Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 26, 1947, Page 11, Image 11

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    i' Locals 'i
A tri-club model plane U-con
trol meet will be sponsored by
the Salem Cloud Chasers at Wa
ters' Held Sunday from 10 to 4
o'clock. Other clubs to compete
are the Salem Model Plane club
and the Portland Gas Hoppers.
Cooked food, fancy work
Helping Hand Missionary club,
Friday, March 28. Portland ua
& Coke office. 74
Westinghouse refrigerator, 30
cubic foot for immediate de
livery. With fan for interior
circulation. Ideal for restau
rant, grocery, or large farm
home. Yeater Appliance Co
255 N. Liberty. 73
Two horsepower single phase
motors. Keith Brown Lumber
Yard. Front and Court Sts
Phone 9163. 75
Speakers at the Wednesday
evening dinner meeting of the
Salem Toastmistresses will be
Lenore Headley and Olga Wik
berg , with Loretta Frederich
toastmistress, Ada Ross table
toDics chairman and Vernice
Boehm general critic.
Brush College Grange serving
a turkey dinner at Mayflower
fliry in Hollywood starting ai
iTsn n.m.. March 28. 73
Cafe for sale. Phone 8427. 77
Taxll Valley Cab. Prompt
service Phone 8624.
Everett Poe, 468 North 18th
street, and Mae I. Boone, 669
North 16th street, both of Salem
have been Issued a Vancouver,
Wash., marriage license.
Expert watch and clock re
nalrine. Five day service at
Steven's Jewelry.
Flower Vases for Easter. Elf
Strom's Gift Department, third
floor. , 81
Johns Manville shingles ap
plied right over your old roof
Nothing down, three years to
nav Mathis Bros.. 164 South
Commercial. Phone 4642.
Wiring service. Judson's. 279
North Commercial. Phone 4141
Dexter sharpens lawnmowers
at your home by machine. 6833
i A
Save time! Save money! Do
your laundry the Easy Way
Washing machines, dryers, man
gles for rent by the hour. All
modern equipment Self Service
Laundry. 1815 South 12th
Phone 5607. 73
Funeral services for Jacob
Johnson, father of Donald John
son, of Salem, will be held 'in
Portland Friday afternoon with
concluding services at Lincoln
Memorial park. He is also sur
vived by his widow, another
son and five brothers and sis
ters. Two horsepower single phase
motors. Keith Brown Lumber
Yard. Front and Court Sts
Phone 9167. 75'
Bryants, dressmaking and al
terations. 360 State street
Room 25. 73
World famous Akron Modern
Trusses, correctly fitted. Private
fitting room. Capital Drug store
A. M. Hansen, of Salem, has
been granted permission by the
Oregon FHA office for the con
struction of two for-rent hous
ing units.
Air, Steamship tickets, Kugel
735 North Capitol. Phone 7657
Lutz Flower Shoppe, 1276 N
Liberty street. Phone 9592.-
Eola Acres Florist. 5730. 73'
Both the Cloverdale Farmers
Union and the 4-H club will
meet at the school house Thurs
day night. The 4-H health club
is working on health posters for
the spring show. April 20-25.
It's real Organ Music at the
Capitola Roller Rink. Let's go
jroller skating tonight!!! 73
Available now. Spark oil
heaters. Judson's, 279 North
Commercial. Phone 4141. 73
Dance every Wednesday and
Saturday at Crystal Gardens
Two floors, two orchestras, one
price. Modern and old time.
Scott Smith of the Hayesville
district, was received at a local
hospital Wednesday to undergo
Lawnmowers ground to a pa
per cutting edge. Moore's "Bike''
Shop. Phone 3844.
Two burner hotplates. Vin
ce's Electric. 77
Rubber Gloss Wax and clean
er, Vince's Electric. 77"
Carlton Greider, veterans'
counsellor for the Salem em
ployment office, will speak at
the Thursday luncheon of the
Albany Kiwanis club.
Se complete line Color Per
fect war paper at Sears.
