Commissioner's Court The following lit the official publira- i tlon of the record of claim before the the October term or 1946. with the amount '' allowed, bills continued, etc., according to the records In the office of the county clerk: Mine. Ladd Bush Salem Br. U.S. Nat'l. Bank of Portland, withholding, S2, 704.05; Oregon Marine Supply Co., sup plies. 88. M: Public Emplovee Retirement avstem, retirement. 2. 913.35: State Ind. Arc. Comm., Ins., 726.42; State Public Wel fare Comm., assistance. 19,317.20 Treasurer of the United States, sups., 810. BR. Health Dept. Dr. Mary C. Beyer, med. serv., (15.00; Dr. Robert Carson, med. serv., A5.00: Dr. Walter Enders. med serv.. ftft.00: Dr. Sam Miller, med. serv.. 65.00: Dr. Ralph D. Odell, med. serv., 65.00: Dr. Sam Orr. med. serv.. 65.00; Dr. Abe Oyam ada, med. serv.. 45.00. Mite. Ladd & Bush Salem Br. U.S Natl. Bank of Portland, bond. $18.15; A. C. Oragg. postmaster, bond, 131.25. County Alienor C. A. Lewis, deputy. $167.76; Ray Lick, deputy, 142.71; Ernest Dennv, deputy. 111.04: Grare N. Babcork. deputv. 110.56 Ida M. Balllie. rlerk, 108.21 Mae Holtorf. clerk. 116.29; Mary Delilah Benson, clerk. 19.75: Lloyd Lansing, clerk. 127.84; Gordon E. Tower, draftsman. 178.16. County Clerk M. Reznicsek. dep.. (155.08: Alice Baillle. dep.. 151.83; M. Champagne, dep.. 159.51; Florence Cros by, dep., 142.20; R. Howard, dep.. 151.61 B. Sharpnack. dep.. 105.62; Dora Barrett, dep., 113.96; O. White, dep.. 100.97; M. M. Kromrei, dep., 66.43. County Court O. White, clerk, $35.00. Court Home Eclw. Brasher, Janitor. $123.15: W. A. Gritton. Jnnttor. 119 31 Ww. Mori arty. Janitor. 111.33; Fred W. Claus, janitor. 115.46; Ruth Kutchtns. elev. oper., 66.26; M. E. Lindsey, elev. oper.. 66.26. Dlit. Atty. Reginald S. Williams, dep.. $186.66; Anna M. Astlll. stenog., 108.96. Health Dept. W. J. Stone, M.D.. health officer, $414.47; F. R. Coleman, Inspector. 221.86: I. G. Lermon, sanitation, 213.16 Robert J. Carson, extra, 146.56; Bernice Yeary, supervisor. 187.98: Merwyn Darby, nune, 152 46; Audrey Smith, nurse. 153.57: Portia Conway, nurse. 165.10; Barbara Dike', nurse. 154.83; Eleanor Swedenburg, nurse, 144,21;. Joan Schneider, nurse, YM0.54: Grace L. Taylor, nurse. 7.70; Ruth Stover, clerk, 127.69; Vera Wood, clerk, 120.51: Donna Baker, clerk. 106. OD: Ardith Eckstein, clerk, 105.94; Helen W. Schuetz. clrek. 104.91. Constable Carolyn Cnrcon. clerk, $42.16. Justice Court Clurus Hageman, clerk, $125.41: Carolyn Carson, clerk, 44.37. Juvenile Dept. Nona White, probation officer, 183.54; D. J, Jepsen, assistant, 177.26. , County Recorder Frances Mattson. dep., $133.51: Adclla Dickman. dep.. 117.78: Vir ginia Gritton, dep., 12B.06; Iva Moblev, clerk. 111.12; Richardis Larher, clerk. 47.11: A. L. Hunt, clerk, 44.14; Grace E. Brimello, clerk, 70.06. Reg. A Elec C. White, clerk, $25.00. School Supt. Cora E. Reid, dep., $134.48; ' Carmalite I. Weddle, supervisor. 