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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1947)
FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BAVB ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 110,000 LIABILITY 8.000 Property Dam f age. Yearly Rate, Marlon Co.. 18.i0; "PoHt Co., 914.40. See BILL OSKO at f 6 Court or Dial 5661. n98 LARGE ENAMEL cook stove, with colls, cood cond. Ph. 22B92. First house on Boone Road. West of old Jefferson high way. Rt. 0. Box 477. 0 GOOD USED suits, dresses, coats, blouses, slae IS to IB, from 91 to 135. Ph. 4331. n7V USED 6 FT. refrigerator, 176. Ph. 5439. ntb ACCORDION WURL1T7E R 180 baas, la dy'a model, white, like new. Will con sider trading for car. 1555 N. 18th St. n75 ELECTRICALLT HEATED greenhouse, 36 ft. of benches, CaU 7530 days. 8055 Eves. n7o NEVER USED 35 mm Mercury camera, with tripod 75. 790 N. Church aft. o P.m. nit PRIMROSES, COLOSSAL Strain. Ph. 33J8. n7B SIZE 10 Northern Muskrat fur coat In ex. condition. Box 813, Capital Journal. n75 H YOUNG fat beef 30o lb. Government Inspected. Phone saiem aanaii. ma JOHN DEERE General Purpose tractor in good condition, new block. Joe Welssen fi Rnute l. Box 133. Silver ton. Ore. 2't Ml. East on Marquam Rd. Near Ablqu River. no MAPLE 8 year crib, spring and mattress, Mrs. Hush Adams, 4090 N. River Road, Phone 3-3564. n75 EXCELLENT THORNLESS loganberry St boysenberry tips at 7c. ALso have 50 youngberry. en. aoaa. ai . mm. nm BEAUTIFUL BAVARIA china dinner set, Service for 6. Perfect cond. Ph. 6163, ma SPLENDID POCKET maps of City or Sa lem only 50o at 467 Ferry St., Salem, tall or mail stamps or coin. n73 MONTAG range, white and black, with colls. Good cond., 40. Ph-8056. n76 FOR BALE by private party, 6 cu. ft. G.E. refrigerator, absolutely perfect cond. G.E. range, Calrod units, timer. Wwo pre-war celling lights complete with outlet boxes, fireplace set complete With andirons and screen, girl's pre-war . white shoe,- ice skates, slae 7, like new. Size 7 ladies' black riding boots, size 16 black breeches, like new, brown Jodphur boots, else 7, antique walnut picture frame with attractive oil land scape. Ph. 31431. r.76 HOME owners and builders, better In sulation at a lower cost. Salem Rock Wool Co., 1636 Broadway. Ph. 3748. We are not listed In the phone book, n73- WOOD FURNACE, $25.00. This Is a fine buy. Phone 2-4564 or call at 430 Leslie after 6 p.m. n74 SOME SIDING, enough sheeting for a house, and pile of full 1" x 13" plank. All used, but good. Make an offer. 2080 University St. Days. n74 NEW ELECTRO LUX sweeper, used 4 times, Grace Marlon, 460 Ford St. Ph. 24748. 2.4 t BURNER elee. hot plate, 3 mo. old. Excellent cond. Also nearly new Mon tag wood range, Duchess, model with copper coils. Priced Reasonable. J. Fish er, 4040 State St. n74a LADY'S SUIT 2 sweaters, 2 blouses, ; dress, 1 pr. slacks, 1 coat. All clothes -size 16. 2 prs. shoes, size After 3:30 p.m. 405 Union St. n74 CLOTHESLINE posts. Steel flower boxes. Coaster wagons. Lawn sprinklers. Phone 3265. After 5, 25287. n74 CANARY BIRDS, cages. Reasonable. 875 Gerth Ave., west saiem. nu run. baiib: Hiibmuc tumio. m. juuu. Mrs. M. Lentsch, 4090 Portland Road, Salem. h74 FINE, WELL built steamer trunk. 615 N. Summer. n74 BEAUTIFUL mahogany china cabinet, 186. 515 N. Summer. n74 IVORY COLOR bedroom suite, $60. 515 N. Summer. n74 RASS fireplace set it screen. 515 N. Summer. nt LOVELY walnut bedroom suite, $150. 515 N. Summer. nn DAVENPORT Sc one chair. $90. 615 N. Summer. n74 LOVELY davenport, 2 chairs. $250. N. Summer. CABLE NELSON small grand piano, brown walnut, Queen Anne style. Reasonable. Don Simmons, 1090 Highland. n74 FOR SALE: Hay. Phone 23502. ALUMINUM sheets, 4x12 ft, Cheap. 2058 warner.. TELEPHONE tt intercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty 1)85' LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent ana incandes cent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n85 RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders lor immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty nflS1 FLASHLIGHTS, GUARANTEED forever lights requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' SHINGLES CEDAR SHINGLES. Lumber and Build ing Supplies on direct Mill sale. PHONE 1-5960. SOLA LUMBER COMPANY, Sa-lem-Dallas Hlghwaj. n80' HOT PLATES, single Sc 3-burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty i.t.s, rami's ana -rorcniers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty IRON AND extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 ULTRA VIOLET (sun) lamps, Infra-red meat lamps and nesting pa as. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' TANSY plants. 848 N. ,16th. n91" SO, 40, 50 and 68 gal. water heaters for lor immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' RESTAURANT GRILL, automatic, elec tric, 34 inches square, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I 255 N. Liberty n95 ELECTRIC ROOM healers. All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25a N. Liberty n95' TOASTERS, 2 slice, 12.10. 4 slice, $3.86. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' BOYSENBERRY TIPS, good ones, 60,000 oi em. eproea, Rt. 3. box 403-B, Salem. n73 ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen and Industrial exnaust, aesic models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N. Liberty n95 WASHING MACHINES that fit on your la unary trays, iuii size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255. N. Liberty nOS ELECTRIC AND mechanical door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty nfl SP AWNING, 9x13 feet; good condition. Com plete with frame. 1580 Norway. Phone 6076. p73 LOOM WIRE, 12-3 and 14-2. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. asa n. Liberty FRUIT JUICERS and can openers. VFiTCD t DDI f VTI-.TJ- sa 355 N. Liberty ' n95' SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented. Cash paid for machines, regardless of con anion, pn. 7671 or write W. Daven Port. 1930 North 18th. Work Guar. O90 IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden, pads Sz covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 PRESSURE COOKERS, 16 quart. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty nes' FOR YOUR cabin at the eoast, a radio mat assures good reception, "The Tro pic Master." i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. g-3SS N. Liberty n83' """" n.n u iriaa piano, net- unable. M7 N. Front. Mi FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PLA6TI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin ish for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 VACUUM CLEANERS: Westlnghouae, Uni versal and Royal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 356 North Liberty. n90 SPECIAL Comet, 6 mon, SI. 00. Ph. 7838 or mall order to Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, 935 Saginaw. n76 FARMERS, ATTENTION: Portable Clean Easy milxlng machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty. n90 OIL CIRCULATORS: Super Flame, dium size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 365 North Liberty me- LADY'S adult size bicycle. Phone 8178. bargain. n74 MONARCH OAS range with trash burn er, like new, box 20, Beech Ave. n74 DRY MYRTLE WOOD ready for turning, beautiful -for bowls St lamps, 100 Waldo Ave. Ph. 6348 Eves. n76 NEW 18 ft. 3-ln. suction hose. $12.00. 643 Edgcwater St. Cabin 13. n73 WILL PAY Cash for your old Ice Box. 12th St. Furniture Store. 705 8. 12th St n73 SURFACED DIMENSION lumber usable rejects 3x4 to 2x12. Random lengths Gordon Sc Atarow Lumber Co., Silver ton. Oregon, n76 45 FT. 2-in. galvanized Pipe, 60 ft. tt-ln. galvanized pipe St fittings, 63 ft. 2-in black pipe. 635 N. Winter. n73 4 IN. SOIL pipe St fittings. Wood range with water colls. $60. 10 sacks cement, 90c sack. 535 N. Winter. n74 DOUBLE bed and coll springs, S15. Wedge wood gas range, $20. Ph. 5323. n73 ELEC. RANGE. Good cond. 1898 Berry n73 St, 3 NEW 14 ft boats. Will take tent or deer rifle. Rte. 4, box 152. ma ORGANIC FERTILIZER ' Very good for lawn and gardens, t Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere In Salem. 6 sacks, $5.00. 1 ton $10.00. Phone 8127 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY PLAIN OVERLOAD springs, Chrysler pro duct. Phone 26570. n73 NEW ELECTRIC Nesco roaster. Never i used. 1339 Franklin, W. Salem. n73 CORNET, excl. cond. 1545 N. 16th. n73 REFRIGERATOR, Wedgewood gas range with garbage burner attacnea, dining room Bet, table St 6 chairs, bed, springs Sz mattress, dresser, Ice cream freez er cabinet. Phone 7600. n73' FOR SALE: Motor bike, 12 gauge single barrel shotgun & Japanese ruie. i"u Court St. n73 fl-IN. BELT and wheel grinders and pol ishing equipment lor metal ana wooa. 1145 N. Liberty. n75 LIGHTWEIGHT Auto. Mat-matlo Iron. New. Call 1010 oarnet sc. nu PALLETONE, ONE coat, washable oil paint for walls, ceilings ana waiipaper dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 LAWN CART all metal, rubber tread. lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty H95' FISHING TACKLE boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CD. 255 N. Liberty n95' TRANSPARENT PLASTl-Kote for drain- boards, floors and furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' BUTTER CHURNS. Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ALARM CLOCKS, electrlo desk, mantle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty a PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' CANVAS FAINT to make awnings, bug gies and lawn furniture look like new YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n95 COMMERCIAL RANGES. 4 burner and 3 burner with half grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25P N. Liberty n95 FARMERS, ATTENTION: Westlnghouse auto, electric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty. nftO1 WHEEL CHAIRS and Hospital Beds, or sell, rent or trade. Max Buren, Court St., Salem. Ph. 7775. luy FERTILIZER; $1 sack; $5 per yard, 6 yds. $25. Dial O, call 68F22. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 6, Box 118, Salem. n87 PHILLIPS BROS., cedar posts, corner posts, wood, nop poles, oean stages, shakes, fertilizer and special timber or ders. Rt. 6, Box 118. Dial O, call 68F22. FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357, n88 NOW AVAILABLE: Concrete drain tile building blocks, sewer, culvert. Irri gation St well pipe Fresh regular Keene cement, white sand, reinforcing steel, mesh sash, expansion joints. OREGON GRAVEL CO., 1405 N. Front. Ph. 3417. nae1 ELECTRIC range burners now available for all makes of ranges. High speed Calrod type, solid top and replacement coils. For service or parts call 4311. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 265 N Liberty. n88' ELECTROLCX complete with attachments. $69.75. Sales service St repairs. Limited arat avallaoie. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. n76 NAVAJO RUGS Si saddle blankets. 175 South High. Vh 6088 n76' COW FERTILIZER, $5 a yard or $9 a loaa. pnone vjjo. mo GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shovel Si drag-line excavating WALL- DXQ SAND AND GRAVEL CO Fh 8591 DAHLIAS GLADIOLAS WS. Ph. 4325. 881 Rosemont, n73 WALNUT SHELLS, 13 sacks for 1.00 S3 ton. Bjorfeln Pack Co.. 460 N Front. ELECTRIC HEATER G E 8000-watt, 220- volt, heavy duty, fan type, $66.50. Mitchell Radio St Appliance, State and iBrn. pnone 7577. C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist, I do not sell new machines, Parts for all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5766. 1940 N. 18th. n76 HEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venlent, clean, economical See us fot free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty WE BUY Si sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes motors radios, electric appli ances household goods KLIOMAN'S 385 N Commercial. Phone 9886 n' SIDEARM WATER heaters, automatic, electric, fasten to your present tank. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 TAKE YOUR clocks to the Clock Dr. 190 South 14th. n80 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Burlap and cotton bags, all Kin as. wiitis Keuey. pn. 23156. na4" USED FURNITURE Phone 0186 PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL ADVISER, known by for mer name Martin. 1371 Chemeketa St, Appointments lp.m. to 9 p.m. p7T AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE: 1938 Federal 2-S ton truck, short wheel base. Ph. 9200 or 7814. q73 '41 CHEV. super deluxe. Orlg. finish, ra dio, heater, etc. Good tires. 870 N. Win ter. q79 1933 BUICK cpe.. 66.000 actual miles. Can be seen at issi state St. R. r. Taylor. q75 1940 WILLYS, new motor, good cond. $550. Inquire 328 North Commercial. q77 10.1ft BUICK pickup. Can see 5:30 p.m 653 North High. q77' FOR SALE: '24 Chev. Town Sedan. 726 South 13 th. q74 BY OWNER: '35 Stude, recently overhaul ed, good tires. 1450. ins ueiierson. Dally except Sunday. q77 1936 PLYMOUTH Coupe. New motor, good tires. For sale by owner. 1440 Waller St. q74 AUTOMOBILES '46 AND '47 MODELS AT ORVAL'S 1947 CHEV. fleetmaster sedan 12195 1947 Chev. Stylemaster sedan 195 1948 Chev Stylemaster sedan 1995 1946 Chev. Stylemaster 6 -pass. cpe. 2095 1946 Mercury sedan cpe 2295 1946 Mercury convert, cpe. 2495 1946 Mercury tudor 2195 1946 Buick road master sedan 289ft 1946 Ford super deluxe sedan cpe., 2095 1946 Ford 6 deluxe tudor 1895 1946 Plymouth deluxe sedan. ,, 1865 1946 Wash suburban sedan 2996 TRADES AND TERMS MANY OF the above cars have radio and heaters and all have low mileage and carry Or vat's Guarantee. ORVAL'S USED CARS CENTER AT CHURCH 8TB. Ph. 4702 0.75 24-FT. TRAILER house with tandem wheels, twin sinks, Murphy bed, lots of closets St storage space, good stoves. Reasonably priced. Harry Lent on, 646 N. High St., Salem. q73 '35 FORD 4 Door Sed., with '37 motor. Radio, heater. Call Salem Vintage Store, 224 N. High St. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. q74' '36 FORD Panel. Mechanically good. $425. 2345 Garden Rd. Trailer house in rear. Call evenings. q74 TRAILER house, including daveno, Ice box and table, hod. ph,, imm evenings. 074 1041 NATIONAL trailer house.' 33 H. 130 N. Elma Ave.-, 2 blocks east of Pen 4-Corners. q74 37 FORD, 4 dr. deluxe. 542 2nd St., St By ton. Ph 2184. q74 23 FT. SCHULT. Sleeps 4. Butane range, air cond., oil circ, elec. braises, very reasonable. 3910 N. River Rd. Fir Crest Trailer Park. q76 1031 HARLEY DAVIDSON, Just overhauled. good cond., good rubber, iioo. l. a. Jenness, 1505 Alder Ave., N. Aluminum plant. Ph. 24225. Q74' WANTED YOUR CAR foi cash. Will pay more for late clean models, see us now. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St. q97a 1915 GMC ton pickup. With 4 speed transmission Overload springs. 15,000 miles. Can be seen at Larson Sc Klein Union Oil Station, 3540 Portland Rd. q74 128 GRAHAM Bros. Dodge) truck with hoist. $350. 2009 Center. q74 MODEL T pickup. Good tires. $75. 2009 Center. vi '41 FORD 2 ton truck with lumber rolls, in top shape with goo a lumoer haul, 728 N. Com'l. Ph. 36539 Eves. q76 $595. '87 Flashy Ford Tudor, R St H, fog lights St twin pipes. o w. aara ot. qij 1941 BUICK club coupe, new tires, radio 61 neater, tau a. jjmeny. apt, hub, miq EXCELLENT COND. 1B42 Studebaker Champion Coupe. New '40 motor, over drive, under teat neater, pn. aoiua. qta- FOR SALE: New streamlined house trail er. Sleeps ID 11. bbv. ruvme Back of West Stayton store. q73 37 CHEV. Coupe. Transmission overhaul ed, new oiutcn, neater, pricea reason able. Call after 5 p.m. 1755 South Capitol St 76 TRAILER FOR sale, Cheap. 1984 State St. , L. Ahrens, q'Q HAVE NEW car, must sell 1939 Hudson 4 dr. sedan, motor recently overnauiea, new battery, 3 new tires, heater, tailor made seat covers, car in excel, cond. 1689 N. 18th. Ph. 7968. q75 FOR SALE: 1840 DeSoto sedan. New mo tor, 500 ml. Phone 6139. q J029 MODEL A Truck for sale. 416 W. Rural. TRAILER HOUSE, Any reasonable offer Hccected. Charles Berry. 1005 2ist St. q75 1937 FORD Coupe. Good mechanical cond. 6 tires. Inquire RicKreau store. qtv FOR SALE, 1941 Nash, radio, heater, air cond. 2075 N. 18th. o( 1085 DeSOTO 2 Dr. Coach. Motor re- r.f. v nvarliBUiea. price aoout 'D. 1251 -Howard St. Q76 FOR SALE: GMC 1939 2-ton truck. 2-speed rear end. Push out type oea ior wooa hau'ig. 4 new 8.25 12-ply tires. All good condition. Stayton Wood St Fuel Co. Phone Stayton 6X8R or Lyons 1161 P. O. Box 1323, Stayton. q73 TRAILER HOUSE, turn. May be seen at 580 south mn. qo 1030 MODEL A Ford 2 Dr. Sedan. Fair shape, $195. Anton Koch, Rt. e. box 78. Phone 26F6. " " q73 FDR SALE eoultv In 26-ft. 1946 "M" sys tem trailer house, nutane coaxing. rnstl Hall Cottanes. 12th St. Jet. J. W. Alyea. Q78 AUTO PAINTING. PH. 4010 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO., 726 N. COM'L quo FOR SALE:- 1930 i-ton International pickup In good condition, siaao.uo. Ar thur Bassett, Mill City, Oregon. q73 1033 CHEV. parts for" sale. 143 Abrams Ave. r 12TH STREET Salem's new USED CAR CENTER 7 BIG CAR LOTS 7 Before you buy or sell com out and see us. STEVENS USED OARS 678 8. 12th Street 13th Street Used Cars ' 688 South 13th Street A. B. C. MOTORS 785 S. 12th Street EVERSON MOTOR CO. 796 S. 12th Street SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th Street DICKS USED CARS 1890 S. 12th Street CHEFFTNG USED CARS 1898 S. 12th Street 7S' HUDSON BAI.RS SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates overhauling Body and fender repair painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why." SHROOK MOTOR CO. Phone 8502 Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN BALES SERVICE PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired SHROCK MOTOR CO Phone 8503 - Salem FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made as small as $300. See us about refinanc ing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 4tt G.T. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. 