlUiU QivuUh Peoi.When you pick PictSweet you get that laile-tempting goodness everybody lovetl rtii.iI.i hace yliftlngl FOR YOUR HOME Repairs to your home sorely needed re pairs won't wait. Maybe it's a new roof that's required, possibly an extra room, or even a long anticipated sleeping porch. Exterior painting and insulation may also be in order. Your heating plant may need rehabilitating. Whatever the problem, an FHA repair loan will take care of things. Come in and talk things over with us. FHA LOANS ARE INEXPENSIVE D. W. EYRE, Via rnuJtnf JACOB FUHRER, Aitl. Coii.'.r W. S. WALTON, Vc. Pd.nf LEO G. PAGE, Am. Coihitr ROY NELSON, Am. Vt. fntldnl LAWRENCE R. FISHER, Aut. Monogir L C SMITH, Am. Vfn Pwiifonl REX GIBSON, Aut.Managn GIVE! fit fawi fiocex't tatyf Wonderful ! and so easy! Capifal Journal. Salem. Orejron. Thursday, Mar. 27. 1347 .1.1 Wake up to MTsTLE's...in your coffee ! ; JKyMMM I HIDES SCRATCHES ! Wf t Mi) There's country cream in every drop ! ISP yMIMBER FEDERAL DfFOSIT INSURANCi CORPORATION ELFFE DBS REMEMBER ME? DRIED FRUITS CANNED FOODS 10c You will find these low prices every day at your neighborhodo IGA Store. Elsinore Shoestring No. can BEETS Add color to thai reitrtabie lmlad. Elsinore Cream Style No. 2 can 4Q CORN loC . Delicious scalloped. Tastv Pak No. 2 can TOMATOES - Solid park from vine riprnrd tomatoes. Burnank No. 2 can HOMINY To. yarr your veretahle dish. Dcnnison 2 1 -lb. tins PORK AND BEANS Jnt hrat and rat. A new low price. 17C 29C Enjoy these tree ripened fruits. They have a hlsh alksline reaction; contain essential minerals, calcium. rhoM'harniis unrl Iron and frull sunar. which are assimilnled by Hie body with a minimum of digestive action. CALIFORNIA RAISINS A new low price. Roe (ling 12 oz. pkg. FIGS - White or black. A new low price. Tastv Pak 2 lb. pkg. PRUNES I. a rite stie, processed. IGA 9 oz. pkg, MINCE MEAT Sperlal price. Grav's Pennant 30 oz. jar MINCE MEAT 5C Let's have a hot mince pie. 35c Tastv Pak No. 2 can ASPARAGUS Tasty cuts and tips. New low price. loan of Arc Red 2 No. 303 cans ffc,& KIDNEY BEANS ZVC For chill or a delicious casserole. Pioneer Extra 2 No. 2 cans a STANDARD PEAS Z5C Take advantage, of a surplus of these tasty peas. Starr Prepared No. 303 jar PRUNE PLUMS From tree-ripe fruit, in heavy syrup. Mission Halves No. 2'2 can APRICOTS 51C California best, In syrup. Natur Sweet Sliced No. 22 can -fc M PEACHES JlC Fine eating. 15c "'il lhm;- ll 19c VI For a Real Treat Creamed NEW PEAS and NEW POTATOES NEW PEAS 2-29C Tender young: peas, plump whole pods. Spring-like flavor. NEWX FRESH GREEN POTATOES 3 b. 25c Medium size potatoes, just right for creaming. 