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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1947)
Gaelic PwataynA IV l in Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., nednesday, Mar. 26, 1947 Uonad I)ui,k BjTwarrbisney . Donald at Half Mast Wednesday P. M. n 1 1 - 1 I H " I TTJl 1 IKSLM IT IKGW Z'c 'KEX "VT I KOI N a." 11 I 2 I:IM j News ! Kara mt Tedat I Trrrr in "Irate I Knoi Mannlni fM. A 4 v H E attSfb :15 SnpcraiB Nm ( Skj Ktnc Mo-it W-VAV I ' II - - I TjlaW :30 Cat HfdBlibt I Bonn I Jack Arm., rani I Ni T L -"VM " II V . I - flCCKS :4 Tom Mil ' Ntwi ' lit Frlfiidt LiW- . MWi & 11 -HI T-TT JiOA Ntwt pTffy'a ftTm Rtnif IUnti" ' ArW.1 T ,ayv H 1 ti :1S I Newt 1 Ooffy't TaTcnt "" I Strut VrTS I lho I :XA I T.B.A. Musical f Pol (.old Dinah ft tiara WV' (j M afl f l lir El :48 I Orehtttra Hailea! I Pat a' fluid I ntnah hara -.fTl; 'UK t X!' !W F I ?:0o SeatUnd Ttrd t Frank Mortar I I.ont Ranter t Drtamin Y" M Wirid H Sf t1 JL. I - I 1 :ll Seallaad Tart (Frank Marian I f.onr ttnt flrcammt T?.p fcml'terft. 5"CSaJ P. 1 f-s. I: Cltro (tid j Kner'i Kallrt Taul IThllmin I Inform t inn ' Jk p ' 7)pL-i r1 WJfW A yJyWw A Ti?v-r;agg-M3L y I Cltct Kid I Kricr't HoHna I Paul Whitman ' lnformailr.ii "SS:IIX, V IjL-Jv W( .W JLLl (tTSM AiVi- "": I Kama af Supper CTob I l.nm "o 4bntr Newt . 'ZrSW. VV L-Mlr SSzf 8:15 f That fast I Fleelwaad LawlM I ftanrt Jark mlfh Shaw --irf "T-- a.,. J TVfiT'l I .l"M-r:?ii-SaJff--15 K i.a I n- cp to rNtb Gl)denree?a I Willie Piper I Dr. ThrUtlan rS?S " ' U ITl X- T fWSl K L--Z-ZSHj 1:45 j Ht' Qp Tauth I GHdenletTa jjYillla Piper lPr. Chrlttlan 1 fl ' hTZ- M D j 15'Vl ":rSt :I5 I Pleterlal nennlt Daj I Bint Croibj Jirk I'iMon ! j I n SSa-.tTW id h : I Orcbtttra I DIpI KUotnty Hnr Mnnin IK. W NHthhnra r - ' . ' -tT ' I ! fQ I 1 V v tU J CJ IT t:45 1 1 Qrchailra l PUt. AtUrnfi Henry Mortan ) N. W. Nelihhrt "' A i f ) Q " ) I If I f v' w K,ff in s..- f f p .' fr"-. j f, 30:00 rnUaa Uwli, Jr. '" Newi riaibtt t Newt lar rinal , . uXil ir .'5":u j'J TT- ,'H:rT Henry By Carl Anderson lO.arw 'Newt I Oreh. ) Cnnetrt Hnr I Orchestra " 10:ft Orebeilra I Band Wamn I Concert Hnnr t Trit Raniert f ' '"" T. ""T "' -"I I , , 11 - r ' IMM , f , , ,. , O... B.. loreheilr. c.n.trl R..I I OrrhMlt. BRING ME MY SEWINO f ( 1 Open Host I Oreheitr I Orchralra I Alr-n , , ft ACTU'CT O 11I4H Htm Onh.ilr. I S. ( ,7 ' ' Ui I Bln Off aim Oft x-fr Hnnr I gllent , y "J"" , ' - Thursday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P.M. JPfe JV(lf 4 ' W :-I Moilt Tlm.kat.w I D.i. W..I Bml.r X luiilin Ht.rt . )TC:7,, U! .1 I J L I V li T 1 M.rcb of Tim. I N.wt I Boil.r X I KOIN Kl.rk JCCa& VjS jv-fijf fVA L J I if- SvorU P CobL New. I F.rn Tin. t Ronndop Rn.a I Koi'TKlick SjvrjCZl f lyrTTj 'F I A5 1 IV ; V- 1 t 1t1- I Kin I. hln. r.rTlm. I M.rllo A.ron.kl N.w. K 3"CSLSCxy?