4 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone 9261 r74' FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on Improved real estate, saiem and vicin Hy, amounts $500 to $5000, NET In vestors 5 pet. Interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and Interest payments made by us without charge to tne investors. STATE FINANCE CO., 163 8. High St. LOANS FOR SHOPPING $36 to $260 or more on signature, furniture or auto, No outsiders, $8.38 a mo. repays $100 loan in full In 16 mo. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 6 who ask for a loan at Persona) get it. Call today. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY, E. Gallinger Mgr. Phone 8191 518 State St Room 125 Lie. S 133 M 186 r76 I MONEY I REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and contracts STATE PTNANCE CO, REALTORS Lie 6-316 M-222 153 6 Hixb St MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE IF YOU are capable of building 10 to 100 nouses saiem or vicinity aunng 1947 and aeed financial assistance. Contact Us. We are also Interested In financing one or two large apartment house unite. STATE FINANCE CO- Llfl 6216M233 163 & High St. Ph. 4121 I AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO Bth FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDQ License No. M-159. 8-164 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 8-138 and U-838 and ROY R STMUONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 1)6 1. Commercial Si. Tel, 1161, FINANCIAL FARM AND CITY LOANS 4U and 6 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason cash for Real Estate contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 307 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph 7162. r Directory ACCOUNTANTS MONTHLY Bookkeeping service. Including E. Crock 082 balance sheet, tax returns. G. ett. Ph. 2-2829. ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX GEN. ACCOUNTING, AUDITS CAIN'S ACCOUNTING Service Rm. 181 Pacific bldg., 618 Statr St. Salem, Ore. Ph 5990. Res. 6217. 077 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK 278 8. Com'l. Ph. 6161 Brake St Wheel aligning specialist. o75 APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph- 3-5100 074 EXPERT BEND1X and commercial and domestlo refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Center Ph. 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plana. Call 9621. AUTOMOTIVE JUST A MILE from high prices. Delmar Auto Refinishlng. 3995 E. State St. Body tt fender repairing, auto painting. Ph 2-5913. Free estimates, all work guaran teed. 2 day service. o76 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 7838 Night, 24417. 333 Center. BULLDOZERS BULLDOZING leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil HUBkey, 305 Fair view Ave. Phone 23146. Salem. 086 GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 25379. CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. EKSLISX. 711 S. aiSt. Pn. Oil' CEMENT WORK, GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph 4071. 088 DELIVERY SERVICE EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph. 7000. 173 N. High. 088" SALEM D. LIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church Phone 4711. 074' DIGGING A LEVELING DIGG1NG. Basements, Ditches, Leveling, Fill Dirt. PECO, Pacific Excavating Com pany, Salem, -Oregon. Phone 3456 or 8793. . fl89 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, buttons Ss buckles covered, altera tions. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. o93 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. 17th. 078 Ph 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. PEMBE ETON'S FLOWER Shop. 12th. PETTYCREW'S Greenhouse, 200 kinds of plants Id season, 102B S. 12th. Ph. 25909. , 073 BREITHAUPT'S for flowers. Dial 9195. o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3672. Q HOUSEPAINT1NG C. HORN. Good work. Free estimates. Ph. 5313. 1235 S. 19th. oOE HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free del, 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. 075 LEVELING & DOZING JOHNSON & BRIGGS. Grading Sts. Roads. Phone 8035 saiera. 097 SILT St GRAVEL garden sand. Leveling Ss dozing. Bosley St Meyer. Ph. 3046 or 2-3160. 079 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H. HAUSER, 925 Saginaw. F7S28 OHl" MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. SALEM MOVING Sc Delivery Service. Phone 7665. Insured carrier. ouh MUSIC LESSONS SFANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar, Mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 court, pn. 7&ba. oae- OIL CIRCULATORS OIL CIRCULATORS. 24 hr. service. Parts available. Phone 6072. i PAINTING AND FAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping. PAINTING. Call for Jack. 4001. PAINTING AND decorating. Roy Hanson. Ph. 25838. Rt. 1, BOX 406-A. 078 FAINTING & PAPERUANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PArERnANGINQ EXPERT FAPERHANGING. H. J. Wood o82 worth. Phone 3015. PLOWING St DISCING GARDEN plowing St discing. George Wil son. Phont 08P1&. otiu PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travlss. 1029 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. 087 RADIO TUBES RAY MOORE. 1270 Portland Rd. Salem. RADIO REPAIRING QUICK, DEPENDABLE, saves you money ray moors. 3370 portiano no., uaicm 080" SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SILT and gravel. Bosley St Mey er. Ph. 3046 Or 22160, 088 GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel St dragline excavating Walling Sand St Gravel Oo Phone 8561 o f-EPTIC TANKS t F. HAM EL. Septic Tanks Cleaned. 1143 8th St. W Salem. Ph. 7404. o90 MIKE'S Cesspool St Septlo Service, mod ern equipment 107P Elm St. W Salem. Ph. 9468 or 6327. o75 SEPTIC TANK drains cleaned. 1067 Elm. Jack Boentng. . Ph. 9633. 082 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate Prompt service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. 081' 8IGNB AND SHO-CARD8 Ph 3636 Eldon Scott 076 SPRAYING COMPLETE spray service. Trees St weeds Modern equipment. Aerosol generator. Conrentronal sprayer. Philip W. Blelke. Phone 21208. o97 SPRAYING AND PRUNING SPRAYING AND pruning U W Caudle. Phone 7900. o72" TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL St DISTANCE Transfer, storage. Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks to Portland dally Agent Lyon van Lines for household good to California points. Larmer Transfer St Storage. Ph. 3131. o VACUUM CLEANERS HOO VElT WCVrn CLEANER owners, wi will service your Hoover cleaner com plete for $2.60 plut pert If required Hobs Bros. Ph 0149 o WEATHER STRIPPr.NO FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 6965. 081 WHITTAKERS WELDING WORKS. Ph. WELL DRILLING CLEMENT BROS., well drillers. Gervats, Ore. Ph. 2-4378. Rt. 1, 089 CHESTER J. PUGH. Rt 2. Box 288B Ph 2-3412. Salem. J78 WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe? Rt. 9, Box 144, Auburn Rd. Ph. 25198. o82 WINDOW CLEANING ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows, walls St woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed polished Ph. $137 4l Court, uanadoe Culbertaoo and Mather Market Quotations Portland Easislde Market Soinach was valued at 75-P0c a box at today's session of the Portland East- side Farmers' Wholesale Produce market, 1th a few fancy lots bringing up to , a 20-lb. orange box. Best heads of cauliflower were offered at $1.25-1.35; No. 2 cauliflower sold at 50-75o a crate. Top quality green onions were Offered at 60-55c a dozen bunches. Best quality parsnips sold at $1-1,15 in volume lots. 1 Topped carrots were quoted at $1-1.35 a 50-lb. sack or 12 an orange box. Portland Pro once Excnanse Butterf at Tentative (subject to imme dlate change) Premium quality maximum Portland 80-8lc: first quality 70-800 lb.; second quality 75-76cs valley routes and ountry points 3C less man urst, or ti lde. Butter Wholesale l.o b. ouik, us id cubes, AA, 93 score, 70-71C! A, 92 score, 70-710) B, 90 score, 69-70c; C, 89 score, 68c. Cheeia Belling price to rortiano wholesalers: Oregon singles 42-49c; Ore eon loaf, 42-52c; triplets. 996-60ttc Ego To wholesalers' A grade targe 469-47,3c: medium, 4Si-44V4c; small, (pullet) 4ltt-4Z,,bc; a graae large tutt- 42 Vic. En a Purchases horn tarmers: current receipts 37-4lc, buyers pay 3-3 c doe. below wholesale quotations on graaea basis for best hennery egge Portland Dairy Market Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA carton, 75c: AA prints. 74c; A prints, 74c; A cartons 75c: B prints, 73c; one- fourth pound cubes, Vt cent nigner. Ki Prices to retailers, aa large, bi- 52c: A large, 48-49c; AA medium, 46c: A mediums, 45-46c; A small, 44o dozent Carton.- 3MiO additional! Cheee- -Prices to retailers Portland Oregon singles. 43-84C lb.; Oregon loaf. 46-56c; triplets. 43464e Poultry) Live Chickens No I Leghorn broiler I to 2 lbs. 37c lb.; fryers 2 to S lbs.. 24-3501 3 to 5 lbs.. 37-35c Ib.t roasters 4 lbs. and over 27-35c: roosters and stagx 12-150 lb.; colored all weights, 29 -3 PC Fowl. Leghorn, over 3,j lbs.. 20-23c. Rabbits Average to retailers -we ro; dre.-Lied urlces to producers 43c. tryeift live white 30-340 Ib.i colored, 17-210 ib Vegetables: Artichokes 4 doz. $5 00-5.35; 6 dot. $5.60-6.00; Cal. 4 dor. $4.50-4.76; 5 dog.. $4.75-6.00. Calif, central dlst. No. 1 me diums, 25-3&C lb.; boxes $8-8.50; small. 33-240 lb. AsnaraEUs Cal II.. No. 1. mediun.S. 17-1 18c; small, 27-29c; crate, $10-10.50; box, ! $5 40-5.75; small, 13-16c lb. Beets Calif., bunuhea 4 doz., Broccoli 18 bunches, $4.25-4.75; Calif..1 28 bunches, $5 75-6. Brussel Sprouts $3-3.35 Cabbage Round nead. 80 Ib oratel small $2.50-75; California crates. $3-8.75; red 10-1 lie lb. California No. 1, $4.00-4.50; kraut. $1.65-1.75; red, Calif., $5.00-5.50; Track sale. Calif., round head. 13.80-3.00 crate: local, 80 10. crate, smau, up to $4 for best. Carrots Bunched, Calif., 6 dos., H.33- 5: track sales. Calif., 6 doz., $4-4.20; some 14.50. Cauliflower Cal.. trimmed atd orates. $1.25-1.50: Roseburg, Ore., $1.25-1.50 a crate. Circ. bunch, $1.15-65. Track sales. $1.75-3; local, $1.00-1.25. Few high as $2.10. celery Heart material. 4-b aot., 5.00. Pascal, crates, $5.50-76; sturdy crates, $4.50-4.75. Best, $5.00, fair $4.25 crate. vrracK sales, sto. crate, lair, ts.ou 75. Cucumber California hothouse, lugs. $9-9.50, Oregon hothouse, 8 doe., $10.50-13. Garlic Oregon wmte 25-300 lb.; cam.. 28-300 lb. Lettuce Calif.. 4 doz., $4.00-4.50; Am., 4 dOZ., $4.00-4.50. Dried Onions Oregon yellows. No. 1 and larger, $2.35-2.50; mediums, $1.50-1.75; truck sae, mediums, $1.60; 3-lnch, $2.25 2.35. Leek, local, 80-90e dos. Egg Plant 22-25c. Green Onions Local, 75-BQo doz; bun. Local, mld-Columbla, 60-70c. Parsley Calif., $5.-5.50, 10 doz. bunches Parsnips Local, $1.00-1.25 lug. Peas Calif., 20 lb. crate, $3.50-90, Peppers Mexico, 45 lb. $11.00-12.50; Track sales, $11.00; 100 so 19-20O lb.; Calif.. 45 lb. $7-7.50; loose, 23-25c. Potatoes Deschutes russets. No, 1 grades, $3.75-3.90 100 lb. sack; 26-Ib. sacks, 95-98c. Bakers, $4.25-4.50; Yaki ma. $3.20-3.40; Texas, Florida Bliss Tri umphs No. 1-A.- $3-8.10: No. 1-B. $3.30- 3.25. Track sales, Idaho, $8.57; Baker gems $3.25; Fla. Bliss Triumphs, $3.06. Radishes Calif;,-' $8-6.35 10 doz. crates. Rutabagan $1.15-1.25 lug Spinach Mid-Columbia, $1.00-1.25. $2.50-3.75; mld-Columbla. $1.00-1.60 20 Ib. box; local, The Dalles, 75c-$l. Squash Danlsn mgs l-U5! orange boxes $2.50-2.75: Hubbard, Marblehead, 6-7c lb.: Calif., banana, 6-6 '4c lb.; Calif.. Zucchini, $4.25-4.50 a 26 lb. lug. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey. 20 .b. basket, $5-5.25: Calif.. Louisiana yams. $4.50-4.75. Texas, $4.00-4.15. Tomatoes Repacked, $5.50-76: Mexican, as Is, $6.25-6.75, repacked, S6.50-6.75; 20 tubs. S4-4.20: Track sales, lugs. $5-5.50. 12 lb. tubs, $3.00-3.15. Turnips Bunches. $1.10-28 doz. bunches. $1.35-50 lug: Calif, bunches, $110-25. rresn Fruit: Apples Oregon delicious, f. St t $4-4.35 box: choice S3 75-85; Ortleys, w. and p. comb, grade, S3 15-25; Newtons. f and f., $1.75-3; w and p $4-4.35. Red Delicious, w and p, up to $5.50; Wlnesaps w Sc P, $4.50-6.00. Hood River, w. and p., $4.50-75. Avootdcs California Peurtes, sizes 16. 40 24, 30 S 4-4. 35 OOJCl Choice, $3.75-88. Bananas Bunched. S3. 25-3.50: eut hands, $12.