179.58; Vivian 8. Hoenig. supervisor, 162.86; Chris tine V. Morley, secy., 70.47. Sheriffs Office A. I. Johnson, dep.. $171.70; B. R. Smith, dep., 172.70; James Garvin, dep., 1 13.37; George Henderson, dep.. 164.80: William DeVall, dep.. 172.70; William Wilson, dep.. 152.05; Ervln A. Ward, spec, dep., 124.40; H. F, DoniORalla, 1 tax dep., 188.34; Howard T. Evans, cash ier, 157.34; Vlolette West, bkp. mach. oper., 151.34; C. Hammang, dep., 144.30; Rose Frances Terry, dep., 146.16. County Treasurer Audrey H. Ewing, dep.. 119,13. Velerani' Service Hubert C. Saalfeld, service officer, $209.26; Gladys L. Smith, secy., 118.31. County Property Charles J. Zerzan, tax dep.. $148.10; H. Wm. Thielsen, land agent, 131.06: Jeanetta Anderson, ntcnog,, 105.62. County Engineer Barbara L. Smith, secy., $111.87; Nella Simms, clerk, 119.06. Dog Fund Paul Marnach. dog control enf. officer, $145.04; M. M, Kromrei, clerk, 70.00. Miso. B. A. Case, albor. $9.43; B. R. McFarland, labor, 23.85; A. C. Gragg, post master, bonds. 131.25:- J. P. A spin wall, labor, 189.91; J. J. Hollett, labor, 114.36; Harry H. Lawrence, labor, 220.08; Harold L. Martin, labor. 158.86; Edwar Sd schmitt, labor, 158.94; C. W. Wooldrldge, labor, 196.05; O. D. Binegar, labor, "180.08; Henry Bower, labor, 155.77; J. A. Burns, labor, 147.86; Wm. P. Croker, labor, 156.33; W. C. DeRoss, labor, 70.50: Orvitle L. Dun la an, labor, 170.46: Harvey M. Glrod, Jlabor. 152.65; Geo. Godwin, labor, 139.08; poy Hatfield, labor, 180.01; Laurel Lamb, labor, 183.72; E. A. Lawrence, labor, 127.32 E. W. Lomax, tabor, 172.06; Virgil Long, labor, 165.17; L. B. Malm, labor, 150.90; H. A. Martin, labor. 140,66; W. R. Massev, Ubor, 196.03; H. A. Penny, labor, 15.91; Wm. Shaw, labor, 28.62; D. P. Scharf, labor, 212.58; Robert Smith, labor, 144.85; Walter J. Stryker, labor, 176.67; E. G. Syron, labor, 185.33; Hugh Webb, labor, 187.07; Lee A. Wells, labor, 82.48: Frank Woelke, labor, 323.57; Tony Woelke. labor, 189.21; Clyde Woodruff, labor, 186.74; Theodore Kuenzi. labor, 230.01; Menno Dalke, labor, 160.97; Lloyd Jarman, labor, 160.99; Jos. A. Robl, labor, 174.70; Gene Shilling, labor, 171.42; L. W. Webber, labor, 140.37; Wm. H. Wilson, labor, 160.28; J. C. Curnutt, labor, 145.63; R. L. Gingrich, labor, 106.64; J. P. Jensen, labor, 159.23; P. C. Olson, Ubor, 40.98; L, M. Oveross, labor, 86.96; K. Thorpe, labor, 103.21; M. J. Mccormick, labor, 152.20: P. H. Hos tetler, labor, 202.32; 8. M. Martin, labor, 162.30; William Naftzger, labor. 154.94; ' Albert Snyder, labor, 75.57; Peter Walters, labor, 7.43; Lylc E. Williams. labor, 31.36; W. H. Williams, labor, 121.94; E. J, Rich ards, labor, 174.10; Oliver Johnson, labor, 164,86; , A. A. Richards, labor, 150.77; E. H. Busby, labor. 167.36; Gilbert M. Sny der, labor, 177.94; F. L. Hersha. labor, 181.57; Tom Bowden, labor, 171.15; Mae Ledgerwood,- bailiff, 10.47; L. M. Case, hauling gravel, 208.25; cleo Keppinger, hauling gravel. 140.00; John Nag, hauling gravel. 35.00; J. H. Mauldlng, labor, 16.47; Theodortf- H. Rice, checking. 