Electric Fans. Vince's Elec
tric. 77
River silt and fill dirt. Com
tiereial band and Gravel. Phone
Set for Monday, March 31, at
7:30 p.m. at the YMCA is a
meeting of the Salem Naval
Electronics Warfare unit, with
all men in the U. S. naval re
serve V6 inactive program and
those interested in a unit of this
sort are urged to attend. In
announcing the date for the
meeting, which is for the pur
pose of filling active billets on
a pay status, the local naval re
cruiting office stated that there
were a few officer and 40 en
listed men's billets open. Plans
are now being made to take an
active part in radio drills in
operation from the naval reserve
headquarters in Seattle.
It's real Organ Music at the
Capitola Roller Rink. Let's go
roller skating tonight!!! 73
Prompt wiring service. Jud
son's, 279 North Commercial.
Phone 4141. 73
4 drawer, 30" chest $11.83.
Woodrow's, 450 Center. 73
Fender skirts and driving
lights were reported to police
Tuesday night as stolen from the
automobile owned by William
Bales. The car was parked in a
downtown parking lot when the
theft occurred.
lnsurp savings earn more
than tw percent at Salem Fed-
eral Savings Association. 130
Soutn Liberty street.
Olson Washer Repair.
For Rent Floor Sanders,
Woodrow's, 450 Center St.
H. H. Harms of the Portland
police department will be guest
speaker before the Salem Ca
mellia society at the YMCA
Thursday night. Harms is said
to have one of the largest collec
tions ot camellias in the state.
The meeting will be open to the
general public.
Stove oil. Cadwell Oil Com
pany. Phone 9788. 2490 State.
6.000 pansy plants. D-Vista
Gardens, 3225 D street. 73
Laying Pullets. Phone 22943.
Registration for the course in
life saving being conducted at
the YMCA will close Wednesday
night, Chet Goodman, instruc
tor, announces.. The course will
consist of nine lessons, held each
Wednesday night and is open to
juniors and seniors with requir
ed swimming ability. Those who
successfully pass the tests at the
close will be certificated as
YMCA and Red Cross life savers.
DeLuxe Cab. Phone 8050. 88'
1 lot wall shelves (finished)
glass shelves. Regular price
$4.98. Close out, $1.98. Wood
row's, 450 Center. 73
For immediate delivery. We-
six room heaters. 1.5-2-2.5-3 and
4 Kw. Broadway Appliance Co.
419 Ferry. Salem, Oregon. 77
Tarz Aufranc was elected ex
alted ruler of the Salem Elks at
the annual election last Thurs
day night. The lodge announces
a crab feed, the biggest of the
season, for Thursday night of
this week. '
Close out, 6 tube radios, regu
lar price $51.95. Close out at
$29.95. Woodrow's, 450 Center.
We install Shatter-Proof au
to glass. Woodrow's. 450 Cen
ter street.
Vacuum Cleaners, (tanks and
uprights) $49.95 up. 14 differ
ent makes to choose from
Terms, trade ins, rentals, re
pairs. Vince's Electric. 77
A show window at the Col-
year Motor Sales company, 495
North High, was crashed Tues
day afternoon by a spare wheel
and tire that became detached
from the automobile of Wesley
C. Cameron, 248 Bellevue, when
it collided with a car driven by
David M. Nyberg, 2210 Laurel.
The collision occurred at High
and Marion. Mrs. Nyberg was
given first aid for a minor leg
Flower Vases for Easter. Elf
strom's Gift Department, third
floor. 81
For Sale: 2 acres. House fur
nished or unfurnished. Electric
range. Phone 25855. 74
Wanted, dining room
Phone 5862.
The McMinnville Chamber of
Commerce may present a pro
gram befor the Salem Chamber
some time this year. This was
one of the possible developments
growing out of the good-will
visit here Tuesday by 20 mem
bers of the McMinnville organi
zation, Manager Clay Cochran
of the Salem Chamber said.
Rummage Sale by Marine
Corp League Auxiliary ovei
fJreenbaums, Thursday, March
27. 73
Powell Nursing Home will
be open to the public Easter
Sunday from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.