- I I N. -fe Tf- j tlllk. IKU. IklB. iTh. OI4 lun lJ.mra 4bh. I New. "7 V-fii TJ'Vi) TT "Sdf-7 1 . If 7J - V I Hitcb f Mt I rrtd w.rln. I rinh I Cnninni.r S.w. -if ' JSJt ( V Zl J-l?f f W rC 'S. JL J-t-L :1ft I n.T .f fte.1 Fr n.rlnt I do. Art R.ker I I A ' I VXAWJ I I 1 1 1 prS-ji fl J : Sim IJark Bereh Bre.kfxl Club I Grand slam J-J I t! I Si3f tl ) " I - r W 1 V' Abb. I Breakfa.l Club I Boiem.r7 ArJ 'I I CK 1 fsB? I Tk. I I JULIN(JVjK IT j I :kn Orebe.lra I Ore... Cr..a. I Kenner B.ker I Kal. Smith XUV laW ' an liTvOkw I aaaBBaa&J ifv. tAW I MSflh TT p I S i C) i .IS- IMerr Grlffl. New. I KenneY Baker Jennr VV J V l -LtWaW 1 1 "k ' 1M! Id :kn I Pa.l.r. C.U K.rHa Milala I Brcnemaii'. Bf. I Belcn Trent OrQfm t:l ( Art Baker I Ward, ai Htilt I Brenerean'a Bfit. I Our Sundar fjt H, a Tt 1:ft I New. I Krh.el Ralan ftrak. I Bltitller ' - !!'!!" ISrha.l Bill Ian. Ma rrrbln. TheNcbllS BvHpSS tllsf n Pal U:K I Treple CrhM. I Mj atarr Dr. Halgna aai...ara tiesa JUSl a 1 at Iditt Oreheilra I .leje a Jarda. I Hi larr Bnad el Life I . I I . i - , . . ,..w.t , nu, icrrr I... .pp ii v I DC fUU I I V TELL ME r I iuur.t ir. yviim 19IVC 1UU MCI 1 IM3 SUES rniM.iaT 1 ii;a- a.a.ii far . par .f W.rH I Elhel and Albert IB... af Dre.m. .mM eVe VTn'V- I r7 7 L AJJD JLf BUST hi Ajsib t ---irr' ' THEN SCRAM S. SSt E."- "....... I""" ' '.K- VU BE SEKiwfi Vni ) fTTiiJ ' , lAME?! IBflWtW. Sfliw HMibll., ..r...d. rV,,.V !.. M ' H .hrTk-" " V hi II U -V I foil ' T." M:4- I T.,l.t ha. I Kl.hl I. B.,ln. Par. R... iRh,thm ) I Y IBM 1 att WsWrV 1 s;s D,r. svs;r Sa ,k:-.j-a.' ftk A-rru rVy- h ts, i 7a-r :" MO.I. I Real af tlfa Ladle. Be Sealed I New. frXZf- JcV 57' I V! 1- V Ji V W Ttf'. -ClT X J!J- l..r. lawla. l.adlr. Be Sealed Rrelra Wlntara KiiLV?ll4. fir- VofM IaV-' J K '1 OT f) V Ai VJlM ior"hir. loJ",pM.'' i'm"""" Dl S5JS gtvj' I A ' If -q px-s' a! MvisTi y.H " f :Jf I r""-la. Jr. Won)..'. leiret rhihn! rHr" Orlnl.D . -T-t .JJr'.":! J TVjr 1 1 ySJ---? Vk? 'l..'ay lt I J" MIHr New, .f tT.rld I Norlhweil Tad., line far Hook y l ' ' M-I dlSCW IChrlatn.a l.lfa B...tlfal IKarlh.Mlni.r. I T ... i ...i v....l.T . .. 7 . . . 4:4 i B..k R.r. i ... VT.nn..... 1 1 ... .,... uuue vrpnan Annie By Harold Uray "HU Master's Vo ce" II ar . d F a t I JUST PENCIL THE FKUPES I . "V I V TO KEEP IT NEffTAVO LEGIBLE-HM- TlPI I LIKE COMICS t AT THE TOP IN POPUUfTV- I II MfWTOAT iWwTTOHn A I IN EI-CNTY f GEE! Par TJ U I CAM CUT DOWN THE BALLOONS SOVE- V I THAT WVE BJTTNT HEARD SOMEWHERE I ll Atalf LCaJL m KM L I I OF ACTION IN IT-HA! i S GOOO- U S OLD TNT ALWAYS SQUAWKS THAT I W II LOT TO A1VI TUoT BfllinriMK cutm. r. ir I ITkl The Gumps By Gus Edson Open the Door, Richard !? BuTv'lEAifLYlT'cLiNG "or'this joKes! braim M-Si f-.f liv OF COURSE, VOU UNDERSTAND. TSK-V OUR WITS END-THE OLDA CHLOE BABE WHO SPECIALIST--VOUR COME RIGHT V f 1 V P 3. i'rkiJ,5 llSKV BOToI'iINKS,TSSTILt-JJitTEI'"l"w ) HUSBAND SENT ME TO IN . TOCTOR-- l fa Lag S ' nmsnasssf9WM i vwiv va vi ne) mi ' 11 tm muKm PATTERN NO. K2525 Tricks with Tulips Scalloped and accented with Ray applique tulips, this dainty apron is just what you need! This lovely apron protects your clothes and makes you look your prettiest. Sew one for yourself and another for a bride-to-be. Pattern envelope No. R2525 contains tissue pattern for the apron plus tracing of tulip motif. To obtain this pattern, send 15c in COINS, giving pattern num ber, your name, address and zone number to Pecgv Roberts, Capital Journal, B28 Mission street, San Francisco 3, Calif. ACROSS 12. t. HawaIIad city L Knot ! S. !