23.81; R. G. Howard, clerk, 6.14; A. M, Presnall, clerk, 33.96: G. E. White, clerk, 3.06. Sheriff's Office Tax Dept. Jean De Lapp, extra. $19.18; Edna Dunsworth, ex- Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixtures For Immediate Delivery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary Location, 255 N. Libert; Salem, Ore. Phone 9412 Ate j j-- L. . L- .vuhfklm i Couple Reunited at Arruginment Reunited for the first ltme since they were jailed, Beulali Louise Overell and George Gollum embrace at their arraignment at Santa Ana, Calif., on. a charge of murdering Miss Overell's wealthy parents aboard their yacht, dynamited in Newport harbor. (AP Wirephoto) tra, 26.91; Elsie Simlla, extra, 24.66: Eileen Carskadon, extra. 24.66; Ruth Skinner, extra, 24.66; Beth Feldmeler, e.tra, 19.18; Willard J. Feldmeler, extra, 19.18; Eve lyn M. Mennis, extra. 22.59; Allerd Paul Menuis, extra, 26.91; Mildred B. Morris, extra, 18.18; Lucille J. Cox, extra, 18,18 Rolanda Hufncr, extra, 19.18; Mrs. Ruth M. CJettmnn. extra, 2.74 ; Dorothy J. Brewer, extra, 16.44; Barbara E. Brun dldge. extra, 2.74; Edlyn J. Holmquist, ex tra, 16.44: Alma Johnson, extra, 19.90; Frances Terry, extra, 16.46; Howard T. Evans, extra, 16.46; H. F. Domogalla, ex tra, 52.03. Misc. W. Q. Hanna, labor, $4.74; A. D. Gruhum, labor, 17.63; Henry F. Batter man, labor, 10.74; Cora P. Geer, labor, 92,06; Herman DeLangh, labor, 10. B8; Rich ard C. Plank, labor. 12H8; Mabel O. Sieg mund, labor, 43.92; Burroughs Adding Mach. Co.. reps., 35.13; Ernest Denny, T. E., 4.25; Ruby Hughes, reporter. 10.00; Otto R. Skopil. Jr., atty .fees, 15,00; L. E. Barrlck. per diem, etc., 62.01; B. F. Glese, exam., 5.00; H. A, Gueffroy, exam., 15.00; Gerald B. Smtih. exam., 6,00; National Assoc. of Co. Officials, adv., 192.30; Bureau of Labor, fees, 2.00; Heider's, sups., 114.37; A. Hunt, labor, 105.00 Otis Elev. Co., sups., 8.50: Salem Hardware Co., reps., 6.36; C. A. Vibbert, reps., 1.55; Farley, signs, 28.08; Garnet Green, Pres. Dist. Atty. Assoc., fees, 10.00; M. B. Hayden. T. E.. 5.00; M. B. Hayden, postage, 5.00; Kay Type writer Co., sups., 1.60: Lawrence Oster- man, T. E., 5.50; secretary of state, photo Thrifty Buyers Shop WOODROW'S Willard Batteries Kelly - Springfield . Auto-Tractor and Truck Tires Shatter Proof Auto Glass R. N. Mason Paints- Unpainred Furniture and Mirrors. Charge accounts welcomed. WOODROW'S 450 Center St. Phone 4155 OIL FLOOR FURNACES For Small and Medium Sized Homes. c Not a Circulator Under the Floor, But a Real Fur nace. Automatic Controls Room Thermostat. Limit Controls. Metering Valve. D. E. Cooper & Son 540 Hood St. Heating Is One of because ROAKIER UNDID WHISKIV IS PROOF 70 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS MrtaMbr IMM Oistilm tt AMda, la.. Nrtrt 1, HI. stat, 3.80; Reginald S. Williams. T. E., 1.60: Dr. Irvin B. Hill. exam.. 5.00: James J. Bishop, club agent, ribbons 4-H show, 14.73: Richard Krenz, labor, 7.00. Health Dept. Bloproducls Inn., sups., $33.20; Capitol Drug Store, sups.. 24.15; Central Pharmacy, sups., 26.86; Commerce Clearing House Inc., sups., 10.00; Cutler Laboratories, sups., 36.00; Dennis Uni form Mfg. Co., sups.. 8.70; Diamond Med. Supply, sups., 5.40; Dr. N. L. Dodds, mod. serv,, 25.00; Dr. Lucille Former, med. serv, 20.00; A. C. Gragg, postmaster, postage. 