Dallas Greets New Citizens Dallas May 11 to 18 will be observed here as "I Am an American" week, according to plans of the local Americaniza--tinn rnnnpil. All churches and schools will be asked to have suitable programs to observe Ihp week. A hnnnupt find retention of new citizens will be held on May 16. The Garden ciud will deco rate and make corsages for those taking citizenship. Mayor Hollis Smith will extend invi tations to other mayors in the county to attend the affair. The rirnffram will be under the direc tion of Mrs. H. D. Peterson of the Ladies of the GAR, Carl Wood of the VFW and Rev. Earl Rnniviw nf thp Ministerial as sociation. Many other Dallas organizations will assist with 4h affair Mrs. Ted Coooer. vice president of the council, will have charge of the banquet. Businessmen will be asked to display their flags during the tn hp set aside and to decorate their windows appro priately for the occasion. Upperclasses Will Offer Play Friday Silverton Gilbert Kirkman and Miss Jean Barkhurst are the leads in character role for the annual junior-sophomore play, "Brother Goose," set for Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the senior high auditorium. The drama is a three-act com edy with a background of pathos in the story of a large orphan family dependent on the older boy, termed "Brother Goose" because of his unusual respon sibilities. John Medcalf is fac ulty director, with the various parts assumed by Gilbert Kirk man, Jeff, Brother Goose; Jean Barkhurst as Peggy, not a mem ber of the family, but a vendor of stockings and a valuable ad visor of the group; Catheleene Rice as Carol; Ronnie Hanna as Wes; Janice Johnson as Hya cinth; Gail Jackson as Helen; Jessie Winstead as Eve; Georgie Towe as Sarah; Pat Rice as Lenore; Alice Miller as Mrs. Trimmier, and Lawrence Fisher as a truck driver. M CI f im,,,. mi,,, ..m i .wmm ' "'" " " ' -'"''"'' Revival Campaign Interests Woodburn Woodburn Much interest is being shown in the city wide revival services which opened Monday evening, March 17, at the high school auditorium. Dr. Albert J. Kcmpin of Portland is the speaker and local church es sponsoring the scries are the Presbyterian, Church of God. Free Methodist, Full Gospel, Christian, Methodist and Four Square. Meetings are held each even ing except Sunday at 7:45 and continuing through March 30. The special musical program is under the direction of Profes sor B. F. Knight of Pacific Col lege, wewDerg. ine public is invited. Public Will View War Vet Ceremony Woodburn Date for the public installation of the new officers of Champocg Post No. 4173 and auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the dedica tion of the new post colors, has Been set ahead to April 1 in stead of April 6 as first planned, according to Raymond J. Gcyer. commander-elect. The event will be held at the Woodburn armory at 8 o'clock p.m. Four Generations Four generations of the Willig family gath ered together recently. Seated is Mrs. Alida Willig. Behind her is C. L. Willig, her son, and to the right, his son, Edwin Willig, with his daughter, Karen Lee, aged four, all of Mt. Angel. (Mc Ewen studio) , Youth for Christ Board Is Selected Amity The following have been selected as the board of directors for Amity Youth for Christ organ i z a t i o n : Baptist :thurch, Mrs. Edward Lehman, Alvin Rutschman; Church -of Christ, Robert Neuman, Clifford Dobbins; Methodist, Beulah Pat ty and Ethel Newman. The min isters of all the churches are also members of the board. The following officers were elected: Clifford Dobbins, chairman; Ethel Newman, sec retary; Enell Casteel, treasurer; Gene Brickwedel, director; as sistant, Bruce Caldwell; publi city, Alvin Rutschman; build ing and supplies, Robert New man; ushering, Beulah Patty. The board meets the third Tues day evening of each month. Mrs. Wilkinson Has Shower by Relatives Pedee A group of relatives met at the home of Mrs. J. W. McCormack for visiting and to present Mrs. William (Virginia Reynolds) Wilkinson with a shower. Mrs. Wilkinson is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCormack, and was re cently married. Those present were Mrs. Clin ton McCormack, Alpine; Mrs. Orville Edward and Mrs. Lee Reynolds, Philomath; Mrs. Maud Burbank, Mrs. Frietz Dyer, Mrs. Lura Trueax, Mrs. R. H. Trueax, Pedee; Mrs. Lester George and Mrs. Vern