(-. of B 2s! ' iroodjr BlAnt J9. B. Ob ih. 4o, point 41. U. Iniquity 42, 14. aVelf JUL City In Indian 41, Claw Thua Skill Movmc Dart In favor of El-lit Narrow roada Arrived Cast Indian caat. Mak. ertf Fit Salt U.braw m.Aanra Small barral Grief Topaa hnm- mlnchtrd Bfohamm.dAB Drlaart Back of th. neck Harden EcyptlAtt rrrr na. Aiinow 41, IT. Uncooked 4s. il Deplorably 4a. . xfuiffarian cola , Pavour.d M. . Oodd.a. ol 12, dawn .c. Si. DayIc. for 00Q- trolllnr drait 17. BC KaYljaM. pop. Hon of a, Btraam ROaOf mound in. riot 41. ' I"1 Wf u I7 6 W hi''"' wr ' f rso ify wiw?W'' 2 n 'trnM is r2i T:11 W W ' Ui Tzp 7Wm W 3s trvr ?5 sf&rcss' 'iTTW et Mzr tfir h- Isr r R 2525 S JcBAJHA)R6!aIY a bJaI I el of pe II eTrIa P Uj R U SI Al P! E"P U F Aj R S tlAjTu'ClA.WA"R'PI S t C ; ArSij olT 0 dl'l U Tl T i R'jJjfSi A ' L I O R J E If rJa r0sia1mHl erU lis! I iNUTiRrA WiUJHTFIAiTI p'e p m.VsBpoVE1 CI aJni p ;ElsBfFlJ;R B aipO 1 e Tu jt S WJ A : M H yjCL6 RAlViI O PjTACTlTOElRIAlf Solution of Yiitcrday's Punla J. Smooth !. Bafor Ci. Worry &. Go ishor DOWN I. Chanrea i. Gnua of thi Vtrrinia willow 1. Nnhlemao 4. Rich h. aN'OVtl . EKc-ehtptd T. Flung;ad into water I. Hoist in a pp rat hi I. Mtiican thaw id. bamiprtcloua atonn 11. ftranjtth 19. Distant la. Surittcal threurl Chess pieces ?. fniataca.o ST. Rodent ?. AJtrern ?. Tardier 33. Is d4ffatd 14. Indefinite amount 15. Fnslan rit IT. Pakinc dlthta IS. HobbT in. Cut off 41. Army offlcar 41. Otra 44. Anrrr 45, Atpect 4. trar vtream 47. Sand pTmenl H, Stronr wind M. Molten rock H4. Ovart W. Ttar W. Cry of tht oM Journal Feature Mutt and Jeff Keg'far Fellers Tarzan I JUST THOUGHT OF f H0tf$ MV ) If WOT TH"" JEFFv WHAT pS3 f m TRVlMTo) H f N A FUNNV IDEA CHANCE - V I A RUNMING AROUND etCXCW SOME ) O I WELt-. 1 I WILL PULL OM V 2 "Z W TH BED FOR? y- I 1 . pPp, Z O I THOUGHT MUTT TONIGHT? jjjjj TL rTWAS "'"WLGOSH' WHAT LOOt'N Vm. 'T5 JTAttTIM T'tWMN ' ACTING ON TARZAN S CCM(M.ND, THE HUNTERS ROSE TD FIRE. By Bud Fisher By Gene J WELL HEY HOW AtOUT ( JHAOIN' THAT I UOIORELLA v WITH A By Edgar Rice ' INSTANTLY THE APE-MAN WENT eNTO VIOLENT ACTION. OUCKLV TRIPPINS A1AN7CM - wrrr PXZ' Maybe Jeff Would Have Got It Byrnes Burroughs HE SIULTANEOUSLV SH0V60 ONE OF THE OTHERS AGAINST HIS MATE. Pae I 1 ClfPPf TUBVTJC: Tit rwsac akulnUK 1 I If the Punch Was on the Chin Here's Your Halfl A Random Shot AS THE HUNTERS WENT POWN IN A SCRAMBLE, ONE MP SHOT SPED TOWARD THE B3 ELEPHANT. DANCE ON By Florence Theel Chapter 19 "Just take a look at this!" Mr. Halliday was back from Palm Springs with the Saturday after noon paper. With a triumphant smile, he handed it to Bert and Eddy. "That Mr. Shayne is sure a friend." Goggle eyed, the boys read the reporter's glowing write-up: "SWING WIZARD, BERT McLANE, Conducts Alvarado Merry Mak ers at new