908 Lyon, Albany. Phone 40. 76
Chairs, leatherette seats. Spe
cial price $3.69. Woodrow's, 450
Center. .73
State Hospital Building Destroyed These walls and debris are all that remained after fire
swept through a four-ward wing of the Western Washington State hospital, a mental institution,
at Steilacoom, Wash., just before dawn. One of the 231 patients burned to death. (AP Wirephoto)
No change is reported in the
condition of Mrs. Elizabeth Sing
er who is seriously ill in a local
hospital. She k receiving no
Marshall strawberry plants
50c hundred, you dig. Merrill's
Greenhouse, Brooks. Phone
24351. ' 75
Shorthand and typist wanted.
Call Homer Smith, 9181. 75
From Madigan General hospi
tal at Tacoma comes word of the
discharge of a Salem man. who
was one of the military person-j
nel at the hospital, Tech. 5 Ce-
celia R.
Hough of route 1, box
State Prayer band convention
March 27 and 28 at Highland
Friends church. Reverend James
Bishop, missionary, just home
after eight years in India, also
Miss Barnum, National Prayer
band president, guest speakers
Services at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and
7:30 p.m. 73
The new age limits of 27 to 40
years will result in two' men be
ing dropped from the present
personnel of the police depart
ment, Chief Frank A. Minto said
Tuesday. Both are under 27 and
are serving as temporary offi
cers. Civil service examinations
for police officers will be held
this spring shortly after the fire
men examinations which are
dated for April 18.
If you want a fully furnished
house, this is it. Pre-Pearl Har
bor 2-bedroom home, fireplace,
furnace, beautifully landscaped.
Your luggage and bedding is all
you need in this home. Owner's
equity $6000 balance at $45.00
a month including interest at 5
percent. See Wm. Bliven or L.
C. Cooney, 429 Oregon Build
ing. Phone 7906. 73
Willard Norton, Silverton,
who was sentenced to pay a fine
of $25 and to 30 days in jail
in Silverton justice court on a
charge of disorderly conduct,
has paid the $25 but is now
serving his sentence.
Salem Court News
Circuit Court
Order of dismissal rue a in frame e.
and Carrie V. Bower vs. Gloria Shan
non and others.
Action b Meta H. Eyi-rly vs. Pacific
Orvhound lines and Emmett E. Schrief-
er asks 12203.88 damages crowing out of
a collision.
Complaint for divorce by Nancy J. vs.
Clarence V. Stratton allens cruel and
inhuman treatment. Married November
7, 1940. in Salem.
Comnlaint by Donna Wright vs. O. C.
His Bins asks (7500 damanes for injuries
aliened received, while dental worK was
belni done.
MarJorle Baker Yuri asks 13055 dam
ages from Dorothy Vap. Frank A. Mar
nellt and Frank Pack crowing out of an
automobile accident Sept. 22, lf)4fl, on
the highway Juit past the south city
limits of West Saiem.
Amended complaint for divorce by
Margie C. vs Oncar Ktlborn asks cus
tody of two children, 150 a month for
support or each and for the court to
determine Interests in real and personal
Motlon.i allowed and overruled In Jul
ius Vandekey vs. 'Raymond and HWen
Manning and 10 days given to further
Jesse F. Norris charged with disposing
of mortgaged property has signed waiver
of extradition to return to Fayettevllle,
Probate Court
Order In the Donna Marcia Wnodell
guardianship lleetuej sale of real proper
ty by Marshal) E. Woodell. guardian.
Guardianship estate appraised at 12500
by Alf Nelson. Roy Marland and Bessie
Decree allows Ingeborg Cornelia Oop-
lerud to change her name to Peggy Cor
nelia Ooplerud.
Final order granted in estates of Ri
ka Melgaard Biork and Charlotte Schu
lenberg. Authority granted Pioneer Trust com
pany and Frances Utter, executor of the
estate of Warren F. Pohle to sell cer
tain livestock to obtain funds for in
stalling an elevator In a warehouse
building ' leased to Sears Roebuck com
pany. Estimated cost of elevator J 7887.
