14 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES 6131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY EXCLUSIVE: 705 South itreet. Good bur Beautiful 2 bdrm. home, nice and clean, Hardwood floors. L.R., D.R., K., bath. plastered Interior, fireplace, basement, garage, electric cooking, automatic saw dust heat. Close to bus and schools. . Nice lawn and shrubs. (11,750. BEE THIS ! I CONTACT US I I . McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 EVENINGS PHONE 6001-7163-4037-0340 7r TOR SALE furnished: 16500. 7 room house, 2 lots, large garage, hi down. Will take good used car as part payment. 540 Ford. a77 96800 BDRM. home east. Hdw. firs., V tallnds. lane garage, utility rm. Elec, water heater. This Is a real bur, so don't Wait to see this. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS ' 045 6. Com'l fit. Ph. 4590. Eves. 35830. a74' SPECIAL: $2000 down buys this lovely 2 bdrm. home, hdw. firs., fireplace, full basement, close to bus and store. Imm poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 fi. Com'l. St. Ph. 4390. Eves. 25830. a74 912,600 Lovely 4 bedrm. home east, with large lot, most modern kitchen in Salem, breakfast bar, lots of builtlns, hdw. lirs., lirepiace, on neat, ait. garage, plastered garage. This Is a real home, so don't wait. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4690. Eves. 2:830 a74 10850 2 BDRM. home, close to school and bus. Fireplace, 3 large oarma., v. onnas, - large lot. city bus In front of door. Don't wait to see this special. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. j a74 JTIWO 3 BDRM. home In Kelzer dlst. Hdw. firs., fireplace, oil heat, extra large lot, 1mm. poss. Hurry, this won't last. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS ' 945 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. a74 WEST SALEM: 16500. 2 bdrm. home, nice St clean, hdw. firs., elec. heater. This Is priced to sell. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4600. Eves. 25830. . a74 91 1 ,500 VIEW property. Lovely 2 bdrm. home in the best location, city bus in front of door. This home has one of the most modern kitchens In Salem, elec. heat, beautiful fireplace. Insulated, weather stripped. 2-car garage. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. a74' 91000 DOWN: Unfinished hse., Va A., Just out of city, paved at., city water, bus line. Pull price (3500. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS - 945 B. Com'l, St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 9536 a74 G.I. SA8.o NEW hse. In Kelzer. on pavement. near store, Va A. best soil. Priced for quick sale. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 0538. a74 KEIZER DISTRICT 7600 NEW Plastered hse., 2 bdrms, - down, unfinished attic, hdw. firs., oil heat, large 1j. rm., u. rm. weany A. See this before you buy. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 4590. Eves. 9536. a7 $6500.00. t bdrm. home on 1 acre north, Good black soil, deep well, elec. pump, " berries St young orchard. Call Mr, Wal ters. HUPP REAL ESTATE COMPANY ' Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Ph. 3703 Eves. 25260 9500.oo. bdrm. home with unfln. at tic, oil heat. Hse. is nicely furnished in cluding lge Frlgldalre St elec. range. . Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3703 Eves. 25260 a74" ROSEDALE ADDITION 9io.fHHt.oo. nice liv. rm. St din. rm, with hwd. firs., fireplace, kitchen, 2 B.R., bath, unf. attic, full bsmt., furnace. This is the beat house In town lor the money. Call OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY ; Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549 Eve. 25001 a74 97400.00. NICE clean 3 bdrm. suburban home North Liv. rm., kitchen, bath, 2 . lots. This Is very well-built. Call OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. ' Ph. 21549 Eves. 25091 a74 IMM ED. POSS. 91500.00 DN. buys this 2 B.R. home. Liv. rm., kit., 50x124 lot. Call OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa fit. Ph. 21549 Eves. 25091 a74 $1100.00. 4 BDRM. sub. home on 1 acre East. Elec water system, Ven. blinds, oil circulator, alec, water heater. Terms: 11500,00 down, bal. monthly payment. A good deal Call Mr. Walters HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 26260 a74" JsBW HOME on Center St., 2 bdrms., L.R kitch., nook St bath, wired for range, lot 50x140, (5500. Ph. 25097 or 3439. a74 fl ROOM house, with 3 B.R., also fruit it laundry room. Concrete floor In ga rage A: drive. Inlaid linoleum. 706 Hay ter St.. Dallas. Phone 183J. a77 "ONLY 18250 COMPLETELY FURNISHED VIVE RM. home with bath plus utility rm., 'elec. stove, elec. water heater, ga rage, shrubbery, garden apot. See AL LEN JONES or MRS. NEED HAM, 341 State St.. Room 4. a72 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS LOOK THESE OVER COZY COMFORTABLE COTTAGE: Living room, dinette, bedroom, kitchen, clos ets, bullt-lns, full basement, garage. Very good location. 14800. Terms. LOVELY 2 BEDROOM HOME: Living rm., large kitchen, auto. h.w. heater, ga rage with work shop, large corner lot. J3MI0. t YR. OLD VERY WELL ARRANGED HOME: Living room, large kitchen, 3 nlco bedrooms, bullt-lns, closets. Large att. double garage, fenced yard, good ' location. 17500. RANCH TYPE: Living room with fire place, dining room, kitchen with nook, 2 bedrooms, closets, bulll-ins, full base ir.ent, extr,i bedroom and rec. room with fireplace. Att. garage. Really a lovely home. 110,500. CALL or SEE James B. II art m an or K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CLILDS. INC., REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St Ph. 9261 a74 "OR SALE thla week only. 4 rm. unfln. but livable house. Lights, water, laun dry trays, lge. lawn St garden. $3500. Floyd Vaughn. 78 Lansing Ave. a74 KOR SALE by Owner: Nice . home. 2252 Mission fit. Ph. 3 bedroom 25051. a72 TOR SALE: Well built houses St build "lng material Contact A. B. Cooper, - Jefferson. Dlst. Agent. Ph. 263, a73 LAnOE FAMILY HOME WELL CONSTRUCTED home. auto, oil furnace, has living room, dining room, 'double bedroom, kitchen and bath down, 3 bedrooms and bath up, fire ',. place, wired for range, elec. water 'heater, small basement, lot Is 55x136. IMMEDIATE POSSESS. 19500. Terms. ' LEE OHMART A; CO., REALTORS ' 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a MODERN 6 yr. old 3 B.R. home N. Pull concrete basement, sawdust heat. At tached garage. Nice lawn. Oarden spot, .fruit trees. Price (10.500.00. Call O. V. Hume with . STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS ' 153 8 , . Hlgn Phone 4121 a72" 9B?3.O0. LOCATED East. 5-room home. Elec. range and oil cir, stays. Garage. Lot 60x200. Call O. V. Humi with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 a72 VIEW HOME O. T. OH ' CIVILIAN YOU CAN'T help but fall In love with this modern 6 room home and Its , beautiful ahaded, overalied, view lot. Has attached garage, cove ceilings, fire- t place, utility, auto, heat and la priced to pass for a O.I, loan. 18750. Don't 'wait. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 1365 Portland Rd. Phone 3359. Ires. 7097 a73 'Journal Want Ads Pay Oregon Tuesday, Mar. 25, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: Englewood district, modern 2 bedroom house. Hdwd. floors, Ven. blinds, elec. water .heater, oil heat, cove ceilings, cove linoleum, utility room, attached garage, lge. back yard, fruit trees, immediate possession. Will con alder taking late model car or trailer house as part payment. 18250. Phon? 2-6629. 674 N. 20th. a73 WELL CONSTRUCTED 3 B.R. home close to schools & bus North, very deep lot, full bsmt. with S.D. heat, fireplace and all good sized rooms. iio.sqo. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 7057 au FURNISHED 3 B.R. home on K acre on 99E South, A bsmt,. garage, work shop, fruit. Best In town for 17900. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 7057 S74 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEW, MODERN. Insulated, electric heat. 7 rooms, double plumbing, spacious living and dining room, bedrooms large enouah for twin beds. Double garage, large lot. Oak and fir trees. Paved street. City bus by the door. $11,600, JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR Phone 8216 1140 N. Capitol a73 FURNISHED. EAST. 19500 NICE HOME, modern In every way. 2 largt bedrooms. Auto, lurnace. nice land scaping, very nice furniture, almost new. New Frlgldalre and electric range. Immediate possession. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR Phone 8216 1140 N. Capitol a73 NEAT MODERN HOME HAS LIVING room, 2 bedrooms, large kitchen and bath, large garage, wired for ranae. elec. water heater, about j years old, 50x100 lot, 5 walnut trees. An attractive home for 17000. LEE OHMART St CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 9680 or 4035 11500 DOWN WILL PURCHASE this modern 9 bed room home located on the highway, inside town, has large lot 65x120, part hardwood floors, rireplace, wired ror range, elec. water heater, V. blinds, double garage, insulated and weather atrlpped. Full price, 18050. 11500 down, balance at 155.00 a month. LEE OHMART St CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 45S Court Phone 7696 BUYER'S OHOICEI 3 B.R. Hse., near Highland school. 1S0OO. 2 B.R. Hse, 7 yrs. old. 65800. 3 B.R. home, plastered, can be bought fur nished. 17000 5 B.R. Hse., NEW, unfln. UP, Lot 60x125, fully Insulated. 38500. B.R. Suburban, furnished, 11500 down, bal. terms. 18200. B.R. home, 6 yrs. old, full basement, corner lot, Englewood, 112,500, Salesmen: "Habby" Habernlcht Mylex Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Ph. 7696 Res. 24682 a72' BY OWNER: 6 room modern home, 774 Cascade Drive, Klngwood Heights. This well built home has a double garage, automatic oil heat At air conditioning, full basement, oak floors throughout, double Plumbing, fireplace St plenty of bullt-lns. 2 large lots or about 1 acre. 116,400. Phone 8303. a72 16500, R bedims., bsmt., double plumb ing, garage paved st. and sidewalk, walnut trees. A good buy. Call BURT PIOHA, REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High Street a72 NEAR CANNERY IN W. SALEM REDUCED TO 14500. 9 bdrms., liv. rm.. kit., shower, gas range and good clrc. heater Included. Garage As fruit room. BURT PICnA, REALTORS 337 N. High St. Ph. 3210 a72 IN WEST SALEM 5 BDRM. cottage, painted and new roof 3 years ago. Terms on this u desire a. only 14300. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High St. a72' NEW TWO room house and lot below cost for quick sale. Mrs. F. E. Berry, Rte. 1 Box 99A, Jefferson, Ore. By Sidney School. a72 BY OWNER: 2 bdrms., L.R., dinette, kit.. bath, utility, auto, gas water heater, garage. Lot 60x100. Location 621 King wood Ave., W. Salem. 16800. a72 BY OWNER: Beautiful modern 8 home with full basement. Lge. party rm. One extra bedrm. In basement. Hwd, floors, first quality materials through out. Can be bought with or without new modern furniture, incl. ruga, re f riff., elec. range St washing machine. House may be seen any day until 6:30 p.m. 1430 Market St. EXCELLENT 3 BEDRM. HOME FAIRMOUNT DIST. Spacious L.R.. din ing rm., fireplace, hdwd. firs., modern kitchen, basement, oil or sawdust fur nace, dble. garage. Large lot nicely landscaped. A really substantial home. 111.750. FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT 19500 4 BEDRM. older type home, fireplace, oil furnace, dble. plumbing, large lot. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a72 NEW MOD. cottage. Lge, lot. 666 4th St., independence, ore. a72 FOR SALE by Owner: Five room house. 100x70 ft. corner lot: wired for electric equipment, gas equipped, phone, bath, fireplace, glassed-in porch, greenhouse, garage, partial basement, fruit, ber ries, garden, l'i blks. school. See 3:45 or Sundays. Price 16500. Terms. Phone 169JX. 115 Sixth, Independence. a76 NEAR JR. AND SR. HIGH SCHOOL 3 BED '. on ground floor, Hdw. firs. Liv r., din. r.. kitch.. bath, fireplace, base ment, furnace. Wired for range. 1 blk. to grade schl. 110.500. R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 1853 N Capitol St. Ph. 3031. a73 BY OWNER: 2 bdrms., auto, heat, at flrs. 100 Waldo a76 tached garage, hdwd. Ave. Ph. 5348 Eves. NEW 2 bdrm. house, attached garage. hdwd. firs., Kelger Dlst. 728 N. Com'l. Ph. 2653D Eves. a76 Sono FOR this 4 bdrm. home, North, on large lot just out of city limits. A bar gain. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High Street a73 15000.00 NEW 2 bdrms.. L.R., Kit. and bath, gas range and oil neater included, call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High St. a7S MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4T, to il Call for details. BYRKIT A POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phone 6937 a BY OWNER: Modern two bedroom house. sleeping porch, double garage, beauti fully landscaped, at 2360 Laurel Ave. a 73 12500 DOWN PAYMENT ON 3 BEDROOM HOME AT 1615 SO. CHURCH ST. DRIVE BY. IF INTERESTED SEX THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 34793 a72 ONLY 11500 DOWN ON I BEDROOM home on 1 acre of very good soil. On paved road, close to school St store. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N, High St. Phone 34793 a72" MODERN BRICK HOME IP YOU really want something nice, don't neglect to sre tuts strictly mod. 6 rm. brick home all on one floor. 4 A. of ground, cor lot, 3 nice bedrms. St small den. Lge. Uv rm., din. rm.. utility rm., covered patio leading from din. rm.. dble. garage attached, tile bath. Price 117.000. Call O. H. arabenhorst, Jr.. with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 fi. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 a72 N.E. SALEM 60500 WILL buy thla 3 rm. mod. home with unfln. attic, full basement, hdwd. firs., furnace, fireplace & small nook, large lot. Home In fine cond. Immedi ate possession. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. This home Is worth the money. Call O. H. Grabenhorat. Jr.. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 a72 N. 13th ST. DUTCH COLONIAL home, 3 bdrms.. hwd. flra. throughout, fireplace, auto-otl heat, dble. garage, close to State Bldgs., apartment to rent. SEE THIS HOME. Call Richard E. Grabenhorat. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Evas. 3-5089 a72 FOR SALE HOUSES SPACIOUS COUNTRY HOME DUTCH COLONIAL, 4 bdrms.. dble. plbf., spacious rms. throughout, auto-otl heat, rumpus rm in basement, dble. garage, outside fireplace, beautiful grounds. Close to schools St bus. , Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst, with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty fltv Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 T a72 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT $7500,-6 RMS. on one fir., part basemt., furnace, recently redecorated, extra lot. A fine location. an ooo. mod. 6 rm. bung., 2 bdrms. plus den, automatic heat, el. h.w. heater, fireplace. Lge. garage. A REAL BUY. 61 1 ,ooo. MOD. 6 rm. home with unfln. attic. Full basement, furnace, fireplace, hdwd. firs., newly decorated Inside. $ 1 3, OOO. LATE -BUILT 5 rm. mod. home carpeted, 4 bdrms., auto-heat. Home in exec!!, cond. SIS. 700. MOD. 6 rm. home, 3 bdrms., auto, heat, hdwd. firs., fireplace, base ment, cor. lot. Sprinkling system in yard. A GOOD HOME. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorat. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 a72j HOUSES FOR SALE Phone 9510 6155 14800.00. t bdrm. modern hse. 1 A. 1 blk. to city bm. N. $5,100.00, NEW 2 bdrm. modern hse. Elec. heat. Largj lot. N. Off Cherry Ave. W7 (mm 1 BDRM. modern hse. Walking distance to city center. Close to can nery. M7A0.00. NEW 2 bdrm. hse. Large lot. Should go G.I. Kelzer Dist. KJttOO.OO. 3 BDRM. North. Elec. water heater. Wired for range. Convenient lo cation. Should go G.I. ABRAMS St SKINNER. INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Mtg. Loans Insurance a74 SPECIAL: By owner, G.I. or civilian. well constructed new homes, 2 bed rooms down, living room, bath, kitchen, utility St dinette, 14x36 finished up stairs, completely insulated. Willam ette silt sol). Will sell my large, well constructed home at 35 Lansing Ave Also lots with well water or without. See owner. a72 CLOSE-IN HOME 3 BDRM. home located N.. redecorated throughout, hdwd. flra., fireplace, base ment, lurnace. Lot 50X150. no. 3 Bus. Zone. Price 110,500. See Richard E. Grabenhorat. with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 131 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 25089 a72 BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. home, Ig. corner lot. Priced for quick sale. No dealers. laio wauer St. a77 FOR SALE LOTS BEAUTIFUL LOT at Reiser, 9 walnut trees, situated Just right for building. High, good soil. Sale by owner. 1260 N. 17th after 5:30. aa77 ONE BEAUTIFUL lot on Falrmount Hill. 60x150. Ph. 7881. aa72 6 LOTS FOR SALE: 51x125 on N. 22nd St Rose Sts. Near Chemeketa. Selling at 1600 each or bargain on the group. Phone 26583. aa74 FOR SALE FARMS FARMS A FARMER'S FARM 60 ACRES, 45 A. cleared. 25 A. bottom 12 A. orchard. Grain crops In. Barn 42x38. 8 room house, electricity. 114, 000 Includes 8 cows. This Is an honest value. 1013 DAIRY FARM 15 ACRES, cleared St fenced. 10 Jersey Ai Guernsey cows. 19 stanchion barn, 30 ton nay, 3 otner farm buildings, McCormlck-Deerlng milk, mach., 5 room home. 19500 S4OO0 down. 821 OWNER RETIRING l ACRE chicken farm. Gross Income last year 114.200 on 122.500 Investment 1800 laying hens. McCormlck-Deerlng tractor, manure spreader. Allis-Chal-tr.ers combine and all necesary farm machinery included in above price. Good buildings. 1001 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Eves. 3671 Phone 9203 b72 17i ACRES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION FIVE RM. modern house plus utility rm. Wired for elec. range, neat St clean, an abundance of spring water, elec. w. system, 10 A. cult., 4 A. timber St pasture, 4 A. fruit, Va A. raspberries, hen houso 20x40, tool shed, 25 rabbit hutches, barn. Remember, Immediate pauenxlon. See ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM, 341 State St., Room 4. b72- FOR SALE: 6 acre tract. Magnificent view of Willamette valley and Cascade moun tains, 15 mln. from downtown Salem. Paved road, approx. 4 blocks from school. 11500. Phone 6830. b77 24i ACRES ONLY 6 ml. from Dallas. Completely re built St redecorated. House turn, with brand new furniture. Brand new Case tractor. 3 ac. in prunes, 3 ac. In cher ries, 12 stanchions for cows, 4 wells. This farm Is far below the market value. Call us for app. to see this one. 114,750 full price. 34 ACRES. NORTH ALMOST NEW house. Very mod. Hdwd. floors, Several almost new out bldgs. 2 wells. About 1000 ft, highway front age. Completely tiled. 3 ac. In cane berries. More land available. Liberal terms can be arranged. Full price 116.000. 13 AC. Joining Lake La blah. 5 bdrm. house. 3 fireplaces, hdwd. floors, auto, oil furnace. Born for about 50 dairy cows. Dog kennels with living quarters. Chick, hse. with dble. construction. Lge. mach shed. Beautiful yd. St shrubs. Water Piped to all parts of farm. Auto. i elec. pump. Genera cond. excellent. More joining land available. Would ex change for mod. city home. Call for Mr Isaak. Full price S27.500. M. O. HUMPHREYS St CO., REALTOR 2286 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24596 b73 36 ACRE valley farm. Neat attractive 4- b.r. Home. Barn with 10 stanchions. Poultry house 22x50. 3 A. berries, 1'i A. orchard, bal. in cultivation. Includes Tractor, tools and Implements. 4 cows, etc. Price $18,000.00. Call o. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. JUgh Phone 4121 b72 80-ACRE farm, clear, N. Take some trade. No buildings. 13000 down, bal ance to suit. Inquire 607 N. Capitol. Apt, 6. b80- EAST OF KEIZER 5'4 A 1 BEDR. hse. Elec. water ays. Cherries, nuts. Excellent location. Fine soil. A GOOD BUY. 68500. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 1653 N. Capitol. Ph. 3031. 673" NELSON FARMS BEFORE toil BUT a farm or acreage check our new list or more than 100 properties Copy available on request Nelson St Nelson. Uaaonle Bldg.. Ph 4419 b FOR SALE ACREAGE ACREAGE 10 A. located 4 miles S.. view prop., all under cult., drilled well, on good road. Price .3J50 TERMS. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-308D bb72- PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 15000. (52200 DN.) NORTH NICE LARGE rms. Lots of bullt-lns. 3rd bdrm. It needed. About ac. Some fruit St berries Chick, hse. Oarden ground. QUICK POSSESSION 11000 TO 11474 DN. NORTH. NOW VACANT 4 RMS. St nk. Late built. About ae. fine garden sou. Big irult. rilbert St wal nut trees. Berries, chick, hse. Total price 15500 WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 6. Liberty Ph. 7113 bb72 Scvmi K'a A.. 2 hses.. barn, chicken hse.. aouoie garage. lamny orchard, spring with lec. w. sys.. wired for range, elec. water heater telephone St share own er has left tor Calif. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 8, Com'l. St. Ph, 4390. Eves. 0336. bb74 STROUT REALTY 1 A. NORTH: Oood 5 rm. home, S yrs, old. 10 fruit trees only 13600. l(i A, WITH stock & equipment. Oood 6 u. home, 20 fruit trees. 13500. CHOICE creek farm. 33 A. with good 6 rm. home, team A implements. Deep loam soil. Only S75D0. FINE tt A, grove with mod. home. Close to Salem. 19900. with 4 down. CHECK our many listing of homes, farms. groves St business opportunities. STROUT REALTY. 939 8. 13th St. Paul A. Carter, Associate. bb72 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE ACREAGE KEIZER district: 10 A. of strawberries, These are all certified plants. This and next year's crop will pay for place. This is a rine piece of ground to subdivide, Terms can be arranged. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830. bb74 BY O'.VNER: 1 acre, good 3 B.R. home, double garage. North of underpass 1 mi. and 2nd house east of 99 Hlway. Ph. 24210. bb77 ACREAGE ONLY! S SQ. Acres, beautiful home site. Price siooo. 7 ACRES, 3 A. full bearing R.A. cher ries, 2 A. new planting, good view. 13000. 10 A. Wm. soli, all level. Price 13500. 10 ACRES, near Sllverton Highway. 14000. 53 A. Good well. 50 A. cult. 15000. ACREAGE AND BUILDINGS APPROX. 16 A. orchard, in good condi tion, livg. Quarters. $5800. 34 A. strawberry farm, 4 rm. hse. 16000. 9 A. 3 rm. cottage, near Airport. 16350. RM. cabin. 19 A. orchard, fully equip. Includ. 1942 Dodge truck. 17350. I A. cult, near Sllverton hwy., good b rm. mod. hse. Equip, can be bought. 117,500. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 25141 bb72 19 ACRES North of Kelzer, all in culti vation, 3 B.R. modern nouse, Darn, poultry house, drilled well, elec. water system, on pavement. 18750. Terms. R. E. MEREDITH REALTOR 176 S. Com'l Ph. 8841 bb73 FOR SALE or trade for late model coupe. & acre building site. 5 miles South. Rte. 4, Box 152. 1'4 ml. N.W. Sunnyslde. bb73 ACRES with 5-Rm. home with bath, elec. water htr. Wired for range. Ga rage, chicken house, close to bus line. Price 14800.00. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 133 S. High Phone 4121 bb72 15500 ACRES, 2 bedroom plastered house, concrete foundation. ' basement. Poultry house, garage, 5 miles from Ladd and Bush bank. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR Phone 8316 1140 N. Capitol bb73a SUBURBAN EXCLUSIVE SOUTH JUST OUTSIDE city limits, U acre, bus by the door, nice view, outside fire place, fruits, nuts, 450 lily bulbs, nice garden space, poultry house. Three bedrooms, furnished 17400. Can be pur chased unfurnished If desired. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR Phone 8216 1140 N. Capitol bb73' SUBURBAN HOME 214 ACRES East, 6 rm. all modern home. barn, chicken house, double garage, family orchard, on bus line. Just the place to retire on. Very beautiful. 110,000. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 1355. Eve. 25831 bb73' 114 ACRES KEIZER DIST.. modern plas tered home, large garage, family fruit. 17850. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 23831 bb73' ONE ACRE HAYESVILLE DIST. N. Good plastered 2 B.R. home, large fenced yard, complete young orchard. 16500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve 23831 bb73" 17 ACRE BERRY FARM, 8 room modern home, fireplace, barn, chicken house, good well, 6 acres boyaenberrles, 7 acres strawberries, near Salem, North, some terms. 121.000. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 23831 bb73- H A., S-ROOM house, wired for range, water heater. Barn. Price reasonable. Box 70, Evergreen Are. Phone 25627. bb73 66700 BY owner. ; A. 2 bdrm. plastered home, L.R., D.R.. kitch. with noox, utility rm., V. blinds, drilled well, elec. water system, fruit room In ga rage. Poultry hse., 24x30 barn, fruit trees, 1 blk. to school St store, bus by door. Ph. 21318. bb72 REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN on rrtst I 4 to Or- Call for detail BYRKIT POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phoni 5981 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 CITY $83001 Bedroom bungalow. 6 months old, plastered Interior, fir floors, L.R., K.. Bath, Venetian blinds, bullt-lns. elec tric or gas cooking, gas heat, 1-car ga rage, bus and school close, nice shrubs and fruit trees. $9000 AGE 7 years. 2 B.R. home, L.R., D.R., K.. Venetian blinds, bath, elec tric cooking, hdwd. floors, fireplace, full basement, close to bus and school. Can be bought at only 'A down and balance at 5i. 60(100 ENGLISH style 4 B.R. home, dou ble plumbing, L.R., d.r., K., bunt-ins, part basement, electric cooking and wa ter heating, automatic oil furnace, ga rage. Immediate possession, plastered Interior, fireplace, good location, large lot, large rooms, nice yard and trees. 111,500 VERY nice clean house. Ranch type. 2 B.R.. L.R.. D.R., K., bath, Ve netian blinds, fireplace, garage, very close to bus and near schools, utility roon, good location, nice yard fenced In. 626,300 VIEW property, beautiful place, party room in basement with fireplace, hdwd. throughout, Philippine mahogany bookcases In den or study, kitchen, living room and dining room are show places, carpeted from wall to wall in L.R. and D.R., double plumbing, fire place In L.R., double garage, range, re frigerator and main floor drapes to. WEST SALEM WWW BEAUTIFUL home, large lot with view and large fir trees, 2 B.R. ranch style home, L.R., D.R.. K bath, plas tered interior, fireplace, electric cook ing and automatic oil heat, Immediate, possession. ! 1 1 0.ooo BEAUTIFUL view. large lot, 2 B. ; R. bungalow, L.R.. D.R., K fireplace, hdwd. floors, plastered Interior, garage, immediate possession. This house Is un finished at present. SI l,O0O ONE story, 2 B.R. home, L.R.. D.R., K., noo;:, Venetian Dlinds, batn, hdwd. floors, plastered interior, 8 mos. old, electric cooking and heating, ga-j rage. Immediate possession. Coved cell-1 Ings In L.R, and D.R., 2 apple trees, 1 cherry. S16.4 00 CASCADE View, lovely trees, ter raced lawn, 2 B.R., one-story house, L.R.. K., butlt-ins, nook, basement, hdwd. floors, plastered Interior, coved ceilings, electric cooking and water j heating, automatic oil heat, double ga-: rage. Immediate possession. Party Toom In basement, or could be bedroom, and a shower. 700 gal. oil tank. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AOENCY 169 South High 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8630 Eves. 6901-7163-4937-9340 C73" SALEM REALTY CO. PHONE 7660 MR GROCERYMAN IF YOU are Interested In one of the bext grocery set-ups In the Willamette val ley, come in or write. No telephone In formation. HAVE CASH BUYER FOR THE best three bedroom home 813.