18.75; J. K. Gill Co.. sups., 24.14; Hardware Ins., Ins.. 63.78; Hcndrie Meet. Lab., lab. serv., 125.00; Dr. Robert E. Jos eph, med. serv., 30.00; Dr. C W. Kecne, med. serv., 15.00; Dr. Sam Orr. med. serv., 6.50; Perry's Drug Store, sups., 49.49; Physicians and Hosp. Supply Co., sups., 81.04; Salem Laundry Co., laundry. 7.94; Salem Masonic Temple Assoc., rent, 160.00; Salem Med. Lab., lab. serv.. 26.25: School Dist. No. 4, tele., 1.15; Helen Schuetz, sups., 2.50; Shaw Surgical Co., sup6., 15.50; Johnson-Sintlh. printing. 77.50; J. W. Stacey. Inc., sups., 3.25; Vallye Motor Co., car, gas, etc., 1,458.42; Dr. R. C. Wilson, med serv., 40.00. Misc. Dr. F. W. Andrews, fees. $329.25; John M. Hanrahan. fees, 453.00; A. W. Simmons, fees, 171.75; Ray Ford, indem nity, 7.50; Hale M. Mickey, indemnity, 7.50; Earl H. Ross, indemnity, 14.40; Hu bert Stuchart, Indemnity. 32.00; Dr. H. E. G. Gilbert, exam.. 5.00: Dr. Frank A. Neislus, exam., 5.00; Dr. Ray M. Waltz, for Phone 3603 Our Business America's favorites it's flavor blended! f-vxam., 8.00; Dr. Rocoe C. Wilson, exam., 15.00; Art Burnslde Ar Co., sups., 5.60; Cllve Scott, labor. 8.30; Red Cross Phar macy, sups.. .85: Sanitary Serv. Co.. Inc., garbage removal. 1.90: Denver Young, sheriff meals, 528.78: Earl Adams, T.E., 57.60; Svbtl C. Catlin & Rollln K. Page, rent, 200.00; W. H. Bell. Stayton justice, 6.85; E. W. O'Brien. Silverlon constable, 94.35; T. C. Gorman. Woodburn justice, 16.15; W. C. Miller. Woodburn constable, 795: Aif. O. Melson, Silvenon 'Justice, 74.10: D. J. Jepsen, T.E., 15.00: Nona White, sups., 30.00: The Boys' A: Girls Aid Soc. care, 69.20: Catholic Charities, Inc., care, 30.00; Children's Farm Home, care, 35.00; Agnes C. Booth, T.E. & post age. 39.10; Vivian S. Hoenig. T.E., 2.35: Carmalite I. Weddle, T.E., 21.25: Dept. of Agriculture, sealer. 65.25; Botitrh North west Co., sups., 3.00; H. F. Domognlla, T.E.. 5.95; Kraps and Long, printers, sups., 24.85: Remington Rand, Inc., sups. & maim.. 105.85; Denver Young, tax collec tor, postage. 300.00; A. C. Gragg, poj-t- masier. postage, in.5u: h. c. Saalteld. T.E.. 20.70; Paul Marnach. T.E.. 56.65: Fred Clark, chickens killed. 21.60; Rue Drager, sheep killed. 24.00: C. E. Lewis, sheep killed. 40.00: Mrs. Robert Schawler. sheep killed. 44.00: Fred J. Bchwab, lair lund. 8.00; Mrs. Eddie Ahrcns, sups.. 4.75; Eddie Ahrens, mileage, 13,50: Erwin E. Battnrman. sups.. 79.20: Brtftlhaupt's, rental, 2.50; Walton-Brown Elec. Co., sups., 11.47; Mrs, Donald Burke, sups., 3.00; A. A. Geer. T.E., etc., 25.05; Warreu Gray, mileage, 19.40; Warren Gray, sups., 14.05; Keith Hoppes. labor. 