Report by Francis Nuttman. guardian
ot Amelia Nuttman, shows real property
sold for 15100 to Madeline Lackner.
Order authorizes Harm an Clark, execu
tor of the estate of Althea P. Taylor to
sell certain securities.
Order In the Phebe-Bland estate fixes
Inheritance tax of 11936.80 on a 124.-
997.01 net taxable estate.
Petition by Elizabeth Zaehr. admin
istratrix of the estate of Fred Zacher.
asks authority to file an amended final
Order In the Eva O. Hi"ks rtate au-
thorties Loren D. Hicks, administrator, to
execute a deed to real property In Arnold
Sheriff Denver Young has fil
ed a turnover showing addition
al $8364.32 in taxes collected
from the 1944-45 roll.
Would you like to rock while
the younger folks swing? There
are a number of floor sample
swing rockers to be sold at dis
counts up to 50 percent at one
of the leading furniture stores in
Salem. It is quite out of the
ordinary to obtain such discounts
at this time on full spring con
struction chairs. There is no
reason why you should not be
given the firm name in case you
or some of your friends want
one it is Elfstrom's and the ad
dress is 340 Court street. 73
For sale 1 9 3 3 Chevrolet
Master. Phone 22116. Do deal
ers. Excellent condition. 73
Kenneth Buchanan, deputy
county clerk, has filed his res
ignation effective April 1 and
will take a position with Stacey
& Company. Vernon Windsor,
route 2, Salem, will succeed him.
The- position at the clerk's office
handles photostat and general
Certificate of assumed busi
ness name for Columbia Distrib
uting company has been filed
with the county clerk by Merritt
Truax, 205 Columbia street.
Townsend clubs No. 2 and
No. 3 will meet tonight for a
social evening in the Dairy Co
op, hall, 2135 Fairgrounds road
at 8 p.m. Colored motion pic
tures of Oregon, with sound ex
planations will be shown and
other entertainment will be pro
vided. Refreshments will be
Slated for Thursday evening
at Mt. Angel is a meeting of
the Marion County Federated
Veterans council, chairman of
which is Pat Grogan of Silver
ton. Townsend club No. 16 will
meet at the home of Mrs. An
na M. Arnold, 2256 Ford street,
Thursday evening.
Earl A. Johnson named guardian of the
22.000 estate of Albert A. Johnson.
Inheritance tax of $68.85 determined on
the $16,885.18 net taxable estate of Joseph
Final account of N. M. Laubv as execu
tor of the estate of Mary Bajter shows
balance of $4333.03 on hand. Final hear
ing April 28.
Louis Roeygen named guardian of es
tate of Emily Van Den Braembrusche.
Order In the Brooks T. Hedges estate
designates Ula L. Christie as sole heir
and stipulation provides for distribution
of the esutc between her, Marlon county
and Mabel Sullivan as donee.
Order in the Fred A. Minzenmier estate
authorizes filing of an amended inven
tory. Appraisal of $9335.80 made on estate of
William H. Burger by A. A. Benramm,
Douglas McKay and H. R. Crawford.
Order In the William H. Burger estate
authorises Fred w. Burger, executor, to
sell specified personal property.
Justice Court
Plea of guilty by Roy E.
South Cottage, defective
S2.S0 and costs.
Holbrook. 1690
muffler, fined
Plea of guilty by Bill
City, hauling logs without
ed 150 and costs.
t permit.
State vs. George Kufner, nonsupport.
preliminary hearing held and Kufner
held to answer to the grand Jury.
Police Court
Violation of traffic light: O. F. Frank
lin. 3080 Portland road, ball 12.90.
Vagrancy: Mike Knrakaah,
Minn., 30 days suspended.
Violation ot the baAlc speed rule: Wil
liam C. Howard. Jr.. 3580 Portland road.
Donald C. Walker. Silverton. ball 17.50.