- 000 will buy (must have large living and dining rooms and automatic heat). WE NEED MORE LISTINGS IF YOU have desirable property for sale. call us or come in and tell ua wnat you have we like to show good prop erty. MR. MASTER PLUMBER WE HAVE a dandy little oil burner ser vice business with about 12400 in stock, consisting of burners, floor furnace, electric water heater, copper tubing, miscellaneous fitting and supplies, small stock galvanlted Pipe. etc. Ford Pick up. It all toes for 13300. If Interested call in prrson. LOVELY SUBURBAN WEST SIDE A very appealing three bed room home on large lot, strictly mod ern. Including all electrlo heat, double garage. 111.300. VIEW FARM OF 33 acres all In crop; 6 acres boysen- berries. 3 acres strawberries, balance oats St vetch; three bedroom home, barn, poultry house, Ford-Ferguson tractor. It's only 114.300. SALEM REALTY COMPANY 149 N. Hign St. Phone 7660 Eves. 2-4773-2-S:80-6198 Art Holmes. Cleave Bartlett, Jr., Don Tungate. Salesmen r73 Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS GO SEE 2010 MAPLE HOUSE BARGAIN OF THE WEEK ONLY 17900 YOU WILL find a good substantial plas tered modern home, comb. L.R.-D.R. kit.. 4 bdrnu. St bath, all on 1 fir., full basmt., piped furnace heat, elec. m-ater heater, garage, large lot with fenced back rard, lawn, garden St shrubbery, on paved St., near Hollywood shopping dlst., Highland St St. Vincent schools. UQ H EE N. 17TH 'HOME OF THE WEEK" YOU WILL see a pleasing architectural design with attached garage and beautiful well-kept yard Indicating good son. nut witnout inspection you can not see the substantiality of this strict ly modern plastered home with hwd, firs., spacious L. R., D. R Kit., bath, 3 bdrms.. gjassed-ln dinette, with view oi Deautuui bacK yard, outdoor floace. fish pool St patio, full basmt., oil fur nace, etc. It is on bus line St con ven lent to schools St stores. The owners have bought an Income property, hence this home la really for sale. Let us snow you the Inside. 4 CORNERS HOME A GOOD substantial mod. plastered home. l. n ainene, k.ii., oatn, a bdrms., at tached garage, good size shop with all concrete fir., nice barn with box stalls de nayion, an lenced, i blk. to bus, on paved road. 18500. THOMPSON'S ADDITION CHOICE BLDG. lots, high level, well arainea ground witn good soil, at in tersection of Hawthorne St Monroe Aves., convenient to Center St. Az Lsn caster Drive. Drive out. Free plat St price list. IF NEITHER of these meet your require ments ten us wnat you want. We pro- oaoty nave u nstea. NELSON St NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson specializing Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 595 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622 Eves. 21350 c73" 12800 NEW UNFINISHED 3 B.R. home. Good neat, oaiem location. 16300 VERY NICE 2 B.R. home In good loca- uon. nwo. noors, wired lor range. At tached garage. Imm. Poss. Terms. 16750. 3 B.R. GOOD CLEAN plastered home. Double garage, close to business district in nest eaiem. 17200 NEAT 2 B.R. home in a good location. Has nice L.R., D.R. St Kit. with plenty of built-lns. Wired for range, elec. wtr. neater, i D1X. to DUS, 0 to school. 17600 28 ACRE farm. 9 acres prunes, 6 acres walnuts, l acre cherries, 10 acres clear mna. no ouudings. 15750 5 ACRES. s.E. Salem. 1 acre fruit. Small sirawoerry paten, balance in pasture Ss nmucr. u.n, nouse. DUPLEX EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN. Only mo. old Cone. Fdn., plastered interior, elec. heat. elec. wtr. heater, Ven. blinds. Separate utility rooms, blk to bus. 3 to acnooi. run price giO.000. 110.500. 2 HOUSES VERY ATTRACTIVE modern 2 B.R. home hdwd. floors, fireplace, basement, large utility room, double garage, 80x100 lot. Also, large garage house in rear rented KINOWOOD HEIGHTS ULTRA MODERN 3 B.R. view home on 1 acre lot. Lovely oak floors tiirniiEhnut fireplace, 31x18 L.R. with large wln- uuwa. nice u.k., jarge Kit. with cheery breakfast nook. Full basement with shower. Auto, oil furnace. Double ga rage. A fine buy for 116,500. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1233 Edgewater St. ph. 5109 c74 WANTED REAL ESTATE 'LARGE OR small, we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State Si. Ph. 9261 ca74 LOVELY factory built trailer home as part payment on small home In or near Salem, near transportation. P.O. Box 691. Salem. Ca72 WE ARK In need oi good bomea to tell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for salt, see ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea FOR PROMPT and courteous serrlca list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 655 N. Liberty Phone 7327 oa ATTENTION OWNERS OWING to our strateglo location on high- j wn. wo unve commenced 10 get a numbe of out-of-state buyers. Wo need listings on good farms, city homes, acreage and any kind of a business that you want to selL We sold over one million dollars tn property Id '46 and wt will really appreciate your lilting SULLIVAN REALTY. INC. REALTORS 3368 Portland Rd. Ph. 329S; tvta. 34479 ea"; LIST WITH SALEM TO BELL 'EM. 8A- LtM REALTY CO. O. W. BARTLETT, REALTOR. 149 N. HIGH 8T PH. 7660. NOTICE! If your property la for tale, rent or exchange, list It with oa. Wt have all kinds cash buyers STATE FINANCE COM REALTORS 153 S High St . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 20 A. FOR SALE or trade for house In town. 482 N. 18th after 12 noon. cb74 WILL TRADE nice mod. home In Portland lor nome in Salem. For home and acreage near Salem. Owner, Mr. Wil son. Ph. 6133. cb75 FOR SALE or trade for house, equipped memi woraing i nop ana nouse. box 309. Capital Journal. cb75 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NO BLUE SKY THIS VERY fine, well established Grocery ana Marxet is ideal .lor man and wife to run. All stock Is quality merchandise. Equipment la good. Shelving and Islands new. Now netting $500 a month. Your closest Investigation Invited. No phone information. Yes. You may have the address. 89000. 751 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 SouthHlgh Phone 9203 cd72 38500 INVESTED WILL GIVE you an apartment to live in ana sua a month income from 6 other units. Owner's equity 84900 on which a trailer will be taken to $2000. 748 AUTO COURT 810.000 WILL GET possession of an auto court mat win net 8400 a month winter. 1600 In tourist season. Near Salem. 745 BEAUTY SHOP 4 OPERATORS on Commission basis. Low overneaa. Yearly gross 35000. Price S2650. 746 WORTH IN VEST! G AT INO GROCERY STORE and meat mkt. Hlgh- - jui-iiun in last growing part of town. 186.002 gross business for 1946. 3100.000 for 1947??? stock and fix tures. Living quarters. Good lease. Make an offer. 