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif. 24, 8 OB pkgs. 84.86-8. Grapefruit Texas pinks, 70's-90's, S4.75- 5.75; small, $4.00-4.36. Marsh seedless. 'S-98'S, $3.00-3.55; Ariz, white, $3.50-3.85. Lemons Calif.. 300-360's. $7.50-7.95: 432's, S6.00-6.25. Limes California 13 tubs ol 6 limes $2.75-3.00 Oranges California navels. 200'g and larger, $6.35-6 60; 25J'a and smaller, $5.40 5.60; 388's and smaller, $4.50-6. rears D'Anjou, $4.75-85, wrapped and paciced; loose, $3.a&: boio, loose. 12.75-g; Yakima, $3-3 25 Persimmons Calif, lugs, SS. 36-1.80. Pineapples Cuban, $7.25-7.50. Rhubarb Extra fancy. $2.50-2.65; fancy. $2.00-10; choice $1.75-80. few high as $2.00: Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 16c lb., looal Held grown S1.Z5-1.40. Quince Local 23i-3o ft. Packed Vegetables Cellophane wrappea a dozen: Broccoli, 12 oz. $1. 76-1.85; spin ach, 24 12-oz. S2-2.25; brussell sprouts 9-oz. $3.20-35. Garllo Cloves 20 l-oi packages. S1.65 1.75 , Dressed Meetai Veal Heavy top quality 28-30c: top quality light, 32-34C lb.; B, 25-26c; O, 32 24c; CUll, 18-20C lb. Hois - Blocs ou ten era, packer style 125-160 lbs. 37-38c; over 213 lbs.. 36-37c sows, all weights, 30-350 lb. Lambs AA. 38-40c; A, 37-S8ci B, S4-36e C. 28-30C Mutton 10-15o lb., according to quality and weight Beef Best quality, I0-32c; B, 26-26c; O. 20-22c; canner and cutter. I8-19CI bo logna bulls 35-26o. Wool Cascara Barkl Csseara Bark Oreen 8-8'iei dry. JOc Want Valley coarse and medium grades 45c Ib Mohair 40o lb.on 12-month growth Hides Green beef, 12-13c; o.lves, 43c lb. Kip hides, 33c. Rendered Inedible Fats 13e Ib The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are P.O.B shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally if cents nigner tnaa r.OM plant quota- lions DIRECTORY WINDOW cleaning house cleaning, floor waxing, saiem window Service. 21342. PROFESSIONAL CLEAJ4INQ SERVICI Phone 4457 0 WOOD SAWING LODGES I. O. O, P. meet every Wednesday niaht. In- itatory degree. Visitors welcome. Fraternal Order or Eagles meets every -luesaay at 8 pm More man a minion memuers. A Salem Lodge No. 4, A. P. & tRY'A. m., Wednesday, Marcn ztf, ' w M. M. degree, 7:30 p.m. 73 p Hi g rr wu nu, n.; oJSV & A.M.. at Woodburn Friday ' o p.m. M. M. Degree. Chicago Grain Chicago, March 36 (UPJ Cash grain sales: Wheat: Nominally strong; no sales. Corn: Up three to seven cents. No. 4 mixed 186U: 3 yellow 187-193'i; 4 yel low 177H-191; 5 yellow 17in-180U : sam ple grade yellow 160-171; 3 white 107",. Oats: Up two to thrre cents. 1 mixed heavy 99'i-l00l.i; 1 mixed extra heavy 09',: 1 mixed 100i: 3 mixed 99;; 1 white heavy 98i-101: 1 white extrn hea vy 102'i; 1 white 98'i-lOO; 3 white hea vy 98H: S white 98 li; sample grade white 9414. Barley: Malting 160-200 nominal; 130-150 nominal. feed Chicago Llveslork Chicago, March 26 Livestock: Hogs 3,500. Weights tinder 2.70 lbs about active and 25c higher; heavier hogs and sows steady to 35c higher; mar ket closed slow, very uneven activity on weights 270-300 lbs top 28.50; niOKt good and cholco -180-260 lbs 26.00-28.35; good and choice 270-290 lbs 27.25-28.00; 300 350 lbs 26.35-27.25; sows scarce; most good and choice 33.75-24.25. Cattle 9.500; calves 500. Fed sleers and yearlings slow and weak to 50c low er; heifers steady to 25c lower; cows scarce but fully steady. Top 28.50 paid for three loads choice 1,200 lbs fed steers; many loads choice steers and year lings 1.000 lbs and up 26.00-28.00; bulk average-medium to top-good steers and yearlings 20.50-25.00; low-choice 950 lbs fed heifers 25.00; bulk medium and good heifers 1B.50-23.50; hulk common to me dium cows 13.00-15.25; canners and cut ters 10.50-12.50. Practical top on good weighty sausage bulls 17.00; vcalers steady to 1.00 higher at 35.00 down. Sheep 4,000. Slaughter lambs opened active and steady: few loads good to choice wooled lambs 22.60-33,00; Includ ing double 113 lbs Texas at 22.50; three cars medium and good woolskins 92.35: holding several cars eood and choice frd wooled lambs at 2.1.50 and more: slaugh ter ewes about 60c higher; two cars mostly medium and good about 107 lbs wheat-pastured ewes 10.76. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., March 26 ttri Cash grain: oats No .2. 1(1 -lb white 72.00. Bar- I 8.50. Cash wheat ibid: soft white 3:45; soft white (excluding rex 3.45; white club 2.46: western red 2.45. Hard red winter: ordinary 2.50; 10 percent 3.50; 11 percent 2.64; 12 percent 2.66. Hard white heart: 10 percent 3.45; 11 percent 2.55; 13 percent 2.59, Today's car receipts: wneat ; iiour corn 8; oats 6; mtllfeed 5. Portland Mrritock Portland, Ore., March 38 (U.R LivenocK: Cattle salable 160: calves 25. Market afctlve; strong on kinds available; few common to medium steers 15.00-20.00; common to medium heifers 13.50-18.00; canner and cutter cows 10.00-13.00; shells down to 8.60; fed dairy type cows 13.50-14.75: medium heer cows to 15.50; medium to good sausage bulls 14.00-16.36; medium to good vealers 18.00-33.00; choice quotable to 26.00. Hogs saiame 100. Marxet active, Bieaay good to choice 190-240 lbs mostly 28.10; 255-300 lbs 26.50-27.50; good 400-460 lb sows 23.50-34.00; good to choice feeder pigs salable around 27.00-28.00 or above. sneep salable 35. scattered sales steady: good to choice wooled lambs quoted 30.00-21.00; odd heavy No. 3 pelt lambs 16.50; good No. 3 ewes 6.50; two years old up to 8.50; good to choice wooled ewes 8.60-9.00 or above. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Prices Rabbit Feeds Pellets, S4.20 cwt. Egg Mash 14.85 cwt. Dairy Peed 13.76 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens, No. 1 30c lb.; No. 2, 26c; colored fryers, No. 1, 32c ID Egg Bayer' Prices White and Brown extra large grade A 42c; rned,, 37c; standards. 36o dozen: pullets, 30c; crax, 30c. Wholesale Price Large, 44o dozen, rned. Butter Wholesale A, 74e. Retail Ch-ad-i A, 70c. Butterfat Premium, 78c; No. 1, 78c; No. 2, 74c. New York Stock Quotations Bj the Associated Press) New York St- -Closing quotations today Allied Oh em St Dye 172 American Can . 