Chester P. Coleman, 151 North 13th, fined
110. Lealle E Marcua, Portland, ball 135.
Violation of the noise ordinance: An
drew O. Humphrey, 2435 Cherry, plead
ed Innocent and trial set for March 27.
ball 115.
Defective light, on vehicle: Morris Mc-
Elouce, 1480 North Summer, required to
make repairs.
Fall to stop at alley Intersection with
street: Robert LeRoy Sharp, 545 E atreet.
Drunk and vagrancy: John
transient, 30 days suspended.
Hie! reverse turn: Walter W. John
son. Jr., 2395 Center, ball 12.30.
Violation 01 stop sign: Cecil a. Ab
bott, 707 North Cottage, fined J2.50.
Marriage Licenses
Msnuel A. Serpa. 45. clerk, and Irene
C. Holme, 31, clerk, both Portland.
Willi im C Taylor. 41. lotter, and
Jean Marts Condron. 23. housewife both
Sweet Home.
i i "i ft Sv,kt u
(Continued from Pane 1)
was held lip when a number of
members of the ways and means
committee voiced opposition to
appropriating money from the
racing fund to this organization
after it was found that a divi
dend had been paid to stockhold
ers from rent derived from use
of the building by federal agen
cies during the war period.
Senator Belton, who made a
cheek on the use of state money
by the exposition association,
reported that all state money
had been used for payment of
premiums and for rehabilitation
of the building according to stat
ute. He said there were two
companies, the holding company
which owned the building and
another' company which staged
the exposition.
Senator Jones declared that
he was suspicious and wanted to
know why the state should
spend money on repairing a
building, from which rents were
collected and dividends paid out
of such rents.
Paid Rent Dividends
"I don't like the looks of this,"
he said. "It appears that the
state is appropriating money to
a private concern and I don't
think that is right for us to allow
them to use slate money for
repair of the building.
Senators Gibson and Ellis
joined in the protest and re
quested further investigation of
the subject, with the result that
the committee held the appro
priation up.
Senator Ellii made an unsuc
cessful attempt to have the ap
propriation bijl of $50,000 for
purchase of a residence for the
governor reported out, and after
his motion was again defeated
by 6 to 5 the bill was tabled.
Senator Ellis announced that he
would take the floor in the sen
ate and request that the bill be
recalled from the committee for
The committee approved a
budget of $17,946,680.22 for the
industrial accident commission
as approved by the budget de
partment. This budget is paid
for out of funds derived from
the department and does not re
quire an appropriation from the
general fund.
Parole Violator
Gives Himself Up
Reginald Millard Porterfield
walked into the sheriff's office
Tuesday night and said he
wished to give himself up as a
parole violator from California.
He said he was taken from a
freight train at Roseburg, put
in the county jail and released,
but the experience was such by
the time he arrived in Salem he
said he was satisfied he'd be
picked up and returned , sooner
or later so decided to relieve
himself of further' anxiety.
He said on February 1, 1048,
he was given a three-year proba
tionary sentence in Mendicino
county, Calif., parojod on condi
tion that he remain in an area
of three counties but violated
his parole by leaving California
about a month ago. Sheriff Den
ver Young has notified the pa
role authorities there.
Mrs. Anna Wirsching, who un
derwent a major operation at a
local hospital, is now convalesc
ing at her home in the Middle
Grove district.
When the Fire Siren Blows
Do you wonder if "rhot is my place?"
Do you wonder how much iniurance you carry?
Do You Know?
Call Huggini Office Salem'i General America Agent
129 North Commercial St
Fire Rescues
Called Miracle
Steilacoom, Wash., March 26
(U.R) The safe rescue of all but
one of 231 "chronic and incur
able patients" from a fire in the
4-year-old wing of the Western
State hospital for the insane was
described today by the institu
tion's director as "nothing short
of miraculous."
One patient was burned to
death and a fireman and a util-
it.. inilircifl rilll-ini. a
t tlirm-lmiii- fir. ir. tha uri.MAt-,
building yesterday, but attend
ants averted panic by shepherd
ing 230 inmates to safety.