726 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 0203 cd72 NEW DUPLEX, carpeted wail to wall. nee. aiov. eiec. neat. v. blinds, rents 176 mo. By owner. Ph. 7017. cd74 ATTENTION INVESTORS: See this 30 ou. it story bids it has full basement with gas furnace. Very good sfse cor ner lot and located in gone No. 4. 18000 full price LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS 344tate St Ph. 9361 cd74 CAFE FOR sale. Phone 8427. cd77 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FIRST CLASS tourist court, paying 17 pet. on investment, income can bt Increased. 342.500. BUSINESS building North, fireproof, ex cellent location, can be enlarged. Lot 50x140, LAUNDRY equipment, good condition, no phone Information on this one. MACHINE shop, service station, living quarters. 19.500. EXCELLENT plastered 3-bedroom house, iuii Daaement, auto. neat, large tnop building on the rear of property, good business location. North, 39.500. JOE J. BOURNE, REALTOR IHONorthCapitol Ph. 8216 cd73 HOLLYWOOD INCOME-PROPERTY VERY' PROFITABLE apartment proper ty, periectly located tn Hollywood dis trict. May be purchased at a price that will show 10, profit and value of this property Is on the Increase. This is an exclusive listing so set ut at once. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AOENCY 169 S. High Street Ph. 6131 Ph. Eves, and Sun. 9340-7363-6901-4931 ed73 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEER TAVERN SACRIFICE BRAND new fixtures, walk In cooler, enough room for restaurant If desired. Pinball machines, tile and brick bldg. About 5 or 6 years old. Lots of stor age space. Price has been reduced to 818,000. Liberal terms arranged by aeller. We believe this Is one of the best listings we have had for months. CAFE WITH LIVINO QUARTERS GOOD location In city. Restaurant com pletely turn. App. 2 year lease with renewal option. All goes for only 14,000. Better hurry on this one. M. O. HUMPHREYS St CO., REALTOR 2286 Fairground Rd Ph. 24696 cd73 i WELL known restaurant In a nearby valley town Is for sale. Netting 1500.00 per month. All the equipment toes with this place. Possession April 1, 1947. Ths price Is 15775.00. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 510 Guardian Building Salem, Oregon Phone 4896 cd72 FOR SALE. by owner: Sporting goods and hardware store located on the finest spot on the coast in the heart of Taft. Inventory, fixtures, partially finished living quarters adjoining, and an ex ceptionally favorable lease. 110,500. Phone Salem 24513. cd72 OWN SHALL manufacturing business at home; man, family can assist; operate cutter machine and assemble; spare or full time; 9300 for machine. Box 307. Capital Journal. cd73 GOOD PAYING GROCERY STORE INCLUDING RENTAL property. Buyer should easily make 18000 per year. 115,000 will handle. See THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. near Center St. cd72 LOT 50x167 on N. 17th St. To trade for late model car. Phone 3012. cb74 COIN OPERATED Radios for hotels and motels, -.cal distributor wanted. Loca tions available. Write Magna Electronics Co., 3709 W Jefferson Blvd., Los An geles, Calif. cd73 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 da CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 7396 State Street Furn 1900 State da HIGHEST PRICES paid Phont Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Pb 6110. da FOR SALE IJVESTOCK HORSE FOR SALE: Age 9 years, wt. 1300, broKe to worg, gentle. Harry l. Ricnea, Sllverton. e74 GOLDEN Palomino stallion, 4 yrs. old, green broke. Registered quartered horse mare, unbroken. Will take house trailer on deal. Ph. Sllverton 1661. e74 JERSEY COW, 4 yrs. old. Just fresh. Giv ing 40 pounds milk daily, 1260 Lewis St. C72 S REGISTERED Hereford bulls. 10 mos. old. 1150 each. 3.4 ml. north of Rlck- reall St 1.4 ml. east of highway, or rnone saiem 333B7 alter s p.m. e73 8 HEAVY work horses, 6, 0 & 13 yrs. old. Work single or double. Ph. 7947, 72 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows & boars at your farm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. McCandllsh, Rt. 9, Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 23th. Phone 8147. ea96' WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. will call at rarm. write e. l snetnen, 1650 Lancaster Dr.. Salem. Ph. 2134S morn, or eves. ea77 RABBITS DOES, 1 buck, 6 young, 3 hutches, 6 feeders, $15. Faye Wood, 548 6. 17th. eb74 FOR SALE: Fine Angora Rabbit Breed ing Stock; also 2 yards fertilizer. Echo Dell Angora Ranch, Rte. 3 Boa 687-H. Phone 23168. eb72 WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any furs. West aids Fur Co., West Salem. eb82 WING'S BABBITRY pays highest prices for rabbits, 4 to 6 lbs. 3985 state St. 1 blk. E. ol 4 corners. Ph. 109F5. ebSO PETS BOSTON BULL terrier. Brown St white. Well trained Ideal for children. Pn. 6203. ec74 COCKER SPANIELS, reds, blacks St other types, saiem veterinary wospuai, Port land Rd. ec76 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure bred. Females 123, males 135. Roy n. Simmons, Rt. 4. Box 270. Ph. 31143. FOR SALE WOOD FREE FURNACE or fireplace wood. Bring your axe and saw and cut up a fallen tree. Behind gymnasium at Willam ette University. ee73 FRESH CUT sawdust, 14 a unit. OREGON FUEL CO., Phone 6533. ee80 GOOD DRY 16 in. wood, Immed. delivery. OREGON FUEL CO.. Phone 3333. ee95a CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 MILL WOOD. 16.00 load. Ph. 8852 or 5341 ce88 PLYWOOD cores St old fir. Ph. 3380. ee86 DRY WOOD St sawdust. Ph. Maker 7868. ee85 TRI CITY FUEL 2 Cord Load 11000 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16' Slab Wood St Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We G)T 8&B Green Stamps ee77 14 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB St EDGINGS. PH. 6683 ee77" t CORD LOAD, 16 In. slab St edgings, 18 load. Imm. del. Pb 6533 Oregon Fuel Co ee72 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load 820.00. Imm. del. Pb. 346, Yamhill, Ore. e76 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green slab, good for furnace Ph 7721 te WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN St DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and dlesel oil. Ph. 2-4031. ei GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph 34031. FOR SALE POULTRY CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chicles every Wed. Boylngton's. 3710 State 169 BABY CHICKS batching twice weekly In seven varieties. New Hampshlres always available In chicks Growing pullets, any age. Phone 33861 Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt terries. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phont 83861 Lee's Hatchery f" YEAR AROUND Cash Buyers At whole talers, ro'''ry, eggs St turkey. Also North West brand quality feeds. North West Poultry St Dairy Products Co., 1505 N Front St. Salem. Ph. 7007. f73 WANTED HELP STENOGRAPHER: Good salary, pleasant surroundings. Brown's Jewelers. 184 N. Liberty Si. g74" TOVNG MAN to learn Jewelry business. Exp. in window trimming preferred. References necessary. See Mr. Brown. 