93 Am Power St Llgh; I4"t Atner Tel St Tel 166 U Anaconda Copper 39 Atchison "tt Bendlx Aviation 3 Bethlehem Steel 92?i Boeing Aircraft California Packing Canadian Pacific 286 1 Case Chrysler Corp Commonwealth St Bout.... C nsolldated Edlsor Consolidated Vultee .... Continental insurance Crown Zeiieroach 51 Curtis Wright 5Vi D is las Aircraft - 69 Dupom ffe Nemouri ... , 187 U General Electric 35'i Oeneral foods 43 'i General Motor? 60' Goodyear Tire 55 Great Northern pfd 423 International Harvester 84? int Paper pfd Johns Manvllle .... Kennecott Long Bel) A Maytag . .122 . 47' Miami Copper .... Montgomery War4 Nash Kelvlnator National Dairy . .. . 32 V , 17i N Y Central North Am Oo nortnern Paciflo 19 Vi Pao Amer fish - Pacillc Ons Eleo 39TA Paciflo T At T 162 1 b Pnn American 13i Radio Corp 42 W Rayomer 23 Hayonler Pfd - 37'.'j Reynolds Metals 30 ',4 Richfield 15 Safeway 23 3c an. Roebuck 36 Sinclair on 15 'i Southern Pacific 41 Standard Brand 341 Standard OH Calif 54 Stewart Warner 17 Studebalcer 217 Sun Mining 11') union on Onion Pacific ..124' 25 .. 17i law 15' .. 2S United Airlines United Alrctaft united States Steal Warner rtrothers . . West Eleo Mfg Oo Woo I worth Approximately 36 percent of the world's gold supply comes from the Union of South Africa. "UfJBlOCK'V DIGESTIVE TRACT And Stop Dosing Your Stomach With Soda and Alkalizara Don't expect to get real relief frrnn headache, our stomach, gss and bad breath by taking loda and other alkalizers if the true causa of your trouble Is constipation. In this case, your real trouble Is not In the stomach at all. But in the Intestinal tract where 80 of your food Is diijestfld. And when the lower part gets blocked food may fall to digest properly. What you want for real relief ff some thing to "unblock" your lowor intestinal tract. Something to clean It out effectively help Nature get back on her feet. Get Carter's Pills right now. Take aa di rected. They gently and effectively "unblock" your digestive tract. This permits all 6 of Nature's own digestive juices to mix better with your food. You get genuine relief from Indigestion so you can feel realty good again. Buy Carter's Pills today. "Unblork" your Intestinal tract for real relief from iodigeetion. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Stocks Advance Up lo 2 Points New York, March 26 (P) In dustrial issues led a selective recovery in today's stock mar ket. Declines in early dealings were largely wiped out and gains ranging to more than 2 points were registered in a slow-mov ing comeback. Advances were generally extended near the close. Transfers expanded to around 900,000 shares, best vol ume of the week. In higher ground were Ameri can telephone, Chrysler, U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Kennccott, American Smelting, Anaconda, Dow Chemical, Fajaro Sugar, air reduction, Sears Roebuck, General Motors and Goodyear. Professionals seeking profits on an anticipated technical comeback were credited with much of the bidding activity. Corn Futures Hit Hioh Level Chicago, March 26 All grains moved sharply higher to day under the leadership of corn, which soared to the best levels since 1920 on buying at tributed largely to commercial interests. Purchases of cash corn by the government in the southwest and overnight sales of 720,000 bushels to Italy spurred the up turn in the yellow grain. Prices in the spot market were up with i futures contracts. Heavy profit-taking near the close reduced extreme gains but wheat finished to 3 cents higher, May $2.71 V - $2.70 "i, corn was Va to 6 cents higher, May $1.87 -01.88. and oats 3V4 higher, May 92 Births, Deaths Births Kelsl To Mr. and Mrs. LBwrence J. Kelsh, 975 North 17th, a son, John Tim othy, March 18. Plttam To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Pittam. Detroit, a daughter, Patricia Ann, Marcn 20. Dunn To Mr. and Mrs. James W, Dunn, Independence, a son, James War ren, Jr., Marcn 20. Kelrsey To Mr. and Mrs, Ray 8. Kelrsey, 1440 Waller, a daughter, Cece lia Anne, Marcn 7. Redinger To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Re- dinger,, 3252 Simpson, a son, Richard Lee, marcn ( Keener To Mr. and Mrs. Sila 8. Kee ner, route 6, a daughter, Karon Kay, Marcn i. Taylor To Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Tay lor, 5053 Madrona, a son, Richard Den nis, March 8. McDermelt To Mr. and Mrs, Merl McDermcit, 1571 Waller, a daughter, Marye Dee, March 12. Lansing To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lansing, 1813 Cross, a daughter Beverly Groves To Mr. and Mri. Maurice K. Oroven, route 5, a daughter, Anita Lou ise, March 14. Brlttell To Mr. and Mrs. Virgil M. Brlttell, 2480 North 5th, a daughter, Joan Arlene, March 14. Black TO Mr. and Mrs. Lynne M. Black. 2359 Lee, a son, Hugh Richard, March 14. Ziellnski To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Ziellnskl, route 2. Silverlon, a son, Tho mas Alfred, March 16. Miller To Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Turner, a daughter, Darlene Adell, March 2V, Galscr To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Oalser, 1296 Commercial, a ton, Gerald anis, jr., March 20. Hnslebacher To Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Haslebacher. route 7, a son, James Lawrence, March 30. ' Morlnrty To Mr. and Mrs, Robert E. Morlarty, route 1, a daughter, Susan Leslie, March IS. Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones of Lenanou, are the parents of a daugh ter, Myrna Lee. weight 8 pounds, 14 'i ounces, at the General hospital March 20 Sllverton At Sllverton hospital, March n, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomn son. Canby; and a daughter to Mr, and HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Fissure Fistula Hemorrhoids Prolapse Itching and other Recta! disorders are corrected. No Hospitalization Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nature- Proctologist 218 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon m I 11 Wanted STRAWBERRY ACREAGE Will Furnish Certified Plants and Finance Under Term Contract Starr Fruit Products Phone 6073 Salem, This Is tho tmt when food form era ore returning fo loll robulldlnq crop rotation and othtr good (arm lng practical which wart InUrruptad by war. Astur tat d you plant baina worthy of your bwt tfforti I by at one getting your supply of lesled, clean, lortllt Northland Brand Satd, backtd by tha 62 year reputation ol Northrup, King & Co. Set your local Norlhrup, Xing dtaltr or writ lo , . . . Northrup, King Cr Co. ALBANY OREGON Wednesday; Mar. 26, 1947 13 Mra. H. Perry Williams, Woodburn. T and Mrs. John SDlomkl of ffentLi Mills a eon, March 23. To Mr. and Mrs. r. Harvey oi Gerva a. a ion. and tn Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Smith of Bhedd, s daughter, March 24. Drains William T. Wbeeter William T. Wheeler. 8S. former rl- dent of Salem, died at Pindioi.nn M.rrH 25. He U survived by a wife and follow ing brothers and sisters: Prank. Newport; Mrs. uoi nrmur, KWmath Falls: Mrs. Bessie Cooper and Jessie Whaler, ftaiem. Punera! arrangements to be announced. Burial will be at Mncleny cemetery with Clough-Barrlclt In charge. Mrs. Mary Clemen tin Cochrane Dallas Mrs. Mary Clementln Cochrane 47, al her home In the Onkdale district. fter a lingering in new. March 24. Born January 27. 1900 In Alsace, France and came to Dallas from France in 1B30. Mar ried to Eddie H. Cochrane, March 10, 1026, at Dallas. She has lived there 27 years. Was a member o ihe Catholia church and funeral services will be held t St. Phillips Catholic church at fl a.m. Thursday, March 37. with Father O'Reil ly officiating. Burial at Oddfellows ce metery In Dallas, in charge of Henitlo and Boiiman ninom home. Survived by her husband. Eddie H., of Dallas: on son. Joe Cochrane of Dallas; one brother, Emil Wenger of Dallas, and one sister and brother In France: a niece, Msry Gerard of Ft. Sill, Okla.; a nephew, Joo Wenger of Dallas. J. J. Hall Woodburn J. J. Hall, wedneart". March 26, at the Salem Deaconess hos pital, where he had been a patient for the past two weeks. Born at Woodburn, January 10, 1871. Surviving are the wife, Mrs. Jane Dawson Hail oi wooaDurn; a son. Niell Hall of the state of Wash ington; a dniKhtrr, Mrs. Margaret Hsll Foster of New York state; and a grand son, Jlmmlc roster oi wew x otk stste. Announcement of funeral services later by the Ringo mortuary. Mrs. Marrarrl Conanl Albany Mrs, Margaret conant, 73, Eu gene, died at the Albany General hox- pltal lato Monday nom injuries sne re ceived Saturday when the automobile in which she was riding was struck by a driven by Harold Hopte, Fall Green, Ore., on the Pacific highway two mmi south of Tangent. Mrs. Conant had suf fered a crushed pelvis and internal in juries. Her two daughters, two grand children and son-in-law, with whom sho was riding, escaped harm. Hopfe report ed that he and his wife suffered minor Injuries. In hit, accident report he said he was unable to avoid striking the other driven by Kenneth Ray of Coburg, when the Hay car was deflected into his path by a tire blow-out. William Allen Lane Albany William Allen Lane. 57. 1424 Jefferson streot, died at his home Sun day. Funeral services will be held from the Fisher funeral home at 2 p.m., Marcn Burial will be in the Riverside ceme tery. He was born August 11, 1889, at Daget Brook, Minn., and came to Albany in 1927 from the Oregon coast. He mar ried Vera Swarthout. June 11, 1935 at Vancouver, Wash., who survives 'him ss do two children, Walter Lane and Marlon Lane, ootn oi AiDany; two orotners, a. V. Lane,1 Santa Crun, Cal., and Harry Lane, Rainier, Ore., and a sister, Mrs. Bertha Carey, San Jose, Cal. He was a member or Linn Post 584, Veterans of Foreign. Wars. Hugh Rowley Lebanon Hugh Rowley, 50, died at his farm home near Lebanon March 23. A resident of Oregon for 65 years ho had lived in the Lebanon area 27 years of that time. He was born In Manches ter, Iowa, Feb. 21, 1888. Services wera held Wednesday at the Howe-Huston cha pel with Elder George Simons officiating. Burial in the IOOF cemetery. Surviving are Ills widow, Mildred; daughters, Mrs, Myrtli Dobson and Mrs. Verna Hoffman, Waterloo; Mrs. Esther McKinney, La comb; sons, Richard of Lebanon and Ver non of Waterloo, two sisters, four grand children wi d one great grandchild. Mrs. Lena Creason , Dayton Mrs. Lena Creason, 88. a resi dent of near Dayton more than 30 years, died Monday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Clark. She had been In falling health for some time with Infirmities due to old age. She was born June 23, 1858 at Co penhagen. Denmark, and came to Hit United States with a brother when 10 years of age and settled at Caldwell, Idaho where she was united In marriage to Theodore Creason In February 1684. Six children were born. Mr. Creason died at the same farm near Dayton with his son-in-law and daughter, March 20. 1928. Mrs. Creason was a member of tha Methodist church at Caldwell, Idaho, at the time of her death and the Kill Kara Klub of near Dayton for many years. She was the last member In a femllr of four, three brothers and ono girl. Sur viving are one son. Henry V. Creajon of Rupert, Idaho, three daughters, Mrs. Clark of Dayton. Mrs. Edgar Means of Tortland. Mrs. Lynn Williams. Hood Riv er; 12 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Whltflelds chapel at McMlnnvllle Wed nesday. Burial wns in the Dayton Odd Fellows cemetery by the side of her hus band. ITCH (Srahhles) li high 7 contagious and win continue for life If not lopped. Its sole eauna In the Itch-mite which Is Immune to ordinary treatments. EX SORA klllK the itch-mite almost Instant ly. Only three day EXSORA treatment li required At Tour Nearest FRED MEYER Drug Section J- BETTER HEALTH! Hamorrfiofff AscraJ ad Chn Allmtntt Oasfrfc Uhmr Traalsd without HotplUl Operation Writ or call (or FREI dejcriptlT Booklet Hnday tirougb Prubyt SO A, M. h P. Af, htvniMgti Monday, Wtdntiday, Pruts j Je J Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Physician and Surgsen It. E. Corner E. Uitmilds end Gund Avnu Telephone. Ast .39 Id, Portland 14. Oiagofj Oreg. Church & Mill mm 7