55.91; Hutcheon Paint Store, sups., 4.50; Bishop-Moderne, pictures. 207.00; Mrs. W. O. Pounds, sups., 1.00; Dave Pugh, sups., 50.00: Ed Reming ton, labor. 31.60; Carl Sellers, labor, 5.00; Mrs. Sarah E. Vrooman, sups., 18.00; F. E. Wolf, sups., 12.00. IF RUPTURED TRY THIS OUT Modern Protection Provides Great Comfort and Holding Security WITHOUT TORTUROUS TRUSS WEARING An "eye-opening" revelation in .sensible and comfortable reduc ible rupture protection may be yours lor the asking, without cost or obligation. Simply tear this out and mail with your name and address to William S. Rice, Inc., Dept. 900-C. Adams, N. Y. and full details ol the new and different Rice Method will be sent you Free. Without hard flesh -gouging pads or torment ins pressure, here's a support that has brought joy and comfort to thousands by releasing them from Trusses with springs and straps, that bind and cut. Designed to securely hold a rtipture up and in where it belongs and yet give freedom of body and genuine comfort. For FREE TREATISE and full information write today! NAME ADDRESS You know from the way your own eyes follow the smart new Buicks on the road Wherever you go in this one, you're going to steal the show. Wherever you travel, there goes tomorrow's car fashion long, sweep ing fender lines drawing glances as surely as the smartest new Paris creation. B ut take over and see how you earn respect as well as admiration. Watch the fellow ahead give you road room when he glimpses your grille in his mirror. Your car not only looks big and powerful, but freely proves its lift and life with every nudge you give its Fireball power. Whit. ( Mr... .. mni.T.t.4. " b. Otto J. Wils 338 N. Commercial Misc. Bancroft - Whitney Co., hook, $11.50: West Publishing Co., sups., 5 00; Geo. E. Allen Hardware, sups., 24.01; Ames Harris Neville Co., sups., 46.98: Ames Hardware & Furn. Co., sups., 7.50; B, K Logutug Co., sups., 1.197.12; Bnllou & Wright, sups., 51.23; Benll Pipe A- Tank Corp.. sups., 38. R7; Bowers, Davis & Co., audit, 885.00: Keith Brown Lumber Yard, sups., 5.59: V. R. Briinkel, hauling Rinvcl. 3,661.00; E. H. Burrell, reps., 56.51: Capi tal Auto Parts, reps.. 8.92: Capital Jour nal, adv., 14.40: Capitol Lbr. Co., sups., 26.1.69; L. M. Ca.sp. hauling gravel, 86.00: Columbia Equip. Co.. reps., 4.03; Colyear Motor Sales Co., reps., 9.92; The Commer cial Book Store, sups., 46.08; Cooke Sta tionery Co.. sups., 252.01; Howard Cooper Corp.. reps., 13.73: Detroit Garape A Service Sta.. reps.. 3.83: Walter J. Downs, reps.. 3.75: R. L. Elfstrom Co., sups., 3.1.40; FcenauKhty Madi. Co,, reps.. 29.56: Fire stone Stores, battrries, 75.32: The B. F. Goodrich Co.. tires, etc.. 59.81: A. I. Graham, mileage, 1.60: J. D. Hartwell, sups.. 10.00: J. E. Hascltine A: Co.. sups., 374.78: Chas. H. Hoyt, gravel, 11,079.40: Hubbard Bldg. Supply, sups., 8.88; Ruby Hughes, reporter. 10.00: Interstate Trac tor A Equip. Co.. sups.. 437.67; Jones Printing Co., sups., 79.45; The Klasic Photo Shop, sups., .75; Clco Keppinger. hauling gravel. 