Capital .Tournal, Salem. Ore., Wcdncsdav.RTar. 2fi, 1947 t rv t.$ .r : ffgi jumvuv jura hMl!!A : h ' If & i i rrs- a cash retund on any r"V r-7 I Wf fur tax reduction in 1947 II Jf h f: ....will be given pur- r y 3 VP I r chasers of ed hamilton I f " -" If I: furs n 1947. A V -LL JUL 1L 21 vy 2i r;,,TO,,,. .; ..... .. . .. A FAMILY OF FURRIERS FOR OVER 90 YEARS! Never a time in history when it was so important to buy your fur coat as now! Fur prices ARE risingf e4 kamltcn EVERY FUR GUARANTEED' 2 SPECIAL GROUPS No. 1- Values to $195 . . . Mouton Dyed Lamb j Beaver Dyed Coney j Brown Dyed Kidskin Sable Dyed Coney Seal Dyed Coney Natural Lynx Cat . S and others Black Dyed Pony Labrador Seals Chekiang Dyed Lamb Silver Fox Paws Cocoa Dyed Squirrel Brown Dyed Pony and others 1 ' I t SAVE 25 to 50 on LUXURIOUS FURS BLENDED MUSKRAT $188 Sable or Mink Blended Values to $379 plus tax Natural Squirrel Cocoa Dyed Ermine China Mink Persian Lamb Dyed Russian Squirrel o Small Deposit Holds Your Selection in our Layaway . . . Free Storage until Fall . . A cash refund on any fur tax reduction in 1947 .... will be given pur chasers of ed hamilton furs in 1947.