Hacienda Night Club More than a hundred well dressed people motored from Los Angeles last evening to applaud the Alvarado Merry Makers at their gala opening at the new Hacienda restau rant and nightclub, seven miles out along the mainroad. Nice tribute to the popularity of the band's tall, dark-and-handsome conductor, Bert McLane, who, with his broth er Edward, arrived in Palm Springs a few weeks ago to open their establishment." The article described the transformation of the fire- wrecked residence into a color ful hostelry, concluding with ! wonderful plug: "Swing music, with an ex tra something, plus novel en tertainment guarantee a lift even to the chronically bored. And if the food served is a fair sample, Palm Springs res idents have a gastronomic treat in store. Those who can take a hint will make their reservations early." "This explains why the phone has been ringing ever since you left reservations for tonight and tomorrow!" Eddy said. "It's bettor than a thousand dollars worth of advertising," Bert declared' with enthusiasm. Good old Pepper Shayne!" "You made a hit with him he said, when you put your show on just for him, last night. The telephone was ringing again. Uddy answered, like a well-trained operator. "Hacien da Restaurant. How many? Hold the wire, please." Cover ing the mouthpiece, he shouted. Hey, Tony! Party of twelve want to know if you serve Sun day dinner at three o'clock." Tony came to the door, wiping floor off his hands. He was smiling broadly. "Certainly, Sunday we serve dinner. Other days, tea and dinner only, from five o'clock" "Yes, we can take care of you," Eddy answered courteous ly, and hung up. "Phew! This makes a hundred and fifty al ready." "Can you manage all this, Tony? Sure you have enough food and everything?" Bert said anxiously. Tony assured him that he had ample supplies and that, com pared with a big hotel, cooking for this crowd was child's play Bert saw Pete outside, smok ing a cigaret. He couldn't re sist crowing. "We're booked solid for tonight and tomorrow, Pete. What have you got to say. now?" Pete blew a cloud of smoke. "I still say you've got to bring 'em back again. When they find out you're not selling any booze, it's doubtful." "Oh, come on, be a little cheerful, Pete, I've a hunch you will be sticking around with us a good long time." That night, in his tuxedo, Mr. Halliday was maitre d'holel, and, in her becoming pink gown, Mrs. McLane presided over the busy cash register. Pete's prediction was all wrong. These strangers were as enthusiastic about the place, the food, the entertainment, as their friends had been the night be fore. And evidently had a lot of fun on beer and soft drinks There was a good sprinkling of evening dresses, but most of the crowd, Bert saw with satisfac tion, were evidently townspeo ple, younk folks like themselves, who probably would come again. The boys didn't know it, but the homey feeling, the com plete absence of formality and swank was the asset that would bring them often. At closing time the cash regis ter showed a