70.40; T. L. Kuhns Co.. reps., 4.35; Larnier Transfer At Storage, dicsel. 25 43; Douglas McKay Chev. Co., reps.. 4.73; A. B, MrLauchlan Co., reps., 1.85: James H. Madcn Co., reps.. 13.96; J. A. A: Etta C. Mitchel. right-of?way. 350.00: Mountain Slates Power Co., I. A; P. 61.25: Need ham's Book Store, sups.. 81.77; Montgom ery Ward, sups., 9.38; Oregon Gravel Co., gravel. 1,101.24; Oregon Physicians" Serv ice, dues, 80.50; Oregon Pulp A: Paper Co., sups., 7.50; Oregon Stnte Highway, sal ary engineer, 77.35; Pacific Building, rent, The the this husky awhile .21l).0f); Pacific Tele A- Tele. Co., tele, 21!.10: PhotosUtf Corp.. sups., 4122; Portland Gen. Elec Co., lights, 145.81 ; j Halm McWhortcr Paper Co.. sups,. 10.03; , Richfield Oil Corp., gas. etc., 17;t8.8J; fia j lein Bargain sups., 12.15; Salem Concrete Pipe A- Pro. Co., sups., SR. 54; Salem Deaconess Hosp., X-ray. etc, 114 35; Salem Navigation Co.. frt., 1.00: Siilem Steel A- Supply Co, reps- 26 76: Sulem Tent A- Awning Co., sups., 3.45; Sah-m Tlie Service, reps. 11.90: Salem Water Comm.. water. 6696: Shell Oil Co., oil, 27.07: Silverlon Appeal Tribune, print ing. 5.50; Southern PacHic Co., fit.. 2(18 03; Standard Oil Co. of Calif., asphalt, 2,150.60: State Public Weliare Comm., care, 1. 657. 01 ; Statesman Pub. Co., sups. A adv., ltiO.93; Stitte Tire Service, reps., 128.20; L. R. Tweed ie. diesel. 60.82: Un-rtih-Knapp Printing Co., sups.. 1.062.14: Valley Motor Co., reps.. 20.49: Valley Welding Supply c. .oxygen. 4.98: Ed. H. Viesko, cenicm. 140.00; Walltnu Sand A Gravel Co.. gravel, 841.95; till Ward, sups.. 7.08: The Western Union Tele. Co.. tele,, 6.17; Willamette Valley Transfer Co.. lit., 14.19. Woodburn Co., sups.. 92.70: R. I). Woodrwo Co., sups., 34.81: Denver Young, sups. A- T.E., 3(59.02; Walter H. Zo.sei Co., sups., 542.38; H. A. Judd, postage, etc., 1399. PROCEEDINGS October 1. 1946, quit claim deeds to Andrew Fery et ux. F. W. Stock: permit to haul Iocs, Willis Reddiin;: petition to name "Denver Ave."; compromise per sonal nronertv tuxes. Ellin V. and Mattie M. Ross. Oct. 2. order ot pav J. A. and Etta Mitchell for right-of-wuv: permit fi2fNS OF SPARKLING SWS NR A 0Arf 1- I PASTE SHOE iiAIHD DYANSHINE Liquid Dyammnc ..... been scarce because ot war conditions. Your will have more iust as soon l ma. liable. tcrials are i rtf fi rm See how even bad roads grow humble at your coming the roughest and toughest meekly give up to the gen tling action of Buick's all-coil springing. miles batter fruitlessly at frames and undcrstructure. Time can't seem to lessen the youthful liveli ness of Accurite cylinder finish that keeps your engine young. Poised on Silent Zone body mountings, the body stays taut and quiet. Brakes, wheel, gearshift need only a hint to give you certain-sure action. You've got a beauty to handle as well as -A 4s 4 v-n Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday,' Mar. 25, 1947 I t to haul logs. Livesay's