6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. Mar. 25, 1947 Philip Salstrom Takes Bride at Monday Mass By Jean Taylor At a mass read Monday morn ing at 9:15 o'clock. Miss Clara Volk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Volk, became the bride of Philip Salstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Salstrom of Salem, Rev. O'Keefe performed the ceremony at St. Vincent de Paul's church. The bride's nephew, Jimmy Fischer, served the mass and another nephew and niece of the bride, Andy and Mary Ann Fischer, played and sang before the ceremony. The bride wore a light blue gabardine suit with black ac cessories and a corsage of red roses. The bridegroom s sister, Mrs. Clara Robertson, wearing a medium blue gabardine suit with brown accessories and a corsage of pink roses, was matron of honor. Best man was the bride's brother, George Volk. A breakfast at the home of the bride's parents in North Fifth street, was served to mem bers of the family. In the eve ning, i reception for friends of the couple was held at the Volk home. The couple will make their home in Salem, where the bride groom Is associated in business with his father. Salem Chapter In Special Session Salem chapter. OES, met in special session Saturday eve ning at 7 o'clock, followed by regular session. Worthy mat ron, Mrs, William R. Newmy er, and worthy patron, Charles C. Boyer, presided at both meetings. Mrs. John A. Fletcher be came a member of the organiza tion by affiliation. The degree of initiation was conferred up on Mrs. Evelyn A. Cornelius, Mrs. Clarence R. Shrock, Mrs. Thomas Wriston, Mrs. O. R. Eckersley, Mrs. T. W. Leasure, Mrs. Arthur E. Messing, Mrs. George K. Mather, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald F. Rossner and Russel Beutler. I Committee in charge of the social activities for the evening iwere Mrs. John Grayvill, Mrs JIancy Skewis, Mrs. F. W. Far- rar and George Edwards. J The spirit of the spring sea Bon was achieved by use of .ap propriate flowers and Easter decorations. At the close of the business meetings, community .singing was led by Mrs. William Skewis, accompanied by Mrs. Leonard Kephart at the piano. Refreshments were served lat er in the dining room, Hayesville Club At Dougherty's 1 Hayesville Members of the Hayesville Woman's club were entertained at the home of Mrs Fred Dougherty at her home on Claxter road. She was assisted by Mrs. Bruce Willis, Mrs. G. Farmer and Mrs. Carl Vogl. The meeting was called for a 1:15 dessert luncheon and was presided over by the president, Mrs. C. W. Garrison. The club donated to the Red Cross drive. Members will bring rags, plants and various articles to be auc tioned off at the white elephant sale to be held at the April meet ing at the home of Mrs. E. L Moor on Portland highway. Guests were Mrs. John Mainio Mrs. E. Dougherty and Mrs Wayne Powers. Others present were Mrs. S. A. Baldwin, Mrs. E. R. Bedwell, Mrs. Carl Carl son, Mrs. A. F, Harvey, Mrs William Brietzke. Miss Ida Den ny, Mrs. E. L. Moor, Mrs. Wil liam Powers, Mrs. Harry Miller and Mrs. George Strozut. ' Mrs. Myrtle Helen Meier Drorbaugh will be the featured singer of radio station KOIN Duncan singers at the Brush college grange dinner Friday evening at the Mayflower dairy Trio Leaves Thursday Bv Auto for California Mr. and Mrs. Brown K. Sisson and their daughter, Mrs. Charles Flitten, Jr., leave Thursday for a motor trip to California. The trio will go to Carmel i ana mrs. r mien win ku up vu San Francisco April 2 to meet her husband. Ensign Flitten, who arrives for a two-weeks leave from Japan. He will return there and will be discharged around the last of May, following which the young couple will make Iheir home in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Sisson and Mrs. Flitten will be away about a nonth. Ramona Group Fetes Beginning Silverton Ramona assembly No. 36, Order of Rainbow lor Girls, celebrated the third anni vpr.carv of the oreanization with a no-host dinner with guests present from chapters of Salem Rlavfnn and Woodburn. The din ner was served by the members of the advisorv board of Hamona Lhanter OES. assisted bv other members of the chapter. Mar gie Tuggle was general chair man of the dinner. In a beautiful ceremonial of initiation