184 N. Liberty St. g74 WANTED: Automobile mechanic. Walter Zosel Co., Chemeketa St High Sts. t77 MAN OR woman for cleaning or laundry. Phone 4127. 674 HOUSEKEEPER wanted for 2 adults. Mod. home. Good salary. Phone 7362. g74 WANTED: Typist. Salem Steel Supply. g74 180 Court St SELL SUBSCRIPTIONS to Your Town. Salem's pictorial weekly. Excel, field of opportunity. Ph. 7835 or drop In to 363 Court St. and ask for Mel Crowe. (74 MAN TO solicit for a nationally known product. Call 8203 lor appointment. 74 WOMAN TO assist with housework care of two children. Room St board St wages. Call 32201 after 5:30 p.m. g?4 GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 4 adults. Friv ate rm St bath. Ph. 5574. 74 APPRENTICE FOR garaie service sta tion. 809 Edgewater St. w. saiem. t4 I WANTED HELP WANT EXP. beauty operator. Beauty Salon. Phone 3836. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Must like children. Permanent Job. Good wages Write Mrs. John W. Kltzmlller, 413 Shelton St., Dallas, Ore., or ph. 182. g76 SILK FINISHER, 11.05 hr. Wool pressers, 11.25 to 11.50 hr. Counter girls 130 wk. New Method Cleaners. Sllverton Ore. Call Main 74, collect. Bus leaves Salem I a.m. Returns 5:30 p.m. Fair 17c. g73 NEAT, reliable person under 45 for steady clerking Job. inquire alter 10:30 a.m. 124 S. High St. , g73 ATTENTION, VETERANS. Here Is your post-war job Big income, steady worK, free training. Be your own boss. Quick advancement. 360 '.i State St. Room 34. 0 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. or Phone 24693 for appointment. g75a MAN OR woman for house-to-house sales. Oood proposition to right party. Ph. 9500. tl3 DEPENDABLE woman, single, to take charge of small home St child. Board, room St some wages. References de sired. Application own handwriting. P. O. Box 710, Salem. g73a CHEF NEEDED for steady work at Nor- ma;.dy Manor, immediate employment. Call 5583. g73 WOMAN OR girl to assist with housework and care of children. Private room. Ph 8044. g73" MAN TO own and operate coin-operated radio route. Locations secured. Good substantial Income monthly. Can be serviced in your spare time. Investment required. See Mr. Fotherglll, Senator Hotel, Wed. or Thurs. g73 WANTED: Elderly lady for companion and help with housework. Inquire at 1940 Lee St. g-73 WANTED: LADY dishwasher. Brook-nook restaurant. Call in person, Brooks, Ore. g75 WANTED: AMBITIOUS real estate sales man. Experience not necessary. Must furnish references. Apply in person. Al len Jones, 341 State, Rm. 4. g72' EXPERIENCED B O O K K E E PER wants work. Call 0305. g73' EXPERIENCED ready-to-wear Saleslady, See Esther Foster. Ph. 7741. t72 WANT SALESMEN to sell well built houses and building material, Marlon county. Contest A, B. Cooper, Jefferson, Dlst. Agent. Phone 262. g 73 WANTED: MEI" to work In hop yard. Ph. 23052 or 0623, John J. Roberts St Co. EXP. WAITRESS wanted. No Sunday work. The Ace, 127 N. High. EXP. ALTERATION lady St Utter. Good salary. Apply at sally's. FORMER NAVY and Coast Guardsmen interested in re-enlistment In the Coast Guard service, are urged to con tact your local recruiting office now, for many of the critical ratings of fered previously, are closing fast. For mer EM. FC. RM. AETM. enlisted now as 2nd or 3rd class, depending on former rate, etm, RDM. bom, enlisted as 1st 2nd, or 3rd class, depending on for mer rate. PHM's enlisted as HAlc only. All other ratings enlisted as Seaman lc or Fireman lc. There will be fur ther changes In the near future, to HUT nuw. CONTACT your local recruiting United States Coast Guard stations at Rm. 32. 360'4 State St., Salem. EXP. WOOL presser, City Cleaning Works 1745 state St g GOOD DEAL for right salesmen. Salem Rock wool Co. I53S Broadway. Ph. 3748 EXP. LAD y. for fur reran as alterations Price's. 138 North Liberty ARE YOU a former Navy or Coast Guard Veteran, with any of tha following ratings? RADIOMAN. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN'S MATE ELECTRICIAN'S MATE RADAR MAN AND SOUNDMAN OR FIRE CONTROLMAN. IF SO YOU ARB probably eligible for en listment m your old rate at the same grade up to first class, several other rates also open to first class. First as signment In this district! Bast pay for first class is now 8135 per month, plus longevity. You still get the fret medical ana dental aid for self and dependents. family allowances and set duty pay. 30 or ao year retirement. Your former aer vice counts toward pay and retirement. 20 year retirement now pays 8128 par month for life. All pay It Income tax free. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUTURE CONTACT your local recruiting United states coast Guard stations at Rm. 32 360'j State St., Salem. a COOK wanted, man of elean moral and physical habits to cook for county Jail. Sleeping room and meals furnished as part of salary. For further Informa tion see Sheriff Denver Young. g72 WANTED POSITIONS WANTED: Children to care for, by wk. or mo. pnone bbfi. rm" LAWN tt FIELD weed spraying. Tree spraying. Philip W. Beilke, Ph. 31208. h77 PLOWING, new equipment. Call us 'or immediate work. Ph. 21208 or 37F4. h77 A VET of 21 yrs., naval aviation, desires employment on permanent oasis, wnat am I offered? Write W, M. . Shaw, Dayton, Ore. Rt. 2, Box 60. h74 WISH WORK In doctor or dentist office. 3 yrs. exp. in hospital. Phone 4372. h74 PART TIME: Exc. bus. background St training, stenog. St bkkg., capable han dling correspondence. Middle aged. Write Box 310, Capital Journal. h77 GARDEN PLOWING St DISCING. Ford h96 Tractor. Roy satter. Ph. 32504. WILL KEEP children between ages of 18 mos. & 3',i yrs. in my home by the day. Exp. nursery teacher. Inquire 350 Belmont. h73 FOR LAWN, garden work St odd jobs, call tiim at ai, rn. agio, Between s st t. h76 PLOWING AND discing. No job too large or too small. Chas. B. Jayne St Sons, 1920 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 23753. h96 TRUCK WORK 40 Chev. L.W.B. Dump uat bea. Been trucKing ror 33 yrs. Rte 1, Gervals. Ore. E. D. Parren. h75 C. L. CLAYTON, plastering St stucco work. Ph. 4979 or call Building Trades office, 443 Center. h75 TOPPING AND REMOVING DANGER trees. Write 413 Evergreen Ave. Phone 33232. h74 GENERAL carpentering Ss repair work h72 Phone 26798. I.ANDSCAPE gardening. New lawns a spe cialty. Plowing St discing small gardens. Ph. 25623. 1340 Saginaw. T. W. Reel. h77 PLOWING St general tractor work. Have D-a. 3rd house south of Brooks on Paci fic highway. On right. J, K. Mlnty, Rt. 1. -Box 274. Brooks. h90 ALTERING St sewing. Ph. 26054. h88' INTERIOR PAINTING. Phont 6706. h87 BOOKKEEPER WITH conslderablt expe rience available. Oood refrencu. Box 238 Capital Journal. b.83 CALL t-3563 for your spring sewing St alterations. AD work promptly done. 3136 N. River Rd. h77 WANTED: Garden plowing and discing. Garden fertilizer ror aalt, dtiiTtrtd. Can 50F2. Salem. H oil is Bice. h74 GARDEN PLOWING St disking Ph. days 9889. eves. 3-2937. n73 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade batter by Ray Bttar Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 FOR RENT 2 SINGLE sleeping rooms. 