gratifying intake. When the last car had driven off, they all sat down to coffee and turkey sandwiches. Mr. Hal liday put his hand on Bert's shoulder. Room and Board . IVE PUT IN HOURS TRYING TO r-K5UR.b THE ANSWER TO ri ib ri A5TPn ninnt p BUT CANT M3U GIVE SOME HINT OR. CLUE TO WORK. ON ? IS IT MINERAL, rtAIHbK, IM5t(r, OR. HUMAN Y k WORK ON ? IS IT MINERAL, ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, FUR.. JL---Vai COULDN'T l llST THE DESERT kf Ntwtfaaiuraj "It looks as though your wor ries are over, boy. That crowd tonight will give you a lot of free advertising, too." "Well, what I'm worrying about, right now, is how we'll ever get along without folks to help us." He turned to Eileen, who sat beside him. "The cus tomers are going to feel gipped if you aren't here to sing for them the next time." Mrs. McLane looked at Eileen. She seemed as animated as the younger girl by the night's ac tivity. "Haven't you tola mm yet. Eileen?" "What she homing dsck now? Bert aemannea. Stars in her brown eyes, Eileen told him quietly. "I re signed from my position two weeks ago, Bert before I came down here. I guess I had a hunch that you were really troine to need me." "All my life, I'll need you, honey." He hugged her to him, before them all. "But I think you must be psychic. We were not sure of things, ourselves." "Your mother must be psy chic, too, then," she stopped, let ting Mrs. McLane make her own announcement. ; . "Eileen means I hired a wonv an to cook for the boarders, when I went home a few days ago." "You're going to stay, too for good?" Their mother nodded. "Mrs. Van Buren has been bored with idleness. She's going to look after everything for me. If vour business keeps up like this, Tony is going to need me to look after baking." "I told you the women In my life were angels," Bert said, draping an arm around them both. Pete Scanlon had been listen ing to the conversation. "We've still got that Blackey Davis guy to reckon with," Ik said skeptically. "And don't for get it!" ( continued.) The Benedictine monks were the first to introduce monastic life into western Europe. 3862 Tasty Dishes Two darling aprons easy to make and pret ty as a picture. One has lovely wide wing shoulders and livelf ric rac . . . gives ample protec tion from a minimum of mate rial. The other is a tea apron, luxuriously slashed and gath ered to give you the feminine, flouncy look. Two separate pat terns. No. 2141 is cut in small, me dium, and large sizes. Medium size requires 1 y"d. 35-in., S',i yds. trim. No. 3862 is cut in one size and requires 3,4 yds. 35-in. Send 20c for PATTERN, which includes pnmnlpfa. ar.urinc milria. Print Vnnr nnme Brtriraic. nnrl j style number plainly. Be Hire toy state size you wish. Include " postal unit or zone number la your address. Address: Pattern Department Canital Journal, Miaafnv. 1st., San Francisco, Calif. . . By Gene Ahem T AIW T f-MW AO UlkTTC r-Al A HUNNbKl-LAJLLAK. RIPDLfcJ "MINt A1NT A 59 RIDDLE LIKE DK l-lun...uiJA-r HAS 12 FEET RUNS BACK AN KJRTH, BUT NEVER. WLrVbS y A aVYARD CARPET I