Miss Diana Hobart and Miss Sharon George became Rainbow members. Durine the business hour in rharee of the w. ilhy adviser. Miss Pat Rice, and the mother adviser, Mrs. W. P. Scarth, plans were made for April 12. spring formal, an annual affair for the vnuntfer erouD. Other affairs for April, desig nator! i) "Fathers' Month." arc a silver lea in the Methodist church social rooms Saturday afternoon, April 19, with the wnrlhv- adviser. Miss Rice in rharee of Dublicitv for the tea Miss Rice named a committee to arrange for the package to be sent the 18-year-oia "aaopiea French eirl. a project of the as sembly. Miss Joan Lake sang. assisted bv Miss Janice Herig stad who also played a piano nln Honored meats were Mrs. Sue Tuel, Stayton, mother adviser; Merry McGrath, Woodburn, oranrl Immortality: Anita Miller. worthy adviser, Woodburn: a grand represented from Doin Michigan and Arizona; and Mrs. Frerf Kreler. worthy matron of Chadwick chapter of Salem. United Nations Day Celebrated Camp Fire Girls 33th anni uprtarv celebration ended Sat urday with a United Nations Fair dav. Ai a finale to the week-long celebration, girls representing every active Blue Bird and r'amn Fire Broun in Salem par ticipated in a real life exhibit in the window of one of the Inral downtown stores. Each girl appeared for 30 minutes and demonstrated an activity which her group had been working on. Appearing were Viola Wit cox, Janice Wood, Sharon Fie mine. Karen Rassmussen. Kar en Covert. Rosa Lee Coffell. Frances McDonald, Elizabeth Backer, Joscale Machey, Phyl lis Kay Morris, Dorothy Zysset. Karen Thomas. Barbara Klun- der, Jo Ann Kleinke, Leah Hay Ann Lowery, Calnne Woolery Joyce Johnson, Kay Muhs, Gay lee Klien. Dorothv Sue Sheo- herd, Delores Picka, Mary Kay Brown, Jo Ann Morgan, JJein Hart, Jo Anne Saling, Pat Mc- Quire, Claire Kelly, Diane Mil ler, Shirley Gaylor, Judy Seily Blanche Clifton, Judy Cross Donna Starkey. Week-end guests at the Earl Fisher home in State street were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mer rese and their daughter, Cath erine of White Salmon, Wash The Merreses had entries in the dog show. 5fp:! IPSJlf -r tir rr- Combined Meeting Three Camp Fire groups met recently to make lets for a carnival and dance recital they plan later in Ihe season. Guardians are Mrs. Richard Kriesel, Mrs. Joseph Keey and Mrs. P. C. Anderson. Lett to right are row one, Karen Jonnson, Mary K. Brown, Esther Gra ham, Nola Smith, Patsy Gordon, Sharon Whittacre, Sandra Carter; row two, Patty Kriesel, Jean Rowland, Sharon Johnson, Patty Gerard, Lcnore Nieswander, Sally Eggstaff, Claire Kelly, Sandra Anderson, Marcie Wagner, Waunita Whitenburgh, Delores Salisbury; standing, Kath leen McCrough, June Demaskie, Maxine Peterson and Carleen McKorney. Woodburn Garden Club to Hold Spring Show March 29 Woodburn The annual spring flower show of the Woodburn Garden club will be held Saturday, March 29 at the library club rooms. This will be, the first flower show since before the war. Plans were made to hold a show last spring but snow, which came unexpectedly, ruined the flowers and the show was not held. The rooms will be open lop : - il. -..ui: A c.4.... 11 specimens musi day. Mrs. John Ramage is gen eral chairman, replacing J. J Hall who is ill. Rules are: 1 Competition is open to anyone in Woodburn and surrounding towns. 2 Exhibits must be classi fied and entered before being handed to staging committee. 3 Exhibits must be clearly marked with name. 4 Entries may not be placed except with assistance of mem ber of staging committee. 5 Artistic arrangements must be work of exhibitor. 6 Decision of judges shall be final. 7 Awards will be ribbons. 8 Honorable mention may be awarded for an exhibit not entered for competition. 9 Exhibitors must furnish own containers. 10 Flowers may be brought in Saturday morning between 7 and 10 o'clock at the library club rooms. be grown by exhibitor. 