The blaze broke out in i
clothes closet yesterday and 60
attendants began moving the
inmates outside,
were bed-ridden
wheeled to safety,
to be carried out
and ' were
Others had
evacuated 181 patients from an
adjacent building which was
threatened by the flames.
Five inmates, none of whom
were considered dangerous,
escaped but two were recaptur
ed , One patient dashed wild
ly back into the inferno but was
hauled to safety. Another was
trapped behind bars on the third
floor but firemen hooked a
cable to the window frame,
wrenched it loose, and brought
the frightened man down a lad
der. Bridge Sale to
Counties Okayed
Portland, March 26 The
state highway commission yes
terday awarded six contracts
rejected four bids as too high
and referred four others to the
engineer with power to award.
In other actions the commiS'
sion: Tentatively approved
proposed Sullvan's Gulch ex
press highway through east
side Portland from the Willam
ette river to the Columbia river
highway on the city's outskirts.
Agreed to raise the highway
grade to permit parallel park
ing in Hermiston, but rejected
a request to extend a 1300-foot
footpath contract -already let to
2500 feet along the highway
north of Hermiston.
Agreed to give Pilot Rock
state aid to the extent of $2500
for construction of a new bridge
in the town, but refused to sup
ply requested $3344 toward a
bridge wanted for log hauling
Approved $2500 for planting
and maintenance on the Pacific
highway in North Salem and
$3000 for planting and sprink
ler system at Springfield Junc
tion on the Pacific highway.
Prohibited "parking on the
south side of the Pacific high
way at Springfield Junction to
facilitate bus loading.
Authorized sale of the old
Pudding River bridge at Auro
ra to Marion and Clackamas
counties for approximately $6,-
Lifted the reduced load limit
regulations on the McKenzie
Alsea, Richardson-Eugene, and
southerly 10-mile section of Al
sea-Deadwood secondary high,
Closed the Sams Valley sec
ondary highway to log hauling
traffic between Dodge bridge
and Crater Lake highway junc
tion to force log trucks over
department scales at Agate
Action on bids included:
Washington county 2.52 miles of grad
ing and paving, construction or two ov
erpasses on Barnes road-Mullnomah coun
ty line section of Sunset highway. Por
ter' W. Yrtt, Portland, 1724,753, referred
to engineer.
Multnomah county Construction of
of a mile of rock toe, 2.58 miles of rock
slope protection, 8.43 miles of roadbed
lopping and topsolllng and seeding on
the Troutdale-Wahkecna Creek section of
the Columbia river highway, J, N. and
J. Conley, Portland, (380,770, referred
to engineer.
Lane count Regrading 1.27 miles, sur
facing and oiling six miles of the Gil
lespie corner-Lorance section, territorial
secondary highway. D. F. McKenzie, Sa
lem. 1117. 9.10, awarded.
Multnomah county Construction of
concrete bridge over Oregon-Washing
ton railroad and navigation company
If your blood LACKS IRON!
Tou girls and women who Buffer m
from simple anemia that you'ra pale,
weak, "dragged out" this may be
due to lack of blood-Iron. So try
Lydla E. Pink hum 'a TABLETS one
of the best home ways to build up
red blood in such caws. Plnkham's
Tablets are one of the greatest blood
Iron ton lea you can buyl Buy them
at any drugstore. Worth trying!
lydia E. Pinkham's TA61CTS
Dial 9119
Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.,
tracks at Bridal Veil on Columbia river
highway, Guy P. Atkinson, Portland.
1317.400, referred to rngineer.
