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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1947)
12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Mar. 27, 1947 School Head to Lose His Posl Chehalis, Wash., March 27 tU.R) Leslie Feldmann, assistant superintendent of the Slate Training School for Boys at Che halis, will be fired "within the next week or 10 days," it was announced today by Jack Bal lew, state director of finance, budget and business. Ballew announced the action shortly after he gave orders for School Superintendent Ray Mohrmann to re-fire placement Officer Edgar O. Smith, who was discharged last week and later hired again by Ballew. Smith's removal from the school followed a two-day inves tigation last week of reported riots and other disorders. The probe was made by the legisla tive interim committee on state institutions. Ballew revealed that an in dependent investigation was made at the school by the state division of public institutions. He said findings and recom mendations of the group paral leled "almost to the letter" those made by the legislative committee. Bailey said "changes" may be expected at the school within a few days. Special Train Moves Hospital Patients Steilacoom, Wash., March 27 VP) A special train was en route today to Eastern State hospital at Medical lake with 155 mental patients who have been bedless since Tuesday's destruction of their four-ward building at the Western State hospital here. An additional 50 patients will be transferred to the Northern State hospital at Sedro Woolley sometime next week, Dr. W. N. Keller, hospital superintendent, said today. You can't buy a better wax yet it COSTS 10c LESS I That's right! OLD ENGLISH saves you 10i or mart on every pint you buy yet there's none better at any price! Made of imported Carnauba Wax, high-quality OLD ENGLISH dries quickly to a brighter, longer lasting lustre, shines and wears wears and shines Ch It on all your floora wood, tilt, lino taim. Juat aprrad it and forgot it. Savaa Umal workl wtarl NO BUIIIHA V WAX II rm t-" m mm MhI Orihotolvst Oalp New Formuli Clear contain. Onhoiolvate, the uic infredicni that cleans tlaii quicker, cm arme caiier and keeps Uu clean loftier. tlMIMIIt CUAMX PtAltlC IMAYII ... km twillnf . . m'I rvit t . tht e tlx mi beltU. SSB I I B i ssW ill' t lW I Jffl! X twin for iy"7" T n&jli UT ' TMI LAS. 01 tjjjjf "CONOMY 1IZI deans 'am quick . . W with ust a lick W-1- ritiiliiiiii ill iiV'A' '3l " l 1 Give Vour Babv the Precious Vitamins in WEINZ STRAIN EP iS PEAS 1 1 . . U05- 1 WLTNT. IB Ve " , .... CM' K- I li 1 CavIOI look for the Complete i Line, of .EINZ PABV FOODS CEREALS MEATS V604TABLB3 WJrT9 DCSSIKTS rlail' mtml.t 'mimmt West Salem Lions ' See Oregon Movies West Salem, March 27 - "Scenic Oregon" was presented in motion pictures by Charles! F. Bollinger, assistant director of accident prevention from the state industrial accident commis sion, when he appeared as guest entertainer at the Wednesday evening meeting of the West Sa lem Lion's club. Also appearing informally on the program was! Al Lamb, president, who de- scribed his recent trip to San i Francisco, Calif., where he at tended a convention of the Na tional Frozen Food association as a representative from the Blue Lake Producers. 1 The attention of the club's j membership was drawn to the annual father and son banquet to be presented April 9 In the school's gymnasium. The Lions, following a precedent establish ed several years ago, will be hosts to the youth of the com munity at a dinner and a full evening of entertainment de signed especially for the pleas ure of the boys. There will be an advance sale of tickets. Singspiration Slated Woodburn T h e monthly "Singspiration" of the Wood burn churches will be held Sun day, March 30 at the Free Meth odist church at 2:30 p.m. The offering of the afternoon will go toward the Woodburn Youth Rally to be held April 19. Rattlesnakes are useful to aaiaafaiBaaaBBaaaBafaMaHB ; farmers because they live most-) ly on destructive gophers, prairie dogs and other rodents. Wanted STRAWBERRY ACREAGE Will Furnish Certified Plants and Finance Under Term Contract Starr Fruit Products Phone 6073 Salem, Oreg. Church & Mill Montgomery Ward Will Insulate Your Home Insulate now .for year oround comfort! Words experts will do the com plete job. Have it done now on our Monthly Pay ment' Plan. For details and free estimates phone Mr. Griffen. Phone 3194 51 BBS.'. , SSSfflBBS VIM FRYE or Roasters M EASTER DINNER! 