12 Good stems and foliage are essential. Classifications: Section A, class 1 Daffodils (three of a kind), a, long trumpet varieties; b, short trumpet varieties; c, cluster type varieties. Class 2 Hyacinths, single bloom. Class 3 Other spring flow ering bulbs. Class 4 Dwarf iris. Class 5 Primroses, blues; b, mixed colors; est collection. Class fi Anemones. Class 7 Other spring flow ers. Class 8 Flowering shrubs. Class 9 Camellias. Class 10 Dish gardens. Section B: Class 1 Flower arrangements. Class 2 Miniature arrange ments (under 3 inches). Class 3 Wall vases. Class 4 Twin arrangement. Class 5 Shadow boxes- best larg- Powder River Club Anniversary Held Members of the Powder River club, 115th cavalry outfit sta tioned at the fairgrounds dur ing the war, and their wives met Sunday for the first anni versary party at the Kingwood Heights Legion hall. Taking office were Mose Van Dell, president; Ralph Whitney, treasurer; Mrs. Mose Van Dell, secretary. About 50 couples from Oregon, Washington and Idaho were present for the ev ent. Hosts for the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ohlund and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hunley. Governor Snell was repre sented by a member of the vet erans' administration staff, and a letter was read from Lester Hunt, governor of Wyoming, where the outfit was formed. The Edina Lane Home Exten sion unit will meet at noon Fri day at the home of Mrs. Drew Michaels, 640 Edina lane. Luncheon will be served and the project, "Company Dinners" presented by Mrs. Frank Cas pell and Mrs. Richard Rosecrans. Easter Sunday Date Set for Marriage Rites Easter Sunday was announced Monday evening as date of the marriage of Miss Mary Eliza beth Snow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snow, Jr., of San Fernando, Calif., and Herbert C. Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lucas of Salem. Mis Snow told the .news Monday evening at her sorority, Pi Beta Phi, on the Willamette university campus. The couple's engagement was revealed in October. A basket of Easter eggs with the date and the couple's names told the news at a house meeting Monday eve ning. Both young people are sopho mores at Willamette and will continue their studies after their marriage, which will take place at 12:30 o'clock at Knight Me morial church. Rev. Lewis White will offici ate at the ceremonies to take place before a small gathering of the couple's relatives and friends. The bride's parents will come north for the ceremonies and her father will give her in mar riage. She has asked Miss Petty Zo Allen to be her only attend ant and James Lucas will attend his brother as best man. Senator and Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay spent the week-end at their Leach pi.'ce in Neskowin. Aumsville Club To Fill Baskets Aumsville The Aumsville Women's club met at the Roy Hough home for its regular monthly meeting. The group will fill the Easter box for the farm home at their next meeting at the Peterson home. Following the business meet ing refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs. Hien, Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Klein, Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. Speer, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. McCIellan and Miss Peterson. Permanents of soft enchanting Beauty at Extraordinary Low Prices Our Special Machine WAVE 250 Complete ARISTA-The MACHINELESS 4 95 Ultimate in PERMANENTS Complete The Wonderful Amon Cold Wove, Special 7.95 MODERN 179 N. Liberty BEAUTY COLLEGE Closed Saturdays Fhone 8111 Exclusive at Schlesinger & Co. Class 6 F o 1 i a g e arrange ments. Class 7 Potted plants. Class 8 Neighboring towps' exhibits. TH0R GLADIR0NS Now Available Just Check the Below Features Folds up in just 1 square feet of floor space All ironing operations powered and controlled by single knee action Shoe tilt locks in place for (teaming fabrics Quick acting safety release Irons difficult pieces with ease Controlled heat for any fabric Double open and roll Retractibla cord Law cost YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. Phone 4311 ' , 4.. - Exclusive at Schlesinger & Co. 1 -.l, r f -",'." to (MicioM worrtxf tt'JL,, l"''V:i"'- F ' :' 1 f ' j w.d.paihb. WW., tool 'fTlk I J? f I V ) 39-75 ST I ' ji I Y I s 1 i . I 111 111 fluid flattery Look what Kiishmoor.has done! Taken a suit, given it a shirtwaist detailing with gathered yoke, ruffled peplum and push-up sleeves ... an all-season favorite is its destiny! In petal-soft 100 Worsted Crepe . . . soft and high colon. Sizes 10-18. 59.50 mm mm Hi . i 1 i i