Lumber Yard. Oct. 7. permit to haul Iors, Bert Oiler. Oct. fl. permit to haul loss, Clyde E. Johnon; order making ballot boxes available; order tor refund of money re: gravel hauling contract. Orl. 9. petition of Frank Prantl et al to Improve watercourses . Oct. 11, permit to move combine, Oscar Meyer; pole line permits '3i. Portland General Hire trie Co.; permit to haul Iors. Albert Kern: order for refund to Henry B. and Ida M. Prlulaff. Oft. 15. regulations re latlni; to migratory birds, etc., placed on file: results of "Monitor Rural Fire Protection District" election, filed. Oct. 16. .summary of Morion Co. tax roll, filed. Od. 24. pole line permils i6i. Portland General Electric Co.; pole line penult. Sublimity Tele, Co. White Line; refund of taxes; bond of Win. A. Wilson as dep. she rid; permits to haul Ions, Four M. Lumber Co.. J. H. Blelenbeig. Julius Po korny, Lloyd Weathers, Klir.aheth Feustrl, L. A. Williams. E. W. Duxtter: permit to move machinery; beer license. K. A. Tracy, Rny A. mid Zclla Rick man, Robert C. Brandt, Mitchell M. Morrow; resolution to widen county road No. 737; revised list of judges and clerks of election; list of polling places for Nov. 5. election. Oct. 28. amended plat of Haysville Gar dens; compromise personal property taxes: petition for dedication of "Winola Ave;" bitrguln and sale deeds, D. V. Randolph el nl to Marion count v. O. E. Browning cl al to Marion rounlv. Oct. 29. transfer order: agreement with state of Oregon Ask for j POLISH r-l to see a plenty-smart car, and the year's smartest buy. So add it up. Strike a balance of things-you-want and see why this is America's most wanted automobile. Because it is just that, better get your order in soon! husky 1 ompany Salem, Oregon and Polk county. Oct. 30, permit to movi empty fuel tank. Rudie Wilhclm Ware house Co., Inc.; Indemnity claim of Her bert Sluchard, final hearing et for Nov, la: petition to name Lardon road. Oct, 31. indemnity claim of Roy B. 6cofield, final hearing set for Nov. 12, 1948; polt line permit, Portland General Electric Co.: PUC Order No. 16862 filed. Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin! To promptly soothe itching, burning skin of Eczema, Pimples, Athlete's Foot and similar skin and scalp irri tations due to external cause apply Zemo a Doctor's highly medicated, invisible liquid backed by 35 years success! Zemo also aids healing. Over 25,000,000 packages sold. First trial convinces! In 3 "ff"fA sizes. All drugstores. M mm lyll I RAPID Messenger and Delivery Dial 2-2665 Messages Parcels Luggage Errands RATES PER PARCEL Zone 1. 5 Blks. Radius, 25c Zone 2, 10 Blk. Radius, 30c Zone 3, 15 Blk. Radius, 35c Zone 4, 20 Blk. Radius, 40c Zone 5, 25 Blk. Radius, 50c Rural Routes, 25c per Mile This zoning rate from point ot pickup to point of de livery by air distance as postal zoning. Courteous, prompt, bonded service. Office 356 State St. (Rear Door) (Clip This Out for Reference) ."""""O """" ..., lllilfj mm