1 TbL? 3 COOK RYERS I 3-lb .T"e average h.IM r-to-make Easter pastries From our collection of Easter baking recipes we have selected these to help give a festive touch to your Easter menus. HOT CROSS BISCUITS-Sift 2 cups of sifted all-purpose flour with 2 tablespoons sugar, 3 teaspoons baking powder, and 1 teaspoon salt. Cut in 6 tablespoons shortening with 2 knives until size of small peas. Stir in I teaspoon each grated orange rind and chopped citron. Break 1 egg into a measuring cup and pour in enough milk to make rj cup. Add to flour mixture and stirVith fork until mixture is dampened. Turn out on lightly floured board and knead lightly for 2 minutes. Roll out H inch thick and cut with a 2J4-inch biscuit cutter. Place on ungTeascd cooky sheet. Mark crosses on bis cuits with a silver knife. Bake in hot oven (450 F.) 12 minutes or until lightly browned. Kill crosses with powdered sugar frosting. Serve at once. Makes 12 hot cross biscuits. FRUIT FILLED EASTER BUNS Make your favorite biscuit or yeast roll recipe and roll out. Cut with biscuit cutter. Allow yeast dough to rise. Make an indentation in bun with spoon and fill with Fruit Filling. Bake in a hot oven (450 F.) 15 to 20 minutes, or until buns are done. Serve hot. Make Fruit Filling by simmering 1 cup dried prunes and cup dried apricots, sepa rately, in just enough water to cover, until tender. Cool; remove pits from prunes and chop prunes and apricots fine. Combine and add 1J cup sugar, i teaspoon cinnamon, and V tea spoon cloves. Simmer for 10 min utes. Makes enough filling lor 2i dor.en buns. Cofiof lDfUjJtt Dircfr The Homemskers' Bureau An llxfr 5ty Stmrt If HAM prices seem too high-why not serve Fryers or a Roaster and help keep the cost of your Easter menu within bounds? These prices effective in all Safeway Stores in Salem, Silverton and Dallas Safeway top grade Fryers and Roasters are meaty rich in plump tenderness, and' are "evisceratea" (ready to cook). No mess, no fuss or bother. Your satisfaction is unqualifiedly guaranteed or money back! ORDER YOURS NOW! From Your Safeway Market Man For Larger She Fam'tHet WE SUGGEST ROASTERS The same high quelify at tfce Fryers Wes!y stuff end roast! ORDER YOURS NOW Average weights, Per "VC 32 to 4 lbs. Petmc QJ A Few More Market Vat lb. 57c EVISCERATED AND CUT UP PINE FO MICAS SEE or STEW HA4.F 04 WMOtE CHOICE 1 GOOD FOWL HAMS, READY TO EAT, Sliced BACON SUGAR CUW PIECE BACON, Sugar Cured Beef Sirloin Steak gr'aded RIB STEAKS, Grade A Veal Shoulder Roast SQUARE CUT Chinook Salmon Steaks Halibut Steaks Fillet of Sole NO lOMES Fresh Oysters , lb. 65c lb. 69c lb. 65c lb. 59c lb. 59c lb. 55c lb. 65c lb.55c lb. 45c pint 65c Wr3j5J PAAS 3 i 25e EGG DYES 10e tack 53 Fresh EGGS Large, doz. Grade A 51c Grade A Medium, dot. 49c Spare Stamp No, For Sugar Expires March 31st SPRIHCTIMC PR0DVCB WAS Extra fancy & fancy Good eating or cooking Apple Winesap Apples 15c LB. Grapefruit tw' ' Avocados, pr-r;pJ Asparagus, Cauliflower, "yi Fresh New Peas New Potatoes Crispy Radishes Tomatoes. lb. 5c lb. 42c lb. 19c lb. 13c lb. 16Vk lb. 9V4e lb. 12c lb. 32c Fresh Spring Rhubarb Bake a Rhubarb pie tonight LI. 10e Edwards Coffee Nob Hill Coffee Fresh! Mb. bag 42c Airway Coffee I -lb. 39c Mb. $1 .1 5 M.J. B. Coffee Reg. or drip Mb. can 45 c Our Mother's Cocoa Mb. 1 4c Ground Chocolate Guittard' Mb.41e Shredded Ralston Cereal l2-oz.14c Quaker Oats Reg. or Quick, 3-lb. pkg. 29c Hi-Ho Crackers Mb.pkg. 95 c Ritz Crackers Mb. pkg. 29c MARGARINE Kippered Snacks G.N. 3iroi. tm 15e Royal Anne Cherries SonPak No.22 39 Pumpkin Moonbeam No. 2'2 can 1S5 Diced Carrots Blue Tag NoJcanlOc Corn Butter Kernel whole K. No. 2 can 17e Salad Vegetables Masterpiece No.2't13e Peas Highway brand No. 2 cm J 5c Peas Gardenside No. 2 can J25C Peas Sweet Pickins No. 2 can IJe Peas Exquisite brand No. 2 can SQc Sweet, fresh-tastirtg Sunny Bank LB. 39e 2-lb. jar 55 2-lb. jar 59c o eOe Green Onions Mild flavorful Put in your 20 spring salad. LI. Peanut Butter Real Roast Peanut Butter Beverly Kraft American or Pimento American glass Salad Dressing Duchess 8-ox.jar24c Pickles Heim cross-sliced 24-oz. jar 29e Pimiento Chilies Flying V 7-o.can15c Ravioli Chef Boy-er-dee Io-ot.ean17e Beef Extract B.Y. 2i2-oz. jar 33c Lux Toilet Soap 2 bar 21 c Sweetheart Soap 2 regular ban 21c Cake Flour Swansdown 2-lb. pig. 34f Pie Crust Mix Krusteaz l7-oz.pkg.33e Tenderoni Van Camp's -ocpkg.215c Macaroni Dinner Kraft pkg. 13 Noodles Porter fril-leH 0-01. 15c .b.25c Pitted Dates Park Row 20c Mint Chews Hewitt's 8-01. pkg. 23 Amaizo Corn Starch Mb. pkg. 9c Dog Fpod Acme brand can 10 Friskies Cubes Dog Food 2-lb. pig. 25c c A