940 N, Com'l. J7' RENT. 723 N. Church. 177 ROOM for rent for working ladies. Center St. SLEEPING porch bedrm., heated. Also basement bedroom. No drinkers. Ph. 9430. J74 PLEASANT front room St garage for woman. Reasonable. Breakfast if desired. Mrs. B. B. Flack, 1068 Cascade Dr. Phone 6392. J74 RM., 1 up. unfurnished house, 6 mi. south for 6 mo., possibly longer. Call eves. Phone 3055. J74 GENTLEMAN'S ROOM. Close In. On bus Stop. Ph. 24946. j74" SLPG. RM. Men. No drinkers. 448 Cen ter St. in alley, rear Woodrow Bldg. FORRENT TWO small rooms only. 407 Unlor Gentleman J73- TWO VACANCIES. Near hop yards. Elec triclty aod water. Three ml. on Da)UN Road. Bex 469. J74 NEWLY DECORATED sip. rm., outside entrance, bath adj. Emp. gentlemen. 1210 N. Front. J74 COMFORTABLE, HEATED sleeping room. 1271 Chemeketa. J74 TO EXCHANGE: A 3 room furnished apt. tn Portland for house or apt. In Sa le m. Available April 1st. Telephona Broadway 7579. J74 SLEEPING ROOM" 371) Bellevue." Ph. 2-1477. 474" TON AND HALF flat bed truck for hire. 1706 N. 4th. j7 SLEEPING room. 2131 Center. J73 SLP. ROOM, private bath St entrance. gentleman. 34i . mn. jii FOR RENT, service station. Inquire 2320 Fairgrounds Roaa. m SLP. ROOM, tain beds. Men or collega boys preferred. 395 North I4tn. jts GOOD USED PIANOS H U Stiff DIMP TRUCK for rent. Phone 6305. J73 3 PAINT SPRAY outfits. Ph. 2-4546. )73 FLOOR Ward. ander for rant. Montgomery WANTED TO RENT EMPLOYED couple wants furn. or unfurn. Phone 5426 days, 4430 eves. JaI4 GOOD 2 bedroom house, unfurn. Middle aged couple. No children, no pets, no smoking. No drinking. Need It by April 10th. Best of references. Permanent. Call 6597. Ja77 WANTED TO RENT: 300 to 300 sq. ft. floor space, downtown location. Ph. 36093. Ja74 COUPLE. Willamette vet and wife, wish small furn. apt. Call 4171, ext. 460, days or 4360 eves Ja77 PERMANENTLY employed veteran desper ate for house. 1662 N. 5th. Ph. 25124. ja74 VETERAN St businessman wants 2 bed . room unfurn. apt. or house. Good refers encex. 216 ' Oregon Bldg. Ph. 24401. ja74 PERMANENT business man wants 1 or 2 bedrm. house near Hollywood dlst. Ph, 24888 or 21664, ja77a RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wish furnished house or apartment. No children or pets. Do not smoke or drink. Phone 7730. Ja74 STATE EMPLOYE will pay 4 months rent In advancs for furnished or unfurn ished 2-bedroom home, or will lease for 1 year. Phone 8081. Ja7S VET WIFE, expecting, need clean fur nished apt. or house about April 15. No drinking, smoking or pets. P. O. Box 572, Salem. )a73 S BDRM. house, furn. or unfurn. Ph. 7319. Ja75 UNFURN. HOME by May 1 or exchange rental 5 room Portland home. Ph. 4380. Ja72 VET Ss WIFE need furnished or unfur nished apartment or house. Call 26095. Ja74 NEED FOR 2-bedrm. house before April 1st. Prefer Hollywood Dist. Ph. 24888. Ja73 LOST AND FOUND LOST: BLACK plastic purse. Keep money but please return bag St contents. Mrs. Lester Honey, 682 N. Liberty. k74 LOST Package In Ward's Finder please Ph. 25065. restroom. k73 LOST: BLACK billfold in Grand theatre, wea., ai. rapers urgently needed. Ph. 6693. k73 WILL WHOEVER took black plastic nail- head purse in Metropolitan please re turn so 5 children can eat? No ques tions asked. Send to address Inside. k73 MISCELLANEOUS CURTAINS fe&shed, stretched. 393 South sara. m79 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Free Inspection.! au uvtt. Aiier e p.m. iauo. jmv ATMORAYS. Ozone. .Good health. Rent, sell. H. C. Pugh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4692. m90 DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 8000, m89 FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, 11.00. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. D1B7" DOES YOUR roof leak? Use 100 as phalt shingles. Unharmed by any wea ther, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men For FREE esti mate phone 7177. Western Auto Sup ply Co. m79 'HOME GUARD" Home Insulation pro tects your family against extrema temperatures pays for Itself by savins up to 331 of your fuel bills. Fret Estimates. Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. , m79 NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a Dreadnaught Sander by hour or day. Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. m70 VENETIAN BLINDS Laundered expertly. can us ror prompt, efficient service. THE VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY St CLEANERS Phone 6809. m HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, elean. economical Set ut for fret estimates Y EATER APPLIANC3 GO. 255 N Liberty -n HEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, doter worK, ditching basement excavation, taud, ravel, crushed rock mason sand, eon ore te mix cement. SALEM SAND St GRAVEL CO 1405 N FRONT ST., SALEM OREGON Phone 9408 or 21924 tn DENTAL PLATB REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial Sts, SALEM Phont 8311 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WOOD FURNACE, 325.00. This Is a fine buy. Phone 2-4564 or call at 420 Leslie after 6 p.m. n74 SOME SIDING, enough sheeting for a nouse, ana pue oi iuii i" x 12" plana. All used, but good. Make an offer. 2060 University St. Days. n74 NEW ELECTROLUX sweeper, used 4 times. Grace Marlon, 460 Ford St. Ph. 24748. n74 2 BURNER elec. hot plate, 3 mo. old. excellent cona. Also nearly new Mon tag wood range. Duchess model with copper coils. Priced Reasonable, J. Fish-V"' er. 4040 State St. n74P LADY'S SUIT. 2 sweaters, 2 blouses. 1 dress, 1 pr. slacks, 1 coat. All clothes size 16. 2 prs. shoes, size 6 HE. After 3:30 p.m. 405 Union St. n74 CLOTHESLINE posts. Steel flower boxes. coaster wagons. Lawn sprinklers. Phone 3265. After 5, 25287. n74 CANARY BIRDS, cages. Reasonable. 875 oertn Ave,, west saiem. n77 FOR SALE i 2 antique chairs. Ph. 25850. Mrs. M. Lentsch, 4090 Portland Road. Salem. n74 CHILD'S bed-crlb. 335. S15 N. Summer. n74 FINE, WELL built steamer trunk. 513 N. Summer. n74 BEAUTIFUL mahogany china cabinet, 185. sis n. summer. n4 IVORY COLOR bedroom suite, 860. 51S tt. summer. n74 BRASS fireplace set 515 N. n74 Summer. LOVELY walnut bedroom suite, 8150. 51 S n74 N. Summer. DAVENPORT St one chair, 300. 315 N. Summer. n74 LOVELY davenport, 3 chairs. S250. 515 n74 n. bummer. CAR BATTERY, 6 volt. Ph. 4282 eves. n74 CABLE NELSON small grand piano, brown walnut, aueen Anne style. Reasonable. Don Simmons, 1090 Highland. n74 FOR SALE: Hay. Phone 22302. STEEL COT St pad. like new. Elec. razor. Rocker St other misc. articles. 1310 8. 13th. n72 ALUMINUM sheets, 4x13 ft. Cheap. 3058 Warner. nt USED BRICK. 3c each. Approx. 8000. 1038 tin ox., west saiem. Howard cune. . "! (Continued on Page 15)