Osborn, Dallas; Mrs. G. W. McCormack, Salem; Mrs. Wilkinson, the honor guest, and , Mrs. J. W. McCormack. Almost 20 million American homes have no central heating plants. Military Citations Will Be Presented Mill City Plans were made during the last lodge session of the Santiam Rebekahs for the meeting on April 16 when there will be an award of military citations to several of the men and women in the Mill City lodge. An invitation has been exten ded to the subordinate lodge, also to the Faith Rebekah order of Lyons. An out-of-town speak er will be present. Further busi ness was the election of a new drill captain, Crissie Henderson, following the resignation of Wilbur Mienert. Announcement was made that during the next meeting on April 2 there will be the elec tion of delegates for the Grand lodge of which Mill City is en titled to 3. For the current Red Cross drive the Rebekahs voted a most generous donation. Spe cial guest for the evening was Mrs. Jennie Smith who is a member of the Marietta lodge No. 72 of Portland. From replacing a worn belt to completely overhauling it your vacuum is in safe hands when it is being serviced in our adequately equipped shop, where only first class vacuum mech anics do the work. Quick, guaranteed service at moderate cost. The belief that a rattlesnake will not crawl over a hair rope is false. Hubbard Nears End Well Above Quota Hubbard Walter Shrock, chairman, reports the local Red Cross drive nearly completed, with 140 percent on quota. Workers for this area were Mrs. Hilda Wertz, Mrs. Millie Bart ram, Mrs. Frank Anderson, Mrs. Ray Sanders, Mrs. A. L. Mur phy, Mrs. George Huff, Mrs. Levi Miller, Mrs. Peter Hunt, Mrs. Arthur Zehner, Mrs. Wil lis Berkey, Miss Jean Bower, Miss Frances Weaver, Miss Le nore Scholl; for the high school, Bonnie Sims and Shirley Hire ley; and for the State Train ing School for Boys, Kathleen O'Brien. Grocery Store Opens Woodburn Smith's Corner Grocery opened in Woodburn Saturday at the corner of Set tlemier avenue and Harrison streets by Gladys C. Smith and her brother, Jesse (Pete) Smith. They will carry a line of gro ceries, fresh fruits and vege tables, and will be open on Sundays as well as week days. ,HOT WATER, nSW So Finely Built . . . FOWLER Water Heaters are Backed by a 20-Year Replacement Guarantee! Made as near perfect as possible with today's known materials, a Fowler Electric Water Heater is built to last 20 years. A replacement guarantee is given with every heater; Double coated pure porcelain lines Fowler heater, - enabling rust-free, ever clean hot water. You can regulate the economy temperature control to the water temperature you desire. Fine insulation provides low operation cost : ; . and all the hot water you wish is yours. No wonder so many families choose a Fowler for their home. See your dealer now. 12 FOWLER FEATURES 1. Balll of 12 gaaga Iraa. 2- Pr-atratcael. 2. Pareelaia I (ami -saver raalf. 4. Pre ear tailed. 5. Blaek heal at em an It longer llf. tt. Daad air laialaUon. 7. Sag araaf laaalatloa. 9. EenM7 laaaparMar roNtrol. 9. Laatraaa naaaal finiah. 10. Law peMtiag eail. 11. Lang; lift 20-year rIacaaeat gaaraaUa. 12 Alaaaiaaaa ralaetor. PORCEUNED Tfca arjghaf a iaiefaad wafar a afar : Exclusive at aT RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Volley Motor Bldg. Phone 4036 Inaccurate times means i missed trains, appointments, sometimes o disaster. Have us make your watch dependable. ft lllllllllliiiiwillippiiiiiiilll'H'lliwi Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Mar. 25. 1947 3 lleep i. " s sklng for Y NAME ';liilSllll When you ask for Mayflow er Milk, you ask for and ffel the most in flavor and food value. Just one sip of Mayflower Milk tells the dif ference. It's always fresh, al ways pure so always ask for "Mayflower." Please Return Your Empty Bottles 2135 Fairgrounds Road Salem Phone 9205 ...and finds out why PHILIP MORRIS is so much better to smoke! It's the only leading cigarette made differently," Johnny informed him. "And this exclusive difference means the Philip Morris smoker really gets what other smokers only hope to get better- taste . . . finer flavor . . . perfect smoking pleasure." Right, Johnny ! If every smoker knew what PHILIPMORRIS smokers know they'd ALL change to PHILIP MORRIS America's FINEST Cigarette! Try a pack . . . today! ALWAYS BETTER BETTER ALL WAYS