Multnomah and Washington counties
Oradlns and .stir facing of 3.60 miles on
Writ Unlon-Corn'lms section. Htllsboro-
Cornellus county road and construc
ting Reck creek bridge. K. F- Jacobaen
company, Portland. 1173,391, referred to
Russia Ignores
(Continued from Page 11
Secretary-General Trygve Lie
opened the trusteeship session
with an appeal to members of
the UN to resort to the world
peace organization on all inter
national problems "even when
the most vital national interests
are at stake." This was Lie's
lirst public address since Presi
dent Truman declared the UN
was unable to deal with totali
tarian threats to Greece and
Turkey and asked congress for
$400,000,000 aid to those coun
tries. Without referring directly to
the Greek-Turkish situation, Lie
asserted that "the bed-rock on
which alone the United Nations
can build solidly and securely
for the future" is a readiness of
members to resort to the UN and
to live up to the "solemn princi
ples and purposes of the United
On another phase. Lie said the
Palestine problem probably
would come before the United
Nations at an early date.
Veterans Get Chance
At Office Furniture
Portland, March 26 ()
World War II veterans have an
opportunity to get 550 standard
used typewriters and 500 pieces
of office furniture, the war as
sets administration reported to
day. The typewriters are priced
from $15 to $56. They and the
office furniture consisting of
desks, chairs, filing cabinets and
other items may be inspected
from March 31 through April 5
and will be sold by lot drawing
on April 8. They are at the
Willamette Iron and Steel com
pany plant here. Mail orders will
be accepted, the WAA said. Or
ders are limited to one type
writer and one piece of furni
ture. Elmer D. Schildt, 735 North
Commercial and Winifred V.
Noland, 1555 Saginaw, both of
Salem, have been issued a mar
riage license at Vancouver,
Wash. A license was also issued
to Raymond D. Morfitt, Baker,
and Ruby A. Johnson, Gervais,
route 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ling of
Salem have purchased the Loren
Van Waggoner farm near Aums
ville, who in turn have bought
the jack Wiebes property. The
Wlebes will move to Salem
where both are employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Swink
have purchased the M. Schram
meck property in the Middle
Grove community.
Mrs. C. G. Lawrence, 422
South High street, reported to
police the theft of a vacuum
cleaner from her home.
Wanted: Walnut Meats
Piecei and
S05 South Cottage Street
Don't G
S for
rjZZ2'M& 484 State St.
w w
Wednesday,. Mar. 26, 1947 11
James J. Hallr
Woodburn, Dies
Woodburn James J. Hall, 75,
life long resident of Woodburn,
died early Wednesday morning,
March 26, at the Deaconess hos
pital in Salem. Son of Ben
jamin Hall and Mary Johnson
Hall, pioneers of this vicinity,
he was born on the Hall home
stead adjoining Woodburn June
10, 1871, and lived here all of
his life. For 40 years he operated
a photograph gallery here, re
tiring about three years ago. He
served as mayor of Woodburn
from 1918 to 1924 and on the
city council in 1929 and 1930.
Mr. Hall and Miss Jane Daw
son were married at Woodburn
November 16. 1897, and were
planning for the celebration of
their golden wedding anniver
sary this fall.
Besides his wife he is survived
by a son, Neill D. Hall of Seat
tle; a daughter, Mrs. Margaret
Oster of Potsdam, New York,
and 4 grandchildren.
Funeral announcement will be
made by Ringo.
Marshall Hits
(Continued from Page 1)
Marshall told the council last
night he strongly favored in
cluding China as an inviting
Molotov earlier had agreed to
Marshall's proposal for a written
exchange of information on
China, but said the Russian gov
ernment still believed informal
Big Three discussions offered a
better means of dealing with the
Chinese problem."
"I have no objection to offer
to your suggestion," Molotov
told Marshall, but he added:
"Such a way of communicat
ing information does not seem to
me to be entirely satisfactory."
Election of officers will be
held this evening at the meet
ing of the Marion County Re
serve Officers association,
which will be held at the Gold
en Pheasant. Previously nomi
nated for offices in the associ-.
ation at the last meeting were
president, Col. George Spaur;
vice president, Maj. Harlan
Judri; and secretary-treasurer.
Lt. Roy Rice. There will be an
opportunity for further nomina
tions this evening. Attending
the meeting, to which all re
serve officers are invited, will
be Col. George D. Wall of Port
land, senior Instructor from the
Oregon instructors group.
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