Meters Are Received For Lebanon Streets Lebanon Installation of parking meters is due to begin this week, several consignments having already been received. The meters, which are the two- hour type, according to City Judge Randall, are already 60 days overdue. -They are to be installed on Main street between Maple and Vine. Although meters have not been planned for the vicinity of the new post offico, the present congested parking in this area moved the city council to or der 10-minute parking zones the entire length of the building. East Salem Cub Pack Holds V Special Night for Parents East Salem, March 26 Parents' night was held for the mem bers of the Four Corners new cub pack. It has 25 members and C. G. Mathis was elected new assistant cub master. For the e v e n i n g's entertainment the members entertained their guests with amateur theatrical stunts. These boys are the fu ture Icouts for the active Boy Scout troop 64. Having the community hall tor meetings of this kind makes it possible for both Scout and Cub work in its high degree of efficiency. Members of the Merry Min glers club of Middle Grove com munity held their second house warming within the month last Thursday night. This time Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker were the couple surprised at their home on Silverton road. Present for the social evening were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sprick, Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy; Mr. and Mrs. John Woodburn; Mr. and Mrs. Wade Carter; Mr. and Mrs. Ern est Barker; Mrs. J. I. Wagners; Mrs. Carl Snyder; Mr. and Mrs Covil Case; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagners; Mrs. Orville Malm: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Malm; Mrs. Robert Fromm; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Malm and Gary, Mrs. Albert Fabry; Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Pickerel and Dee; Mr. and Mrs. Darry Colwell; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scharf and the honored couple. T- Red Cross work has not been organized in East Salem com munities this year as early in the campaign as usual but all homes will be visited before the campaign is closed. Friday night at the regular community club meeting at Middle Grove, Susan Faherty, secretary in the Marion county Red Cross office and Phil H. Schnell rural chairman were the speakers. Emory Goode was chosen as local chairman and he will choose his assistants. The monthly meeting of the Merry-go-Round club will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harold Bunn on Hollywood drive. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wehtje on Lancaster drive were her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy of Milton-Free-water; their son Donald Wehtje of Astoria. Harold Wehtje is home from Corvallis for the spring vacation at the state col lege. Mrs. Roy Blanchard of Swegle spent the week-end in Seattle with her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Badger, taking home her grand son, Ronnie, who had been visit ing in the home. Legend says the first glass manufactured by men was made when ancient Phoenician sailors banked a fire on a sandy beach with blocks of soda. Local Workers Vote For Phone Strike If the nation-wide telephone strike goes into effect April 7 it is estimated that 70 percent of the approximately 250 on thelof Oregon, which is affiliated local payroll will be involved. Don K. Crenshaw, joint chair men of affiliated locals here, said that about 175 workers .in all departments are members of the United Telephone Workers with the independent National Federation of Telephone Work ers. Long distance toll men, members of a CIO organization, would support the strike, Cren shaw said. He said the loco'. workers voicd 4 to 1 to empower! Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Mar. 2(5, 1947 3 the national organization to call the strike. ' The Pueblo Indians of thej southwestern United States have! cultivated cotton for hundreds of years. A Three Days' Cough is Your . Danger Signal Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mncous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs. Cheit Colds. Bronchitis Nothing Down 12 Months to Pay RE-ROOF NOW WITH TOP QUALITY Pabco Slate Covered Composition Shingles. .EACH .Shingle welded in place. 340 Court St. ffe y A Crumpled Fender the "0Hender"? ggBnBnKMniKnKiBnRKtKjBiKBEBnnEiBBBBM&A ffjff" rCfNUCKj Kepairea likc new: .-rf"'PP 1 RlfiEftl3V Loder Bros, have the most modern equipment, EllD . 07fimrQk I plsfilW Plus specialists with the "know-how" to make "UT twit J'llgjifi jB Vif Mji I rW ' fendr r mQ'r bdy repQirs 1uicky ond eco" Offi fJSrvjjTffy I Br5 nomically! We'll expertly match your ori- XDtek5 3 j0"SSifJKr I ' 1 ' W$l$zM' ginal paint job, too. Come in now! vyS v, i rn. i on woodrvs y 1 A single pane, or glass for an entire factory. We are equip ped to handle all your glass requirements. ! I ATTACHED IN) You Save Time and Money I WHEN YOU BRING YOUR f Shoe Repairing to MILLER'S You'll have experts renew your shoes with leather or composi tion, Full Soles, Half Soles, Composition, Leather, Top Lifts, Toe Tips or Heel Lifts, ot a cost adjusted to thrifty budgets. J: Pressure Burners Gravity Burners Air Conditioning Units Circulators Ranges Floor Furnaces Complete Installations of All Types VfH& PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ' DISTRIBUTORS oil compnnv " UOJ Broadway Salem. Oregon Phone J606 even t We Have that EXTRA SPECIAL SOMETHING for Your Easter Outfit SHORTY COATS . . . lengths in Fingertip to colorful pastels. V, SUITS ... Hi-style and tailored for every occasion. DRESSES . . . Prints, meshes, cotton wash ables. 'We have an especially fine selection of large and half sizes. BLOUSES ... A complete fresh new line of Spring styles and colors for all occasions. . 0 vis The Fashionette 429 COURT STREET Everything . . . from Carriages to Cribs! I F ? pus ? 'lUw l PS ' t I P IF : v.,,,lif ft mm Inexpensive Crib Quality Crib Pad Nursery Chair Well - mode, attractively Covered' with moisture- conbrrutieu unu iu yivc resistant fabric. SC88 IE m DO . tuny W service IW Sturdily constructed and well designed. Attrac tively $4,98 decorated H" ; 1 I. Very comfortable T. "Taylor Tot" Bsby Walker Woven Bassinette For the tiny baby. Light le. .1 only W Durable all-metal con- and eosy to handle. A struction. Smart $"786 vakj" at new 1947 styling. f t Baby Carriage New post-war model. One of the most attrac tive designs. $Q88 Special O 7 BRBaCURRD . .1 Sturdy High Chair , 5;Draf; . Bassinette Quality construction with Just right for baby's things. In a handsome feeding tray. Sturdily design. Walnut finish braced legs $C88 Priced at $ 19 88 Baby's first bed, so prac tical in height for moth er's conveni- $88 ence I Car Seat this spring For baby's safety while riding in the car $J95 '-hi Training Chair Folding style training chair, complete $95 with tie-in strap. Jm $3.75 Open an Account with Us! Use Your Credit! !BCifJBISa IE3 r Ml e-m It MM