41 - ASPARAGUS ... lb. IC .69c TEXAS PINK GRAPEFRUIT 96 size doz HONEY DEW SUGAR in ib bag Sugar Stamp No. 53 ex pires March 31. Good for 5 lbs. 11 c Jmf Simple Simon B BISCUIT 12 ll? 33c J FX Just adtt milk far the motl ffim VkV delirious biscuits you ever made and easy. loo. A WWk low Prlre. at 1UA jtfjr Itlrnurd Just rlrht for mellon yt&i rirh flavor I lis I makes this rnftee a favorlle of the $B whole fa mllj. rfwr M BEST M SOAP POWDER t 35c y It's Die "best" beeause II fives O $l Instant sudi In hot or rold V yjrfy. water. !ilirs shine with- mm Ita out wiping. Try this 'KgL new soap discovery and Hyou'll aree it's the j&Tp Clara Jefferson's helpful, down-to-earth Advice on menu, recipes and household hints is well-known. She has been invited by IGA to share her home planning and home management secrets with you. Be sure to watch for her weekly suggestions. 9 YOU'LL ALWAYS GET AW IDEA AT IGA SPRUCING UP THE HOUSE FOR EASTER WINDEX, 6 oz. bottle 13c The easy way to clean xlass SOIL OFF, qt. bottle 60 C Cleans painted surface like dunlins GOLD BEAUTY BROOMS, ea 1 .39 Heavy duly, fire-sew BORAXO, 10 oz. tin 13t Belter than soap for dirt WINDEX SPRAYERS, each ..15c Saves cleaner PARSON'S AMMONIA, qt. 23 e A household help or many met Wright's SILVER CREAM POLISH, 8 oz. jor 23 C Safe foi nlrklr, chrome or porcelain DRANO, each 21 C Opent Hosted drains FRATtKLITl'S FLOOR WAX irrtovfo it (in it WDdnnttl UMUTMiH 9 WASMASU MWH UOU N RVt Pint bottle 75 c Pint tin 55 C Enjoy these health-giving juices for breakfast as an appetizer or Just as a thirst quencher. IGA Orange r IGA Grapefruit 46 oz. can ZwC 46 oz. can IGA Blended, Orange IF IGA Tomato Juice AJb 46 oz. can and Grapefruit, 46 oz. . 21c 27c LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Roval Red Minced 7 oz. can Mione Smoked .1 '..oz. can RAZOR CLAMS 3 J SALMON PASTE.. Blue Plate 7 oz. can Pt 4 -4 Mission Macaroni 7 oz. pkg. SHRIMP 74C CHEESE DINNER ..... 13C St'GAR STAMP Spare No. 11 will he valid beginning April 1, good for 10 lbs. SPECIAL OFFER Pave Br. r.el Fisher's Cake FJour when tou bu sugar. Your Fisher's box top will be sand for fin on the piir rhase of suits r durlna the week nf .March 31st at Your ICiA Store. A double savins with I'iA's everyday low price. POST TOASTIICS, lg. pkg 13c KKLI.OGG'S PKP, each 11c Kellogg's VARIETY PACK 10 individual pkgs 24c CIIEERIOATS, each 13c Sperrv PANCAKE FI.OI R 10 lb. pkg e I.ibby CHILI SAl'CE, 12 oz 29c Baby LIMA BEANS, 2 II). pkg. . .10c Great Northern BEANS. 2 Ib. pkg. 33o IGA SALT, plain or iodized Two 2 Ib. pkgs Lie Roland Whole DILL PICKLES 21 oz. jar 31c Extra Large Lindsay RIPE OLIVES Pint jar 37c French's MUSTARD, 9 oz. jar 13c Ilershey's COCOA, '.i lb. box Me IGA EVERYDAY LOW PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THESE STORES SAVE EVERY DAY STATE STREET MARKET BERG'S GROCERY save EVERY DAY AT IfA 1230 STATE STREET 1701 CENTER STREET AT t(Z A ,,J "In the Heart of the City" At the Corner of 17th Street 1 ,V3 DnsiKiFR ' KRUEGER'S KASH Cr KARRY thripty KUniNCK d EAST CENTER AT 40th ABOUT 1 MILE EAST OF STATE HOSPITAL AL J I nlVir I I GROCERY Plenty of Parking Space MARKET gervais, Oregon OREY'S BROADWAY GRO. LEMMON'S MARKET dallas, oregon BROADWAY AND MARKET 598 NORTH COMMERCIAL 1 INDEPENDENCE c""plce Food Store '. Ample Porking Spoce SERVE-RITE FOOD MARKET CARTER'S MARKET MODEL FOOD MARKET GROCERY 17th AND MARKET STREETS 275 NORTH HIGH STREET INDEPENDENCE, OREGON It', Ea.y to Park of Carter's Free Parking Lot DALLAS, OREGON